- Continuous Deployment setting.
- For time shift fix, uses implementation from solar-data-tools package.
- Added information about command-line interface to README.
Added command line interface.
Majority of Jupyer notebooks functioning.
- Modified IterativeFitting to support more codes in Jupyter notebook.
- Minor fix for conda build.
- Refactored IterativeFitting to work in the context of PointBrowser.
- Moved tests directory to be under statistical_clear_sky, in order to avoid a potential namespace conflict.
- Fixed an error in RightMatrixMinimization, not using an updated value in a certain calculation.
Fixed a typo in RightMatrixMinimization.
Fixed incorrect values in one of the example codes in README.
- Fixed a minor error related to property decorator usage.
Refactored to make names clearer for end users.
Fixed an error of not passing solver_type to minimization classes.
- Added clear_sky_signals and degradation_rate methods to IterativeClearSky in order to make the package available to wide user base.