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File metadata and controls

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Explainer: First-Party Sets

Mike West, January 2019

©2019, Google, Inc. All rights reserved.

(Though this isn't a proposal that's well thought out, and stamped solidly with the Google Seal of Approval. It's a collection of interesting ideas for discussion, nothing more, nothing less.)

Third-parties that aren't.

User agents grant users fairly granular control over the cookies and site data that web origins are permitted to access and store. One pattern that most browsers have agreed upon is a categorization of requests and documents into "first-party" and "third-party" buckets, giving users the option to regulate cross-context access to persistent state.

These terms traditionally work along the lines of the algorithm defined in Section 5.2 of the draft RFC6265bis, which grounds the distinction purely in terms of registrable domains. Broadly, the "first-party" is the registrable domain of the origin visible in the browser's address bar, and anything that doesn't match exactly is a "third-party". For example, if a user visits which frames both and, the former is considered "third-party" (as does not match, while the latter is considered "first-party" (as both origins share as their registrable domain).

This mechanism breaks down in practice, as a single entity will often host its assets and services across domains that aren't known a priori to be related. Consider and, and, or and These origins all represent distinct registrable domains, and are generally considered "third-party" to each other, though they're controlled by the same entity, and explicitly share state information with each other in order to support features like single sign-on.

Native Apps' Status Quo

Both Apple and Google have taken stabs at this problem for the narrow use case of sharing login credentials between native apps and web origins (via Shared Web Credentials and Smart Lock for Passwords, respectively). Developers are asked to put a file somewhere on their origin that lists a set of origins and apps that are associated with each other, and that association unlocks access to shared credentials.

Apple's mechanism requires a JSON-formatted file at /.well-known/apple-app-site-association whose content contains a webcredentials dictionary, which contains an apps array, which contains a list of application identifiers:

   "webcredentials": {
       "apps": [    "",
                    "" ]

Google's mechanism (based on Digital Asset Links) requires a JSON-formatted file at /.well-known/assetlinks.json whose content contains an array of dictionaries, each specifying a single relation/target pair, the latter consisting of a namespace (app or web), and either an origin or package name/strangely-formatted-fingerprint:

  "relation": ["delegate_permission/common.get_login_creds"],
  "target": {
    "namespace": "web",
    "site": ""
  "relation": ["delegate_permission/common.get_login_creds"],
  "target": {
    "namespace": "android_app",
    "package_name": "com.example",
    "sha256_cert_fingerprints": [

These mechanisms both have the drawback of relying on their respective app stores as a root of trust: web origins' assertions aren't accepted unless backed up with an app-based assertion (the entitlement on the one hand, and an asset_statements resource on the other), and app-based assertions are verified by a gatekeeper before being accepted as valid.

It seems like we should be able to extract the key components of these existing, app-store-based models, and restructure them for use on the web. If you squint a bit, the two formats are really just transformations of each other (e.g. it would be possible to render Apple's version as

  "relation": [ "webcredentials" ],
  "target": {
    "namespace": "iOS",
    "app": ""
}, ...]

And Google's as

   "delgate_permission_common_get_login_creds": [ "android://com.example" ]

The important bits seem to be the type of relationship being expressed, and the set of apps/origins that are bound together.

A Proposal

One way of approaching this problem would be to run with an approach similar to those discussed above: JSON files hosted at well-known locations on various origins that wish to assert their shared first-partyness. Origin Policy seems like it might be a good conceptual fit for this metadata, as it's aiming to be a mechanism for origin-wide configuration that can allow the kinds of a priori assertions we're interested in.

With this in mind, we could allow https://a.example/, https://b.example/, and https://c.example/ to declare themselves as a first-party set as follows:

  1. Each origin hosts an origin policy containing the following member:

      "first-party-set": [ "https://a.example/", "https://b.example/", "https://c.example/" ]
  2. When a user visits https://a.example/, that page instructs the browser to obtain its Origin Policy by delivering a Sec-Origin-Policy response header.

  3. The browser parses the first-party-set member, and verifies its claims by fetching /.well-known/origin-policy from https://b.example/ and https://c.example/.

  4. The browser will cache the set of origins { https://a.example/, https://b.example/, https://c.example/ } as being first-party to each other, as long as the following constraints are met. If any are violated, the new set will not be created:

    1. Each origin's first-party-set member asserts exactly the same set of origins. If the origins' assertions diverge in any way (even if they partially overlap), then the newly asserted first-party set will not be created.

    2. No other cached first-party set contains an origin whose registrable domain matches any of the new first-party set's origins' registrable domains. See the FAQ entry below for a bit more detail on this point.

    3. None of the origins specified is itself a registrable domain. That is, public suffixes like cannot themselves be part of a first-party set.

This seems like a reasonable approach to start with. It has straightforward properties, and can be well understood in terms of policy delivery mechanisms that already exist.

It does, however, generate an HTTP request to every origin involved in a set of first-parties, which has a substantial performance cost. Perhaps we can do better?

Signed Exchanges

It might be possible for https://a.example/ to host a bundle of Signed HTTP Exchanges for each of the origins with which it wishes to be first-party. The browser could be instructed to use this locally-hosted bundle by tweaking the structure of the first-party-set member:

  "first-party-set": {
    "origins": [ "https://a.example/", "https://b.example/", "https://c.example/" ],
    "bundle": "https://a.example/path/to/the/first-party-set/bundle"

The browser would fetch the bundle, verify that it contained signed exchanges for each of the relevant origins' Origin Policy files, and parse each according to the same rules as above.

This seems like a great approach from a performance perspective, but it does provide an opportunity to prebundle multiple distinct origin policies for multiple top-level domains. I think the practical damage that could be done is limited if we break the old sets when new sets are formed, but it might be possible to do more damage to the invariant that origins are part of one and only one first-party set than I expect.


Since this approach is rooted in TLS protecting the integrity of the assertions and allowing us to attribute the assertions to the origin, perhaps we can do something higher up the stack. For example, https://a.example/ could serve its Origin Policy using a TLS cert which was valid for the exact set of origins asserted. Since this ~proves that the server is empowered to make assertions for each of those origins, we're done.

Note: clever folks have suggested that this is a bad idea given CDNs and I think I agree with them.

Incremental Verification

The proposal above suggests that we ought to verify all entries in a given origin's declared first-party-set at once, fetching and processing all origins' policies in one conceptual transaction. This is somewhat brittle, and introduces a sincere performance impact.

It might be possible instead to relax this mechanism, and instead verify only pairwise relationships as they're actually used. That is, if A declares itself to be in a set with B, C, and D, but only loads resources from B, then we don't actually need to validate C and D's declarations yet. We could simply validate B's, and worry about C and D when they come up.

This could ease adoption costs to some extent, and would make the system more forgiving of temporary server outages. It seems robust enough for some use cases (first- vs third-party cookies, for instance). I'm not sure it's good enough for all use cases (in particular, if this mechanism is to replace the credential-sharing schemes discussed above, I'm not sure how we'd know which subset of entities to validate: perhaps only those that have stored credentials?), but it's well worth exploring.


What, exactly, does "first-partyness" enable?

Folks haves, in the past, proposed somewhat radical shifts in the Same Origin Policy that could be enabled by the kind of affiliation discussed above. The proposal here is much narrower, and focused on the places in the platform where browsers currently distinguish first- and third-party interactions. Here, I am targeting specific use cases:

  • The "block third-party cookies and site data" behavior in browsers (as well as future evolutions of that kind of behavior) would respect this notion of first-partyness. Likewise, browsers can enhance their cookie control mechanisms with this additional metadata. "Forget this site" can shift towards "Forget this entity", wiping data for an entire set of first-parties at once.

  • Browsers' credential sharing behavior for sites which are affiliated could substitute this webby proposal for the vendor-specific solutions which exist today.

  • Browsers may use first-party sets as one additional input into heuristics around their process models while they ramp up to strict origin isolation.

To be clear, first-partyness does not weaken the existing restrictions created by the Same-Origin Policy, nor does it allow an origin to access any data it wouldn't have access to in a first-party context. This proposal does not include shared storage, or shared cookie access, or shared DOM access, or any other scary thing that security people would say is a bad idea.

Still, it seems likely that folks will want to stretch the bounds of what first-party sets enables over time. And even the small set of specific use-cases above is probably scarier than it looks at first. Consider an entity that has an advertising domain that runs third-party code on the one hand, and a set of interesting user services intended for first-party use on the other. Tying those two domains together in the same first-party set could increase the risk of credential leakage, if browsers aren't careful about how they expose the credential sharing behavior discussed above.

The design above relies on origins. Shouldn't we evaluate registrable domains instead?

Origin Policy is core to the above design, as I'm not terribly interested in creating yet another way to assert a set of characteristics about the way a given origin works, nor am I thrilled about yet another mechanism that creates quasi-securityish boundaries other than the origin. That said, we must carefully consider registrable domains, given the ways that cookies are scoped. It would be fatal to the design if https://subdomain1.advertiser.example/ could live in one first-party set while https://subdomain2.advertiser.example/ could live in another, as both origins have access to cookies set with domains=advertiser.example.

Given this reality, we need to add a registrable domain constraint to the design above such that each registrable domain may live in one and only one first-party set.

For completeness, an alternative approach would list registrable domains in the first-party-set member rather than origins (e.g. [ 'a.example', 'b.example', 'c.example' ]), and allowing the assertion provided by the apex of a given registrable domain to apply to each origin it represents. That's certainly possible, but I don't prefer it, given the philosophical standpoint noted above.

What about apps?

It would be unfortunate if we had to request additional files in order to map origins to apps and vice-versa. You could imagine extending the format to accept iOS and Android formats as well, and leaving the validation up to some proprietary platform API:

  "first-party-set": [ "https://a.example/", "https://b.example/",
                       "https://c.example/", "ios://",
                       "android://com.example.DemoApp" ],

This would probably require us to ignore schemes which the browser doesn't understand. That doesn't sound terrible.

How will malicious actors abuse this mechanism?

Particularly gregarious origins will attempt to create all-encompassing first-party sets in order to bypass third-party cookie-blocking schemes. For instance, there's real financial incentive for https://advertiser.example/ (or even a coalition of advertisers) to build a list of all the publishers with whom they cooperate, and to incentivize those publishers to assert an up-to-date version of that list in their own origin policies, thereby declaring themselves to be a member of that mega-set.

We can mitigate this risk to some extent by limiting the maximum number of registrable domains that can live together in a first-party set, rejecting sets that exceed this number. There are certainly examples of entities in the status quo that are composed of hundreds of distinct registrable domains, but they're clearly the exception rather than the rule. Mozilla's entity list has an average of only ~3.7 registrable domains per entity, for example.

Google is the largest entity in that dataset, with ~200 unique registrable domains. However, the vast majority of these are distinguished only by ccTLD. If we consider only the leftmost domain label of a registrable domain when counting (thereby treating,,, and so on as one entry in the set), then even Google only lists 33 registrable domains.

With more careful analysis of the status quo, I suspect we can come up with a reasonably small number that takes care of a substantial portion of the use cases we care about, and ask the entities that legitimately fall outside that boundary to make hard choices about which of their 1,001 registrable domains really needs to live in such a set.

Still, it seems likely that unscrupulous actors could still gain some advantage by joining only the top X sites on which they'd like to bypass third-party cookie protections. We can discourage this to some extent by tuning the kinds of risks that entities expose themselves to when joining groups of not-actually-affiliated entities. For example, shifting from "Forget this site" to "Forget this entity" would increase the mortality rate of each member's locally-stored data. Likewise, making it possible to share credential information within a set is a disincentive to forming a broad coallition of unaffiliated entities.

One can imagine other non-technical limitations. As the declaration is public by nature, the style of abuse noted here will be trivially obvious to observers, which creates exciting opportunities for out-of-band intervention.

What's the set's lifetime?

On the one hand, it might make sense to revalidate the set whenever any of its origins' Origin Policy expires from cache, which would have the effect of tying the set's lifetime to the shortest cache lifetime of its component origins.

On the other, it might be reasonable to impose a minimum lifetime on a given set in order to mitigate against origins hopping between sets rapidly. In the signed exchange variant, for instance, we might tie the lifetime of the set to the lifetime of the exchanges themselves (~7 days).

Tell me about instances of prior art!


  • Apple's Shared Web Credentials and Google's Smart Lock for Passwords, both discussed in detail above.

  • Mozilla has a fairly large list of "entities" that are used to modify the behavior of Firefox's tracking protection mechanisms in the interests of web compatibility. It seems like first-party sets could address the same use case.

  • FIDO defined "application facets", which aims at a similar problem space.

  • Moar?