Declared over a field of a class/entity. E.g.
Annotated over a class with two variables
- entity
- field
Generally the consumer class lists all the validator methods which are executed while
Annotated over a method. This validates and makes sure the new state is a valid transition on top of the normal config check. The purpose of this method is to do external checks which config can't do.
Annotated over a class with two variables
- entity
- field
IMPORTANT: function signature which makes use of this annotation must follow a signature described below While executing this function from this hibernate layer all these values will be passed.
fun postUpdateHandlerMethod(entityId: Long, oldFieldValue: Any, newFieldValue: Any)
This annotation picks up functions and executes OUTSIDE of transaction boundary on both of the following events
- Post Update
- Post Insert: For post insert
will always be empty (""
) string