We use git for everything, including documentation and that means non-developers use it too. Since we're not that comfortable with it or using it daily, here's a short guide on the basics. Instructions are for MacOS.
Open terminal and install the Git graphical user interface by running
sudo apt-get install git-gui
Open terminal, open the local folder where you want the repository to be.
Copy the link from GitHub repository Clone or Download green button.
git clone [git_link]
Go to root directory of the repository on localhost (cd ..).
This command will discard any local changes.
git checkout .
then switch to master branch
git checkout master
and get the latest changes
git pull
Name branch based on the changes you're making.
git checkout -b <branch_name>
Once you've done the changes write
git gui
to open interface.
Select the files you want to commit and press CMD + T. Write the commit message.
Click button Commit. Click button Push.
Visit GitHub and click the button Compare & Pull Request.
Contact a dev Nitean.