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+ "asyncArrow": "always" + } + ], + "space-in-parens": "error", + "space-infix-ops": "error", + "space-unary-ops": "error", + "spaced-comment": "error", + "template-tag-spacing": "error", + "unicode-bom": "error", + "arrow-body-style": "error", + "arrow-parens": ["error", "always"], + "arrow-spacing": "error", + "no-duplicate-imports": "error", + "no-useless-computed-key": "error", + "no-useless-constructor": "error", + "prefer-arrow-callback": "error", + "prefer-numeric-literals": "error", + "prefer-rest-params": "error", + "prefer-spread": "error", + "prefer-template": "error", + "rest-spread-spacing": "error", + "template-curly-spacing": "error", + "yield-star-spacing": "error" + }, + "plugins": ["@typescript-eslint", "security"] } diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 26ae198f1..75a98eb9b 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ node_modules coverage tests/index.js -dist +# dist # Should we really ignore the dist folder? docs site .idea +.nyc_output + +# temporary +tests_jest \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.prettierrc b/.prettierrc new file mode 100644 index 000000000..953636624 --- /dev/null +++ b/.prettierrc @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "tabWidth": 2, + "trailingComma": "none" +} diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a9bca6dbc --- /dev/null +++ b/.vscode/settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "typescript.autoClosingTags": false, + "javascript.autoClosingTags": false +} diff --git a/dist/client/Client.d.ts b/dist/client/Client.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2edb2a46b --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/Client.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +import { ClientBase, ClientOptions } from "./ClientBase"; +import { APIs } from "./apis"; +import { ClientUser } from "../old_structures/ClientUser"; +import { RESTController } from "../controllers/rest"; +import { Group, PartialUser } from "../old_structures"; +import * as ClientSocket from "./lib/ClientSocket/ClientSocket"; +import { ChatManager } from "./lib/ChatManager/ChatManager"; +import { DataStoreManager } from "./lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager"; +import { User } from "../structures/User"; +import { BaseUser } from "../structures/BaseUser"; +export declare class Client extends ClientBase { + user: ClientUser | null; + apis: APIs; + rest: RESTController; + socket: ClientSocket.Socket; + dataStoreManager: DataStoreManager; + chat: ChatManager; + constructor(options?: ClientOptions); + isLoggedIn(): boolean; + init(): void; + login(cookie?: string): Promise; + getGroup(groupId: number): Promise; + /** + * Returns a base user object from a user id. + * @param userId The user's ID + */ + getBaseUser(userId: number): BaseUser; + /** + * Returns a user object from a user id. + * @param userId The user's ID + */ + getUser(userId: number): Promise; + getUserIdFromUsername(username: string): Promise; + getUsernameFromUserId(userId: number | string): Promise; + getUsersByUserIds(userIds: number[] | string[], excludeBannedUsers?: boolean): Promise; + getUsersByUsernames(usernames: string[], excludeBannedUsers?: boolean): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/Client.js b/dist/client/Client.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..667bd76e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/Client.js @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Client = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const ClientBase_1 = require("./ClientBase"); +const apis_1 = require("./apis"); +const ClientUser_1 = require("../old_structures/ClientUser"); +const rest_1 = require("../controllers/rest"); +const old_structures_1 = require("../old_structures"); +const ClientSocket = (0, tslib_1.__importStar)(require("./lib/ClientSocket/ClientSocket")); +const ChatManager_1 = require("./lib/ChatManager/ChatManager"); +const DataStoreManager_1 = require("./lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager"); +const User_1 = require("../structures/User"); +const BaseUser_1 = require("../structures/BaseUser"); +class Client extends ClientBase_1.ClientBase { + constructor(options) { + super(options); + this.user = null; + this.apis = (0, apis_1.initAPIs)(this); + this.rest = new rest_1.RESTController(this, this.options.rest); + this.socket = new ClientSocket.Socket(this); + this.dataStoreManager = new DataStoreManager_1.DataStoreManager(this); + this.chat = new ChatManager_1.ChatManager(this); + this.init(); + } + isLoggedIn() { + return this.user !== null; + } + init() { + if (this.options.rest) { + this.rest.setOptions(this.options.rest); + } + } + login(cookie) { + return (0, tslib_1.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + this.log("info", { + name: "Client.login", + description: `Started login process..` + }); + cookie = cookie || (this.options.credentials || {}).cookie || undefined; + if (!cookie) { + throw new Error("Attempted to log in without a cookie!"); + } + this.options.credentials = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.options.credentials), { cookie }); + const createdCookie = this.rest.createCookie({ + key: ".ROBLOSECURITY", + value: cookie, + domain: "roblox.com", + hostOnly: false, + httpOnly: false + }); + this.rest.addCookie(createdCookie); + this.log("info", { + name: "Client.login", + description: `Added cookie to cookie jar, proceeding to fetching authenticated user information..` + }); + const getAuthenticationData = yield this.apis.usersAPI.getAuthenticatedUserInformation(); + this.user = new ClientUser_1.ClientUser({ + id: getAuthenticationData.id, + name: getAuthenticationData.name + }, this); + this.emit("loggedIn"); + this.log("info", { + name: "Client.login", + description: `Successfully logged in as ${getAuthenticationData.name}` + }); + return this.user; + }); + } + getGroup(groupId) { + return this.apis.groupsAPI + .getGroup({ + groupId + }) + .then((data) => { + if (!data) { + throw new Error(`Group not found: ${groupId}`); + } + else { + return new old_structures_1.Group(data, this); + } + }); + } + /** + * Returns a base user object from a user id. + * @param userId The user's ID + */ + getBaseUser(userId) { + return new BaseUser_1.BaseUser(this, userId); + } + /** + * Returns a user object from a user id. + * @param userId The user's ID + */ + getUser(userId) { + return (0, tslib_1.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const data = yield this.apis.usersAPI.getUserById({ userId }); + return new User_1.User(this, data); + }); + } + getUserIdFromUsername(username) { + return this.apis.usersAPI + .getUsersByUsernames({ + usernames: [username], + excludeBannedUsers: false + }) + .then((response) => { + if (response.data && response.data[0]) { + return new old_structures_1.PartialUser(response.data[0], this); + } + else { + throw new Error("Got invalid response from getUserIdFromUsername"); + } + }); + } + getUsernameFromUserId(userId) { + if (typeof userId === "string") { + userId = parseInt(userId); + } + return this.apis.generalApi + .getUserById({ + userId + }) + .then((data) => new old_structures_1.PartialUser(data, this)); + } + getUsersByUserIds(userIds, excludeBannedUsers = false) { + if (typeof userIds[0] === "string") { + userIds = userIds.map((userId) => parseInt(userId)); + } + return this.apis.usersAPI + .getUsersByIds({ + excludeBannedUsers, + userIds: userIds + }) + .then((response) => response.data.map((userData) => new old_structures_1.PartialUser(userData, this))); + } + getUsersByUsernames(usernames, excludeBannedUsers = false) { + return this.apis.usersAPI + .getUsersByUsernames({ + excludeBannedUsers, + usernames + }) + .then((response) => response.data.map((userData) => new old_structures_1.PartialUser(userData, this))); + } +} +exports.Client = Client; diff --git a/dist/client/ClientBase.d.ts b/dist/client/ClientBase.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c8cb094a --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/ClientBase.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +/// +import { EventEmitter } from "events"; +import { RESTControllerOptions } from "../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; +import { Debugger } from "debug"; +export interface ClientCredentialsOptions { + cookie?: string; +} +export interface ClientCallbacks { + getFunCaptchaToken?: (publicKey: string, targetUrl: string) => Promise; +} +export interface ClientSetup { + websocket?: { + maxRetries: number; + }; + debug: boolean; +} +export interface ClientOptions { + credentials?: ClientCredentialsOptions; + rest?: RESTControllerOptions; + callbacks?: ClientCallbacks; + setup?: ClientSetup; +} +interface DebugData { + name: string; + description: string; +} +export declare class ClientBase extends EventEmitter { + options: ClientOptions; + debugger: { + info: Debugger; + warn: Debugger; + error: Debugger; + }; + constructor(options?: ClientOptions); + updateOptions(options?: ClientOptions): ClientOptions; + log(level: "info" | "warn" | "error", data: DebugData): void; +} +export {}; diff --git a/dist/client/ClientBase.js b/dist/client/ClientBase.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..07931530e --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/ClientBase.js @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.ClientBase = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const events_1 = require("events"); +const debug_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("debug")); +const utilFunctions_1 = require("../util/utilFunctions"); +class ClientBase extends events_1.EventEmitter { + constructor(options) { + super(); + this.options = this.updateOptions(options); + this.debugger = { + info: (0, debug_1.default)("bloxy:info"), + warn: (0, debug_1.default)("bloxy:warn"), + error: (0, debug_1.default)("bloxy:error") + }; + } + updateOptions(options) { + this.options = (0, utilFunctions_1.utilMergeDeep)({ + credentials: {}, + rest: {}, + setup: {}, + callbacks: {} + }, options || {}); + return this.options; + } + log(level, data) { + const loggerToUse = level === "info" + ? this.debugger.info + : level === "error" + ? this.debugger.error + : this.debugger.warn; + loggerToUse(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] ${data.name}: ${data.description}`); + } +} +exports.ClientBase = ClientBase; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/AccountInformationAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/AccountInformationAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f1f44bec --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/AccountInformationAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { UserIdOption, Privacy } from "../.."; +export declare type AccountInformationBirthdate = { + birthDay: number; + birthMonth: number; + birthYear: number; +}; +export declare type AccountInformationDescription = { + description: string; +}; +export declare type AccountInformationGender = { + gender: number; +}; +export declare type AccountInformationXboxConsecutiveLoginDays = { + count: number; +}; +export declare type AccountInformationMetaData = { + isAllowedNotificationsEndpointDisabled: boolean; + isAccountSettingsPolicyEnabled: boolean; + isPhoneNumberEnabled: boolean; + MaxUserDescriptionLength: number; + isUserDescriptionEnabled: boolean; + isUserBlockEndpointsUpdated: boolean; + isIDVerificationEnabled: boolean; + isPasswordRequiredForAgingDown: boolean; + homePageUpsellCardVariation: string; +}; +export declare type AccountInformationOwnPromotionChannels = { + promotionChannelsVisibilityPrivacy: Privacy; + facebook: string; + twitter: string; + youtube: string; + twitch: string; + guilded: string; +}; +export declare type AccountInformationPromotionChannels = Omit; +export declare type AccountInformationStarCodeAffiliate = { + userId: number; + name: string; + code: string; +}; +export declare type AccountInformationSetStarCodeAffiliate = { + code: string; +}; +export declare type AccountInformationAddStarCodeAffiliateOption = { + code: string; +}; +export declare type AccountInformationRobloxBadge = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + imageUrl: string; +}; +export declare type AccountInformationRobloxBadges = AccountInformationRobloxBadge[]; +export declare class AccountInformationAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getUserBirthdate(): Promise; + updateUserBirthdate(options: AccountInformationBirthdate): Promise; + getUserDescription(): Promise; + updateUserDescription(options: AccountInformationDescription): Promise; + getUserGender(): Promise; + updateUserGender(options: AccountInformationGender): Promise; + getConsecutiveXboxLoginDays(): Promise; + getMetaData(): Promise; + getSelfPromotionChannels(): Promise; + getUserPromotionChannels(options: UserIdOption): Promise; + updateUserPromotionChannels(options: AccountInformationOwnPromotionChannels): Promise; + removeStarCodeAffiliate(): Promise; + getStarCodeAffiliate(): Promise; + addStarCodeAffiliate(options: AccountInformationAddStarCodeAffiliateOption): Promise; + getRobloxBadges(options: UserIdOption): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/AccountInformationAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/AccountInformationAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..692640db5 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/AccountInformationAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.AccountInformationAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class AccountInformationAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + baseUrl: "https://accountinformation.roblox.com/", + client + }); + } + getUserBirthdate() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/birthdate" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateUserBirthdate(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/birthdate", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + getUserDescription() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/description" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateUserDescription(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/description", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + getUserGender() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/gender" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateUserGender(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/gender", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + getConsecutiveXboxLoginDays() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/xbox-live/consecutive-login-days" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v1/metadata" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfPromotionChannels() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/promotion-channels" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserPromotionChannels(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/promotion-channels` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateUserPromotionChannels(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/promotion-channels", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + removeStarCodeAffiliate() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/star-code-affiliates", + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + getStarCodeAffiliate() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/star-code-affiliates" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + addStarCodeAffiliate(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/star-code-affiliates", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getRobloxBadges(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/roblox-badges`, + method: "GET" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.AccountInformationAPI = AccountInformationAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be078709b --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { Privacy } from "../../types/GenericTypes"; +import { UserIdOption } from "../.."; +export declare type AccountSettingsMetaData = { + isAccountsRestrictionsSpamBugFixEnabled: boolean; + maximumParentalControlsMonthlySpendLimitInUSD: number; + isParentalMonthlyLimitInUIEnabled: boolean; + isParentalNotificationSettingsInUIEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type AccountSettingsGroup = { + title: string; + url: string; + suffix: string; +}; +export declare type AccountSettingsGroups = AccountSettingsGroup[]; +export declare type AccountSettingsAppChatPrivacy = { + appChatPrivacy: Omit | "All"; +}; +export declare type AccountSettingsGameChatPrivacy = { + gameChatPrivacy: Omit; +}; +export declare type AccountSettingsInventoryPrivacy = { + inventoryPrivacy: Privacy; +}; +export declare type AccountSettingsPrivacy = { + phoneDiscovery: Omit; +}; +export declare type AccountSettingsPrivacyInfo = { + isPhoneDiscoveryEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type AccountSettingsPrivateMessagePrivacy = { + privateMessagePrivacy: Privacy; +}; +export declare type AccountSettingsVisibilityPrivacy = { + visibilityPrivacy: number; +}; +export declare class AccountSettingsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getMetaData(): Promise; + getSettingsGroups(): Promise; + getAppChatPrivacy(): Promise; + updateAppChatPrivacy(options: AccountSettingsAppChatPrivacy): Promise; + getGameChatPrivacy(): Promise; + updateGameChatPrivacy(options: AccountSettingsGameChatPrivacy): Promise; + getInventoryPrivacy(): Promise; + updateInventoryPrivacy(options: AccountSettingsInventoryPrivacy): Promise; + getUserPrivacy(): Promise; + updateUserPrivacy(options: AccountSettingsPrivacy): Promise; + getUserPrivacySettingsInfo(): Promise; + getUserPrivateMessagePrivacy(): Promise; + updateUserPrivateMessagePrivacy(options: AccountSettingsPrivateMessagePrivacy): Promise; + blockUser(options: UserIdOption): Promise; + unblockUser(options: UserIdOption): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81a710787 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.AccountSettingsAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class AccountSettingsAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + baseUrl: "https://accountsettings.roblox.com/", + client + }); + } + getMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/account/settings/metadata" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => ({ + isAccountsRestrictionsSpamBugFixEnabled: response.body.IsAccountsRestrictionsSpamBugFixEnabled, + isParentalMonthlyLimitInUIEnabled: response.body.IsParentalMonthlyLimitInUIEnabled, + isParentalNotificationSettingsInUIEnabled: response.body.IsParentalNotificationSettingsInUIEnabled, + maximumParentalControlsMonthlySpendLimitInUSD: response.body.MaximumParentalControlsMonthlySpendLimitInUSD + })); + } + getSettingsGroups() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v1/account/settings/settings-groups" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body.map((val) => ({ + title: val.Title, + url: val.Url, + suffix: val.Suffix + }))); + } + getAppChatPrivacy() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/app-chat-privacy" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateAppChatPrivacy(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/app-chat-privacy", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + getGameChatPrivacy() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/game-chat-privacy" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateGameChatPrivacy(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/game-chat-privacy", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + getInventoryPrivacy() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/inventory-privacy" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateInventoryPrivacy(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/inventory-privacy", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + getUserPrivacy() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/privacy" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateUserPrivacy(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/privacy", + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + getUserPrivacySettingsInfo() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/privacy/info" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserPrivateMessagePrivacy() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/private-message-privacy" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateUserPrivateMessagePrivacy(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/private-message-privacy", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + blockUser(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/block`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + unblockUser(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/unblock`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } +} +exports.AccountSettingsAPI = AccountSettingsAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/AdConfigurationAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/AdConfigurationAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3bc17470d --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/AdConfigurationAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { ISOString } from "../../types/GenericTypes"; +import { GroupIdOption } from "../.."; +export declare type AdConfigurationTargetGender = unknown; +export declare type AdConfigurationTargetAgeBracket = unknown; +export declare type AdConfigurationTargetDeviceType = unknown; +export declare type AdConfigurationSponsoredGame = { + adId: number; + adSetId: number; + adName: string; + adStatus: unknown; + creativeType: unknown; + creativeTargetId: number; + creativeUrl: string; + bidAmountInRobux: number; + budgetInRobux: number; + adSetStatus: unknown; + startDate: ISOString; + endDate: ISOString; + targetGender: AdConfigurationTargetGender; + targetAgeBracket: AdConfigurationTargetAgeBracket; + targetDeviceType: AdConfigurationTargetDeviceType; + campaignTargetType: unknown; + campaignTargetId: number; + totalSpendInRobux: number; + totalImpressions: number; + totalClicks: number; + totalConversions: number; + impressionConversions: number; + clickConversions: number; +}; +export declare type AdConfigurationSponsoredGames = { + sponsoredGames: AdConfigurationSponsoredGame[]; + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; +}; +export declare type AdConfigurationUniverse = { + id: number; + name: string; +}; +export declare type AdConfigurationUniverses = { + universes: AdConfigurationUniverse[]; +}; +export declare type AdConfigurationCreateSponsoredGameAdOptions = { + universeId: number; + targetGender: AdConfigurationTargetGender; + targetAgeBracket: AdConfigurationTargetAgeBracket; + targetDeviceType: AdConfigurationTargetDeviceType; + budgetInRobux: number; + startDate: ISOString; + endDate: ISOString; + adName: string; + bidAmountInRobux: number; +}; +export declare type AdConfigurationStopSponsoredGameAdOptions = { + adSetId: number; +}; +export declare type AdConfigurationGetSponsoredGamesOptions = { + universeId: number; + includeReportingStats?: boolean; + isArchived?: boolean; + pageCursor?: string; +}; +export declare class AdConfigurationAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getSponsoredGames(options: AdConfigurationGetSponsoredGamesOptions): Promise; + getUniverses(options: Partial): Promise; + createSponsor(options: AdConfigurationCreateSponsoredGameAdOptions): Promise; + stopSponsor(options: AdConfigurationStopSponsoredGameAdOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/AdConfigurationAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/AdConfigurationAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f5f923b79 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/AdConfigurationAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.AdConfigurationAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class AdConfigurationAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + baseUrl: "https://adconfiguration.roblox.com/", + client + }); + } + getSponsoredGames(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + url: "v2/sponsored-games", + method: "GET", + qs: { + universeId: options.universeId, + includeReportingStats: options.includeReportingStats, + isArchived: options.isArchived, + pageCursor: options.pageCursor + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniverses(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + url: "v2/sponsored-games/universes", + method: "GET", + qs: { + groupId: options.groupId + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + createSponsor(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + url: "v2/sponsored-games/create", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + stopSponsor(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + url: "v2/sponsored-games/stop", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } +} +exports.AdConfigurationAPI = AdConfigurationAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/AdsAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/AdsAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e169586c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/AdsAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; +import Client from "../Client"; +export declare type CreateAssetAdOptions = { + assetId: number; + name: string; + file: unknown; +}; +export declare type CreateGamePassAdOptions = { + gamePassId: number; + name: string; + file: unknown; +}; +export declare type CreateGroupAdOptions = { + groupId: number; + name: string; + file: unknown; +}; +export declare type CreateAssetAd = unknown; +export declare type CreateGamePassAd = unknown; +export declare type CreateGroupAd = unknown; +export default class AdsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + createAssetAd(options: CreateAssetAdOptions): Promise; + createGamePassAd(options: CreateGamePassAdOptions): Promise; + createGroupAd(options: CreateGroupAdOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/src/client/apis/AdsAPI.ts b/dist/client/apis/AdsAPI.js similarity index 54% rename from src/client/apis/AdsAPI.ts rename to dist/client/apis/AdsAPI.js index 03407d4fb..c11dba317 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/AdsAPI.ts +++ b/dist/client/apis/AdsAPI.js @@ -1,37 +1,15 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; - - -export declare type CreateAssetAdOptions = { - assetId: number; - name: string; - file: unknown; -}; -export declare type CreateGamePassAdOptions = { - gamePassId: number; - name: string; - file: unknown; -}; -export declare type CreateGroupAdOptions = { - groupId: number; - name: string; - file: unknown; -}; - -export declare type CreateAssetAd = unknown; -export declare type CreateGamePassAd = unknown; -export declare type CreateGroupAd = unknown; - - -export default class AdsAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const BaseAPI_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./BaseAPI")); +class AdsAPI extends BaseAPI_1.default { + constructor(client) { super({ baseUrl: "https://ads.roblox.com/", client }); } - - createAssetAd (options: CreateAssetAdOptions): Promise { + createAssetAd(options) { return this.request({ requiresAuth: true, request: { @@ -45,11 +23,9 @@ export default class AdsAPI extends BaseAPI { assetId: options.assetId } } - }) - .then(response => response.body as CreateAssetAd); + }).then((response) => response.body); } - - createGamePassAd (options: CreateGamePassAdOptions): Promise { + createGamePassAd(options) { return this.request({ requiresAuth: true, request: { @@ -63,11 +39,9 @@ export default class AdsAPI extends BaseAPI { gamePassId: options.gamePassId } } - }) - .then(response => response.body as CreateGamePassAd); + }).then((response) => response.body); } - - createGroupAd (options: CreateGroupAdOptions): Promise { + createGroupAd(options) { return this.request({ requiresAuth: true, request: { @@ -81,7 +55,7 @@ export default class AdsAPI extends BaseAPI { groupId: options.groupId } } - }) - .then(response => response.body as CreateGroupAd); + }).then((response) => response.body); } } +exports.default = AdsAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/AssetDeliveryAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/AssetDeliveryAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8cacabc9e --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/AssetDeliveryAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type AssetDeliveryBaseOptions = { + acceptEncoding: string; + robloxPlaceId: number; + assetType: string; + accept: string; + skipSigningScripts: boolean; + clientInsert: number; + scriptInsert: number; + modulePlaceId: number; + serverPlaceId: number; + expectedAssetType: string; +}; +export declare type AssetDeliveryBaseAsset = { + location?: string; + errors?: { + code: number; + message: string; + }[]; + requestId?: string; + isHashDynamic?: boolean; + isCopyrightProtected?: boolean; + isArchived?: boolean; +}; +export declare type AssetDeliveryBaseAssetRaw = { + Location?: string; + Errors?: { + Code: number; + Message: string; + }[]; + RequestId?: string; + IsHashDynamic?: boolean; + IsCopyrightProtected?: boolean; + IsArchived?: boolean; +}; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAliasOptions = AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + alias: string; +}; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAlias = AssetDeliveryBaseAsset; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByIdOptions = AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + id: number; +}; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetById = { + location?: string; + request?: unknown; +}; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByHashOptions = AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + hash: string; +}; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByHash = unknown; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAssetIdOptions = AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + assetId: number; +}; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAssetId = unknown; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetVersionByAssetIdOptions = AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + assetId: number; + version: number; +}; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetVersionByAssetId = unknown; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAssetVersionIdOptions = AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + assetVersionId: number; +}; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAssetVersionId = unknown; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByMarAssetHashOptions = AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + marAssetHash: string; + marCheckSum: string; +}; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByMarAssetHash = unknown; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByUserAssetIdOptions = AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + userAssetId: number; +}; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByUserAssetId = unknown; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetBatchAssetsOptions = { + assetName: string; + assetType: string; + clientInsert: boolean; + placeId: number; + requestId: string; + scriptInsert: boolean; + serverPlaceId: number; + universeId: number; + accept: string; + encoding: string; + hash: string; + userAssetId: number; + assetId: number; + version: number; + assetVersionId: number; + modulePlaceId: number; +}; +export declare type AssetDeliveryGetBatchAssets = AssetDeliveryBaseAsset[]; +export declare class AssetDeliveryAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getAssetByAlias(options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAliasOptions): Promise; + getAssetById(options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByIdOptions): Promise; + getAssetByHash(options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByHashOptions): Promise; + getAssetByAssetId(options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAssetIdOptions): Promise; + getAssetVersionByAssetId(options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetVersionByAssetIdOptions): Promise; + getAssetByAssetVersionId(options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAssetVersionIdOptions): Promise; + getAssetByMarAssetHash(options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByMarAssetHashOptions): Promise; + getAssetByUserAssetId(options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByUserAssetIdOptions): Promise; + getBatchAssets(options: AssetDeliveryGetBatchAssetsOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/AssetDeliveryAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/AssetDeliveryAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a7472a7b --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/AssetDeliveryAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.AssetDeliveryAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +const convertToBaseAsset = (options) => ({ + errors: typeof options.Errors !== "undefined" + ? options.Errors.map((v) => ({ + message: v.Message, + code: v.Code + })) + : undefined, + isArchived: typeof options.IsArchived !== "undefined" ? options.IsArchived : undefined, + isCopyrightProtected: typeof options.IsCopyrightProtected !== "undefined" + ? options.IsCopyrightProtected + : undefined, + isHashDynamic: typeof options.IsHashDynamic !== "undefined" + ? options.IsHashDynamic + : undefined, + location: typeof options.Location !== "undefined" ? options.Location : undefined, + requestId: typeof options.RequestId !== "undefined" ? options.RequestId : undefined +}); +const generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions = (options) => ({ + headers: { + "Accept-Encoding": options.acceptEncoding, + "Roblox-Place-Id": options.robloxPlaceId, + AssetType: options.assetType, + Accept: options.accept + }, + qs: { + skipSigningScripts: options.skipSigningScripts ? "true" : "false", + clientInsert: options.clientInsert, + scriptinsert: options.scriptInsert, + modulePlaceId: options.modulePlaceId, + serverplaceid: options.serverPlaceId, + expectedAssetType: options.expectedAssetType + } +}); +class AssetDeliveryAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + baseUrl: "https://assetdelivery.roblox.com/", + client + }); + } + getAssetByAlias(options) { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/alias/${options.alias}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.qs), + headers: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.headers) + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } + getAssetById(options) { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/asset`, + qs: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.qs), { id: options.id }), + headers: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.headers) + } + }).then((response) => ({ + location: response.body.Location || undefined, + request: response.body.Request + })); + } + getAssetByHash(options) { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/assetHash/${options.hash}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.qs), + headers: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.headers) + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } + getAssetByAssetId(options) { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/assetId/${options.assetId}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.qs), + headers: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.headers) + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } + getAssetVersionByAssetId(options) { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/assetId/${options.assetId}/version/${options.version}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.qs), + headers: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.headers) + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } + getAssetByAssetVersionId(options) { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/assetVersionId/${options.assetVersionId}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.qs), + headers: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.headers) + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } + getAssetByMarAssetHash(options) { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/marAssetHash/${options.marAssetHash}/marCheckSum/${options.marCheckSum}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.qs), + headers: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.headers) + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } + getAssetByUserAssetId(options) { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/userAssetId/${options.userAssetId}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.qs), + headers: Object.assign({}, generatedOptions.headers) + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } + getBatchAssets(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + json: true, + request: { + path: "v1/assets/bath", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body.map((value) => convertToBaseAsset(value))); + } +} +exports.AssetDeliveryAPI = AssetDeliveryAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/AuthAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/AuthAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e15fb159 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/AuthAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { UsernamePasswordOption } from "../../types/GenericOptionTypes"; +export declare type AuthPin = { + pin: string; +}; +export declare type AuthUnlockPinOptions = AuthPin; +export declare type AuthUnlockPin = { + unlockedUntil: number; +}; +export declare type AuthLockPin = { + success: boolean; +}; +export declare type AuthMetaData = { + isUpdateUsernameEnabled: boolean; + ftuxAvatarAssetMap: string; + isEmailUpsellAtLogoutEnabled: boolean; + shouldFetchEmailUpsellIXPValuesAtLogout: boolean; + isAccountRecoveryPromptEnabled: boolean; + isContactMethodRequiredAtSignup: boolean; + isUserAgreementsSignupIntegrationEnabled: boolean; + isRetypePasswordRequired: boolean; + arePasswordFieldsPlaintext: boolean; + isKoreaIdVerificationEnabled: boolean; + isSignupButtonGreenColorEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type AuthTicket = { + authTicket: string; +}; +export declare type AuthEndpointMetaData = { + cookieLawNoticeTimeout: number; +}; +export declare type AuthLoginOptions = { + ctype: "Email" | "Username" | string; + cvalue: string; + password: string; + captchaToken: string; + captchaProvider: "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" | string; +}; +export declare type AuthLogin = { + user: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + twoStepVerificationData?: { + mediaType: "Email" | string; + ticket: string; + }; +}; +export declare type AuthCredentialsVerificationOptions = { + credentialType: "Email" | "Username" | "PhoneNumber"; + credentialValue: string; + password: string; +}; +export declare type AuthGetCredentialsVerificationStatus = { + canSend: boolean; +}; +export declare type AuthGetCurrentPasswordStatus = { + valid: boolean; +}; +export declare type AuthGetPasswordResetMetaDataOptions = { + targetType: "Email" | "PhoneNumber"; + ticket: string; +}; +export declare type AuthGetPasswordResetMetaData = { + users: { + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type AuthResetPasswordOptions = { + targetType: "Email" | "PhoneNumber"; + ticket: string; + userId: number; + password: string; + passwordRepeated: string; +}; +export declare type AuthValidatePassword = { + code: string; + message: string; +}; +export declare type AuthSendPasswordResetOptions = { + targetType: AuthResetPasswordOptions["targetType"]; + target: string; + captchaToken: string; + captchaProvider: "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" | string; +}; +export declare type AuthSendPasswordReset = { + nonce: string; + transmissionType: string; +}; +export declare type AuthVerifyPasswordResetOptions = { + targetType: AuthResetPasswordOptions["targetType"]; + nonce: string; + code: string; +}; +export declare type AuthVerifyPasswordReset = { + userTickets: { + user: { + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + ticket: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type AuthChangeUserPasswordOptions = { + currentPassword: string; + newPassword: string; +}; +export declare type AuthGetRecoveryMetaData = { + isOnPhone: boolean; + codeLength: number; + isPhoneFeatureEnabledForUsername: boolean; + isPhoneFeatureEnabledForPassword: boolean; + isBedev2CaptchaEnabledForPasswordReset: boolean; +}; +export declare type AuthRevertAccountInfoOptions = { + ticket: string; +}; +export declare type AuthRevertAccountInfo = { + isTwoStepVerificationEnabled: boolean; + isEmailVerified: boolean; + isEmailChanged: boolean; + userId: number; + username: string; + ticket: string; +}; +export declare type AuthRevertAccountOptions = { + userId: number; + newPassword: string; + ticket: string; +}; +export declare type AuthGetSAMLMetaData = unknown; +export declare type AuthSAMLRequest = unknown; +export declare type AuthGetTwoStepVerificationMetaData = { + codeLength: number; + loadingImageUrl: string; + supportUrl: string; +}; +export declare type AuthResendTwoStepVerificationOptions = { + username: string; + ticket: string; + actionType: string; +}; +export declare type AuthTwoStepVerification = { + mediaType: "Email" | "PhoneNumber" | string; + ticket: string; +}; +export declare type AuthVerifyTwoStepVerificationOptions = { + username: string; + ticket: string; + code: string; + rememberDevice: boolean; + actionType: string; +}; +export declare type AuthVerifyTwoStepVerification = unknown; +export declare type AuthGetExistingUsernamesOptions = { + username: string; +}; +export declare type AuthGetExistingUsernames = { + usernames: string[]; +}; +export declare type AuthValidateUsernameOptions = { + username: string; + birthday: string; + context: "Unknown" | "Signup" | "UsernameChange" | string; +}; +export declare type AuthValidateUsername = { + code: string; + message: string; +}; +export declare type AuthRecoverUsernamesOptions = { + targetType: "Email" | string; + target: string; +}; +export declare type AuthRecoverUsernames = { + transmissionType: string; +}; +export declare type AuthSignUpOptions = { + username: string; + password: string; + gender: "Unknown" | string; + birthday: string; + isTosAgreementBoxChecked: boolean; + email: string; + locale: string; + assetIds: number[]; + bodyColorId: number; + bodyTypeScale: number; + headScale: number; + heightScale: number; + widthScale: number; + proportionScale: number; + captchaToken: string; + captchaProvider: string; +}; +export declare type AuthSignUp = { + userId: number; + starterPlaceId: number; +}; +export declare type AuthChangeUsernameOptions = { + username: string; + password: string; +}; +export declare type AuthChangeUsername = unknown; +export declare type AuthChangeUserPassword = unknown; +export declare type AuthResetPassword = AuthLogin & { + identityVerificationLoginTicket: string; + isBanned: boolean; +}; +export declare type AuthRevertAccount = AuthResetPassword; +export declare class AuthAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + unlockPin(options: AuthUnlockPinOptions): Promise; + lockPin(): Promise; + getAuthTicket(): Promise; + getMetaData(): Promise; + getCurrentUserPasswordStatus(): Promise; + getPasswordResetMetaData(options: AuthGetPasswordResetMetaDataOptions): Promise; + resetPassword(options: AuthResetPasswordOptions): Promise; + validatePassword(options: UsernamePasswordOption): Promise; + sendPasswordReset(options: AuthSendPasswordResetOptions): Promise; + verifyPasswordReset(options: AuthVerifyPasswordResetOptions): Promise; + changeUserPassword(options: AuthChangeUserPasswordOptions): Promise; + getRecoveryMetaData(): Promise; + getRevertAccountInfo(options: AuthRevertAccountInfoOptions): Promise; + revertAccount(options: AuthRevertAccountOptions): Promise; + getSAMLMetaData(): Promise; + samlAuthenticate(): Promise; + getTwoStepVerificationMetaData(): Promise; + resendTwoStepVerificationCode(options: AuthResendTwoStepVerificationOptions): Promise; + verifyTwoStepVerificationCode(options: AuthVerifyTwoStepVerificationOptions): Promise; + getExistingUsernames(options: AuthGetExistingUsernamesOptions): Promise; + validateUsername(options: AuthValidateUsernameOptions): Promise; + recoverUsernames(options: AuthRecoverUsernamesOptions): Promise; + signUp(options: AuthSignUpOptions): Promise; + changeUserUsername(options: AuthChangeUsernameOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/AuthAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/AuthAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3a68c347 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/AuthAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.AuthAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class AuthAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://auth.roblox.com/" + }); + } + unlockPin(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/account/pin/unlock", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + lockPin() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/account/pin/lock", + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getAuthTicket() { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/authentication-ticket", + method: "POST", + headers: { + referer: "https://www.roblox.com/", + origin: "roblox.com" + } + } + }).then((response) => ({ + authTicket: response.headers["rbx-authentication-ticket"] + })); + } + getMetaData() { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/metadata" + } + }).then((response) => ({ + isUpdateUsernameEnabled: response.body.isUpdateUsernameEnabled, + ftuxAvatarAssetMap: response.body.ftuxAvatarAssetMap, + isEmailUpsellAtLogoutEnabled: response.body.IsEmailUpsellAtLogoutEnabled, + shouldFetchEmailUpsellIXPValuesAtLogout: response.body.ShouldFetchEmailUpsellIXPValuesAtLogout, + isAccountRecoveryPromptEnabled: response.body.IsAccountRecoveryPromptEnabled, + isContactMethodRequiredAtSignup: response.body.IsContactMethodRequiredAtSignup, + isUserAgreementsSignupIntegrationEnabled: response.body.IsUserAgreementsSignupIntegrationEnabled, + isRetypePasswordRequired: response.body.IsRetypePasswordRequired, + arePasswordFieldsPlaintext: response.body.ArePasswordFieldsPlaintext, + isKoreaIdVerificationEnabled: response.body.IsKoreaIdVerificationEnabled, + isSignupButtonGreenColorEnabled: response.body.IsSignupButtonGreenColorEnabled + })); + } + getCurrentUserPasswordStatus() { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v2/passwords/current-status" + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getPasswordResetMetaData(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/passwords/reset", + qs: { + "request.targetType": options.targetType, + "request.ticket": options.ticket + } + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + resetPassword(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/passwords/reset", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + validatePassword(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/passwords/validate", + qs: { + "request.username": options.username, + "request.password": options.password + } + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + sendPasswordReset(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/passwords/reset/send", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + verifyPasswordReset(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/passwords/reset/verify", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + changeUserPassword(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v2/user/passwords/change", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getRecoveryMetaData() { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/recovery/metadata" + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getRevertAccountInfo(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/revert/account", + qs: { + ticket: options.ticket + } + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + revertAccount(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/revert/account", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSAMLMetaData() { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/saml/metadata" + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + samlAuthenticate() { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/saml/login", + method: "POST" + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getTwoStepVerificationMetaData() { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/twostepverification/metadata" + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + resendTwoStepVerificationCode(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/twostepverification/resend", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + verifyTwoStepVerificationCode(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/twostepverification/verify", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getExistingUsernames(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/usernames", + qs: { + username: options.username + } + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + validateUsername(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/usernames/validate", + qs: { + "request.username": options.username, + "request.birthday": options.birthday, + "request.context": options.context + } + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + recoverUsernames(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/twostepverification/metadata", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + signUp(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/twostepverification/metadata", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + changeUserUsername(options) { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v2/username", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.AuthAPI = AuthAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/AvatarAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/AvatarAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d536fcaa --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/AvatarAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import type { AssetIdOption, AssetIdsOption, SuccessResponse, UserIdOption } from "../.."; +export declare type AvatarBodyScales = { + height: number; + width: number; + head: number; + depth: number; + proportion: number; + bodyType: number; +}; +export declare type AvatarBodyColors = { + headColorId: number; + torsoColorId: number; + rightArmColorId: number; + leftArmColorId: number; + rightLegColorId: number; + leftLegColorId: number; +}; +export declare type AvatarScale = { + min: number; + max: number; + increment: number; +}; +export declare type AvatarColorPalette = { + brickColorId: number; + hexColor: string; + name: string; +}; +export declare type AvatarUserAvatar = { + scales: AvatarBodyScales; + playerAvatarType: "R6" | "R15" | string; + bodyColors: AvatarBodyColors; + assets: { + id: number; + name: string; + assetType: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + }[]; + defaultShirtApplied: boolean; + defaultPantsApplied: boolean; + emotes: { + assetId: number; + assetName: string; + position: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type AvatarGetMetaData = { + enableDefaultClothingMessage: boolean; + isAvatarScaleEmbeddedInTab: boolean; + isBodyTypeScaleOutOfTab: boolean; + scaleHeightIncrement: number; + scaleWidthIncrement: number; + scaleHeadIncrement: number; + scaleProportionIncrement: number; + scaleBodyTypeIncrement: number; + supportProportionAndBodyType: boolean; + showDefaultClothingMessageOnPageLoad: boolean; + areThreeDeeThumbsEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type AvatarGetRules = { + playerAvatarTypes: ("R6" | "R15" | string)[]; + scales: { + height: AvatarScale; + width: AvatarScale; + head: AvatarScale; + bodyType: AvatarScale; + }; + wearableAssetTypes: { + maxNumber: number; + id: number; + name: string; + }[]; + bodyColorsPalette: AvatarColorPalette[]; + basicBodyColorsPalette: AvatarColorPalette[]; + minimumDeltaEBodyColorDifference: number; + proportionsAndBodyTypeEnabledForUser: boolean; + defaultClothingAssetLists: { + defaultShirtAssetIds: number[]; + defaultPantAssetIds: number[]; + }; + bundlesEnabledForUser: boolean; + emotesEnabledForUser: boolean; +}; +export declare type AvatarGetUserOutfits = { + filteredCount: number; + data: { + id: number; + name: string; + isEditable: boolean; + }[]; + total: number; +}; +export declare type AvatarRedrawThumbnail = unknown; +export declare type AvatarSetPlayerAvatarWearingAssets = { + invalidAssets?: { + id: number; + name: string; + assetType: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + }[]; + invalidAssetIds?: number[]; + success: boolean; +}; +export declare type AvatarGetOutfit = { + id: number; + name: string; + assets: { + id: number; + name: string; + assetType: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + }[]; + bodyColors: AvatarBodyColors; + scale: { + height: number; + width: number; + head: number; + depth: number; + proportion: number; + bodyType: number; + }; + playerAvatarType: string; + isEditable: boolean; +}; +export declare type AvatarWearOutfit = AvatarSetPlayerAvatarWearingAssets; +export declare type AvatarGetRecentItems = { + data: { + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; + assetType: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + isEditable: boolean; + }[]; + total: number; +}; +export declare type AvatarGetUserOutfitsOptions = { + userId: number; + page?: number; + itemsPerPage?: number; + isEditable?: boolean; +}; +export declare type AvatarSetSelfAvatarBodyColorsOptions = AvatarBodyColors; +export declare type AvatarSetSelfAvatarTypeOptions = { + playerAvatarType: "R6" | "R15"; +}; +export declare type AvatarSetSelfAvatarScalesOptions = AvatarBodyScales; +export declare type AvatarGetOutfitOptions = { + userOutfitId: number; +}; +export declare type AvatarDeleteOutfitOptions = AvatarGetOutfitOptions; +export declare type AvatarUpdateOutfitOptions = Omit; +export declare type AvatarWearOutfitOptions = { + userOutfitId: number; +}; +export declare type AvatarCreateOutfitOptions = AvatarUpdateOutfitOptions; +export declare type AvatarGetRecentlyUsedOptions = { + recentItemListType: string; +}; +export declare class AvatarAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getSelfAvatar(): Promise; + getAvatarMetaData(): Promise; + getAvatarRules(): Promise; + getUserAvatar(options: UserIdOption): Promise; + getUserCurrentlyWearing(options: UserIdOption): Promise; + getUserOutfits(options: AvatarGetUserOutfitsOptions): Promise; + removeAssetFromAvatar(options: AssetIdOption): Promise; + wearAssetOnAvatar(options: AssetIdOption): Promise; + redrawThumbnail(): Promise; + setSelfAvatarBodyColors(options: AvatarSetSelfAvatarBodyColorsOptions): Promise; + setSelfAvatarType(options: AvatarSetSelfAvatarTypeOptions): Promise; + setSelfAvatarScales(options: AvatarSetSelfAvatarScalesOptions): Promise; + setSelfWearingAssets(options: AssetIdsOption): Promise; + getOutfit(options: AvatarGetOutfitOptions): Promise; + deleteOutfit(options: AvatarDeleteOutfitOptions): Promise; + updateOutfit(options: AvatarUpdateOutfitOptions): Promise; + wearOutfit(options: AvatarWearOutfitOptions): Promise; + createOutfit(options: AvatarCreateOutfitOptions): Promise; + getRecentlyUsed(options: AvatarGetRecentlyUsedOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/AvatarAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/AvatarAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d47bf65c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/AvatarAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.AvatarAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class AvatarAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://avatar.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getSelfAvatar() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getAvatarMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar/metadata" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getAvatarRules() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar-rules" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserAvatar(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/avatar` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserCurrentlyWearing(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/currently-wearing` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserOutfits(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/outfits` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + removeAssetFromAvatar(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/avatar/assets/${options.assetId}/remove`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + wearAssetOnAvatar(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/avatar/assets/${options.assetId}/wear`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + redrawThumbnail() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar/redraw-thumbnail", + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setSelfAvatarBodyColors(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar/set-body-colors", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setSelfAvatarType(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar/set-player-avatar-type", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setSelfAvatarScales(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar/set-scales", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setSelfWearingAssets(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar/set-swearing-assets", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getOutfit(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/outfits/${options.userOutfitId}/details` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deleteOutfit(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/outfits/${options.userOutfitId}/delete`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateOutfit(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/outfits/${options.id}/update`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + wearOutfit(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/outfits/${options.userOutfitId}/wear`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + createOutfit(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/outfits/create", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getRecentlyUsed(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/recent-items/${options.recentItemListType}/list` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.AvatarAPI = AvatarAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/BadgesAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/BadgesAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1aa4c5153 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/BadgesAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { SortOption } from "../.."; +export declare type BadgesMetaData = { + badgeCreationPrice: number; + maxBadgeNameLength: number; + maxBadgeDescriptionLength: number; +}; +export declare type BadgesGetBadge = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + displayName: string; + displayDescription: string; + enabled: boolean; + iconImageId: number; + displayIconImageId: number; + created: string; + updated: string; + statistics: { + pastDayAwardedCount: number; + awardedCount: number; + winRatePercentage: number; + }; + awardingUniverse: { + id: number; + name: string; + rootPlaceId: number; + }; +}; +export declare type BadgesUpdateBadge = unknown; +export declare type BadgesGetBadges = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: BadgesGetBadge[]; +}; +export declare type BadgesGetUserBadgesAwardedDates = { + data: { + badgeId: number; + awardedDate: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type BadgesDeleteBadgeFromUser = unknown; +export declare type BadgesDeleteBadgeFromSelf = BadgesDeleteBadgeFromUser; +export declare type BadgesGetBadgeOptions = { + badgeId: number; +}; +export declare type BadgesUpdateBadgeOptions = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + enabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type BadgesGetUniverseBadgesOptions = { + universeId: number; +} & SortOption; +export declare type BadgesGetUserBadgesOptions = { + userId: number; +} & SortOption; +export declare type BadgesGetUserBadgesAwardedDatesOptions = { + userId: number; + badgeIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type BadgesDeleteBadgeFromUserOptions = { + userId: number; + badgeId: number; +}; +export declare type BadgesDeleteBadgeFromSelfOptions = { + badgeId: number; +}; +export declare class BadgesAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getMetaData(): Promise; + getBadge(options: BadgesGetBadgeOptions): Promise; + updateBadge(options: BadgesUpdateBadgeOptions): Promise; + getUniverseBadges(options: BadgesGetUniverseBadgesOptions): Promise; + getUserBadges(options: BadgesGetUserBadgesOptions): Promise; + getUserBadgesAwardedDates(options: BadgesGetUserBadgesAwardedDatesOptions): Promise; + deleteBadgeFromUser(options: BadgesDeleteBadgeFromUserOptions): Promise; + deleteBadgeFromSelf(options: BadgesDeleteBadgeFromSelfOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/BadgesAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/BadgesAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b9d65c241 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/BadgesAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.BadgesAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class BadgesAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://badges.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v1/badges/metadata" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getBadge(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/badges/${options.badgeId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateBadge(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/badges/${options.id}`, + method: "PATCH" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniverseBadges(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/badges`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserBadges(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/badges`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserBadgesAwardedDates(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/badges/awarded-dates`, + qs: { + badgeIds: options.badgeIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deleteBadgeFromUser(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/${options.userId}/badges/${options.badgeId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deleteBadgeFromSelf(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/badges/${options.badgeId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.BadgesAPI = BadgesAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/BaseAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/BaseAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97a5518f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/BaseAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +import { BaseAPIOptions } from "../../interfaces/APIInterfaces"; +import { RESTRequestOptions, RESTResponseDataType } from "../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type BaseAPIRequestOptions = { + /** + * The request options + */ + request: Omit & { + url?: string; + path?: string; + }; + /** + * If the client must be authenticated in order to send the request + */ + requiresAuth: boolean; + /** + * If the response body is JSON + */ + json?: boolean; +}; +export declare class BaseAPI { + client: Client; + options: BaseAPIOptions; + constructor(options: BaseAPIOptions); + request(options: BaseAPIRequestOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/BaseAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/BaseAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49ceb1e2c --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/BaseAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.BaseAPI = void 0; +class BaseAPI { + constructor(options) { + this.client = options.client; + this.options = options; + } + request(options) { + if (options.requiresAuth) { + if (!this.options.client.isLoggedIn()) { + throw new Error(`You must be authenticated in order to perform this request! API: ${(options.request.method || "GET").toUpperCase()} ${options.request.path ? this.options.baseUrl : ""}${options.request.path || options.request.url}`); + } + } + if (!options.request.url && !options.request.path) { + throw new Error(`Must provide a URL or path!`); + } + else if (options.request.path) { + options.request.url = this.options.baseUrl + options.request.path; + delete options.request.path; + } + return this.options.client.rest + .request(options.request) + .then((response) => { + if (options.json && !(response.body instanceof Object)) { + response.body = JSON.parse(response.body); + } + return response; + }); + } +} +exports.BaseAPI = BaseAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/BillingAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/BillingAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..53e0b0daa --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/BillingAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { SortOption } from "../.."; +export declare type BillingGetDeveloperExchangeRate = { + rate: number; + "currency-code": string; +}; +export declare type BillingSubmitDeveloperExchange = unknown; +export declare type BillingGetLuobuDeveloperExchangeBalance = { + amount: number; +}; +export declare type BillingGetLuobuDeveloperExchangeEligibility = { + eligibility?: "Eligible" | string; + errors?: { + code: number; + message: string; + userFacingMessage: string; + }; +}; +export declare type BillingGetLatestLuobuDeveloperExchangeStatus = { + date?: string; + status?: string; + amount?: number; +}; +export declare type BillingSubmitLuobuDeveloperExchange = unknown; +export declare type BillingGetUserPaymentsHistory = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + paymentDate: string; + products: { + name: string; + }[]; + money: { + Amount: number; + USDAmount: number; + Currency: { + Id: number; + CurrencyType: string; + CurrencyName: string; + CurrencySymbol: string; + }; + }; + paymentProviderType: "AppleAppStore"; + creditCardType: string; + cardNumber: string; + }; +}; +export declare type BillingPurchaseAmazonProduct = unknown; +export declare type BillingValidateAmazonProduct = unknown; +export declare type BillingPurchaseAppleProduct = BillingPurchaseAmazonProduct; +export declare type BillingValidateAppleProduct = BillingValidateAmazonProduct; +export declare type BillingRedeemDigitalCode = unknown; +export declare type BillingRedeemGameCard = { + balance: string; + successMsg: string; + successSubText: string; + bonusMsg: string; + error: string; + errorMsg: string; +}; +export declare type BillingReverseGameCard = unknown; +export declare type BillingPurchaseGoogleProduct = unknown; +export declare type BillingValidateGoogleProduct = BillingValidateAmazonProduct; +export declare type BillingSendXsollaWebhook = unknown; +export declare type BillingGetXsollaIFrameToken = { + token: string; + success: boolean; + message: string; +}; +export declare type BillingIncrementCounterByAgent = unknown; +export declare type BillingRedeemPromoCode = { + success: boolean; + errorMsg: string; + successMsg: string; +}; +export declare type BillingSubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions = { + firstName: string; + lastName: string; + emailAddress: string; + password: string; + robuxAmount: number; +}; +export declare type BillingSubmitLuobuDeveloperExchangeOptions = { + firstName: string; + lastName: string; + email: string; + amount: number; +}; +export declare type BillingGetUserPaymentsHistoryOptions = SortOption; +export declare type BillingPurchaseAmazonProductOptions = { + receiptId: string; + amazonUserId: string; + isRetry: boolean; +}; +export declare type BillingValidateAmazonProductOptions = { + productId: string; + currency: string; +}; +export declare type BillingPurchaseAppleProductOptions = { + receiptId: string; + appleUserId: string; + isRetry: boolean; +}; +export declare type BillingValidateAppleProductOptions = { + productId: string; + currency: string; +}; +export declare type BillingRedeemDigitalCodeOptions = { + redemptionCode: string; +}; +export declare type BillingRedeemGameCardOptions = { + pinCode: string; + captchaToken: string; + captchaProvider: string; +}; +export declare type BillingReverseGameCardOptions = { + PinCode: number; + UserId: number; +}; +export declare type BillingPurchaseGoogleProductOptions = { + packageName: string; + productId: string; + token: string; + isRetry: boolean; + orderId: string; +}; +export declare type BillingValidateGoogleProductOptions = { + productId: string; + currency: string; +}; +export declare type BillingGetXsollaIFrameTokenOptions = { + mainProductId: number; + upsellProductId: number; + paymentProviderType: string; + verifiedEmailOrPhone: boolean; +}; +export declare type BillingIncrementCounterByAgentOptions = { + counterPrefix: string; +}; +export declare type BillingRedeemPromoCodeOptions = { + code: string; +}; +export declare class BillingAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getDeveloperExchangeRate(): Promise; + submitDeveloperExchange(options: BillingSubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions): Promise; + getLuobuDeveloperExchangeBalance(): Promise; + getLuobuDeveloperExchangeEligibility(): Promise; + getLuobuDeveloperExchangeLatestRequestStatus(): Promise; + submitLuobuDeveloperExchange(options: BillingSubmitLuobuDeveloperExchangeOptions): Promise; + getUserPaymentsHistory(options: BillingGetUserPaymentsHistoryOptions): Promise; + purchaseAmazonProduct(options: BillingPurchaseAmazonProductOptions): Promise; + validateAmazonProduct(options: BillingValidateAmazonProductOptions): Promise; + purchaseAppleProduct(options: BillingPurchaseAppleProductOptions): Promise; + validateAppleProduct(options: BillingValidateAppleProductOptions): Promise; + redeemDigitalCode(options: BillingRedeemDigitalCodeOptions): Promise; + redeemGameCard(options: BillingRedeemGameCardOptions): Promise; + reverseGameCard(options: BillingReverseGameCardOptions): Promise; + purchaseGoogleProduct(options: BillingPurchaseGoogleProductOptions): Promise; + validateGoogleProduct(options: BillingValidateGoogleProductOptions): Promise; + sendXsollaWebhook(options: unknown): Promise; + getXsollaIFrameToken(options: BillingGetXsollaIFrameTokenOptions): Promise; + incrementCounterByAgent(options: BillingIncrementCounterByAgentOptions): Promise; + redeemPromoCode(options: BillingRedeemPromoCodeOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/BillingAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/BillingAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f149aacd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/BillingAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.BillingAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class BillingAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://billing.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getDeveloperExchangeRate() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange-rate` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + submitDeveloperExchange(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange-rate`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getLuobuDeveloperExchangeBalance() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/luobu-developer-exchange/balance` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getLuobuDeveloperExchangeEligibility() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/luobu-developer-exchange/eligibility` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getLuobuDeveloperExchangeLatestRequestStatus() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/luobu-developer-exchange/latest-request-status` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + submitLuobuDeveloperExchange(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange-rate/request`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserPaymentsHistory(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/payments`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + purchaseAmazonProduct(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/amazon/purchase`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + validateAmazonProduct(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/amazon/validate`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + purchaseAppleProduct(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/apple/purchase`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + validateAppleProduct(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/apple/validate`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + redeemDigitalCode(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/digital-codes/redeem`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + redeemGameCard(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/gamecard/redeem`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + reverseGameCard(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/gamecard/reverse`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + purchaseGoogleProduct(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/google/purchase`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + validateGoogleProduct(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/google/validate`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + sendXsollaWebhook(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/notifications/xsolla`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getXsollaIFrameToken(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/payments/xsolla/iframe-token`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + incrementCounterByAgent(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/payments/xsolla/incrementcounterbyagent`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + redeemPromoCode(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/promocodes/redeem`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.BillingAPI = BillingAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/CaptchaAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/CaptchaAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5db41bd5c --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/CaptchaAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; +import Client from "../Client"; +export declare type GetCaptchaMetadata = { + funCaptchaPublicKeys: { + type: string; + value: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GetLanguageResources = { + languageResources: unknown; +}; +export default class CaptchaAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getCaptchaMetaData(): Promise; + getLanguageResources(): Promise; +} diff --git a/src/client/apis/CaptchaAPI.ts b/dist/client/apis/CaptchaAPI.js similarity index 55% rename from src/client/apis/CaptchaAPI.ts rename to dist/client/apis/CaptchaAPI.js index 230ec0abe..f4d39f2bb 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/CaptchaAPI.ts +++ b/dist/client/apis/CaptchaAPI.js @@ -1,27 +1,15 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; - - -export type GetCaptchaMetadata = { - funCaptchaPublicKeys: { - type: string; - value: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetLanguageResources = { - languageResources: unknown; -} - - -export default class CaptchaAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const BaseAPI_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./BaseAPI")); +class CaptchaAPI extends BaseAPI_1.default { + constructor(client) { super({ client, baseUrl: "https://captcha.roblox.com/" }); } - - getCaptchaMetaData (): Promise { + getCaptchaMetaData() { return this.request({ requiresAuth: false, request: { @@ -31,8 +19,7 @@ export default class CaptchaAPI extends BaseAPI { }) .then(response => response.body); } - - getLanguageResources (): Promise { + getLanguageResources() { return this.request({ requiresAuth: false, request: { @@ -43,3 +30,4 @@ export default class CaptchaAPI extends BaseAPI { .then(response => response.body); } } +exports.default = CaptchaAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/CatalogAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/CatalogAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec19dd37c --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/CatalogAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { AssetIdOption, SortOption, UserIdOption } from "../.."; +export declare type CatalogProductDetails = { + id: number; + type: string; + isPublicDomain: boolean; + isForSale: boolean; + priceInRobux: number; + premiumPricing: { + premiumDiscountPercentage: number; + premiumPriceInRobux: number; + }; +}; +export declare type CatalogGetAssetBundles = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + bundleType: string; + items: { + owned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; + }[]; + creator: { + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; + }; + creatorType: number; + product: CatalogProductDetails; + }[]; +}; +export declare type CatalogGetBundleDetails = CatalogGetAssetBundles["data"][0]; +export declare type CatalogGetBundleRecommendationsByBundleId = { + data: CatalogGetAssetBundles["data"]; +}; +export declare type CatalogGetMultiBundleDetails = CatalogGetAssetBundles["data"]; +export declare type CatalogUnpackBundle = unknown; +export declare type CatalogGetAssetToCategory = Record; +export declare type CatalogGetAppStoreExclusiveBundles = { + data: CatalogProductDetails[]; +}; +export declare type CatalogGetAssetFavoriteCountOptions = { + assetId: number; +}; +export declare type CatalogGetFavoriteCount = number; +export declare type CatalogRemoveSelfAssetFavorite = unknown; +export declare type CatalogGetUserFavoriteAsset = { + assetId: number; + userId: number; + created: string; +}; +export declare type CatalogFavoriteAsset = unknown; +export declare type CatalogRemoveFavoriteBundle = unknown; +export declare type CatalogGetSelfFavoriteBundle = { + bundleId: number; + userId: number; + created: string; +}; +export declare type CatalogFavoriteBundle = unknown; +export declare type CatalogGetAssetBundlesOptions = SortOption & AssetIdOption; +export declare type CatalogGetBundleDetailsOptions = { + bundleId: number; +}; +export declare type CatalogGetBundleRecommendationsByBundleIdOptions = { + bundleId: number; + numItems?: number; +}; +export declare type CatalogGetMultiBundleDetailsOptions = { + bundleIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type CatalogGetUserBundlesOptions = SortOption & UserIdOption; +export declare type CatalogGetUserBundlesByTypeOptions = CatalogGetUserBundlesOptions & { + bundleType: string; +}; +export declare type CatalogUnpackBundleOptions = { + bundleId: number; +}; +export declare type CatalogGetAppStoreExclusiveBundlesOptions = { + appStoreType: "iOS" | "GooglePlay" | "Xbox" | "Amazon"; +}; +export declare type CatalogGetBundleFavoriteCount = CatalogUnpackBundleOptions; +export declare type CatalogRemoveAssetFavoriteOptions = AssetIdOption & UserIdOption; +export declare type CatalogGetUserFavoriteAssetOptions = AssetIdOption & UserIdOption; +export declare type CatalogFavoriteAssetOptions = AssetIdOption & UserIdOption; +export declare type CatalogRemoveBundleFavoriteOptions = UserIdOption & { + bundleId: number; +}; +export declare type CatalogGetUserFavoriteBundleOptions = UserIdOption & { + bundleId: number; +}; +export declare type CatalogFavoriteBundleOptions = UserIdOption & { + bundleId: number; +}; +export declare class CatalogAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getAssetBundles(options: CatalogGetAssetBundlesOptions): Promise; + getBundleDetails(options: CatalogGetBundleDetailsOptions): Promise; + getBundleRecommendationsByBundleId(options: CatalogGetBundleRecommendationsByBundleIdOptions): Promise; + getMultiBundleDetails(options: CatalogGetMultiBundleDetailsOptions): Promise; + getUserBundles(options: CatalogGetUserBundlesOptions): Promise; + getUserBundlesByType(options: CatalogGetUserBundlesByTypeOptions): Promise; + unpackBundle(options: CatalogUnpackBundleOptions): Promise; + getAssetToCategory(): Promise; + getAssetToSubCategory(): Promise; + getCategories(): Promise; + getSubCategories(): Promise; + getAppStoreExclusiveBundles(options: CatalogGetAppStoreExclusiveBundlesOptions): Promise; + getAssetFavoriteCount(options: AssetIdOption): Promise; + getBundleFavoriteCount(options: CatalogGetBundleFavoriteCount): Promise; + removeAssetFavorite(options: CatalogRemoveAssetFavoriteOptions): Promise; + getUserFavoriteAsset(options: CatalogGetUserFavoriteAssetOptions): Promise; + favoriteAsset(options: CatalogFavoriteAssetOptions): Promise; + removeBundleFavorite(options: CatalogRemoveBundleFavoriteOptions): Promise; + getUserFavoriteBundle(options: CatalogGetUserFavoriteBundleOptions): Promise; + favoriteBundle(options: CatalogFavoriteBundleOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/CatalogAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/CatalogAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..35e39ca27 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/CatalogAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.CatalogAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class CatalogAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://catalog.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getAssetBundles(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/bundles`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getBundleDetails(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/bundles/${options.bundleId}/details`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getBundleRecommendationsByBundleId(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/${options.bundleId}/recommendations`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMultiBundleDetails(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/bundles/details`, + qs: { + bundleIds: options.bundleIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserBundles(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/bundles`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserBundlesByType(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/bundles/${options.bundleType}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + unpackBundle(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/bundles/${options.bundleId}/unpack`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getAssetToCategory() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/asset-to-category` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getAssetToSubCategory() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/asset-to-subcategory` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getCategories() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/categories` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSubCategories() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/subcategories` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getAppStoreExclusiveBundles(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/exclusive-items/${options.appStoreType}/bundles` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getAssetFavoriteCount(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/assets/${options.assetId}/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getBundleFavoriteCount(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/bundles/${options.bundleId}/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + removeAssetFavorite(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/assets/${options.assetId}/favorite`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserFavoriteAsset(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/assets/${options.assetId}/favorite` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + favoriteAsset(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/assets/${options.assetId}/favorite`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + removeBundleFavorite(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/bundles/${options.bundleId}/favorite`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserFavoriteBundle(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/bundles/${options.bundleId}/favorite` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + favoriteBundle(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/bundles/${options.bundleId}/favorite`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.CatalogAPI = CatalogAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/ChatAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/ChatAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21cbfbe4c --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/ChatAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type ChatPartialConversationData = { + id: number; + title?: string; +}; +export declare type ChatMessageSentData = { + content: string; + filteredForReceivers: boolean; + messageId: string; + sent: string; + messageType: "PlainText" | string; + resultType: "Success" | string; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type ChatMessageData = { + id: string; + senderType: string; + sent: string; + read: boolean; + messageType: "PlainText" | string; + decorators: string[]; + senderTargetId: number; + content: string; + link?: { + type: "Game"; + game: { + universeId: number; + }; + }; + eventBased?: { + type: "SetConversationUniverse"; + setConversationUniverse: { + actorUserId: number; + universeId: number; + }; + }; +}; +export declare type ChatGetChatSettings = { + chatEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type ChatGetConversationMessages = ChatMessageData[]; +export declare type ChatGetRolloutSettings = { + rolloutFeatures: { + featureName: string; + isRolloutEnabled: boolean; + }[]; +}; +export declare type ChatGetUnreadConversationCount = { + count: number; +}; +export declare type ChatGetUnreadMessagesInConversations = { + conversationId: number; + chatMessages: ChatMessageData[]; +}[]; +export declare type ChatConversationData = { + id: number; + title: string; + initiator: { + type: "User" | string; + targetId: number; + name: string | null; + displayName: string | null; + }; + hasUnreadMessages: boolean; + participants: { + type: "User" | string; + targetId: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; + conversationType: "OneToOneConversation" | string; + conversationTitle: { + titleForViewer: string; + isDefaultTitle: boolean; + }; + lastUpdated: string; + conversationUniverse: number | null; +}; +export declare type ChatGetMetaData = { + isChatEnabledByPrivacySetting: string; + languageForPrivacySettingUnavailable: string; + maxConversationTitleLength: number; + numberOfMembersForPartyChrome: number; + partyChromeDisplayTimeStampInterval: number; + signalRDisconnectionResponseInMilliseconds: number; + typingInChatFromSenderThrottleMs: number; + typingInChatForReceiverExpirationMs: number; + relativeValueToRecordUiPerformance: number; + isChatDataFromLocalStorageEnabled: boolean; + chatDataFromLocalStorageExpirationSeconds: number; + isUsingCacheToLoadFriendsInfoEnabled: boolean; + cachedDataFromLocalStorageExpirationMS: number; + senderTypesForUnknownMessageTypeError: string[]; + isInvalidMessageTypeFallbackEnabled: boolean; + isRespectingMessageTypeEnabled: boolean; + validMessageTypesWhiteList: string[]; + shouldRespectConversationHasUnreadMessageToMarkAsRead: boolean; + isVoiceChatForClientSideEnabled: boolean; + isAliasChatForClientSideEnabled: boolean; + isPlayTogetherForGameCardsEnabled: boolean; + isRoactChatEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type ChatGetMultiLatestConversationMessages = ChatGetUnreadMessagesInConversations; +export declare type ChatAddUsersToConversation = { + conversationId: number; + rejectedParticipants: { + rejectedReason: string; + type: "User" | string; + targetId: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; + resultType: "Success" | string; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type ChatMarkMessageInConversationAsReadOptions = { + conversationId: number; + endMessageId: string; +}; +export declare type ChatMarkConversationMessagesRead = { + resultType: "Success" | string; +}; +export declare type ChatMarkConversationsAsSeenOptions = { + conversationsToMarkSeen: number[]; +}; +export declare type ChatMarkConversationsSeen = { + resultType: "Success" | string; +}; +export declare type ChatRemoveUserFromConversation = { + conversation: ChatPartialConversationData; + resultType: "Success" | string; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type ChatRenameGroupConversation = { + conversationTitle: string; + statusMessage: string; + resultType: "Success" | string; + title: { + titleForViewer: string; + isDefaultTitle: boolean; + }; +}; +export declare type ChatResetConversationUniverse = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type ChatSendGameLinkMessage = ChatMessageSentData; +export declare type ChatSendMessage = ChatMessageSentData; +export declare type ChatSetConversationUniverse = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type ChatStartCloudEditConversation = { + conversation: ChatConversationData; + rejectedParticipants: { + rejectedReason: string; + type: "User"; + targetId: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; + resultType: "Success" | string; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type ChatStartGroupConversation = ChatStartCloudEditConversation; +export declare type ChatStartOneToOneConversation = ChatStartCloudEditConversation; +export declare type ChatUpdateUserTypingStatus = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type ChatGetConversationsOptions = { + conversationIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type ChatGetConversationMessagesOptions = { + conversationId: number; + pageSize: number; + exclusiveStartMessageId?: string; +}; +export declare type ChatGetRolloutSettingsOptions = { + featureNames: string[]; +}; +export declare type ChatGetUnreadMessagesInConversationsOptions = { + conversationIds: number[]; + pageSize?: number; +}; +export declare type ChatGetUserConversationsOptions = { + pageNumber: number; + pageSize: number; +}; +export declare type ChatGetMultiLatestConversationMessagesOptions = { + conversationIds: number[]; + pageSize: number; +}; +export declare type ChatAddUsersToConversationOptions = { + participantUserIds: number[]; + conversationId: number; +}; +export declare type ChatMarkConversationMessagesReadOptions = { + conversationId: number; + endMessageId: string; +}; +export declare type ChatMarkConversationsSeenOptions = { + conversationsToMarkSeen: number[]; +}; +export declare type ChatRemoveUserFromConversationOptions = { + participantUserId: number; + conversationId: number; +}; +export declare type ChatRenameGroupConversationOptions = { + conversationId: number; + newTitle: string; +}; +export declare type ChatResetConversationUniverseOptions = { + conversationId: number; +}; +export declare type ChatSendMessageOptions = { + message: string; + conversationId: number; + decorators: string[]; +}; +export declare type ChatSetConversationUniverseOptions = { + conversationId: number; + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type ChatStartCloudEditConversationOptions = { + placeId: number; +}; +export declare type ChatStartGroupConversationOptions = { + participantUserIds: number[]; + title: string; +}; +export declare type ChatStartOneToOneConversationOptions = { + participantUserId: number; +}; +export declare type ChatUpdateUserTypingStatusOptions = { + conversationId: number; + isTyping: boolean; +}; +export declare type ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions = { + universeId: number; + conversationId: number; + decorators: string[]; +}; +export declare class ChatAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getChatSettings(): Promise; + getConversations(options: ChatGetConversationsOptions): Promise; + getConversationMessages(options: ChatGetConversationMessagesOptions): Promise; + getRolloutSettings(options: ChatGetRolloutSettingsOptions): Promise; + getUnreadConversationCount(): Promise; + getUnreadMessagesInConversations(options: ChatGetUnreadMessagesInConversationsOptions): Promise; + getUserConversations(options: ChatGetUserConversationsOptions): Promise; + getMetaData(): Promise; + getMultiLatestConversationMessages(options: ChatGetMultiLatestConversationMessagesOptions): Promise; + addUsersToConversation(options: ChatAddUsersToConversationOptions): Promise; + markConversationMessagesRead(options: ChatMarkConversationMessagesReadOptions): Promise; + markConversationsSeen(options: ChatMarkConversationsSeenOptions): Promise; + removeUserFromConversation(options: ChatRemoveUserFromConversationOptions): Promise; + renameGroupConversation(options: ChatRenameGroupConversationOptions): Promise; + resetConversationUniverse(options: ChatResetConversationUniverseOptions): Promise; + sendGameLinkMessage(options: ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions): Promise; + sendMessage(options: ChatSendMessageOptions): Promise; + setConversationUniverse(options: ChatSetConversationUniverseOptions): Promise; + startCloudEditConversation(options: ChatStartCloudEditConversationOptions): Promise; + startGroupConversation(options: ChatStartGroupConversationOptions): Promise; + startOneToOneConversation(options: ChatStartOneToOneConversationOptions): Promise; + updateUserTypingStatus(options: ChatUpdateUserTypingStatusOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/ChatAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/ChatAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81b209bdb --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/ChatAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.ChatAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class ChatAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://chat.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getChatSettings() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/chat-settings` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getConversations(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-conversations`, + qs: { + conversationIds: options.conversationIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getConversationMessages(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-messages`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getRolloutSettings(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-rollout-settings`, + qs: { + featureNames: options.featureNames.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUnreadConversationCount() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-conversation-count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUnreadMessagesInConversations(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-unread-messages`, + qs: { + conversationIds: options.conversationIds.join(","), + pageSize: options.pageSize + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserConversations(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-user-conversations`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMultiLatestConversationMessages(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/multi-get-latest-messages`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + addUsersToConversation(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/add-to-conversation`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + markConversationMessagesRead(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/mark-as-read`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + markConversationsSeen(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/mark-as-seen`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + removeUserFromConversation(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/remove-from-conversation`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + renameGroupConversation(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/rename-group-conversation`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + resetConversationUniverse(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/reset-conversation-universe`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + sendGameLinkMessage(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/send-game-link-message`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + sendMessage(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/send-message`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setConversationUniverse(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/set-conversation-universe`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + startCloudEditConversation(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/start-cloud-edit-conversation`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + startGroupConversation(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-user-conversations`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + startOneToOneConversation(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/start-one-to-one-conversation`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateUserTypingStatus(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/update-user-typing-status`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.ChatAPI = ChatAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/ContactsAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/ContactsAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10a69a519 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/ContactsAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type ContactsGetContactsMetaData = { + multiGetContactsMaxSize: number; + multiGetContactsCacheTTLinMS: number; +}; +export declare type ContactsGetUsersTagsOptions = { + targetUserIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type ContactsGetUsersTags = { + targetUserId: number; + targetUserTag: string; +}[]; +export declare type ContactsSetPendingUserTagOptions = { + targetUserId: number; + userTag: string; +}; +export declare type ContactsSetPendingUserTag = { + status: "Success" | string; +}; +export declare type ContactsSetUserTagOptions = { + targetUserId: number; + userTag: string; +}; +export declare type ContactsSetUserTag = { + status: "Success" | string; +}; +export declare class ContactsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getContactsMetaData(): Promise; + getUsersTags(options: ContactsGetUsersTagsOptions): Promise; + setPendingUserTag(options: ContactsSetPendingUserTagOptions): Promise; + setUserTag(options: ContactsSetUserTagOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/ContactsAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/ContactsAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b18c86e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/ContactsAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.ContactsAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class ContactsAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://contacts.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getContactsMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/contacts/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUsersTags(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/user/get-tags`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setPendingUserTag(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/set-pending-tag`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setUserTag(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/tag`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.ContactsAPI = ContactsAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/DataAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/DataAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c11ecf2d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/DataAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type DataUploadDataOptions = { + assetId: number; + data: unknown; +}; +export declare type DataUploadDataResult = unknown; +export declare class DataAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + uploadData(options: DataUploadDataOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/DataAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/DataAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..43b77a198 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/DataAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.DataAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class DataAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://data.roblox.com/" + }); + } + uploadData(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + json: true, + request: { + path: `Data/Upload.ashx?assetid=${options.assetId}`, + method: "POST", + headers: { + "User-Agent": "Roblox/WinInet", + Requester: "Client", + "Content-Type": "application/xml", + Accept: "application/json" + } + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.DataAPI = DataAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/DevelopAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/DevelopAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..89e894ce9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/DevelopAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,604 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { PartialGroupOptions } from "../../old_structures/Group"; +import { ISOString } from "../../types/GenericTypes"; +export declare type DevelopGameUniverseOptions = { + id: number; + rootPlaceId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + creatorType: string; + creator: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + price: number; + allowedGearGenres: string[]; + allowedGearCategories: string[]; + playing: number; + visits: number; + maxPlayers: number; + created: string; + updated: string; + studioAccessToApisAllowed: boolean; + createVipServersAllowed: boolean; + universeAvatarType: string; + genre: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopAgeDataAvailable = { + isAgeDataAvailable: boolean; +}; +export declare type DevelopProductAggregation = { + developerProductName: string; + revenueAmount: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopProductAggregations = { + allDevicesDeveloperProductRevenue: DevelopProductAggregation[]; + developerProductRevenueByDevice: { + Computer: DevelopProductAggregation[]; + Phone: DevelopProductAggregation[]; + Tablet: DevelopProductAggregation[]; + Console: DevelopProductAggregation[]; + }; +}; +export declare type DevelopTeamCreateSessionMember = { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopTeamCreateSessionMembers = { + data: DevelopTeamCreateSessionMember[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopTeamCreateEnabled = { + isEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type DevelopTeamCreateMember = { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | "RobloxPremium"; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopTeamCreateMembers = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: DevelopTeamCreateMember[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopInvitedTeamCreatePlace = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + isArchived: boolean; + rootPlaceId: number; + isActive: boolean; + privacyType: "Public" | "FriendsOnly" | "Private"; + creatorType: "User" | "Group"; + creatorTargetId: number; + creatorName: string; + created: ISOString; + updated: ISOString; +}; +export declare type DevelopInvitedTeamCreatePlaces = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: DevelopInvitedTeamCreatePlace[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseLiveStatsOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseLiveStats = { + totalPlayerCount: number; + playerCountsByDeviceType: Record; + gameCount: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReportsOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReport = { + month: number; + year: number; + RevenueReportStatus: "NotGenerated" | "ReadyForDownload"; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReports = { + monthlyRevenueReportStatusList: DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReport[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReportOptions = { + universeId: number; + yearDashMonth: `${number}-${number}`; +}; +export declare type DevelopCreatorDashboardMetadata = { + isPlayFabDataSourceChartsEnabled: boolean; + playFabDataSourceChartsAvailableByKPITypes: string[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetAssetsVoteInformationOptions = { + assetIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetAssetsVoteInformation = { + data: { + assetId: number; + hasUserVoted: number; + canUserVote: number; + shouldShowVote: boolean; + upVotes: number; + downVotes: number; + reasonForNotAbleToVote: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetGameTemplates = { + gameTemplateType: string; + hasTutorials: boolean; + universe: DevelopGameUniverseOptions; +}[]; +export declare type DevelopGetGameUpdatesHistoryOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetGameUpdatesHistory = { + universeId: number; + createdOn: string; + createdOnKey: string; + creatorType: string; + creatorId: number; + creatorName: string; + expiredOn: string; + content: string; + impressions: number; + plays: number; + unfollows: number; +}[]; +export declare type DevelopPublishGameNotificationOptions = { + universeId: number; + gameUpdateText: unknown; +}; +export declare type DevelopPublishGameNotification = DevelopGetGameUpdatesHistory; +export declare type DevelopFilterPublishGameNotificationOptions = { + text: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopFilterPublishGameNotification = { + filteredGameUpdateText: string; + isFiltered: boolean; + moderationLevel: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetGroupUniversesOptions = { + groupId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetGroupUniverses = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + isArchived: boolean; + rootPlaceId: number | null; + isActive: boolean; + privacyType: "Private" | string; + creatorType: "Group" | string; + creatorTargetId: null; + creatorName: string; + created: string; + updated: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetPlaceCompatibilitiesOptions = { + placeId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetPlaceCompatibilities = { + Compatibilities: { + status: "Good" | string; + platformName: string; + crashRatePercentage: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopUpdatePlaceConfigurationOptions = { + placeId: number; + name: string; + description: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopUpdatePlaceConfiguration = { + id: number; + universeId: number; + name: string; + description: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions = { + placeId: number; + type: "Revenue" | "RevenuePerVisit" | "AverageVisitLength" | "Visits"; + granularity?: "Hourly" | "Daily" | "Monthly"; + divisionType?: "Device" | "Age"; + startTime?: string; + endTime?: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetPlaceStatisticsByType = { + placeId: number; + dataType: DevelopGetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions["type"]; + dataGranularity: DevelopGetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions["granularity"]; + startTime: string; + endTime: string; + data: unknown; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetPluginsByIdOptions = { + pluginIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetPluginsById = { + data: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + commentsEnabled: boolean; + versionId: number; + created: string; + updated: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopUpdatePluginOptions = { + pluginId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + commentsEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type DevelopUpdatePlugin = unknown; +export declare type DevelopSearchUniversesOptions = { + q: { + creator: "user" | "group" | "team"; + archived?: boolean; + active?: boolean; + groups?: unknown[]; + search?: string; + }; + sort?: ("+GameCreated" | "-GameCreated" | "+GameName" | "-GameName" | "+RootPlaceName" | "-RootPlaceName" | "+RootPlaceUpdated" | "-RootPlaceUpdated" | "+LastUpdated" | "-LastUpdated")[]; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopSearchUniverseData = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + isArchived: boolean; + rootPlaceId: number; + isActive: boolean; + privacyType: "Public" | "Private"; + creatorType: "User" | "Group"; + creatorTargetId: number; + creatorName: string; + created: string; + updated: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopSearchUniverses = { + previousPageCursor: string | null; + nextPageCursor: string | null; + data: DevelopSearchUniverseData[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopSearchToolboxOptions = { + category: string; + keyword?: string; + sort?: string; + creatorId?: number; + num?: number; + page?: number; + groupId?: number; + cacheMode?: "Normal" | "Bypass" | "ForceUpdate"; +}; +export declare type DevelopSearchToolbox = { + TotalResults: number; + Results: { + Asset: { + Id: number; + Name: string; + TypeId: number; + AssetGenres: string[]; + IsEndorsed: boolean; + Description: string; + Duration: number; + Created: string; + Updated: string; + CreatedRaw: string; + UpdatedRaw: string; + }; + Creator: { + Id: number; + Name: string; + Type: number; + }; + Thumbnail: { + Final: boolean; + Url: string; + RetryUrl: string; + UserId: number; + EndpointType: string; + }; + Voting: { + ShowVotes: boolean; + UpVotes: number; + DownVotes: number; + CanVote: boolean; + UserVote: boolean; + HasVoted: number; + ReasonForNotVoteable: string; + Product: { + ProductId: number; + Price: number; + }; + }; + }[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverse = DevelopGameUniverseOptions; +export declare type DevelopGetUniversePermissionsOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniversePermissions = { + canManage: boolean; + canCloudEdit: boolean; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniversePlacesOptions = { + universeId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniversePlaces = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: unknown[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseStatisticsReportsOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseStatisticsReports = { + reports: { + universeId: number; + yearDashMonth: string; + status: "NotGenerated" | string; + spreadsheetId: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseStatisticsReportsByTimeOptions = { + universeId: number; + yearDashMonth: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseStatisticsReportByTime = { + universeId: number; + yearDashMonth: string; + status: "NotGenerated" | string; + spreadsheetId: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopDownloadUniverseStatisticsReportByTimeOptions = { + universeId: number; + yearDashMonth: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopDownloadUniverseStatisticsReportByTime = unknown; +export declare type DevelopMultiGetUniversesOptions = { + ids: number[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopMultiGetUniverses = DevelopGameUniverseOptions[]; +export declare type DevelopMultiGetUniversesPermissionsOptions = { + ids: number[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopMultiGetUniversesPermissions = { + data: { + universeId: number; + canManage: boolean; + canCloudEdit: boolean; + }[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopActivateUniverseOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopActivateUniverse = unknown; +export declare type DevelopDeactivateUniverseOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopDeactivateUniverse = unknown; +export declare type DevelopGenerateUniverseStatisticReportsByTimeOptions = { + universeId: number; + yearDashMonth: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopGenerateUniverseStatisticReportsByTime = unknown; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseConfigurationOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseConfiguration = { + id: number; + name: string; + universeAvatarType: "MorphToR6" | "MorphToR15"; + universeScaleType: "NoScales" | string; + universeAnimationType: "Standard" | string; + universeCollisionType: "InnerBox" | string; + universeBodyType: "Standard" | string; + universeJointPositioningType: "Standard" | string; + isArchived: boolean; + isFriendsOnly: boolean; + genre: "All" | string; + playableDevices: ("Computer" | string)[]; + isForSale: boolean; + price: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopUpdateUniverseConfigurationOptions = Omit & { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopUpdateUniverseConfiguration = DevelopGetUniverseConfiguration; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseVIPServersConfigurationOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseVIPServersConfiguration = { + isEnabled: boolean; + price: number; + activeServersCount: number; + activeSubscriptionsCount: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseTeamCreateSettingsOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUniverseTeamCreateSettings = { + isEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type DevelopUpdateUniverseTeamCreateSettingsOptions = DevelopGetUniverseTeamCreateSettingsOptions; +export declare type DevelopUpdateUniverseTeamCreateSettings = unknown; +export declare type DevelopRemoveUserFromUniverseTeamCreateOptions = { + universeId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopRemoveUserFromUniverseTeamCreate = unknown; +export declare type DevelopGetUsersInUniverseTeamCreateOptions = { + universeId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetUsersInUniverseTeamCreate = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetSelfTeamCreateUniversesAccessOptions = { + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetSelfTeamCreateUniversesAccess = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: DevelopGameUniverseOptions[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetSelfGroupsAccess = { + data: PartialGroupOptions[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetNotificationsStatisticReports = { + data: { + UserId: number; + UniverseId: number; + Expires: number; + RootPlaceId: number; + GameName: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetStudioDataOptions = { + clientKey: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetStudioData = unknown; +export declare type DevelopSetStudioDataOptions = { + clientKey: string; + data: unknown; +}; +export declare type DevelopSetStudioData = { + success: boolean; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetSelfUniversesOptions = { + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopGetSelfUniverses = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: DevelopGameUniverseOptions[]; +}; +export declare type DevelopCreateUniverseAliasOptions = { + name: string; + type: "Asset" | string; + targetId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopCreateUniverseAlias = unknown; +export declare type DevelopDeleteUniverseAliasOptions = { + universeId: number; + name: string; +}; +export declare type DevelopDeleteUniverseAlias = unknown; +export declare type DevelopUpdateUniverseAliasOptions = DevelopCreateUniverseAliasOptions; +export declare type DevelopUpdateUniverseAlias = unknown; +export declare type DevelopCreateDeveloperProductOptions = { + universeId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + priceInRobux: number; + iconImageAssetId?: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopCreateDeveloperProduct = { + id: number; + name: string; + Description: string; + shopId: number; + iconImageAssetId: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopUpdateDeveloperProductOptions = { + universeId: number; + developerProductId: number; + Name: string; + Description: string; + IconImageAssetId?: number; + PriceInRobux: number; +}; +export declare type DevelopUpdateDeveloperProduct = unknown; +export declare class DevelopAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getGameTemplates(): Promise; + getGameUpdatesHistory(options: DevelopGetGameUpdatesHistoryOptions): Promise; + publishGameUpdateNotification(options: DevelopPublishGameNotificationOptions): Promise; + filterGameUpdateNotificationText(options: DevelopFilterPublishGameNotificationOptions): Promise; + getGroupUniverses(options: DevelopGetGroupUniversesOptions): Promise; + getPlaceCompatibilities(options: DevelopGetPlaceCompatibilitiesOptions): Promise; + updatePlaceConfiguration(options: DevelopUpdatePlaceConfigurationOptions): Promise; + getPlaceStatistics(options: DevelopGetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions): Promise; + isPlaceAgeDataAvailable(options: { + placeId: number; + }): Promise; + getDeveloperProductAggregation(options: { + placeId: number; + timeFrame: "Hourly" | "Daily" | "Monthly"; + }): Promise; + getCreatorDashboardMetadata(): Promise; + getTeamCreateSessionMembers(options: { + placeId: number; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; + }): Promise; + setTeamCreateEnabled(options: { + universeId: number; + } & DevelopTeamCreateEnabled): Promise; + getMultiPlugins(options: DevelopGetPluginsByIdOptions): Promise; + updatePlugin(options: DevelopUpdatePluginOptions): Promise; + searchUniverses(options: DevelopSearchUniversesOptions): Promise; + searchToolbox(options: DevelopSearchToolboxOptions): Promise; + getUniverse(options: DevelopGetUniverseOptions): Promise; + getUniverseLiveStats(options: DevelopGetUniverseLiveStatsOptions): Promise; + getSelfUniversePermissions(options: DevelopGetUniversePermissionsOptions): Promise; + getPlacesInUniverse(options: DevelopGetUniversePlacesOptions): Promise; + getUniverseRevenueReports(options: DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReportsOptions): Promise; + getUniverseRevenueReport(options: DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReportOptions): Promise; + downloadUniverseRevenueReport(options: DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReportOptions): Promise; + getUniverseStatisticReports(options: DevelopGetUniverseStatisticsReportsOptions): Promise; + getUniverseStatisticReportsByTime(options: DevelopGetUniverseStatisticsReportsByTimeOptions): Promise; + downloadUniverseStatisticReportsByTime(options: DevelopDownloadUniverseStatisticsReportByTimeOptions): Promise; + getMultiUniverses(options: DevelopMultiGetUniversesOptions): Promise; + getMultiUniversesPermissions(options: DevelopMultiGetUniversesPermissionsOptions): Promise; + activateUniverse(options: DevelopActivateUniverseOptions): Promise; + deactivateUniverse(options: DevelopDeactivateUniverseOptions): Promise; + generateUniverseStatisticReportsByTime(options: DevelopGenerateUniverseStatisticReportsByTimeOptions): Promise; + getUniverseConfiguration(options: DevelopGetUniverseConfigurationOptions): Promise; + updateUniverseConfiguration(options: DevelopUpdateUniverseConfigurationOptions): Promise; + getUniverseVIPServersConfiguration(options: DevelopGetUniverseVIPServersConfigurationOptions): Promise; + getUniverseTeamCreateSettings(options: DevelopGetUniverseTeamCreateSettingsOptions): Promise; + removeUserFromUniverseTeamCreate(options: DevelopRemoveUserFromUniverseTeamCreateOptions): Promise; + getUniverseTeamCreateMembers(options: DevelopGetUsersInUniverseTeamCreateOptions): Promise; + getSelfUniversesTeamCreateAccess(options: DevelopGetSelfTeamCreateUniversesAccessOptions): Promise; + getSelfManageableGroups(): Promise; + getSelfNotificationStatisticReports(): Promise; + getStudioData(options: DevelopGetStudioDataOptions): Promise; + setStudioData(options: DevelopSetStudioDataOptions): Promise; + getSelfUniverses(options: DevelopGetSelfUniversesOptions): Promise; + createUniverseAlias(options: DevelopCreateUniverseAliasOptions): Promise; + deleteUniverseAlias(options: DevelopDeleteUniverseAliasOptions): Promise; + updateUniverseAlias(options: DevelopUpdateUniverseAliasOptions): Promise; + createDeveloperProduct(options: DevelopCreateDeveloperProductOptions): Promise; + updateDeveloperProduct(options: DevelopUpdateDeveloperProductOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/DevelopAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/DevelopAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0577d3025 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/DevelopAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,516 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.DevelopAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class DevelopAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://develop.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getGameTemplates() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/gametemplates` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body.data); + } + getGameUpdatesHistory(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/gameUpdateNotifications/${options.universeId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + publishGameUpdateNotification(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/gameUpdateNotifications/${options.universeId}`, + method: "POST", + json: `"${options.gameUpdateText}"` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + filterGameUpdateNotificationText(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/gameUpdateNotifications/filter`, + method: "POST", + json: `"${options.text}"` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupUniverses(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/universes`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getPlaceCompatibilities(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}/compatibilities` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updatePlaceConfiguration(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getPlaceStatistics(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}/stats/${options.type}`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + isPlaceAgeDataAvailable(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}/is-age-data-available`, + method: "GET" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getDeveloperProductAggregation(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}/developer-product-aggregation`, + method: "GET", + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getCreatorDashboardMetadata() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/creator-dashboard-metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getTeamCreateSessionMembers(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}/teamcreate/active_session/members`, + qs: { + limit: options.limit || 10, + cursor: options.cursor + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setTeamCreateEnabled(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/teamcreate`, + method: "PATCH", + json: { isEnabled: options.isEnabled } + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + getMultiPlugins(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/plugins`, + qs: { + pluginIds: options.pluginIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updatePlugin(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/plugins/${options.pluginId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + searchUniverses(options) { + const encodedQuery = `${options.q.search || ""} creator:${options.q.creator.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + options.q.creator.slice(1)} ${typeof options.q.active !== "undefined" + ? `active:${options.q.active ? "True" : "False"}` + : ""} ${options.q.archived + ? `archived:${options.q.archived ? "True" : "False"}` + : ""} ${options.q.groups ? `groups:${options.q.groups.join(",")}` : ""}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/search/universes`, + qs: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { sort: (options.sort || []).join(","), + // End me, please... + q: encodedQuery }) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + searchToolbox(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/toolbox/items`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniverse(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniverseLiveStats(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/live-stats` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfUniversePermissions(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/permissions` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getPlacesInUniverse(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/places`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniverseRevenueReports(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/revenue-reports`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniverseRevenueReport(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/revenue-reports/${options.yearDashMonth}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + downloadUniverseRevenueReport(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/revenue-reports/${options.yearDashMonth}/download`, + method: "GET" + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniverseStatisticReports(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/statistic-reports` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniverseStatisticReportsByTime(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/statistic-reports/${options.yearDashMonth}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + downloadUniverseStatisticReportsByTime(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/statistic-reports/${options.yearDashMonth}/download` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMultiUniverses(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/multiget`, + qs: { + ids: options.ids.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMultiUniversesPermissions(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/multiget/permissions`, + qs: { + ids: options.ids.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + activateUniverse(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/activate`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deactivateUniverse(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/deactivate`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + generateUniverseStatisticReportsByTime(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/statistic-reports/${options.yearDashMonth}/generate`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniverseConfiguration(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/configuration` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateUniverseConfiguration(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/configuration`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniverseVIPServersConfiguration(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/configuration/vip-servers` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniverseTeamCreateSettings(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/teamcreate` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + removeUserFromUniverseTeamCreate(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/teamcreate/memberships`, + method: "DELETE", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniverseTeamCreateMembers(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/teamcreate/memberships`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfUniversesTeamCreateAccess(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/teamcreate/memberships`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfManageableGroups() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/groups/canmanage` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfNotificationStatisticReports() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/notifications/statistic-reports` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getStudioData(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/studiodata`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setStudioData(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/studiodata`, + method: "POST", + json: options, + qs: { + clientKey: options.clientKey + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfUniverses(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/universes`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + createUniverseAlias(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.targetId}/aliases` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deleteUniverseAlias(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/aliases/${options.name}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateUniverseAlias(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.targetId}/aliases/${options.name}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + createDeveloperProduct(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/developerproducts`, + method: "POST", + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateDeveloperProduct(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/developerproducts/${options.developerProductId}/update`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.DevelopAPI = DevelopAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/EconomyAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/EconomyAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a8d5db4dd --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/EconomyAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { BillingSubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions } from "./BillingAPI"; +export declare type EconomyGetAssetResaleDataOptions = { + assetId: number; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetAssetResaleData = { + assetStock: number; + sales: number; + numberRemaining: number; + recentAveragePrice: number; + originalPrice: number; + priceDataPoints: { + value: number; + date: string; + }[]; + volumeDataPoints: { + value: number; + date: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetAssetResellersOptions = { + assetId: number; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetAssetResellers = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + userAssetId: number; + seller: { + id: number; + type: "User" | "Group"; + name: string; + }; + price: number; + serialNumber: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetUserResellableAssetCopiesOptions = { + userId: number; + assetId: number; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetUserResellableAssetCopies = { + data: EconomyGetAssetResellers["data"]; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetResaleTaxRate = { + taxRate: number; + minimumFee: number; +}; +export declare type EconomySetAssetCopiesOptions = { + assetId: number; + userAssetId: number; + price: number; +}; +export declare type EconomySetAssetCopies = unknown; +export declare type EconomyGetDeveloperExchangeAbility = { + canCashOut: boolean; + meetsPremiumRequirement: boolean; + hasVerifiedEmail: boolean; + isUserBlackListed: boolean; + meetsMinimumCashOutBalance: boolean; + hasCashedOutThisMonth: boolean; + lastImbursementStatusIsValid: boolean; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetDeveloperExchangeHelp = unknown; +export declare type EconomyGetDeveloperExchangeInfoOptions = { + fromDevExPage: boolean; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetDeveloperExchangeInfo = { + hasCurrencyOperationError: boolean; + currencyOperationErrorMessage: string; + showOnlyExchangeRates: boolean; + meetsMembershipRequirements: boolean; + emailIsVerified: boolean; + isImbursementBlacklistUser: boolean; + canProceedToCashout: boolean; + showProgressBar: boolean; + percentRobux: number; + minRobuxToCashOut: number; + maxRobuxCanCashOut: number; + lastImbursementStatus: string; + lastImbursementSubmissionDate: string; + conversionPercent: number; +}; +export declare type EconomySubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions = BillingSubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions; +export declare type EconomySubmitDeveloperExchange = { + submitted: boolean; + cashOutAbility: { + canCashOut: boolean; + meetsPremiumRequirement: boolean; + hasVerifiedEmail: boolean; + isUserBlcakListed: boolean; + meetsMinimumCashOutBalance: boolean; + hasCashedOutThisMonth: boolean; + lastImbursementStatusIsValid: boolean; + }; + errors: unknown; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetGroupCurrencyOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetGroupCurrency = { + robux: number; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetSelfCurrencyOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetSelfCurrency = { + robux: number; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions = { + groupId: number; + timeFrame: "Day" | "Week" | "Month" | "Year"; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame = { + recurringRobuxStipend: number; + itemSaleRobux: number; + purchasedRoblox: number; + tradeSystemRobux: number; + pendingRobux: number; + groupPayoutRobux: number; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetSelfRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions = Omit & { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetSelfRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame = EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame; +export declare type EconomyGetGroupTransactionsOptions = { + groupId: number; + transactionType: "Sale" | "Purchase" | "AffiliateSale" | "DevEx" | "GroupPayout" | "AdImpressionPayout"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetGroupTransactions = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + created: string; + isPending: boolean; + agent: { + id: number; + type: "User" | "Group"; + name: string; + }; + details: unknown; + currency: { + amount: number; + type: "Robux" | string; + }; + }[]; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetSelfTransactionsOptions = Omit & { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type EconomyGetSelfTransactions = EconomyGetGroupTransactions; +export declare class EconomyAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getAssetResaleData(options: EconomyGetAssetResaleDataOptions): Promise; + getAssetResellers(options: EconomyGetAssetResellersOptions): Promise; + getUserResellableAssetCopies(options: EconomyGetUserResellableAssetCopiesOptions): Promise; + getResaleTaxRate(): Promise; + setAssetCopiesForSale(options: EconomySetAssetCopiesOptions): Promise; + getDeveloperExchangeAbility(): Promise; + getDeveloperExchangeHelp(): Promise; + getDeveloperExchangeInfo(options: EconomyGetDeveloperExchangeInfoOptions): Promise; + submitDeveloperExchange(options: EconomySubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions): Promise; + getGroupCurrency(options: EconomyGetGroupCurrencyOptions): Promise; + getSelfCurrency(options: EconomyGetSelfCurrencyOptions): Promise; + getGroupRevenueByTime(options: EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions): Promise; + getSelfRevenueSummaryByTIme(options: EconomyGetSelfRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions): Promise; + getGroupTransactions(options: EconomyGetGroupTransactionsOptions): Promise; + getSelfTransactions(options: EconomyGetSelfTransactionsOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/EconomyAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/EconomyAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec7112ddb --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/EconomyAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.EconomyAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class EconomyAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://economy.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getAssetResaleData(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/resale-data` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getAssetResellers(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/resellers`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserResellableAssetCopies(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/users/${options.userId}/resellable-copies` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getResaleTaxRate() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/resale-tax-rate` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setAssetCopiesForSale(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/resellable-copies/${options.userAssetId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: { + price: options.price + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getDeveloperExchangeAbility() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange/cashoutAbility` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getDeveloperExchangeHelp() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange/help` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getDeveloperExchangeInfo(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange/info`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + submitDeveloperExchange(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange/submit`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupCurrency(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/currency` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfCurrency(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/currency` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupRevenueByTime(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/revenue/summary/${options.timeFrame}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfRevenueSummaryByTIme(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/revenue/summary/${options.timeFrame}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupTransactions(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/transactions`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfTransactions(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/transactions`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.EconomyAPI = EconomyAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/EconomyCreatorStatsAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/EconomyCreatorStatsAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..56131c1fd --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/EconomyCreatorStatsAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type EconomyCreatorStatsGetUniverseStatsOptions = { + universeId: number; + type: "PremiumUpsells" | "PremiumVisits"; + startTime: string; + endTime: string; +}; +export declare type EconomyCreatorStatsGetUniverseStats = { + dataGranularity: "Hourly" | string; + data: unknown; +}; +export declare class EconomyCreatorStatsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getUniverseStats(options: EconomyCreatorStatsGetUniverseStatsOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/EconomyCreatorStatsAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/EconomyCreatorStatsAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b3bc65d32 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/EconomyCreatorStatsAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.EconomyCreatorStatsAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class EconomyCreatorStatsAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://economycreatorstats.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getUniverseStats(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/stats`, + qs: { + "request.type": options.type, + "request.startTime": options.startTime, + "request.endTime": options.endTime + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.EconomyCreatorStatsAPI = EconomyCreatorStatsAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/EngagementPayoutsAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/EngagementPayoutsAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..864be93cd --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/EngagementPayoutsAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type EngagementPayoutsGetUniversePayoutHistoryOptions = { + universeId: number; + startDate: string; + endDate: string; +}; +export declare type EngagementPayoutsGetUniversePayoutHistory = unknown; +export declare class EngagementPayoutsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getUniversePayoutHistory(options: EngagementPayoutsGetUniversePayoutHistoryOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/EngagementPayoutsAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/EngagementPayoutsAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da58518fc --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/EngagementPayoutsAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.EngagementPayoutsAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class EngagementPayoutsAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://engagementpayouts.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getUniversePayoutHistory(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universe-payout-history`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.EngagementPayoutsAPI = EngagementPayoutsAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/FollowingsAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/FollowingsAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fad88680e --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/FollowingsAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type FollowingsGetUserFollowedUniversesOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type FollowingsGetUserFollowedUniverses = { + universeId: number; + userId: number; +}[]; +export declare type FollowingsGetUserFollowingUniverseStatusOptions = { + userId: number; + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type FollowingsGetUserFollowingUniverseStatus = { + UniverseId: number; + UserId: number; + CanFollow: boolean; + IsFollowing: boolean; + FollowingCountByType: number; + FollowingLimitByType: number; +}; +export declare type FollowingsUnFollowUniverseOptions = { + userId: number; + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type FollowingsUnFollowUniverse = { + universeId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export declare type FollowingsFollowUniverseOptions = FollowingsUnFollowUniverseOptions; +export declare type FollowingsFollowUniverse = FollowingsUnFollowUniverse; +export declare class FollowingsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getUserFollowedUniverses(options: FollowingsGetUserFollowedUniversesOptions): Promise; + getUserFollowingUniverseStatus(options: FollowingsGetUserFollowingUniverseStatusOptions): Promise; + unFollowUniverse(options: FollowingsUnFollowUniverseOptions): Promise; + followUniverse(options: FollowingsFollowUniverseOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/FollowingsAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/FollowingsAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..482a68032 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/FollowingsAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.FollowingsAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class FollowingsAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://followings.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getUserFollowedUniverses(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/universes` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserFollowingUniverseStatus(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/universes/${options.universeId}/status` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + unFollowUniverse(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/universes/${options.universeId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + followUniverse(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/universes/${options.universeId}`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.FollowingsAPI = FollowingsAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/FriendsAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/FriendsAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fd6dac3df --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/FriendsAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { GeneralGetUserFriendsCount, GeneralGetUserFriendsCountOptions } from "./GeneralAPI"; +import { PartialUser } from "../../old_structures/User"; +import { EnumUserPresence, UserPresence } from "../../interfaces/GeneralInterfaces"; +export declare type FriendsFindFriendByCodeOptions = { + code: string; +}; +export declare type FriendsFindFriendByCode = { + userId: number; + username: string; + friendshipStatus: "NoFriendship" | string; +}; +export declare type FriendsCheckSessionHealth = unknown; +export declare type FriendsRedeemNearbyFriendCodeOptions = { + code: string; +}; +export declare type FriendsRedeemNearbyFriendCode = unknown; +export declare type FriendsDeleteSession = unknown; +export declare type FriendsGetOrCreateNearbySession = { + code: string; + expires: number; +}; +export declare type FriendsRedeemQRCodeOptions = { + code: string; +}; +export declare type FriendsRedeemQRCode = { + userId: number; + username: string; +}; +export declare type FriendsDeleteQRCodeSession = unknown; +export declare type FriendsGetOrCreateQRCodeSession = FriendsGetOrCreateNearbySession; +export declare type FriendsGetMetaDataOptions = { + targetUserId: number; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetMetaData = { + isFriendFinderEnabled: boolean; + isNearbyUpsellEnabled: boolean; + isFriendsUserDataStoreCacheEnabled: boolean; + userName: string; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetSelfFriendsCount = { + count: number; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetSelfFriendRequestsOptions = { + sortOrder?: "Desc" | "Asc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetSelfFriendRequests = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + description: string; + created: string; + isBanned: boolean; + userId: number; + username: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetSelfFriendRequestsCount = { + count: number; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetUserFollowersOptions = { + userId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetUserFollowers = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + isOnline: boolean; + isDeleted: boolean; + description: string; + created: string; + isBanned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetUserFollowersCountOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetUserFollowersCount = { + count: number; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetUserFollowingOptions = FriendsGetUserFollowersOptions; +export declare type FriendsGetUserFollowing = FriendsGetUserFollowers; +export declare type FriendsGetUserFollowingCountOptions = FriendsGetUserFollowersCountOptions; +export declare type FriendsGetUserFollowingCount = FriendsGetUserFollowersCount; +export declare type FriendsGetUserFriendsOptions = { + userSort?: "Alphabetical" | "StatusAlphabetical" | "StatusFrequents"; + userId: number; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetUserFriends = { + data: { + isOnline: boolean; + isDeleted: boolean; + description: string; + created: string; + isBanned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetUserOnlineFriendsOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetUserOnlineFriends = { + data: { + userId: number; + username: string; + presence: { + placeId: number | null; + universeId: number | null; + UserPresenceType: UserPresence | null; + UserLocationType: string | null; + lastLocation: string | null; + gameInstanceId: string | null; + lastOnline: string | null; + }; + }[]; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetUserFriendsWithStatusesOptions = { + userId: number; + withUserIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type FriendsGetUserFriendsWithStatuses = { + data: { + id: number; + status: "NotFriends" | string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type FriendsDeclineAllFriendRequests = unknown; +export declare type FriendsAcceptFriendRequestOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type FriendsAcceptFriendRequest = unknown; +export declare type FriendsDeclineFriendRequestOptions = FriendsAcceptFriendRequestOptions; +export declare type FriendsDeclineFriendRequest = unknown; +export declare type FriendsFollowUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type FriendsFollowUser = { + success: boolean; + isCaptchaRequired: boolean; +}; +export declare type FriendsSendFriendRequestOptions = { + userId: number; + source?: "Unknown" | string; +}; +export declare type FriendsSendFriendRequest = { + success: boolean; + isCaptchaRequired: boolean; +}; +export declare type FriendsUnFollowUserOptions = FriendsFollowUserOptions; +export declare type FriendsUnFollowUser = FriendsFollowUser; +export declare type FriendsUnfriendUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type FriendsUnfriendUser = unknown; +export declare type FriendsGetSelfRecommendedUsers = { + user: PartialUser; + profileUrl: string; + presenceType: EnumUserPresence; +}[]; +export declare class FriendsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + findFriendByCode(options: FriendsFindFriendByCodeOptions): Promise; + checkSessionHealth(): Promise; + redeemFriendCode(options: FriendsRedeemNearbyFriendCodeOptions): Promise; + deleteFriendSession(): Promise; + getSession(): Promise; + redeemFriendQRCode(options: FriendsRedeemQRCodeOptions): Promise; + deleteFriendQRSession(): Promise; + getFriendQRSession(): Promise; + getMetaData(options: FriendsGetMetaDataOptions): Promise; + getSelfFriendsCount(): Promise; + getSelfFriendRequests(options: FriendsGetSelfFriendRequestsOptions): Promise; + getSelfFriendRequestsCount(): Promise; + getUserFollowers(options: FriendsGetUserFollowersOptions): Promise; + getUserFollowersCount(options: FriendsGetUserFollowersCountOptions): Promise; + getUserFollowing(options: FriendsGetUserFollowingOptions): Promise; + getUserFollowingCount(options: FriendsGetUserFollowingCountOptions): Promise; + getUserFriends(options: FriendsGetUserFriendsOptions): Promise; + getUserFriendsCount(options: GeneralGetUserFriendsCountOptions): Promise; + getUserFriendsOnline(options: FriendsGetUserOnlineFriendsOptions): Promise; + getUserFriendsWithStatuses(options: FriendsGetUserFriendsWithStatusesOptions): Promise; + declineAllFriendRequests(): Promise; + acceptFriendRequest(options: FriendsAcceptFriendRequestOptions): Promise; + declineFriendRequest(options: FriendsDeclineFriendRequestOptions): Promise; + followUser(options: FriendsFollowUserOptions): Promise; + sendFriendRequest(options: FriendsSendFriendRequestOptions): Promise; + unFollowUser(options: FriendsUnFollowUserOptions): Promise; + unfriendUser(options: FriendsUnfriendUserOptions): Promise; + getRecommendedUsers(): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/FriendsAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/FriendsAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1d6341a33 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/FriendsAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.FriendsAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class FriendsAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://friends.roblox.com/" + }); + } + findFriendByCode(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/code/${options.code}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + checkSessionHealth() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/health` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + redeemFriendCode(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/code/${options.code}/redeem`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deleteFriendSession() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/session`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSession() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/session`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + redeemFriendQRCode(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/qr/${options.code}/redeem`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deleteFriendQRSession() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/qr/session`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getFriendQRSession() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/qr/session`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMetaData(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/metadata`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfFriendsCount() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/my/friends/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfFriendRequests(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/my/friends/requests`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfFriendRequestsCount() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/user/friend-requests/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserFollowers(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/followers`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserFollowersCount(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/followers/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserFollowing(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/followings`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserFollowingCount(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/followings/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserFriends(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/friends`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserFriendsCount(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/friends/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserFriendsOnline(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/friends/online` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserFriendsWithStatuses(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/friends/statuses`, + qs: { + userIds: options.withUserIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + declineAllFriendRequests() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/user/friend-requests/decline-all`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + acceptFriendRequest(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/accept-friend-request`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + declineFriendRequest(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/decline-friend-request`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + followUser(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/follow`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + sendFriendRequest(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/request-friendship`, + method: "POST", + json: { + friendshipOriginSourceType: options.source || "Unknown" + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + unFollowUser(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/unfollow`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + unfriendUser(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/unfriend`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getRecommendedUsers() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/recommended-users` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.FriendsAPI = FriendsAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/GameInternationalizationAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/GameInternationalizationAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a56273ad --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/GameInternationalizationAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type GameInternationalizationGetGameInfoOptions = { + gameId: number; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationGetGameInfo = { + data: { + name: string; + description: string; + languageCode: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationUpdateGameInfoOptions = { + gameId: number; + data: GameInternationalizationGetGameInfo; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationUpdateGameInfo = { + successOperations: GameInternationalizationGetGameInfo["data"]; + failedOperations: { + languageCode: string; + errorCode: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationGetNameDescriptionMetaData = { + isNameDescriptionMigrationEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationGetGameInfoHistoryOptions = { + gameId: number; + requestType: string; + languageCode: string; + cursor: string; + count: number; + sortOrder: "Asc" | "Desc" | string; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationGetGameInfoHistory = { + history: { + translationText: string; + translator: { + id: number; + agentType: "User" | string; + }; + created: Date; + }[]; + lastEvaluatedId: string; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationGetGameSourceLanguageOptions = { + gameId: number; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationGetGameSourceLanguage = { + name: string; + nativeName: string; + languageCode: string; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationUpdateGameSourceLanguageOptions = { + gameId: number; + languageCode: string; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationUpdateGameSourceLanguage = unknown; +export declare type GameInternationalizationGetGameSupportedLanguagesOptions = { + gameId: number; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationGetGameSupportedLanguages = { + data: { + name: string; + languageCodeType: string; + languageCode: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationModifyGameSupportedLanguagesOptions = { + data: { + languageCodeType: string; + languageCode: string; + delete: boolean; + }[]; + gameId: number; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationModifyGameSupportedLanguages = unknown; +export declare type GameInternationalizationGetGameAutomaticTranslationResultsOptions = { + gameId: number; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationGetGameAutomaticTranslationResults = { + data: { + languageCodeType: string; + languageCode: string; + isAutomaticTranslationEnabled: boolean; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationGetSupportedLanguagesMetaData = { + isFeatureEnabled: boolean; + areAllLanguagesEnabled: boolean; + minimumUniverseIdForFeature: number; + isHumanTranslationProgressUIEnabled: boolean; + isAutomaticTranslationProgressUIEnabled: boolean; + isSupportedLanguagesChildLocalesUIEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationToggleAutomaticGameTranslationOptions = { + gameId: number; + languageCode: string; + enableAutomaticTranslation: boolean; +}; +export declare type GameInternationalizationToggleAutomaticGameTranslation = { + gameId: number; + languageCode: string; + isAutomaticTranslationEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare class GameInternationalizationAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getGameInfo(options: GameInternationalizationGetGameInfoOptions): Promise; + updateGameInfo(options: GameInternationalizationUpdateGameInfoOptions): Promise; + getNameDescriptionMetaData(): Promise; + getGameInfoHistory(options: GameInternationalizationGetGameInfoHistoryOptions): Promise; + getGameSourceLanguage(options: GameInternationalizationGetGameSourceLanguageOptions): Promise; + updateGameSourceLanguage(options: GameInternationalizationUpdateGameSourceLanguageOptions): Promise; + getGameSupportedLanguages(options: GameInternationalizationGetGameSupportedLanguagesOptions): Promise; + modifyGameSupportedLanguages(options: GameInternationalizationModifyGameSupportedLanguagesOptions): Promise; + getGameAutomaticTranslationStatus(options: GameInternationalizationGetGameAutomaticTranslationResultsOptions): Promise; + getSupportedLanguagesMetaData(): Promise; + toggleGameAutomaticTranslation(options: GameInternationalizationToggleAutomaticGameTranslationOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/GameInternationalizationAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/GameInternationalizationAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..033687db5 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/GameInternationalizationAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.GameInternationalizationAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class GameInternationalizationAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://gameinternationalization.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getGameInfo(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/name-description/games/${options.gameId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateGameInfo(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/name-description/games/${options.gameId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: { + data: options.data + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getNameDescriptionMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/name-description/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGameInfoHistory(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/name-description/games/${options.gameId}/history`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGameSourceLanguage(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/source-language/games/${options.gameId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateGameSourceLanguage(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/source-language/games/${options.gameId}`, + method: "PATCH", + qs: { + languageCode: options.languageCode + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGameSupportedLanguages(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/supported-languages/games/${options.gameId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + modifyGameSupportedLanguages(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/supported-languages/games/${options.gameId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options.data + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGameAutomaticTranslationStatus(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/supported-languages/games/${options.gameId}/automatic-translation-status` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSupportedLanguagesMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/supported-languages/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + toggleGameAutomaticTranslation(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/supported-languages/games/${options.gameId}/languages/${options.languageCode}/automatic-translation-status`, + method: "PATCH", + json: String(options.enableAutomaticTranslation).toString() + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.GameInternationalizationAPI = GameInternationalizationAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/GamesAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/GamesAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0504f0564 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/GamesAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { GameUniverseOptions, PartialGameUniverse, PlaceOptions, VIPServerOptions } from "../../old_structures/Game"; +export declare type GamesGameServer = { + id: string; + maxPlayers: number; + playing: number; + fps: number; + ping: number; + name: string; + vipServerId: number; + accessCode: string; +}; +export declare type GamesGetGameUniversesOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type GamesGetGameUniverses = GameUniverseOptions[]; +export declare type GamesGetGameServersByTypeOptions = { + placeId: number; + serverType: "Public" | "Friend" | "VIP"; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type GamesGetGameServersByType = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: GamesGameServer[]; +}; +export declare type GamesGetGamesProductInfoOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type GamesGameGamesProductInfo = { + data: { + universeId: number; + isForSale: boolean; + price: number; + sellerId: number; + productId: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GamesListGamesOptions = { + sortToken?: string; + gameFilter?: string; + timeFilter?: string; + genreFilter?: string; + exclusiveStartId?: number; + sortOrder?: string; + gameSetTargetId?: number; + keyword?: string; + startRows?: number; + maxRows?: number; + isKeywordSuggestionEnabled?: boolean; + contextCountryRegionId?: number; + contextUniverseId?: number; + pageContextPageId?: number; + pageContextSeeAll?: boolean; + sortPosition?: number; +}; +export declare type GamesListGames = { + games: { + creatorId: number; + creatorName: string; + creatorType: "User" | "Group" | string; + upVotes: number; + downVotes: number; + universeId: number; + placeId: number; + playerCount: number; + imageToken: string; + users: { + userId: number; + gameId: string; + }[]; + isSponsored: boolean; + nativeAdData: string; + price: number; + analyticsIdentifier: string; + }[]; + suggestedKeyword: string; + correctedKeyword: string; + filteredKeyword: string; + hasMoreRows: boolean; + nextPageExclusiveStartId: number; + featuredSearchUniverseId: number; + emphasis: boolean; + cutOffIndex: number; + algorithm: string; + algorithmQueryType: string; + suggestionAlgorithm: string; +}; +export declare type GamesMultiGetPlacesOptions = { + placeIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type GamesMultiGetPlaces = PlaceOptions[]; +export declare type GamesMultiGetGameUniversesPlayabilityOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type GamesMultiGetGameUniversesPlayability = { + playabilityStatus: "UnplayableOtherReason" | string; + isPlayable: boolean; + universeId: number; +}[]; +export declare type GamesGetGameRecommendationsByAlgorithmOptions = { + algorithmName: string; + paginationKey?: string; + maxRows?: number; +}; +export declare type GamesGetGameRecommendationsByAlgorithm = { + games: GamesListGames["games"]; + nextPaginationKey: string | null; +}; +export declare type GamesGetGameRecommendationsByGameOptions = { + universeId: number; + paginationKey?: string; + maxRows?: number; +}; +export declare type GamesGetGameRecommendationsByGame = GamesGetGameRecommendationsByAlgorithm; +export declare type GamesGetGameSortsOptions = { + gameSortsContext?: "GamesDefaultSorts" | "GamesAllSorts" | "HomeSorts" | "ChatSorts" | "UnifiedHomeSorts" | "GamesPageAbTestSorts1" | "GamesPageAbTestSorts2"; +}; +export declare type GamesGetGameSorts = { + sorts: { + token: string; + name: string; + displayName: string; + gameSetTargetId: null; + timeOptionsAvailable: boolean; + genreOptionsAvailable: boolean; + numberOfRows: number; + numberOfGames: null; + isDefaultSort: boolean; + contextUniverseId: null; + contextCountryRegionId: number; + tokenExpiryInSeconds: number; + }[]; + timeFilters: { + token: string; + name: string; + tokenExpiryInSeconds: number; + }[]; + genreFilters: { + token: string; + name: string; + tokenExpiryInSeconds: number; + }[]; + pageContext: { + pageId: string; + isSeeAllPage: boolean; + }; +}; +export declare type GamesIsGameFavoritedOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type GamesIsGameFavorited = { + isFavorited: boolean; +}; +export declare type GamesToggleGameFavoriteOptions = { + universeId: number; + favorite: boolean; +}; +export declare type GamesToggleGameFavorite = unknown; +export declare type GamesGetGameFavoriteCountOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type GamesGetGameFavoriteCount = { + favoritesCount: number; +}; +export declare type GamesGetGameGamePassesOptions = { + universeId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type GamesGetGameGamePasses = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + productId: number; + price: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GamesGetSelfUniverseVoteStatusOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type GamesGetSelfUniverseVoteStatus = { + canVote: boolean; + userVote: boolean; + reasonForNotVoteable: string; +}; +export declare type GamesGetGamesVotesOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type GamesGetGamesVotes = { + data: { + number: PartialGameUniverse; + upVotes: number; + downVotes: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GamesSetSelfGameVoteOptions = { + universeId: number; + vote: boolean; +}; +export declare type GamesSetSelfGameVote = unknown; +export declare type GamesCanSelfInviteUserToVIPServerOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GamesCanSelfInviteUserToVIPServer = { + canInvite: boolean; +}; +export declare type GamesGetVIPServerOptions = { + id: number; +}; +export declare type GamesGetVIPServer = VIPServerOptions; +export declare type GamesUpdateVIPServerOptions = { + id: number; + name: string; + newJoinCode: boolean; + active: boolean; +}; +export declare type GamesUpdateVIPServer = VIPServerOptions; +export declare type GamesCreateVIPServerOptions = { + universeId: number; + name: string; + expectedPrice: number; +}; +export declare type GamesCreateVIPServer = GamesGameServer; +export declare type GamesUpdateVIPServerPermissionsOptions = { + id: number; + clanAllowed: boolean; + enemyClanId: number; + friendsAllowed: boolean; + usersToAdd: number[]; + usersToRemove: number[]; +}; +export declare type GamesUpdateVIPServerPermissions = { + clanAllowed: boolean; + enemyClanId: number; + friendsAllowed: boolean; + users: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GamesUpdateVIPServerSubscriptionOptions = { + id: number; + active: boolean; + price: number; +}; +export declare type GamesUpdateVIPServerSubscription = { + active: boolean; + expired: boolean; + expirationDate: string; + price: number; +}; +export declare class GamesAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getGames(options: GamesGetGameUniversesOptions): Promise; + getGameServersByType(options: GamesGetGameServersByTypeOptions): Promise; + getGamesProductInfo(options: GamesGetGamesProductInfoOptions): Promise; + listGames(options: GamesListGamesOptions): Promise; + getMultiPlaces(options: GamesMultiGetPlacesOptions): Promise; + getMultiGamesPlayabilityStatus(options: GamesMultiGetGameUniversesPlayabilityOptions): Promise; + getGameRecommendationsByAlgorithm(options: GamesGetGameRecommendationsByAlgorithmOptions): Promise; + getGameRecommendationsByGame(options: GamesGetGameRecommendationsByGameOptions): Promise; + getGameSorts(options: GamesGetGameSortsOptions): Promise; + isGameFavorited(options: GamesIsGameFavoritedOptions): Promise; + toggleGameFavorite(options: GamesToggleGameFavoriteOptions): Promise; + getGameFavoriteCount(options: GamesGetGameFavoriteCountOptions): Promise; + getGameGamePasses(options: GamesGetGameGamePassesOptions): Promise; + getSelfGameVote(options: GamesGetSelfUniverseVoteStatusOptions): Promise; + getGamesVotes(options: GamesGetGamesVotesOptions): Promise; + setSelfGameVote(options: GamesSetSelfGameVoteOptions): Promise; + canSelfInviteUserToVIPServer(options: GamesCanSelfInviteUserToVIPServerOptions): Promise; + getVIPServer(options: GamesGetVIPServerOptions): Promise; + updateVIPServer(options: GamesUpdateVIPServerOptions): Promise; + createVIPServer(options: GamesCreateVIPServerOptions): Promise; + updateVIPServerPermissions(options: GamesUpdateVIPServerPermissionsOptions): Promise; + updateVIPServerSubscription(options: GamesUpdateVIPServerSubscriptionOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/GamesAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/GamesAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..59502486a --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/GamesAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.GamesAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class GamesAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://games.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getGames(options) { + const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join("&universeIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games?${universeIdsQueryString}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGameServersByType(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.placeId}/servers/${options.serverType}`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGamesProductInfo(options) { + const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join("&universeIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/games-product-info?${universeIdsQueryString}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + listGames(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/list`, + qs: { + "model.sortToken": options.sortToken, + "model.gameFilter": options.gameFilter, + "model.timeFilter": options.timeFilter, + "model.genreFilter": options.genreFilter, + "model.exclusiveStartId": options.exclusiveStartId, + "model.sortOrder": options.sortOrder, + "model.gameSetTargetId": options.gameSetTargetId, + "model.keyword": options.keyword, + "model.startRows": options.startRows, + "model.maxRows": options.maxRows, + "model.isKeywordSuggestionEnabled": options.isKeywordSuggestionEnabled, + "model.contextCountryRegionId": options.contextCountryRegionId, + "model.contextUniverseId": options.contextUniverseId, + "model.pageContext.pageId": options.pageContextPageId, + "model.pageContext.isSeeAllPage": options.pageContextSeeAll, + "model.sortPosition": options.sortPosition + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMultiPlaces(options) { + const placeIdsQueryString = `placeIds=${options.placeIds.join("&placeIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/multiget-place-details?${placeIdsQueryString}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMultiGamesPlayabilityStatus(options) { + const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join("&universeIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/multiget-playability-status?${universeIdsQueryString}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGameRecommendationsByAlgorithm(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/recommendations/algorithm/${options.algorithmName}`, + qs: { + "model.paginationKey": options.paginationKey, + "model.maxRows": options.maxRows + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGameRecommendationsByGame(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/recommendations/game/${options.universeId}`, + qs: { + "model.paginationKey": options.paginationKey, + "model.maxRows": options.maxRows + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGameSorts(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/sorts`, + qs: { + "model.gameSortsContext": options.gameSortsContext + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + isGameFavorited(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/favorites` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + toggleGameFavorite(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/favorites`, + method: "POST", + json: { + isFavorited: options.favorite + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGameFavoriteCount(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/favorites/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGameGamePasses(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/game-passes`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfGameVote(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/votes/user` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGamesVotes(options) { + const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join("&universeIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/votes?${universeIdsQueryString}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setSelfGameVote(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/user-votes`, + method: "PATCH", + json: { + vote: options.vote + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + canSelfInviteUserToVIPServer(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/vip-server/can-invite/${options.userId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getVIPServer(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/vip-servers/${options.id}`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateVIPServer(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/vip-servers/${options.id}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + createVIPServer(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/vip-servers/${options.universeId}`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateVIPServerPermissions(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/vip-servers/${options.id}/permissions`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateVIPServerSubscription(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/vip-servers/${options.id}/subscription`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.GamesAPI = GamesAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/GeneralAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/GeneralAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7e61a5c24 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/GeneralAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { AssetVersionOptions, ProductOptions } from "../../old_structures/Asset"; +export declare type GeneralGetAssetVersionOptions = number; +export declare type GeneralAwardBadgeOptions = { + userId: number; + badgeId: number; + placeId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetUserFriendsOptions = { + userId: number; + page: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralAcceptFriendRequestOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralDeclineFriendRequestOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralSendFriendRequestOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetUserFriendsCountOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralUnfriendUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralIsUserFollowingOptions = { + userId: number; + followUserId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralFollowUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralUnfollowUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetUserGroupsOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetGroupOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetGroupAlliesOptions = { + groupId: number; + page: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetGroupEnemiesOptions = { + groupId: number; + page: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetProductInfoOptions = { + assetId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetGamePassProductInfoOptions = { + gamePassId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralUserOwnsAssetOptions = { + userId: number; + assetId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralBlockUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralUnblockUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetUserByUsernameOptions = { + username: string; +}; +export declare type GeneralUserCanManageAssetOptions = { + userId: number; + assetId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetUserByIdOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetAssetVersions = AssetVersionOptions[]; +export declare type GeneralAwardBadge = boolean; +export declare type GeneralGetBalance = { + robux: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetUserFriends = { + Id: number; + Username: string; + AvatarUri: string; + AvatarFinal: boolean; + IsOnline: boolean; +}[]; +export declare type GeneralAcceptFriendRequest = boolean; +export declare type GeneralDeclineFriendRequest = boolean; +export declare type GeneralSendFriendRequest = boolean; +export declare type GeneralGetUserFriendsCount = { + count: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralUnfriendUser = boolean; +export declare type GeneralIsUserFollowing = boolean; +export declare type GeneralFollowUser = boolean; +export declare type GeneralUnfollowUser = boolean; +export declare type GeneralGetUserGroups = { + id: number; + name: string; + emblemId: number | null; + emblemUrl: string | null; + role: { + rank: number; + name: string; + }; + inClan: boolean; + primary: boolean; +}[]; +export declare type GeneralGetGroup = { + Name: string; + Id: number; + Owner: { + Name: string; + Id: number; + }; + EmblemUrl: string; + Description: string; + Roles: { + Name: string; + Rank: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetGroupAllies = { + Groups: GeneralGetGroup[]; + FinalPage: boolean; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetGroupEnemies = GeneralGetGroupAllies; +export declare type GeneralGetIncomingItems = { + unreadMessageCount: number; + friendRequestsCount: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetProductInfo = ProductOptions; +export declare type GeneralGetGamePassProductInfo = ProductOptions; +export declare type GeneralUserOwnsAsset = boolean; +export declare type GeneralGetDeviceInfo = { + platformType: string; + deviceType: string; + operatingSystemType: string; +}; +export declare type GeneralBlockUser = boolean; +export declare type GeneralUnblockUser = boolean; +export declare type GeneralGetUserById = { + id: number; + name: string; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetUserByUsername = GeneralGetUserById; +export declare type GeneralUserCanManageAsset = boolean; +export declare class GeneralAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getAssetVersions(options: GeneralGetAssetVersionOptions): Promise; + awardBadge(options: GeneralAwardBadgeOptions): Promise; + getBalance(): Promise; + getUserFriends(options: GeneralGetUserFriendsOptions): Promise; + acceptFriendRequest(options: GeneralAcceptFriendRequestOptions): Promise; + declineFriendRequest(options: GeneralDeclineFriendRequestOptions): Promise; + sendFriendRequest(options: GeneralSendFriendRequestOptions): Promise; + getUserFriendsCount(options: GeneralGetUserFriendsCountOptions): Promise; + unfriendUser(options: GeneralUnfriendUserOptions): Promise; + isUserFollowing(options: GeneralIsUserFollowingOptions): Promise; + followUser(options: GeneralFollowUserOptions): Promise; + unfollowUser(options: GeneralUnfollowUserOptions): Promise; + getUserGroups(options: GeneralGetUserGroupsOptions): Promise; + getGroup(options: GeneralGetGroupOptions): Promise; + getGroupAllies(options: GeneralGetGroupAlliesOptions): Promise; + getGroupEnemies(options: GeneralGetGroupEnemiesOptions): Promise; + getIncomingItems(): Promise; + getProductInfo(options: GeneralGetProductInfoOptions): Promise; + getGamePassProductInfo(options: GeneralGetGamePassProductInfoOptions): Promise; + userOwnsAsset(options: GeneralUserOwnsAssetOptions): Promise; + getDeviceInfo(): Promise; + blockUser(options: GeneralBlockUserOptions): Promise; + unblockUser(options: GeneralUnblockUserOptions): Promise; + getUserById(options: GeneralGetUserByIdOptions): Promise; + getUserByUsername(options: GeneralGetUserByUsernameOptions): Promise; + userCanManageAsset(options: GeneralUserCanManageAssetOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/GeneralAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/GeneralAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c1a747c2d --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/GeneralAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.GeneralAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class GeneralAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + baseUrl: "https://api.roblox.com/", + client + }); + } + getAssetVersions(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `assets/${options}/versions` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + awardBadge(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "assets/award-badge", + method: "POST", + qs: options + } + }).then(() => true); + } + getBalance() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "currency/balance" + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserFriends(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `users/${options.userId}/friends`, + qs: { + page: options.page + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + acceptFriendRequest(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "user/accept-friend-request", + method: "POST", + qs: { + requesterUserId: options.userId + } + } + }).then(() => true); + } + declineFriendRequest(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "user/decline-friend-request", + method: "POST", + qs: { + requesterUserId: options.userId + } + } + }).then(() => true); + } + sendFriendRequest(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "user/request-friendship", + method: "POST", + qs: { + recipientUserId: options.userId + } + } + }).then(() => true); + } + getUserFriendsCount(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "user/get-friendship-count", + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body.count); + } + unfriendUser(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "user/unfriend", + method: "POST", + qs: { + friendUserId: options.userId + } + } + }).then(() => true); + } + isUserFollowing(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "user/following-exists", + qs: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body.isFollowing); + } + followUser(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "user/follow", + method: "POST", + qs: { + followedUserId: options.userId + } + } + }).then(() => true); + } + unfollowUser(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "user/unfollow", + method: "POST", + qs: { + followedUserId: options.userId + } + } + }).then(() => true); + } + getUserGroups(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `users/${options.userId}/groups` + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroup(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `groups/${options.groupId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupAllies(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `groups/${options.groupId}/allies`, + qs: { + page: options.page + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupEnemies(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `groups/${options.groupId}/enemies`, + qs: { + page: options.page + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getIncomingItems() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "incoming-items/counts" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => ({ + friendRequestsCount: response.body.friendRequestsCount, + unreadMessageCount: response.body.unreadMessageCount + })); + } + getProductInfo(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "marketplace/productinfo", + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGamePassProductInfo(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "marketplace/game-pass-product-info", + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + userOwnsAsset(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "ownership/hasasset", + qs: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body.includes("true")); + } + getDeviceInfo() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "reference/deviceinfo" + } + }).then((response) => ({ + deviceType: response.body.DeviceType, + operatingSystemType: response.body.OperationSystemType, + platformType: response.body.PlatformType + })); + } + blockUser(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "userblock/block", + qs: options, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body.success === true); + } + unblockUser(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "userblock/unblock", + qs: options, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body.success === true); + } + getUserById(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `users/${options.userId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => ({ + id: response.body.Id, + name: response.body.Username + })); + } + getUserByUsername(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "users/get-by-username", + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => ({ + id: response.body.Id, + name: response.body.Username + })); + } + userCanManageAsset(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `users/${options.userId}/canmanage/${options.assetId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body.CanManage === true); + } +} +exports.GeneralAPI = GeneralAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/GroupsAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/GroupsAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f0b588829 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/GroupsAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,665 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type GroupsGroupRolePermissionsOptions = { + groupId: number; + role: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; + memberCount: number; + }; + permissions: { + groupPostsPermissions: { + viewWall: boolean; + postToWall: boolean; + deleteFromWall: boolean; + viewStatus: boolean; + postToStatus: boolean; + }; + groupMembershipPermissions: { + changeRank: boolean; + inviteMembers: boolean; + removeMembers: boolean; + }; + groupManagementPermissions: { + manageRelationships: boolean; + manageClan: boolean; + viewAuditLogs: boolean; + }; + groupEconomyPermissions: { + spendGroupFunds: boolean; + advertiseGroup: boolean; + createItems: boolean; + manageItems: boolean; + addGroupPlaces: boolean; + manageGroupGames: boolean; + viewGroupPayouts: boolean; + }; + }; +}; +export declare type GroupsGroupRoleOptions = { + id?: number; + name?: string; + rank?: number; + group: { + id: number; + name?: string; + }; +}; +export declare type GroupsGroupOptions = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + owner: { + buildersClubMembershipType: string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + } | null; + shout: { + body: string; + poster: { + buildersClubMembershipType: string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + created: string; + updated: string; + } | null; + memberCount: number; + isBuildersClubOnly: boolean; + publicEntryAllowed: boolean; + isLocked: boolean; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetGroup = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + owner: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + shout: { + body: string; + poster: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + created: string; + updated: string; + }; + memberCount: number; + isBuildersClubOnly: boolean; + publicEntryAllowed: boolean; + isLocked: boolean; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetMultiGroupsOptions = { + groupIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetMultiGroups = { + data: GroupsGroupOptions[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupAuditLogsOptions = { + groupId: number; + actionType: "DeletePost" | "RemoveMember" | "AcceptJoinRequest" | "DeclineJoinRequest" | "PostStatus" | "ChangeRank" | "BuyAd" | "SendAllyRequest" | "CreateEnemy" | "AcceptAllyRequest" | "DeclineAllyRequest" | "DeleteAlly" | "DeleteEnemy" | "AddGroupPlace" | "RemoveGroupPlace" | "CreateItems" | "ConfigureItems" | "SpendGroupFunds" | "ChangeOwner" | "Delete" | "AdjustCurrencyAmounts" | "Abandon" | "Claim" | "Rename" | "ChangeDescription" | "InviteToClan" | "KickFromClan" | "CancelCLanInvite" | "BuyClan" | "CreateGroupAsset" | "UpdateGroupAsset" | "ConfigureGroupAsset" | "RevertGroupAsset" | "CreateGroupDeveloperProduct" | "ConfigureGroupGame" | "Lock" | "Unlock" | "CreateGamePass" | "CreateBadge" | "ConfigureBadge" | "SavePlace" | "PublishPlace"; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupAuditLogs = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + actor: { + user: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + role: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; + memberCount: number; + }; + }; + actionType: string; + description: unknown; + created: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupSettingsOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupSettings = { + groupId: number; + isApprovalRequired: boolean; + isBuildersClubRequired: boolean; + areEnemiesAllowed: boolean; + areGroupFundsVisible: boolean; + areGroupGamesVisible: boolean; +}; +export declare type GroupsUpdateGroupSettingsOptions = GroupsGetGroupSettings; +export declare type GroupsUpdateGroupSettings = unknown; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupConfigurationMetaData = { + groupConfiguration: { + nameMaxLength: number; + descriptionMaxLength: number; + iconMaxFileSizeMb: number; + cost: number; + }; + recurringPayoutsConfiguration: { + maxPayoutPartners: number; + }; + roleConfiguration: { + nameMaxLength: number; + descriptionMaxLength: number; + limit: number; + cost: number; + minRank: number; + maxRank: number; + }; + isPremiumPayoutsEnabled: boolean; + isDefaultEmblemPolicyEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupsMetaData = { + groupLimit: number; + currentGroupCount: number; + groupStatusMaxLength: number; + groupPostMaxLength: number; + isGroupWallNotificationsEnabled: boolean; + groupWallNotificationsSubscribeIntervalInMilliseconds: number; + areProfileGroupsHidden: boolean; + isGroupDetailsPolicyEnabled: boolean; + showPreviousGroupNames: boolean; +}; +export declare type GroupsCreateGroupOptions = { + name: string; + description: string; + publicGroup: boolean; + buildersClubMembersOnly: boolean; + files: unknown; +}; +export declare type GroupsCreateGroup = GroupsGroupOptions; +export declare type GroupsUpdateGroupDescriptionOptions = { + groupId: number; + description: string; +}; +export declare type GroupsUpdateGroupDescription = { + newDescription: string; +}; +export declare type GroupsUpdateGroupStatusOptions = { + groupId: number; + message: string; +}; +export declare type GroupsUpdateGroupStatus = GroupsGroupOptions["shout"]; +export declare type GroupsUpdateGroupIconOptions = { + groupId: number; + files: unknown; +}; +export declare type GroupsUpdateGroupIcon = unknown; +export declare type GroupsDeclineJoinRequestsOptions = { + groupId: number; + userIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsDeclineJoinRequests = unknown; +export declare type GroupsGetJoinRequestsOptions = { + groupId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetJoinRequests = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + requester: { + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + created: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsAcceptJoinRequestsOptions = { + groupId: number; + userIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsAcceptJoinRequests = unknown; +export declare type GroupsDeclineJoinRequestOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsDeclineJoinRequest = unknown; +export declare type GroupsGetJoinRequestOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetJoinRequest = GroupsGetJoinRequests["data"][0]; +export declare type GroupsAcceptJoinRequestOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsAcceptJoinRequest = unknown; +export declare type GroupsGetSelfGroupMembershipOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetSelfGroupMembership = { + groupId: number; + isPrimary: boolean; + isPendingJoin: boolean; + userRole: { + user: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + role: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; + memberCount: number; + }; + }; + permissions: GroupsGroupRolePermissionsOptions["permissions"]; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupRolesOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupRoles = { + groupId: number; + roles: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; + memberCount: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetMembersWithRoleOptions = { + groupId: number; + roleId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetMembersWithRole = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetMembersOptions = { + groupId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetMembers = GroupsGetMembersWithRole; +export declare type GroupsJoinGroupOptions = { + groupId: number; + captchaToken: string; + captchaProvider: "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" | string; +}; +export declare type GroupsJoinGroup = unknown; +export declare type GroupsGetSelfPendingGroupJoins = { + data: GroupsGroupOptions[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetUserGroupsOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetUserGroups = { + data: { + group: GroupsGroupOptions; + role: GroupsGetGroupRoles["roles"][0]; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsChangeOwnerOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsChangeOwner = unknown; +export declare type GroupsClaimGroupOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsClaimGroup = unknown; +export declare type GroupsKickMemberOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsKickMember = unknown; +export declare type GroupsUpdateMemberOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; + roleId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsUpdateMember = unknown; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupPayoutsOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupPayouts = { + data: { + user: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + percentage: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsPayoutMembersOptions = { + groupId: number; + users: { + userId: number; + amount: number; + }[]; + type: "FixedAmount" | "Percentage" | string; +}; +export declare type GroupsPayoutMembers = unknown; +export declare type GroupsUpdateRecurringPayoutsOptions = GroupsPayoutMembersOptions; +export declare type GroupsUpdateRecurringPayouts = unknown; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupRelationshipsOptions = { + groupId: number; + relationshipType: "enemies" | "allies"; + startRowIndex?: number; + maxRows?: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupRelationships = { + groupId: number; + relationshipType: GroupsGetGroupRelationshipsOptions["relationshipType"]; + totalGroupCount: number; + relatedGroups: GroupsGroupOptions[]; + nextRowIndex: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions = { + groupId: number; + relationshipType: GroupsGetGroupRelationshipsOptions["relationshipType"]; + withGroups: number[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequests = unknown; +export declare type GroupsGetRelationshipRequestsOptions = GroupsGetGroupRelationshipsOptions; +export declare type GroupsGetRelationshipRequests = GroupsGetGroupRelationships; +export declare type GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequestsOptions = GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions; +export declare type GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequests = unknown; +export declare type GroupsDeleteRelationshipOptions = Omit & { + withGroup: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsDeleteRelationship = unknown; +export declare type GroupsCreateRelationshipOptions = Omit & { + withGroup: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsCreateRelationship = unknown; +export declare type GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestOptions = Omit & { + withGroup: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequest = unknown; +export declare type GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequestOptions = GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestOptions; +export declare type GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequest = unknown; +export declare type GroupsGetRolePermissionsOptions = { + groupId: number; + roleId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetRolePermissions = GroupsGroupRolePermissionsOptions; +export declare type GroupsUpdateRolePermissionsOptions = { + groupId: number; + roleId: number; + DeleteFromWall: boolean; + PostToWall: boolean; + InviteMembers: boolean; + PostToStatus: boolean; + RemoveMembers: boolean; + ViewStatus: boolean; + ViewWall: boolean; + ChangeRank: boolean; + AdvertiseGroup: boolean; + ManageRelationships: boolean; + AddGroupPlaces: boolean; + ViewAuditLogs: boolean; + CreateItems: boolean; + ManageItems: boolean; + SpendGroupFunds: boolean; + ManageClan: boolean; + ManageGroupGames: boolean; +}; +export declare type GroupsUpdateRolePermissions = unknown; +export declare type GroupsGetGuestPermissionsOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetGuestPermissions = GroupsGroupRolePermissionsOptions; +export declare type GroupsGetAllRolesPermissionsOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetAllRolesPermissions = { + data: GroupsGroupRolePermissionsOptions[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetSocialLinksOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetSocialLinks = { + data: { + id: number; + type: "Facebook" | string; + url: string; + title: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsPostSocialLinkOptions = { + groupId: number; + type: "Facebook" | string; + url: string; + title: string; +}; +export declare type GroupsPostSocialLink = GroupsGetSocialLinks["data"][0]; +export declare type GroupsDeleteSocialLinkOptions = { + groupId: number; + id: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsDeleteSocialLink = unknown; +export declare type GroupsUpdateSocialLinkOptions = { + groupId: number; + id: number; + type: "Facebook" | string; + url: string; + title: string; +}; +export declare type GroupsUpdateSocialLink = unknown; +export declare type GroupsGetWallPostsOptions = { + groupId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetWallPosts = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + id: number; + body: string; + created: string; + updated: string; + poster: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsCreateWallPostOptions = { + groupId: number; + body: string; + captchaToken: string; + captchaProvider: "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" | string; +}; +export declare type GroupsCreateWallPost = GroupsGetWallPosts["data"][0]; +export declare type GroupsDeleteWallPostOptions = { + groupId: number; + id: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsDeleteWallPost = unknown; +export declare type GroupsDeleteWallPostsByUserOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsDeleteWallPostsByUser = unknown; +export declare type GroupsSearchGroupsByKeywordOptions = { + keyword: string; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type GroupsSearchGroupsByKeyword = { + keyword: string; + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + memberCount: number; + publicEntryAllowed: boolean; + created: string; + updated: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsSearchGroupsOptions = { + groupName: string; +}; +export declare type GroupsSearchGroups = { + data: { + id: number; + name: string; + memberCount: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetGroupSearchMetaData = { + SuggestedGroupKeywords: string[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetRolesByIdsOptions = { + roleIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetRolesByIds = { + data: { + groupId: number; + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; + memberCount: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetUserPrimaryGroupOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsGetUserPrimaryGroup = { + group?: GroupsGroupOptions; + role?: GroupsGroupRoleOptions; + isPrimaryGroup?: boolean; +}; +export declare type GroupsRemovePrimaryGroup = unknown; +export declare type GroupsSetPrimaryGroupOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsSetPrimaryGroup = unknown; +export declare type GroupsCreateRoleOptions = { + groupId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; + usingGroupFunds: boolean; +}; +export declare type GroupsCreateRole = Omit; +export declare type GroupsDeleteRoleOptions = { + groupId: number; + roleId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsDeleteRole = unknown; +export declare type GroupsUpdateRoleOptions = { + groupId: number; + roleId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; +}; +export declare type GroupsUpdateRole = GroupsCreateRole; +export declare class GroupsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getGroup(options: GroupsGetGroupOptions): Promise; + getMultiGroups(options: GroupsGetMultiGroupsOptions): Promise; + getAuditLogs(options: GroupsGetGroupAuditLogsOptions): Promise; + getGroupSettings(options: GroupsGetGroupSettingsOptions): Promise; + updateGroupSettings(options: GroupsUpdateGroupSettingsOptions): Promise; + getGroupConfigurationMetaData(): Promise; + getGroupsMetaData(): Promise; + createGroup(options: GroupsCreateGroupOptions): Promise; + updateGroupDescription(options: GroupsUpdateGroupDescriptionOptions): Promise; + updateGroupStatus(options: GroupsUpdateGroupStatusOptions): Promise; + updateGroupIcon(options: GroupsUpdateGroupIconOptions): Promise; + declineJoinRequests(options: GroupsDeclineJoinRequestsOptions): Promise; + getJoinRequests(options: GroupsGetJoinRequestsOptions): Promise; + acceptJoinRequests(options: GroupsAcceptJoinRequestsOptions): Promise; + declineJoinRequest(options: GroupsDeclineJoinRequestOptions): Promise; + getJoinRequest(options: GroupsGetJoinRequestOptions): Promise; + acceptJoinRequest(options: GroupsAcceptJoinRequestOptions): Promise; + getSelfGroupMembership(options: GroupsGetSelfGroupMembershipOptions): Promise; + getGroupRoles(options: GroupsGetGroupRolesOptions): Promise; + getMembersWithRole(options: GroupsGetMembersWithRoleOptions): Promise; + getMembers(options: GroupsGetMembersOptions): Promise; + joinGroup(options: GroupsJoinGroupOptions): Promise; + getSelfPendingGroupJoins(): Promise; + getUserGroups(options: GroupsGetUserGroupsOptions): Promise; + changeGroupOwner(options: GroupsChangeOwnerOptions): Promise; + claimGroup(options: GroupsClaimGroupOptions): Promise; + kickMember(options: GroupsKickMemberOptions): Promise; + updateMember(options: GroupsUpdateMemberOptions): Promise; + getGroupPayouts(options: GroupsGetGroupPayoutsOptions): Promise; + payoutMembers(options: GroupsPayoutMembersOptions): Promise; + updateRecurringPayouts(options: GroupsUpdateRecurringPayoutsOptions): Promise; + getGroupRelationships(options: GroupsGetGroupRelationshipsOptions): Promise; + declineRelationshipRequests(options: GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions): Promise; + getRelationshipRequests(options: GroupsGetRelationshipRequestsOptions): Promise; + acceptRelationshipRequests(options: GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequestsOptions): Promise; + deleteRelationship(options: GroupsDeleteRelationshipOptions): Promise; + createRelationship(options: GroupsCreateRelationshipOptions): Promise; + acceptRelationshipRequest(options: GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequestOptions): Promise; + declineRelationshipRequest(options: GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestOptions): Promise; + getRolePermissions(options: GroupsGetRolePermissionsOptions): Promise; + updateRolePermissions(options: GroupsUpdateRolePermissionsOptions): Promise; + getGuestPermissions(options: GroupsGetGuestPermissionsOptions): Promise; + getAllRolesPermissions(options: GroupsGetAllRolesPermissionsOptions): Promise; + getSocialLinks(options: GroupsGetSocialLinksOptions): Promise; + createSocialLink(options: GroupsPostSocialLinkOptions): Promise; + deleteSocialLink(options: GroupsDeleteSocialLinkOptions): Promise; + updateSocialLink(options: GroupsUpdateSocialLinkOptions): Promise; + getWallPosts(options: GroupsGetWallPostsOptions): Promise; + createWallPost(options: GroupsCreateWallPostOptions): Promise; + deleteWallPost(options: GroupsDeleteWallPostOptions): Promise; + deleteUserWallPosts(options: GroupsDeleteWallPostsByUserOptions): Promise; + searchGroupsByKeyword(options: GroupsSearchGroupsByKeywordOptions): Promise; + searchGroups(options: GroupsSearchGroupsOptions): Promise; + getGroupSearchMetaData(): Promise; + getRolesByIds(options: GroupsGetRolesByIdsOptions): Promise; + getUserPrimaryGroup(options: GroupsGetUserPrimaryGroupOptions): Promise; + removePrimaryGroup(): Promise; + setPrimaryGroup(options: GroupsSetPrimaryGroupOptions): Promise; + createRole(options: GroupsCreateRoleOptions): Promise; + deleteRole(options: GroupsDeleteRoleOptions): Promise; + updateRole(options: GroupsUpdateRoleOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/GroupsAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/GroupsAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fcc9f0f18 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/GroupsAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,663 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.GroupsAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class GroupsAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://groups.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getGroup(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMultiGroups(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/groups`, + qs: { + groupIds: options.groupIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getAuditLogs(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/audit-log`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupSettings(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/settings` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateGroupSettings(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/settings`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupConfigurationMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/configuration/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupsMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + createGroup(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/create`, + method: "POST", + formData: { + "request.name": options.name, + "request.description": options.description, + "request.publicGroup": options.publicGroup, + "request.buildersClubMembersOnly": options.buildersClubMembersOnly, + "request.files": options.files + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateGroupDescription(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/description`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateGroupStatus(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/status`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateGroupIcon(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/icon`, + method: "PATCH", + body: options.files + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + declineJoinRequests(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests`, + method: "DELETE", + json: { + UserIds: options.userIds + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getJoinRequests(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + acceptJoinRequests(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests`, + method: "POST", + json: { + UserIds: options.userIds + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + declineJoinRequest(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests/users/${options.userId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getJoinRequest(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests/users/${options.userId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + acceptJoinRequest(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests/users/${options.userId}`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfGroupMembership(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/membership` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupRoles(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMembersWithRole(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/${options.roleId}/users`, + qs: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { roleSetId: options.roleId }) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMembers(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/users`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + joinGroup(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/users`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfPendingGroupJoins() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/user/groups/pending` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserGroups(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/groups/roles` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + changeGroupOwner(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/change-owner`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + claimGroup(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/claim-ownership`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + kickMember(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/users/${options.userId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateMember(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/users/${options.userId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupPayouts(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/payouts` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + payoutMembers(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/payouts`, + method: "POST", + json: { + PayoutType: options.type, + Recipients: options.users.map((userData) => ({ + recipientId: userData.userId, + recipientType: "User", + amount: userData.amount + })) + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateRecurringPayouts(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/payouts/recurring`, + method: "POST", + json: { + PayoutType: options.type, + Recipients: options.users.map((userData) => ({ + recipientId: userData.userId, + recipientType: "User", + amount: userData.amount + })) + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupRelationships(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}`, + qs: { + "model.startRowIndex": options.startRowIndex || 0, + "model.maxRows": options.maxRows + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + declineRelationshipRequests(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests`, + method: "DELETE", + json: { + GroupIds: options.withGroups + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getRelationshipRequests(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + acceptRelationshipRequests(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests`, + method: "DELETE", + json: { + GroupIds: options.withGroups + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deleteRelationship(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/${options.withGroup}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + createRelationship(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/${options.withGroup}`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + acceptRelationshipRequest(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests/${options.withGroup}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + declineRelationshipRequest(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests/${options.withGroup}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getRolePermissions(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/${options.roleId}/permissions` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateRolePermissions(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/${options.roleId}/permissions`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGuestPermissions(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/guest/permissions` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getAllRolesPermissions(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/permissions` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSocialLinks(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/social-links` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + createSocialLink(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/social-links`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deleteSocialLink(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/social-links/${options.id}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateSocialLink(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/social-links/${options.id}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getWallPosts(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/wall/posts`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + createWallPost(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/wall/posts`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deleteWallPost(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/wall/posts/${options.id}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deleteUserWallPosts(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/wall/users/${options.userId}/posts`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + searchGroupsByKeyword(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/search`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + searchGroups(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/search/lookup`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupSearchMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/search/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getRolesByIds(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/roles`, + qs: { + ids: options.roleIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserPrimaryGroup(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/groups/primary/role` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + removePrimaryGroup() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/user/groups/primary`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setPrimaryGroup(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/user/groups/primary`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + createRole(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/rolesets/create`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deleteRole(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/rolesets/${options.roleId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateRole(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/rolesets/${options.roleId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.GroupsAPI = GroupsAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/InventoryAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/InventoryAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c381ffb28 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/InventoryAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type InventoryCanViewInventory = { + canView: boolean; +}; +export declare type InventoryItem = { + name: string; + displayName: string; + filter: string; + id: number; + type: string; + categoryType: string; +}; +export declare type InventoryCategory = { + name: string; + displayName: string; + categoryType: string; + items: InventoryItem[]; +}; +export declare type InventoryCategories = { + categories: InventoryCategory[]; +}; +export declare type InventoryGetPackageAssetsOptions = { + packageId: number; +}; +export declare type InventoryGetPackageAssets = { + assetIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type InventoryGetUserCollectiblesOptions = { + userId: number; + assetType?: "Image" | "TShirt" | "Audio" | "Mesh" | "Lua" | "HTML" | "Text" | "Hat" | "Place" | "Model" | "Shirt" | "Pants" | "Decal" | "Avatar" | "Head" | "Face" | "Gear" | "Badge" | "GroupEmblem" | "Animation" | "Arms" | "Legs" | "Torso" | "RightArm" | "LeftArm" | "LeftLeg" | "RightLeg" | "Package" | "YouTubeVideo" | "GamePass" | "App" | "Code" | "Plugin" | "SolidModel" | "MeshPart" | "HairAccessory" | "NeckAccessory" | "ShoulderAccessory" | "FrontAccessory" | "BackAccessory" | "WaistAccessory" | "ClimbAnimation" | "DeathAnimation" | "FallAnimation" | "IdleAnimation" | "JumpAnimation" | "RunAnimation" | "SwimAnimation" | "WalkAnimation" | "PoseAnimation" | "LocalizationTableManifest" | "LocalizationTableTranslation" | "EmoteAnimation" | "Video" | "TexturePack"; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type InventoryGetUserCollectibles = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + userAssetId: number; + serialNumber: number; + assetId: number; + name: string; + recentAveragePrice: number; + originalPrice: number; + assetStock: number; + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type InventoryGetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetIdOptions = { + userId: number; + itemType: "Asset" | "GamePass" | "Badge" | "Bundle"; + itemTargetId: number; +}; +export declare type InventoryGetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetId = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + Id: number; + Name: string; + Type: InventoryGetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetIdOptions["itemType"]; + InstanceId: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type InventoryGetAssetOwnersOptions = { + assetId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type InventoryGetAssetOwners = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + id: number; + serialNumber: number; + owner: { + id: number; + type: "User" | string; + name: string; + }; + created: string; + updated: string; + }; +}; +export declare type InventoryGetUserInventoryOptions = { + userId: number; + assetTypes: InventoryGetUserCollectiblesOptions["assetType"][]; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; +}; +export declare type InventoryGetUserInventory = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + assetId: number; + name: string; + assetType: InventoryGetUserCollectiblesOptions["assetType"]; + created: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type InventoryGetUserInventoryByAssetTypeIdOptions = Omit & { + assetTypeId: number; +}; +export declare type InventoryGetUserInventoryByAssetTypeId = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + assetName: string; + userAssetId: number; + assetId: number; + serialNumber: number; + owner: { + userId: number; + username: string; + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + }; + created: string; + updated: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare class InventoryAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getPackageAssets(options: InventoryGetPackageAssetsOptions): Promise; + getUserCollectibles(options: InventoryGetUserCollectiblesOptions): Promise; + getUserItemsByTypeAndTargetId(options: InventoryGetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetIdOptions): Promise; + canViewInventory(options: { + userId: number; + }): Promise; + getCategories(options: { + userId: number; + }): Promise; + getCategoriesFavorites(options: { + userId: number; + }): Promise; + getAssetOwners(options: InventoryGetAssetOwnersOptions): Promise; + getUserInventory(options: InventoryGetUserInventoryOptions): Promise; + getUserInventoryByAssetTypeId(options: InventoryGetUserInventoryByAssetTypeIdOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/InventoryAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/InventoryAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9049356bc --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/InventoryAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.InventoryAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class InventoryAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://inventory.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getPackageAssets(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/packages/${options.packageId}/assets` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserCollectibles(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/assets/collectibles`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserItemsByTypeAndTargetId(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/items/${options.itemType}/${options.itemTargetId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + canViewInventory(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/can-view-inventory` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getCategories(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/categories` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getCategoriesFavorites(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/categories/favorites` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getAssetOwners(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/assets/${options.assetId}/owners`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserInventory(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/users/${options.userId}/inventory`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserInventoryByAssetTypeId(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/users/${options.userId}/inventory/${options.assetTypeId}`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.InventoryAPI = InventoryAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/ItemConfigurationAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/ItemConfigurationAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8296ff054 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/ItemConfigurationAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type ItemConfigurationGetCreatedAssetsOptions = { + assetType: string; + isArchived?: boolean; + groupId?: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; +}; +export declare type ItemConfigurationGetCreatedAssets = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + assetId: number; + name: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type ItemConfigurationGetMultiCreatedAssetDetailsOptions = { + assetIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type ItemConfigurationGetMultiCreatedAssetDetails = { + assetId: number; + name: string; + status: string; + description: string; + creatorType: string; + creatorTargetId: number; + price: number; + priceConfiguration: { + priceInRobux: number; + premiumDiscountPercentage: number; + premiumPriceInRobux: number; + }; + isArchived: boolean; + assetType: string; +}[]; +export declare type ItemConfigurationGetItemTagsByItemIdsOptions = { + itemIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type ItemConfigurationGetItemTagsByItemIds = { + data: { + id: string; + itemTags: { + id: string; + tag: { + tagId: string; + name: string; + localizedDisplayName: string; + status: "Success" | string; + }; + }[]; + }[]; +}; +export declare type ItemConfigurationCreateItemTagOptions = { + itemId: number; + tagId: string; +}; +export declare type ItemConfigurationCreateItemTag = ItemConfigurationGetItemTagsByItemIds["data"][0]["itemTags"][0]; +export declare type ItemConfigurationGetItemTagsMetaData = { + isItemTagsFeatureEnabled: boolean; + enabledAssetTypes: string[]; + maximumItemTagsPerItem: number; +}; +export declare type ItemConfigurationDeleteItemTagOptions = { + itemTagId: number; +}; +export declare type ItemConfigurationDeleteItemTag = unknown; +export declare type ItemConfigurationGetTagsByTagIdsOptions = { + tagIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type ItemConfigurationGetTagsByTagIds = { + data: Omit[]; +}; +export declare type ItemConfigurationSearchTagsOptions = { + prefix: string; + results: number; +}; +export declare type ItemConfigurationSearchTags = ItemConfigurationGetTagsByTagIds; +export declare class ItemConfigurationAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getCreatedAssets(options: ItemConfigurationGetCreatedAssetsOptions): Promise; + getMultiCreatedAssets(options: ItemConfigurationGetMultiCreatedAssetDetailsOptions): Promise; + getItemTagsByItemIds(options: ItemConfigurationGetItemTagsByItemIdsOptions): Promise; + createItemTag(options: ItemConfigurationCreateItemTagOptions): Promise; + getItemTagsMetaData(): Promise; + deleteItemTag(options: ItemConfigurationDeleteItemTagOptions): Promise; + getTagsByTagIds(options: ItemConfigurationGetTagsByTagIdsOptions): Promise; + searchTags(options: ItemConfigurationSearchTagsOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/ItemConfigurationAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/ItemConfigurationAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..df7055b97 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/ItemConfigurationAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.ItemConfigurationAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class ItemConfigurationAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://itemconfiguration.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getCreatedAssets(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/creations/get-assets`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMultiCreatedAssets(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/creations/get-asset-details`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getItemTagsByItemIds(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/item-tags`, + qs: { + itemIds: options.itemIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + createItemTag(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/item-tags`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getItemTagsMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/item-tags/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deleteItemTag(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/item-tags/${options.itemTagId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getTagsByTagIds(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/tags`, + qs: { + tagIds: options.tagIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + searchTags(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/tags/prefix-search`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.ItemConfigurationAPI = ItemConfigurationAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/LocaleAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/LocaleAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..02ef1254b --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/LocaleAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type LocaleGetCountryRegionsOptions = { + locale: string; +}; +export declare type LocaleGetCountryRegions = { + countryRegionList: { + code: string; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type LocaleGetLocalesOptions = { + displayValueLocale?: string; +}; +export declare type LocaleGetLocales = { + data: { + locale: { + id: number; + locale: string; + name: string; + nativeName: string; + language: { + id: number; + name: string; + nativeName: string; + languageCode: string; + }; + }; + isEnabledForFullExperience: boolean; + isEnabledForSignupAndLogin: boolean; + isEnabledForInGameUgc: boolean; + }[]; +}; +export declare type LocaleGetSupportedLocales = { + supportedLocales: LocaleGetLocales["data"][0]["locale"][]; +}; +export declare type LocaleGetUserLocale = { + supportedLocale: LocaleGetLocales["data"][0]["locale"]; +}; +export declare type LocaleGetLocusSupportedLocales = { + signupAndLogin: LocaleGetLocales["data"][0]["locale"]; + generalExperience: LocaleGetLocales["data"][0]["locale"]; + ugc: LocaleGetLocales["data"][0]["locale"]; +}; +export declare type LocaleSetUserLocaleOptions = { + supportedLocaleCode: string; +}; +export declare type LocaleSetUserLocale = { + success: boolean; +}; +export declare class LocaleAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getCountryRegions(options: LocaleGetCountryRegionsOptions): Promise; + getLocales(options: LocaleGetLocalesOptions): Promise; + getSupportedLocales(): Promise; + getSupportedLocalsForCreators(): Promise; + getUserLocale(): Promise; + getLocusSupportedLocales(): Promise; + setUserLocale(options: LocaleSetUserLocaleOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/LocaleAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/LocaleAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d28d07193 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/LocaleAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.LocaleAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class LocaleAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://locale.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getCountryRegions(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/country-regions`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getLocales(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/locales`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSupportedLocales() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/locales/supported-locales` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSupportedLocalsForCreators() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/locales/supported-locales-for-creators` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserLocale() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/locales/user-locale` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getLocusSupportedLocales() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/locales/user-localization-locus-supported-locales` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setUserLocale(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/locales/set-user-supported-locale`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.LocaleAPI = LocaleAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/MetricsAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/MetricsAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1d2078aa6 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/MetricsAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type MetricsGetThumbnailsMetaData = { + logRatio: number; +}; +export declare type MetricsRecordThumbnailLoadOptions = { + duration: number; + loadState: string; + thumbnailType: string; +}; +export declare type MetricsRecordThumbnailLoad = unknown; +export declare type MetricsReportBundleLoadOptions = { + bundleUrl: string; + bundleName: string; + loadTimeInMilliseconds: number; + cdnProviderName: string; + loadState: string; + bundleContentType: string; +}; +export declare type MetricsReportBundleLoad = unknown; +export declare class MetricsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getThumbnailsMetaData(): Promise; + recordThumbnailLoad(options: MetricsRecordThumbnailLoadOptions): Promise; + recordBundleLoad(options: MetricsReportBundleLoadOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/MetricsAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/MetricsAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cb2d20454 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/MetricsAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.MetricsAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class MetricsAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://metrics.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getThumbnailsMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/thumbnails/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + recordThumbnailLoad(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/thumbnails/load`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + recordBundleLoad(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/bundle-metrics/report`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.MetricsAPI = MetricsAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/NotificationsAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/NotificationsAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6c201d9f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/NotificationsAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type NotificationsGetNotificationsSettings = { + notificationBandSettings: { + notificationSourceType: string; + receiverDestinationType: string; + isEnabled: boolean; + isOverridable: boolean; + isSetByReceiver: boolean; + pushNotificationDestinationPreferences: [ + { + name: string; + platform: string; + destinationId: 0; + isEnabled: boolean; + isSetByReceiver: boolean; + } + ]; + }[]; + optedOutNotificationSourceTypes: string[]; + optedOutReceiverDestinationTypes: string[]; +}; +export declare type NotificationsGetRealtimeNotificationsSettings = { + primaryDomain: string; + fallbackDomain: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsAllowNotificationSourceOptions = { + sourceType: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsAllowNotificationSource = unknown; +export declare type NotificationsDisallowNotificationSourceOptions = NotificationsAllowNotificationSourceOptions; +export declare type NotificationsDisallowNotificationSource = unknown; +export declare type NotificationsAllowNotificationsDestinationOptions = { + destinationType: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsAllowNotificationsDestination = unknown; +export declare type NotificationsDisallowNotificationsDestinationOptions = NotificationsAllowNotificationsDestinationOptions; +export declare type NotificationsDisallowNotificationsDestination = unknown; +export declare type NotificationsUpdateNotificationDestinationSettingsOptions = { + notificationSourceType: string; + destinationId: number; + isEnabled: boolean; +}; +export declare type NotificationsUpdateNotificationDestinationSettings = unknown; +export declare type NotificationsUpdateNotificationSettingsOptions = { + updatedSettings: { + notificationSourceType: string; + receiverDestination: string; + isEnabled: boolean; + }[]; +}; +export declare type NotificationsUpdateNotificationSettings = unknown; +export declare type NotificationsGetChromeNotificationsManifest = { + name: string; + gcm_sender_id: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsGetCurrentNotificationDeviceDestination = { + destination: { + user: { + name: string; + userId: number; + }; + name: string; + notificationToken: string; + supportsUpdateNotifications: boolean; + userPushNotificationDestinationId: number; + application: string; + platform: string; + }; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsGetNotificationDestinations = { + destinations: NotificationsGetCurrentNotificationDeviceDestination["destination"][]; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsGetNotificationsMetaDataOptions = { + notificationToken: string; + notificationId: number; +}; +export declare type NotificationsGetNotificationsMetaData = { + metadata: { + notificationId: string; + type: string; + detail: unknown; + fallbackDelivered: boolean; + }; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsGetNotificationIdsOptions = { + notificationToken: string; + limit: number; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsGetNotificationIds = { + ids: string[]; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsDeregisterAllDevices = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsDeregisterCurrentDevice = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsMarkNotificationReadOptions = { + platformType: string; + notificationId: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsMarkNotificationRead = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsMarkNotificationCategoryReadOptions = { + notificationType: string; + category: string; + latestNotificationId: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsMarkNotificationCategoryRead = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsMarkNotificationInteractionOptions = { + platformType: string; + notificationToken: string; + notificationId: number; + interactionType: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsMarkNotificationInteraction = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroidOptions = { + notificationToken: string; + authorizeForUser: boolean; + oldNotificationToken: string; + deviceName: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroid = { + registration: { + userPushNotificationDestinationId: number; + name: string; + notificationToken: string; + application: string; + platform: string; + }; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsRegisterAndroidNativeOptions = NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroidOptions; +export declare type NotificationsRegisterAndroidNative = NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroid; +export declare type NotificationsRegisterAndroidTencentServiceOptions = NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroidOptions; +export declare type NotificationsRegisterAndroidTencentService = NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroid; +export declare type NotificationsRegisterChromeOptions = { + notificationToken: string; + initiatedByUser: boolean; +}; +export declare type NotificationsRegisterChrome = NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroid; +export declare type NotificationsRegisterFirefoxOptions = NotificationsRegisterChromeOptions & { + notificationEndpoint: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsRegisterFirefox = NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroid; +export declare type NotificationsRegisterIOSNativeOptions = { + notificationToken: string; + destinationIdentifier: string; + authorizeForUser: boolean; + oldNotificationToken: string; + deviceName: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsRegisterIOSNative = NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroid; +export declare type NotificationsGetLatestUniversesUpdatesOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; + sinceDateTime?: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsGetLatestUniverseUpdates = { + universeId: number; + rootPlaceId: number; + createdOn: string; + createdOnKey: string; + content: string; + universeName: string; +}[]; +export declare type NotificationsGetStreamNotificationsPromptSettings = { + hasUserInteractedWithNotificationsStream: boolean; + showNotificationStreamPrompt: boolean; +}; +export declare type NotificationsGetRecentStreamNotificationsOptions = { + startIndex?: number; + maxRows?: number; +}; +export declare type NotificationsGetRecentStreamNotifications = { + id: number; + notificationSourceType: string; + eventDate: string; + isInteracted: boolean; + metadataCollection: unknown[]; + eventCount: number; +}[]; +export declare type NotificationsGetStreamNotificationsMetaData = { + bannerDismissTimeSpan: number; + signalRDisconnectionResponseInMilliseconds: number; + canLaunchGameFromGameUpdate: boolean; + useFriendsApiForAjaxRequests: boolean; +}; +export declare type NotificationsGetStreamNotificationsUnreadCount = { + unreadNotifications: number; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsClearUnreadStreamNotifications = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsSendGameUpdateNotificationInteractedOptions = { + universeId: number; + createdOnKey: string; + interactioNType: string; + currentUserId: number; +}; +export declare type NotificationsSendGameUpdateNotificationInteracted = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsSendGameUpdateNotificationReadOptions = { + universeId: number; + createdOn: string; + currentUserId: number; +}; +export declare type NotificationsSendGameUpdateNotificationRead = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsMarkStreamNotificationInteractedOptions = { + eventId: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsMarkStreamNotificationInteracted = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare type NotificationsSuppressStreamNotificationsPrompt = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export declare class NotificationsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getNotificationsSettings(): Promise; + getRealtimeNotificationSettings(): Promise; + allowNotificationSource(options: NotificationsAllowNotificationSourceOptions): Promise; + disallowNotificationSource(options: NotificationsDisallowNotificationSourceOptions): Promise; + allowNotificationDestination(options: NotificationsAllowNotificationsDestinationOptions): Promise; + disallowNotificationDestination(options: NotificationsDisallowNotificationsDestinationOptions): Promise; + updateDestinationSetting(options: NotificationsUpdateNotificationDestinationSettingsOptions): Promise; + updateNotificationSettings(options: NotificationsUpdateNotificationSettingsOptions): Promise; + getChromeManifest(): Promise; + getCurrentDeviceDestination(): Promise; + getDestinations(): Promise; + getPushNotificationsMetaData(): Promise; + getNotificationIds(options: NotificationsGetNotificationIdsOptions): Promise; + deregisterAllDevices(): Promise; + deregisterCurrentDevice(): Promise; + markNotificationRead(options: NotificationsMarkNotificationReadOptions): Promise; + markNotificationCategoryRead(options: NotificationsMarkNotificationCategoryReadOptions): Promise; + markNotificationInteraction(options: NotificationsMarkNotificationInteractionOptions): Promise; + registerAndroidAmazon(options: NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroidOptions): Promise; + registerAndroidNative(options: NotificationsRegisterAndroidNativeOptions): Promise; + registerAndroidTencentSerice(options: NotificationsRegisterAndroidTencentServiceOptions): Promise; + registerChrome(options: NotificationsRegisterChromeOptions): Promise; + registerFirefox(options: NotificationsRegisterFirefoxOptions): Promise; + registerIOSNative(options: NotificationsRegisterIOSNativeOptions): Promise; + getLatestUniversesUpdates(options: NotificationsGetLatestUniversesUpdatesOptions): Promise; + getStreamNotificationsPromptSettings(): Promise; + getRecentStreamNotifications(options: NotificationsGetRecentStreamNotificationsOptions): Promise; + getStreamNotificationsMetaData(): Promise; + getUnreadStreamNotificationsCount(): Promise; + clearUnreadStreamNotifications(): Promise; + markGameUpdateNotificationInteracted(options: NotificationsSendGameUpdateNotificationInteractedOptions): Promise; + markGameUpdateNotificationRead(options: NotificationsSendGameUpdateNotificationReadOptions): Promise; + suppressStreamNotificationsPrompt(): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/NotificationsAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/NotificationsAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0cfc145f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/NotificationsAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,350 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.NotificationsAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class NotificationsAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://notifications.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getNotificationsSettings() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/get-settings` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getRealtimeNotificationSettings() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/settings/realtime` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + allowNotificationSource(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/notification-source-types/allow`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + disallowNotificationSource(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/notification-source-types/opt-out`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + allowNotificationDestination(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/receiver-destination-types/allow`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + disallowNotificationDestination(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/receiver-destination-types/opt-out`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateDestinationSetting(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/update-destination-setting`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateNotificationSettings(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/update-notification-settings`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getChromeManifest() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/chrome-manifest` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getCurrentDeviceDestination() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/get-current-device-destination` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getDestinations() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/get-destinations` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getPushNotificationsMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getNotificationIds(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/notification-ids`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deregisterAllDevices() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/deregister-all-devices`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + deregisterCurrentDevice() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/deregister-current-device` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + markNotificationRead(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/mark-as-read`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + markNotificationCategoryRead(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/mark-category-as-read`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + markNotificationInteraction(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/mark-interaction`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + registerAndroidAmazon(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/register-android-amazon`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + registerAndroidNative(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/register-android-native`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + registerAndroidTencentSerice(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/register-android-tencent-service`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + registerChrome(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/register-chrome`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + registerFirefox(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/register-firefox`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + registerIOSNative(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/register-ios-native`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getLatestUniversesUpdates(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/get-latest-game-updates`, + qs: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { universeId: options.universeIds.join(",") }) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getStreamNotificationsPromptSettings() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/get-prompt-settings` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getRecentStreamNotifications(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/get-recent`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getStreamNotificationsMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUnreadStreamNotificationsCount() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/unread-count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + clearUnreadStreamNotifications() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/clear-unread`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + markGameUpdateNotificationInteracted(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/game-update-notification-interacted`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + markGameUpdateNotificationRead(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/get-latest-game-updates`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + suppressStreamNotificationsPrompt() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/suppress-prompt`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.NotificationsAPI = NotificationsAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/OtherAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/OtherAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..944b75318 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/OtherAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { EnumUserPresence } from "../../interfaces/GeneralInterfaces"; +export declare type OtherGetUserProfileHeaderOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type OtherGetUserProfileHeader = { + UserId: number; + ProfileUserId: number; + ProfileUserName: string; + ProfileDisplayName: string; + FriendsCount: number; + UserPresenceType: EnumUserPresence; + LastLocation: string | null; + UserStatus: string | null; + UserStatusDate: string | null; + UserPlaceId: number | null; + FollowersCount: number; + FollowingsCount: number; + IsVieweeBlocked: boolean; + IsViewerBlocked: boolean; + AreFriends: boolean; + IncomingFriendRequestPending: boolean; + MaySendFriendInvitation: boolean; + FriendRequestPending: boolean; + MayFollow: boolean; + IsFollowing: boolean; + CanMessage: boolean; + MessagesDisabled: boolean; + CanBeFollowed: boolean; + CanTrade: boolean; + CanSeeFavorites: boolean; + MayImpersonate: boolean; + MayEdit: boolean; + HeadShotImage: { + Final: boolean; + Url: string; + RetryUrl: string | null; + UserId: number; + EndpointType: "Avatar" | string; + }; + PreviousUserNames: string; + IsUserOnPhone: boolean; + CanSeeInventory: boolean; +}; +export declare class OtherAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getUserProfileHeader(options: OtherGetUserProfileHeaderOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/OtherAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/OtherAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..14e538266 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/OtherAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.OtherAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class OtherAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://roblox.com/" + }); + } + getUserProfileHeader(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + url: `https://www.roblox.com/users/profile/profileheader-json?userId=${options.userId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.OtherAPI = OtherAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d4ab9a2c --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type PremiumFeaturesUpsellCheckOptions = { + userId: number; + universeId: number; + placeId: number; +}; +export declare type PremiumFeaturesUpsellCheck = unknown; +export declare type PremiumFeaturesValidateUserMembershipOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type PremiumFeaturesValidateUserMembership = boolean; +export declare class PremiumFeaturesAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + premiumUpsellCheck(options: PremiumFeaturesUpsellCheckOptions): Promise; + validateUserMembership(options: PremiumFeaturesValidateUserMembershipOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a1ecde426 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.PremiumFeaturesAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class PremiumFeaturesAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://premiumfeatures.roblox.com/" + }); + } + premiumUpsellCheck(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/premium-upsell-check`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + validateUserMembership(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/validate-membership` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.PremiumFeaturesAPI = PremiumFeaturesAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/PresenceAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/PresenceAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..80966a2f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/PresenceAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { EnumUserPresence } from "../../interfaces/GeneralInterfaces"; +export declare type PresenceRegisterAppPresenceOptions = { + location: string; + placeId: number; + disconnect: boolean; +}; +export declare type PresenceRegisterAppPresence = unknown; +export declare type PresenceGetUsersPresencesOptions = { + userIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type PresenceGetUsersPresences = { + userPresences: PresenceGetUsersPresence[]; +}; +export declare type PresenceGetUsersPresence = { + userPresenceType: EnumUserPresence; + lastLocation: string; + placeId: number; + rootPlaceId: number; + gameId: string; + universeId: number; + userId: number; + lastOnline: string; +}; +export declare class PresenceAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + registerAppPresence(options: PresenceRegisterAppPresenceOptions): Promise; + getUsersPresences(options: PresenceGetUsersPresencesOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/PresenceAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/PresenceAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b4ebda78 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/PresenceAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.PresenceAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class PresenceAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://presence.roblox.com/" + }); + } + registerAppPresence(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/presence/register-app-presence`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUsersPresences(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/presence/users`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.PresenceAPI = PresenceAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8d248b7c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type PrivateMessagesGetAnnouncements = { + collection: { + id: number; + sender: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + subject: string; + body: string; + created: string; + updated: string; + }; + totalCollectionSize: number; +}; +export declare type PrivateMessagesGetAnnouncementsMetaData = { + numOfAnnouncements: number; +}; +export declare type PrivateMessagesGetMessagesOptions = { + pageNumber?: number; + pageSize?: number; + messageTab?: "Inbox" | "Sent" | "Archive"; +}; +export declare type PrivateMessagesGetMessages = { + collection: { + id: number; + sender: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + recipient: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + subject: string; + body: string; + created: string; + updated: string; + isRead: boolean; + isSystemMessage: boolean; + isReportAbuseDisplayed: boolean; + }[]; + totalCollectionSize: number; + totalPages: number; + pageNumber: number; +}; +export declare type PrivateMessagesGetMessageOptions = { + messageId: number; +}; +export declare type PrivateMessagesGetMessage = PrivateMessagesGetMessages["collection"][0]; +export declare type PrivateMessagesGetUnreadMessagesCount = { + count: number; +}; +export declare type PrivateMessagesArchiveMessagesOptions = { + messageIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type PrivateMessagesArchiveMessages = { + failedMessages?: { + messageId: number; + errorMessage: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type PrivateMessagesMarkMessagesReadOptions = PrivateMessagesArchiveMessagesOptions; +export declare type PrivateMessagesMarkMessagesRead = PrivateMessagesArchiveMessages; +export declare type PrivateMessagesMarkMessagesUnreadOptions = PrivateMessagesArchiveMessagesOptions; +export declare type PrivateMessagesMarkMessagesUnread = PrivateMessagesArchiveMessages; +export declare type PrivateMessagesSendMessageOptions = { + userId: number; + subject: string; + body: string; + recipientId: number; + replyMessageId?: number; + includePreviousMessage?: boolean; +}; +export declare type PrivateMessagesSendMessage = { + success: boolean; + shortMessage: string; + message: string; +}; +export declare type PrivateMessagesUnArchiveMessagesOptions = PrivateMessagesArchiveMessagesOptions; +export declare type PrivateMessagesUnArchiveMessages = PrivateMessagesArchiveMessages; +export declare class PrivateMessagesAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getAnnouncements(): Promise; + getAnnouncementsMetaData(): Promise; + getMessages(options: PrivateMessagesGetMessagesOptions): Promise; + getMessage(options: PrivateMessagesGetMessageOptions): Promise; + canMessage(options: { + userId: number; + }): Promise; + getUnreadMessagesCount(): Promise; + archiveMessages(options: PrivateMessagesArchiveMessagesOptions): Promise; + markMessagesRead(options: PrivateMessagesMarkMessagesReadOptions): Promise; + markMessagesUnread(options: PrivateMessagesMarkMessagesUnreadOptions): Promise; + sendMessage(options: PrivateMessagesSendMessageOptions): Promise; + unArchiveMessages(options: PrivateMessagesUnArchiveMessagesOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ef77c97d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.PrivateMessagesAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class PrivateMessagesAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://privatemessages.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getAnnouncements() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/announcements` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getAnnouncementsMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/announcements/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMessages(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getMessage(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/${options.messageId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + canMessage(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/${options.userId}/can-message` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body.canMessage); + } + getUnreadMessagesCount() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/unread/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + archiveMessages(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/archive`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + markMessagesRead(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/mark-read`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + markMessagesUnread(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/mark-unread`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + sendMessage(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/send`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + unArchiveMessages(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/unarchive`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.PrivateMessagesAPI = PrivateMessagesAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/PublishAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/PublishAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..51d8fb9a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/PublishAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type PublishUploadAssetsOptions = { + files: unknown; +}; +export declare type PublishUploadAssets = { + AssetDetails: { + assetId: number; + assetFileName: string; + uploadAssetError: "None" | string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type PublishAudioOptions = { + name: string; + file: unknown; + groupId?: number; + paymentSource: string; +}; +export declare type PublishAudio = { + Id: number; + Name: string; +}; +export declare type PublishVerifyAudioOptions = PublishAudioOptions; +export declare type PublishVerifyAudio = { + price: number; + canAfford: boolean; +}; +export declare type PublishBadgeIconOptions = { + badgeId: number; + files: unknown; +}; +export declare type PublishBadgeIcon = { + targetId: number; +}; +export declare type PublishGamePassIconOptions = { + gamePassId: number; + files: unknown; +}; +export declare type PublishGamePassIcon = { + targetId: number; +}; +export declare type PublishUploadGameThumbnailOptions = { + gameId: number; + files: unknown; +}; +export declare type PublishUploadGameThumbnail = { + targetId: number; +}; +export declare type PublishUploadPluginIconOptions = { + pluginId: number; + files: unknown; +}; +export declare type PublishUploadPluginIcon = { + targetId: number; +}; +export declare class PublishAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + /** + * @hidden + */ + uploadAssets(options: PublishUploadAssetsOptions): Promise; + publishAudio(options: PublishAudioOptions): Promise; + verifyAudio(options: PublishVerifyAudioOptions): Promise; + publishBadgeIcon(options: PublishBadgeIconOptions): Promise; + /** + * @hidden + */ + publishGamePassIcon(options: PublishGamePassIconOptions): Promise; + uploadGameThumbnail(options: PublishUploadGameThumbnailOptions): Promise; + uploadPluginIcon(options: PublishUploadPluginIconOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/PublishAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/PublishAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b00bb8fa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/PublishAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.PublishAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class PublishAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://publish.roblox.com/" + }); + } + /** + * @hidden + */ + uploadAssets(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/upload`, + method: "POST", + body: options.files + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + publishAudio(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/audio`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + verifyAudio(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/audio/verify`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + publishBadgeIcon(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/badges/${options.badgeId}/icon`, + method: "POST", + body: options.files + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + /** + * @hidden + */ + publishGamePassIcon(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/game-passes/${options.gamePassId}/icon`, + method: "POST", + body: options.files + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + uploadGameThumbnail(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.gameId}/thumbnail/image`, + method: "POST", + body: options.files + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + uploadPluginIcon(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/plugins/${options.pluginId}/icon`, + method: "POST", + body: options.files + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.PublishAPI = PublishAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ace4b8653 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnailsOptions = { + assetIds: number[]; + returnPolicy?: "PlaceHolder" | "AutoGenerated" | "ForceAutoGenerated"; + size?: "42x42" | "50x50" | "75x75" | "110x110" | "140x140" | "150x150" | "160x100" | "160x600" | "250x250" | "256x144" | "300x250" | "304x166" | "384x216" | "396x216" | "420x420" | "480x270" | "512x512" | "576x324" | "700x700" | "728x90" | "768x432"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails = { + data: { + targetId: number; + state: "Error" | string; + imageUrl: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetBadgesIconsOptions = { + badgeIds: number[]; + size?: "150x150"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetBadgesIcons = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetBundlesThumbnailsOptions = { + bundleIds: number[]; + size?: "150x150" | "420x420"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetBundlesThumbnails = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetDeveloperProductsIconsOptions = { + developerProductIds: number[]; + size?: "150x150" | "420x420"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetDeveloperProductsIcons = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetGamePassesIconsOptions = { + gamePassIds: number[]; + size?: "150x150"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetGamePassesIcons = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUniverseThumbnailsOptions = { + universeId: number; + thumbnailIds: number[]; + size?: "768x432" | "576x324" | "480x270" | "384x216" | "256x144"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUniverseThumbnails = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUniversesRootPlaceThumbnailsOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; + returnPolicy?: "PlaceHolder" | "AutoGenerated" | "ForceAutoGenerated"; + size?: "50x50" | "128x128" | "150x150" | "256x256" | "512x512"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUniversesRootPlaceThumbnails = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUniversesThumbnailsOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; + countPerUniverse?: number; + defaults?: boolean; + size?: "768x432" | "576x324" | "480x270" | "384x216" | "256x144"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUniversesThumbnails = { + data: { + universeId: number; + error?: { + code: number; + message: string; + userFacingMessage: string; + field: string; + fieldData: unknown; + }; + thumbnails: { + targetId: number; + state: "Error" | string; + imageUrl: string; + }[]; + }[]; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetGroupsIconsOptions = { + groupIds: number[]; + size?: "150x150" | "420x420"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetGroupsIcons = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUsersFullBodyAvatarImagesOptions = { + userIds: number[]; + size?: "30x30" | "48x48" | "60x60" | "75x75" | "100x100" | "140x140" | "150x150" | "150x200" | "180x180" | "250x250" | "352x352" | "420x420" | "720x720"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUsersFullBodyAvatarImages = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUsersAvatarBustImagesOptions = { + userIds: number[]; + size?: "50x50" | "60x60" | "75x75"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUsersAvatarBustImages = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUsersAvatarHeadShotsImagesOptions = { + userIds: number[]; + size?: "48x48" | "50x50" | "60x60" | "75x75" | "110x110" | "150x150" | "180x180" | "352x352" | "420x420" | "720x720"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUsersAvatarHeadShotsImages = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUsersOutfitsImagesOptions = { + userOutfitIds: number[]; + size?: "150x150" | "420x420"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetUsersOutfitsImages = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetBatchImagesOptions = { + requestId: string; + targetId: number; + type: "Avatar" | "AvatarHeadShot" | "GameIcon" | "BadgeIcon" | "GameThumbnail" | "GamePass" | "Asset" | "BundleThumbnail" | "Outfit" | "GroupIcon" | "DeveloperProduct" | "AutoGeneratedAsset"; + size: string; + isCircular: boolean; +}; +export declare type ThumbnailsGetBatchImages = { + data: { + requestId: string; + errorCode?: number; + errorMessage?: string; + targetId: number; + state: "Error" | string; + imageUrl: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare class ThumbnailsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getAssetsThumbnails(options: ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnailsOptions): Promise; + getBadgesIcons(options: ThumbnailsGetBadgesIconsOptions): Promise; + getBundlesThumbnails(options: ThumbnailsGetBundlesThumbnailsOptions): Promise; + getDeveloperProductIcons(options: ThumbnailsGetDeveloperProductsIconsOptions): Promise; + getGamePassesIcons(options: ThumbnailsGetGamePassesIconsOptions): Promise; + getUniverseThumbnailIds(options: ThumbnailsGetUniverseThumbnailsOptions): Promise; + getUniversesRootPlaceThumbnail(options: ThumbnailsGetUniversesRootPlaceThumbnailsOptions): Promise; + getUniversesThumbnailIds(options: ThumbnailsGetUniversesThumbnailsOptions): Promise; + getGroupsIcons(options: ThumbnailsGetGroupsIconsOptions): Promise; + getUsersFullBodyAvatarImages(options: ThumbnailsGetUsersFullBodyAvatarImagesOptions): Promise; + getUsersAvatarBustImages(options: ThumbnailsGetUsersAvatarBustImagesOptions): Promise; + getUsersAvatarHeadShotImages(options: ThumbnailsGetUsersAvatarHeadShotsImagesOptions): Promise; + getUsersOutfitsImages(options: ThumbnailsGetUsersOutfitsImagesOptions): Promise; + getBatchImages(options: ThumbnailsGetBatchImagesOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1952b5cff --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.ThumbnailsAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class ThumbnailsAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://thumbnails.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getAssetsThumbnails(options) { + const assetIdsQueryString = `assetIds=${options.assetIds.join("&assetIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets?${assetIdsQueryString}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, options) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getBadgesIcons(options) { + const badgeIdsQueryString = `badgeIds=${options.badgeIds.join("&badgeIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/badges/icons?${badgeIdsQueryString}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, options) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getBundlesThumbnails(options) { + const bundleIdsQueryString = `bundleIds=${options.bundleIds.join("&bundleIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/bundles/thumbnails?${bundleIdsQueryString}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, options) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getDeveloperProductIcons(options) { + const developerProductIdsQueryString = `developerProductIds=${options.developerProductIds.join("&developerProductIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-products/icons?${developerProductIdsQueryString}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, options) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGamePassesIcons(options) { + const gamePassIdsQueryString = `gamePassIds=${options.gamePassIds.join("&gamePassIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets?${gamePassIdsQueryString}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, options) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniverseThumbnailIds(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/thumbnails`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniversesRootPlaceThumbnail(options) { + const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join("&universeIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/games/icons?${universeIdsQueryString}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, options) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUniversesThumbnailIds(options) { + const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join("&universeIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/games/multiget/thumbnails?${universeIdsQueryString}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, options) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGroupsIcons(options) { + const groupIdsQueryString = `groupIds=${options.groupIds.join("&groupIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/icons?${groupIdsQueryString}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, options) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUsersFullBodyAvatarImages(options) { + const userIdsQueryString = `userIds=${options.userIds.join("&userIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/avatar?${userIdsQueryString}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, options) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUsersAvatarBustImages(options) { + const userIdsQueryString = `userIds=${options.userIds.join("&userIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/avatar-bust?${userIdsQueryString}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, options) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUsersAvatarHeadShotImages(options) { + const userIdsQueryString = `userIds=${options.userIds.join("&userIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/avatar-headshot?${userIdsQueryString}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, options) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUsersOutfitsImages(options) { + const outfitIdsQueryString = `userOutfitIds=${options.userOutfitIds.join("&userOutfitIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets?${outfitIdsQueryString}`, + qs: Object.assign({}, options) + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getBatchImages(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/batch`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.ThumbnailsAPI = ThumbnailsAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/TradesAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/TradesAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6105df631 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/TradesAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; +import Client from "../Client"; +export declare type GetTradeOptions = { + tradeId: number; +}; +export declare type GetTrade = { + offers: { + user: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + userAssets: { + id: number; + serialNumber: number; + assetId: number; + name: string; + recentAveragePrice: number; + originalPrice: number; + assetStock: number; + membershipType: "None" | string; + }[]; + robux: number; + }[]; + id: number; + user: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + created: string; + expiration: string; + isActive: boolean; + status: string; +}; +export declare type GetTradesByStatusTypeOptions = { + tradeStatusType: "Inbound" | "Outbound" | "Completed" | "Inactive"; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type GetTradesByStatusType = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + id: number; + user: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + created: string; + expiration: string; + isActive: boolean; + status: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type GetTradesCountByStatusTypeOptions = { + tradeStatusType: GetTradesByStatusTypeOptions["tradeStatusType"]; +}; +export declare type GetTradesCountByStatusType = { + count: number; +}; +export declare type GetTradesMetaData = { + maxItemsPerSide: number; + minValueRatio: number; + tradeSystemMaxRobuxPercent: number; + tradeSystemRobuxFee: number; +}; +export declare type CanSelfTradeWithUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type CanSelfTradeWithUser = { + canTrade: boolean; + status: string; +}; +export declare type AcceptTradeOptions = { + tradeId: number; +}; +export declare type AcceptTrade = unknown; +export declare type CounterTradeOptions = { + tradeId: number; + offers: { + userId: number; + userAssetIds: number[]; + robux: number; + }[]; +}; +export declare type CounterTrade = { + id: number; +}; +export declare type DeclineTradeOptions = { + tradeId: number; +}; +export declare type DeclineTrade = unknown; +export declare type SendTradeOptions = Omit; +export declare type SendTrade = { + id: number; +}; +export default class TradesAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getTrade(options: GetTradeOptions): Promise; + getTradesByStatusType(options: GetTradesByStatusTypeOptions): Promise; + getTradesCountByStatusType(options: GetTradesCountByStatusTypeOptions): Promise; + getTradesMetaData(): Promise; + canTradeWith(options: CanSelfTradeWithUserOptions): Promise; + acceptTrade(options: AcceptTradeOptions): Promise; + counterTrade(options: CounterTradeOptions): Promise; + declineTrade(options: DeclineTradeOptions): Promise; + sendTrade(options: SendTradeOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/TradesAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/TradesAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7d67285a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/TradesAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const BaseAPI_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./BaseAPI")); +class TradesAPI extends BaseAPI_1.default { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://trades.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getTrade(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/trades/${options.tradeId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getTradesByStatusType(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/trades/${options.tradeStatusType}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getTradesCountByStatusType(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/trades/${options.tradeStatusType}/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getTradesMetaData() { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/trades/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + canTradeWith(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/can-trade-with` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + acceptTrade(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/trades/${options.tradeId}/accept`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + counterTrade(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/trades/${options.tradeId}/counter`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + declineTrade(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/trades/${options.tradeId}/decline`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + sendTrade(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/trades/send`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.default = TradesAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0605df1a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type TranslationRolesGetSelfGameRolesOptions = { + gameId: number; +}; +export declare type TranslationRolesGetSelfGameRoles = { + data: string[]; +}; +export declare type TranslationRolesGetGameRoleAssigneesOptions = { + gameId: number; + role: "translator"; +}; +export declare type TranslationRolesGetGameRoleAssignees = { + data: { + id: null; + name: string; + type: "user"; + }[]; +}; +export declare type TranslationRolesGetSelfGamesAccessByRoleOptions = { + role: "translator"; + exclusiveStartKey?: string; + pageSize?: number; +}; +export declare type TranslationRolesGetSelfGamesAccessByRole = { + games: { + gameId: number; + assignee: { + assigneeType: "user"; + id: number; + }; + }[]; +}; +export declare type TranslationRolesUpdateUserAccess = { + gameId: number; + userId: number; + role: "translator"; + revoke?: boolean; +}; +export declare type TranslationRolesUpdateUser = unknown; +export declare class TranslationRolesAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getSelfGameRoles(options: TranslationRolesGetSelfGameRolesOptions): Promise; + getGameRoleAssignees(options: TranslationRolesGetGameRoleAssigneesOptions): Promise; + getSelfGamesAccessByRole(options: TranslationRolesGetSelfGamesAccessByRoleOptions): Promise; + updateUserAccess(options: TranslationRolesUpdateUserAccess): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a955eecae --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.TranslationRolesAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class TranslationRolesAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://translationroles.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getSelfGameRoles(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/game-localization-roles/games/${options.gameId}/current-user/roles` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getGameRoleAssignees(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/game-localization-roles/games/${options.gameId}/roles/${options.role}/assignees` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getSelfGamesAccessByRole(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/game-localization-roles/roles/${options.role}/current-user` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + updateUserAccess(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/game-localization-roles/games/${options.gameId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: { + assigneeId: options.userId, + assigneeType: "user", + role: "translator", + revoke: options.revoke !== undefined ? options.revoke : false + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.TranslationRolesAPI = TranslationRolesAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/TwoStepVerificationAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/TwoStepVerificationAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c6b1c229c --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/TwoStepVerificationAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationGetMetaDataOptions = { + userId: number; + challengeId: string; + actionType: string; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationGetMetaData = { + twoStepVerificationEnabled: boolean; + authenticatorEnabled: boolean; + authenticatorQrCodeSize: string; + emailCodeLength: number; + authenticatorCodeLength: number; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationGetConfigurationOptions = TwoStepVerificationGetMetaDataOptions; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationGetConfiguration = { + primaryMediaType: "Email" | string; + methods: { + mediaType: "Email" | string; + enabled: boolean; + updated: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorVerifyOptions = { + challengeId: string; + actionType: string; + code: string; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorVerify = { + verificationToken: string; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorDisableOptions = { + password: string; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorDisable = unknown; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorEnableOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorEnable = { + setupToken: string; + qrCodeImageUrl: string; + manualEntryKey: string; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorVerifySetupOptions = { + setupToken: string; + code: string; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorVerifySetup = unknown; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationEmailSendCodeOptions = { + challengeId: string; + actionType: string; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationEmailSendCode = { + challengeId: string; + actionType: string; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationEmailVerifyOptions = { + challengeId: string; + actionType: string; + code: string; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationEmailVerify = { + verificationToken: string; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationEmailDisableOptions = { + password: string; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationEmailDisable = unknown; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationEmailEnableOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type TwoStepVerificationEmailEnable = unknown; +export declare class TwoStepVerificationAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + getMetaData(options: TwoStepVerificationGetMetaDataOptions): Promise; + getConfiguration(options?: TwoStepVerificationGetConfigurationOptions): Promise; + verifyWithAuthenticator(options: TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorVerifyOptions): Promise; + disableAuthenticator(options: TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorDisableOptions): Promise; + enableAuthenticator(options: TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorEnableOptions): Promise; + verifyAuthenticatorSetup(options: TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorVerifySetupOptions): Promise; + sendEmailCode(options: TwoStepVerificationEmailSendCodeOptions): Promise; + verifyEmail(options: TwoStepVerificationEmailVerifyOptions): Promise; + disableEmail(options: TwoStepVerificationEmailDisableOptions): Promise; + enableEmail(options: TwoStepVerificationEmailEnableOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/TwoStepVerificationAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/TwoStepVerificationAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d32ea1c21 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/TwoStepVerificationAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.TwoStepVerificationAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class TwoStepVerificationAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://twostepverification.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getMetaData(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/metadata`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getConfiguration(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user.id}/configuration`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + verifyWithAuthenticator(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user.id}/challenges/authenticator/verify`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + disableAuthenticator(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user.id}/configuration/authenticator/disable`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + enableAuthenticator(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user.id}/configuration/authenticator/enable`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + verifyAuthenticatorSetup(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user.id}/configuration/authenticator/disable`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + sendEmailCode(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user.id}/challenges/email/send-code`, + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + verifyEmail(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user.id}/challenges/email/verify`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + disableEmail(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user.id}/configuration/email/disable`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + enableEmail(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user.id}/configuration/email/enable`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.TwoStepVerificationAPI = TwoStepVerificationAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/UsersAPI.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/UsersAPI.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..edb2a83c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/UsersAPI.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export declare type UsersValidateDisplayNameNewUserOptions = { + displayName: string; + birthdate: string; +}; +export declare type UsersValidateDisplayNameNewUser = unknown; +export declare type UsersValidateDisplayNameExistingUserOptions = { + userId: number; + displayName: string; +}; +export declare type UsersValidateDisplayNameExistingUser = unknown; +export declare type UsersSetSelfDisplayNameOptions = { + userId: number; + newDisplayName: string; +}; +export declare type UsersSetSelfDisplayName = unknown; +export declare type UsersGetUserByIdOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type UsersGetUserById = { + description: string; + created: string; + isBanned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + externalAppDisplayName: string; +}; +export declare type UsersGetSelfAuthenticatedUserInformation = { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; +}; +export declare type UsersGetUsersByUsernamesOptions = { + usernames: string[]; + excludeBannedUsers?: boolean; +}; +export declare type UsersGetUsersByUsernames = { + data: { + requestedUsername: string; + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type UsersGetUsersByUserIdsOptions = { + userIds: number[]; + excludeBannedUsers?: boolean; +}; +export declare type UsersGetUsersByUserIds = { + data: Omit[]; +}; +export declare type UsersGetUserStatusOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type UsersGetUserStatus = { + status: string; +}; +export declare type UsersUpdateSelfStatusOptions = { + userId: number; + status: string; +}; +export declare type UsersUpdateSelfStatus = { + status: string; +}; +export declare type UsersSearchUsersOptions = { + keyword: string; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type UsersSearchUsers = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + previousUsernames: string[]; + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare type UsersUserNameHistory = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + name: string; + }[]; +}; +export declare class UsersAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client); + validateDisplayNameNewUser(options: UsersValidateDisplayNameNewUserOptions): Promise; + validateDisplayNameExistingUser(options: UsersValidateDisplayNameExistingUserOptions): Promise; + setDisplayName(options: UsersSetSelfDisplayNameOptions): Promise; + getUserById(options: UsersGetUserByIdOptions): Promise; + getAuthenticatedUserInformation(): Promise; + getUsersByUsernames(options: UsersGetUsersByUsernamesOptions): Promise; + getUsersByIds(options: UsersGetUsersByUserIdsOptions): Promise; + getUserNameHistory(options: { + userId: number; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + }): Promise; + searchUsers(options: UsersSearchUsersOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/apis/UsersAPI.js b/dist/client/apis/UsersAPI.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ffe34e18 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/UsersAPI.js @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.UsersAPI = void 0; +const BaseAPI_1 = require("./BaseAPI"); +class UsersAPI extends BaseAPI_1.BaseAPI { + constructor(client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://users.roblox.com/" + }); + } + validateDisplayNameNewUser(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/display-names/validate`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + validateDisplayNameExistingUser(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/display-names/validate`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + setDisplayName(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/display-names`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserById(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getAuthenticatedUserInformation() { + return this.request({ + // This should actually be "true", but as it's needed in client.login, it's set to false + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/authenticated` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUsersByUsernames(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/usernames/users`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUsersByIds(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + getUserNameHistory(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/username-history`, + method: "GET" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + searchUsers(options) { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/search`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } +} +exports.UsersAPI = UsersAPI; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/index.d.ts b/dist/client/apis/index.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa11f9314 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/index.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { GeneralAPI } from "./GeneralAPI"; +import { AccountInformationAPI } from "./AccountInformationAPI"; +import { AccountSettingsAPI } from "./AccountSettingsAPI"; +import { AdConfigurationAPI } from "./AdConfigurationAPI"; +import { AssetDeliveryAPI } from "./AssetDeliveryAPI"; +import { AuthAPI } from "./AuthAPI"; +import { AvatarAPI } from "./AvatarAPI"; +import { BadgesAPI } from "./BadgesAPI"; +import { BillingAPI } from "./BillingAPI"; +import { CatalogAPI } from "./CatalogAPI"; +import { ChatAPI } from "./ChatAPI"; +import { ContactsAPI } from "./ContactsAPI"; +import { DevelopAPI } from "./DevelopAPI"; +import { EconomyAPI } from "./EconomyAPI"; +import { EconomyCreatorStatsAPI } from "./EconomyCreatorStatsAPI"; +import { EngagementPayoutsAPI } from "./EngagementPayoutsAPI"; +import { FollowingsAPI } from "./FollowingsAPI"; +import { FriendsAPI } from "./FriendsAPI"; +import { GamesAPI } from "./GamesAPI"; +import { GameInternationalizationAPI } from "./GameInternationalizationAPI"; +import { GroupsAPI } from "./GroupsAPI"; +import { InventoryAPI } from "./InventoryAPI"; +import { ItemConfigurationAPI } from "./ItemConfigurationAPI"; +import { LocaleAPI } from "./LocaleAPI"; +import { MetricsAPI } from "./MetricsAPI"; +import { NotificationsAPI } from "./NotificationsAPI"; +import { PremiumFeaturesAPI } from "./PremiumFeaturesAPI"; +import { PresenceAPI } from "./PresenceAPI"; +import { PrivateMessagesAPI } from "./PrivateMessagesAPI"; +import { PublishAPI } from "./PublishAPI"; +import { ThumbnailsAPI } from "./ThumbnailsAPI"; +import { TranslationRolesAPI } from "./TranslationRolesAPI"; +import { UsersAPI } from "./UsersAPI"; +import { OtherAPI } from "./OtherAPI"; +import { TwoStepVerificationAPI } from "./TwoStepVerificationAPI"; +import { DataAPI } from "./DataAPI"; +export declare type APIs = { + accountInformationAPI: AccountInformationAPI; + accountSettingsAPI: AccountSettingsAPI; + adConfigurationAPI: AdConfigurationAPI; + assetDeliveryAPI: AssetDeliveryAPI; + authAPI: AuthAPI; + avatarAPI: AvatarAPI; + badgesAPI: BadgesAPI; + billingAPI: BillingAPI; + catalogAPI: CatalogAPI; + chatAPI: ChatAPI; + contactsAPI: ContactsAPI; + dataAPI: DataAPI; + developAPI: DevelopAPI; + economyAPI: EconomyAPI; + economyCreatorStats: EconomyCreatorStatsAPI; + engagementPayouts: EngagementPayoutsAPI; + followingsAPI: FollowingsAPI; + friendsAPI: FriendsAPI; + gamesAPI: GamesAPI; + gameInternationalizationAPI: GameInternationalizationAPI; + groupsAPI: GroupsAPI; + inventoryAPI: InventoryAPI; + itemConfigurationAPI: ItemConfigurationAPI; + localeAPI: LocaleAPI; + metricsAPI: MetricsAPI; + notificationsAPI: NotificationsAPI; + otherAPI: OtherAPI; + premiumFeaturesAPI: PremiumFeaturesAPI; + presenceAPI: PresenceAPI; + privateMessagesAPI: PrivateMessagesAPI; + publishAPI: PublishAPI; + thumbnailsAPI: ThumbnailsAPI; + translationRolesAPI: TranslationRolesAPI; + usersAPI: UsersAPI; + generalApi: GeneralAPI; + twoStepVerification: TwoStepVerificationAPI; +}; +/** + * @hidden + */ +export declare function initAPIs(client: Client): APIs; diff --git a/dist/client/apis/index.js b/dist/client/apis/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..08c0134ee --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/apis/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.initAPIs = void 0; +const GeneralAPI_1 = require("./GeneralAPI"); +const AccountInformationAPI_1 = require("./AccountInformationAPI"); +const AccountSettingsAPI_1 = require("./AccountSettingsAPI"); +const AdConfigurationAPI_1 = require("./AdConfigurationAPI"); +const AssetDeliveryAPI_1 = require("./AssetDeliveryAPI"); +const AuthAPI_1 = require("./AuthAPI"); +const AvatarAPI_1 = require("./AvatarAPI"); +const BadgesAPI_1 = require("./BadgesAPI"); +const BillingAPI_1 = require("./BillingAPI"); +const CatalogAPI_1 = require("./CatalogAPI"); +const ChatAPI_1 = require("./ChatAPI"); +const ContactsAPI_1 = require("./ContactsAPI"); +const DevelopAPI_1 = require("./DevelopAPI"); +const EconomyAPI_1 = require("./EconomyAPI"); +const EconomyCreatorStatsAPI_1 = require("./EconomyCreatorStatsAPI"); +const EngagementPayoutsAPI_1 = require("./EngagementPayoutsAPI"); +const FollowingsAPI_1 = require("./FollowingsAPI"); +const FriendsAPI_1 = require("./FriendsAPI"); +const GamesAPI_1 = require("./GamesAPI"); +const GameInternationalizationAPI_1 = require("./GameInternationalizationAPI"); +const GroupsAPI_1 = require("./GroupsAPI"); +const InventoryAPI_1 = require("./InventoryAPI"); +const ItemConfigurationAPI_1 = require("./ItemConfigurationAPI"); +const LocaleAPI_1 = require("./LocaleAPI"); +const MetricsAPI_1 = require("./MetricsAPI"); +const NotificationsAPI_1 = require("./NotificationsAPI"); +const PremiumFeaturesAPI_1 = require("./PremiumFeaturesAPI"); +const PresenceAPI_1 = require("./PresenceAPI"); +const PrivateMessagesAPI_1 = require("./PrivateMessagesAPI"); +const PublishAPI_1 = require("./PublishAPI"); +const ThumbnailsAPI_1 = require("./ThumbnailsAPI"); +const TranslationRolesAPI_1 = require("./TranslationRolesAPI"); +const UsersAPI_1 = require("./UsersAPI"); +const OtherAPI_1 = require("./OtherAPI"); +const TwoStepVerificationAPI_1 = require("./TwoStepVerificationAPI"); +const DataAPI_1 = require("./DataAPI"); +/** + * @hidden + */ +function initAPIs(client) { + return { + accountInformationAPI: new AccountInformationAPI_1.AccountInformationAPI(client), + accountSettingsAPI: new AccountSettingsAPI_1.AccountSettingsAPI(client), + adConfigurationAPI: new AdConfigurationAPI_1.AdConfigurationAPI(client), + assetDeliveryAPI: new AssetDeliveryAPI_1.AssetDeliveryAPI(client), + authAPI: new AuthAPI_1.AuthAPI(client), + avatarAPI: new AvatarAPI_1.AvatarAPI(client), + badgesAPI: new BadgesAPI_1.BadgesAPI(client), + billingAPI: new BillingAPI_1.BillingAPI(client), + catalogAPI: new CatalogAPI_1.CatalogAPI(client), + chatAPI: new ChatAPI_1.ChatAPI(client), + contactsAPI: new ContactsAPI_1.ContactsAPI(client), + dataAPI: new DataAPI_1.DataAPI(client), + developAPI: new DevelopAPI_1.DevelopAPI(client), + economyAPI: new EconomyAPI_1.EconomyAPI(client), + economyCreatorStats: new EconomyCreatorStatsAPI_1.EconomyCreatorStatsAPI(client), + engagementPayouts: new EngagementPayoutsAPI_1.EngagementPayoutsAPI(client), + followingsAPI: new FollowingsAPI_1.FollowingsAPI(client), + friendsAPI: new FriendsAPI_1.FriendsAPI(client), + gamesAPI: new GamesAPI_1.GamesAPI(client), + gameInternationalizationAPI: new GameInternationalizationAPI_1.GameInternationalizationAPI(client), + groupsAPI: new GroupsAPI_1.GroupsAPI(client), + inventoryAPI: new InventoryAPI_1.InventoryAPI(client), + itemConfigurationAPI: new ItemConfigurationAPI_1.ItemConfigurationAPI(client), + localeAPI: new LocaleAPI_1.LocaleAPI(client), + metricsAPI: new MetricsAPI_1.MetricsAPI(client), + generalApi: new GeneralAPI_1.GeneralAPI(client), + notificationsAPI: new NotificationsAPI_1.NotificationsAPI(client), + otherAPI: new OtherAPI_1.OtherAPI(client), + premiumFeaturesAPI: new PremiumFeaturesAPI_1.PremiumFeaturesAPI(client), + presenceAPI: new PresenceAPI_1.PresenceAPI(client), + privateMessagesAPI: new PrivateMessagesAPI_1.PrivateMessagesAPI(client), + publishAPI: new PublishAPI_1.PublishAPI(client), + thumbnailsAPI: new ThumbnailsAPI_1.ThumbnailsAPI(client), + translationRolesAPI: new TranslationRolesAPI_1.TranslationRolesAPI(client), + usersAPI: new UsersAPI_1.UsersAPI(client), + twoStepVerification: new TwoStepVerificationAPI_1.TwoStepVerificationAPI(client) + }; +} +exports.initAPIs = initAPIs; diff --git a/dist/client/index.d.ts b/dist/client/index.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eb79981a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/index.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export { Client } from "./Client"; diff --git a/dist/client/index.js b/dist/client/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..55e5910ec --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Client = void 0; +var Client_1 = require("./Client"); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "Client", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return Client_1.Client; } }); diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ChatManager/ChatManager.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/ChatManager/ChatManager.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..511b2c387 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ChatManager/ChatManager.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +import { Client } from "../../Client"; +import { ChatAddUsersToConversation, ChatGetChatSettings, ChatMarkConversationsSeen, ChatMarkConversationMessagesRead, ChatRemoveUserFromConversation, ChatRenameGroupConversation, ChatResetConversationUniverse, ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions, ChatSendMessageOptions, ChatSetConversationUniverse, ChatStartCloudEditConversation, ChatStartGroupConversation, ChatStartOneToOneConversation, ChatUpdateUserTypingStatus } from "../../apis/ChatAPI"; +import { ChatConversation, ChatMessage, ChatMessageSent } from "../../../old_structures/Chat"; +export declare class ChatManager { + client: Client; + constructor(client: Client); + getSettings(): Promise; + getConversation(conversationId: number): Promise; + getConversationMessages(conversationId: number, amount?: number, startMessageId?: string): Promise; + getUnreadConversationsCount(): Promise; + getConversations(conversations: number[]): Promise; + addUsersToConversation(conversation: number, users: number[]): Promise; + markMessageRead(conversation: number, id: string): Promise; + markConversationsRead(conversations: number[]): Promise; + removeUserFromConversation(conversation: number, user: number): Promise; + renameGroupConversation(conversation: number, name: string): Promise; + getUnreadMessagesInConversations(conversations: number[], amount?: number): Promise; + getLatestMessagesInConversations(conversations: number[], amount?: number): Promise; + resetConversationUniverse(conversation: number): Promise; + sendGameLinkMessage(options: ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions): Promise; + sendMessage(options: ChatSendMessageOptions): Promise; + setConversationUniverse(conversation: number, universe: number): Promise; + startCloudEditConversation(placeId: number): Promise; + startGroupConversation(title: string, users: number[]): Promise; + startOneToOneConversation(userId: number): Promise; + updateTypingStatus(conversation: number, isTyping?: boolean): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ChatManager/ChatManager.js b/dist/client/lib/ChatManager/ChatManager.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4f91e192c --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ChatManager/ChatManager.js @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.ChatManager = void 0; +const Chat_1 = require("../../../old_structures/Chat"); +class ChatManager { + constructor(client) { + this.client = client; + } + getSettings() { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.getChatSettings(); + } + getConversation(conversationId) { + return this.getConversations([conversationId]).then((data) => data[0] || null); + } + getConversationMessages(conversationId, amount = 100, startMessageId) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .getConversationMessages({ + conversationId, + pageSize: amount, + exclusiveStartMessageId: startMessageId + }) + .then((response) => response.map((chatData) => new Chat_1.ChatMessage(chatData, this.client))); + } + getUnreadConversationsCount() { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .getUnreadConversationCount() + .then((response) => response.count); + } + getConversations(conversations) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .getConversations({ + conversationIds: conversations + }) + .then((response) => response.map((conversationData) => new Chat_1.ChatConversation(conversationData, this.client))); + } + addUsersToConversation(conversation, users) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.addUsersToConversation({ + conversationId: conversation, + participantUserIds: users + }); + } + markMessageRead(conversation, id) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.markConversationMessagesRead({ + conversationId: conversation, + endMessageId: id + }); + } + markConversationsRead(conversations) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.markConversationsSeen({ + conversationsToMarkSeen: conversations + }); + } + removeUserFromConversation(conversation, user) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.removeUserFromConversation({ + conversationId: conversation, + participantUserId: user + }); + } + renameGroupConversation(conversation, name) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.renameGroupConversation({ + conversationId: conversation, + newTitle: name + }); + } + getUnreadMessagesInConversations(conversations, amount = 100) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .getUnreadMessagesInConversations({ + conversationIds: conversations, + pageSize: amount + }) + .then((response) => Array.prototype.concat.apply([], response.map((conversationData) => conversationData.chatMessages.map((chatData) => new Chat_1.ChatMessage(chatData, this.client))))); + } + getLatestMessagesInConversations(conversations, amount = 100) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .getMultiLatestConversationMessages({ + conversationIds: conversations, + pageSize: amount + }) + .then((response) => Array.prototype.concat.apply([], response.map((conversationData) => conversationData.chatMessages.map((chatData) => new Chat_1.ChatMessage(chatData, this.client))))); + } + resetConversationUniverse(conversation) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.resetConversationUniverse({ + conversationId: conversation + }); + } + sendGameLinkMessage(options) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .sendGameLinkMessage(options) + .then((response) => new Chat_1.ChatMessageSent(response, this.client)); + } + sendMessage(options) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .sendMessage(options) + .then((response) => new Chat_1.ChatMessageSent(response, this.client)); + } + setConversationUniverse(conversation, universe) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.setConversationUniverse({ + conversationId: conversation, + universeId: universe + }); + } + startCloudEditConversation(placeId) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.startCloudEditConversation({ + placeId + }); + } + startGroupConversation(title, users) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.startGroupConversation({ + participantUserIds: users, + title + }); + } + startOneToOneConversation(userId) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.startOneToOneConversation({ + participantUserId: userId + }); + } + updateTypingStatus(conversation, isTyping = true) { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.updateUserTypingStatus({ + conversationId: conversation, + isTyping + }); + } +} +exports.ChatManager = ChatManager; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ChatManager/index.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/ChatManager/index.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f39bc233e --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ChatManager/index.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export * from "./ChatManager"; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ChatManager/index.js b/dist/client/lib/ChatManager/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ded55471d --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ChatManager/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./ChatManager"), exports); diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/ClientSocket.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/ClientSocket.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe4fb976a --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/ClientSocket.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/// +import { Client } from "../../Client"; +import { EventEmitter } from "events"; +import { PartialChatConversation } from "../../../old_structures/Chat"; +import { PartialUser } from "../../../old_structures/User"; +export declare interface Socket extends EventEmitter { + on(event: "chatMessageSent", listener: (data: { + conversation: PartialChatConversation; + }) => void): this; + on(event: "chatUserTyping", listener: (data: { + user: PartialUser; + conversation: PartialChatConversation; + }) => void): this; + on(event: "chatUserTypingStopped", listener: (data: { + user: PartialUser; + conversation: PartialChatConversation; + }) => void): this; + on(event: "chatMessage", listener: (data: { + user: PartialUser; + conversation: PartialChatConversation; + }) => void): this; + on(event: "chatMessageSent", listener: (data: { + user: PartialUser; + conversation: PartialChatConversation; + }) => void): this; + on(event: "chatConversationAdded", listener: (data: { + conversation: PartialChatConversation; + }) => void): this; + on(event: "chatConversationRemoved", listener: (data: { + conversation: PartialChatConversation; + }) => void): this; + on(event: "chatMemberAdded", listener: (data: { + conversation: PartialChatConversation; + }) => void): this; + on(event: "chatMemberLeft", listener: (data: { + conversation: PartialChatConversation; + }) => void): this; + on(event: "friendLost", listener: (data: { + user: PartialUser; + }) => void): this; + on(event: "friendRequest", listener: (data: { + user: PartialUser; + }) => void): this; + on(event: "friendAdded", listener: (data: { + user: PartialUser; + }) => void): this; + on(event: "userPresenceChanged", listener: (data: { + user: PartialUser; + }) => void): this; +} +export declare class Socket extends EventEmitter { + client: Client; + socket: any; + connected: boolean; + constructor(client: Client); + connect(): Promise; + /** + * This is called after the connection of the socket has successfully been established + */ + init(): void; +} diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/ClientSocket.js b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/ClientSocket.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..08494ab67 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/ClientSocket.js @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Socket = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment +// @ts-ignore +const SignalR = (0, tslib_1.__importStar)(require("signalr-client")); +const handlers_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./handlers")); +const events_1 = require("events"); +class Socket extends events_1.EventEmitter { + constructor(client) { + super(); + this.client = client; + this.socket = null; + this.connected = false; + } + connect() { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const connectSocket = (retries = 0) => { + var _a, _b, _c; + this.socket = new SignalR.client("wss://realtime.roblox.com/notifications", ["usernotificationhub"], 3, true); + this.socket.headers.Cookie = + this.client.rest.cookieJar.getCookieStringSync("https://roblox.com"); + const maxRetries = (_c = (_b = (_a = this.client.options.setup) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.websocket) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.maxRetries) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 3; + const attemptReconnect = () => connectSocket(++retries); + const onError = (error) => { + this.emit("error", error); + attemptReconnect(); + }; + if (retries >= maxRetries) { + this.socket.close(); + reject(new Error(`Connection failed, attempted to establish a connection ${retries} times`)); + } + this.socket.serviceHandlers.connectFailed = (error) => onError(error); + this.socket.serviceHandlers.onerror = (error) => onError(error); + this.socket.serviceHandlers.connected = () => { + this.emit("ready"); + this.init(); + resolve(); + }; + this.socket.serviceHandlers.reconnecting = () => { + this.emit("reconnecting"); + }; + // Start the attempt of connection + this.socket.start(); + }; + connectSocket(); + }); + } + /** + * This is called after the connection of the socket has successfully been established + */ + init() { + this.socket.on("UserNotificationHub", "notification", (name, message) => { + this.emit("event", { + name, + message + }); + const parsedMessage = !(message instanceof Object) + ? JSON.parse(message) + : message; + const messageType = parsedMessage.Type + ? parsedMessage.Type.toLowerCase() + : null; + const socketHandler = handlers_1.default.get(name.toLowerCase()); + if (socketHandler) { + return socketHandler(this, messageType, parsedMessage); + } + }); + } +} +exports.Socket = Socket; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/chatNotifications.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/chatNotifications.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1eadb2b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/chatNotifications.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +import * as ClientSocket from "../ClientSocket"; +export default function handleChatNotifications(socket: ClientSocket.Socket, messageType: string, message: any): void; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/chatNotifications.js b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/chatNotifications.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1d6498ec --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/chatNotifications.js @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +const Chat_1 = require("../../../../old_structures/Chat"); +const User_1 = require("../../../../old_structures/User"); +function handleChatNotifications(socket, messageType, message) { + switch (messageType) { + case "participanttyping": + socket.emit(message.IsTyping ? "chatUserTyping" : "chatUserTypingStopped", { + user: new User_1.PartialUser({ + id: message.UserId + }, socket.client), + conversation: new Chat_1.PartialChatConversation({ + id: message.ConversationId + }, socket.client) + }); + break; + case "newmessage": + socket.emit("chatMessage", { + conversation: new Chat_1.PartialChatConversation({ + id: message.ConversationId + }, socket.client) + }); + break; + case "newmessagebyself": + socket.emit("chatMessageSent", { + conversation: new Chat_1.PartialChatConversation({ + id: message.ConversationId + }, socket.client) + }); + break; + case "newconversation": + socket.emit("chatConversationAdded", { + conversation: new Chat_1.PartialChatConversation({ + id: message.ConversationId + }, socket.client) + }); + break; + case "conversationremoved": + socket.emit("chatConversationRemoved", { + conversation: new Chat_1.PartialChatConversation({ + id: message.ConversationId + }, socket.client) + }); + break; + case "participantadded": + socket.emit("chatMemberAdded", { + conversation: new Chat_1.PartialChatConversation({ + id: message.ConversationId + }, socket.client) + }); + break; + case "participantlefet": + socket.emit("chatMemberLeft", { + conversation: new Chat_1.PartialChatConversation({ + id: message.ConversationId + }, socket.client) + }); + break; + default: + break; + } +} +exports.default = handleChatNotifications; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/friendShipnotifications.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/friendShipnotifications.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..593bdfd4e --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/friendShipnotifications.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +import * as ClientSocket from "../ClientSocket"; +export default function handleFriendshipNotifications(socket: ClientSocket.Socket, messageType: string, message: any): void; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/friendShipnotifications.js b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/friendShipnotifications.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2138f745d --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/friendShipnotifications.js @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +const User_1 = require("../../../../old_structures/User"); +function handleFriendshipNotifications(socket, messageType, message) { + switch (messageType) { + case "friendshipdestroyed": + socket.emit("friendLost", { + user: new User_1.PartialUser({ + id: [message.UserId1, message.UserId2].filter((id) => id !== socket.client.user.id)[0] + }, socket.client) + }); + break; + case "friendshiprequested": + socket.emit("friendRequest", { + user: new User_1.PartialUser({ + id: message.UserId1 + }, socket.client) + }); + break; + case "friendshipcreated": + socket.emit("friendAdded", { + user: new User_1.PartialUser({ + id: message.UserId1 + }, socket.client) + }); + break; + default: + break; + } +} +exports.default = handleFriendshipNotifications; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/index.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/index.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a0d04ab6 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/index.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import { Socket as ClientSocket } from "../ClientSocket"; +declare const handlersMap: Map void>; +export default handlersMap; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/index.js b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..708452e22 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const chatNotifications_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./chatNotifications")); +const friendShipnotifications_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./friendShipnotifications")); +const messageNotifications_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./messageNotifications")); +const presenceBulkNotifications_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./presenceBulkNotifications")); +const handlersMap = new Map(); +handlersMap.set("chatnotifications", chatNotifications_1.default); +handlersMap.set("friendshipnotifications", friendShipnotifications_1.default); +handlersMap.set("messagenotifications", messageNotifications_1.default); +handlersMap.set("presencebulknotifications", presenceBulkNotifications_1.default); +exports.default = handlersMap; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/messageNotifications.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/messageNotifications.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..01109eada --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/messageNotifications.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +import { Socket as ClientSocket } from "../ClientSocket"; +export default function handleChatNotifications(socket: ClientSocket, messageType: string, message: any): void; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/messageNotifications.js b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/messageNotifications.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10c69c03b --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/messageNotifications.js @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +function handleChatNotifications(socket, messageType, message) { + switch (messageType) { + case "created": + socket.emit("message", { + messageId: message.MessageId + }); + break; + case "markasread": + socket.emit("messageRead", { + messageId: message.MessageId + }); + break; + case "markasunread": + socket.emit("messageUnread", { + messageId: message.MessageId + }); + break; + case "archived": + socket.emit("messageArchived", { + messageId: message.MessageId + }); + break; + case "unarchived": + socket.emit("messageUnarchived", { + messageId: message.MessageId + }); + break; + default: + break; + } +} +exports.default = handleChatNotifications; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/presenceBulkNotifications.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/presenceBulkNotifications.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b23fd5984 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/presenceBulkNotifications.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +import { Socket as ClientSocket } from "../ClientSocket"; +export default function handlePresenceBulkNotifications(socket: ClientSocket, _messageType: string, message: any): void; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/presenceBulkNotifications.js b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/presenceBulkNotifications.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d96ca86b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/presenceBulkNotifications.js @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +const User_1 = require("../../../../old_structures/User"); +function handlePresenceBulkNotifications(socket, _messageType, message) { + if (!Array.isArray(message)) { + throw new Error("Presence bulk notification message was not an array"); + } + message.forEach((presenceUpdated) => { + socket.emit("userPresenceChanged", new User_1.PartialUser({ + id: presenceUpdated.UserId + }, socket.client)); + }); +} +exports.default = handlePresenceBulkNotifications; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/index.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/index.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8edceb2b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/index.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export * from "./ClientSocket"; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/index.js b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f3f0a4dda --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/ClientSocket/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./ClientSocket"), exports); diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e267addce --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import { Client } from "../../Client"; +import { OrderedDataStore } from "./structures/OrderedDataStore"; +import { GlobalDataStore } from "./structures/GlobalDataStore"; +export declare class DataStoreManager { + client: Client; + constructor(client: Client); + getOrderedDataStore(placeId: number, name: string, scope?: string): OrderedDataStore; + getDataStore(placeId: number, name: string, scope?: string): GlobalDataStore; +} diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager.js b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..487d6750f --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager.js @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.DataStoreManager = void 0; +const OrderedDataStore_1 = require("./structures/OrderedDataStore"); +const GlobalDataStore_1 = require("./structures/GlobalDataStore"); +class DataStoreManager { + constructor(client) { + this.client = client; + } + getOrderedDataStore(placeId, name, scope) { + if (!this.client.isLoggedIn()) { + throw new Error(`You must be logged in to be able to use data stores!`); + } + return new OrderedDataStore_1.OrderedDataStore(this, placeId, name, scope, false); + } + getDataStore(placeId, name, scope) { + if (!this.client.isLoggedIn()) { + throw new Error(`You must be logged in to be able to use data stores!`); + } + return new GlobalDataStore_1.GlobalDataStore(this, placeId, name, scope, false); + } +} +exports.DataStoreManager = DataStoreManager; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/DataStoreHttpRequest.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/DataStoreHttpRequest.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3adb4bc22 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/DataStoreHttpRequest.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import { DataStoreManager } from "../DataStoreManager"; +import { RESTRequestOptions, RESTResponseDataType } from "../../../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; +import { DataStoreRequestType } from "../util/constants"; +declare type DataStoreHttpRequestOptions = RESTRequestOptions & { + placeId: number; + requestType: DataStoreRequestType; + data: string; +}; +export declare class DataStoreHttpRequest { + initiator: DataStoreManager; + options: DataStoreHttpRequestOptions; + constructor(manager: DataStoreManager, options: DataStoreHttpRequestOptions); + send(): Promise; +} +export {}; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/DataStoreHttpRequest.js b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/DataStoreHttpRequest.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce2f1cf36 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/DataStoreHttpRequest.js @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.DataStoreHttpRequest = void 0; +class DataStoreHttpRequest { + constructor(manager, options) { + this.initiator = manager; + this.options = options; + // Adjusting the body + this.options.body = + this.options.data.length === 0 ? " " : this.options.data; + // Always POST + this.options.method = this.options.method || "POST"; + this.options.headers = this.options.headers || {}; + this.options.headers = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.options.headers), { "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Roblox-Place-Id": this.options.placeId, Cookie: this.initiator.client.rest.getCookies("https://www.roblox.com/") }); + } + send() { + return this.initiator.client.rest.request(this.options); + } +} +exports.DataStoreHttpRequest = DataStoreHttpRequest; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GenericDataStore.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GenericDataStore.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5ec6174b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GenericDataStore.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +import { DataStoreManager } from "../DataStoreManager"; +import { RESTResponseDataType } from "../../../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; +declare type DataStoreType = "OrderedDataStore" | "GlobalDataStore"; +export declare class GenericDataStore { + manager: DataStoreManager; + name: string; + scope: string; + legacy: boolean; + baseAPIUrl: string; + placeId: number; + dataStoreType: DataStoreType; + advanced: { + parseData?: (data: string) => DataType; + serializeData?: (data: DataType) => string; + }; + constructor(manager: DataStoreManager, dataStoreType: DataStoreType, placeId: number, name: string, scope: string | null, legacy?: boolean); + /** + * When data is retrieved from data stores, it will be returned unmodified + * Using your own data converter will allow you to return it if you handle your data in a special way, such as + * JSON parsing it etc. + * @param {(data: string) => DataType} parseDataFunction + * @param {(data: DataType) => string} serializeDataFunction + */ + setDataConverters(parseDataFunction: (data: string) => DataType, serializeDataFunction: (data: DataType) => string): void; + buildPostDataForKey(key: string, index?: number): string; + buildGetUrl(): string; + buildSetUrl(key: string, valueLength: number): string; + buildSetIfUrl(key: string, valueLength: number, expectedValueLength: number): string; + buildIncrementUrl(key: string, delta: number): string; + buildRemoveUrl(key: string): string; + parseRetrievedData(data: string): [boolean, Result | any]; + /** + * Retrieves the value associated with the key (if any), otherwise returns null. + * Equivalent of DataStoreService:GetDataStore("name"):GetAsync("key"); + * @param {string} key + * @returns {Promise} + */ + getAsync(key: string): Promise; + /** + * Sets a value in data stores to the given key. + * Equivalent of DataStoreService:GetDataStore("name"):SetAsync("key", "value") + * @param {string} key + * @param {DataType} value + * @returns {Promise} + */ + setAsync(key: string, value: DataType): Promise; + incrementAsync(key: string, delta?: number): Promise; + removeAsync(key: string): Promise; + createQueryString(addition: Record): string; + /** + * This will (possibly) use a custom provided converter function that turns string into DataType. + * @param {string} data + * @returns {DataType} + * @private + */ + parseIncomingData(data: string): DataType; + /** + * This will (possibly) use a custom provided converter function that turns DataType into string so it can be saved + * to data stores + * @param {DataType} data + * @returns {string} + * @private + */ + serializeOutgoingData(data: DataType): string; + safeEncodeValue(input: string): string; + /** + * Performs various checks before sending any requests to make sure the requests are valid before sent + * @param {{key?: string, value?: DataType}} options + * @private + */ + performPreflightChecks(options: { + key?: string; + value?: string; + }): void; +} +export {}; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GenericDataStore.js b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GenericDataStore.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..560af0581 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GenericDataStore.js @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.GenericDataStore = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const querystring = (0, tslib_1.__importStar)(require("querystring")); +const DataStoreHttpRequest_1 = require("./DataStoreHttpRequest"); +const constants_1 = require("../util/constants"); +const checks_1 = require("../util/checks"); +class GenericDataStore { + constructor(manager, dataStoreType, placeId, name, scope, legacy = false) { + this.manager = manager; + this.dataStoreType = dataStoreType; + this.placeId = placeId; + this.name = name; + this.scope = scope || "global"; + this.legacy = legacy; + this.baseAPIUrl = "https://gamepersistence.roblox.com/persistence/"; + this.advanced = {}; + // Making sure we started off properly by checking all the set values + this.performPreflightChecks({}); + } + /** + * When data is retrieved from data stores, it will be returned unmodified + * Using your own data converter will allow you to return it if you handle your data in a special way, such as + * JSON parsing it etc. + * @param {(data: string) => DataType} parseDataFunction + * @param {(data: DataType) => string} serializeDataFunction + */ + setDataConverters(parseDataFunction, serializeDataFunction) { + this.advanced.parseData = parseDataFunction; + this.advanced.serializeData = serializeDataFunction; + } + buildPostDataForKey(key, index = 0) { + const encodedQueryString = querystring.encode({ + [`qkeys[${index}].scope`]: this.scope + ? this.safeEncodeValue(this.scope) + : "", + [`qkeys[${index}].target`]: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key), + [`qkeys[${index}].key`]: this.legacy + ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) + : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name) + }); + return `&${encodedQueryString}`; + } + buildGetUrl() { + const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({}); + return `${this.baseAPIUrl}getV2?${encodedQueryString}`; + } + buildSetUrl(key, valueLength) { + const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ + key: this.legacy + ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) + : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), + target: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key), + valueLength + }); + return `${this.baseAPIUrl}set?${encodedQueryString}`; + } + buildSetIfUrl(key, valueLength, expectedValueLength) { + const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ + key: this.legacy + ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) + : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), + target: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key), + valueLength, + expectedValueLength + }); + return `${this.baseAPIUrl}set?${encodedQueryString}`; + } + buildIncrementUrl(key, delta) { + const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ + key: this.legacy + ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) + : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), + target: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key), + value: delta + }); + return `${this.baseAPIUrl}increment?${encodedQueryString}`; + } + buildRemoveUrl(key) { + const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ + key: this.legacy + ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) + : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), + target: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key) + }); + return `${this.baseAPIUrl}increment?${encodedQueryString}`; + } + parseRetrievedData(data) { + let result = ""; + if (data.length === 0) { + return [true, result]; + } + try { + result = JSON.parse(data); + } + catch (_a) { + return [false, result]; + } + return [true, result]; + } + /** + * Retrieves the value associated with the key (if any), otherwise returns null. + * Equivalent of DataStoreService:GetDataStore("name"):GetAsync("key"); + * @param {string} key + * @returns {Promise} + */ + getAsync(key) { + return (0, tslib_1.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + this.performPreflightChecks({ + key + }); + const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest_1.DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { + url: this.buildGetUrl(), + placeId: this.placeId, + data: this.buildPostDataForKey(key), + requestType: constants_1.DataStoreRequestType.GET_ASYNC + }); + const response = yield createdRequest.send(); + const [parsedResponseSuccess, parsedResponse] = this.parseRetrievedData(response.body); + if (!parsedResponseSuccess || !parsedResponse) { + throw new Error(`Failed to parse response from data stores!`); + } + if (parsedResponse.data && parsedResponse.data.length > 0) { + // Sending the returned data for internal processing + return this.parseIncomingData(parsedResponse.data[0].Value); + } + else { + return null; + } + }); + } + /** + * Sets a value in data stores to the given key. + * Equivalent of DataStoreService:GetDataStore("name"):SetAsync("key", "value") + * @param {string} key + * @param {DataType} value + * @returns {Promise} + */ + setAsync(key, value) { + return (0, tslib_1.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const serializedValue = this.serializeOutgoingData(value); + this.performPreflightChecks({ + key, + value: serializedValue + }); + const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest_1.DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { + url: this.buildSetUrl(key, serializedValue.length), + placeId: this.placeId, + data: `value=${this.safeEncodeValue(serializedValue)}`, + requestType: constants_1.DataStoreRequestType.SET_ASYNC + }); + const response = yield createdRequest.send(); + const [parsedResponseSuccess, parsedResponse] = this.parseRetrievedData(response.body); + if (!parsedResponseSuccess || !parsedResponse) { + throw new Error(`Failed to parse response!`); + } + return this.parseIncomingData(parsedResponse.data); + }); + } + incrementAsync(key, delta = 1) { + this.performPreflightChecks({ + key + }); + const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest_1.DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { + url: this.buildIncrementUrl(key, delta), + placeId: this.placeId, + data: "", + requestType: constants_1.DataStoreRequestType.INCREMENT_ASYNC + }); + return createdRequest.send(); + } + removeAsync(key) { + this.performPreflightChecks({ + key + }); + const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest_1.DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { + url: this.buildRemoveUrl(key), + placeId: this.placeId, + data: "", + requestType: constants_1.DataStoreRequestType.SET_ASYNC + }); + return createdRequest.send(); + } + createQueryString(addition) { + return querystring.encode(Object.assign({ placeId: this.placeId, type: this.dataStoreType === "GlobalDataStore" ? "standard" : "sorted", scope: this.safeEncodeValue(this.scope) }, addition)); + } + /** + * This will (possibly) use a custom provided converter function that turns string into DataType. + * @param {string} data + * @returns {DataType} + * @private + */ + parseIncomingData(data) { + if (this.advanced.parseData) { + return this.advanced.parseData(data); + } + else { + return data; + } + } + /** + * This will (possibly) use a custom provided converter function that turns DataType into string so it can be saved + * to data stores + * @param {DataType} data + * @returns {string} + * @private + */ + serializeOutgoingData(data) { + let serializedStage1 = ""; + if (this.advanced.serializeData) { + serializedStage1 = this.advanced.serializeData(data); + } + else { + serializedStage1 = data; + } + let serializedFinal = ""; + try { + serializedFinal = JSON.stringify(serializedStage1); + } + catch (_a) { + serializedFinal = null; + } + if (!serializedFinal) { + throw new Error(`Failed to serialize the data using JSON.stringify`); + } + return serializedFinal; + } + safeEncodeValue(input) { + return encodeURIComponent(input); + } + /** + * Performs various checks before sending any requests to make sure the requests are valid before sent + * @param {{key?: string, value?: DataType}} options + * @private + */ + performPreflightChecks(options) { + (0, checks_1.checkScope)(this.scope); + (0, checks_1.checkName)(this.name); + (0, checks_1.checkPlaceId)(this.placeId); + if (options.key !== undefined) { + (0, checks_1.checkKey)(options.key); + } + if (options.value !== undefined) { + (0, checks_1.checkValue)(options.value); + } + } +} +exports.GenericDataStore = GenericDataStore; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GlobalDataStore.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GlobalDataStore.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..509402115 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GlobalDataStore.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +import { GenericDataStore } from "./GenericDataStore"; +import { DataStoreManager } from "../DataStoreManager"; +export declare class GlobalDataStore extends GenericDataStore { + constructor(manager: DataStoreManager, placeId: number, name: string, scope?: string, legacy?: boolean); +} diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GlobalDataStore.js b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GlobalDataStore.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..59ac14164 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GlobalDataStore.js @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.GlobalDataStore = void 0; +const GenericDataStore_1 = require("./GenericDataStore"); +class GlobalDataStore extends GenericDataStore_1.GenericDataStore { + constructor(manager, placeId, name, scope, legacy) { + super(manager, "GlobalDataStore", placeId, name, scope || null, legacy || false); + } +} +exports.GlobalDataStore = GlobalDataStore; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStore.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStore.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..51c2e0b3e --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStore.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +import { GenericDataStore } from "./GenericDataStore"; +import { DataStoreManager } from "../DataStoreManager"; +import { OrderedDataStorePage } from "./OrderedDataStorePage"; +export declare type GetSortedUrlOptions = { + ascending?: boolean; + pageSize?: number; + minValue?: number; + maxValue?: number; + startKey?: string; +}; +export declare type OrderedDataStoreResultType = { + data: { + Entries: { + Target: string; + Value: number; + }[]; + ExclusiveStartKey: string | null; + }; +}; +export declare class OrderedDataStore extends GenericDataStore { + constructor(manager: DataStoreManager, placeId: number, name: string, scope?: string, legacy?: boolean); + getSortedAsync(options: GetSortedUrlOptions): Promise>; + private buildGetSortedUrl; +} diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStore.js b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStore.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f6f7400c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStore.js @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.OrderedDataStore = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const GenericDataStore_1 = require("./GenericDataStore"); +const DataStoreHttpRequest_1 = require("./DataStoreHttpRequest"); +const constants_1 = require("../util/constants"); +const OrderedDataStorePage_1 = require("./OrderedDataStorePage"); +class OrderedDataStore extends GenericDataStore_1.GenericDataStore { + constructor(manager, placeId, name, scope, legacy) { + super(manager, "OrderedDataStore", placeId, name, scope || null, legacy || false); + } + getSortedAsync(options) { + return (0, tslib_1.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + this.performPreflightChecks({}); + const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest_1.DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { + url: this.buildGetSortedUrl(options), + placeId: this.placeId, + data: "", + requestType: constants_1.DataStoreRequestType.GET_SORTED_ASYNC_PAGE + }); + const response = yield createdRequest.send(); + const [parsedResponseSuccess, parsedResponse] = this.parseRetrievedData(response.body); + if (!parsedResponseSuccess) { + throw new Error(`Failed to parse response!`); + } + return new OrderedDataStorePage_1.OrderedDataStorePage(this, { + options, + result: parsedResponse + }); + }); + } + buildGetSortedUrl(options) { + const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ + key: this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), + pageSize: options.pageSize || + constants_1.DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreMaxPageSize, + ascending: options.ascending ? "True" : "False", + inclusiveMinValue: options.minValue, + inclusiveMaxValue: options.maxValue, + exclusiveStartKey: options.startKey + }); + return `${this.baseAPIUrl}getSortedValues?${encodedQueryString}`; + } +} +exports.OrderedDataStore = OrderedDataStore; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStorePage.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStorePage.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..470aeb1cf --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStorePage.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import { OrderedDataStore, GetSortedUrlOptions, OrderedDataStoreResultType } from "./OrderedDataStore"; +export declare class OrderedDataStorePage { + orderedDataStore: OrderedDataStore; + options: GetSortedUrlOptions; + data: { + key: string; + value: number; + }[]; + startKey: string | null; + constructor(orderedDataStore: OrderedDataStore, data: { + options: GetSortedUrlOptions; + result: OrderedDataStoreResultType; + }); + fetchNextPage(): Promise>; +} diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStorePage.js b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStorePage.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..439e9c656 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStorePage.js @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.OrderedDataStorePage = void 0; +class OrderedDataStorePage { + constructor(orderedDataStore, data) { + this.orderedDataStore = orderedDataStore; + this.options = data.options; + this.data = data.result.data.Entries.map((x) => ({ + key: x.Target, + value: x.Value + })); + this.startKey = data.result.data.ExclusiveStartKey; + } + fetchNextPage() { + if (!this.startKey) { + throw new Error(`There is no next page!`); + } + return this.orderedDataStore.getSortedAsync(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.options), { startKey: this.startKey })); + } +} +exports.OrderedDataStorePage = OrderedDataStorePage; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/checks.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/checks.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..373414136 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/checks.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +export declare function checkKey(key: string): boolean; +export declare function checkPlaceId(placeId: number): boolean; +export declare function checkName(name: string): boolean; +export declare function checkScope(scope: string): boolean; +export declare function checkValue(value: string): boolean; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/checks.js b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/checks.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ffefb89e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/checks.js @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.checkValue = exports.checkScope = exports.checkName = exports.checkPlaceId = exports.checkKey = void 0; +const constants_1 = require("./constants"); +function checkKey(key) { + if (key.length === 0 || + key.length > constants_1.DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit) { + throw new Error(`Key cannot be blank or be more than ${constants_1.DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit} characters!`); + } + return true; +} +exports.checkKey = checkKey; +function checkPlaceId(placeId) { + if (placeId < 1) { + throw new Error(`Place ID must be greater than 1`); + } + return true; +} +exports.checkPlaceId = checkPlaceId; +function checkName(name) { + if (name.length === 0 || + name.length > constants_1.DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit) { + throw new Error(`DataStore name cannot be blank or be more than ${constants_1.DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit} characters!`); + } + return true; +} +exports.checkName = checkName; +function checkScope(scope) { + if (scope.length === 0 || + scope.length > constants_1.DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit) { + throw new Error(`DataStore scope cannot be blank or be more than ${constants_1.DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit} characters!`); + } + return true; +} +exports.checkScope = checkScope; +function checkValue(value) { + if (value.length === 0 || + value.length > constants_1.DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreMaxValueSize) { + throw new Error(`DataStore values cannot be blank or be more than ${constants_1.DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreMaxValueSize} characters!`); + } + return true; +} +exports.checkValue = checkValue; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/constants.d.ts b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/constants.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..90ff33786 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/constants.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +export declare enum DataStoreRequestType { + GET_ASYNC = 5, + UPDATE_ASYNC = 6, + SET_ASYNC = 7, + INCREMENT_ASYNC = 8, + GET_SORTED_ASYNC_PAGE = 9 +} +export declare const DataStoreManagerConstants: { + DFFlag: { + UseNewDataStoreRequestSetTimestampBehaviour: boolean; + GetGlobalDataStorePcallFix: boolean; + UseUnstableDevGetAsyncUrl: boolean; + }; + DFInt: { + DataStoreMaxValueSize: number; + DataStoreMaxPageSize: number; + DataStoreKeyLengthLimit: number; + }; +}; diff --git a/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/constants.js b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/constants.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..833c99aad --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/constants.js @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.DataStoreManagerConstants = exports.DataStoreRequestType = void 0; +var DataStoreRequestType; +(function (DataStoreRequestType) { + DataStoreRequestType[DataStoreRequestType["GET_ASYNC"] = 5] = "GET_ASYNC"; + DataStoreRequestType[DataStoreRequestType["UPDATE_ASYNC"] = 6] = "UPDATE_ASYNC"; + DataStoreRequestType[DataStoreRequestType["SET_ASYNC"] = 7] = "SET_ASYNC"; + DataStoreRequestType[DataStoreRequestType["INCREMENT_ASYNC"] = 8] = "INCREMENT_ASYNC"; + DataStoreRequestType[DataStoreRequestType["GET_SORTED_ASYNC_PAGE"] = 9] = "GET_SORTED_ASYNC_PAGE"; +})(DataStoreRequestType = exports.DataStoreRequestType || (exports.DataStoreRequestType = {})); +exports.DataStoreManagerConstants = { + DFFlag: { + UseNewDataStoreRequestSetTimestampBehaviour: false, + GetGlobalDataStorePcallFix: false, + UseUnstableDevGetAsyncUrl: false + }, + DFInt: { + DataStoreMaxValueSize: 64 * 1024, + DataStoreMaxPageSize: 100, + DataStoreKeyLengthLimit: 50 + } +}; diff --git a/dist/controllers/index.d.ts b/dist/controllers/index.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a8736510e --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/index.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +import { RESTController } from "./rest"; +declare const controllers: { + rest: typeof RESTController; +}; +export default controllers; diff --git a/dist/controllers/index.js b/dist/controllers/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f0d3fd046 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +const rest_1 = require("./rest"); +const controllers = { + rest: rest_1.RESTController +}; +exports.default = controllers; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/RESTController.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/RESTController.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ae101e92 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/RESTController.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +import { Client } from "../../client/Client"; +import { Cookie, CookieJar } from "tough-cookie"; +import { RESTControllerOptions, RESTCreateCookieOptions, RESTRequester, RESTRequestHandler, RESTRequestOptions, RESTResponseDataType, RESTResponseHandler } from "../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; +export declare class RESTController { + client: Client; + options: RESTControllerOptions; + requester: RESTRequester; + cookieJar: CookieJar; + responseHandlers: RESTResponseHandler[]; + requestHandlers: RESTRequestHandler[]; + constructor(client: Client, options?: RESTControllerOptions); + /** + * Sends a request + * @param {RequestOptions} options The options + * @returns {Promise} + */ + request(options: RESTRequestOptions): Promise; + /** + * Fetches a new XCSRF token + */ + fetchXCSRFToken(): Promise; + /** + * Sets the XCSRF token + * @param {string} token The xcsrf token to use in future requets + */ + setXCSRFToken(token: string): void; + /** + * Gets the existing XCSRF token if it's not older than set refresh interval, + * otherwise, fetch a new one + */ + getXCSRFToken(): Promise; + /** + * Creates a new cookie and returns it, no side effects + * @param {RESTCreateCookieOptions} cookieOptions The options to use + * @returns {Cookie} + */ + createCookie(cookieOptions: RESTCreateCookieOptions): Cookie; + /** + * Adds a cookie to the cookie jar + * @param {Cookie} cookie The cookie to add + * @param {?string} domain The domain to add it for + * @param {Object} setCookieOptions Options for setting the cookie + * @returns {Cookie} + */ + addCookie(cookie: Cookie, domain?: string, setCookieOptions?: any): Cookie; + /** + * Gets the cookies for a given domain stored in the jar + * @param {string} domain The domain to retrieve the cookies for + * @returns {Cookie[]} + */ + getCookies(domain: string): Cookie[]; + /** + * Adds a response handler + * @param {Function} handler The response handler + */ + addResponseHandler(handler: RESTResponseHandler): void; + /** + * Adds a request handler + * @param {Function} handler The request handler + */ + addRequestHandler(handler: RESTRequestHandler): void; + /** + * Sets the proxy for the requests + * @param {string} proxyURL The proxy URL + */ + setProxy(proxyURL: string): void; + /** + * Gets the proxy used + * @returns {string | undefined} + */ + getProxy(): string | undefined; + /** + * Sets the user agents for future requests + * @param {string} userAgent The user agent to use + */ + setUserAgent(userAgent: string): void; + /** + * Gets the user agent + * @returns {string | undefined} + */ + getUserAgent(): string | undefined; + /** + * Sets the XCSRF token refresh interval + * @param {number} xcsrfRefreshInterval The time in ms to use + */ + setXCSRFTokenRefreshInterval(xcsrfRefreshInterval: number): void; + /** + * Gets the XCSRF token refresh interval + * @returns {number | undefined} + */ + getXCSRFTokenRefreshInterval(): number | undefined; + /** + * Sets the amount of retries to be made to refresh XCSRF + * tokens on Token Validation errors + * @param {number} xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries Number of retries + */ + setXCSRFTokenRefreshMaxRetries(xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries: number): void; + /** + * Gets the amount of retries to be made to refresh XCSRF + * tokens on Token Validation errors + * @returns {number | undefined} + */ + getXCSRFTokenRefreshMaxRetries(): number | undefined; + /** + * Sets the options for the RESTController + * @param {RESTControllerOptions} options The options to use + * @returns {RESTControllerOptions} + */ + setOptions(options?: RESTControllerOptions): RESTControllerOptions; +} diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/RESTController.js b/dist/controllers/rest/RESTController.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c18e21fb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/RESTController.js @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.RESTController = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const tough_cookie_1 = require("tough-cookie"); +const RESTInterfaces_1 = require("../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"); +const updateXCSRFToken_1 = require("./lib/updateXCSRFToken"); +const request_1 = require("./request"); +const handlers_1 = require("./response/handlers"); +const getRequester_1 = require("./lib/getRequester"); +const utilFunctions_1 = require("../../util/utilFunctions"); +class RESTController { + constructor(client, options) { + /** + * The client + */ + this.client = client; + /** + * The options for this RESTController + */ + this.options = this.setOptions(options || this.client.options.rest); + /** + * The cookie jar + */ + this.cookieJar = new tough_cookie_1.CookieJar(); + /** + * Functions to go through to validate / modify the response + */ + this.responseHandlers = [...handlers_1.responseHandlers]; + /** + * Functions to go through to modify the request + */ + this.requestHandlers = []; + /** + * The function that's being used to perform the requests, can be modified + */ + this.requester = (0, getRequester_1.getRequester)(this, this.options.requester || undefined); + } + /** + * Sends a request + * @param {RequestOptions} options The options + * @returns {Promise} + */ + request(options) { + const request = new request_1.RESTRequest(this, options); + return request.send(); + } + /** + * Fetches a new XCSRF token + */ + fetchXCSRFToken() { + return (0, updateXCSRFToken_1.updateXCSRFToken)(this).then((xcsrfToken) => { + this.setXCSRFToken(xcsrfToken); + return xcsrfToken; + }); + } + /** + * Sets the XCSRF token + * @param {string} token The xcsrf token to use in future requets + */ + setXCSRFToken(token) { + this.options.xcsrf = token; + this.options.xcsrfSet = Date.now(); + } + /** + * Gets the existing XCSRF token if it's not older than set refresh interval, + * otherwise, fetch a new one + */ + getXCSRFToken() { + return (0, tslib_1.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + if (!this.options.xcsrf || + Date.now() - (this.options.xcsrfSet || 0) >= + (this.options.xcsrfRefreshInterval || + RESTInterfaces_1.DefaultRESTControllerOptions.xcsrfRefreshInterval)) { + // Refresh token + yield this.fetchXCSRFToken().then((token) => { + this.setXCSRFToken(token); + }); + } + return this.options.xcsrf; + }); + } + /** + * Creates a new cookie and returns it, no side effects + * @param {RESTCreateCookieOptions} cookieOptions The options to use + * @returns {Cookie} + */ + createCookie(cookieOptions) { + return new tough_cookie_1.Cookie(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, RESTInterfaces_1.DefaultCreateCookieOptions), cookieOptions)); + } + /** + * Adds a cookie to the cookie jar + * @param {Cookie} cookie The cookie to add + * @param {?string} domain The domain to add it for + * @param {Object} setCookieOptions Options for setting the cookie + * @returns {Cookie} + */ + addCookie(cookie, domain, setCookieOptions) { + return this.cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookie, domain || "https://roblox.com", setCookieOptions || {}); + } + /** + * Gets the cookies for a given domain stored in the jar + * @param {string} domain The domain to retrieve the cookies for + * @returns {Cookie[]} + */ + getCookies(domain) { + return this.cookieJar.getCookiesSync(domain); + } + /** + * Adds a response handler + * @param {Function} handler The response handler + */ + addResponseHandler(handler) { + this.responseHandlers.push(handler); + } + /** + * Adds a request handler + * @param {Function} handler The request handler + */ + addRequestHandler(handler) { + this.requestHandlers.push(handler); + } + /** + * Sets the proxy for the requests + * @param {string} proxyURL The proxy URL + */ + setProxy(proxyURL) { + this.options.proxy = proxyURL; + } + /** + * Gets the proxy used + * @returns {string | undefined} + */ + getProxy() { + return this.options.proxy; + } + /** + * Sets the user agents for future requests + * @param {string} userAgent The user agent to use + */ + setUserAgent(userAgent) { + this.options.userAgent = userAgent; + } + /** + * Gets the user agent + * @returns {string | undefined} + */ + getUserAgent() { + return this.options.userAgent; + } + /** + * Sets the XCSRF token refresh interval + * @param {number} xcsrfRefreshInterval The time in ms to use + */ + setXCSRFTokenRefreshInterval(xcsrfRefreshInterval) { + this.options.xcsrfRefreshInterval = xcsrfRefreshInterval; + } + /** + * Gets the XCSRF token refresh interval + * @returns {number | undefined} + */ + getXCSRFTokenRefreshInterval() { + return this.options.xcsrfRefreshInterval; + } + /** + * Sets the amount of retries to be made to refresh XCSRF + * tokens on Token Validation errors + * @param {number} xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries Number of retries + */ + setXCSRFTokenRefreshMaxRetries(xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries) { + this.options.xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries = xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries; + } + /** + * Gets the amount of retries to be made to refresh XCSRF + * tokens on Token Validation errors + * @returns {number | undefined} + */ + getXCSRFTokenRefreshMaxRetries() { + return this.options.xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries; + } + /** + * Sets the options for the RESTController + * @param {RESTControllerOptions} options The options to use + * @returns {RESTControllerOptions} + */ + setOptions(options) { + this.options = (0, utilFunctions_1.utilMergeDeep)(RESTInterfaces_1.DefaultRESTControllerOptions, options || {}); + return this.options; + } +} +exports.RESTController = RESTController; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/index.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/index.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..67f3f39a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/index.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export { RESTController } from "./RESTController"; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/index.js b/dist/controllers/rest/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3863c9b65 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.RESTController = void 0; +var RESTController_1 = require("./RESTController"); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "RESTController", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return RESTController_1.RESTController; } }); diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/lib/getRequester.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/lib/getRequester.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dc0223a06 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/lib/getRequester.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +import { RESTController } from "../RESTController"; +export declare function getRequester(controller: RESTController, customRequester?: RESTController["requester"]): import("../../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces").RESTRequester; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/lib/getRequester.js b/dist/controllers/rest/lib/getRequester.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ad8fdb768 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/lib/getRequester.js @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.getRequester = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const got_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("got")); +function getRequester(controller, customRequester) { + if (!controller.requester && + !controller.client.options.rest.requester && + customRequester === undefined) { + let requester; + try { + requester = got_1.default; + } + catch (e) { + throw new Error(`Failed to retrieve module "got" and no custom requester provided!`); + } + controller.requester = requester; + } + else { + controller.requester = customRequester; + } + return controller.requester; +} +exports.getRequester = getRequester; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/lib/updateXCSRFToken.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/lib/updateXCSRFToken.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..829a6ea32 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/lib/updateXCSRFToken.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +import { RESTController } from "../RESTController"; +export declare function updateXCSRFToken(restController: RESTController): Promise; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/lib/updateXCSRFToken.js b/dist/controllers/rest/lib/updateXCSRFToken.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f2c83bd6a --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/lib/updateXCSRFToken.js @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.updateXCSRFToken = void 0; +function updateXCSRFToken(restController) { + return restController + .request({ + url: "https://auth.roblox.com/v2/login", + method: "POST", + xcsrf: false, + checks: { + xcsrf: false + }, + responseOptions: { + allowedStatusCodes: [403] + } + }) + .then((response) => { + const foundXcsrfToken = response.headers["x-csrf-token"]; + if (!foundXcsrfToken) { + throw new Error(`x-csrf-token was not returned by Roblox. Unable to fetch the token!`); + } + else { + return foundXcsrfToken; + } + }); +} +exports.updateXCSRFToken = updateXCSRFToken; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/request/RESTRequest.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/request/RESTRequest.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..007db2c05 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/request/RESTRequest.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +import { RESTRequestOptions, RESTResponseDataType } from "../../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; +import { RESTController } from "../RESTController"; +export declare class RESTRequest { + controller: RESTController; + /** + * The options that will be used for sending the request + */ + requestOptions: RESTRequestOptions; + /** + * The amount of times this request has been executed + */ + attempts: number; + constructor(controller: RESTController, options: RESTRequestOptions); + setOptions(options: RESTRequestOptions): RESTRequestOptions; + send(options?: RESTRequestOptions): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/request/RESTRequest.js b/dist/controllers/rest/request/RESTRequest.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d96ac63d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/request/RESTRequest.js @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.RESTRequest = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const RESTInterfaces_1 = require("../../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"); +const prepare_1 = require("./prepare"); +const response_1 = require("../response"); +const utilFunctions_1 = require("../../../util/utilFunctions"); +class RESTRequest { + constructor(controller, options) { + this.controller = controller; + this.requestOptions = options; + this.attempts = 0; + } + setOptions(options) { + // As lodash overwrites all entries that are provided with each other, it also mutates the default + // This way, it creates a clone of the default each time, so there's "new" default data each time + this.requestOptions = (0, utilFunctions_1.utilMergeDeep)(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(RESTInterfaces_1.DefaultRESTRequestOptions)), options || {}); + return this.requestOptions; + } + send(options) { + return (0, tslib_1.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + yield (0, prepare_1.prepare)(this, options || this.requestOptions); + yield Promise.all(this.controller.requestHandlers.map((handler) => handler(this))); + const responseData = yield this.controller.requester(this.requestOptions); + this.attempts++; + const response = new response_1.RESTResponse(this.controller, this, responseData); + return response.process(); + }); + } +} +exports.RESTRequest = RESTRequest; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/request/index.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/request/index.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c83b23eaf --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/request/index.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export { RESTRequest } from "./RESTRequest"; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/request/index.js b/dist/controllers/rest/request/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..52930c9c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/request/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.RESTRequest = void 0; +var RESTRequest_1 = require("./RESTRequest"); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "RESTRequest", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return RESTRequest_1.RESTRequest; } }); diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/request/prepare.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/request/prepare.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d10b43647 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/request/prepare.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +import { RESTRequestOptions } from "../../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; +import { RESTRequest } from "./"; +export declare function prepare(request: RESTRequest, options: RESTRequestOptions): Promise; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/request/prepare.js b/dist/controllers/rest/request/prepare.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c35339fee --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/request/prepare.js @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.prepare = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const querystring_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("querystring")); +function prepare(request, options) { + return (0, tslib_1.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + request.setOptions(options); + if (!request.requestOptions.url) { + throw new Error("No url was provided when executing rest.request.prepare"); + } + if (!request.requestOptions.headers) { + request.requestOptions.headers = {}; + } + if (request.requestOptions.followAllRedirects !== false) { + request.requestOptions.followAllRedirects = true; + } + if (!request.requestOptions.method) { + request.requestOptions.method = "GET"; + } + if (request.requestOptions.qs) { + if (!request.requestOptions.url.includes("?")) { + request.requestOptions.url += `?${querystring_1.default.stringify(request.requestOptions.qs)}`; + } + else { + request.requestOptions.url += `&${querystring_1.default.stringify(request.requestOptions.qs)}`; + } + } + if ((request.requestOptions.xcsrf !== false && + request.requestOptions.method.toLowerCase() !== "get") || + request.requestOptions.xcsrf === true) { + request.requestOptions.headers = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, request.requestOptions.headers), { "X-CSRF-TOKEN": yield request.controller.getXCSRFToken() }); + if (!request.requestOptions.responseOptions) { + request.requestOptions.responseOptions = {}; + } + if (!request.requestOptions.responseOptions.disallowedStatusMessages) { + request.requestOptions.responseOptions.disallowedStatusMessages = []; + } + request.requestOptions.responseOptions.disallowedStatusMessages.push("Token Validation Failed"); + } + if (request.requestOptions.json) { + request.requestOptions.body = + typeof request.requestOptions.json === "string" + ? request.requestOptions.json + : JSON.stringify(request.requestOptions.json); + request.requestOptions.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"; + delete request.requestOptions.json; + } + if (!request.requestOptions.excludeCookies) { + request.requestOptions.headers.Cookie = + request.controller.cookieJar.getCookieStringSync(request.requestOptions.url); + } + // -- Utilities + // Making sure the library does not throw errors if the request fails for some reason + // We want to handle any issues ourselves + request.requestOptions.throwHttpErrors = false; + }); +} +exports.prepare = prepare; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/RESTResponse.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/response/RESTResponse.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d1f1f047 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/RESTResponse.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import { RESTController } from "../RESTController"; +import { RESTRequest } from "../request"; +import { RESTResponseDataType } from "../../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; +export declare class RESTResponse { + controller: RESTController; + request: RESTRequest; + responseData: RESTResponseDataType; + constructor(controller: RESTController, request: RESTRequest, responseData: RESTResponseDataType); + process(): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/RESTResponse.js b/dist/controllers/rest/response/RESTResponse.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a5732f34 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/RESTResponse.js @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.RESTResponse = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const errors_1 = require("../../../util/errors/errors"); +class RESTResponse { + // Public options: RESTResponseOptions; + constructor(controller, request, responseData) { + this.controller = controller; + this.request = request; + this.responseData = responseData; + } + // eslint-disable-next-line require-await + process() { + return (0, tslib_1.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const allProcessed = this.controller.responseHandlers.map((handler) => handler(this)); + if (allProcessed.every((processed) => processed === true)) { + return this.responseData; + } + else { + const error = allProcessed.find((err) => err instanceof errors_1.BloxyHttpError && + err.name === "BloxyHttpInvalidStatusMessageError" && + err.statusMessage.includes("Token Validation Failed")); + if (error) { + // 1 attempt = 0 retries + if (this.request.attempts - 1 === + this.controller.getXCSRFTokenRefreshMaxRetries()) { + throw error; + } + else { + this.controller.options.xcsrf = undefined; + return this.request.send(); + } + } + throw allProcessed.find((err) => err instanceof Error); + } + }); + } +} +exports.RESTResponse = RESTResponse; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/index.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/index.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c101b4109 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/index.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +import { validStatusCode } from "./validStatusCode"; +export declare const responseHandlers: (typeof validStatusCode)[]; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/index.js b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7ed5958f --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.responseHandlers = void 0; +const validBody_1 = require("./validBody"); +const validStatusMessage_1 = require("./validStatusMessage"); +const validStatusCode_1 = require("./validStatusCode"); +const updateHeaders_1 = require("./updateHeaders"); +exports.responseHandlers = [ + updateHeaders_1.updateHeaders, + validStatusCode_1.validStatusCode, + validStatusMessage_1.validStatusMessage, + validBody_1.validBody +]; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/updateHeaders.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/updateHeaders.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81ce62c8e --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/updateHeaders.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +import { RESTResponse } from "../RESTResponse"; +export declare function updateHeaders(response: RESTResponse): boolean; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/updateHeaders.js b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/updateHeaders.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..87395a4ab --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/updateHeaders.js @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.updateHeaders = void 0; +const tough_cookie_1 = require("tough-cookie"); +function updateHeaders(response) { + if (response.responseData.headers["set-cookie"]) { + const setCookieHeader = response.responseData.headers["set-cookie"]; + if (Array.isArray(setCookieHeader)) { + setCookieHeader.forEach((toSetCookie) => { + const parsedCookie = tough_cookie_1.Cookie.parse(toSetCookie); + if (parsedCookie) { + response.controller.addCookie(parsedCookie); + } + }); + } + else { + const parsedCookie = tough_cookie_1.Cookie.parse(setCookieHeader); + if (parsedCookie) { + response.controller.addCookie(parsedCookie); + } + } + } + return true; +} +exports.updateHeaders = updateHeaders; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validBody.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validBody.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..822b5e3af --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validBody.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export declare function validBody(): boolean; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validBody.js b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validBody.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5dfd47645 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validBody.js @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.validBody = void 0; +function validBody() { + return true; +} +exports.validBody = validBody; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusCode.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusCode.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e740014c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusCode.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +import { RESTResponse } from "../RESTResponse"; +export declare function validStatusCode(response: RESTResponse): boolean | Error; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusCode.js b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusCode.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81e6d1827 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusCode.js @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.validStatusCode = void 0; +const errors_1 = require("../../../../util/errors/errors"); +function validStatusCode(response) { + var _a; + const { request, responseData } = response; + let isValid = true; + const responseOptions = request.requestOptions.responseOptions || {}; + if (request.requestOptions.responseOptions && + ((_a = request.requestOptions.checks) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.statusCode)) { + const allowedStatusCodes = responseOptions.allowedStatusCodes || []; + const disallowedStatusCodes = responseOptions.disallowedStatusCodes || []; + const isAllowed = allowedStatusCodes.some((statusCode) => responseData.statusCode === statusCode); + const isDisallowed = disallowedStatusCodes.some((statusCode) => responseData.statusCode === statusCode); + if (allowedStatusCodes.length > 0) { + // Only these are allowed + if (!isAllowed) { + isValid = false; + } + } + else if (allowedStatusCodes.length === 0 && + disallowedStatusCodes.length > 0) { + // Only these are disallowed + if (isDisallowed) { + isValid = false; + } + } + else if (allowedStatusCodes.length === 0 && + disallowedStatusCodes.length === 0) { + // All status are allowed + } + } + return isValid + ? true + : new errors_1.BloxyHttpError({ + statusMessage: responseData.statusMessage, + statusCode: responseData.statusCode, + message: `Invalid status code in response. Body: ${responseData.body instanceof Object + ? JSON.stringify(responseData.body) + : responseData.body}`, + name: "BloxyHttpInvalidStatusCodeError", + possibleReasons: [] + }); +} +exports.validStatusCode = validStatusCode; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusMessage.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusMessage.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1231c04f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusMessage.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +import { RESTResponse } from "../RESTResponse"; +export declare function validStatusMessage(response: RESTResponse): boolean | Error; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusMessage.js b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusMessage.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7b208fc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusMessage.js @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.validStatusMessage = void 0; +const errors_1 = require("../../../../util/errors/errors"); +function validStatusMessage(response) { + var _a; + const { request, responseData } = response; + const responseOptions = request.requestOptions.responseOptions || {}; + let isValid = true; + if (request.requestOptions.responseOptions && + ((_a = request.requestOptions.checks) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.statusMessage)) { + const allowedStatusMessages = responseOptions.allowedStatusMessages || []; + const disallowedStatusMessages = responseOptions.disallowedStatusMessages || []; + const isAllowed = allowedStatusMessages.some((statusMessage) => responseData.statusMessage.toLowerCase().includes(statusMessage)); + const isDisallowed = disallowedStatusMessages.some((statusMessage) => responseData.statusMessage.toLowerCase().includes(statusMessage)); + if (allowedStatusMessages.length > 0) { + // Only these are allowed + if (!isAllowed) { + isValid = false; + } + } + else if (allowedStatusMessages.length === 0 && + disallowedStatusMessages.length > 0) { + // Only these are disallowed + if (isDisallowed) { + isValid = false; + } + } + else if (allowedStatusMessages.length === 0 && + disallowedStatusMessages.length === 0) { + // All status are allowed + } + } + return isValid + ? true + : new errors_1.BloxyHttpError({ + statusCode: responseData.statusCode, + statusMessage: responseData.statusMessage, + message: `Invalid status message detected in response.`, + name: "BloxyHttpInvalidStatusMessageError", + possibleReasons: [] + }); +} +exports.validStatusMessage = validStatusMessage; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/index.d.ts b/dist/controllers/rest/response/index.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa4300af3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/index.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export { RESTResponse } from "./RESTResponse"; diff --git a/dist/controllers/rest/response/index.js b/dist/controllers/rest/response/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..106b1df0c --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/controllers/rest/response/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.RESTResponse = void 0; +var RESTResponse_1 = require("./RESTResponse"); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "RESTResponse", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return RESTResponse_1.RESTResponse; } }); diff --git a/dist/index.d.ts b/dist/index.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2b60d129 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/index.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +export { Client } from "./client"; +export * from "./types/GenericTypes"; +export * from "./types/GenericOptionTypes"; +export * from "./client/apis/AccountInformationAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/AdConfigurationAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/AssetDeliveryAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/AuthAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/AvatarAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/BadgesAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/BaseAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/BillingAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/CatalogAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/ChatAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/ContactsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/DataAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/DevelopAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/EconomyAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/EconomyCreatorStatsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/EngagementPayoutsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/FollowingsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/FriendsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/GameInternationalizationAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/GamesAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/GeneralAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/GroupsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/InventoryAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/ItemConfigurationAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/LocaleAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/MetricsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/NotificationsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/OtherAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/PresenceAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/PublishAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/TwoStepVerificationAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/UsersAPI"; diff --git a/dist/index.js b/dist/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd4e66f12 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Client = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +var client_1 = require("./client"); +Object.defineProperty(exports, "Client", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return client_1.Client; } }); +// Generic Types +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./types/GenericTypes"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./types/GenericOptionTypes"), exports); +// APIs +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/AccountInformationAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/AdConfigurationAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/AssetDeliveryAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/AuthAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/AvatarAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/BadgesAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/BaseAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/BillingAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/CatalogAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/ChatAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/ContactsAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/DataAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/DevelopAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/EconomyAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/EconomyCreatorStatsAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/EngagementPayoutsAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/FollowingsAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/FriendsAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/GameInternationalizationAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/GamesAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/GeneralAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/GroupsAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/InventoryAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/ItemConfigurationAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/LocaleAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/MetricsAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/NotificationsAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/OtherAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/PresenceAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/PublishAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/TwoStepVerificationAPI"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./client/apis/UsersAPI"), exports); diff --git a/dist/interfaces/APIInterfaces.d.ts b/dist/interfaces/APIInterfaces.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1fa20cc3b --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/interfaces/APIInterfaces.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +import { Client } from "../index"; +export declare type BaseAPIOptions = { + baseUrl: string; + client: Client; +}; diff --git a/dist/interfaces/APIInterfaces.js b/dist/interfaces/APIInterfaces.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8ad2e549 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/interfaces/APIInterfaces.js @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); diff --git a/dist/interfaces/GeneralInterfaces.d.ts b/dist/interfaces/GeneralInterfaces.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..56e6095fc --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/interfaces/GeneralInterfaces.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import { ClientUser } from "../old_structures/ClientUser"; +export declare type AnyIdentifier = string | number; +export declare type UserIdentifier = ClientUser | AnyIdentifier; +export declare enum EnumUserPresence { + "Offline" = 0, + "Online" = 1, + "In Game" = 2, + "In Studio" = 3 +} +export interface UserPresence { + UserPresenceType: "InGame" | "InStudio" | "Online" | "Offline"; + UserLocationType: "Game"; + lastLocation?: string; + placeId?: number; + rootPlaceId?: number; + gameInstanceId?: string; + universeId?: number; + lastOnline?: string; +} diff --git a/dist/interfaces/GeneralInterfaces.js b/dist/interfaces/GeneralInterfaces.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dbb5a6ffa --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/interfaces/GeneralInterfaces.js @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.EnumUserPresence = void 0; +var EnumUserPresence; +(function (EnumUserPresence) { + EnumUserPresence[EnumUserPresence["Offline"] = 0] = "Offline"; + EnumUserPresence[EnumUserPresence["Online"] = 1] = "Online"; + EnumUserPresence[EnumUserPresence["In Game"] = 2] = "In Game"; + EnumUserPresence[EnumUserPresence["In Studio"] = 3] = "In Studio"; +})(EnumUserPresence = exports.EnumUserPresence || (exports.EnumUserPresence = {})); diff --git a/dist/interfaces/RESTInterfaces.d.ts b/dist/interfaces/RESTInterfaces.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0f1ff90b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/interfaces/RESTInterfaces.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +import { RESTRequest } from "../controllers/rest/request"; +import { RESTResponse } from "../controllers/rest/response"; +export declare type RESTRequester = (requestOptions: RESTRequestOptions) => Promise; +export declare type RESTRequestHandler = (request: RESTRequest) => boolean | Error; +export declare type RESTResponseHandler = (response: RESTResponse) => boolean | Error; +export declare type RESTControllerOptions = { + requester?: (requestOptions: RESTRequestOptions) => Promise; + /** + * If specified, the user agent that will be used for the requests + */ + userAgent?: string; + /** + * If specified, the url which the request will be proxied through + */ + proxy?: string; + /** + * The current XCSRF token + */ + xcsrf?: string; + /** + * The time in ms when the xcsrf was last set + */ + xcsrfSet?: number; + /** + * Refresh interval in ms for XCSRF token updating + */ + xcsrfRefreshInterval?: number; + /** + * The amount of retries to be made to refresh XCSRF + * tokens on Token Validation errors + */ + xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries?: number; +}; +export declare type RESTCreateCookieOptions = { + key: string; + value: string; + domain: string; + hostOnly: boolean; + httpOnly: boolean; +}; +export declare type RESTRequestOptions = { + /** + * The URL to send the request to + */ + url: string; + /** + * The request method to use + */ + method?: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "PATCH" | "OPTIONS" | string; + /** + * The proxy to use + */ + proxy?: string; + /** + * If the request should follow all redirects + */ + followAllRedirects?: boolean; + /** + * Roblox's "old" verification system with general verification tokens + */ + verification?: string; + /** + * An "overriding" user agent for the request + */ + userAgent?: string; + /** + * Add some custom headers that will override / merge with the "base" headers + */ + headers?: { + [key: string]: unknown; + }; + /** + * The JSON body + */ + json?: unknown[] | { + [key: string]: unknown; + } | string | any; + body?: unknown; + /** + * The form body + */ + form?: { + [key: string]: unknown; + }; + /** + * The form data body + */ + formData?: { + [key: string]: unknown; + }; + /** + * Any query params? + */ + qs?: { + [key: string]: unknown; + }; + /** + * Sets the state of any checks + */ + checks?: RESTResponseOptions["checks"]; + /** + * If you want to use a "custom" xcsrf token + */ + xcsrf?: string | boolean; + /** + * The optional response options + */ + responseOptions?: RESTResponseOptions; + /** + * If it should throw http errors if the statuscode is != 200 + */ + throwHttpErrors?: boolean; + /** + * If it should exclude the cookies from being included in the requests + */ + excludeCookies?: boolean; +}; +export declare type RESTResponseOptions = { + allowedStatusCodes?: number[]; + disallowedStatusCodes?: number[]; + allowedStatusMessages?: string[]; + disallowedStatusMessages?: string[]; + onlyJSON?: boolean; + checks?: { + xcsrf?: boolean; + statusMessage?: boolean; + statusCode?: boolean; + body?: boolean; + captcha?: boolean; + }; +}; +export declare type RESTResponseDataType = { + body: any; + statusMessage: string; + statusCode: number; + headers: Record; +}; +export declare const DefaultRESTResponseOptions: { + allowedStatusCodes: number[]; +}; +export declare const DefaultRESTRequestOptions: { + checks: { + xcsrf: boolean; + statusMessage: boolean; + statusCode: boolean; + body: boolean; + captcha: boolean; + }; + headers: {}; + method: string; + responseOptions: { + allowedStatusCodes: number[]; + }; +}; +export declare const DefaultCreateCookieOptions: { + domain: string; + hostOnly: boolean; + httpOnly: boolean; +}; +export declare const DefaultRESTControllerOptions: { + userAgent: string; + proxy: undefined; + xcsrf: undefined; + xcsrfSet: undefined; + xcsrfRefreshInterval: number; + xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries: number; +}; diff --git a/dist/interfaces/RESTInterfaces.js b/dist/interfaces/RESTInterfaces.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..077d9defb --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/interfaces/RESTInterfaces.js @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.DefaultRESTControllerOptions = exports.DefaultCreateCookieOptions = exports.DefaultRESTRequestOptions = exports.DefaultRESTResponseOptions = void 0; +exports.DefaultRESTResponseOptions = { + allowedStatusCodes: [200] +}; +exports.DefaultRESTRequestOptions = { + checks: { + xcsrf: true, + statusMessage: true, + statusCode: true, + body: true, + captcha: true + }, + headers: {}, + method: "GET", + responseOptions: exports.DefaultRESTResponseOptions +}; +exports.DefaultCreateCookieOptions = { + domain: ".roblox.com", + hostOnly: false, + httpOnly: false +}; +exports.DefaultRESTControllerOptions = { + userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36", + proxy: undefined, + xcsrf: undefined, + xcsrfSet: undefined, + xcsrfRefreshInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, + xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries: 4 +}; diff --git a/dist/old_structures/Asset.d.ts b/dist/old_structures/Asset.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dc251898b --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/old_structures/Asset.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { CreatorType } from "../util/constants"; +import { PartialGameUniverse, PartialGameUniverseOptions } from "./Game"; +import { PartialUser, PartialUserOptions } from "./User"; +import { CatalogProductDetails } from "../client/apis/CatalogAPI"; +import { PartialGroup, PartialGroupOptions } from "./Group"; +export interface Structures { + PartialUser: new (data: PartialUserOptions, client: Client) => PartialUser; + PartialGameUniverse: new (data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, client: Client) => PartialGameUniverse; + PartialGroup: new (data: PartialGroupOptions, client: Client) => PartialGroup; +} +export interface AssetVersionOptions { + Id: number; + AssetId: number; + VersionNumber: number; + ParentAssetVersionId: number; + CreatorType: unknown; + CreatingUniverseId: number | null; + Created: string; + Updated: string; +} +export declare class AssetVersion { + client: Client; + id: number; + assetId: number; + versionNumber: number; + parentAssetVersionId: number | null; + creatorType: CreatorType; + createdForUniverse: PartialGameUniverse | null; + creator: PartialUser; + created: Date; + updated: Date; + constructor(data: any, client: Client); +} +export interface BundleOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + bundleType: string; + items: { + owned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; + }[]; + creator: { + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; + }; + product: CatalogProductDetails; +} +export declare class Bundle { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + bundleType: string; + items: { + owned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; + }[]; + creatorType: CreatorType; + creator: PartialUser | PartialGroup; + product: { + id: number; + type: string; + publicDomain: boolean; + forSale: boolean; + price: number; + premiumPricing: { + discount: number; + price: number; + }; + }; + constructor(data: BundleOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface CollectibleAssetOptions { + userAssetId: number; + serialNumber: number | null; + assetId: number; + name: string; + recentAveragePrice: number | null; + originalPrice: number | null; + assetStock: number | null; + buildersClubMembershipType: number; +} +export declare class CollectibleAsset { + client: Client; + assetId: number; + userAssetId: number; + name: string; + recentAveragePrice: number | null; + originalPrice: number | null; + assetStock: number | null; + buildersClubMembershipType: number; + constructor(data: CollectibleAssetOptions, client: Client); +} +export declare type CursorPageOptions = { + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; +}; +declare type CursorPageResponse = { + data: unknown; + previousPageCursor: string | null; + nextPageCursor: string | null; +}; +export declare class CursorPage { + client: Client; + options: CursorPageOptions; + cursors: { + current: string | null; + next: string | null; + previous: string | null; + }; + data: T[]; + method: any; + constructor(client: Client, options: CursorPageOptions, response: CursorPageResponse, method: any); + getNext(newOptions?: CursorPageOptions): Promise>; + getPrevious(newOptions?: CursorPageOptions): Promise>; +} +export interface ProductOptions { + TargetId: number; + ProductType: string; + AssetId: number; + ProductId: number; + Name: string; + Description: string; + AssetTypeId: number; + Creator: { + Id: number; + Name: string; + }; + IconImageAssetId: number; + Created: string; + Updated: string; + PriceInRobux: number; + PriceInTickets: null; + Sales: number; + IsNew: boolean; + IsForSale: boolean; + IsPublicDomain: boolean; + IsLimited: boolean; + IsLimitedUnique: boolean; + Remaining: number | null; + MinimumMembershipLevel: number; +} +export declare class Product { + client: Client; + id: number; + type: string; + assetId: number; + productId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + assetTypeId: number; + creator: PartialUser; + iconImageAssetId: number; + created: Date; + updated: Date; + price: number; + sales: number; + isNew: boolean; + forSale: boolean; + publicDomain: boolean; + limited: boolean; + limitedUnique: boolean; + remaining: number | null; + minimumMembershipLevel: number; + constructor(data: ProductOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface TradeOptions { + id: number; + offers: { + user: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + userAssets: CollectibleAssetOptions[]; + robux: number; + }[]; + user: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + created: string; + isActive: boolean; + status: "Completed" | string; +} +export declare class Trade { + client: Client; + id: number; + offers: { + user: PartialUser; + assets: CollectibleAsset[]; + robux: number; + }[]; + sender: PartialUser; + created: Date; + active: boolean; + status: string; + constructor(data: TradeOptions, client: Client); +} +export {}; diff --git a/dist/old_structures/Asset.js b/dist/old_structures/Asset.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..074550237 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/old_structures/Asset.js @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Trade = exports.Product = exports.CursorPage = exports.CollectibleAsset = exports.Bundle = exports.AssetVersion = void 0; +const constants_1 = require("../util/constants"); +const retrieveStructures = () => ({ + PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, + PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse, + PartialGroup: require("./Group").PartialGroup +}); +class AssetVersion { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.Id; + this.assetId = data.AssetId; + this.versionNumber = data.VersionNumber; + this.parentAssetVersionId = data.ParentAssetVersionId; + this.creatorType = data.CreatorType; + this.creator = new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.CreatorTargetId + }, this.client); + this.createdForUniverse = data.CreatingUniverseId + ? new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ + id: data.CreatingUniverseId + }, client) + : null; + this.created = new Date(data.Created); + this.updated = new Date(data.Updated); + } +} +exports.AssetVersion = AssetVersion; +class Bundle { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name; + this.description = data.description; + this.bundleType = data.bundleType; + this.items = data.items.map((itemData) => ({ + owned: itemData.owned, + id: itemData.id, + name: itemData.name, + type: itemData.type + })); + this.creatorType = + data.creator.type.toLowerCase() === "group" + ? constants_1.CreatorType.GROUP + : constants_1.CreatorType.USER; + this.creator = + this.creatorType === constants_1.CreatorType.USER + ? new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.creator.id, + name: data.creator.name + }, client) + : new structures.PartialGroup({ + id: data.creator.id, + name: data.creator.name + }, client); + this.product = { + id: data.product.id, + type: data.product.type, + publicDomain: data.product.isPublicDomain, + forSale: data.product.isForSale, + price: data.product.priceInRobux, + premiumPricing: { + discount: data.product.premiumPricing.premiumDiscountPercentage, + price: data.product.premiumPricing.premiumPriceInRobux + } + }; + } +} +exports.Bundle = Bundle; +class CollectibleAsset { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.assetId = data.assetId; + this.userAssetId = data.userAssetId; + this.name = data.name; + this.recentAveragePrice = data.recentAveragePrice; + this.originalPrice = data.originalPrice; + this.assetStock = data.assetStock; + this.buildersClubMembershipType = data.buildersClubMembershipType; + } +} +exports.CollectibleAsset = CollectibleAsset; +class CursorPage { + constructor(client, options, response, method) { + this.client = client; + this.options = options; + this.cursors = { + current: options.cursor || null, + next: response.nextPageCursor || null, + previous: response.previousPageCursor || null + }; + this.data = response.data; + this.method = method; + } + getNext(newOptions) { + if (!this.cursors.next) { + throw new Error("Attempted to iterate to next page, but no cursor was presented for the next page"); + } + const options = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.options), { cursor: this.cursors.next }), newOptions); + return this.method(options); + } + getPrevious(newOptions) { + if (!this.cursors.previous) { + throw new Error("Attempted to iterate to previous page, but no cursor was presented for the previous page"); + } + const options = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.options), { cursor: this.cursors.previous }), newOptions); + return this.method(options); + } +} +exports.CursorPage = CursorPage; +class Product { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.TargetId; + this.type = data.ProductType; + this.assetId = data.AssetId; + this.productId = data.ProductId; + this.name = data.Name; + this.description = data.Description; + this.assetTypeId = data.AssetTypeId; + this.creator = new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.Creator.Id, + name: data.Creator.Name + }, client); + this.iconImageAssetId = data.IconImageAssetId; + this.created = new Date(data.Created); + this.updated = new Date(data.Updated); + this.price = data.PriceInRobux; + this.sales = data.Sales; + this.isNew = data.IsNew; + this.forSale = data.IsForSale; + this.publicDomain = data.IsPublicDomain; + this.limited = data.IsLimited; + this.limitedUnique = data.IsLimitedUnique; + this.remaining = data.Remaining || null; + this.minimumMembershipLevel = data.MinimumMembershipLevel; + } +} +exports.Product = Product; +class Trade { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.sender = new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.user.id, + name: data.user.name + }, client); + this.created = new Date(data.created); + this.active = data.isActive; + this.status = data.status; + this.offers = data.offers.map((offerData) => ({ + robux: offerData.robux, + user: new structures.PartialUser({ + id: offerData.user.id, + name: offerData.user.name + }, client), + assets: offerData.userAssets.map((assetData) => new CollectibleAsset(assetData, client)) + })); + } +} +exports.Trade = Trade; diff --git a/dist/old_structures/Chat.d.ts b/dist/old_structures/Chat.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e6a471dbf --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/old_structures/Chat.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { PartialUser } from "./User"; +import { PartialGameUniverse } from "./Game"; +import { ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions, ChatSendMessageOptions } from "../client/apis/ChatAPI"; +export interface ChatConversationOptions { + id: number; + title: string; + initiator: { + type: "User" | string; + targetId: number; + name: string | null; + displayName: string | null; + }; + hasUnreadMessages: boolean; + participants: { + type: "User" | string; + targetId: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; + conversationType: "OneToOneConversation" | string; + conversationTitle: { + titleForViewer: string; + isDefaultTitle: boolean; + }; + lastUpdated: string; + conversationUniverse: number | null; +} +export declare class ChatConversation { + client: Client; + id: number; + title: string; + initiator: PartialUser; + hasUnreadMessages: boolean; + members: PartialUser[]; + type: string; + conversationTitle: { + forViewer: string; + isDefaultTitle: boolean; + }; + lastUpdated: Date; + universe: PartialGameUniverse | null; + constructor(data: ChatConversationOptions, client: Client); + getMessages(amount?: number, startId?: string): Promise; + addUsers(users: number[]): Promise; + removeUser(userId: number): Promise; + markMessageRead(id: string): Promise; + markRead(): Promise; + rename(name: string): Promise; + getUnreadMessages(amount?: number): Promise; + getLatestMessages(amount?: number): Promise; + resetUniverse(): Promise; + sendGameLinkMessage(options: ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions): Promise; + sendMessage(options: ChatSendMessageOptions): Promise; +} +export interface PartialChatConversationOptions { + id: number; + title?: string; +} +export declare class PartialChatConversation { + client: Client; + id: number; + title: string | null; + constructor(data: PartialChatConversationOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface ChatMessageOptions { + id: string; + senderType: string; + sent: string; + read: boolean; + messageType: "PlainText" | string; + decorators: string[]; + senderTargetId: number; + content: string; + link?: { + type: "Game"; + game: { + universeId: number; + }; + }; + eventBased?: { + type: "SetConversationUniverse"; + setConversationUniverse: { + actorUserId: number; + universeId: number; + }; + }; +} +export declare class ChatMessage { + client: Client; + id: string; + sender: PartialUser; + sentAt: Date; + type: "PlainText" | string; + decorators: string[]; + content: string; + constructor(data: ChatMessageOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface ChatMessageSentOptions { + content: string; + filteredForReceivers: boolean; + messageId: string; + sent: string; + messageType: "PlainText" | string; + resultType: "Success" | string; + statusMessage: string; +} +export declare class ChatMessageSent { + client: Client; + content: string; + filtered: boolean; + id: string; + sentAt: Date; + type: "PlainText" | string; + result: "Success" | string; + status: string; + constructor(data: ChatMessageSentOptions, client: Client); +} diff --git a/dist/old_structures/Chat.js b/dist/old_structures/Chat.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c59b762ce --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/old_structures/Chat.js @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.ChatMessageSent = exports.ChatMessage = exports.PartialChatConversation = exports.ChatConversation = void 0; +const retrieveStructures = () => ({ + PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, + PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse, + PartialGroup: require("./Group").PartialGroup +}); +class ChatConversation { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.title = data.title; + this.initiator = new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.initiator.targetId, + name: data.initiator.name || undefined + }, client); + this.hasUnreadMessages = data.hasUnreadMessages; + this.members = data.participants.map((participantData) => new structures.PartialUser({ + id: participantData.targetId, + name: participantData.name + }, client)); + this.type = data.conversationType; + this.lastUpdated = new Date(data.lastUpdated); + this.universe = data.conversationUniverse + ? new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ + id: data.conversationUniverse + }, client) + : null; + this.conversationTitle = { + forViewer: data.conversationTitle.titleForViewer, + isDefaultTitle: data.conversationTitle.isDefaultTitle + }; + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + getMessages(amount = 100, startId) { + return this.client.chat.getConversationMessages(this.id, amount, startId); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + addUsers(users) { + return this.client.chat.addUsersToConversation(this.id, users); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + removeUser(userId) { + return this.client.chat.removeUserFromConversation(this.id, userId); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + markMessageRead(id) { + return this.client.chat.markMessageRead(this.id, id); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + markRead() { + return this.client.chat.markConversationsRead([this.id]); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + rename(name) { + return this.client.chat.renameGroupConversation(this.id, name); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + getUnreadMessages(amount = 100) { + return this.client.chat.getUnreadMessagesInConversations([this.id], amount); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + getLatestMessages(amount = 100) { + return this.client.chat.getLatestMessagesInConversations([this.id], amount); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + resetUniverse() { + return this.client.chat.resetConversationUniverse(this.id); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + sendGameLinkMessage(options) { + return this.client.chat.sendGameLinkMessage(options); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + sendMessage(options) { + return this.client.chat.sendMessage(options); + } +} +exports.ChatConversation = ChatConversation; +class PartialChatConversation { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.title = data.title || null; + } +} +exports.PartialChatConversation = PartialChatConversation; +class ChatMessage { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.sender = new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.senderTargetId + }, client); + this.sentAt = new Date(data.sent); + this.type = data.messageType; + this.decorators = data.decorators; + this.content = data.content; + } +} +exports.ChatMessage = ChatMessage; +class ChatMessageSent { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.messageId; + this.content = data.content; + this.filtered = data.filteredForReceivers; + this.sentAt = new Date(data.sent); + this.result = data.resultType; + this.status = data.statusMessage; + this.type = data.messageType; + } +} +exports.ChatMessageSent = ChatMessageSent; diff --git a/dist/old_structures/ClientUser.d.ts b/dist/old_structures/ClientUser.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d9d60c0e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/old_structures/ClientUser.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { PartialUser } from "./User"; +export interface ClientUserOptions { + id: number; + name: string; +} +export declare class ClientUser extends PartialUser { + client: Client; + constructor(data: ClientUserOptions, client: Client); +} diff --git a/dist/old_structures/ClientUser.js b/dist/old_structures/ClientUser.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a131115a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/old_structures/ClientUser.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.ClientUser = void 0; +const User_1 = require("./User"); +class ClientUser extends User_1.PartialUser { + constructor(data, client) { + super(data, client); + this.client = client; + } +} +exports.ClientUser = ClientUser; diff --git a/dist/old_structures/Game.d.ts b/dist/old_structures/Game.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6bb1c22d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/old_structures/Game.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { CreatorType, GameGenre, MorphAvatarType } from "../util/constants"; +import { PartialGroup } from "./Group"; +import { PartialUser } from "./User"; +import { DevelopGetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions } from "../client/apis/DevelopAPI"; +import { GamesGetGameServersByTypeOptions } from "../client/apis/GamesAPI"; +export interface GameBadgeBaseOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; +} +export declare class GameBadgeBase { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string | null; + constructor(data: GameBadgeBaseOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GameBadgeOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + displayName: string; + displayDescription: string; + enabled: boolean; + iconImageId: number; + displayIconImageId: number; + created: string; + updated: string; + statistics: { + pastDayAwardedCount: number; + awardedCount: number; + winRatePercentage: number; + }; + awardingUniverse: { + id: number; + name: string; + rootPlaceId: number; + }; +} +export declare class GameBadge { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + displayedDescription: string; + displayedName: string; + enabled: boolean; + iconId: number; + displayedIconId: number; + created: Date; + updated: Date; + statistics: { + pastDayAwardedCount: number; + awardedCount: number; + winRatePercentage: number; + }; + awardingUniverse: PartialGameUniverse; + constructor(data: GameBadgeOptions, client: Client); +} +export declare type PartialGameBadgeOptions = GameBadgeBaseOptions; +export declare class PartialGameBadge extends GameBadgeBase { + constructor(data: PartialGameBadgeOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GamePassOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + productId: number; + price: number; +} +export declare class GamePass { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + productId: number; + price: number; + constructor(data: GamePassOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface BasePlaceOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; +} +export declare class BasePlace { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string | null; + constructor(options: BasePlaceOptions, client: Client); + getCompatibilities(): Promise; + updatePlaceConfiguration(options: { + name: string; + description: string; + }): Promise; + getStatistics(options: Omit): Promise; + awardBadge(userId: number, badgeId: number): Promise; + getGameServers(options: Omit): Promise; +} +export interface PlaceOptions { + placeId: number; + name: string; + url: string; + description: string; + builder: string; + builderId: number; + isPlayable: boolean; + reasonProhibited: string; + universeId: number; + universeRootPlaceId: number; + price: number; + imageToken: string; +} +export declare class Place extends BasePlace { + description: string; + url: string; + creatorName: string; + creatorId: number; + playable: boolean; + prohibitedReason: string; + prohibited: boolean; + universe: PartialGameUniverse; + price: number; + imageToken: string; + constructor(data: PlaceOptions, client: Client); +} +interface PartialPlaceOptions { + id: number; + name?: string | null; +} +export declare class PartialPlace extends BasePlace { + constructor(data: PartialPlaceOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface PartialGameUniverseOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; + rootPlace?: { + id: number; + name?: string | null; + }; +} +export declare class PartialGameUniverse { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string | null; + rootPlace: PartialPlace | null; + constructor(data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GameUniverseOptions { + id: number; + rootPlaceId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + creatorType: string; + creator: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + price: number; + allowedGearGenres: string[]; + allowedGearCategories: string[]; + playing: number; + visits: number; + maxPlayers: number; + created: string; + updated: string; + studioAccessToApisAllowed: boolean; + createVipServersAllowed: boolean; + universeAvatarType: string; + genre: string; +} +export declare class GameUniverse { + client: Client; + id: number; + rootPlace: PartialPlace | null; + name: string; + description: string; + creatorType: CreatorType; + creator: PartialGroup | PartialUser; + price: number | null; + allowedGearGenres: string[]; + allowedGearCategories: string[]; + playing: number; + visits: number; + maxPlayers: number; + created: Date; + updated: Date; + studioAccessToAPIsEnabled: boolean; + createVIPServersEnabled: boolean; + avatarType: MorphAvatarType; + genre: GameGenre; + constructor(data: GameUniverseOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface PartialVIPServerOptions { + id: number; +} +export declare class PartialVIPServer { + client: Client; + id: number; + constructor(data: PartialVIPServerOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface VIPServerOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + game: { + id: number; + name: string; + rootPlace: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + }; + joinCode: string; + active: boolean; + subscription: { + active: boolean; + expired: boolean; + expirationDate: string; + price: number; + }; + permissions: { + clanAllowed: boolean; + enemyClanId: number; + friendsAllowed: boolean; + users: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; + }; +} +export declare class VIPServer { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string; + game: PartialGameUniverse; + code: string; + active: boolean; + subscription: { + active: boolean; + expired: boolean; + expirationDate: Date; + price: number; + }; + permissions: { + clanAllowed: boolean; + enemyClanId: number; + friendsAllowed: boolean; + users: PartialUser[]; + }; + constructor(data: VIPServerOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GameMediaDataOptions { + assetTypeId: number; + assetType: "Video" | "Image" | string; + imageId: number | null; + videoHash: string | null; + videoTitle: string | null; + approved: boolean; +} +export declare class GameMediaData { + client: Client; + assetTypeId: number; + assetType: "Video" | "Image" | string; + imageId: number | null; + videoHash: string | null; + videoTitle: string | null; + approved: boolean; + constructor(data: GameMediaDataOptions, client: Client); +} +export {}; diff --git a/dist/old_structures/Game.js b/dist/old_structures/Game.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c0196e162 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/old_structures/Game.js @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.GameMediaData = exports.VIPServer = exports.PartialVIPServer = exports.GameUniverse = exports.PartialGameUniverse = exports.PartialPlace = exports.Place = exports.BasePlace = exports.GamePass = exports.PartialGameBadge = exports.GameBadge = exports.GameBadgeBase = void 0; +const constants_1 = require("../util/constants"); +const retrieveStructures = () => ({ + PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, + PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse, + PartialGroup: require("./Group").PartialGroup, + PartialPlace: require("./Game").PartialPlace +}); +class GameBadgeBase { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name || null; + } +} +exports.GameBadgeBase = GameBadgeBase; +class GameBadge { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name; + this.description = data.description; + this.displayedName = data.displayName; + this.displayedDescription = data.displayDescription; + this.enabled = data.enabled; + this.iconId = data.iconImageId; + this.displayedIconId = data.displayIconImageId; + this.created = new Date(data.created); + this.updated = new Date(data.updated); + this.statistics = { + pastDayAwardedCount: data.statistics.pastDayAwardedCount, + awardedCount: data.statistics.awardedCount, + winRatePercentage: data.statistics.winRatePercentage + }; + this.awardingUniverse = new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ + id: data.awardingUniverse.id, + rootPlace: { + id: data.awardingUniverse.rootPlaceId + }, + name: data.awardingUniverse.name + }, client); + } +} +exports.GameBadge = GameBadge; +class PartialGameBadge extends GameBadgeBase { + // Shut up eslint, it's not useless + // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor + constructor(data, client) { + super(data, client); + } +} +exports.PartialGameBadge = PartialGameBadge; +class GamePass { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name; + this.displayName = data.displayName; + this.productId = data.productId; + this.price = data.price; + } +} +exports.GamePass = GamePass; +class BasePlace { + constructor(options, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = options.id; + this.name = options.name || null; + } + getCompatibilities() { + return this.client.apis.developAPI.getPlaceCompatibilities({ + placeId: this.id + }); + } + updatePlaceConfiguration(options) { + return this.client.apis.developAPI.updatePlaceConfiguration(Object.assign({ placeId: this.id }, options)); + } + getStatistics(options) { + return this.client.apis.developAPI.getPlaceStatistics(Object.assign({ placeId: this.id }, options)); + } + awardBadge(userId, badgeId) { + return this.client.apis.generalApi.awardBadge({ + placeId: this.id, + badgeId, + userId + }); + } + getGameServers(options) { + return this.client.apis.gamesAPI.getGameServersByType(Object.assign({ placeId: this.id }, options)); + } +} +exports.BasePlace = BasePlace; +class Place extends BasePlace { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + super({ + id: data.placeId, + name: data.name + }, client); + this.description = data.description; + this.url = data.url; + this.creatorName = data.builder; + this.creatorId = data.builderId; + this.playable = data.isPlayable; + this.prohibitedReason = data.reasonProhibited; + this.prohibited = this.prohibitedReason.toLowerCase() !== "none"; + this.universe = new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ + id: data.universeId, + rootPlace: { + id: data.universeRootPlaceId + } + }, client); + this.price = data.price; + this.imageToken = data.imageToken; + } +} +exports.Place = Place; +class PartialPlace extends BasePlace { + constructor(data, client) { + super({ + id: data.id, + name: data.name || undefined + }, client); + } +} +exports.PartialPlace = PartialPlace; +class PartialGameUniverse { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name || null; + this.rootPlace = data.rootPlace + ? new structures.PartialPlace({ + id: data.rootPlace.id, + name: data.rootPlace.name || null + }, client) + : null; + } +} +exports.PartialGameUniverse = PartialGameUniverse; +class GameUniverse { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.rootPlace = data.rootPlaceId + ? new structures.PartialPlace({ + id: data.rootPlaceId + }, client) + : null; + this.name = data.name; + this.description = data.description; + this.creatorType = + data.creatorType.toLowerCase() === "group" + ? constants_1.CreatorType.GROUP + : constants_1.CreatorType.USER; + this.creator = + this.creatorType === constants_1.CreatorType.GROUP + ? new structures.PartialGroup({ + id: data.creator.id, + name: data.creator.name + }, client) + : new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.creator.id, + name: data.creator.name + }, client); + this.price = data.price; + this.allowedGearGenres = data.allowedGearGenres; + this.allowedGearCategories = data.allowedGearCategories; + this.playing = data.playing; + this.visits = data.visits; + this.maxPlayers = data.maxPlayers; + this.created = new Date(data.created); + this.updated = new Date(data.updated); + this.studioAccessToAPIsEnabled = data.studioAccessToApisAllowed; + this.createVIPServersEnabled = data.createVipServersAllowed; + this.avatarType = + data.universeAvatarType.toLowerCase() === "morphtor6" + ? constants_1.MorphAvatarType.R6 + : constants_1.MorphAvatarType.R15; + this.genre = data.genre; + } +} +exports.GameUniverse = GameUniverse; +class PartialVIPServer { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + } +} +exports.PartialVIPServer = PartialVIPServer; +class VIPServer { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name; + this.game = new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ + id: data.game.id, + name: data.game.name, + rootPlace: { + id: data.game.rootPlace.id, + name: data.game.rootPlace.name + } + }, client); + this.active = data.active; + this.code = data.joinCode; + this.subscription = { + active: data.subscription.active, + expired: data.subscription.expired, + expirationDate: new Date(data.subscription.expirationDate), + price: data.subscription.price + }; + this.permissions = { + clanAllowed: data.permissions.clanAllowed, + enemyClanId: data.permissions.enemyClanId, + friendsAllowed: data.permissions.friendsAllowed, + users: data.permissions.users.map((userData) => new structures.PartialUser(userData, client)) + }; + } +} +exports.VIPServer = VIPServer; +class GameMediaData { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.assetTypeId = data.assetTypeId; + this.assetType = data.assetType; + this.imageId = data.imageId; + this.videoHash = data.videoHash; + this.videoTitle = data.videoTitle; + this.approved = data.approved; + } +} +exports.GameMediaData = GameMediaData; diff --git a/dist/old_structures/Group.d.ts b/dist/old_structures/Group.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9545d2058 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/old_structures/Group.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { DevelopGetGroupUniversesOptions } from "../client/apis/DevelopAPI"; +import { CursorPage } from "./Asset"; +import { PartialGameUniverse } from "./Game"; +import { EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame, EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions, EconomyGetGroupTransactions, EconomyGetGroupTransactionsOptions } from "../client/apis/EconomyAPI"; +import { GroupsAcceptJoinRequest, GroupsAcceptJoinRequests, GroupsAcceptJoinRequestsOptions, GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequest, GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequests, GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequestsOptions, GroupsChangeOwner, GroupsClaimGroup, GroupsCreateRelationship, GroupsCreateRelationshipOptions, GroupsCreateRole, GroupsCreateRoleOptions, GroupsCreateWallPost, GroupsCreateWallPostOptions, GroupsDeclineJoinRequest, GroupsDeclineJoinRequests, GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequest, GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequests, GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions, GroupsDeleteRelationship, GroupsDeleteRelationshipOptions, GroupsDeleteRole, GroupsDeleteSocialLink, GroupsDeleteWallPost, GroupsGetAllRolesPermissions, GroupsGetGroupPayouts, GroupsGetGroupRelationships, GroupsGetGroupRelationshipsOptions, GroupsGetGroupSettings, GroupsGetGuestPermissions, GroupsGetJoinRequest, GroupsGetJoinRequestsOptions, GroupsGetMembersOptions, GroupsGetMembersWithRoleOptions, GroupsGetRelationshipRequests, GroupsGetRelationshipRequestsOptions, GroupsGetRolePermissions, GroupsGetSelfGroupMembership, GroupsGetSocialLinks, GroupsGetWallPostsOptions, GroupsJoinGroup, GroupsJoinGroupOptions, GroupsKickMember, GroupsPayoutMembers, GroupsPayoutMembersOptions, GroupsPostSocialLink, GroupsPostSocialLinkOptions, GroupsRemovePrimaryGroup, GroupsSetPrimaryGroup, GroupsUpdateGroupDescription, GroupsUpdateGroupIcon, GroupsUpdateGroupSettings, GroupsUpdateGroupSettingsOptions, GroupsUpdateGroupStatus, GroupsUpdateMember, GroupsUpdateRecurringPayouts, GroupsUpdateRecurringPayoutsOptions, GroupsUpdateRole, GroupsUpdateRoleOptions, GroupsUpdateRolePermissions, GroupsUpdateRolePermissionsOptions, GroupsUpdateSocialLink, GroupsUpdateSocialLinkOptions } from "../client/apis/GroupsAPI"; +import { PartialUser, PartialUserOptions, UserBase } from "./User"; +declare type GroupRelationships = Omit & { + groupId: number; + relationshipType: T; + totalGroupCount: number; + groups: Group[]; + nextRowIndex: number; +}; +export interface GroupBaseOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; +} +export declare class GroupBase { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string | null; + constructor(data: GroupBaseOptions, client: Client); + getUniverses(options?: Omit): Promise>; + /** + * Returns whether the authenticated user can manage the group or not + * @returns {Promise} + */ + canSelfManage(): Promise; + /** + * Gets the currently available funds in the group + * @returns {Promise} + */ + getFunds(): Promise; + getRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame(timeFrame: EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions["timeFrame"]): Promise; + getTransactions(options: Omit): Promise; + getAllies(maxItems?: number, startItem?: number): Promise>; + getEnemies(maxItems?: number, startItem?: number): Promise>; + getGroup(): Promise; + getMember(userId: number): Promise; + getIsMember(userId: number): Promise; + getSettings(): Promise; + updateSettings(options: Omit): Promise; + updateDescription(description: string): Promise; + updateShout(shout: string): Promise; + updateIcon(file: unknown): Promise; + declineJoinRequests(userIds: number[]): Promise; + getJoinRequests(options: Omit): Promise>; + acceptJoinRequests(options: Omit): Promise; + declineJoinRequest(userId: number): Promise; + getJoinRequest(userId: number): Promise; + acceptJoinRequest(userId: number): Promise; + getSelfMembership(): Promise; + getRoles(): Promise; + getMembersWithRole(options: Omit): Promise>; + getMembers(options: Omit): Promise>; + join(options: Omit): Promise; + getIsPendingJoin(): Promise; + changeOwner(userId: number): Promise; + claim(): Promise; + kickMember(userId: number): Promise; + updateMember(userId: number, roleId: number): Promise; + getPayouts(): Promise; + payoutMembers(options: Omit): Promise; + updateRecurringPayouts(options: Omit): Promise; + getRelationships(options: Omit): Promise; + declineRelationshipRequests(options: Omit): Promise; + getRelationshipRequests(options: Omit): Promise; + acceptRelationshipRequests(options: Omit): Promise; + deleteRelationship(options: Omit): Promise; + createRelationship(options: Omit): Promise; + acceptRelationshipRequest(type: "enemies" | "allies", withGroup: number): Promise; + declineRelationshipRequest(type: "enemies" | "allies", withGroup: number): Promise; + getRolePermissions(roleId: number): Promise; + updateRolePermissions(roleId: number, permissions: Omit): Promise; + getGuestPermissions(): Promise; + getAllRolesPermissions(): Promise; + getSocialLinks(): Promise; + createSocialLink(options: Omit): Promise; + deleteSocialLink(id: number): Promise; + updateSocialLink(options: Omit): Promise; + getWallPosts(options: Omit): Promise>; + createWallPost(options: Omit): Promise; + deleteWallPost(id: number): Promise; + getIsUserPrimaryGroup(userId: number): Promise; + removeAsPrimary(): Promise; + setAsPrimary(): Promise; + createRole(options: Omit): Promise; + deleteRole(roleId: number): Promise; + updateRole(roleId: number, options: Omit): Promise; +} +export interface PartialGroupOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; +} +export declare class PartialGroup extends GroupBase { + constructor(data: PartialGroupOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupMemberOptions { + group: PartialGroupOptions; + name?: string | null; + /** + * The user id + */ + id: number; + role?: { + id: number; + name: string; + rank: number; + }; +} +export declare class GroupMember extends UserBase { + group: PartialGroup; + role: GroupRole | null; + constructor(data: GroupMemberOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + owner: { + buildersClubMembershipType: string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + } | null; + shout: { + body: string; + poster: { + buildersClubMembershipType: string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + created: string; + updated: string; + } | null; + memberCount: number; + isBuildersClubOnly: boolean; + publicEntryAllowed: boolean; + isLocked: boolean; +} +export declare class Group extends GroupBase { + description: string; + name: string; + owner: GroupMember | null; + shout: GroupShout | null; + memberCount: number; + isBuildersClubOnly: boolean; + publicEntryAllowed: boolean; + isLocked: boolean; + constructor(data: GroupOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupJoinRequestOptions { + id?: number; + user: PartialUserOptions; + group: PartialGroupOptions; + created: string; +} +export declare class GroupJoinRequest { + client: Client; + id: number | null; + user: PartialUser; + group: PartialGroup; + created: Date; + constructor(data: GroupJoinRequestOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupRoleOptions { + id?: number; + name?: string; + rank?: number; + group: { + id: number; + name?: string; + }; +} +export declare class GroupRole { + client: Client; + id: number | null; + name: string | null; + rank: number | null; + group: PartialGroup; + constructor(data: GroupRoleOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupRolePermissionsOptions { + groupId: number; + role: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; + memberCount: number; + }; + permissions: { + groupPostsPermissions: { + viewWall: boolean; + postToWall: boolean; + deleteFromWall: boolean; + viewStatus: boolean; + postToStatus: boolean; + }; + groupMembershipPermissions: { + changeRank: boolean; + inviteMembers: boolean; + removeMembers: boolean; + }; + groupManagementPermissions: { + manageRelationships: boolean; + manageClan: boolean; + viewAuditLogs: boolean; + }; + groupEconomyPermissions: { + spendGroupFunds: boolean; + advertiseGroup: boolean; + createItems: boolean; + manageItems: boolean; + addGroupPlaces: boolean; + manageGroupGames: boolean; + viewGroupPayouts: boolean; + }; + }; +} +export declare class GroupRolePermissions { + client: Client; + group: PartialGroup; + role: GroupRole; + permissions: GroupRolePermissionsOptions["permissions"]; + constructor(data: GroupRolePermissionsOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupShoutOptions { + content: string; + creator: { + id: number; + username: string; + }; + group: { + id: number; + name?: string; + }; +} +export declare class GroupShout { + client: Client; + content: string; + creator: PartialUser; + group: PartialGroup; + constructor(data: GroupShoutOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupWallPostOptions { + id: number; + poster: { + buildersClubMembershipType: string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + group: { + id: number; + name?: string; + }; + body: string; + created: string; + updated: string; +} +export declare class GroupWallPost { + client: Client; + id: number; + creator: GroupMember; + content: string; + created: Date; + constructor(data: GroupWallPostOptions, client: Client); +} +export {}; diff --git a/dist/old_structures/Group.js b/dist/old_structures/Group.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e61a3e13 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/old_structures/Group.js @@ -0,0 +1,495 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.GroupWallPost = exports.GroupShout = exports.GroupRolePermissions = exports.GroupRole = exports.GroupJoinRequest = exports.Group = exports.GroupMember = exports.PartialGroup = exports.GroupBase = void 0; +const User_1 = require("./User"); +const retrieveStructures = () => ({ + PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, + PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse +}); +class GroupBase { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name || null; + } + getUniverses(options) { + return this.client.apis.developAPI + .getGroupUniverses(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { groupId: this.id })) + .then((response) => { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + return new CursorPageClass(this.client, options || {}, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { data: response.data.map((universeData) => new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ + id: universeData.id, + name: universeData.name, + rootPlace: universeData.rootPlaceId + ? { + id: universeData.rootPlaceId + } + : undefined + }, this.client)) }), this.getUniverses); + }); + } + /** + * Returns whether the authenticated user can manage the group or not + * @returns {Promise} + */ + canSelfManage() { + return this.client.apis.developAPI + .getSelfManageableGroups() + .then((response) => !!response.data.find((data) => data.id === this.id)); + } + /** + * Gets the currently available funds in the group + * @returns {Promise} + */ + getFunds() { + return this.client.apis.economyAPI + .getGroupCurrency({ + groupId: this.id + }) + .then((response) => response.robux); + } + getRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame(timeFrame) { + return this.client.apis.economyAPI.getGroupRevenueByTime({ + groupId: this.id, + timeFrame + }); + } + getTransactions(options) { + return this.client.apis.economyAPI.getGroupTransactions(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + getAllies(maxItems = 100, startItem) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getGroupRelationships({ + relationshipType: "allies", + groupId: this.id, + maxRows: maxItems, + startRowIndex: startItem + }) + .then((response) => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { relationshipType: "allies", groups: response.relatedGroups.map((groupData) => new Group(groupData, this.client)) }))); + } + getEnemies(maxItems = 100, startItem) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getGroupRelationships({ + relationshipType: "enemies", + groupId: this.id, + maxRows: maxItems, + startRowIndex: startItem + }) + .then((response) => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { relationshipType: "enemies", groups: response.relatedGroups.map((groupData) => new Group(groupData, this.client)) }))); + } + getGroup() { + return this.client.getGroup(this.id); + } + getMember(userId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getUserGroups({ + userId + }) + .then((response) => { + const foundGroup = response.data.find((groupData) => groupData.group.id === this.id); + if (foundGroup) { + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define + return new GroupMember({ + id: userId, + role: foundGroup.role, + group: foundGroup.group + }, this.client); + } + else { + return null; + } + }); + } + getIsMember(userId) { + console.warn(`group.getIsMember() is deprecated and may be removed in the future. Please switch to group.getMember`); + return this.getMember(userId); + } + getSettings() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupSettings({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + updateSettings(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupSettings(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + updateDescription(description) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupDescription({ + description, + groupId: this.id + }); + } + updateShout(shout) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupStatus({ + groupId: this.id, + message: shout + }); + } + updateIcon(file) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupIcon({ + files: file, + groupId: this.id + }); + } + declineJoinRequests(userIds) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineJoinRequests({ + groupId: this.id, + userIds + }); + } + getJoinRequests(options) { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getJoinRequests(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)) + .then((response) => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options, response, this.getJoinRequests)); + } + acceptJoinRequests(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptJoinRequests(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + declineJoinRequest(userId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineJoinRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + getJoinRequest(userId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getJoinRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + acceptJoinRequest(userId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptJoinRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + getSelfMembership() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getSelfGroupMembership({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + getRoles() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getGroupRoles({ + groupId: this.id + }) + .then((response) => response.roles.map((roleData) => new GroupRole(Object.assign({ group: { + id: this.id, + name: this.name || undefined + } }, roleData), this.client))); + } + getMembersWithRole(options) { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getMembersWithRole(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)) + .then((response) => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options, response, this.getMembersWithRole)); + } + getMembers(options) { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getMembers(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)) + .then((response) => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options, response, this.getMembers)); + } + join(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.joinGroup(Object.assign(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options), { captchaProvider: options.captchaProvider || "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" })); + } + getIsPendingJoin() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getSelfPendingGroupJoins() + .then((response) => (response.data.find((groupData) => groupData.id === this.id) && + true) || + false); + } + changeOwner(userId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.changeGroupOwner({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + claim() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.claimGroup({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + kickMember(userId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.kickMember({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + updateMember(userId, roleId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateMember({ + groupId: this.id, + roleId, + userId + }); + } + getPayouts() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupPayouts({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + payoutMembers(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.payoutMembers(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + updateRecurringPayouts(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateRecurringPayouts(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + getRelationships(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupRelationships(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + declineRelationshipRequests(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineRelationshipRequests(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + getRelationshipRequests(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getRelationshipRequests(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + acceptRelationshipRequests(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptRelationshipRequests(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + deleteRelationship(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteRelationship(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + createRelationship(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createRelationship(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + acceptRelationshipRequest(type, withGroup) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptRelationshipRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + relationshipType: type || "allies", + withGroup + }); + } + declineRelationshipRequest(type, withGroup) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineRelationshipRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + relationshipType: type || "allies", + withGroup + }); + } + getRolePermissions(roleId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getRolePermissions({ + groupId: this.id, + roleId + }); + } + updateRolePermissions(roleId, permissions) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateRolePermissions(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id, roleId }, permissions)); + } + getGuestPermissions() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGuestPermissions({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + getAllRolesPermissions() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getAllRolesPermissions({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + getSocialLinks() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getSocialLinks({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + createSocialLink(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createSocialLink(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + deleteSocialLink(id) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteSocialLink({ + groupId: this.id, + id + }); + } + updateSocialLink(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateSocialLink(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + getWallPosts(options) { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getWallPosts(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)) + .then((response) => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options, response, this.getWallPosts)); + } + createWallPost(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createWallPost(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + deleteWallPost(id) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteWallPost({ + groupId: this.id, + id + }); + } + getIsUserPrimaryGroup(userId) { + return (this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getUserPrimaryGroup({ + userId + }) + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define + .then((response) => response && response.group && response.role + ? new GroupMember({ + group: response.group, + role: { + id: response.role.id, + name: response.role.name, + rank: response.role.rank + }, + id: userId + }, this.client) + : null)); + } + removeAsPrimary() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.removePrimaryGroup(); + } + setAsPrimary() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.setPrimaryGroup({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + createRole(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createRole(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + deleteRole(roleId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteRole({ + groupId: this.id, + roleId + }); + } + updateRole(roleId, options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateRole(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id, roleId }, options)); + } +} +exports.GroupBase = GroupBase; +class PartialGroup extends GroupBase { + // Shut up eslint, this is not useless either + // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor + constructor(data, client) { + super(data, client); + } +} +exports.PartialGroup = PartialGroup; +class GroupMember extends User_1.UserBase { + constructor(data, client) { + super({ + name: data.name, + id: data.id + }, client); + this.group = new PartialGroup(data.group, client); + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define + this.role = data.role + ? new GroupRole({ + id: data.role.id, + name: data.role.name, + rank: data.role.rank, + group: { + name: this.name || undefined, + id: this.id + } + }, client) + : null; + } +} +exports.GroupMember = GroupMember; +class Group extends GroupBase { + constructor(data, client) { + super(data, client); + this.description = data.description; + this.name = data.name; + this.owner = data.owner + ? new GroupMember({ + id: data.owner.userId, + name: data.owner.username, + group: this + }, client) + : null; + this.shout = data.shout + ? new GroupShout({ + content: data.shout.body, + creator: { + id: data.shout.poster.userId, + username: data.shout.poster.username + }, + group: { + id: this.id, + name: this.name || undefined + } + }, client) + : null; + this.memberCount = data.memberCount; + this.isBuildersClubOnly = data.isBuildersClubOnly; + this.publicEntryAllowed = data.publicEntryAllowed; + this.isLocked = data.isLocked; + } +} +exports.Group = Group; +class GroupJoinRequest { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id || null; + this.user = new structures.PartialUser(data.user, client); + this.group = new PartialGroup(data.group, client); + this.created = new Date(data.created); + } +} +exports.GroupJoinRequest = GroupJoinRequest; +class GroupRole { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id || null; + this.name = data.name || null; + this.rank = data.rank || null; + this.group = new PartialGroup({ + id: data.group.id, + name: data.group.name + }, client); + } +} +exports.GroupRole = GroupRole; +class GroupRolePermissions { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.group = new PartialGroup({ + id: data.groupId + }, client); + this.role = new GroupRole({ + id: data.role.id, + name: data.role.name, + rank: data.role.rank, + group: { + id: this.group.id + } + }, client); + this.permissions = data.permissions; + } +} +exports.GroupRolePermissions = GroupRolePermissions; +class GroupShout { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.content = data.content; + this.creator = new structures.PartialUser(data.creator, client); + this.group = new PartialGroup({ + id: data.group.id, + name: data.group.name + }, client); + } +} +exports.GroupShout = GroupShout; +class GroupWallPost { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.content = data.body; + this.creator = new GroupMember({ + group: { + id: data.group.id, + name: data.group.name + }, + id: data.poster.userId, + name: data.poster.username + }, client); + this.created = new Date(data.created); + } +} +exports.GroupWallPost = GroupWallPost; diff --git a/dist/old_structures/User.d.ts b/dist/old_structures/User.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3711a8f81 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/old_structures/User.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { EnumUserPresence } from "../interfaces/GeneralInterfaces"; +export interface UserBaseOptions { + id: number; + name?: string | null; + displayName?: string; + membership?: boolean; +} +export declare class UserBase { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string | null; + displayName: string | null; + membership: unknown; + constructor(data: UserBaseOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface FriendRequestOptions { + description: string; + created: string; + isBanned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; +} +export declare class FriendRequest { + client: Client; + user: PartialUser; + isBanned: boolean; + created: Date; + description: string; + constructor(data: FriendRequestOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface PartialUserOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; + displayName?: string; +} +export declare class PartialUser extends UserBase { + constructor(data: PartialUserOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface UserOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + friendsCount: number; + presenceType: EnumUserPresence; + lastLocation: string | null; + userStatus: string | null; + userStatusDate: string | null; + userPlaceId: number | null; + followersCount: number; + followingsCount: number; + isVieweeBlocked: boolean; + isViewerBlocked: boolean; + areFriends: boolean; + canFollow: boolean; + canMessage: boolean; + canFriend: boolean; + canTrade: boolean; + incomingFriendRequest: boolean; + sentFriendRequest: boolean; + canSeeFavorites: boolean; + messagesDisabled: boolean; + canSeeInventory: boolean; + headShotImage: { + final: boolean; + url: string; + retryUrl: string | null; + userId: number; + endpointType: "Avatar" | string; + }; + previousUsernames: string; +} +export declare class User extends PartialUser { + friendsCount: number; + presenceType: EnumUserPresence; + lastLocation: string | null; + status: string | null; + statusDate: Date | null; + placeId: number | null; + followersCount: number; + followingCount: number; + /** + * If the authenticated user has blocked the user + */ + isBlocked: boolean; + /** + * If the user has blocked the authenticated user + */ + hasBlocked: boolean; + /** + * If the authenticated user and the target user are friends + */ + areFriends: boolean; + canFollow: boolean; + canMessage: boolean; + canFriend: boolean; + /** + * If the authenticated user has sent a friend request to this user + */ + sentFriendRequest: boolean; + /** + * If the target user has sent a friend request to the authenticated user + */ + incomingFriendRequest: boolean; + messagesDisabled: boolean; + canSeeFavorites: boolean; + canTrade: boolean; + canSeeInventory: boolean; + previousNames: string[]; + headshotImage: { + final: boolean; + url: string | null; + retryUrl: string | null; + userId: number; + endpointType: "Avatar" | string; + }; + constructor(data: UserOptions, client: Client); +} diff --git a/dist/old_structures/User.js b/dist/old_structures/User.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..297c18608 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/old_structures/User.js @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.User = exports.PartialUser = exports.FriendRequest = exports.UserBase = void 0; +class UserBase { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name || null; + this.displayName = data.displayName || null; + this.membership = data.membership || null; + } +} +exports.UserBase = UserBase; +class FriendRequest { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.user = new PartialUser({ + id: data.id, + name: data.name + }, client); + this.created = new Date(data.created); + this.description = data.description; + this.isBanned = data.isBanned; + } +} +exports.FriendRequest = FriendRequest; +class PartialUser extends UserBase { + // Eslint, I'm getting tired of you complaining about useless constructors. + // You are useless + // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor + constructor(data, client) { + super(data, client); + } +} +exports.PartialUser = PartialUser; +class User extends PartialUser { + constructor(data, client) { + super(data, client); + this.friendsCount = data.friendsCount; + this.presenceType = data.presenceType; + this.lastLocation = data.lastLocation || null; + this.status = data.userStatus || null; + const matchedStatusTimestamp = data.userStatusDate + ? data.userStatusDate.match(/\((.*)\)/) + : null; + this.statusDate = matchedStatusTimestamp + ? new Date(parseInt(matchedStatusTimestamp[1])) + : null; + this.placeId = data.userPlaceId; + this.followersCount = data.followersCount; + this.followingCount = data.followingsCount; + this.isBlocked = data.isVieweeBlocked; + this.hasBlocked = data.isViewerBlocked; + this.areFriends = data.areFriends; + this.canFollow = data.canFollow; + this.canMessage = data.canMessage; + this.canFriend = data.canFriend; + this.sentFriendRequest = data.sentFriendRequest; + this.incomingFriendRequest = data.incomingFriendRequest; + this.messagesDisabled = data.messagesDisabled; + this.canSeeFavorites = data.canSeeFavorites; + this.canTrade = data.canTrade; + this.canSeeInventory = data.canSeeInventory; + this.previousNames = data.previousUsernames.split("\r\n"); + this.headshotImage = { + final: data.headShotImage.final, + url: data.headShotImage.url, + retryUrl: data.headShotImage.retryUrl, + userId: data.headShotImage.userId, + endpointType: data.headShotImage.endpointType + }; + } +} +exports.User = User; diff --git a/src/structures/index.ts b/dist/old_structures/index.d.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/structures/index.ts rename to dist/old_structures/index.d.ts diff --git a/dist/old_structures/index.js b/dist/old_structures/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..693bf3bad --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/old_structures/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./Asset"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./Chat"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./ClientUser"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./Game"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./Group"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./User"), exports); diff --git a/dist/structures/Asset.d.ts b/dist/structures/Asset.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dc251898b --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/Asset.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { CreatorType } from "../util/constants"; +import { PartialGameUniverse, PartialGameUniverseOptions } from "./Game"; +import { PartialUser, PartialUserOptions } from "./User"; +import { CatalogProductDetails } from "../client/apis/CatalogAPI"; +import { PartialGroup, PartialGroupOptions } from "./Group"; +export interface Structures { + PartialUser: new (data: PartialUserOptions, client: Client) => PartialUser; + PartialGameUniverse: new (data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, client: Client) => PartialGameUniverse; + PartialGroup: new (data: PartialGroupOptions, client: Client) => PartialGroup; +} +export interface AssetVersionOptions { + Id: number; + AssetId: number; + VersionNumber: number; + ParentAssetVersionId: number; + CreatorType: unknown; + CreatingUniverseId: number | null; + Created: string; + Updated: string; +} +export declare class AssetVersion { + client: Client; + id: number; + assetId: number; + versionNumber: number; + parentAssetVersionId: number | null; + creatorType: CreatorType; + createdForUniverse: PartialGameUniverse | null; + creator: PartialUser; + created: Date; + updated: Date; + constructor(data: any, client: Client); +} +export interface BundleOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + bundleType: string; + items: { + owned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; + }[]; + creator: { + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; + }; + product: CatalogProductDetails; +} +export declare class Bundle { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + bundleType: string; + items: { + owned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; + }[]; + creatorType: CreatorType; + creator: PartialUser | PartialGroup; + product: { + id: number; + type: string; + publicDomain: boolean; + forSale: boolean; + price: number; + premiumPricing: { + discount: number; + price: number; + }; + }; + constructor(data: BundleOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface CollectibleAssetOptions { + userAssetId: number; + serialNumber: number | null; + assetId: number; + name: string; + recentAveragePrice: number | null; + originalPrice: number | null; + assetStock: number | null; + buildersClubMembershipType: number; +} +export declare class CollectibleAsset { + client: Client; + assetId: number; + userAssetId: number; + name: string; + recentAveragePrice: number | null; + originalPrice: number | null; + assetStock: number | null; + buildersClubMembershipType: number; + constructor(data: CollectibleAssetOptions, client: Client); +} +export declare type CursorPageOptions = { + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; +}; +declare type CursorPageResponse = { + data: unknown; + previousPageCursor: string | null; + nextPageCursor: string | null; +}; +export declare class CursorPage { + client: Client; + options: CursorPageOptions; + cursors: { + current: string | null; + next: string | null; + previous: string | null; + }; + data: T[]; + method: any; + constructor(client: Client, options: CursorPageOptions, response: CursorPageResponse, method: any); + getNext(newOptions?: CursorPageOptions): Promise>; + getPrevious(newOptions?: CursorPageOptions): Promise>; +} +export interface ProductOptions { + TargetId: number; + ProductType: string; + AssetId: number; + ProductId: number; + Name: string; + Description: string; + AssetTypeId: number; + Creator: { + Id: number; + Name: string; + }; + IconImageAssetId: number; + Created: string; + Updated: string; + PriceInRobux: number; + PriceInTickets: null; + Sales: number; + IsNew: boolean; + IsForSale: boolean; + IsPublicDomain: boolean; + IsLimited: boolean; + IsLimitedUnique: boolean; + Remaining: number | null; + MinimumMembershipLevel: number; +} +export declare class Product { + client: Client; + id: number; + type: string; + assetId: number; + productId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + assetTypeId: number; + creator: PartialUser; + iconImageAssetId: number; + created: Date; + updated: Date; + price: number; + sales: number; + isNew: boolean; + forSale: boolean; + publicDomain: boolean; + limited: boolean; + limitedUnique: boolean; + remaining: number | null; + minimumMembershipLevel: number; + constructor(data: ProductOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface TradeOptions { + id: number; + offers: { + user: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + userAssets: CollectibleAssetOptions[]; + robux: number; + }[]; + user: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + created: string; + isActive: boolean; + status: "Completed" | string; +} +export declare class Trade { + client: Client; + id: number; + offers: { + user: PartialUser; + assets: CollectibleAsset[]; + robux: number; + }[]; + sender: PartialUser; + created: Date; + active: boolean; + status: string; + constructor(data: TradeOptions, client: Client); +} +export {}; diff --git a/dist/structures/Asset.js b/dist/structures/Asset.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..074550237 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/Asset.js @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.Trade = exports.Product = exports.CursorPage = exports.CollectibleAsset = exports.Bundle = exports.AssetVersion = void 0; +const constants_1 = require("../util/constants"); +const retrieveStructures = () => ({ + PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, + PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse, + PartialGroup: require("./Group").PartialGroup +}); +class AssetVersion { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.Id; + this.assetId = data.AssetId; + this.versionNumber = data.VersionNumber; + this.parentAssetVersionId = data.ParentAssetVersionId; + this.creatorType = data.CreatorType; + this.creator = new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.CreatorTargetId + }, this.client); + this.createdForUniverse = data.CreatingUniverseId + ? new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ + id: data.CreatingUniverseId + }, client) + : null; + this.created = new Date(data.Created); + this.updated = new Date(data.Updated); + } +} +exports.AssetVersion = AssetVersion; +class Bundle { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name; + this.description = data.description; + this.bundleType = data.bundleType; + this.items = data.items.map((itemData) => ({ + owned: itemData.owned, + id: itemData.id, + name: itemData.name, + type: itemData.type + })); + this.creatorType = + data.creator.type.toLowerCase() === "group" + ? constants_1.CreatorType.GROUP + : constants_1.CreatorType.USER; + this.creator = + this.creatorType === constants_1.CreatorType.USER + ? new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.creator.id, + name: data.creator.name + }, client) + : new structures.PartialGroup({ + id: data.creator.id, + name: data.creator.name + }, client); + this.product = { + id: data.product.id, + type: data.product.type, + publicDomain: data.product.isPublicDomain, + forSale: data.product.isForSale, + price: data.product.priceInRobux, + premiumPricing: { + discount: data.product.premiumPricing.premiumDiscountPercentage, + price: data.product.premiumPricing.premiumPriceInRobux + } + }; + } +} +exports.Bundle = Bundle; +class CollectibleAsset { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.assetId = data.assetId; + this.userAssetId = data.userAssetId; + this.name = data.name; + this.recentAveragePrice = data.recentAveragePrice; + this.originalPrice = data.originalPrice; + this.assetStock = data.assetStock; + this.buildersClubMembershipType = data.buildersClubMembershipType; + } +} +exports.CollectibleAsset = CollectibleAsset; +class CursorPage { + constructor(client, options, response, method) { + this.client = client; + this.options = options; + this.cursors = { + current: options.cursor || null, + next: response.nextPageCursor || null, + previous: response.previousPageCursor || null + }; + this.data = response.data; + this.method = method; + } + getNext(newOptions) { + if (!this.cursors.next) { + throw new Error("Attempted to iterate to next page, but no cursor was presented for the next page"); + } + const options = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.options), { cursor: this.cursors.next }), newOptions); + return this.method(options); + } + getPrevious(newOptions) { + if (!this.cursors.previous) { + throw new Error("Attempted to iterate to previous page, but no cursor was presented for the previous page"); + } + const options = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.options), { cursor: this.cursors.previous }), newOptions); + return this.method(options); + } +} +exports.CursorPage = CursorPage; +class Product { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.TargetId; + this.type = data.ProductType; + this.assetId = data.AssetId; + this.productId = data.ProductId; + this.name = data.Name; + this.description = data.Description; + this.assetTypeId = data.AssetTypeId; + this.creator = new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.Creator.Id, + name: data.Creator.Name + }, client); + this.iconImageAssetId = data.IconImageAssetId; + this.created = new Date(data.Created); + this.updated = new Date(data.Updated); + this.price = data.PriceInRobux; + this.sales = data.Sales; + this.isNew = data.IsNew; + this.forSale = data.IsForSale; + this.publicDomain = data.IsPublicDomain; + this.limited = data.IsLimited; + this.limitedUnique = data.IsLimitedUnique; + this.remaining = data.Remaining || null; + this.minimumMembershipLevel = data.MinimumMembershipLevel; + } +} +exports.Product = Product; +class Trade { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.sender = new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.user.id, + name: data.user.name + }, client); + this.created = new Date(data.created); + this.active = data.isActive; + this.status = data.status; + this.offers = data.offers.map((offerData) => ({ + robux: offerData.robux, + user: new structures.PartialUser({ + id: offerData.user.id, + name: offerData.user.name + }, client), + assets: offerData.userAssets.map((assetData) => new CollectibleAsset(assetData, client)) + })); + } +} +exports.Trade = Trade; diff --git a/dist/structures/BaseGroup.d.ts b/dist/structures/BaseGroup.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0a963810 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/BaseGroup.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +import { Client } from ".."; +/** + * Represents a Roblox group ID and gives direct access to various group-related APIs. + */ +export declare class BaseGroup { + #private; + /** + * @param {Client} client The Bloxy Client + * @param {number} groupId The group ID + */ + constructor(client: Client, groupId: number); + get client(): Client; + get groupId(): number; + acceptUser(user: number): Promise; + declineUser(user: number): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/structures/BaseGroup.js b/dist/structures/BaseGroup.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..55bd3dae5 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/BaseGroup.js @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +"use strict"; +var _BaseGroup_client, _BaseGroup_groupId; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.BaseGroup = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +/** + * Represents a Roblox group ID and gives direct access to various group-related APIs. + */ +class BaseGroup { + /** + * @param {Client} client The Bloxy Client + * @param {number} groupId The group ID + */ + constructor(client, groupId) { + /** @private */ + _BaseGroup_client.set(this, void 0); + /** @private */ + _BaseGroup_groupId.set(this, void 0); + (0, tslib_1.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _BaseGroup_client, client, "f"); + (0, tslib_1.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _BaseGroup_groupId, groupId, "f"); + } + get client() { + return (0, tslib_1.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _BaseGroup_client, "f"); + } + get groupId() { + return (0, tslib_1.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _BaseGroup_groupId, "f"); + } + acceptUser(user) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptJoinRequest({ + groupId: this.groupId, + userId: user + }); + } + declineUser(user) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineJoinRequest({ + groupId: this.groupId, + userId: user + }); + } +} +exports.BaseGroup = BaseGroup; +_BaseGroup_client = new WeakMap(), _BaseGroup_groupId = new WeakMap(); diff --git a/dist/structures/BaseUser.d.ts b/dist/structures/BaseUser.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..af5747626 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/BaseUser.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +import { AccountInformationPromotionChannels, AccountInformationRobloxBadges, Client, EconomyGetSelfCurrency, FriendsGetUserFollowers, FriendsGetUserFriends, FriendsGetUserFriendsOptions, ItemType, PageSortLimit, PageSortOrder, PresenceGetUsersPresence, PrivateMessagesSendMessage, UsersUserNameHistory } from ".."; +import { CursorPage } from "./CursorPage"; +export declare type BaseUserOwnedBadge = { + badgeId: number; + awardedDate: Date; + awardedDateString: string; +}; +export declare type BaseUserGroupRole = { + groupId: number; + roleId: number; + rank: number; + roleName: string; +}; +/** + * Represents a Roblox user ID and gives direct access to various user-related APIs. + */ +export declare class BaseUser { + #private; + /** + * @param {Client} client The Bloxy Client + * @param {number} userId The user ID + */ + constructor(client: Client, userId: number); + get client(): Client; + get userId(): number; + /** + * Return the username history of the user. + * @param limit The number of followers to return + * @param sortOrder The sort order of the followers + * @param cursor The cursor to continue at + */ + getUsernameHistory(limit?: PageSortLimit, sortOrder?: PageSortOrder, cursor?: string): Promise>; + /** + * Returns the users current presence. + */ + getPresence(): Promise; + /** + * Returns the user's friends. + * @param limit The number of friends to return + * @param cursor The cursor to continue at + */ + getFriends(userSort?: FriendsGetUserFriendsOptions["userSort"]): Promise; + /** + * Returns the user's robux amount. The BaseUser must be the currently authenticated user, or else this function throws an error. + */ + getCurrency(): Promise; + /** + * Returns if the user has Roblox Premium or not. + */ + hasPremium(): Promise; + /** + * Returns if the user owns the specified item. + * @param {ItemType} itemType The type of item to check + * @param {number} itemId The ID of the item to check + */ + ownsItem(itemType: ItemType, itemId: number): Promise; + /** + * Returns if the user owns the specific asset. + * @param assetId The ID of the asset to check + */ + ownsAsset(assetId: number): Promise; + /** + * Returns if the user owns the specific gamepass. + * @param gamepassId The ID of the gamepass to check + */ + ownsGamepass(gamepassId: number): Promise; + /** + * Returns the date the specified badges got awarded to the user. + * @param badgeIds The badge IDs to check + */ + getBadgeAwardedDates(badgeIds: number[]): Promise; + /** + * Returns the role of the groups the user is in. + */ + getGroupRoles(): Promise; + /** + * Returns the roblox badges the user has. + */ + getRobloxBadges(): Promise; + /** + * Returns the user's promotion channels + */ + getPromotionChannels(): Promise; + /** + * Returns the user's friend count + */ + getFriendCount(): Promise; + /** + * Returns the user's follower count + */ + getFollowerCount(): Promise; + /** + * Returns the user's following count + */ + getFollowingCount(): Promise; + /** + * Returns the user's followers + * @param limit The number of followers to return + * @param sortOrder The sort order of the followers + * @param cursor The cursor to continue at + */ + getFollowers(limit?: PageSortLimit, sortOrder?: PageSortOrder, cursor?: string): Promise>; + /** + * Returns the user's followings + * @param limit The number of followings to return + * @param sortOrder The sort order of the followings + * @param cursor The cursor to continue at + */ + getFollowings(limit?: PageSortLimit, sortOrder?: PageSortOrder, cursor?: string): Promise>; + /** + * Sends a private message to the user + * @param recipientId The user ID to send the message to + * @param subject The subject of the message + * @param body The body of the message + */ + sendMessage(recipientId: number, subject: string, body: string): Promise; +} diff --git a/dist/structures/BaseUser.js b/dist/structures/BaseUser.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a94ed6673 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/BaseUser.js @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +"use strict"; +var _BaseUser_client, _BaseUser_userId; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.BaseUser = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const CursorPage_1 = require("./CursorPage"); +/** + * Represents a Roblox user ID and gives direct access to various user-related APIs. + */ +class BaseUser { + /** + * @param {Client} client The Bloxy Client + * @param {number} userId The user ID + */ + constructor(client, userId) { + _BaseUser_client.set(this, void 0); + _BaseUser_userId.set(this, void 0); + (0, tslib_1.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _BaseUser_client, client, "f"); + (0, tslib_1.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _BaseUser_userId, userId, "f"); + } + get client() { + return (0, tslib_1.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _BaseUser_client, "f"); + } + get userId() { + return (0, tslib_1.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _BaseUser_userId, "f"); + } + /** + * Return the username history of the user. + * @param limit The number of followers to return + * @param sortOrder The sort order of the followers + * @param cursor The cursor to continue at + */ + getUsernameHistory(limit = 10, sortOrder = "Asc", cursor) { + return this.client.apis.usersAPI + .getUserNameHistory({ + userId: this.userId + }) + .then((response) => new CursorPage_1.CursorPage({ limit, sortOrder, cursor }, { userId: this.userId }, response, (0, CursorPage_1.contextCall)(this.client.apis.usersAPI, this.client.apis.usersAPI.getUserNameHistory))); + } + /** + * Returns the users current presence. + */ + getPresence() { + return this.client.apis.presenceAPI + .getUsersPresences({ + userIds: [this.userId] + }) + .then((presence) => presence.userPresences[0]); + } + /** + * Returns the user's friends. + * @param limit The number of friends to return + * @param cursor The cursor to continue at + */ + getFriends(userSort) { + return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFriends({ + userId: this.userId, + userSort + }); + } + /** + * Returns the user's robux amount. The BaseUser must be the currently authenticated user, or else this function throws an error. + */ + getCurrency() { + var _a; + if (((_a = this.client.user) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.id) !== this.userId) { + throw new Error("This function can only be called with the currently authenticated user"); + } + return this.client.apis.economyAPI.getSelfCurrency({ userId: this.userId }); + } + /** + * Returns if the user has Roblox Premium or not. + */ + hasPremium() { + return this.client.apis.premiumFeaturesAPI.validateUserMembership({ + userId: this.userId + }); + } + /** + * Returns if the user owns the specified item. + * @param {ItemType} itemType The type of item to check + * @param {number} itemId The ID of the item to check + */ + ownsItem(itemType, itemId) { + return this.client.apis.inventoryAPI + .getUserItemsByTypeAndTargetId({ + userId: this.userId, + itemType, + itemTargetId: itemId + }) + .then((response) => response.data.length > 0); + } + /** + * Returns if the user owns the specific asset. + * @param assetId The ID of the asset to check + */ + ownsAsset(assetId) { + return this.ownsItem("Asset", assetId); + } + /** + * Returns if the user owns the specific gamepass. + * @param gamepassId The ID of the gamepass to check + */ + ownsGamepass(gamepassId) { + return this.ownsItem("GamePass", gamepassId); + } + /** + * Returns the date the specified badges got awarded to the user. + * @param badgeIds The badge IDs to check + */ + getBadgeAwardedDates(badgeIds) { + return this.client.apis.badgesAPI + .getUserBadgesAwardedDates({ + userId: this.userId, + badgeIds + }) + .then((response) => response.data.map((badge) => ({ + badgeId: badge.badgeId, + awardedDate: new Date(badge.awardedDate), + awardedDateString: badge.awardedDate + }))); + } + /** + * Returns the role of the groups the user is in. + */ + getGroupRoles() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getUserGroups({ + userId: this.userId + }) + .then((response) => response.data.map((groupMembership) => ({ + groupId: groupMembership.group.id, + roleId: groupMembership.role.id, + rank: groupMembership.role.rank, + roleName: groupMembership.role.name + }))); + } + /** + * Returns the roblox badges the user has. + */ + getRobloxBadges() { + return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.getRobloxBadges({ + userId: this.userId + }); + } + /** + * Returns the user's promotion channels + */ + getPromotionChannels() { + return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.getUserPromotionChannels({ + userId: this.userId + }); + } + /** + * Returns the user's friend count + */ + getFriendCount() { + return this.client.apis.friendsAPI + .getUserFriendsCount({ + userId: this.userId + }) + .then((response) => response.count); + } + /** + * Returns the user's follower count + */ + getFollowerCount() { + return this.client.apis.friendsAPI + .getUserFollowersCount({ + userId: this.userId + }) + .then((response) => response.count); + } + /** + * Returns the user's following count + */ + getFollowingCount() { + return this.client.apis.friendsAPI + .getUserFollowingCount({ + userId: this.userId + }) + .then((response) => response.count); + } + /** + * Returns the user's followers + * @param limit The number of followers to return + * @param sortOrder The sort order of the followers + * @param cursor The cursor to continue at + */ + getFollowers(limit = 10, sortOrder = "Asc", cursor) { + return this.client.apis.friendsAPI + .getUserFollowers({ + userId: this.userId, + limit, + sortOrder, + cursor + }) + .then((response) => new CursorPage_1.CursorPage({ limit, sortOrder, cursor }, { userId: this.userId }, response, (0, CursorPage_1.contextCall)(this.client.apis.friendsAPI, this.client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFollowers))); + } + /** + * Returns the user's followings + * @param limit The number of followings to return + * @param sortOrder The sort order of the followings + * @param cursor The cursor to continue at + */ + getFollowings(limit = 10, sortOrder = "Asc", cursor) { + return this.client.apis.friendsAPI + .getUserFollowing({ + userId: this.userId, + limit, + sortOrder, + cursor + }) + .then((response) => new CursorPage_1.CursorPage({ limit, sortOrder, cursor }, { userId: this.userId }, response, (0, CursorPage_1.contextCall)(this.client.apis.friendsAPI, this.client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFollowers))); + } + /** + * Sends a private message to the user + * @param recipientId The user ID to send the message to + * @param subject The subject of the message + * @param body The body of the message + */ + sendMessage(recipientId, subject, body) { + return this.client.apis.privateMessagesAPI.sendMessage({ + userId: this.userId, + recipientId, + subject, + body + }); + } +} +exports.BaseUser = BaseUser; +_BaseUser_client = new WeakMap(), _BaseUser_userId = new WeakMap(); diff --git a/dist/structures/Chat.d.ts b/dist/structures/Chat.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e6a471dbf --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/Chat.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { PartialUser } from "./User"; +import { PartialGameUniverse } from "./Game"; +import { ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions, ChatSendMessageOptions } from "../client/apis/ChatAPI"; +export interface ChatConversationOptions { + id: number; + title: string; + initiator: { + type: "User" | string; + targetId: number; + name: string | null; + displayName: string | null; + }; + hasUnreadMessages: boolean; + participants: { + type: "User" | string; + targetId: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; + conversationType: "OneToOneConversation" | string; + conversationTitle: { + titleForViewer: string; + isDefaultTitle: boolean; + }; + lastUpdated: string; + conversationUniverse: number | null; +} +export declare class ChatConversation { + client: Client; + id: number; + title: string; + initiator: PartialUser; + hasUnreadMessages: boolean; + members: PartialUser[]; + type: string; + conversationTitle: { + forViewer: string; + isDefaultTitle: boolean; + }; + lastUpdated: Date; + universe: PartialGameUniverse | null; + constructor(data: ChatConversationOptions, client: Client); + getMessages(amount?: number, startId?: string): Promise; + addUsers(users: number[]): Promise; + removeUser(userId: number): Promise; + markMessageRead(id: string): Promise; + markRead(): Promise; + rename(name: string): Promise; + getUnreadMessages(amount?: number): Promise; + getLatestMessages(amount?: number): Promise; + resetUniverse(): Promise; + sendGameLinkMessage(options: ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions): Promise; + sendMessage(options: ChatSendMessageOptions): Promise; +} +export interface PartialChatConversationOptions { + id: number; + title?: string; +} +export declare class PartialChatConversation { + client: Client; + id: number; + title: string | null; + constructor(data: PartialChatConversationOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface ChatMessageOptions { + id: string; + senderType: string; + sent: string; + read: boolean; + messageType: "PlainText" | string; + decorators: string[]; + senderTargetId: number; + content: string; + link?: { + type: "Game"; + game: { + universeId: number; + }; + }; + eventBased?: { + type: "SetConversationUniverse"; + setConversationUniverse: { + actorUserId: number; + universeId: number; + }; + }; +} +export declare class ChatMessage { + client: Client; + id: string; + sender: PartialUser; + sentAt: Date; + type: "PlainText" | string; + decorators: string[]; + content: string; + constructor(data: ChatMessageOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface ChatMessageSentOptions { + content: string; + filteredForReceivers: boolean; + messageId: string; + sent: string; + messageType: "PlainText" | string; + resultType: "Success" | string; + statusMessage: string; +} +export declare class ChatMessageSent { + client: Client; + content: string; + filtered: boolean; + id: string; + sentAt: Date; + type: "PlainText" | string; + result: "Success" | string; + status: string; + constructor(data: ChatMessageSentOptions, client: Client); +} diff --git a/dist/structures/Chat.js b/dist/structures/Chat.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c59b762ce --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/Chat.js @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.ChatMessageSent = exports.ChatMessage = exports.PartialChatConversation = exports.ChatConversation = void 0; +const retrieveStructures = () => ({ + PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, + PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse, + PartialGroup: require("./Group").PartialGroup +}); +class ChatConversation { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.title = data.title; + this.initiator = new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.initiator.targetId, + name: data.initiator.name || undefined + }, client); + this.hasUnreadMessages = data.hasUnreadMessages; + this.members = data.participants.map((participantData) => new structures.PartialUser({ + id: participantData.targetId, + name: participantData.name + }, client)); + this.type = data.conversationType; + this.lastUpdated = new Date(data.lastUpdated); + this.universe = data.conversationUniverse + ? new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ + id: data.conversationUniverse + }, client) + : null; + this.conversationTitle = { + forViewer: data.conversationTitle.titleForViewer, + isDefaultTitle: data.conversationTitle.isDefaultTitle + }; + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + getMessages(amount = 100, startId) { + return this.client.chat.getConversationMessages(this.id, amount, startId); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + addUsers(users) { + return this.client.chat.addUsersToConversation(this.id, users); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + removeUser(userId) { + return this.client.chat.removeUserFromConversation(this.id, userId); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + markMessageRead(id) { + return this.client.chat.markMessageRead(this.id, id); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + markRead() { + return this.client.chat.markConversationsRead([this.id]); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + rename(name) { + return this.client.chat.renameGroupConversation(this.id, name); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + getUnreadMessages(amount = 100) { + return this.client.chat.getUnreadMessagesInConversations([this.id], amount); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + getLatestMessages(amount = 100) { + return this.client.chat.getLatestMessagesInConversations([this.id], amount); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + resetUniverse() { + return this.client.chat.resetConversationUniverse(this.id); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + sendGameLinkMessage(options) { + return this.client.chat.sendGameLinkMessage(options); + } + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + sendMessage(options) { + return this.client.chat.sendMessage(options); + } +} +exports.ChatConversation = ChatConversation; +class PartialChatConversation { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.title = data.title || null; + } +} +exports.PartialChatConversation = PartialChatConversation; +class ChatMessage { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.sender = new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.senderTargetId + }, client); + this.sentAt = new Date(data.sent); + this.type = data.messageType; + this.decorators = data.decorators; + this.content = data.content; + } +} +exports.ChatMessage = ChatMessage; +class ChatMessageSent { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.messageId; + this.content = data.content; + this.filtered = data.filteredForReceivers; + this.sentAt = new Date(data.sent); + this.result = data.resultType; + this.status = data.statusMessage; + this.type = data.messageType; + } +} +exports.ChatMessageSent = ChatMessageSent; diff --git a/dist/structures/ClientUser.d.ts b/dist/structures/ClientUser.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d9d60c0e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/ClientUser.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { PartialUser } from "./User"; +export interface ClientUserOptions { + id: number; + name: string; +} +export declare class ClientUser extends PartialUser { + client: Client; + constructor(data: ClientUserOptions, client: Client); +} diff --git a/dist/structures/ClientUser.js b/dist/structures/ClientUser.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a131115a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/ClientUser.js @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.ClientUser = void 0; +const User_1 = require("./User"); +class ClientUser extends User_1.PartialUser { + constructor(data, client) { + super(data, client); + this.client = client; + } +} +exports.ClientUser = ClientUser; diff --git a/dist/structures/CursorPage.d.ts b/dist/structures/CursorPage.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4ea151bcf --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/CursorPage.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +export declare type CursorPageOptions = { + readonly limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; + readonly sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; +}; +declare type CursorPageResponse = { + data: T[]; + previousPageCursor: string | null; + nextPageCursor: string | null; +}; +declare type CursorPageState = { + previous: string | null; + current: string | null; + next: string | null; +}; +declare type CursorPageMethod = (options: CursorPageOptions & C) => Promise>; +export declare class CursorPage { + options: CursorPageOptions; + cursors: CursorPageState; + data: T[][]; + readonly method: CursorPageMethod; + readonly methodOptions: C; + private currentPage; + constructor(options: CursorPageOptions, methodOptions: C, response: CursorPageResponse, method: CursorPageMethod); + getNextPage(): Promise; + getPreviousPage(): Promise; +} +export declare function contextCall(context: any, method: CursorPageMethod): CursorPageMethod; +export {}; diff --git a/dist/structures/CursorPage.js b/dist/structures/CursorPage.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aea2e1b65 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/CursorPage.js @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.contextCall = exports.CursorPage = void 0; +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +class CursorPage { + constructor(options, methodOptions, response, method) { + this.data = []; + this.currentPage = 0; + this.options = options; + this.cursors = { + previous: response.previousPageCursor, + current: response.nextPageCursor, + next: response.nextPageCursor + }; + this.data[0] = response.data; + this.methodOptions = methodOptions; + this.method = method; + } + getNextPage() { + return (0, tslib_1.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + if (!this.cursors.next) { + throw new Error("Attempted to iterate to next page, but no cursor was presented for the next page"); + } + this.currentPage++; + if (this.data[this.currentPage]) + return this.data[this.currentPage]; + this.options.cursor = this.cursors.next; + const result = yield this.method(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.options), this.methodOptions)); + this.cursors = { + previous: result.previousPageCursor, + current: this.cursors.next, + next: result.nextPageCursor + }; + this.data[this.currentPage] = result.data; + return result.data; + }); + } + getPreviousPage() { + return (0, tslib_1.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + if (!this.cursors.previous) { + throw new Error("Attempted to iterate to previous page, but no cursor was presented for the next page"); + } + this.currentPage--; + if (this.data[this.currentPage]) + return this.data[this.currentPage]; + this.options.cursor = this.cursors.previous; + const result = yield this.method(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.options), this.methodOptions)); + this.cursors = { + previous: result.previousPageCursor, + current: this.cursors.next, + next: result.nextPageCursor + }; + this.data[this.currentPage] = result.data; + return result.data; + }); + } +} +exports.CursorPage = CursorPage; +function contextCall(context, method) { + return (options) => method.call(context, options); +} +exports.contextCall = contextCall; diff --git a/dist/structures/Game.d.ts b/dist/structures/Game.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6bb1c22d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/Game.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { CreatorType, GameGenre, MorphAvatarType } from "../util/constants"; +import { PartialGroup } from "./Group"; +import { PartialUser } from "./User"; +import { DevelopGetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions } from "../client/apis/DevelopAPI"; +import { GamesGetGameServersByTypeOptions } from "../client/apis/GamesAPI"; +export interface GameBadgeBaseOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; +} +export declare class GameBadgeBase { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string | null; + constructor(data: GameBadgeBaseOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GameBadgeOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + displayName: string; + displayDescription: string; + enabled: boolean; + iconImageId: number; + displayIconImageId: number; + created: string; + updated: string; + statistics: { + pastDayAwardedCount: number; + awardedCount: number; + winRatePercentage: number; + }; + awardingUniverse: { + id: number; + name: string; + rootPlaceId: number; + }; +} +export declare class GameBadge { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + displayedDescription: string; + displayedName: string; + enabled: boolean; + iconId: number; + displayedIconId: number; + created: Date; + updated: Date; + statistics: { + pastDayAwardedCount: number; + awardedCount: number; + winRatePercentage: number; + }; + awardingUniverse: PartialGameUniverse; + constructor(data: GameBadgeOptions, client: Client); +} +export declare type PartialGameBadgeOptions = GameBadgeBaseOptions; +export declare class PartialGameBadge extends GameBadgeBase { + constructor(data: PartialGameBadgeOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GamePassOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + productId: number; + price: number; +} +export declare class GamePass { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + productId: number; + price: number; + constructor(data: GamePassOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface BasePlaceOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; +} +export declare class BasePlace { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string | null; + constructor(options: BasePlaceOptions, client: Client); + getCompatibilities(): Promise; + updatePlaceConfiguration(options: { + name: string; + description: string; + }): Promise; + getStatistics(options: Omit): Promise; + awardBadge(userId: number, badgeId: number): Promise; + getGameServers(options: Omit): Promise; +} +export interface PlaceOptions { + placeId: number; + name: string; + url: string; + description: string; + builder: string; + builderId: number; + isPlayable: boolean; + reasonProhibited: string; + universeId: number; + universeRootPlaceId: number; + price: number; + imageToken: string; +} +export declare class Place extends BasePlace { + description: string; + url: string; + creatorName: string; + creatorId: number; + playable: boolean; + prohibitedReason: string; + prohibited: boolean; + universe: PartialGameUniverse; + price: number; + imageToken: string; + constructor(data: PlaceOptions, client: Client); +} +interface PartialPlaceOptions { + id: number; + name?: string | null; +} +export declare class PartialPlace extends BasePlace { + constructor(data: PartialPlaceOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface PartialGameUniverseOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; + rootPlace?: { + id: number; + name?: string | null; + }; +} +export declare class PartialGameUniverse { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string | null; + rootPlace: PartialPlace | null; + constructor(data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GameUniverseOptions { + id: number; + rootPlaceId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + creatorType: string; + creator: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + price: number; + allowedGearGenres: string[]; + allowedGearCategories: string[]; + playing: number; + visits: number; + maxPlayers: number; + created: string; + updated: string; + studioAccessToApisAllowed: boolean; + createVipServersAllowed: boolean; + universeAvatarType: string; + genre: string; +} +export declare class GameUniverse { + client: Client; + id: number; + rootPlace: PartialPlace | null; + name: string; + description: string; + creatorType: CreatorType; + creator: PartialGroup | PartialUser; + price: number | null; + allowedGearGenres: string[]; + allowedGearCategories: string[]; + playing: number; + visits: number; + maxPlayers: number; + created: Date; + updated: Date; + studioAccessToAPIsEnabled: boolean; + createVIPServersEnabled: boolean; + avatarType: MorphAvatarType; + genre: GameGenre; + constructor(data: GameUniverseOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface PartialVIPServerOptions { + id: number; +} +export declare class PartialVIPServer { + client: Client; + id: number; + constructor(data: PartialVIPServerOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface VIPServerOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + game: { + id: number; + name: string; + rootPlace: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + }; + joinCode: string; + active: boolean; + subscription: { + active: boolean; + expired: boolean; + expirationDate: string; + price: number; + }; + permissions: { + clanAllowed: boolean; + enemyClanId: number; + friendsAllowed: boolean; + users: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; + }; +} +export declare class VIPServer { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string; + game: PartialGameUniverse; + code: string; + active: boolean; + subscription: { + active: boolean; + expired: boolean; + expirationDate: Date; + price: number; + }; + permissions: { + clanAllowed: boolean; + enemyClanId: number; + friendsAllowed: boolean; + users: PartialUser[]; + }; + constructor(data: VIPServerOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GameMediaDataOptions { + assetTypeId: number; + assetType: "Video" | "Image" | string; + imageId: number | null; + videoHash: string | null; + videoTitle: string | null; + approved: boolean; +} +export declare class GameMediaData { + client: Client; + assetTypeId: number; + assetType: "Video" | "Image" | string; + imageId: number | null; + videoHash: string | null; + videoTitle: string | null; + approved: boolean; + constructor(data: GameMediaDataOptions, client: Client); +} +export {}; diff --git a/dist/structures/Game.js b/dist/structures/Game.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c0196e162 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/Game.js @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.GameMediaData = exports.VIPServer = exports.PartialVIPServer = exports.GameUniverse = exports.PartialGameUniverse = exports.PartialPlace = exports.Place = exports.BasePlace = exports.GamePass = exports.PartialGameBadge = exports.GameBadge = exports.GameBadgeBase = void 0; +const constants_1 = require("../util/constants"); +const retrieveStructures = () => ({ + PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, + PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse, + PartialGroup: require("./Group").PartialGroup, + PartialPlace: require("./Game").PartialPlace +}); +class GameBadgeBase { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name || null; + } +} +exports.GameBadgeBase = GameBadgeBase; +class GameBadge { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name; + this.description = data.description; + this.displayedName = data.displayName; + this.displayedDescription = data.displayDescription; + this.enabled = data.enabled; + this.iconId = data.iconImageId; + this.displayedIconId = data.displayIconImageId; + this.created = new Date(data.created); + this.updated = new Date(data.updated); + this.statistics = { + pastDayAwardedCount: data.statistics.pastDayAwardedCount, + awardedCount: data.statistics.awardedCount, + winRatePercentage: data.statistics.winRatePercentage + }; + this.awardingUniverse = new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ + id: data.awardingUniverse.id, + rootPlace: { + id: data.awardingUniverse.rootPlaceId + }, + name: data.awardingUniverse.name + }, client); + } +} +exports.GameBadge = GameBadge; +class PartialGameBadge extends GameBadgeBase { + // Shut up eslint, it's not useless + // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor + constructor(data, client) { + super(data, client); + } +} +exports.PartialGameBadge = PartialGameBadge; +class GamePass { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name; + this.displayName = data.displayName; + this.productId = data.productId; + this.price = data.price; + } +} +exports.GamePass = GamePass; +class BasePlace { + constructor(options, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = options.id; + this.name = options.name || null; + } + getCompatibilities() { + return this.client.apis.developAPI.getPlaceCompatibilities({ + placeId: this.id + }); + } + updatePlaceConfiguration(options) { + return this.client.apis.developAPI.updatePlaceConfiguration(Object.assign({ placeId: this.id }, options)); + } + getStatistics(options) { + return this.client.apis.developAPI.getPlaceStatistics(Object.assign({ placeId: this.id }, options)); + } + awardBadge(userId, badgeId) { + return this.client.apis.generalApi.awardBadge({ + placeId: this.id, + badgeId, + userId + }); + } + getGameServers(options) { + return this.client.apis.gamesAPI.getGameServersByType(Object.assign({ placeId: this.id }, options)); + } +} +exports.BasePlace = BasePlace; +class Place extends BasePlace { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + super({ + id: data.placeId, + name: data.name + }, client); + this.description = data.description; + this.url = data.url; + this.creatorName = data.builder; + this.creatorId = data.builderId; + this.playable = data.isPlayable; + this.prohibitedReason = data.reasonProhibited; + this.prohibited = this.prohibitedReason.toLowerCase() !== "none"; + this.universe = new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ + id: data.universeId, + rootPlace: { + id: data.universeRootPlaceId + } + }, client); + this.price = data.price; + this.imageToken = data.imageToken; + } +} +exports.Place = Place; +class PartialPlace extends BasePlace { + constructor(data, client) { + super({ + id: data.id, + name: data.name || undefined + }, client); + } +} +exports.PartialPlace = PartialPlace; +class PartialGameUniverse { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name || null; + this.rootPlace = data.rootPlace + ? new structures.PartialPlace({ + id: data.rootPlace.id, + name: data.rootPlace.name || null + }, client) + : null; + } +} +exports.PartialGameUniverse = PartialGameUniverse; +class GameUniverse { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.rootPlace = data.rootPlaceId + ? new structures.PartialPlace({ + id: data.rootPlaceId + }, client) + : null; + this.name = data.name; + this.description = data.description; + this.creatorType = + data.creatorType.toLowerCase() === "group" + ? constants_1.CreatorType.GROUP + : constants_1.CreatorType.USER; + this.creator = + this.creatorType === constants_1.CreatorType.GROUP + ? new structures.PartialGroup({ + id: data.creator.id, + name: data.creator.name + }, client) + : new structures.PartialUser({ + id: data.creator.id, + name: data.creator.name + }, client); + this.price = data.price; + this.allowedGearGenres = data.allowedGearGenres; + this.allowedGearCategories = data.allowedGearCategories; + this.playing = data.playing; + this.visits = data.visits; + this.maxPlayers = data.maxPlayers; + this.created = new Date(data.created); + this.updated = new Date(data.updated); + this.studioAccessToAPIsEnabled = data.studioAccessToApisAllowed; + this.createVIPServersEnabled = data.createVipServersAllowed; + this.avatarType = + data.universeAvatarType.toLowerCase() === "morphtor6" + ? constants_1.MorphAvatarType.R6 + : constants_1.MorphAvatarType.R15; + this.genre = data.genre; + } +} +exports.GameUniverse = GameUniverse; +class PartialVIPServer { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + } +} +exports.PartialVIPServer = PartialVIPServer; +class VIPServer { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name; + this.game = new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ + id: data.game.id, + name: data.game.name, + rootPlace: { + id: data.game.rootPlace.id, + name: data.game.rootPlace.name + } + }, client); + this.active = data.active; + this.code = data.joinCode; + this.subscription = { + active: data.subscription.active, + expired: data.subscription.expired, + expirationDate: new Date(data.subscription.expirationDate), + price: data.subscription.price + }; + this.permissions = { + clanAllowed: data.permissions.clanAllowed, + enemyClanId: data.permissions.enemyClanId, + friendsAllowed: data.permissions.friendsAllowed, + users: data.permissions.users.map((userData) => new structures.PartialUser(userData, client)) + }; + } +} +exports.VIPServer = VIPServer; +class GameMediaData { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.assetTypeId = data.assetTypeId; + this.assetType = data.assetType; + this.imageId = data.imageId; + this.videoHash = data.videoHash; + this.videoTitle = data.videoTitle; + this.approved = data.approved; + } +} +exports.GameMediaData = GameMediaData; diff --git a/dist/structures/Group.d.ts b/dist/structures/Group.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9545d2058 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/Group.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { DevelopGetGroupUniversesOptions } from "../client/apis/DevelopAPI"; +import { CursorPage } from "./Asset"; +import { PartialGameUniverse } from "./Game"; +import { EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame, EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions, EconomyGetGroupTransactions, EconomyGetGroupTransactionsOptions } from "../client/apis/EconomyAPI"; +import { GroupsAcceptJoinRequest, GroupsAcceptJoinRequests, GroupsAcceptJoinRequestsOptions, GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequest, GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequests, GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequestsOptions, GroupsChangeOwner, GroupsClaimGroup, GroupsCreateRelationship, GroupsCreateRelationshipOptions, GroupsCreateRole, GroupsCreateRoleOptions, GroupsCreateWallPost, GroupsCreateWallPostOptions, GroupsDeclineJoinRequest, GroupsDeclineJoinRequests, GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequest, GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequests, GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions, GroupsDeleteRelationship, GroupsDeleteRelationshipOptions, GroupsDeleteRole, GroupsDeleteSocialLink, GroupsDeleteWallPost, GroupsGetAllRolesPermissions, GroupsGetGroupPayouts, GroupsGetGroupRelationships, GroupsGetGroupRelationshipsOptions, GroupsGetGroupSettings, GroupsGetGuestPermissions, GroupsGetJoinRequest, GroupsGetJoinRequestsOptions, GroupsGetMembersOptions, GroupsGetMembersWithRoleOptions, GroupsGetRelationshipRequests, GroupsGetRelationshipRequestsOptions, GroupsGetRolePermissions, GroupsGetSelfGroupMembership, GroupsGetSocialLinks, GroupsGetWallPostsOptions, GroupsJoinGroup, GroupsJoinGroupOptions, GroupsKickMember, GroupsPayoutMembers, GroupsPayoutMembersOptions, GroupsPostSocialLink, GroupsPostSocialLinkOptions, GroupsRemovePrimaryGroup, GroupsSetPrimaryGroup, GroupsUpdateGroupDescription, GroupsUpdateGroupIcon, GroupsUpdateGroupSettings, GroupsUpdateGroupSettingsOptions, GroupsUpdateGroupStatus, GroupsUpdateMember, GroupsUpdateRecurringPayouts, GroupsUpdateRecurringPayoutsOptions, GroupsUpdateRole, GroupsUpdateRoleOptions, GroupsUpdateRolePermissions, GroupsUpdateRolePermissionsOptions, GroupsUpdateSocialLink, GroupsUpdateSocialLinkOptions } from "../client/apis/GroupsAPI"; +import { PartialUser, PartialUserOptions, UserBase } from "./User"; +declare type GroupRelationships = Omit & { + groupId: number; + relationshipType: T; + totalGroupCount: number; + groups: Group[]; + nextRowIndex: number; +}; +export interface GroupBaseOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; +} +export declare class GroupBase { + client: Client; + id: number; + name: string | null; + constructor(data: GroupBaseOptions, client: Client); + getUniverses(options?: Omit): Promise>; + /** + * Returns whether the authenticated user can manage the group or not + * @returns {Promise} + */ + canSelfManage(): Promise; + /** + * Gets the currently available funds in the group + * @returns {Promise} + */ + getFunds(): Promise; + getRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame(timeFrame: EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions["timeFrame"]): Promise; + getTransactions(options: Omit): Promise; + getAllies(maxItems?: number, startItem?: number): Promise>; + getEnemies(maxItems?: number, startItem?: number): Promise>; + getGroup(): Promise; + getMember(userId: number): Promise; + getIsMember(userId: number): Promise; + getSettings(): Promise; + updateSettings(options: Omit): Promise; + updateDescription(description: string): Promise; + updateShout(shout: string): Promise; + updateIcon(file: unknown): Promise; + declineJoinRequests(userIds: number[]): Promise; + getJoinRequests(options: Omit): Promise>; + acceptJoinRequests(options: Omit): Promise; + declineJoinRequest(userId: number): Promise; + getJoinRequest(userId: number): Promise; + acceptJoinRequest(userId: number): Promise; + getSelfMembership(): Promise; + getRoles(): Promise; + getMembersWithRole(options: Omit): Promise>; + getMembers(options: Omit): Promise>; + join(options: Omit): Promise; + getIsPendingJoin(): Promise; + changeOwner(userId: number): Promise; + claim(): Promise; + kickMember(userId: number): Promise; + updateMember(userId: number, roleId: number): Promise; + getPayouts(): Promise; + payoutMembers(options: Omit): Promise; + updateRecurringPayouts(options: Omit): Promise; + getRelationships(options: Omit): Promise; + declineRelationshipRequests(options: Omit): Promise; + getRelationshipRequests(options: Omit): Promise; + acceptRelationshipRequests(options: Omit): Promise; + deleteRelationship(options: Omit): Promise; + createRelationship(options: Omit): Promise; + acceptRelationshipRequest(type: "enemies" | "allies", withGroup: number): Promise; + declineRelationshipRequest(type: "enemies" | "allies", withGroup: number): Promise; + getRolePermissions(roleId: number): Promise; + updateRolePermissions(roleId: number, permissions: Omit): Promise; + getGuestPermissions(): Promise; + getAllRolesPermissions(): Promise; + getSocialLinks(): Promise; + createSocialLink(options: Omit): Promise; + deleteSocialLink(id: number): Promise; + updateSocialLink(options: Omit): Promise; + getWallPosts(options: Omit): Promise>; + createWallPost(options: Omit): Promise; + deleteWallPost(id: number): Promise; + getIsUserPrimaryGroup(userId: number): Promise; + removeAsPrimary(): Promise; + setAsPrimary(): Promise; + createRole(options: Omit): Promise; + deleteRole(roleId: number): Promise; + updateRole(roleId: number, options: Omit): Promise; +} +export interface PartialGroupOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; +} +export declare class PartialGroup extends GroupBase { + constructor(data: PartialGroupOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupMemberOptions { + group: PartialGroupOptions; + name?: string | null; + /** + * The user id + */ + id: number; + role?: { + id: number; + name: string; + rank: number; + }; +} +export declare class GroupMember extends UserBase { + group: PartialGroup; + role: GroupRole | null; + constructor(data: GroupMemberOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + owner: { + buildersClubMembershipType: string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + } | null; + shout: { + body: string; + poster: { + buildersClubMembershipType: string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + created: string; + updated: string; + } | null; + memberCount: number; + isBuildersClubOnly: boolean; + publicEntryAllowed: boolean; + isLocked: boolean; +} +export declare class Group extends GroupBase { + description: string; + name: string; + owner: GroupMember | null; + shout: GroupShout | null; + memberCount: number; + isBuildersClubOnly: boolean; + publicEntryAllowed: boolean; + isLocked: boolean; + constructor(data: GroupOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupJoinRequestOptions { + id?: number; + user: PartialUserOptions; + group: PartialGroupOptions; + created: string; +} +export declare class GroupJoinRequest { + client: Client; + id: number | null; + user: PartialUser; + group: PartialGroup; + created: Date; + constructor(data: GroupJoinRequestOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupRoleOptions { + id?: number; + name?: string; + rank?: number; + group: { + id: number; + name?: string; + }; +} +export declare class GroupRole { + client: Client; + id: number | null; + name: string | null; + rank: number | null; + group: PartialGroup; + constructor(data: GroupRoleOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupRolePermissionsOptions { + groupId: number; + role: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; + memberCount: number; + }; + permissions: { + groupPostsPermissions: { + viewWall: boolean; + postToWall: boolean; + deleteFromWall: boolean; + viewStatus: boolean; + postToStatus: boolean; + }; + groupMembershipPermissions: { + changeRank: boolean; + inviteMembers: boolean; + removeMembers: boolean; + }; + groupManagementPermissions: { + manageRelationships: boolean; + manageClan: boolean; + viewAuditLogs: boolean; + }; + groupEconomyPermissions: { + spendGroupFunds: boolean; + advertiseGroup: boolean; + createItems: boolean; + manageItems: boolean; + addGroupPlaces: boolean; + manageGroupGames: boolean; + viewGroupPayouts: boolean; + }; + }; +} +export declare class GroupRolePermissions { + client: Client; + group: PartialGroup; + role: GroupRole; + permissions: GroupRolePermissionsOptions["permissions"]; + constructor(data: GroupRolePermissionsOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupShoutOptions { + content: string; + creator: { + id: number; + username: string; + }; + group: { + id: number; + name?: string; + }; +} +export declare class GroupShout { + client: Client; + content: string; + creator: PartialUser; + group: PartialGroup; + constructor(data: GroupShoutOptions, client: Client); +} +export interface GroupWallPostOptions { + id: number; + poster: { + buildersClubMembershipType: string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + group: { + id: number; + name?: string; + }; + body: string; + created: string; + updated: string; +} +export declare class GroupWallPost { + client: Client; + id: number; + creator: GroupMember; + content: string; + created: Date; + constructor(data: GroupWallPostOptions, client: Client); +} +export {}; diff --git a/dist/structures/Group.js b/dist/structures/Group.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e61a3e13 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/Group.js @@ -0,0 +1,495 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.GroupWallPost = exports.GroupShout = exports.GroupRolePermissions = exports.GroupRole = exports.GroupJoinRequest = exports.Group = exports.GroupMember = exports.PartialGroup = exports.GroupBase = void 0; +const User_1 = require("./User"); +const retrieveStructures = () => ({ + PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, + PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse +}); +class GroupBase { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name || null; + } + getUniverses(options) { + return this.client.apis.developAPI + .getGroupUniverses(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { groupId: this.id })) + .then((response) => { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + return new CursorPageClass(this.client, options || {}, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { data: response.data.map((universeData) => new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ + id: universeData.id, + name: universeData.name, + rootPlace: universeData.rootPlaceId + ? { + id: universeData.rootPlaceId + } + : undefined + }, this.client)) }), this.getUniverses); + }); + } + /** + * Returns whether the authenticated user can manage the group or not + * @returns {Promise} + */ + canSelfManage() { + return this.client.apis.developAPI + .getSelfManageableGroups() + .then((response) => !!response.data.find((data) => data.id === this.id)); + } + /** + * Gets the currently available funds in the group + * @returns {Promise} + */ + getFunds() { + return this.client.apis.economyAPI + .getGroupCurrency({ + groupId: this.id + }) + .then((response) => response.robux); + } + getRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame(timeFrame) { + return this.client.apis.economyAPI.getGroupRevenueByTime({ + groupId: this.id, + timeFrame + }); + } + getTransactions(options) { + return this.client.apis.economyAPI.getGroupTransactions(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + getAllies(maxItems = 100, startItem) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getGroupRelationships({ + relationshipType: "allies", + groupId: this.id, + maxRows: maxItems, + startRowIndex: startItem + }) + .then((response) => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { relationshipType: "allies", groups: response.relatedGroups.map((groupData) => new Group(groupData, this.client)) }))); + } + getEnemies(maxItems = 100, startItem) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getGroupRelationships({ + relationshipType: "enemies", + groupId: this.id, + maxRows: maxItems, + startRowIndex: startItem + }) + .then((response) => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { relationshipType: "enemies", groups: response.relatedGroups.map((groupData) => new Group(groupData, this.client)) }))); + } + getGroup() { + return this.client.getGroup(this.id); + } + getMember(userId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getUserGroups({ + userId + }) + .then((response) => { + const foundGroup = response.data.find((groupData) => groupData.group.id === this.id); + if (foundGroup) { + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define + return new GroupMember({ + id: userId, + role: foundGroup.role, + group: foundGroup.group + }, this.client); + } + else { + return null; + } + }); + } + getIsMember(userId) { + console.warn(`group.getIsMember() is deprecated and may be removed in the future. Please switch to group.getMember`); + return this.getMember(userId); + } + getSettings() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupSettings({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + updateSettings(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupSettings(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + updateDescription(description) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupDescription({ + description, + groupId: this.id + }); + } + updateShout(shout) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupStatus({ + groupId: this.id, + message: shout + }); + } + updateIcon(file) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupIcon({ + files: file, + groupId: this.id + }); + } + declineJoinRequests(userIds) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineJoinRequests({ + groupId: this.id, + userIds + }); + } + getJoinRequests(options) { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getJoinRequests(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)) + .then((response) => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options, response, this.getJoinRequests)); + } + acceptJoinRequests(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptJoinRequests(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + declineJoinRequest(userId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineJoinRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + getJoinRequest(userId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getJoinRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + acceptJoinRequest(userId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptJoinRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + getSelfMembership() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getSelfGroupMembership({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + getRoles() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getGroupRoles({ + groupId: this.id + }) + .then((response) => response.roles.map((roleData) => new GroupRole(Object.assign({ group: { + id: this.id, + name: this.name || undefined + } }, roleData), this.client))); + } + getMembersWithRole(options) { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getMembersWithRole(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)) + .then((response) => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options, response, this.getMembersWithRole)); + } + getMembers(options) { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getMembers(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)) + .then((response) => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options, response, this.getMembers)); + } + join(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.joinGroup(Object.assign(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options), { captchaProvider: options.captchaProvider || "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" })); + } + getIsPendingJoin() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getSelfPendingGroupJoins() + .then((response) => (response.data.find((groupData) => groupData.id === this.id) && + true) || + false); + } + changeOwner(userId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.changeGroupOwner({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + claim() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.claimGroup({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + kickMember(userId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.kickMember({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + updateMember(userId, roleId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateMember({ + groupId: this.id, + roleId, + userId + }); + } + getPayouts() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupPayouts({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + payoutMembers(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.payoutMembers(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + updateRecurringPayouts(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateRecurringPayouts(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + getRelationships(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupRelationships(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + declineRelationshipRequests(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineRelationshipRequests(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + getRelationshipRequests(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getRelationshipRequests(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + acceptRelationshipRequests(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptRelationshipRequests(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + deleteRelationship(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteRelationship(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + createRelationship(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createRelationship(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + acceptRelationshipRequest(type, withGroup) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptRelationshipRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + relationshipType: type || "allies", + withGroup + }); + } + declineRelationshipRequest(type, withGroup) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineRelationshipRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + relationshipType: type || "allies", + withGroup + }); + } + getRolePermissions(roleId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getRolePermissions({ + groupId: this.id, + roleId + }); + } + updateRolePermissions(roleId, permissions) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateRolePermissions(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id, roleId }, permissions)); + } + getGuestPermissions() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGuestPermissions({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + getAllRolesPermissions() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getAllRolesPermissions({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + getSocialLinks() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getSocialLinks({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + createSocialLink(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createSocialLink(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + deleteSocialLink(id) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteSocialLink({ + groupId: this.id, + id + }); + } + updateSocialLink(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateSocialLink(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + getWallPosts(options) { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getWallPosts(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)) + .then((response) => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options, response, this.getWallPosts)); + } + createWallPost(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createWallPost(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + deleteWallPost(id) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteWallPost({ + groupId: this.id, + id + }); + } + getIsUserPrimaryGroup(userId) { + return (this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getUserPrimaryGroup({ + userId + }) + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define + .then((response) => response && response.group && response.role + ? new GroupMember({ + group: response.group, + role: { + id: response.role.id, + name: response.role.name, + rank: response.role.rank + }, + id: userId + }, this.client) + : null)); + } + removeAsPrimary() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.removePrimaryGroup(); + } + setAsPrimary() { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.setPrimaryGroup({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + createRole(options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createRole(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id }, options)); + } + deleteRole(roleId) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteRole({ + groupId: this.id, + roleId + }); + } + updateRole(roleId, options) { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateRole(Object.assign({ groupId: this.id, roleId }, options)); + } +} +exports.GroupBase = GroupBase; +class PartialGroup extends GroupBase { + // Shut up eslint, this is not useless either + // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor + constructor(data, client) { + super(data, client); + } +} +exports.PartialGroup = PartialGroup; +class GroupMember extends User_1.UserBase { + constructor(data, client) { + super({ + name: data.name, + id: data.id + }, client); + this.group = new PartialGroup(data.group, client); + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define + this.role = data.role + ? new GroupRole({ + id: data.role.id, + name: data.role.name, + rank: data.role.rank, + group: { + name: this.name || undefined, + id: this.id + } + }, client) + : null; + } +} +exports.GroupMember = GroupMember; +class Group extends GroupBase { + constructor(data, client) { + super(data, client); + this.description = data.description; + this.name = data.name; + this.owner = data.owner + ? new GroupMember({ + id: data.owner.userId, + name: data.owner.username, + group: this + }, client) + : null; + this.shout = data.shout + ? new GroupShout({ + content: data.shout.body, + creator: { + id: data.shout.poster.userId, + username: data.shout.poster.username + }, + group: { + id: this.id, + name: this.name || undefined + } + }, client) + : null; + this.memberCount = data.memberCount; + this.isBuildersClubOnly = data.isBuildersClubOnly; + this.publicEntryAllowed = data.publicEntryAllowed; + this.isLocked = data.isLocked; + } +} +exports.Group = Group; +class GroupJoinRequest { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id || null; + this.user = new structures.PartialUser(data.user, client); + this.group = new PartialGroup(data.group, client); + this.created = new Date(data.created); + } +} +exports.GroupJoinRequest = GroupJoinRequest; +class GroupRole { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id || null; + this.name = data.name || null; + this.rank = data.rank || null; + this.group = new PartialGroup({ + id: data.group.id, + name: data.group.name + }, client); + } +} +exports.GroupRole = GroupRole; +class GroupRolePermissions { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.group = new PartialGroup({ + id: data.groupId + }, client); + this.role = new GroupRole({ + id: data.role.id, + name: data.role.name, + rank: data.role.rank, + group: { + id: this.group.id + } + }, client); + this.permissions = data.permissions; + } +} +exports.GroupRolePermissions = GroupRolePermissions; +class GroupShout { + constructor(data, client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + this.client = client; + this.content = data.content; + this.creator = new structures.PartialUser(data.creator, client); + this.group = new PartialGroup({ + id: data.group.id, + name: data.group.name + }, client); + } +} +exports.GroupShout = GroupShout; +class GroupWallPost { + constructor(data, client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.content = data.body; + this.creator = new GroupMember({ + group: { + id: data.group.id, + name: data.group.name + }, + id: data.poster.userId, + name: data.poster.username + }, client); + this.created = new Date(data.created); + } +} +exports.GroupWallPost = GroupWallPost; diff --git a/dist/structures/User.d.ts b/dist/structures/User.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..01ab8d650 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/User.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +import { Client, UsersGetUserById } from ".."; +import { BaseUser } from "./BaseUser"; +declare type UserConstructorData = UsersGetUserById; +/** + * Represents a roblox user + */ +export declare class User extends BaseUser { + readonly name: string; + readonly displayName: string; + readonly externalAppDisplayName: string; + readonly isBanned: boolean; + readonly description: string; + readonly created: Date; + /** + * @param {Client} client The Bloxy Client + * @param {number} userId The user ID + */ + constructor(client: Client, data: UserConstructorData); +} +export {}; diff --git a/dist/structures/User.js b/dist/structures/User.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c222d4665 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/User.js @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.User = void 0; +const BaseUser_1 = require("./BaseUser"); +/** + * Represents a roblox user + */ +class User extends BaseUser_1.BaseUser { + /** + * @param {Client} client The Bloxy Client + * @param {number} userId The user ID + */ + constructor(client, data) { + super(client, data.id); + this.name = data.name; + this.displayName = data.displayName; + this.externalAppDisplayName = data.externalAppDisplayName; + this.isBanned = data.isBanned; + this.description = data.description; + this.created = new Date(data.created); + } +} +exports.User = User; diff --git a/dist/structures/index.d.ts b/dist/structures/index.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f31e7296 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/index.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +export * from "./Asset"; +export * from "./Chat"; +export * from "./ClientUser"; +export * from "./Game"; +export * from "./Group"; +export * from "./User"; diff --git a/dist/structures/index.js b/dist/structures/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..693bf3bad --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/structures/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./Asset"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./Chat"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./ClientUser"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./Game"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./Group"), exports); +(0, tslib_1.__exportStar)(require("./User"), exports); diff --git a/dist/types/GeneralTypes.d.ts b/dist/types/GeneralTypes.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..750d1a26f --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/types/GeneralTypes.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +export declare type Privacy = "NoOne" | "Friends" | "Following" | "Followers" | "AllUsers"; +export declare type ISOString = string; diff --git a/dist/types/GeneralTypes.js b/dist/types/GeneralTypes.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8ad2e549 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/types/GeneralTypes.js @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); diff --git a/dist/types/GenericOptionTypes.d.ts b/dist/types/GenericOptionTypes.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..255e1aba4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/types/GenericOptionTypes.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +export declare type UserIdOption = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type UserIdsOption = { + userIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type PlaceIdOption = { + placeId: number; +}; +export declare type PlaceIdsOption = { + placeIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type UniverseIdOption = { + universeId: number; +}; +export declare type UniverseIdsOption = { + universeIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type AssetIdOption = { + assetId: number; +}; +export declare type AssetIdsOption = { + assetIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type GroupIdOption = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type GroupIdsOption = { + groupIds: number[]; +}; +export declare type SortOption = { + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export declare type UsernamePasswordOption = { + username: string; + password: string; +}; +export declare type PageSortOrder = SortOption["sortOrder"]; +export declare type PageSortLimit = SortOption["limit"]; +export declare type PageSortCursor = SortOption["cursor"]; +export declare type ItemType = "Asset" | "GamePass" | "Badge" | "Bundle"; diff --git a/dist/types/GenericOptionTypes.js b/dist/types/GenericOptionTypes.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8ad2e549 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/types/GenericOptionTypes.js @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); diff --git a/dist/types/GenericTypes.d.ts b/dist/types/GenericTypes.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..07128703c --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/types/GenericTypes.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +export declare type Privacy = "NoOne" | "Friends" | "Following" | "Followers" | "AllUsers"; +export declare type ISOString = string; +export declare type CursorData = { + previousPageCursor?: string; + nextPageCursor?: string; + data: T; +}; +export declare type SuccessResponse = { + success: boolean; +}; diff --git a/dist/types/GenericTypes.js b/dist/types/GenericTypes.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8ad2e549 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/types/GenericTypes.js @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); diff --git a/dist/util/constants.d.ts b/dist/util/constants.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a29b75848 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/util/constants.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +export declare const identifierNames: { + userId: string[]; + groupId: string[]; + name: string[]; + username: string[]; + friendsCount: string[]; +}; +export declare const StatusCodeReasons: { + 400: string[]; + 401: string[]; + 403: string[]; + 404: string[]; + 429: string[]; + 500: string[]; +}; +export declare enum CreatorType { + USER = 1, + GROUP = 2 +} +export declare enum MorphAvatarType { + R6 = "MorphToR6", + R15 = "MorphToR15" +} +export declare enum GameGenre { + FPS = "FPS" +} diff --git a/dist/util/constants.js b/dist/util/constants.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f5f2ece4 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/util/constants.js @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +"use strict"; +// All naming conventions Roblox uses for identifier types (userId, groupId, etc.) +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.GameGenre = exports.MorphAvatarType = exports.CreatorType = exports.StatusCodeReasons = exports.identifierNames = void 0; +exports.identifierNames = { + userId: [ + "ProfileUserId", + "UserId", + "userId", + "userid", + "PlayerId", + "playerId", + "playerid", + "targetUserId", + "ID", + "id", + "Id", + "targetID" + ], + groupId: ["GroupId", "groupId", "Groupid", "Id", "ID", "id"], + name: ["Name", "name"], + username: [ + "ProfileUserName", + "Username", + "username", + "userName", + "UserName", + "Name", + "name" + ], + friendsCount: ["numFriends", "NumFriends", "numfriends", "FriendsCount"] +}; +exports.StatusCodeReasons = { + 400: [ + "Bad Request (invalid values provided)", + "Invalid body type (content-type) sent", + "Bloxy sent an invalid request (from faulty code, feel free to check it out and submit an issue / PR)", + "(Roblox's fault for not saying) All data provided was valid but you don't have access to view the response or the requested data" + ], + 401: [ + "You're not logged in (use .login on the client to log in)", + "The cookie was not provided in the request, or invalid cookie provided" + ], + 403: [ + "A captcha is required", + "You don't have the proper permissions", + "You're not authorized" + ], + 404: [ + "Invalid request method (i.e. POST instead of GET)", + "Resource removed / updated to another route", + "You're not logged in (use .login on the client to log in)" + ], + 429: [ + "You're sending too many requests. Roblox has rate limits in place to prevent abuse", + "Your IP has sent too many requests" + ], + 500: [ + "Roblox is down", + "There is an error in Roblox's API handler (causing a server error)", + "Invalid body provided which results in the API failing" + ] +}; +var CreatorType; +(function (CreatorType) { + CreatorType[CreatorType["USER"] = 1] = "USER"; + CreatorType[CreatorType["GROUP"] = 2] = "GROUP"; +})(CreatorType = exports.CreatorType || (exports.CreatorType = {})); +var MorphAvatarType; +(function (MorphAvatarType) { + MorphAvatarType["R6"] = "MorphToR6"; + MorphAvatarType["R15"] = "MorphToR15"; +})(MorphAvatarType = exports.MorphAvatarType || (exports.MorphAvatarType = {})); +var GameGenre; +(function (GameGenre) { + GameGenre["FPS"] = "FPS"; +})(GameGenre = exports.GameGenre || (exports.GameGenre = {})); diff --git a/dist/util/converter.d.ts b/dist/util/converter.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cd18f92de --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/util/converter.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +export declare function generalIdentifierToNumber(identifier: string | number): number; +export declare function convertObjectToValue(dataObject: Record, namingConventions: string[]): unknown; diff --git a/dist/util/converter.js b/dist/util/converter.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c912c06e --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/util/converter.js @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +"use strict"; +// Misc. "type" converter +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.convertObjectToValue = exports.generalIdentifierToNumber = void 0; +function generalIdentifierToNumber(identifier) { + if (typeof identifier === "string") { + return Number(identifier); + } + else { + return identifier; + } +} +exports.generalIdentifierToNumber = generalIdentifierToNumber; +/* eslint-disable security/detect-object-injection */ +function convertObjectToValue(dataObject, namingConventions) { + // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-object-injection + return namingConventions + .map((name) => dataObject[name] || null) + .find((value) => !!value); +} +exports.convertObjectToValue = convertObjectToValue; diff --git a/dist/util/errors/errors.d.ts b/dist/util/errors/errors.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..839686735 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/util/errors/errors.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +interface BloxyHttpErrorOptions { + message: string; + name?: string; + statusMessage: string; + statusCode: number; + possibleReasons: string[]; +} +export declare class BloxyHttpError extends Error { + statusCode: number; + statusMessage: string; + constructor(options: BloxyHttpErrorOptions); +} +export {}; diff --git a/dist/util/errors/errors.js b/dist/util/errors/errors.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..86ae467ac --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/util/errors/errors.js @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.BloxyHttpError = void 0; +const constants_1 = require("../constants"); +class BloxyHttpError extends Error { + constructor(options) { + const statusRelatedIssues = constants_1.StatusCodeReasons[options.statusCode] + || []; + options.possibleReasons = [ + ...options.possibleReasons, + ...statusRelatedIssues + ]; + const revisedMessage = `\n\n${options.message} | Status code: ${options.statusCode}, status message: ${options.statusMessage}. ${options.possibleReasons.length > 0 + ? `Possible reasons:\n${options.possibleReasons + .map((r) => `- ${r}`) + .join("\n")}\n\n` + : ""}`; + super(revisedMessage); + this.name = options.name || "BloxyHttpError"; + this.statusCode = options.statusCode; + this.statusMessage = options.statusMessage; + } +} +exports.BloxyHttpError = BloxyHttpError; diff --git a/dist/util/errors/index.d.ts b/dist/util/errors/index.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e74c2e775 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/util/errors/index.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +import * as errors from "./errors"; +declare const _default: { + messages: { + hello: string; + }; + errors: typeof errors; +}; +export default _default; diff --git a/dist/util/errors/index.js b/dist/util/errors/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a5a897484 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/util/errors/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); +const messages_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./messages")); +const errors = (0, tslib_1.__importStar)(require("./errors")); +exports.default = { + messages: messages_1.default, + errors +}; diff --git a/dist/util/errors/messages.d.ts b/dist/util/errors/messages.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed723916f --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/util/errors/messages.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +declare const _default: { + hello: string; +}; +export default _default; diff --git a/dist/util/errors/messages.js b/dist/util/errors/messages.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..280bb32d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/util/errors/messages.js @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +"use strict"; +Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.default = { + hello: "world" +}; diff --git a/dist/util/utilFunctions.d.ts b/dist/util/utilFunctions.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b5a66d650 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/util/utilFunctions.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export declare function utilMergeDeep, N extends Record>(baseObject: B, newObject: N): B & N; diff --git 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internalMerger(baseObject); + internalMerger(newObject); + return target; +} +exports.utilMergeDeep = utilMergeDeep; diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 2e4668b29..c97860967 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -1,1673 +1,1458 @@ { "name": "bloxy", - "version": "5.7.1", - "lockfileVersion": 1, + "version": "6.0.0-alpha", + "lockfileVersion": 2, "requires": true, - "dependencies": { - "@babel/code-frame": { - "version": "7.12.11", - "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@babel/code-frame/-/code-frame-7.12.11.tgz", - "integrity": "sha512-Zt1yodBx1UcyiePMSkWnU4hPqhwq7hGi2nFL1LeA3EUl+q2LQx16MISgJ0+z7dnmgvP9QtIleuETGOiOH1RcIw==", + "packages": { + "": { + "name": "bloxy", + "version": "6.0.0-alpha", + "license": "MIT", + "dependencies": { + "debug": "^4.3.1", + "got": "^11.8.3", + "signalr": "^2.4.2", + "signalr-client": "0.0.20", + "tough-cookie": "^4.0.0", + "tslib": "^2.1.0" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "@types/chai": "^4.3.0", + 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-import initAPIs, { APIs } from "./apis"; -import ClientUser from "../structures/ClientUser"; -import RESTController from "../controllers/rest"; -import { Group, PartialUser, User } from "../structures"; +import { ClientBase, ClientOptions } from "./ClientBase"; +import { initAPIs, APIs } from "./apis"; +import { ClientUser } from "../old_structures/ClientUser"; +import { RESTController } from "../controllers/rest"; +import { Group, PartialUser } from "../old_structures"; import * as ClientSocket from "./lib/ClientSocket/ClientSocket"; -import ChatManager from "./lib/ChatManager/ChatManager"; -import DataStoreManager from "./lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager"; - - -export default class Client extends ClientBase { - public user: ClientUser | null; - public apis: APIs; - public rest: RESTController; - public socket: ClientSocket.Socket; - public dataStoreManager: DataStoreManager; - public chat: ChatManager; - - constructor (options?: ClientOptions) { - super(options); - - this.user = null; - this.apis = initAPIs(this); - this.rest = new RESTController(this, this.options.rest); - this.socket = new ClientSocket.Socket(this); - this.dataStoreManager = new DataStoreManager(this); - this.chat = new ChatManager(this); - - this.init(); +import { ChatManager } from "./lib/ChatManager/ChatManager"; +import { DataStoreManager } from "./lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager"; +import { User } from "../structures/User"; +import { BaseUser } from "../structures/BaseUser"; + +export class Client extends ClientBase { + public user: ClientUser | null; + public apis: APIs; + public rest: RESTController; + public socket: ClientSocket.Socket; + public dataStoreManager: DataStoreManager; + public chat: ChatManager; + + constructor(options?: ClientOptions) { + super(options); + + this.user = null; + this.apis = initAPIs(this); + this.rest = new RESTController(this, this.options.rest); + this.socket = new ClientSocket.Socket(this); + this.dataStoreManager = new DataStoreManager(this); + this.chat = new ChatManager(this); + + this.init(); + } + + public isLoggedIn(): boolean { + return this.user !== null; + } + + init(): void { + if (this.options.rest) { + this.rest.setOptions(this.options.rest); } + } - public isLoggedIn (): boolean { - return this.user !== null; - } - - init (): void { - if (this.options.rest) { - this.rest.setOptions(this.options.rest); - } - } - - public async login (cookie?: string): Promise { - this.log("info", { - name: "Client.login", - description: `Started login process..` - }); - cookie = cookie || (this.options.credentials || {}).cookie || undefined; - - if (!cookie) { - throw new Error("Attempted to log in without a cookie!"); - } - this.options.credentials = { - ...this.options.credentials, - cookie - }; - - const createdCookie = this.rest.createCookie({ - key: ".ROBLOSECURITY", - value: cookie, - domain: "roblox.com", - hostOnly: false, - httpOnly: false - }); - - this.rest.addCookie(createdCookie); - - this.log("info", { - name: "Client.login", - description: `Added cookie to cookie jar, proceeding to fetching authenticated user information..` - }); - - const getAuthenticationData = await this.apis.usersAPI.getAuthenticatedUserInformation(); - this.user = new ClientUser({ - id: getAuthenticationData.id, - name: getAuthenticationData.name - }, this); - this.emit("loggedIn"); - - this.log("info", { - name: "Client.login", - description: `Successfully logged in as ${getAuthenticationData.name}` - }); - - return this.user; - } + public async login(cookie?: string): Promise { + this.log("info", { + name: "Client.login", + description: `Started login process..` + }); + cookie = cookie || (this.options.credentials || {}).cookie || undefined; - getGroup (groupId: number): Promise { - return this.apis.groupsAPI.getGroup({ - groupId - }) - .then(data => { - if (!data) { - throw new Error(`Group not found: ${groupId}`); - } else { - return new Group(data, this); - } - }); + if (!cookie) { + throw new Error("Attempted to log in without a cookie!"); } - - getUser (userId: number | string): Promise { - if (typeof userId === "string") { - userId = parseInt(userId); + this.options.credentials = { + ...this.options.credentials, + cookie + }; + + const createdCookie = this.rest.createCookie({ + key: ".ROBLOSECURITY", + value: cookie, + domain: "roblox.com", + hostOnly: false, + httpOnly: false + }); + + this.rest.addCookie(createdCookie); + + this.log("info", { + name: "Client.login", + description: `Added cookie to cookie jar, proceeding to fetching authenticated user information..` + }); + + const getAuthenticationData = + await this.apis.usersAPI.getAuthenticatedUserInformation(); + this.user = new ClientUser( + { + id: getAuthenticationData.id, + name: getAuthenticationData.name + }, + this + ); + this.emit("loggedIn"); + + this.log("info", { + name: "Client.login", + description: `Successfully logged in as ${getAuthenticationData.name}` + }); + + return this.user; + } + + getGroup(groupId: number): Promise { + return this.apis.groupsAPI + .getGroup({ + groupId + }) + .then((data) => { + if (!data) { + throw new Error(`Group not found: ${groupId}`); + } else { + return new Group(data, this); } - - return this.apis.otherAPI.getUserProfileHeader({ - userId - }) - .then(data => new User({ - id: data.ProfileUserId, - name: data.ProfileUserName, - displayName: data.ProfileDisplayName, - canFollow: data.CanBeFollowed, - canSeeInventory: data.CanSeeInventory, - canTrade: data.CanTrade, - incomingFriendRequest: data.IncomingFriendRequestPending, - sentFriendRequest: data.FriendRequestPending, - canMessage: data.CanMessage, - isViewerBlocked: data.IsViewerBlocked, - isVieweeBlocked: data.IsVieweeBlocked, - followingsCount: data.FollowingsCount, - followersCount: data.FollowersCount, - userPlaceId: data.UserPlaceId, - userStatusDate: data.UserStatusDate, - userStatus: data.UserStatus, - presenceType: data.UserPresenceType, - friendsCount: data.FriendsCount, - canFriend: data.MaySendFriendInvitation, - areFriends: data.AreFriends, - lastLocation: data.LastLocation, - canSeeFavorites: data.CanSeeFavorites, - headShotImage: { - final: data.HeadShotImage.Final, - endpointType: data.HeadShotImage.EndpointType, - retryUrl: data.HeadShotImage.RetryUrl, - url: data.HeadShotImage.Url, - userId: data.HeadShotImage.UserId - }, - messagesDisabled: data.MessagesDisabled, - previousUsernames: data.PreviousUserNames - }, this)); - } - - getUserIdFromUsername (username: string): Promise { - return this.apis.usersAPI.getUsersByUsernames({ - usernames: [username], - excludeBannedUsers: false - }) - .then(response => { - if (response.data && response.data[0]) { - return new PartialUser(response.data[0], this); - } else { - throw new Error("Got invalid response from getUserIdFromUsername"); - } - }); - } - - getUsernameFromUserId (userId: number | string): Promise { - if (typeof userId === "string") { - userId = parseInt(userId); + }); + } + + /** + * Returns a base user object from a user id. + * @param userId The user's ID + */ + getBaseUser(userId: number): BaseUser { + return new BaseUser(this, userId); + } + + /** + * Returns a user object from a user id. + * @param userId The user's ID + */ + async getUser(userId: number): Promise { + const data = await this.apis.usersAPI.getUserById({ userId }); + return new User(this, data); + } + + getUserIdFromUsername(username: string): Promise { + return this.apis.usersAPI + .getUsersByUsernames({ + usernames: [username], + excludeBannedUsers: false + }) + .then((response) => { + if (response.data && response.data[0]) { + return new PartialUser(response.data[0], this); + } else { + throw new Error("Got invalid response from getUserIdFromUsername"); } + }); + } - return this.apis.generalApi.getUserById({ - userId - }) - .then(data => new PartialUser(data, this)); + getUsernameFromUserId(userId: number | string): Promise { + if (typeof userId === "string") { + userId = parseInt(userId); } - getUsersByUserIds (userIds: number[] | string[], excludeBannedUsers = false): Promise { - if (typeof userIds[0] === "string") { - userIds = (userIds as string[]).map(userId => parseInt(userId)); - } - - return this.apis.usersAPI.getUsersByIds({ - excludeBannedUsers, - userIds: userIds as number[] - }) - .then(response => response.data.map(userData => new PartialUser(userData, this))); + return this.apis.generalApi + .getUserById({ + userId + }) + .then((data) => new PartialUser(data, this)); + } + + getUsersByUserIds( + userIds: number[] | string[], + excludeBannedUsers = false + ): Promise { + if (typeof userIds[0] === "string") { + userIds = (userIds as string[]).map((userId) => parseInt(userId)); } - getUsersByUsernames (usernames: string[], excludeBannedUsers = false): Promise { - return this.apis.usersAPI.getUsersByUsernames({ - excludeBannedUsers, - usernames - }) - .then(response => response.data.map(userData => new PartialUser(userData, this))); - } + return this.apis.usersAPI + .getUsersByIds({ + excludeBannedUsers, + userIds: userIds as number[] + }) + .then((response) => + response.data.map((userData) => new PartialUser(userData, this)) + ); + } + + getUsersByUsernames( + usernames: string[], + excludeBannedUsers = false + ): Promise { + return this.apis.usersAPI + .getUsersByUsernames({ + excludeBannedUsers, + usernames + }) + .then((response) => + response.data.map((userData) => new PartialUser(userData, this)) + ); + } } diff --git a/src/client/ClientBase.ts b/src/client/ClientBase.ts index f27862c24..b40a283f0 100644 --- a/src/client/ClientBase.ts +++ b/src/client/ClientBase.ts @@ -3,73 +3,79 @@ import { RESTControllerOptions } from "../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; import debug, { Debugger } from "debug"; import { utilMergeDeep } from "../util/utilFunctions"; - export interface ClientCredentialsOptions { - cookie?: string; + cookie?: string; } - export interface ClientCallbacks { - getFunCaptchaToken?: (publicKey: string, targetUrl: string) => Promise; + getFunCaptchaToken?: ( + publicKey: string, + targetUrl: string + ) => Promise; } - export interface ClientSetup { - websocket?: { - maxRetries: number; - }; - debug: boolean; + websocket?: { + maxRetries: number; + }; + debug: boolean; } - export interface ClientOptions { - credentials?: ClientCredentialsOptions; - rest?: RESTControllerOptions; - callbacks?: ClientCallbacks; - setup?: ClientSetup; + credentials?: ClientCredentialsOptions; + rest?: RESTControllerOptions; + callbacks?: ClientCallbacks; + setup?: ClientSetup; } - interface DebugData { - name: string; - description: string; + name: string; + description: string; } - -export default class ClientBase extends EventEmitter { - public options: ClientOptions; - public debugger: { - info: Debugger; - warn: Debugger; - error: Debugger; +export class ClientBase extends EventEmitter { + public options: ClientOptions; + public debugger: { + info: Debugger; + warn: Debugger; + error: Debugger; + }; + + constructor(options?: ClientOptions) { + super(); + + this.options = this.updateOptions(options); + this.debugger = { + info: debug("bloxy:info"), + warn: debug("bloxy:warn"), + error: debug("bloxy:error") }; - - - constructor (options?: ClientOptions) { - super(); - - this.options = this.updateOptions(options); - this.debugger = { - info: debug("bloxy:info"), - warn: debug("bloxy:warn"), - error: debug("bloxy:error") - }; - } - - public updateOptions (options?: ClientOptions): ClientOptions { - this.options = utilMergeDeep({ - credentials: {}, - rest: {}, - setup: {}, - callbacks: {} - } as ClientOptions, options || {}) as ClientOptions; - - return this.options; - } - - public log (level: "info" | "warn" | "error", data: DebugData): void { - const loggerToUse = level === "info" ? this.debugger.info : level === "error" ? this.debugger.error : this.debugger.warn; - - loggerToUse(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] ${data.name}: ${data.description}`); - } + } + + public updateOptions(options?: ClientOptions): ClientOptions { + this.options = utilMergeDeep( + { + credentials: {}, + rest: {}, + setup: {}, + callbacks: {} + } as ClientOptions, + options || {} + ) as ClientOptions; + + return this.options; + } + + public log(level: "info" | "warn" | "error", data: DebugData): void { + const loggerToUse = + level === "info" + ? this.debugger.info + : level === "error" + ? this.debugger.error + : this.debugger.warn; + + loggerToUse( + `[${new Date().toISOString()}] ${data.name}: ${data.description}` + ); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/AccountInformationAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/AccountInformationAPI.ts index cb9c8456a..7490ba732 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/AccountInformationAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/AccountInformationAPI.ts @@ -1,306 +1,250 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; - - -export declare type UpdateUserBirthdateOptions = GetUserBirthdate; -export declare type UpdateUserDescriptionOptions = { - description: string; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { UserIdOption, Privacy } from "../.."; + +// AccountInformation +export type AccountInformationBirthdate = { + birthDay: number; + birthMonth: number; + birthYear: number; }; -export declare type UpdateUserGenderOptions = { - gender: number; -} -export declare type SetPhoneNumberOptions = { - countryCode: string; - prefix: string; - phone: string; - password: string; +export type AccountInformationDescription = { + description: string; }; -export declare type DeletePhoneOptions = SetPhoneNumberOptions; -export declare type ResendPhoneCodeOptions = SetPhoneNumberOptions; -export declare type VerifyPhoneOptions = SetPhoneNumberOptions; -export declare type AddStarCodeAffiliateOptions = { - code: string; +export type AccountInformationGender = { + gender: number; }; -export declare type UpdateUserPromotionChannelsOptions = { - facebook: string; - twitter: string; - youtube: string; - twitch: string; - promotionChannelsVisibilityPrivacy: string; +export type AccountInformationXboxConsecutiveLoginDays = { + count: number; }; -export declare type GetUserBirthdate = { - birthMonth: number; - birthDay: number; - birthYear: number; +// Metadata +export type AccountInformationMetaData = { + isAllowedNotificationsEndpointDisabled: boolean; + isAccountSettingsPolicyEnabled: boolean; + isPhoneNumberEnabled: boolean; + MaxUserDescriptionLength: number; + isUserDescriptionEnabled: boolean; + isUserBlockEndpointsUpdated: boolean; + isIDVerificationEnabled: boolean; + isPasswordRequiredForAgingDown: boolean; + homePageUpsellCardVariation: string; }; -export declare type UpdateUserBirthdate = boolean; -export declare type GetUserDescription = { - description: string; + +// PromotionChannel +export type AccountInformationOwnPromotionChannels = { + promotionChannelsVisibilityPrivacy: Privacy; + facebook: string; + twitter: string; + youtube: string; + twitch: string; + guilded: string; }; -export declare type UpdateUserDescription = boolean; -export declare type GetUserGender = { - gender: number; -} -export declare type UpdateUserGender = unknown -export declare type GetConsecutiveXboxLoginDays = { - count: number; +export declare type AccountInformationPromotionChannels = Omit< + AccountInformationOwnPromotionChannels, + "promotionChannelsVisibilityPrivacy" +>; + +// StarCodeAffiliate +export type AccountInformationStarCodeAffiliate = { + userId: number; + name: string; + code: string; +}; +export type AccountInformationSetStarCodeAffiliate = { + code: string; +}; +export type AccountInformationAddStarCodeAffiliateOption = { + code: string; }; -export declare type GetMetaData = { - isAllowedNotificationsEndpointDisabled: boolean; - isAccountSettingsPolicyEnabled: boolean; - isPhoneNumberEnabled: boolean; -} -export declare type GetVerifiedPhoneNumber = SetPhoneNumberOptions; -export declare type SetPhoneNumber = unknown; -export declare type DeletePhone = unknown; -export declare type ResendPhoneCode = unknown; -export declare type VerifyPhone = unknown; -export declare type GetSelfPromotionChannels = UpdateUserPromotionChannelsOptions; -export declare type GetUserPromotionChannelsOptions = { userId: number } -export declare type GetUserPromotionChannels = Omit; -export declare type UpdateUserPromotionChannels = unknown -export declare type RemoveStarCodeAffiliate = unknown -export declare type GetStarCodeAffiliate = { - userId: number; - name: string; - code: string; -} -export declare type AddStarCodeAffiliate = GetStarCodeAffiliate; - -export default class AccountInformationAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - baseUrl: "https://accountinformation.roblox.com/", - client - }); - } - - getUserBirthdate (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/birthdate" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetUserBirthdate); - } - - updateUserBirthdate (options: UpdateUserBirthdateOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/birthdate", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true as UpdateUserBirthdate); - } - - getUserDescription (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/description" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetUserDescription); - } - - updateUserDescription (options: UpdateUserDescriptionOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/description", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true as UpdateUserDescription); - } - - getUserGender (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/gender" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetUserGender); - } - - updateUserGender (options: UpdateUserGenderOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/gender", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true as UpdateUserGender); - } - - getConsecutiveXboxLoginDays (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/xbox-live/consecutive-login-days" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetConsecutiveXboxLoginDays); - } - - getMetaData () { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v1/metadata" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetMetaData); - } - - getVerifiedPhoneNumber (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/phone" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetVerifiedPhoneNumber); - } - - setPhoneNumber (options: SetPhoneNumberOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/phone", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true as SetPhoneNumber); - } - - deletePhone (options: DeletePhoneOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/phone/delete", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true as DeletePhone); - } - - resendPhoneCode (options: ResendPhoneCodeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/phone/resend", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true as ResendPhoneCode); - } - - verifyPhone (options: VerifyPhoneOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/phone/verify", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true as VerifyPhone); - } - - getSelfPromotionChannels (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/promotion-channels" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetSelfPromotionChannels); - } - - getUserPromotionChannels (options: GetUserPromotionChannelsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/promotion-channels` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateUserPromotionChannels (options: UpdateUserPromotionChannelsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/promotion-channels", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as UpdateUserPromotionChannels); - } - - removeStarCodeAffiliate (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/star-code-affiliates", - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true as RemoveStarCodeAffiliate); - } - - getStarCodeAffiliate (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/star-code-affiliates" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetStarCodeAffiliate); - } - addStarCodeAffiliate (options: AddStarCodeAffiliateOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/star-code-affiliates", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as AddStarCodeAffiliate); - } +// RobloxBadges +export type AccountInformationRobloxBadge = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + imageUrl: string; +}; +export declare type AccountInformationRobloxBadges = + AccountInformationRobloxBadge[]; + +export class AccountInformationAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + baseUrl: "https://accountinformation.roblox.com/", + client + }); + } + + getUserBirthdate(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/birthdate" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateUserBirthdate(options: AccountInformationBirthdate): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/birthdate", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + + getUserDescription(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/description" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateUserDescription( + options: AccountInformationDescription + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/description", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + + getUserGender(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/gender" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateUserGender(options: AccountInformationGender): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/gender", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + + getConsecutiveXboxLoginDays(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/xbox-live/consecutive-login-days" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v1/metadata" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getSelfPromotionChannels(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/promotion-channels" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUserPromotionChannels( + options: UserIdOption + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/promotion-channels` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateUserPromotionChannels( + options: AccountInformationOwnPromotionChannels + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/promotion-channels", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + + removeStarCodeAffiliate(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/star-code-affiliates", + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + + getStarCodeAffiliate(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/star-code-affiliates" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + addStarCodeAffiliate( + options: AccountInformationAddStarCodeAffiliateOption + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/star-code-affiliates", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getRobloxBadges( + options: UserIdOption + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/roblox-badges`, + method: "GET" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI.ts index 7ebf942d4..98d622fe4 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI.ts @@ -1,462 +1,235 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; -import { UpdateUserPromotionChannelsOptions as AccountInformationUpdateUserPromotionChannelsOptions } from "./AccountInformationAPI"; - - -export type GetSettingsGroups = { - title: string; - url: string; - suffix: string; -}[]; -export type GetAppChatPrivacy = { - appChatPrivacy: string; -} -export type UpdateAppChatPrivacyOptions = { - appChatPrivacy: string; -}; -export type UpdateAppChatPrivacy = boolean; -export type GetGameChatPrivacy = { - gameChatPrivacy: string; -} -export type UpdateGameChatPrivacyOptions = { - gameChatPrivacy: string; -}; -export type UpdateGameChatPrivacy = boolean; -export type GetInventoryPrivacy = { - inventoryPrivacy: string; -} -export type UpdateInventoryPrivacyOptions = { - inventoryPrivacy: string; -}; -export type UpdateInventoryPrivacy = { - inventoryPrivacy: string; - tradePrivacy: string; - privacySettingResponse: string; -}; -export type GetUserPrivacy = { - phoneDiscovery: string; -} -export type UpdateUserPrivacyOptions = { - phoneDiscovery: string; -}; -export type UpdateUserPrivacy = { - phoneDiscovery: string; -} -export type GetUserPrivacySettingsInfo = { - isPhoneDiscoveryEnabled: boolean; -} -export type GetUserPrivateMessagePrivacy = { - privateMessagePrivacy: string; -} -export type UpdateUserPrivateMessagePrivacyOptions = { - privateMessagePrivacy: string; -}; -export type UpdateUserPrivateMessagePrivacy = boolean; -export type GetUserEmailStatus = { - email: string; - verified: boolean; -} -export type UpdateUserEmailOptions = { - password: string; - emailAddress: string; -}; -export type UpdateUserEmail = boolean; -export type SendEmailVerification = boolean; -export type GetWebsiteTheme = { - themeType: string; -} -export type UpdateWebsiteThemeOptions = { - themeType: string; -}; -export type UpdateWebsiteTheme = boolean; -export type GetWebsiteThemes = { - data: string[]; -}; -export type GetUserTradePrivacy = { - tradePrivacy: string; -}; -export type UpdateUserTradePrivacyOptions = { - tradePrivacy: string; -}; -export type UpdateUserTradePrivacy = { - tradePrivacy: string; - inventoryPrivacy: string; - privacySettingResponse: string; -}; -export type GetUserTradeQualityFilter = { - tradeValue: string; -} -export type UpdateUserTradeQualityFilterOptions = { - tradeValue: string; -}; -export type UpdateUserTradeQualityFilter = boolean; -export type UpdateTwoStepStatusOptions = { - enabled: boolean; - password: string; -}; -export type UpdateTwoStepStatus = { - enabled: boolean; - password: string; -} -export type GetContactUpsell = { - upsellScreenType: string; -} -export type UpdateContactUpsellSuppressionOptions = { - suppress: boolean; -}; -export type UpdateContactUpsellSuppression = boolean; -export type GetIsXboxUsernameValidOptions = { - authorization: string; - signature: string; - username: string; -}; -export type GetIsXboxUsernameValid = { - isValid: boolean; - errorMessage?: string; - errorCode?: string; -} -export type UpdateUserPromotionChannelsOptions = AccountInformationUpdateUserPromotionChannelsOptions; -export type UpdateUserPromotionChannels = boolean; - - -export default class AccountSettingsAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - baseUrl: "https://accountsettings.roblox.com/", - client - }); - } - - getSettingsGroups (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v1/account/settings/settings-groups" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body.map((val: any) => ({ - title: val.Title, - url: val.Url, - suffix: val.Suffix - }))); - } - - getAppChatPrivacy (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/app-chat-privacy" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateAppChatPrivacy (options: UpdateAppChatPrivacyOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/app-chat-privacy", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getGameChatPrivacy (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/game-chat-privacy" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateGameChatPrivacy (options: UpdateGameChatPrivacyOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/game-chat-privacy", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getInventoryPrivacy (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/inventory-privacy" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateInventoryPrivacy (options: UpdateInventoryPrivacyOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/inventory-privacy", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getUserPrivacy (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/privacy" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateUserPrivacy (options: UpdateUserPrivacyOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/privacy", - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getUserPrivacySettingsInfo (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/privacy/info" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetUserPrivacySettingsInfo); - } - - getUserPrivateMessagePrivacy (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/private-message-privacy" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetUserPrivateMessagePrivacy); - } - - updateUserPrivateMessagePrivacy (options: UpdateUserPrivateMessagePrivacyOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/private-message-privacy", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true as UpdateUserPrivateMessagePrivacy); - } - - getUserEmailStatus (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/email" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetUserEmailStatus); - } - - updateUserEmail (options: UpdateUserEmailOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/email", - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true); - } - - sendEmailVerification (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/email/verify", - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true); - } - - getWebsiteTheme (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/themes/User/${this.client.user!.id}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetWebsiteTheme); - } - - updateWebsiteTheme (options: UpdateWebsiteThemeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/themes/User/${this.client.user!.id}`, - method: "PATCH", - json: { - themeType: options.themeType - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true); - } - - getWebsiteThemes (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/themes/types" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetWebsiteThemes); - } - - getUserTradePrivacy (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/trade-privacy" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetUserTradePrivacy); - } - - updateUserTradePrivacy (options: UpdateUserTradePrivacyOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/trade-privacy", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as UpdateUserTradePrivacy); - } - - getUserTradeQualityFilter (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/trade-value" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetUserTradeQualityFilter); - } - - updateUserTradeQualityFilter (options: UpdateUserTradeQualityFilterOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/trade-value", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true); - } - - updateTwoStepStatus (options: UpdateTwoStepStatusOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/email", - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as UpdateTwoStepStatus); - } - - getContactUpsell (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/user/screens/contact-upsell" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetContactUpsell); - } - - updateContactUpsellSuppression (options: UpdateContactUpsellSuppressionOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - method: "POST", - path: "v1/user/screens/contact-upsell/suppress", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true as UpdateContactUpsellSuppression); - } - - getIsXboxUsernameValid (options: GetIsXboxUsernameValidOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/xbox/is-username-valid", - qs: { - Authorization: options.authorization, - signature: options.signature, - "request.username": options.username - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetIsXboxUsernameValid); - } - - updateUserPromotionChannels (options: UpdateUserPromotionChannelsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/promotion-channels", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(() => true); - } +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { Privacy } from "../../types/GenericTypes"; +import { UserIdOption } from "../.."; + +// Accounts +export type AccountSettingsMetaData = { + isAccountsRestrictionsSpamBugFixEnabled: boolean; + maximumParentalControlsMonthlySpendLimitInUSD: number; + isParentalMonthlyLimitInUIEnabled: boolean; + isParentalNotificationSettingsInUIEnabled: boolean; +}; +export type AccountSettingsGroup = { + title: string; + url: string; + suffix: string; +}; +export type AccountSettingsGroups = AccountSettingsGroup[]; + +// PrivacySettings +export type AccountSettingsAppChatPrivacy = { + appChatPrivacy: Omit | "All"; +}; +export type AccountSettingsGameChatPrivacy = { + gameChatPrivacy: Omit; +}; +export type AccountSettingsInventoryPrivacy = { + inventoryPrivacy: Privacy; +}; +export type AccountSettingsPrivacy = { + phoneDiscovery: Omit; +}; +export type AccountSettingsPrivacyInfo = { + isPhoneDiscoveryEnabled: boolean; +}; +export type AccountSettingsPrivateMessagePrivacy = { + privateMessagePrivacy: Privacy; +}; +export type AccountSettingsVisibilityPrivacy = { + visibilityPrivacy: number; +}; + +export class AccountSettingsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + baseUrl: "https://accountsettings.roblox.com/", + client + }); + } + + getMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/account/settings/metadata" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => ({ + isAccountsRestrictionsSpamBugFixEnabled: + response.body.IsAccountsRestrictionsSpamBugFixEnabled, + isParentalMonthlyLimitInUIEnabled: + response.body.IsParentalMonthlyLimitInUIEnabled, + isParentalNotificationSettingsInUIEnabled: + response.body.IsParentalNotificationSettingsInUIEnabled, + maximumParentalControlsMonthlySpendLimitInUSD: + response.body.MaximumParentalControlsMonthlySpendLimitInUSD + })); + } + + getSettingsGroups(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v1/account/settings/settings-groups" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => + response.body.map((val: any) => ({ + title: val.Title, + url: val.Url, + suffix: val.Suffix + })) + ); + } + + getAppChatPrivacy(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/app-chat-privacy" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateAppChatPrivacy( + options: AccountSettingsAppChatPrivacy + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/app-chat-privacy", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + + getGameChatPrivacy(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/game-chat-privacy" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateGameChatPrivacy( + options: AccountSettingsGameChatPrivacy + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/game-chat-privacy", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + + getInventoryPrivacy(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/inventory-privacy" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateInventoryPrivacy( + options: AccountSettingsInventoryPrivacy + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/inventory-privacy", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + + getUserPrivacy(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/privacy" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateUserPrivacy(options: AccountSettingsPrivacy): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/privacy", + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + + getUserPrivacySettingsInfo(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/privacy/info" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUserPrivateMessagePrivacy(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/private-message-privacy" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateUserPrivateMessagePrivacy( + options: AccountSettingsPrivateMessagePrivacy + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/private-message-privacy", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + + blockUser(options: UserIdOption): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/block`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + + unblockUser(options: UserIdOption): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/unblock`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/AdConfigurationAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/AdConfigurationAPI.ts index 9d60ac121..535cce780 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/AdConfigurationAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/AdConfigurationAPI.ts @@ -1,124 +1,141 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { ISOString } from "../../types/GenericTypes"; +import { GroupIdOption } from "../.."; +// Utility types +export type AdConfigurationTargetGender = unknown; +export type AdConfigurationTargetAgeBracket = unknown; +export type AdConfigurationTargetDeviceType = unknown; -export declare type GetSponsoredGamesOptions = { - groupId?: number; - startRowIndex?: number; - count?: number; +// SponsoredGames +export type AdConfigurationSponsoredGame = { + adId: number; + adSetId: number; + adName: string; + adStatus: unknown; + creativeType: unknown; + creativeTargetId: number; + creativeUrl: string; + bidAmountInRobux: number; + budgetInRobux: number; + adSetStatus: unknown; + startDate: ISOString; + endDate: ISOString; + targetGender: AdConfigurationTargetGender; + targetAgeBracket: AdConfigurationTargetAgeBracket; + targetDeviceType: AdConfigurationTargetDeviceType; + campaignTargetType: unknown; + campaignTargetId: number; + totalSpendInRobux: number; + totalImpressions: number; + totalClicks: number; + totalConversions: number; + impressionConversions: number; + clickConversions: number; +}; +export type AdConfigurationSponsoredGames = { + sponsoredGames: AdConfigurationSponsoredGame[]; + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; }; -export declare type CreateAdOptions = unknown; -export declare type RunAdOptions = unknown; -export declare type StopAdOptions = unknown; - -export declare type GetCreateAdMetaData = { - universeId: number; - universeCreatorType: string; - universeCreatorTargetId: number; - areNativeAdsForPhoneEnabled: boolean; - areNativeAdsForTabletEnabled: boolean; - areNativeAdsForDesktopEnabled: boolean; - areNativeAdsForConsoleEnabled: boolean; -} -export declare type GetSponsoredGames = { - sponsoredGames: { - adId: number; - universeName: string; - universeRootPlaceId: number; - targetDeviceType: string; - totalBid: number; - totalImpressions: number; - totalClicks: number; - campaign: { - bid: number; - clicks: number; - impressions: 0; - isRunning: boolean; - }; - gameIconUrl: string; - costPerImpressionEstimate: number; - }; - nextPageStartRowIndex: number; - creatorType: "User" | "Group"; - isErroneous: boolean; - minimumBidAmount: number; -} -export declare type CreateAd = unknown; -export declare type RunAd = unknown; -export declare type StopAd = unknown; - -export default class AdConfigurationAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - baseUrl: "https://adconfiguration.roblox.com/", - client - }); - } +export type AdConfigurationUniverse = { + id: number; + name: string; +}; +export type AdConfigurationUniverses = { + universes: AdConfigurationUniverse[]; +}; +export type AdConfigurationCreateSponsoredGameAdOptions = { + universeId: number; + targetGender: AdConfigurationTargetGender; + targetAgeBracket: AdConfigurationTargetAgeBracket; + targetDeviceType: AdConfigurationTargetDeviceType; + budgetInRobux: number; + startDate: ISOString; + endDate: ISOString; + adName: string; + bidAmountInRobux: number; +}; +export type AdConfigurationStopSponsoredGameAdOptions = { + adSetId: number; +}; +export type AdConfigurationGetSponsoredGamesOptions = { + universeId: number; + includeReportingStats?: boolean; + isArchived?: boolean; + pageCursor?: string; +}; - getCreateAdMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "/v1/sponsored-games/create-ad/metadata" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetCreateAdMetaData); - } +export class AdConfigurationAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + baseUrl: "https://adconfiguration.roblox.com/", + client + }); + } - getSponsoredGames (options: GetSponsoredGamesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "/v1/sponsored-games/sponsored-games", - qs: { - groupId: options.groupId || null, - startRowIndex: options.startRowIndex || 0, - count: options.count || 50 - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetSponsoredGames); - } + getSponsoredGames( + options: AdConfigurationGetSponsoredGamesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + url: "v2/sponsored-games", + method: "GET", + qs: { + universeId: options.universeId, + includeReportingStats: options.includeReportingStats, + isArchived: options.isArchived, + pageCursor: options.pageCursor + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - createAd (options: CreateAdOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "/v1/sponsored-games/create-ad", - method: "POST", - json: options as any - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as CreateAd); - } + getUniverses( + options: Partial + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + url: "v2/sponsored-games/universes", + method: "GET", + qs: { + groupId: options.groupId + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - runAd (options: RunAdOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "/v1/sponsored-games/run", - method: "POST", - json: options as any - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as RunAd); - } + createSponsor( + options: AdConfigurationCreateSponsoredGameAdOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + url: "v2/sponsored-games/create", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } - stopAd (options: StopAdOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "/v1/sponsored-games/stop", - method: "POST", - json: options as any - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body as StopAd); - } + stopSponsor( + options: AdConfigurationStopSponsoredGameAdOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + url: "v2/sponsored-games/stop", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/AssetDeliveryAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/AssetDeliveryAPI.ts index 3dad6f1c4..bbb3b75eb 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/AssetDeliveryAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/AssetDeliveryAPI.ts @@ -1,269 +1,319 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type BaseAssetDeliveryOptions = { - acceptEncoding: string; - robloxPlaceId: number; - assetType: string; - accept: string; - skipSigningScripts: boolean; - clientInsert: number; - scriptInsert: number; - modulePlaceId: number; - serverPlaceId: number; - expectedAssetType: string; +export type AssetDeliveryBaseOptions = { + acceptEncoding: string; + robloxPlaceId: number; + assetType: string; + accept: string; + skipSigningScripts: boolean; + clientInsert: number; + scriptInsert: number; + modulePlaceId: number; + serverPlaceId: number; + expectedAssetType: string; }; -export type BaseAsset = { - location?: string; - errors?: { code: number; message: string }[]; - requestId?: string; - isHashDynamic?: boolean; - isCopyrightProtected?: boolean; - isArchived?: boolean; +export type AssetDeliveryBaseAsset = { + location?: string; + errors?: { code: number; message: string }[]; + requestId?: string; + isHashDynamic?: boolean; + isCopyrightProtected?: boolean; + isArchived?: boolean; }; -export type BaseAssetRaw = { - Location?: string; - Errors?: { Code: number; Message: string }[]; - RequestId?: string; - IsHashDynamic?: boolean; - IsCopyrightProtected?: boolean; - IsArchived?: boolean; +export type AssetDeliveryBaseAssetRaw = { + Location?: string; + Errors?: { Code: number; Message: string }[]; + RequestId?: string; + IsHashDynamic?: boolean; + IsCopyrightProtected?: boolean; + IsArchived?: boolean; }; -const convertToBaseAsset = (options: BaseAssetRaw): BaseAsset => ({ - errors: typeof options.Errors !== "undefined" ? options.Errors.map(v => ({ - message: v.Message, - code: v.Code - })) : undefined, - isArchived: typeof options.IsArchived !== "undefined" ? options.IsArchived : undefined, - isCopyrightProtected: typeof options.IsCopyrightProtected !== "undefined" ? options.IsCopyrightProtected : undefined, - isHashDynamic: typeof options.IsHashDynamic !== "undefined" ? options.IsHashDynamic : undefined, - location: typeof options.Location !== "undefined" ? options.Location : undefined, - requestId: typeof options.RequestId !== "undefined" ? options.RequestId : undefined +const convertToBaseAsset = ( + options: AssetDeliveryBaseAssetRaw +): AssetDeliveryBaseAsset => ({ + errors: + typeof options.Errors !== "undefined" + ? options.Errors.map((v) => ({ + message: v.Message, + code: v.Code + })) + : undefined, + isArchived: + typeof options.IsArchived !== "undefined" ? options.IsArchived : undefined, + isCopyrightProtected: + typeof options.IsCopyrightProtected !== "undefined" + ? options.IsCopyrightProtected + : undefined, + isHashDynamic: + typeof options.IsHashDynamic !== "undefined" + ? options.IsHashDynamic + : undefined, + location: + typeof options.Location !== "undefined" ? options.Location : undefined, + requestId: + typeof options.RequestId !== "undefined" ? options.RequestId : undefined }); -const generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions = (options: BaseAssetDeliveryOptions) => ({ - headers: { - "Accept-Encoding": options.acceptEncoding, - "Roblox-Place-Id": options.robloxPlaceId, - AssetType: options.assetType, - Accept: options.accept - }, - qs: { - skipSigningScripts: options.skipSigningScripts ? "true" : "false", - clientInsert: options.clientInsert, - scriptinsert: options.scriptInsert, - modulePlaceId: options.modulePlaceId, - serverplaceid: options.serverPlaceId, - expectedAssetType: options.expectedAssetType - } +const generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions = ( + options: AssetDeliveryBaseOptions +) => ({ + headers: { + "Accept-Encoding": options.acceptEncoding, + "Roblox-Place-Id": options.robloxPlaceId, + AssetType: options.assetType, + Accept: options.accept + }, + qs: { + skipSigningScripts: options.skipSigningScripts ? "true" : "false", + clientInsert: options.clientInsert, + scriptinsert: options.scriptInsert, + modulePlaceId: options.modulePlaceId, + serverplaceid: options.serverPlaceId, + expectedAssetType: options.expectedAssetType + } }); -export type GetAssetByAliasOptions = BaseAssetDeliveryOptions & { alias: string }; -export type GetAssetByAlias = BaseAsset; -export type GetAssetByIdOptions = BaseAssetDeliveryOptions & { id: number }; -export type GetAssetById = { - location?: string; - request?: unknown; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAliasOptions = AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + alias: string; }; -export type GetAssetByHashOptions = BaseAssetDeliveryOptions & { hash: string }; -export type GetAssetByHash = unknown; -export type GetAssetByAssetIdOptions = BaseAssetDeliveryOptions & { assetId: number }; -export type GetAssetByAssetId = unknown; -export type GetAssetVersionByAssetIdOptions = BaseAssetDeliveryOptions & { assetId: number; version: number } -export type GetAssetVersionByAssetId = unknown; -export type GetAssetByAssetVersionIdOptions = BaseAssetDeliveryOptions & { assetVersionId: number } -export type GetAssetByAssetVersionId = unknown; -export type GetAssetByMarAssetHashOptions = BaseAssetDeliveryOptions & { marAssetHash: string; marCheckSum: string } -export type GetAssetByMarAssetHash = unknown; -export type GetAssetByUserAssetIdOptions = BaseAssetDeliveryOptions & { userAssetId: number } -export type GetAssetByUserAssetId = unknown -export type GetBatchAssetsOptions = { - assetName: string; - assetType: string; - clientInsert: boolean; - placeId: number; - requestId: string; - scriptInsert: boolean; - serverPlaceId: number; - universeId: number; - accept: string; - encoding: string; - hash: string; - userAssetId: number; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAlias = AssetDeliveryBaseAsset; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByIdOptions = AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + id: number; +}; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetById = { + location?: string; + request?: unknown; +}; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByHashOptions = AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + hash: string; +}; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByHash = unknown; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAssetIdOptions = AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + assetId: number; +}; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAssetId = unknown; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetVersionByAssetIdOptions = + AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { assetId: number; version: number; + }; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetVersionByAssetId = unknown; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAssetVersionIdOptions = + AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { assetVersionId: number; - modulePlaceId: number; + }; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAssetVersionId = unknown; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByMarAssetHashOptions = + AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + marAssetHash: string; + marCheckSum: string; + }; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByMarAssetHash = unknown; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByUserAssetIdOptions = + AssetDeliveryBaseOptions & { + userAssetId: number; + }; +export type AssetDeliveryGetAssetByUserAssetId = unknown; +export type AssetDeliveryGetBatchAssetsOptions = { + assetName: string; + assetType: string; + clientInsert: boolean; + placeId: number; + requestId: string; + scriptInsert: boolean; + serverPlaceId: number; + universeId: number; + accept: string; + encoding: string; + hash: string; + userAssetId: number; + assetId: number; + version: number; + assetVersionId: number; + modulePlaceId: number; }; -export type GetBatchAssets = BaseAsset[]; +export type AssetDeliveryGetBatchAssets = AssetDeliveryBaseAsset[]; -export default class AssetDeliveryAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - baseUrl: "https://assetdelivery.roblox.com/", - client - }); - } +export class AssetDeliveryAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + baseUrl: "https://assetdelivery.roblox.com/", + client + }); + } - getAssetByAlias (options: GetAssetByAliasOptions): Promise { - const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/alias/${options.alias}`, - qs: { - ...generatedOptions.qs - }, - headers: { - ...generatedOptions.headers - } - } - }) - .then(response => convertToBaseAsset(response.body) as GetAssetByAlias); - } + getAssetByAlias( + options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAliasOptions + ): Promise { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/alias/${options.alias}`, + qs: { + ...generatedOptions.qs + }, + headers: { + ...generatedOptions.headers + } + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } - getAssetById (options: GetAssetByIdOptions): Promise { - const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/asset`, - qs: { - ...generatedOptions.qs, - id: options.id - }, - headers: { - ...generatedOptions.headers - } - } - }) - .then(response => ({ - location: response.body.Location || undefined, - request: response.body.Request - })); - } + getAssetById( + options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByIdOptions + ): Promise { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/asset`, + qs: { + ...generatedOptions.qs, + id: options.id + }, + headers: { + ...generatedOptions.headers + } + } + }).then((response) => ({ + location: response.body.Location || undefined, + request: response.body.Request + })); + } - getAssetByHash (options: GetAssetByHashOptions): Promise { - const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/assetHash/${options.hash}`, - qs: { - ...generatedOptions.qs - }, - headers: { - ...generatedOptions.headers - } - } - }) - .then(response => convertToBaseAsset(response.body) as GetAssetByHash); - } + getAssetByHash( + options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByHashOptions + ): Promise { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/assetHash/${options.hash}`, + qs: { + ...generatedOptions.qs + }, + headers: { + ...generatedOptions.headers + } + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } - getAssetByAssetId (options: GetAssetByAssetIdOptions): Promise { - const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/assetId/${options.assetId}`, - qs: { - ...generatedOptions.qs - }, - headers: { - ...generatedOptions.headers - } - } - }) - .then(response => convertToBaseAsset(response.body) as GetAssetByAssetId); - } + getAssetByAssetId( + options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAssetIdOptions + ): Promise { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/assetId/${options.assetId}`, + qs: { + ...generatedOptions.qs + }, + headers: { + ...generatedOptions.headers + } + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } - getAssetVersionByAssetId (options: GetAssetVersionByAssetIdOptions): Promise { - const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/assetId/${options.assetId}/version/${options.version}`, - qs: { - ...generatedOptions.qs - }, - headers: { - ...generatedOptions.headers - } - } - }) - .then(response => convertToBaseAsset(response.body) as GetAssetVersionByAssetId); - } + getAssetVersionByAssetId( + options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetVersionByAssetIdOptions + ): Promise { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/assetId/${options.assetId}/version/${options.version}`, + qs: { + ...generatedOptions.qs + }, + headers: { + ...generatedOptions.headers + } + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } - getAssetByAssetVersionId (options: GetAssetByAssetVersionIdOptions): Promise { - const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/assetVersionId/${options.assetVersionId}`, - qs: { - ...generatedOptions.qs - }, - headers: { - ...generatedOptions.headers - } - } - }) - .then(response => convertToBaseAsset(response.body) as GetAssetByAssetVersionId); - } + getAssetByAssetVersionId( + options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByAssetVersionIdOptions + ): Promise { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/assetVersionId/${options.assetVersionId}`, + qs: { + ...generatedOptions.qs + }, + headers: { + ...generatedOptions.headers + } + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } - getAssetByMarAssetHash (options: GetAssetByMarAssetHashOptions): Promise { - const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/marAssetHash/${options.marAssetHash}/marCheckSum/${options.marCheckSum}`, - qs: { - ...generatedOptions.qs - }, - headers: { - ...generatedOptions.headers - } - } - }) - .then(response => convertToBaseAsset(response.body) as GetAssetByMarAssetHash); - } + getAssetByMarAssetHash( + options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByMarAssetHashOptions + ): Promise { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/marAssetHash/${options.marAssetHash}/marCheckSum/${options.marCheckSum}`, + qs: { + ...generatedOptions.qs + }, + headers: { + ...generatedOptions.headers + } + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } - getAssetByUserAssetId (options: GetAssetByUserAssetIdOptions): Promise { - const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/userAssetId/${options.userAssetId}`, - qs: { - ...generatedOptions.qs - }, - headers: { - ...generatedOptions.headers - } - } - }) - .then(response => convertToBaseAsset(response.body) as GetAssetByUserAssetId); - } + getAssetByUserAssetId( + options: AssetDeliveryGetAssetByUserAssetIdOptions + ): Promise { + const generatedOptions = generateBaseDeliveryAssetOptions(options); + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/userAssetId/${options.userAssetId}`, + qs: { + ...generatedOptions.qs + }, + headers: { + ...generatedOptions.headers + } + } + }).then((response) => convertToBaseAsset(response.body)); + } - getBatchAssets (options: GetBatchAssetsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - json: true, - request: { - path: "v1/assets/bath", - method: "POST", - json: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body.map((value: BaseAssetRaw) => convertToBaseAsset(value)) as GetBatchAssets); - } + getBatchAssets( + options: AssetDeliveryGetBatchAssetsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + json: true, + request: { + path: "v1/assets/bath", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => + response.body.map((value: AssetDeliveryBaseAssetRaw) => + convertToBaseAsset(value) + ) + ); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/AuthAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/AuthAPI.ts index 764648502..917e258e0 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/AuthAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/AuthAPI.ts @@ -1,568 +1,558 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { UsernamePasswordOption } from "../../types/GenericOptionTypes"; - -export type GetAuthTicket = { - authTicket: string; +// AccountPin +export type AuthPin = { + pin: string; }; -export type GetAuthMetaData = { - cookieLawNoticeTimeout: number; +export type AuthUnlockPinOptions = AuthPin; +export type AuthUnlockPin = { + unlockedUntil: number; }; -export type LoginOptions = { - ctype: "Email" | "Username" | string; - cvalue: string; - password: string; - captchaToken: string; - captchaProvider: "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" | string; +export type AuthLockPin = { + success: boolean; }; -export type Login = { - user: { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }; - twoStepVerificationData?: { - mediaType: "Email" | string; - ticket: string; - }; + +// Metadata +export type AuthMetaData = { + isUpdateUsernameEnabled: boolean; + ftuxAvatarAssetMap: string; + isEmailUpsellAtLogoutEnabled: boolean; + shouldFetchEmailUpsellIXPValuesAtLogout: boolean; + isAccountRecoveryPromptEnabled: boolean; + isContactMethodRequiredAtSignup: boolean; + isUserAgreementsSignupIntegrationEnabled: boolean; + isRetypePasswordRequired: boolean; + arePasswordFieldsPlaintext: boolean; + isKoreaIdVerificationEnabled: boolean; + isSignupButtonGreenColorEnabled: boolean; }; -export type Logout = unknown; -export type GetCredentialsVerificationStatusOptions = { - credentialType: "Email" | "Username" | "PhoneNumber"; - credentialValue: string; - password: string; -} -export type GetCredentialsVerificationStatus = { - canSend: boolean; -} -export type SendCredentialsVerificationMessageOptions = { - credentialType: "Email" | "Username" | "PhoneNumber"; - credentialValue: string; - password: string; -}; -export type SendCredentialsVerificationMessage = unknown; -export type GetMetaData = { - isUpdateUsernameEnabled: boolean; - ftuxAvatarAssetMap: string; -}; -export type GetCurrentPasswordStatus = { - valid: boolean; +export type AuthTicket = { + authTicket: string; }; -export type GetPasswordResetMetaDataOptions = { - targetType: "Email" | "PhoneNumber"; - ticket: string; -} -export type GetPasswordResetMetaData = { - users: { - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - }[]; -} -export type ResetPasswordOptions = { - targetType: "Email" | "PhoneNumber"; - ticket: string; - userId: number; - password: string; - passwordRepeated: string; +export type AuthEndpointMetaData = { + cookieLawNoticeTimeout: number; }; -export type ResetPassword = Login; -export type ValidatePasswordOptions = { - username: string; - password: string; -} -export type ValidatePassword = { - code: string; - message: string; -} -export type SendPasswordResetOptions = { - targetType: ResetPasswordOptions["targetType"]; - target: string; - captchaToken: string; - captchaProvider: "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" | string; -} -export type SendPasswordReset = { - nonce: string; - transmissionType: string; -} -export type VerifyPasswordResetOptions = { - targetType: ResetPasswordOptions["targetType"]; - nonce: string; - code: string; -} -export type VerifyPasswordReset = { - userTickets: { - user: { - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - }; - ticket: string; - }[]; -} -export type ChangeUserPasswordOptions = { - currentPassword: string; - newPassword: string; -} -export type ChangeUserPassword = unknown; -export type GetRecoveryMetaData = { - isOnPhone: boolean; - codeLength: number; - isPhoneFeatureEnabledForUsername: boolean; - isPhoneFeatureEnabledForPassword: boolean; - isBedev2CaptchaEnabledForPasswordReset: boolean; -} -export type RevertAccountInfoOptions = { - ticket: string; -} -export type RevertAccountInfo = { - isTwoStepVerificationEnabled: boolean; - isEmailVerified: boolean; - isEmailChanged: boolean; - userId: number; - username: string; +export type AuthLoginOptions = { + ctype: "Email" | "Username" | string; + cvalue: string; + password: string; + captchaToken: string; + captchaProvider: "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" | string; +}; +export type AuthLogin = { + user: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + twoStepVerificationData?: { + mediaType: "Email" | string; ticket: string; -} -export type RevertAccountOptions = { + }; +}; +export type AuthCredentialsVerificationOptions = { + credentialType: "Email" | "Username" | "PhoneNumber"; + credentialValue: string; + password: string; +}; +export type AuthGetCredentialsVerificationStatus = { + canSend: boolean; +}; +export type AuthGetCurrentPasswordStatus = { + valid: boolean; +}; +export type AuthGetPasswordResetMetaDataOptions = { + targetType: "Email" | "PhoneNumber"; + ticket: string; +}; +export type AuthGetPasswordResetMetaData = { + users: { userId: number; - newPassword: string; - ticket: string; -} -export type RevertAccount = Login; -export type GetSAMLMetaData = unknown; -export type SAMLRequest = unknown -export type GetTwoStepVerificationMetaData = { - codeLength: number; - loadingImageUrl: string; - supportUrl: string; -} -export type ResendTwoStepVerificationOptions = { username: string; - ticket: string; - actionType: string; -} -export type ResendTwoStepVerification = RequestTwoStepVerification; -export type RequestTwoStepVerification = { - mediaType: "Email" | "PhoneNumber" | string; - ticket: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; }; -export type VerifyTwoStepVerificationOptions = { - username: string; +export type AuthResetPasswordOptions = { + targetType: "Email" | "PhoneNumber"; + ticket: string; + userId: number; + password: string; + passwordRepeated: string; +}; +export type AuthValidatePassword = { + code: string; + message: string; +}; +export type AuthSendPasswordResetOptions = { + targetType: AuthResetPasswordOptions["targetType"]; + target: string; + captchaToken: string; + captchaProvider: "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" | string; +}; +export type AuthSendPasswordReset = { + nonce: string; + transmissionType: string; +}; +export type AuthVerifyPasswordResetOptions = { + targetType: AuthResetPasswordOptions["targetType"]; + nonce: string; + code: string; +}; +export type AuthVerifyPasswordReset = { + userTickets: { + user: { + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; ticket: string; - code: string; - rememberDevice: boolean; - actionType: string; -} -export type VerifyTwoStepVerification = unknown -export type GetExistingUsernamesOptions = { - username: string; -} -export type GetExistingUsernames = { - usernames: string[]; -} -export type ValidateUsernameOptions = { - username: string; - birthday: string; - context: "Unknown" | "Signup" | "UsernameChange" | string; -} -export type ValidateUsername = { - code: string; - message: string; -} -export type RecoverUsernamesOptions = { - targetType: "Email" | string; - target: string; -} -export type RecoverUsernames = { - transmissionType: string; + }[]; }; -export type SignUpOptions = { - username: string; - password: string; - gender: "Unknown" | string; - birthday: string; - isTosAgreementBoxChecked: boolean; - email: string; - locale: string; - assetIds: number[]; - bodyColorId: number; - bodyTypeScale: number; - headScale: number; - heightScale: number; - widthScale: number; - proportionScale: number; - captchaToken: string; - captchaProvider: string; -} -export type SignUp = { - userId: number; - starterPlaceId: number; -} -export type ChangeUsernameOptions = { - username: string; - password: string; -} -export type ChangeUsername = unknown - -export default class AuthAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://auth.roblox.com/" - }); - } - - getAuthTicket (): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/authentication-ticket", - method: "POST", - headers: { - referer: "https://www.roblox.com/", - origin: "roblox.com" - } - } - }) - .then(response => ({ - authTicket: response.headers["rbx-authentication-ticket"] - })); - } - - getAuthMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/auth/metadata" - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetAuthMetaData); - } +export type AuthChangeUserPasswordOptions = { + currentPassword: string; + newPassword: string; +}; +export type AuthGetRecoveryMetaData = { + isOnPhone: boolean; + codeLength: number; + isPhoneFeatureEnabledForUsername: boolean; + isPhoneFeatureEnabledForPassword: boolean; + isBedev2CaptchaEnabledForPasswordReset: boolean; +}; +export type AuthRevertAccountInfoOptions = { + ticket: string; +}; +export type AuthRevertAccountInfo = { + isTwoStepVerificationEnabled: boolean; + isEmailVerified: boolean; + isEmailChanged: boolean; + userId: number; + username: string; + ticket: string; +}; +export type AuthRevertAccountOptions = { + userId: number; + newPassword: string; + ticket: string; +}; +export type AuthGetSAMLMetaData = unknown; +export type AuthSAMLRequest = unknown; +export type AuthGetTwoStepVerificationMetaData = { + codeLength: number; + loadingImageUrl: string; + supportUrl: string; +}; +export type AuthResendTwoStepVerificationOptions = { + username: string; + ticket: string; + actionType: string; +}; +export type AuthTwoStepVerification = { + mediaType: "Email" | "PhoneNumber" | string; + ticket: string; +}; +export type AuthVerifyTwoStepVerificationOptions = { + username: string; + ticket: string; + code: string; + rememberDevice: boolean; + actionType: string; +}; +export type AuthVerifyTwoStepVerification = unknown; +export type AuthGetExistingUsernamesOptions = { + username: string; +}; +export type AuthGetExistingUsernames = { + usernames: string[]; +}; +export type AuthValidateUsernameOptions = { + username: string; + birthday: string; + context: "Unknown" | "Signup" | "UsernameChange" | string; +}; +export type AuthValidateUsername = { + code: string; + message: string; +}; +export type AuthRecoverUsernamesOptions = { + targetType: "Email" | string; + target: string; +}; +export type AuthRecoverUsernames = { + transmissionType: string; +}; +export type AuthSignUpOptions = { + username: string; + password: string; + gender: "Unknown" | string; + birthday: string; + isTosAgreementBoxChecked: boolean; + email: string; + locale: string; + assetIds: number[]; + bodyColorId: number; + bodyTypeScale: number; + headScale: number; + heightScale: number; + widthScale: number; + proportionScale: number; + captchaToken: string; + captchaProvider: string; +}; +export type AuthSignUp = { + userId: number; + starterPlaceId: number; +}; +export type AuthChangeUsernameOptions = { + username: string; + password: string; +}; +export type AuthChangeUsername = unknown; +export type AuthChangeUserPassword = unknown; +export type AuthResetPassword = AuthLogin & { + identityVerificationLoginTicket: string; + isBanned: boolean; +}; +export type AuthRevertAccount = AuthResetPassword; - login (options: LoginOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/login", - method: "POST", - json: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as Login); - } +export class AuthAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://auth.roblox.com/" + }); + } - logout (): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/logout", - method: "POST" - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as Logout); - } + unlockPin(options: AuthUnlockPinOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/account/pin/unlock", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getCredentialsVerificationStatus (options: GetCredentialsVerificationStatusOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/credentials/verification", - qs: { - "request.credentialType": options.credentialType, - "request.credentialValue": options.credentialValue, - "request.password": options.password - } - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetCredentialsVerificationStatus); - } + lockPin(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/account/pin/lock", + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - sendCredentialsVerificationMessage (options: SendCredentialsVerificationMessageOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/credentials/verification/send", - method: "POST", - json: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as SendCredentialsVerificationMessage); - } + getAuthTicket(): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/authentication-ticket", + method: "POST", + headers: { + referer: "https://www.roblox.com/", + origin: "roblox.com" + } + } + }).then((response) => ({ + authTicket: response.headers["rbx-authentication-ticket"] + })); + } - getMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/metadata" - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetMetaData); - } + getMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/metadata" + } + }).then((response) => ({ + isUpdateUsernameEnabled: response.body.isUpdateUsernameEnabled, + ftuxAvatarAssetMap: response.body.ftuxAvatarAssetMap, + isEmailUpsellAtLogoutEnabled: response.body.IsEmailUpsellAtLogoutEnabled, + shouldFetchEmailUpsellIXPValuesAtLogout: + response.body.ShouldFetchEmailUpsellIXPValuesAtLogout, + isAccountRecoveryPromptEnabled: + response.body.IsAccountRecoveryPromptEnabled, + isContactMethodRequiredAtSignup: + response.body.IsContactMethodRequiredAtSignup, + isUserAgreementsSignupIntegrationEnabled: + response.body.IsUserAgreementsSignupIntegrationEnabled, + isRetypePasswordRequired: response.body.IsRetypePasswordRequired, + arePasswordFieldsPlaintext: response.body.ArePasswordFieldsPlaintext, + isKoreaIdVerificationEnabled: response.body.IsKoreaIdVerificationEnabled, + isSignupButtonGreenColorEnabled: + response.body.IsSignupButtonGreenColorEnabled + })); + } - getCurrentUserPasswordStatus (): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v2/passwords/current-status" - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetCurrentPasswordStatus); - } + getCurrentUserPasswordStatus(): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v2/passwords/current-status" + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getPasswordResetMetaData (options: GetPasswordResetMetaDataOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/passwords/reset", - qs: { - "request.targetType": options.targetType, - "request.ticket": options.ticket - } - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetPasswordResetMetaData); - } + getPasswordResetMetaData( + options: AuthGetPasswordResetMetaDataOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/passwords/reset", + qs: { + "request.targetType": options.targetType, + "request.ticket": options.ticket + } + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - resetPassword (options: ResetPasswordOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/auth/metadata", - method: "POST", - json: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as ResetPassword); - } + resetPassword(options: AuthResetPasswordOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/passwords/reset", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - validatePassword (options: ValidatePasswordOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/passwords/validate", - qs: { - "request.username": options.username, - "request.password": options.password - } - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as ValidatePassword); - } + validatePassword( + options: UsernamePasswordOption + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/passwords/validate", + qs: { + "request.username": options.username, + "request.password": options.password + } + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - sendPasswordReset (options: SendPasswordResetOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/passwords/reset/send", - method: "POST", - json: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as SendPasswordReset); - } + sendPasswordReset( + options: AuthSendPasswordResetOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/passwords/reset/send", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - verifyPasswordReset (options: VerifyPasswordResetOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/passwords/reset/verify", - method: "POST", - json: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as VerifyPasswordReset); - } + verifyPasswordReset( + options: AuthVerifyPasswordResetOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/passwords/reset/verify", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - changeUserPassword (options: ChangeUserPasswordOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v2/user/passwords/change", - method: "POST", - json: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as ChangeUserPassword); - } + changeUserPassword( + options: AuthChangeUserPasswordOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v2/user/passwords/change", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getRecoveryMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/recovery/metadata" - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetRecoveryMetaData); - } + getRecoveryMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/recovery/metadata" + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getRevertAccountInfo (options: RevertAccountInfoOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/revert/account", - qs: { - ticket: options.ticket - } - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as RevertAccountInfo); - } + getRevertAccountInfo( + options: AuthRevertAccountInfoOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/revert/account", + qs: { + ticket: options.ticket + } + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - revertAccount (options: RevertAccountOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/revert/account", - method: "POST", - json: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as RevertAccount); - } + revertAccount(options: AuthRevertAccountOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/revert/account", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getSAMLMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/saml/metadata" - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetSAMLMetaData); - } + getSAMLMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/saml/metadata" + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - samlAuthenticate (): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/saml/login", - method: "POST" - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as SAMLRequest); - } + samlAuthenticate(): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/saml/login", + method: "POST" + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getTwoStepVerificationMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/twostepverification/metadata" - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetTwoStepVerificationMetaData); - } + getTwoStepVerificationMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/twostepverification/metadata" + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - resendTwoStepVerificationCode (options: ResendTwoStepVerificationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/twostepverification/resend", - method: "POST", - json: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as ResendTwoStepVerification); - } + resendTwoStepVerificationCode( + options: AuthResendTwoStepVerificationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/twostepverification/resend", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - verifyTwoStepCode (options: VerifyTwoStepVerificationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/twostepverification/verify", - method: "POST", - json: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as VerifyTwoStepVerification); - } + verifyTwoStepVerificationCode( + options: AuthVerifyTwoStepVerificationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/twostepverification/verify", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getExistingUsernames (options: GetExistingUsernamesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/usernames", - qs: { - username: options.username - } - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetExistingUsernames); - } + getExistingUsernames( + options: AuthGetExistingUsernamesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/usernames", + qs: { + username: options.username + } + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - validateUsername (options: ValidateUsernameOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/usernames/validate", - qs: { - "request.username": options.username, - "request.birthday": options.birthday, - "request.context": options.context - } - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as ValidateUsername); - } + validateUsername( + options: AuthValidateUsernameOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/usernames/validate", + qs: { + "request.username": options.username, + "request.birthday": options.birthday, + "request.context": options.context + } + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - recoverUsernames (options: RecoverUsernamesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/twostepverification/metadata", - json: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as RecoverUsernames); - } + recoverUsernames( + options: AuthRecoverUsernamesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/twostepverification/metadata", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - signUp (options: SignUpOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v2/twostepverification/metadata", - method: "POST", - json: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as SignUp); - } + signUp(options: AuthSignUpOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v2/twostepverification/metadata", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - changeUserUsername (options: ChangeUsernameOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - json: true, - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v2/username", - method: "POST", - json: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as ChangeUsername); - } + changeUserUsername( + options: AuthChangeUsernameOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + json: true, + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v2/username", + method: "POST", + json: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/AvatarAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/AvatarAPI.ts index f919ae1ce..b388b98c4 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/AvatarAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/AvatarAPI.ts @@ -1,452 +1,401 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import type { + AssetIdOption, + AssetIdsOption, + SuccessResponse, + UserIdOption +} from "../.."; - -export type BodyScales = { - height: number; - width: number; - head: number; - depth: number; - proportion: number; - bodyType: number; -} -export type BodyColors = { - headColorId: number; - torsoColorId: number; - rightArmColorId: number; - leftArmColorId: number; - rightLegColorId: number; - leftLegColorId: number; +export type AvatarBodyScales = { + height: number; + width: number; + head: number; + depth: number; + proportion: number; + bodyType: number; }; -export type Scale = { - min: number; - max: number; - increment: number; +export type AvatarBodyColors = { + headColorId: number; + torsoColorId: number; + rightArmColorId: number; + leftArmColorId: number; + rightLegColorId: number; + leftLegColorId: number; }; -export type ColorPalette = { - brickColorId: number; - hexColor: string; - name: string; -} - -export type UserAvatar = { - scales: BodyScales; - playerAvatarType: "R6" | "R15" | string; - bodyColors: BodyColors; - assets: { - id: number; - name: string; - assetType: { - id: number; - name: string; - }; - }[]; - defaultShirtApplied: boolean; - defaultPantsApplied: boolean; - emotes: { - assetId: number; - assetName: string; - position: number; - }[]; -} -export type GetAvatarMetadata = { - enableDefaultClothingMessage: boolean; - isAvatarScaleEmbeddedInTab: boolean; - isBodyTypeScaleOutOfTab: boolean; - scaleHeightIncrement: number; - scaleWidthIncrement: number; - scaleHeadIncrement: number; - scaleProportionIncrement: number; - scaleBodyTypeIncrement: number; - supportProportionAndBodyType: boolean; - showDefaultClothingMessageOnPageLoad: boolean; - areThreeDeeThumbsEnabled: boolean; -}; -export type GetAvatarRules = { - playerAvatarTypes: ("R6" | "R15" | string)[]; - scales: { - height: Scale; - width: Scale; - head: Scale; - bodyType: Scale; - }; - wearableAssetTypes: { - maxNumber: number; - id: number; - name: string; - }[]; - bodyColorsPalette: ColorPalette[]; - basicBodyColorsPalette: ColorPalette[]; - minimumDeltaEBodyColorDifference: number; - proportionsAndBodyTypeEnabledForUser: boolean; - defaultClothingAssetLists: { - defaultShirtAssetIds: number[]; - defaultPantAssetIds: number[]; - }; - bundlesEnabledForUser: boolean; - emotesEnabledForUser: boolean; - -} -export type GetUserAvatarOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type GetUserAvatar = UserAvatar; -export type GetUserCurrentlyWearingOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type GetUserCurrentlyWearing = { - assetIds: number[]; +export type AvatarScale = { + min: number; + max: number; + increment: number; }; -export type GetUserOutfitsOptions = { - userId: number; - page?: number; - itemsPerPage?: number; - isEditable?: boolean; -} -export type GetUserOutfits = { - filteredCount: number; - data: { - id: number; - name: string; - isEditable: boolean; - }[]; - total: number; +export type AvatarColorPalette = { + brickColorId: number; + hexColor: string; + name: string; }; -export type RemoveAssetFromAvatarOptions = { + +export type AvatarUserAvatar = { + scales: AvatarBodyScales; + playerAvatarType: "R6" | "R15" | string; + bodyColors: AvatarBodyColors; + assets: { + id: number; + name: string; + assetType: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + }[]; + defaultShirtApplied: boolean; + defaultPantsApplied: boolean; + emotes: { assetId: number; + assetName: string; + position: number; + }[]; }; -export type RemoveAssetFromAvatar = { - success: boolean; -}; -export type WearAssetOnAvatarOptions = { - assetId: number; +export type AvatarGetMetaData = { + enableDefaultClothingMessage: boolean; + isAvatarScaleEmbeddedInTab: boolean; + isBodyTypeScaleOutOfTab: boolean; + scaleHeightIncrement: number; + scaleWidthIncrement: number; + scaleHeadIncrement: number; + scaleProportionIncrement: number; + scaleBodyTypeIncrement: number; + supportProportionAndBodyType: boolean; + showDefaultClothingMessageOnPageLoad: boolean; + areThreeDeeThumbsEnabled: boolean; }; -export type WearAssetOnAvatar = { - success: boolean; +export type AvatarGetRules = { + playerAvatarTypes: ("R6" | "R15" | string)[]; + scales: { + height: AvatarScale; + width: AvatarScale; + head: AvatarScale; + bodyType: AvatarScale; + }; + wearableAssetTypes: { + maxNumber: number; + id: number; + name: string; + }[]; + bodyColorsPalette: AvatarColorPalette[]; + basicBodyColorsPalette: AvatarColorPalette[]; + minimumDeltaEBodyColorDifference: number; + proportionsAndBodyTypeEnabledForUser: boolean; + defaultClothingAssetLists: { + defaultShirtAssetIds: number[]; + defaultPantAssetIds: number[]; + }; + bundlesEnabledForUser: boolean; + emotesEnabledForUser: boolean; }; -export declare type RedrawThumbnail = unknown; -export type SetBodyColorsOptions = BodyColors; -export type SetBodyColors = { - success: boolean; -} -export type SetPlayerAvatarTypeOptions = { - playerAvatarType: "R6" | "R15" | string; +export type AvatarGetUserOutfits = { + filteredCount: number; + data: { + id: number; + name: string; + isEditable: boolean; + }[]; + total: number; }; -export type SetPlayerAvatarType = { - success: boolean; +export declare type AvatarRedrawThumbnail = unknown; +export type AvatarSetPlayerAvatarWearingAssets = { + invalidAssets?: { + id: number; + name: string; + assetType: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + }[]; + invalidAssetIds?: number[]; + success: boolean; }; -export type SetPlayerAvatarScalesOptions = BodyScales; -export type SetPlayerAvatarScales = { - success: boolean; -} -export type SetPlayerAvatarWearingAssetsOptions = { - assetIds: number[]; +export type AvatarGetOutfit = { + id: number; + name: string; + assets: { + id: number; + name: string; + assetType: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + }[]; + bodyColors: AvatarBodyColors; + scale: { + height: number; + width: number; + head: number; + depth: number; + proportion: number; + bodyType: number; + }; + playerAvatarType: string; + isEditable: boolean; }; -export type SetPlayerAvatarWearingAssets = { - invalidAssets?: { - id: number; - name: string; - assetType: { - id: number; - name: string; - }; - }[]; - invalidAssetIds?: number[]; - success: boolean; -} -export type GetOutfitOptions = { - userOutfitId: number; -} -export type GetOutfit = { +export type AvatarWearOutfit = AvatarSetPlayerAvatarWearingAssets; +export type AvatarGetRecentItems = { + data: { id: number; name: string; - assets: { - id: number; - name: string; - assetType: { - id: number; - name: string; - }; - }[]; - bodyColors: BodyColors; - scale: { - height: number; - width: number; - head: number; - depth: number; - proportion: number; - bodyType: number; + type: string; + assetType: { + id: number; + name: string; }; - playerAvatarType: string; isEditable: boolean; + }[]; + total: number; +}; +export type AvatarGetUserOutfitsOptions = { + userId: number; + page?: number; + itemsPerPage?: number; + isEditable?: boolean; +}; +export type AvatarSetSelfAvatarBodyColorsOptions = AvatarBodyColors; +export type AvatarSetSelfAvatarTypeOptions = { + playerAvatarType: "R6" | "R15"; +}; +export type AvatarSetSelfAvatarScalesOptions = AvatarBodyScales; +export type AvatarGetOutfitOptions = { + userOutfitId: number; +}; +export type AvatarDeleteOutfitOptions = AvatarGetOutfitOptions; +export type AvatarUpdateOutfitOptions = Omit; +export type AvatarWearOutfitOptions = { + userOutfitId: number; +}; +export type AvatarCreateOutfitOptions = AvatarUpdateOutfitOptions; +export type AvatarGetRecentlyUsedOptions = { + recentItemListType: string; }; -export type DeleteOutfitOptions = { - userOutfitId: number; -} -export type DeleteOutfit = { - success: boolean; -} -export type UpdateOutfitOptions = Omit; -export type UpdateOutfit = { - success: boolean; -} -export type WearOutfitOptions = { - userOutfitId: number; -} -export type WearOutfit = SetPlayerAvatarWearingAssets; -export type CreateOutfitOptions = Omit -export type CreateOutfit = { - success: boolean; -} -export type GetRecentItemsOptions = { - recentItemListType: "All" | "Clothing" | "BodyParts" | "AvatarAnimations" | "Accessories" | "Outfits" | "Gear" | string; -} -export type GetRecentItems = { - data: { - id: number; - name: string; - type: string; - assetType: { - id: number; - name: string; - }; - isEditable: boolean; - }[]; - total: number; -} - -export default class AvatarAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://avatar.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class AvatarAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://avatar.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getSelfAvatar (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/avatar" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSelfAvatar(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getAvatarMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "v1/avatar/metadata" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAvatarMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar/metadata" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getAvatarRules (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/avatar-rules" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAvatarRules(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar-rules" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserAvatar (options: GetUserAvatarOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/avatar` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserAvatar(options: UserIdOption): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/avatar` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserCurrentlyWearing (options: GetUserCurrentlyWearingOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/currently-wearing` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserCurrentlyWearing(options: UserIdOption): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/currently-wearing` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserOutfits (options: GetUserOutfitsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/outfits` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserOutfits( + options: AvatarGetUserOutfitsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/outfits` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - removeAssetFromAvatar (options: RemoveAssetFromAvatarOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/avatar/assets/${options.assetId}/remove`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + removeAssetFromAvatar(options: AssetIdOption): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/avatar/assets/${options.assetId}/remove`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - wearAssetOnAvatar (options: WearAssetOnAvatarOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/avatar/assets/${options.assetId}/wear`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + wearAssetOnAvatar(options: AssetIdOption): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/avatar/assets/${options.assetId}/wear`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - redrawThumbnail (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/avatar/redraw-thumbnail", - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + redrawThumbnail(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar/redraw-thumbnail", + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - setSelfAvatarBodyColors (options: SetBodyColorsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/avatar/set-body-colors", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + setSelfAvatarBodyColors( + options: AvatarSetSelfAvatarBodyColorsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar/set-body-colors", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - setSelfAvatarType (options: SetPlayerAvatarTypeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/avatar/set-player-avatar-type", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + setSelfAvatarType( + options: AvatarSetSelfAvatarTypeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar/set-player-avatar-type", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - setSelfAvatarScales (options: SetPlayerAvatarScalesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/avatar/set-scales", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + setSelfAvatarScales( + options: AvatarSetSelfAvatarScalesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar/set-scales", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - setSelfWearingAssets (options: SetPlayerAvatarWearingAssetsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/avatar/set-swearing-assets", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + setSelfWearingAssets(options: AssetIdsOption): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/avatar/set-swearing-assets", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getOutfit (options: GetOutfitOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/outfits/${options.userOutfitId}/details` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getOutfit(options: AvatarGetOutfitOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/outfits/${options.userOutfitId}/details` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - deleteOutfit (options: DeleteOutfitOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/outfits/${options.userOutfitId}/delete`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + deleteOutfit(options: AvatarDeleteOutfitOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/outfits/${options.userOutfitId}/delete`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - updateOutfit (options: UpdateOutfitOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/outfits/${options.id}/update`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + updateOutfit(options: AvatarUpdateOutfitOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/outfits/${options.id}/update`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - wearOutfit (options: WearOutfitOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/outfits/${options.userOutfitId}/wear`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + wearOutfit(options: AvatarWearOutfitOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/outfits/${options.userOutfitId}/wear`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - createOutfit (options: CreateOutfitOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "v1/outfits/create", - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + createOutfit(options: AvatarCreateOutfitOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "v1/outfits/create", + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getRecentlyUsed (options: GetRecentItemsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/recent-items/${options.recentItemListType}/list` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getRecentlyUsed( + options: AvatarGetRecentlyUsedOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/recent-items/${options.recentItemListType}/list` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/BadgesAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/BadgesAPI.ts index 1951b6afc..4d873aea0 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/BadgesAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/BadgesAPI.ts @@ -1,147 +1,177 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; -import { GameBadgeOptions } from "../../structures/Game"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { SortOption } from "../.."; +export type BadgesMetaData = { + badgeCreationPrice: number; + maxBadgeNameLength: number; + maxBadgeDescriptionLength: number; +}; -export type GetBadgeOptions = { - badgeId: number; -} -export type GetBadge = GameBadgeOptions; -export type UpdateBadgeOptions = { +export type BadgesGetBadge = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + displayName: string; + displayDescription: string; + enabled: boolean; + iconImageId: number; + displayIconImageId: number; + created: string; + updated: string; + statistics: { + pastDayAwardedCount: number; + awardedCount: number; + winRatePercentage: number; + }; + awardingUniverse: { id: number; name: string; - description: string; - enabled: boolean; + rootPlaceId: number; + }; }; -export type UpdateBadge = unknown; -export type GetUniverseBadgesOptions = { - universeId: number; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; -} -export type GetUniverseBadges = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: GetBadge[]; +export type BadgesUpdateBadge = unknown; +export type BadgesGetBadges = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: BadgesGetBadge[]; }; -export type GetUserBadgesOptions = { - userId: number; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; -} -export type GetUserBadges = GetUniverseBadges; -export type GetUserBadgesAwardedDatesOptions = { - userId: number; - badgeIds: number[]; -} -export type GetUserBadgesAwardedDates = { - data: { - badgeId: number; - awardedDate: string; - }[]; -} -export type DeleteBadgeFromUserOptions = { - userId: number; - badgeId: number; -} -export type DeleteBadgeFromUser = unknown; -export type DeleteBadgeFromSelfOptions = { +export type BadgesGetUserBadgesAwardedDates = { + data: { badgeId: number; -} -export type DeleteBadgeFromSelf = DeleteBadgeFromUser; + awardedDate: string; + }[]; +}; +export type BadgesDeleteBadgeFromUser = unknown; +export type BadgesDeleteBadgeFromSelf = BadgesDeleteBadgeFromUser; +export type BadgesGetBadgeOptions = { + badgeId: number; +}; +export type BadgesUpdateBadgeOptions = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + enabled: boolean; +}; +export type BadgesGetUniverseBadgesOptions = { + universeId: number; +} & SortOption; +export type BadgesGetUserBadgesOptions = { + userId: number; +} & SortOption; +export type BadgesGetUserBadgesAwardedDatesOptions = { + userId: number; + badgeIds: number[]; +}; +export type BadgesDeleteBadgeFromUserOptions = { + userId: number; + badgeId: number; +}; +export type BadgesDeleteBadgeFromSelfOptions = { + badgeId: number; +}; + +export class BadgesAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://badges.roblox.com/" + }); + } -export default class AvatarAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://badges.roblox.com/" - }); - } + getMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "v1/badges/metadata" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getBadge (options: GetBadgeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/badges/${options.badgeId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getBadge(options: BadgesGetBadgeOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/badges/${options.badgeId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - updateBadge (options: UpdateBadgeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/badges/${options.id}`, - method: "PATCH" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + updateBadge(options: BadgesUpdateBadgeOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/badges/${options.id}`, + method: "PATCH" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUniverseBadges (options: GetUniverseBadgesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/badges`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUniverseBadges( + options: BadgesGetUniverseBadgesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/badges`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserBadges (options: GetUserBadgesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/badges`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserBadges(options: BadgesGetUserBadgesOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/badges`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserBadgesAwardedDates (options: GetUserBadgesAwardedDatesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/badges/awarded-dates`, - qs: { - badgeIds: options.badgeIds.join(",") - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserBadgesAwardedDates( + options: BadgesGetUserBadgesAwardedDatesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/badges/awarded-dates`, + qs: { + badgeIds: options.badgeIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - deleteBadgeFromUser (options: DeleteBadgeFromUserOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/user/${options.userId}/badges/${options.badgeId}`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + deleteBadgeFromUser( + options: BadgesDeleteBadgeFromUserOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/${options.userId}/badges/${options.badgeId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - deleteBadgeFromSelf (options: DeleteBadgeFromSelfOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/user/badges/${options.badgeId}`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + deleteBadgeFromSelf( + options: BadgesDeleteBadgeFromSelfOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/badges/${options.badgeId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/BaseAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/BaseAPI.ts index a2094062c..0378e0361 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/BaseAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/BaseAPI.ts @@ -1,55 +1,64 @@ import { BaseAPIOptions } from "../../interfaces/APIInterfaces"; -import { RESTRequestOptions, RESTResponseDataType } from "../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { + RESTRequestOptions, + RESTResponseDataType +} from "../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export declare type BaseAPIRequestOptions = { - /** - * The request options - */ - request: Omit & { - url?: string; - path?: string; - }; - /** - * If the client must be authenticated in order to send the request - */ - requiresAuth: boolean; - /** - * If the response body is JSON - */ - json?: boolean; +export type BaseAPIRequestOptions = { + /** + * The request options + */ + request: Omit & { + url?: string; + path?: string; + }; + /** + * If the client must be authenticated in order to send the request + */ + requiresAuth: boolean; + /** + * If the response body is JSON + */ + json?: boolean; }; -export default class BaseAPI { - public client: Client; - public options: BaseAPIOptions; +export class BaseAPI { + public client: Client; + public options: BaseAPIOptions; + + constructor(options: BaseAPIOptions) { + this.client = options.client; + this.options = options; + } - constructor (options: BaseAPIOptions) { - this.client = options.client; - this.options = options; + request(options: BaseAPIRequestOptions): Promise { + if (options.requiresAuth) { + if (!this.options.client.isLoggedIn()) { + throw new Error( + `You must be authenticated in order to perform this request! API: ${( + options.request.method || "GET" + ).toUpperCase()} ${options.request.path ? this.options.baseUrl : ""}${ + options.request.path || options.request.url + }` + ); + } + } + if (!options.request.url && !options.request.path) { + throw new Error(`Must provide a URL or path!`); + } else if (options.request.path) { + options.request.url = this.options.baseUrl + options.request.path; + delete options.request.path; } - request (options: BaseAPIRequestOptions): Promise { - if (options.requiresAuth) { - if (!this.options.client.isLoggedIn()) { - throw new Error(`You must be authenticated in order to perform this request! API: ${(options.request.method || "GET").toUpperCase()} ${options.request.path ? this.options.baseUrl : ""}${options.request.path || options.request.url}`); - } + return this.options.client.rest + .request(options.request as RESTRequestOptions) + .then((response) => { + if (options.json && !(response.body instanceof Object)) { + response.body = JSON.parse(response.body); } - if (!options.request.url && !options.request.path) { - throw new Error(`Must provide a URL or path!`); - } else if (options.request.path) { - options.request.url = this.options.baseUrl + options.request.path; - delete options.request.path; - } - - return this.options.client.rest.request(options.request as RESTRequestOptions) - .then(response => { - if (options.json && !(response.body instanceof Object)) { - response.body = JSON.parse(response.body); - } - return response; - }); - } + return response; + }); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/BillingAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/BillingAPI.ts index f3662dc1e..34592d3b9 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/BillingAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/BillingAPI.ts @@ -1,400 +1,414 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { SortOption } from "../.."; - -export type GetDeveloperExchangeRate = { - rate: number; - "currency-code": string; -} -export type SubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions = { - firstName: string; - lastName: string; - emailAddress: string; - password: string; - robuxAmount: number; -} -export type SubmitDeveloperExchange = unknown -export type GetLuobuDeveloperExchangeBalance = { - amount: number; -} -export type GetLuobuDeveloperExchangeEligibility = { - eligibility?: "Eligible" | string; - errors?: { - code: number; - message: string; - userFacingMessage: string; - }; -} -export type GetLatestLuobuDeveloperExchangeStatus = { - date?: string; - status?: string; - amount?: number; -} -export type SubmitLuobuDeveloperExchangeOptions = { - firstName: string; - lastName: string; - email: string; - amount: number; -} -export type SubmitLuobuDeveloperExchange = unknown -export type GetUserPaymentsOptions = { - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetUserPayments = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - paymentDate: string; - products: { - name: string; - }[]; - money: { - Amount: number; - USDAmount: number; - Currency: { - Id: number; - CurrencyType: string; - CurrencyName: string; - CurrencySymbol: string; - }; - }; - paymentProviderType: "AppleAppStore"; - creditCardType: string; - cardNumber: string; - }; -} -export type PurchaseAmazonProductOptions = { - receiptId: string; - amazonUserId: string; - isRetry: boolean; -} -export type PurchaseAmazonProduct = unknown -export type ValidateAmazonProductOptions = { - productId: string; - currency: string; -} -export type ValidateAmazonProduct = unknown -export type PurchaseAppleProductOptions = PurchaseAmazonProductOptions; -export type PurchaseAppleProduct = PurchaseAmazonProduct; -export type ValidateAppleProductOptions = ValidateAmazonProductOptions; -export type ValidateAppleProduct = ValidateAmazonProduct; -export type RedeemDigitalCodeOptions = { - redemptionCode: string; -} -export type RedeemDigitalCode = unknown; -export type RedeemGameCardOptions = { - pinCode: string; - captchaToken: string; - captchaProvider: "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" | string; -} -export type RedeemGameCard = { - balance: string; - successMsg: string; - successSubText: string; - bonusMsg: string; - error: string; - errorMsg: string; -} -export type ReverseGameCardOptions = { - PinCode: string; - UserId: number; -} -export type ReverseGameCard = unknown; -export type PurchaseGoogleProductOptions = { - packageName: string; - productId: string; - token: string; - isRetry: boolean; - orderId: string; +export type BillingGetDeveloperExchangeRate = { + rate: number; + "currency-code": string; }; -export type PurchaseGoogleProduct = unknown -export type ValidateGoogleProductOptions = ValidateAmazonProductOptions; -export type ValidateGoogleProduct = ValidateAmazonProduct; -export type SendXsollaWebhookOptions = unknown; -export type SendXsollaWebhook = unknown; -export type GetXsollaIFrameTokenOptions = { - mainProductId: number; - upsellProductId: number; - paymentProviderType: string; - verifiedEmailOrPhone: boolean; -} -export type GetXsollaIFrameToken = { - token: string; - success: boolean; +export type BillingSubmitDeveloperExchange = unknown; +export type BillingGetLuobuDeveloperExchangeBalance = { + amount: number; +}; +export type BillingGetLuobuDeveloperExchangeEligibility = { + eligibility?: "Eligible" | string; + errors?: { + code: number; message: string; -} -export type IncrementCounterByAgentOptions = { - counterPrefix: string; -} -export type IncrementCounterByAgent = unknown; -export type RedeemPromoCodeOptions = { - code: string; -} -export type RedeemPromoCode = { - success: boolean; - errorMsg: string; - successMsg: string; -} - + userFacingMessage: string; + }; +}; +export type BillingGetLatestLuobuDeveloperExchangeStatus = { + date?: string; + status?: string; + amount?: number; +}; +export type BillingSubmitLuobuDeveloperExchange = unknown; +export type BillingGetUserPaymentsHistory = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + paymentDate: string; + products: { + name: string; + }[]; + money: { + Amount: number; + USDAmount: number; + Currency: { + Id: number; + CurrencyType: string; + CurrencyName: string; + CurrencySymbol: string; + }; + }; + paymentProviderType: "AppleAppStore"; + creditCardType: string; + cardNumber: string; + }; +}; +export type BillingPurchaseAmazonProduct = unknown; +export type BillingValidateAmazonProduct = unknown; +export type BillingPurchaseAppleProduct = BillingPurchaseAmazonProduct; +export type BillingValidateAppleProduct = BillingValidateAmazonProduct; +export type BillingRedeemDigitalCode = unknown; +export type BillingRedeemGameCard = { + balance: string; + successMsg: string; + successSubText: string; + bonusMsg: string; + error: string; + errorMsg: string; +}; +export type BillingReverseGameCard = unknown; +export type BillingPurchaseGoogleProduct = unknown; +export type BillingValidateGoogleProduct = BillingValidateAmazonProduct; +export type BillingSendXsollaWebhook = unknown; +export type BillingGetXsollaIFrameToken = { + token: string; + success: boolean; + message: string; +}; +export type BillingIncrementCounterByAgent = unknown; +export type BillingRedeemPromoCode = { + success: boolean; + errorMsg: string; + successMsg: string; +}; +export type BillingSubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions = { + firstName: string; + lastName: string; + emailAddress: string; + password: string; + robuxAmount: number; +}; +export type BillingSubmitLuobuDeveloperExchangeOptions = { + firstName: string; + lastName: string; + email: string; + amount: number; +}; +export type BillingGetUserPaymentsHistoryOptions = SortOption; +export type BillingPurchaseAmazonProductOptions = { + receiptId: string; + amazonUserId: string; + isRetry: boolean; +}; +export type BillingValidateAmazonProductOptions = { + productId: string; + currency: string; +}; +export type BillingPurchaseAppleProductOptions = { + receiptId: string; + appleUserId: string; + isRetry: boolean; +}; +export type BillingValidateAppleProductOptions = { + productId: string; + currency: string; +}; +export type BillingRedeemDigitalCodeOptions = { + redemptionCode: string; +}; +export type BillingRedeemGameCardOptions = { + pinCode: string; + captchaToken: string; + captchaProvider: string; +}; +export type BillingReverseGameCardOptions = { + PinCode: number; + UserId: number; +}; +export type BillingPurchaseGoogleProductOptions = { + packageName: string; + productId: string; + token: string; + isRetry: boolean; + orderId: string; +}; +export type BillingValidateGoogleProductOptions = { + productId: string; + currency: string; +}; +export type BillingGetXsollaIFrameTokenOptions = { + mainProductId: number; + upsellProductId: number; + paymentProviderType: string; + verifiedEmailOrPhone: boolean; +}; +export type BillingIncrementCounterByAgentOptions = { + counterPrefix: string; +}; +export type BillingRedeemPromoCodeOptions = { + code: string; +}; -export default class BillingAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://billing.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class BillingAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://billing.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getDeveloperExchangeRate (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/developer-exchange-rate` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getDeveloperExchangeRate(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange-rate` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - submitDeveloperExchange (options: SubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/developer-exchange-rate`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + submitDeveloperExchange( + options: BillingSubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange-rate`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getLuobuDeveloperExchangeBalance (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/luobu-developer-exchange/balance` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getLuobuDeveloperExchangeBalance(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/luobu-developer-exchange/balance` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getLuobuDeveloperExchangeEligibility (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/luobu-developer-exchange/eligibility` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getLuobuDeveloperExchangeEligibility(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/luobu-developer-exchange/eligibility` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getLuobuDeveloperExchangeLatestRequestStatus (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/luobu-developer-exchange/latest-request-status` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getLuobuDeveloperExchangeLatestRequestStatus(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/luobu-developer-exchange/latest-request-status` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - submitLuobuDeveloperExchange (options: SubmitLuobuDeveloperExchangeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/developer-exchange-rate/request`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + submitLuobuDeveloperExchange( + options: BillingSubmitLuobuDeveloperExchangeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange-rate/request`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserPaymentsHistory (options: GetUserPaymentsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/user/payments`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserPaymentsHistory( + options: BillingGetUserPaymentsHistoryOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/payments`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - purchaseAmazonProduct (options: PurchaseAmazonProductOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/amazon/purchase`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + purchaseAmazonProduct( + options: BillingPurchaseAmazonProductOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/amazon/purchase`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - validateAmazonProduct (options: ValidateAmazonProductOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/amazon/validate`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + validateAmazonProduct( + options: BillingValidateAmazonProductOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/amazon/validate`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - purchaseAppleProduct (options: PurchaseAppleProductOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/apple/purchase`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + purchaseAppleProduct( + options: BillingPurchaseAppleProductOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/apple/purchase`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - validateAppleProduct (options: ValidateAppleProductOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/apple/validate`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + validateAppleProduct( + options: BillingValidateAppleProductOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/apple/validate`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - redeemDigitalCode (options: RedeemDigitalCodeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/digital-codes/redeem`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + redeemDigitalCode( + options: BillingRedeemDigitalCodeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/digital-codes/redeem`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - redeemGameCard (options: RedeemGameCardOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/gamecard/redeem`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + redeemGameCard( + options: BillingRedeemGameCardOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/gamecard/redeem`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - reverseGameCard (options: ReverseGameCardOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/gamecard/reverse`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + reverseGameCard( + options: BillingReverseGameCardOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/gamecard/reverse`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - purchaseGoogleProduct (options: PurchaseGoogleProductOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/google/purchase`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + purchaseGoogleProduct( + options: BillingPurchaseGoogleProductOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/google/purchase`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - validateGoogleProduct (options: ValidateGoogleProductOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/google/validate`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + validateGoogleProduct( + options: BillingValidateGoogleProductOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/google/validate`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - sendXsollaWebhook (options: SendXsollaWebhookOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/notifications/xsolla`, - method: "POST", - json: options as any - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + sendXsollaWebhook(options: unknown): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/notifications/xsolla`, + method: "POST", + json: options as any + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getXsollaIFrameToken (options: GetXsollaIFrameTokenOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/payments/xsolla/iframe-token`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getXsollaIFrameToken( + options: BillingGetXsollaIFrameTokenOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/payments/xsolla/iframe-token`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - incrementCounterByAgent (options: IncrementCounterByAgentOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/payments/xsolla/incrementcounterbyagent`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + incrementCounterByAgent( + options: BillingIncrementCounterByAgentOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/payments/xsolla/incrementcounterbyagent`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - redeemPromoCode (options: RedeemPromoCodeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/promocodes/redeem`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + redeemPromoCode( + options: BillingRedeemPromoCodeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/promocodes/redeem`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/CatalogAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/CatalogAPI.ts index c70dc08e7..54fd36956 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/CatalogAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/CatalogAPI.ts @@ -1,371 +1,352 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { AssetIdOption, SortOption, UserIdOption } from "../.."; - -export type ProductDetails = { +export type CatalogProductDetails = { + id: number; + type: string; + isPublicDomain: boolean; + isForSale: boolean; + priceInRobux: number; + premiumPricing: { + premiumDiscountPercentage: number; + premiumPriceInRobux: number; + }; +}; +export type CatalogGetAssetBundles = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { id: number; - type: string; - isPublicDomain: boolean; - isForSale: boolean; - priceInRobux: number; - premiumPricing: { - premiumDiscountPercentage: number; - premiumPriceInRobux: number; + name: string; + description: string; + bundleType: string; + items: { + owned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; + }[]; + creator: { + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; }; + creatorType: number; + product: CatalogProductDetails; + }[]; +}; +export type CatalogGetBundleDetails = CatalogGetAssetBundles["data"][0]; +export type CatalogGetBundleRecommendationsByBundleId = { + data: CatalogGetAssetBundles["data"]; +}; +export type CatalogGetMultiBundleDetails = CatalogGetAssetBundles["data"]; +export type CatalogUnpackBundle = unknown; +export type CatalogGetAssetToCategory = Record; +export type CatalogGetAppStoreExclusiveBundles = { + data: CatalogProductDetails[]; +}; +export type CatalogGetAssetFavoriteCountOptions = { + assetId: number; +}; +export type CatalogGetFavoriteCount = number; +export type CatalogRemoveSelfAssetFavorite = unknown; +export type CatalogGetUserFavoriteAsset = { + assetId: number; + userId: number; + created: string; +}; +export type CatalogFavoriteAsset = unknown; +export type CatalogRemoveFavoriteBundle = unknown; +export type CatalogGetSelfFavoriteBundle = { + bundleId: number; + userId: number; + created: string; +}; +export type CatalogFavoriteBundle = unknown; +export type CatalogGetAssetBundlesOptions = SortOption & AssetIdOption; +export type CatalogGetBundleDetailsOptions = { bundleId: number }; +export type CatalogGetBundleRecommendationsByBundleIdOptions = { + bundleId: number; + numItems?: number; +}; +export type CatalogGetMultiBundleDetailsOptions = { + bundleIds: number[]; +}; +export type CatalogGetUserBundlesOptions = SortOption & UserIdOption; +export type CatalogGetUserBundlesByTypeOptions = + CatalogGetUserBundlesOptions & { + bundleType: string; + }; +export type CatalogUnpackBundleOptions = { + bundleId: number; +}; +export type CatalogGetAppStoreExclusiveBundlesOptions = { + appStoreType: "iOS" | "GooglePlay" | "Xbox" | "Amazon"; +}; +export type CatalogGetBundleFavoriteCount = CatalogUnpackBundleOptions; +export type CatalogRemoveAssetFavoriteOptions = AssetIdOption & UserIdOption; +export type CatalogGetUserFavoriteAssetOptions = AssetIdOption & UserIdOption; +export type CatalogFavoriteAssetOptions = AssetIdOption & UserIdOption; +export type CatalogRemoveBundleFavoriteOptions = UserIdOption & { + bundleId: number; +}; +export type CatalogGetUserFavoriteBundleOptions = UserIdOption & { + bundleId: number; +}; +export type CatalogFavoriteBundleOptions = UserIdOption & { + bundleId: number; }; -export type GetAssetBundlesOptions = { - assetId: number; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetAssetBundles = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - id: number; - name: string; - description: string; - bundleType: string; - items: { - owned: boolean; - id: number; - name: string; - type: string; - }[]; - creator: { - id: number; - name: string; - type: string; - }; - creatorType: number; - product: ProductDetails; - }[]; -} -export type GetBundleDetailsOptions = { - bundleId: number; -} -export type GetBundleDetails = GetAssetBundles["data"][0]; -export type GetBundleRecommendationsByBundleIdOptions = { - bundleId: number; - numItems?: number; -} -export type GetBundleRecommendationsByBundleId = { - data: GetAssetBundles["data"]; -} -export type GetMultiBundleDetailsOptions = { - bundleIds: number[]; -} -export type GetMultiBundleDetails = GetAssetBundles["data"]; -export type GetUserBundlesOptions = { - userId: number; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetUserBundles = GetAssetBundles; -export type GetUserBundlesByTypeOptions = GetUserBundlesOptions & { - bundleType: "BodyParts" | "AvatarAnimations" | string; -} -export type GetUserBundlesByType = GetUserBundles; -export type UnpackBundleOptions = { - bundleId: number; -} -export type UnpackBundle = unknown; -export type GetAssetToCategory = Record; -export type GetAssetToSubCategory = GetAssetToCategory; -export type GetCategories = GetAssetToCategory -export type GetSubCategories = GetAssetToCategory; -export type GetAppStoreExclusiveBundlesOptions = { - appStoreType: "iOS" | "GooglePlay" | "Xbox" | "Amazon"; -} -export type GetAppStoreExclusiveBundles = { - data: ProductDetails[]; -} -export type GetAssetFavoriteCountOptions = { - assetId: number; -} -export type GetAssetFavoriteCount = number; -export type GetBundleFavoriteCountOptions = { - bundleId: number; -} -export type GetBundleFavoriteCount = number; -export type RemoveSelfAssetFavoriteOptions = { - userId: number; - assetId: number; -} -export type RemoveSelfAssetFavorite = unknown -export type GetUserFavoriteAssetOptions = { - userId: number; - assetId: number; -} -export type GetUserFavoriteAsset = { - assetId: number; - userId: number; - created: string; -} -export type FavoriteAssetOptions = { - userId: number; - assetId: number; -} -export type FavoriteAsset = unknown -export type RemoveFavoriteBundleOptions = { - userId: number; - bundleId: number; -} -export type RemoveFavoriteBundle = unknown -export type GetSelfFavoriteBundleOptions = { - userId: number; - bundleId: number; -} -export type GetSelfFavoriteBundle = { - bundleId: number; - userId: number; - created: string; -} -export type FavoriteBundleOptions = { - userId: number; - bundleId: number; -} -export type FavoriteBundle = unknown -export default class CatalogAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://catalog.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class CatalogAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://catalog.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getAssetBundles (options: GetAssetBundlesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/bundles`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAssetBundles( + options: CatalogGetAssetBundlesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/bundles`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getBundleDetails (options: GetBundleDetailsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/bundles/${options.bundleId}/details`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getBundleDetails( + options: CatalogGetBundleDetailsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/bundles/${options.bundleId}/details`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getBundleRecommendationsByBundleId (options: GetBundleRecommendationsByBundleIdOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/assets/${options.bundleId}/recommendations`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getBundleRecommendationsByBundleId( + options: CatalogGetBundleRecommendationsByBundleIdOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/${options.bundleId}/recommendations`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getMultiBundleDetails (options: GetMultiBundleDetailsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/bundles/details`, - qs: { - bundleIds: options.bundleIds.join(",") - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getMultiBundleDetails( + options: CatalogGetMultiBundleDetailsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/bundles/details`, + qs: { + bundleIds: options.bundleIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserBundles (options: GetUserBundlesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/bundles`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserBundles( + options: CatalogGetUserBundlesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/bundles`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserBundlesByType (options: GetUserBundlesByTypeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/bundles/${options.bundleType}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserBundlesByType( + options: CatalogGetUserBundlesByTypeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/bundles/${options.bundleType}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - unpackBundle (options: UnpackBundleOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/bundles/${options.bundleId}/unpack`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + unpackBundle( + options: CatalogUnpackBundleOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/bundles/${options.bundleId}/unpack`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getAssetToCategory (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/asset-to-category` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAssetToCategory(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/asset-to-category` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getAssetToSubCategory (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/asset-to-subcategory` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAssetToSubCategory(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/asset-to-subcategory` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getCategories (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/categories` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getCategories(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/categories` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getSubCategories (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/subcategories` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSubCategories(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/subcategories` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getAppStoreExclusiveBundles (options: GetAppStoreExclusiveBundlesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/exclusive-items/${options.appStoreType}/bundles` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAppStoreExclusiveBundles( + options: CatalogGetAppStoreExclusiveBundlesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/exclusive-items/${options.appStoreType}/bundles` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getAssetFavoriteCount (options: GetAssetFavoriteCountOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/favorites/assets/${options.assetId}/count` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAssetFavoriteCount( + options: AssetIdOption + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/assets/${options.assetId}/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getBundleFavoriteCount (options: GetBundleFavoriteCountOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/favorites/bundles/${options.bundleId}/count` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getBundleFavoriteCount( + options: CatalogGetBundleFavoriteCount + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/bundles/${options.bundleId}/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - removeAssetFavorite (options: RemoveSelfAssetFavoriteOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/assets/${options.assetId}/favorite`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + removeAssetFavorite( + options: CatalogRemoveAssetFavoriteOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/assets/${options.assetId}/favorite`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserFavoriteAsset (options: GetUserFavoriteAssetOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/assets/${options.assetId}/favorite` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserFavoriteAsset( + options: CatalogGetUserFavoriteAssetOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/assets/${options.assetId}/favorite` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - favoriteAsset (options: FavoriteAssetOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/assets/${options.assetId}/favorite`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + favoriteAsset( + options: CatalogFavoriteAssetOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/assets/${options.assetId}/favorite`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - removeBundleFavorite (options: RemoveFavoriteBundleOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/bundles/${options.bundleId}/favorite`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + removeBundleFavorite( + options: CatalogRemoveBundleFavoriteOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/bundles/${options.bundleId}/favorite`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserFavoriteBundle (options: GetSelfFavoriteBundleOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/bundles/${options.bundleId}/favorite` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserFavoriteBundle( + options: CatalogGetUserFavoriteBundleOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/bundles/${options.bundleId}/favorite` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - favoriteBundle (options: FavoriteBundleOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/bundles/${options.bundleId}/favorite`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + favoriteBundle( + options: CatalogFavoriteBundleOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/favorites/users/${options.userId}/bundles/${options.bundleId}/favorite`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/ChatAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/ChatAPI.ts index ff9ad466a..3ef6eba7c 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/ChatAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/ChatAPI.ts @@ -1,474 +1,547 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; -import { - ChatConversationOptions, - ChatMessageOptions, - ChatMessageSentOptions, - PartialChatConversationOptions -} from "../../structures/Chat"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type GetChatSettings = { - chatEnabled: boolean; -} -export type GetConversationsOptions = { - conversationIds: number[]; -} -export type GetConversations = ChatConversationOptions[]; -export type GetConversationMessagesOptions = { - conversationId: number; - pageSize: number; - exclusiveStartMessageId?: string; -} -export type GetConversationMessages = ChatMessageOptions[]; -export type GetRolloutSettingsOptions = { - featureNames: string[]; -} -export type GetRolloutSettings = { - rolloutFeatures: { - featureName: string; - isRolloutEnabled: boolean; - }[]; -} -export type GetUnreadConversationCount = { - count: number; -} -export type GetUnreadMessagesInConversationsOptions = { - conversationIds: number[]; - pageSize?: number; -} -export type GetUnreadMessagesInConversations = { - conversationId: number; - chatMessages: ChatMessageOptions[]; -}[]; -export type GetUserConversationsOptions = { - pageNumber: number; - pageSize: number; -} -export type GetUserConversations = ChatConversationOptions[]; -export type GetMetaData = { - isChatEnabledByPrivacySetting: string; - languageForPrivacySettingUnavailable: string; - maxConversationTitleLength: number; - numberOfMembersForPartyChrome: number; - partyChromeDisplayTimeStampInterval: number; - signalRDisconnectionResponseInMilliseconds: number; - typingInChatFromSenderThrottleMs: number; - typingInChatForReceiverExpirationMs: number; - relativeValueToRecordUiPerformance: number; - isChatDataFromLocalStorageEnabled: boolean; - chatDataFromLocalStorageExpirationSeconds: number; - isUsingCacheToLoadFriendsInfoEnabled: boolean; - cachedDataFromLocalStorageExpirationMS: number; - senderTypesForUnknownMessageTypeError: string[]; - isInvalidMessageTypeFallbackEnabled: boolean; - isRespectingMessageTypeEnabled: boolean; - validMessageTypesWhiteList: string[]; - shouldRespectConversationHasUnreadMessageToMarkAsRead: boolean; - isVoiceChatForClientSideEnabled: boolean; - isAliasChatForClientSideEnabled: boolean; - isPlayTogetherForGameCardsEnabled: boolean; - isRoactChatEnabled: boolean; -} -export type GetMultiLatestConversationMessagesOptions = { - conversationIds: number[]; - pageSize: number; -} -export type GetMultiLatestConversationMessages = GetUnreadMessagesInConversations; -export type AddUsersToConversationOptions = { - participantUserIds: number[]; - conversationId: number; -} -export type AddUsersToConversation = { - conversationId: number; - rejectedParticipants: { - rejectedReason: string; - type: "User" | string; - targetId: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }[]; - resultType: "Success" | string; - statusMessage: string; -} -export type MarkMessageInConversationAsReadOptions = { - conversationId: number; - endMessageId: string; -} -export type MarkMessageInConversationAsRead = { - resultType: "Success" | string; -} -export type MarkConversationsAsSeenOptions = { - conversationsToMarkSeen: number[]; -} -export type MarkConversationsAsSeen = { - resultType: "Success" | string; -} -export type RemoveUserFromConversationOptions = { - participantUserId: number; - conversationId: number; -} -export type RemoveUserFromConversation = { - conversation: PartialChatConversationOptions; - resultType: "Success" | string; - statusMessage: string; -} -export type RenameGroupConversationOptions = { - conversationId: number; - newTitle: string; -} -export type RenameGroupConversation = { - conversationTitle: string; - statusMessage: string; - resultType: "Success" | string; - title: { - titleForViewer: string; - isDefaultTitle: boolean; +export type ChatPartialConversationData = { + id: number; + title?: string; +}; +export type ChatMessageSentData = { + content: string; + filteredForReceivers: boolean; + messageId: string; + sent: string; + messageType: "PlainText" | string; + resultType: "Success" | string; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type ChatMessageData = { + id: string; + senderType: string; + sent: string; + read: boolean; + messageType: "PlainText" | string; + decorators: string[]; + senderTargetId: number; + content: string; + link?: { + type: "Game"; + game: { + universeId: number; }; -} -export type ResetConversationUniverseOptions = { - conversationId: number; -} -export type ResetConversationUniverse = { - statusMessage: string; -} -export type SendGameLinkMessageOptions = { - universeId: number; - conversationId: number; - decorators: string[]; -} -export type SendGameLinkMessage = ChatMessageSentOptions; -export type SendMessageOptions = { - message: string; - conversationId: number; - decorators: string[]; -} -export type SendMessage = ChatMessageSentOptions; -export type SetConversationUniverseOptions = { - conversationId: number; - universeId: number; -} -export type SetConversationUniverse = { - statusMessage: string; -} -export type StartCloudEditConversationOptions = { - placeId: number; -} -export type StartCloudEditConversation = { - conversation: ChatConversationOptions; - rejectedParticipants: { - rejectedReason: string; - type: "User"; - targetId: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }[]; - resultType: "Success" | string; - statusMessage: string; -} -export type StartGroupConversationOptions = { - participantUserIds: number[]; - title: string; -} -export type StartGroupConversation = StartCloudEditConversation; -export type StartOneToOneConversationOptions = { - participantUserId: number; -} -export type StartOneToOneConversation = StartCloudEditConversation; -export type UpdateUserTypingStatusOptions = { - conversationId: number; - isTyping: boolean; -} -export type UpdateUserTypingStatus = { - statusMessage: string; -} + }; + eventBased?: { + type: "SetConversationUniverse"; + setConversationUniverse: { + actorUserId: number; + universeId: number; + }; + }; +}; +export type ChatGetChatSettings = { + chatEnabled: boolean; +}; +export type ChatGetConversationMessages = ChatMessageData[]; +export type ChatGetRolloutSettings = { + rolloutFeatures: { + featureName: string; + isRolloutEnabled: boolean; + }[]; +}; +export type ChatGetUnreadConversationCount = { + count: number; +}; +export type ChatGetUnreadMessagesInConversations = { + conversationId: number; + chatMessages: ChatMessageData[]; +}[]; +export type ChatConversationData = { + id: number; + title: string; + initiator: { + type: "User" | string; + targetId: number; + name: string | null; + displayName: string | null; + }; + hasUnreadMessages: boolean; + participants: { + type: "User" | string; + targetId: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; + conversationType: "OneToOneConversation" | string; + conversationTitle: { + titleForViewer: string; + isDefaultTitle: boolean; + }; + lastUpdated: string; + conversationUniverse: number | null; +}; +export type ChatGetMetaData = { + isChatEnabledByPrivacySetting: string; + languageForPrivacySettingUnavailable: string; + maxConversationTitleLength: number; + numberOfMembersForPartyChrome: number; + partyChromeDisplayTimeStampInterval: number; + signalRDisconnectionResponseInMilliseconds: number; + typingInChatFromSenderThrottleMs: number; + typingInChatForReceiverExpirationMs: number; + relativeValueToRecordUiPerformance: number; + isChatDataFromLocalStorageEnabled: boolean; + chatDataFromLocalStorageExpirationSeconds: number; + isUsingCacheToLoadFriendsInfoEnabled: boolean; + cachedDataFromLocalStorageExpirationMS: number; + senderTypesForUnknownMessageTypeError: string[]; + isInvalidMessageTypeFallbackEnabled: boolean; + isRespectingMessageTypeEnabled: boolean; + validMessageTypesWhiteList: string[]; + shouldRespectConversationHasUnreadMessageToMarkAsRead: boolean; + isVoiceChatForClientSideEnabled: boolean; + isAliasChatForClientSideEnabled: boolean; + isPlayTogetherForGameCardsEnabled: boolean; + isRoactChatEnabled: boolean; +}; +export type ChatGetMultiLatestConversationMessages = + ChatGetUnreadMessagesInConversations; +export type ChatAddUsersToConversation = { + conversationId: number; + rejectedParticipants: { + rejectedReason: string; + type: "User" | string; + targetId: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; + resultType: "Success" | string; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type ChatMarkMessageInConversationAsReadOptions = { + conversationId: number; + endMessageId: string; +}; +export type ChatMarkConversationMessagesRead = { + resultType: "Success" | string; +}; +export type ChatMarkConversationsAsSeenOptions = { + conversationsToMarkSeen: number[]; +}; +export type ChatMarkConversationsSeen = { + resultType: "Success" | string; +}; +export type ChatRemoveUserFromConversation = { + conversation: ChatPartialConversationData; + resultType: "Success" | string; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type ChatRenameGroupConversation = { + conversationTitle: string; + statusMessage: string; + resultType: "Success" | string; + title: { + titleForViewer: string; + isDefaultTitle: boolean; + }; +}; +export type ChatResetConversationUniverse = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type ChatSendGameLinkMessage = ChatMessageSentData; +export type ChatSendMessage = ChatMessageSentData; +export type ChatSetConversationUniverse = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type ChatStartCloudEditConversation = { + conversation: ChatConversationData; + rejectedParticipants: { + rejectedReason: string; + type: "User"; + targetId: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; + resultType: "Success" | string; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type ChatStartGroupConversation = ChatStartCloudEditConversation; +export type ChatStartOneToOneConversation = ChatStartCloudEditConversation; +export type ChatUpdateUserTypingStatus = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type ChatGetConversationsOptions = { + conversationIds: number[]; +}; +export type ChatGetConversationMessagesOptions = { + conversationId: number; + pageSize: number; + exclusiveStartMessageId?: string; +}; +export type ChatGetRolloutSettingsOptions = { + featureNames: string[]; +}; +export type ChatGetUnreadMessagesInConversationsOptions = { + conversationIds: number[]; + pageSize?: number; +}; +export type ChatGetUserConversationsOptions = { + pageNumber: number; + pageSize: number; +}; +export type ChatGetMultiLatestConversationMessagesOptions = { + conversationIds: number[]; + pageSize: number; +}; +export type ChatAddUsersToConversationOptions = { + participantUserIds: number[]; + conversationId: number; +}; +export type ChatMarkConversationMessagesReadOptions = { + conversationId: number; + endMessageId: string; +}; +export type ChatMarkConversationsSeenOptions = { + conversationsToMarkSeen: number[]; +}; +export type ChatRemoveUserFromConversationOptions = { + participantUserId: number; + conversationId: number; +}; +export type ChatRenameGroupConversationOptions = { + conversationId: number; + newTitle: string; +}; +export type ChatResetConversationUniverseOptions = { + conversationId: number; +}; +export type ChatSendMessageOptions = { + message: string; + conversationId: number; + decorators: string[]; +}; +export type ChatSetConversationUniverseOptions = { + conversationId: number; + universeId: number; +}; +export type ChatStartCloudEditConversationOptions = { + placeId: number; +}; +export type ChatStartGroupConversationOptions = { + participantUserIds: number[]; + title: string; +}; +export type ChatStartOneToOneConversationOptions = { + participantUserId: number; +}; +export type ChatUpdateUserTypingStatusOptions = { + conversationId: number; + isTyping: boolean; +}; +export type ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions = { + universeId: number; + conversationId: number; + decorators: string[]; +}; -export default class ChatAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://chat.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class ChatAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://chat.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getChatSettings (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/chat-settings` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getChatSettings(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/chat-settings` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getConversations (options: GetConversationsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/get-conversations`, - qs: { - conversationIds: options.conversationIds.join(",") - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getConversations( + options: ChatGetConversationsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-conversations`, + qs: { + conversationIds: options.conversationIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getConversationMessages (options: GetConversationMessagesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/get-messages`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getConversationMessages( + options: ChatGetConversationMessagesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-messages`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getRolloutSettings (options: GetRolloutSettingsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/get-rollout-settings`, - qs: { - featureNames: options.featureNames.join(",") - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getRolloutSettings( + options: ChatGetRolloutSettingsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-rollout-settings`, + qs: { + featureNames: options.featureNames.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUnreadConversationCount (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/get-conversations` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUnreadConversationCount(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-conversation-count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUnreadMessagesInConversations (options: GetUnreadMessagesInConversationsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/get-unread-messages`, - qs: { - conversationIds: options.conversationIds.join(","), - pageSize: options.pageSize - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUnreadMessagesInConversations( + options: ChatGetUnreadMessagesInConversationsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-unread-messages`, + qs: { + conversationIds: options.conversationIds.join(","), + pageSize: options.pageSize + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserConversations (options: GetUserConversationsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/get-user-conversations`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserConversations( + options: ChatGetUserConversationsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-user-conversations`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/metadata` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getMultiLatestConversationMessages (options: GetMultiLatestConversationMessagesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/multi-get-latest-messages`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getMultiLatestConversationMessages( + options: ChatGetMultiLatestConversationMessagesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/multi-get-latest-messages`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - addUsersToConversation (options: AddUsersToConversationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/add-to-conversation`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + addUsersToConversation( + options: ChatAddUsersToConversationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/add-to-conversation`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - markConversationMessagesRead (options: MarkMessageInConversationAsReadOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/mark-as-read`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + markConversationMessagesRead( + options: ChatMarkConversationMessagesReadOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/mark-as-read`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - markConversationsSeen (options: MarkConversationsAsSeenOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/mark-as-seen`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + markConversationsSeen( + options: ChatMarkConversationsSeenOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/mark-as-seen`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - removeUserFromConversation (options: RemoveUserFromConversationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/remove-from-conversation`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + removeUserFromConversation( + options: ChatRemoveUserFromConversationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/remove-from-conversation`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - renameGroupConversation (options: RenameGroupConversationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/rename-group-conversation`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + renameGroupConversation( + options: ChatRenameGroupConversationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/rename-group-conversation`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - resetConversationUniverse (options: ResetConversationUniverseOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/reset-conversation-universe`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + resetConversationUniverse( + options: ChatResetConversationUniverseOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/reset-conversation-universe`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - sendGameLinkMessage (options: SendGameLinkMessageOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/send-game-link-message`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + sendGameLinkMessage( + options: ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/send-game-link-message`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - sendMessage (options: SendMessageOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/send-message`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + sendMessage(options: ChatSendMessageOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/send-message`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - setConversationUniverse (options: SetConversationUniverseOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/set-conversation-universe`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + setConversationUniverse( + options: ChatSetConversationUniverseOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/set-conversation-universe`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - startCloudEditConversation (options: StartCloudEditConversationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/start-cloud-edit-conversation`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + startCloudEditConversation( + options: ChatStartCloudEditConversationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/start-cloud-edit-conversation`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - startGroupConversation (options: StartGroupConversationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/get-user-conversations`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + startGroupConversation( + options: ChatStartGroupConversationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/get-user-conversations`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - startOneToOneConversation (options: StartOneToOneConversationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/start-one-to-one-conversation`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + startOneToOneConversation( + options: ChatStartOneToOneConversationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/start-one-to-one-conversation`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - updateUserTypingStatus (options: UpdateUserTypingStatusOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v2/update-user-typing-status`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + updateUserTypingStatus( + options: ChatUpdateUserTypingStatusOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v2/update-user-typing-status`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/ContactsAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/ContactsAPI.ts index a4474c8e5..839cee38c 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/ContactsAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/ContactsAPI.ts @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type GetContactsMetaData = { - multiGetContactsMaxSize: number; -} -export type GetUsersTagsOptions = { - targetUserIds: number[]; -} -export type GetUsersTags = { - targetUserId: number; - targetUserTag: string; +export type ContactsGetContactsMetaData = { + multiGetContactsMaxSize: number; + multiGetContactsCacheTTLinMS: number; +}; +export type ContactsGetUsersTagsOptions = { + targetUserIds: number[]; +}; +export type ContactsGetUsersTags = { + targetUserId: number; + targetUserTag: string; }[]; -export type SetPendingUserTagOptions = { - targetUserId: number; - userTag: string; -} -export type SetPendingUserTag = { - status: "Success" | string; -} -export type SetUserTagOptions = { - targetUserId: number; - userTag: string; -} -export type SetUserTag = { - status: "Success" | string; -} +export type ContactsSetPendingUserTagOptions = { + targetUserId: number; + userTag: string; +}; +export type ContactsSetPendingUserTag = { + status: "Success" | string; +}; +export type ContactsSetUserTagOptions = { + targetUserId: number; + userTag: string; +}; +export type ContactsSetUserTag = { + status: "Success" | string; +}; -export default class ContactsAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://contacts.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class ContactsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://contacts.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getContactsMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/contacts/metadata` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getContactsMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/contacts/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUsersTags (options: GetUsersTagsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/user/get-tags`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUsersTags( + options: ContactsGetUsersTagsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/user/get-tags`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - setPendingUserTag (options: SetPendingUserTagOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/user/set-pending-tag`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + setPendingUserTag( + options: ContactsSetPendingUserTagOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/set-pending-tag`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - setUserTag (options: SetUserTagOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/user/tag`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + setUserTag(options: ContactsSetUserTagOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/tag`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/DataAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/DataAPI.ts index 0e41a9012..2feb54a95 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/DataAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/DataAPI.ts @@ -1,36 +1,34 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export type DataUploadDataOptions = { + assetId: number; + data: unknown; +}; +export type DataUploadDataResult = unknown; -export type UploadDataOptions = { - assetId: number; - data: unknown; -} -export type UploadDataResult = unknown; - -export default class DataAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://data.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class DataAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://data.roblox.com/" + }); + } - uploadData (options: UploadDataOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - json: true, - request: { - path: `Data/Upload.ashx?assetid=${options.assetId}`, - method: "POST", - headers: { - "User-Agent": "Roblox/WinInet", - Requester: "Client", - "Content-Type": "application/xml", - Accept: "application/json" - } - } - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + uploadData(options: DataUploadDataOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + json: true, + request: { + path: `Data/Upload.ashx?assetid=${options.assetId}`, + method: "POST", + headers: { + "User-Agent": "Roblox/WinInet", + Requester: "Client", + "Content-Type": "application/xml", + Accept: "application/json" + } + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/DevelopAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/DevelopAPI.ts index 0cb1f3c21..d3b0d0995 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/DevelopAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/DevelopAPI.ts @@ -1,950 +1,1222 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; -import { GameUniverseOptions } from "../../structures/Game"; -import { PartialGroupOptions } from "../../structures/Group"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { PartialGroupOptions } from "../../old_structures/Group"; +import { ISOString } from "../../types/GenericTypes"; +export type DevelopGameUniverseOptions = { + id: number; + rootPlaceId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + creatorType: string; + creator: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + price: number; + allowedGearGenres: string[]; + allowedGearCategories: string[]; + playing: number; + visits: number; + maxPlayers: number; + created: string; + updated: string; + studioAccessToApisAllowed: boolean; + createVipServersAllowed: boolean; + universeAvatarType: string; + genre: string; +}; +export type DevelopAgeDataAvailable = { + isAgeDataAvailable: boolean; +}; +export type DevelopProductAggregation = { + developerProductName: string; + revenueAmount: number; +}; +export type DevelopProductAggregations = { + allDevicesDeveloperProductRevenue: DevelopProductAggregation[]; + developerProductRevenueByDevice: { + Computer: DevelopProductAggregation[]; + Phone: DevelopProductAggregation[]; + Tablet: DevelopProductAggregation[]; + Console: DevelopProductAggregation[]; + }; +}; -export type GetAssetsVoteInformationOptions = { - assetIds: number[]; -} -export type GetAssetsVoteInformation = { - data: { - assetId: number; - hasUserVoted: number; - canUserVote: number; - shouldShowVote: boolean; - upVotes: number; - downVotes: number; - reasonForNotAbleToVote: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetGameTemplates = { - gameTemplateType: string; - hasTutorials: boolean; - universe: GameUniverseOptions; +export type DevelopTeamCreateSessionMember = { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; +}; +export type DevelopTeamCreateSessionMembers = { + data: DevelopTeamCreateSessionMember[]; +}; +export type DevelopTeamCreateEnabled = { + isEnabled: boolean; +}; +export type DevelopTeamCreateMember = { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | "RobloxPremium"; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; +}; +export type DevelopTeamCreateMembers = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: DevelopTeamCreateMember[]; +}; +export type DevelopInvitedTeamCreatePlace = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + isArchived: boolean; + rootPlaceId: number; + isActive: boolean; + privacyType: "Public" | "FriendsOnly" | "Private"; + creatorType: "User" | "Group"; + creatorTargetId: number; + creatorName: string; + created: ISOString; + updated: ISOString; +}; +export type DevelopInvitedTeamCreatePlaces = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: DevelopInvitedTeamCreatePlace[]; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseLiveStatsOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseLiveStats = { + totalPlayerCount: number; + playerCountsByDeviceType: Record; + gameCount: number; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReportsOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReport = { + month: number; + year: number; + RevenueReportStatus: "NotGenerated" | "ReadyForDownload"; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReports = { + monthlyRevenueReportStatusList: DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReport[]; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReportOptions = { + universeId: number; + yearDashMonth: `${number}-${number}`; +}; + +export type DevelopCreatorDashboardMetadata = { + isPlayFabDataSourceChartsEnabled: boolean; + playFabDataSourceChartsAvailableByKPITypes: string[]; +}; + +export type DevelopGetAssetsVoteInformationOptions = { + assetIds: number[]; +}; +export type DevelopGetAssetsVoteInformation = { + data: { + assetId: number; + hasUserVoted: number; + canUserVote: number; + shouldShowVote: boolean; + upVotes: number; + downVotes: number; + reasonForNotAbleToVote: string; + }[]; +}; +export type DevelopGetGameTemplates = { + gameTemplateType: string; + hasTutorials: boolean; + universe: DevelopGameUniverseOptions; }[]; -export type GetGameUpdatesHistoryOptions = { - universeId: number; -} -export type GetGameUpdatesHistory = { - universeId: number; - createdOn: string; - createdOnKey: string; - creatorType: string; - creatorId: number; - creatorName: string; - expiredOn: string; - content: string; - impressions: number; - plays: number; - unfollows: number; +export type DevelopGetGameUpdatesHistoryOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type DevelopGetGameUpdatesHistory = { + universeId: number; + createdOn: string; + createdOnKey: string; + creatorType: string; + creatorId: number; + creatorName: string; + expiredOn: string; + content: string; + impressions: number; + plays: number; + unfollows: number; }[]; -export type PublishGameNotificationOptions = { - universeId: number; - gameUpdateText: unknown; -} -export type PublishGameNotification = GetGameUpdatesHistory; -export type FilterPublishGameNotificationOptions = { - text: string; -} -export type FilterPublishGameNotification = { - filteredGameUpdateText: string; - isFiltered: boolean; - moderationLevel: number; -} -export type GetGroupUniversesOptions = { - groupId: number; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetGroupUniverses = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - id: number; - name: string; - description: string; - isArchived: boolean; - rootPlaceId: number | null; - isActive: boolean; - privacyType: "Private" | string; - creatorType: "Group" | string; - creatorTargetId: null; - creatorName: string; - created: string; - updated: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetPlaceCompatibilitiesOptions = { - placeId: number; -} -export type GetPlaceCompatibilities = { - Compatibilities: { - status: "Good" | string; - platformName: string; - crashRatePercentage: number; - }[]; -} -export type UpdatePlaceConfigurationOptions = { - placeId: number; - name: string; - description: string; -} -export type UpdatePlaceConfiguration = { - id: number; - universeId: number; - name: string; - description: string; -} -export type GetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions = { - placeId: number; - type: "Revenue" | "RevenuePerVisit" | "AverageVisitLength" | "Visits"; - granularity?: "Hourly" | "Daily" | "Monthly"; - divisionType?: "Device" | "Age"; - startTime?: string; - endTime?: string; -} -export type GetPlaceStatisticsByType = { - placeId: number; - dataType: GetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions["type"]; - dataGranularity: GetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions["granularity"]; - startTime: string; - endTime: string; - data: unknown; -} -export type GetPluginsByIdOptions = { - pluginIds: number[]; -} -export type GetPluginsById = { - data: { - id: number; - name: string; - description: string; - commentsEnabled: boolean; - versionId: number; - created: string; - updated: string; - }[]; -} -export type UpdatePluginOptions = { - pluginId: number; - name: string; - description: string; - commentsEnabled: boolean; -} -export type UpdatePlugin = unknown -export type SearchUniversesOptions = { - q: { - creator: "user" | "group" | "team"; - archived?: boolean; - active?: boolean; - groups?: unknown[]; - search?: string; - }; - sort?: ("+GameCreated" | "-GameCreated" | "+GameName" | "-GameName" | "+RootPlaceName" | "-RootPlaceName" | "+RootPlaceUpdated" | "-RootPlaceUpdated" | "+LastUpdated" | "-LastUpdated")[]; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type SearchUniverseData = { +export type DevelopPublishGameNotificationOptions = { + universeId: number; + gameUpdateText: unknown; +}; +export type DevelopPublishGameNotification = DevelopGetGameUpdatesHistory; +export type DevelopFilterPublishGameNotificationOptions = { + text: string; +}; +export type DevelopFilterPublishGameNotification = { + filteredGameUpdateText: string; + isFiltered: boolean; + moderationLevel: number; +}; +export type DevelopGetGroupUniversesOptions = { + groupId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type DevelopGetGroupUniverses = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { id: number; name: string; description: string; isArchived: boolean; - rootPlaceId: number; + rootPlaceId: number | null; isActive: boolean; - privacyType: "Public" | "Private"; - creatorType: "User" | "Group"; - creatorTargetId: number; + privacyType: "Private" | string; + creatorType: "Group" | string; + creatorTargetId: null; creatorName: string; created: string; updated: string; + }[]; }; -export type SearchUniverses = { - previousPageCursor: string | null; - nextPageCursor: string | null; - data: SearchUniverseData[]; -} -export type SearchToolboxOptions = { - category: string; - keyword?: string; - sort?: string; - creatorId?: number; - num?: number; - page?: number; - groupId?: number; - cacheMode?: "Normal" | "Bypass" | "ForceUpdate"; -} -export type SearchToolbox = { - TotalResults: number; - Results: { - Asset: { - Id: number; - Name: string; - TypeId: number; - AssetGenres: string[]; - IsEndorsed: boolean; - Description: string; - Duration: number; - Created: string; - Updated: string; - CreatedRaw: string; - UpdatedRaw: string; - }; - Creator: { - Id: number; - Name: string; - Type: number; - }; - Thumbnail: { - Final: boolean; - Url: string; - RetryUrl: string; - UserId: number; - EndpointType: string; - }; - Voting: { - ShowVotes: boolean; - UpVotes: number; - DownVotes: number; - CanVote: boolean; - UserVote: boolean; - HasVoted: number; - ReasonForNotVoteable: string; - Product: { - ProductId: number; - Price: number; - }; - }; - }[]; -} -export type GetUniverseOptions = { - universeId: number; -} -export type GetUniverse = GameUniverseOptions; -export type GetUniversePermissionsOptions = { - universeId: number; -} -export type GetUniversePermissions = { - canManage: boolean; - canCloudEdit: boolean; -} -export type GetUniversePlacesOptions = { - universeId: number; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetUniversePlaces = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: unknown[]; -} -export type GetUniverseStatisticsReportsOptions = { - universeId: number; -} -export type GetUniverseStatisticsReports = { - reports: { - universeId: number; - yearDashMonth: string; - status: "NotGenerated" | string; - spreadsheetId: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetUniverseStatisticsReportsByTimeOptions = { - universeId: number; - yearDashMonth: string; -} -export type GetUniverseStatisticsReportByTime = { +export type DevelopGetPlaceCompatibilitiesOptions = { + placeId: number; +}; +export type DevelopGetPlaceCompatibilities = { + Compatibilities: { + status: "Good" | string; + platformName: string; + crashRatePercentage: number; + }[]; +}; +export type DevelopUpdatePlaceConfigurationOptions = { + placeId: number; + name: string; + description: string; +}; +export type DevelopUpdatePlaceConfiguration = { + id: number; + universeId: number; + name: string; + description: string; +}; +export type DevelopGetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions = { + placeId: number; + type: "Revenue" | "RevenuePerVisit" | "AverageVisitLength" | "Visits"; + granularity?: "Hourly" | "Daily" | "Monthly"; + divisionType?: "Device" | "Age"; + startTime?: string; + endTime?: string; +}; +export type DevelopGetPlaceStatisticsByType = { + placeId: number; + dataType: DevelopGetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions["type"]; + dataGranularity: DevelopGetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions["granularity"]; + startTime: string; + endTime: string; + data: unknown; +}; +export type DevelopGetPluginsByIdOptions = { + pluginIds: number[]; +}; +export type DevelopGetPluginsById = { + data: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + commentsEnabled: boolean; + versionId: number; + created: string; + updated: string; + }[]; +}; +export type DevelopUpdatePluginOptions = { + pluginId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + commentsEnabled: boolean; +}; +export type DevelopUpdatePlugin = unknown; +export type DevelopSearchUniversesOptions = { + q: { + creator: "user" | "group" | "team"; + archived?: boolean; + active?: boolean; + groups?: unknown[]; + search?: string; + }; + sort?: ( + | "+GameCreated" + | "-GameCreated" + | "+GameName" + | "-GameName" + | "+RootPlaceName" + | "-RootPlaceName" + | "+RootPlaceUpdated" + | "-RootPlaceUpdated" + | "+LastUpdated" + | "-LastUpdated" + )[]; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type DevelopSearchUniverseData = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + isArchived: boolean; + rootPlaceId: number; + isActive: boolean; + privacyType: "Public" | "Private"; + creatorType: "User" | "Group"; + creatorTargetId: number; + creatorName: string; + created: string; + updated: string; +}; +export type DevelopSearchUniverses = { + previousPageCursor: string | null; + nextPageCursor: string | null; + data: DevelopSearchUniverseData[]; +}; +export type DevelopSearchToolboxOptions = { + category: string; + keyword?: string; + sort?: string; + creatorId?: number; + num?: number; + page?: number; + groupId?: number; + cacheMode?: "Normal" | "Bypass" | "ForceUpdate"; +}; +export type DevelopSearchToolbox = { + TotalResults: number; + Results: { + Asset: { + Id: number; + Name: string; + TypeId: number; + AssetGenres: string[]; + IsEndorsed: boolean; + Description: string; + Duration: number; + Created: string; + Updated: string; + CreatedRaw: string; + UpdatedRaw: string; + }; + Creator: { + Id: number; + Name: string; + Type: number; + }; + Thumbnail: { + Final: boolean; + Url: string; + RetryUrl: string; + UserId: number; + EndpointType: string; + }; + Voting: { + ShowVotes: boolean; + UpVotes: number; + DownVotes: number; + CanVote: boolean; + UserVote: boolean; + HasVoted: number; + ReasonForNotVoteable: string; + Product: { + ProductId: number; + Price: number; + }; + }; + }[]; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverse = DevelopGameUniverseOptions; +export type DevelopGetUniversePermissionsOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniversePermissions = { + canManage: boolean; + canCloudEdit: boolean; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniversePlacesOptions = { + universeId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniversePlaces = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: unknown[]; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseStatisticsReportsOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseStatisticsReports = { + reports: { universeId: number; yearDashMonth: string; status: "NotGenerated" | string; spreadsheetId: string; -} -export type DownloadUniverseStatisticsReportByTimeOptions = { - universeId: number; - yearDashMonth: string; + }[]; }; -export type DownloadUniverseStatisticsReportByTime = unknown; -export type MultiGetUniversesOptions = { - ids: number[]; -} -export type MultiGetUniverses = GameUniverseOptions[]; -export type MultiGetUniversesPermissionsOptions = { - ids: number[]; -} -export type MultiGetUniversesPermissions = { - data: { - universeId: number; - canManage: boolean; - canCloudEdit: boolean; - }[]; -} -export type ActivateUniverseOptions = { - universeId: number; -} -export type ActivateUniverse = unknown -export type DeactivateUniverseOptions = { - universeId: number; -} -export type DeactivateUniverse = unknown -export type GenerateUniverseStatisticReportsByTimeOptions = { - universeId: number; - yearDashMonth: string; -} -export type GenerateUniverseStatisticReportsByTime = unknown -export type GetUniverseConfigurationOptions = { - universeId: number; -} -export type GetUniverseConfiguration = { - id: number; - name: string; - universeAvatarType: "MorphToR6" | "MorphToR15"; - universeScaleType: "NoScales" | string; - universeAnimationType: "Standard" | string; - universeCollisionType: "InnerBox" | string; - universeBodyType: "Standard" | string; - universeJointPositioningType: "Standard" | string; - isArchived: boolean; - isFriendsOnly: boolean; - genre: "All" | string; - playableDevices: ("Computer" | string)[]; - isForSale: boolean; - price: number; -} -export type UpdateUniverseConfigurationOptions = Omit & { universeId: number }; -export type UpdateUniverseConfiguration = GetUniverseConfiguration; -export type GetUniverseVIPServersConfigurationOptions = { - universeId: number; -} -export type GetUniverseVIPServersConfiguration = { - isEnabled: boolean; - price: number; - activeServersCount: number; - activeSubscriptionsCount: number; -} -export type GetUniverseTeamCreateSettingsOptions = { - universeId: number; -} -export type GetUniverseTeamCreateSettings = { - isEnabled: boolean; -} -export type UpdateUniverseTeamCreateSettingsOptions = GetUniverseTeamCreateSettingsOptions; -export type UpdateUniverseTeamCreateSettings = unknown -export type RemoveUserFromUniverseTeamCreateOptions = { +export type DevelopGetUniverseStatisticsReportsByTimeOptions = { + universeId: number; + yearDashMonth: string; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseStatisticsReportByTime = { + universeId: number; + yearDashMonth: string; + status: "NotGenerated" | string; + spreadsheetId: string; +}; +export type DevelopDownloadUniverseStatisticsReportByTimeOptions = { + universeId: number; + yearDashMonth: string; +}; +export type DevelopDownloadUniverseStatisticsReportByTime = unknown; +export type DevelopMultiGetUniversesOptions = { + ids: number[]; +}; +export type DevelopMultiGetUniverses = DevelopGameUniverseOptions[]; +export type DevelopMultiGetUniversesPermissionsOptions = { + ids: number[]; +}; +export type DevelopMultiGetUniversesPermissions = { + data: { universeId: number; + canManage: boolean; + canCloudEdit: boolean; + }[]; +}; +export type DevelopActivateUniverseOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type DevelopActivateUniverse = unknown; +export type DevelopDeactivateUniverseOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type DevelopDeactivateUniverse = unknown; +export type DevelopGenerateUniverseStatisticReportsByTimeOptions = { + universeId: number; + yearDashMonth: string; +}; +export type DevelopGenerateUniverseStatisticReportsByTime = unknown; +export type DevelopGetUniverseConfigurationOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseConfiguration = { + id: number; + name: string; + universeAvatarType: "MorphToR6" | "MorphToR15"; + universeScaleType: "NoScales" | string; + universeAnimationType: "Standard" | string; + universeCollisionType: "InnerBox" | string; + universeBodyType: "Standard" | string; + universeJointPositioningType: "Standard" | string; + isArchived: boolean; + isFriendsOnly: boolean; + genre: "All" | string; + playableDevices: ("Computer" | string)[]; + isForSale: boolean; + price: number; +}; +export type DevelopUpdateUniverseConfigurationOptions = Omit< + DevelopGetUniverseConfiguration, + "id" +> & { universeId: number }; +export type DevelopUpdateUniverseConfiguration = + DevelopGetUniverseConfiguration; +export type DevelopGetUniverseVIPServersConfigurationOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseVIPServersConfiguration = { + isEnabled: boolean; + price: number; + activeServersCount: number; + activeSubscriptionsCount: number; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseTeamCreateSettingsOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type DevelopGetUniverseTeamCreateSettings = { + isEnabled: boolean; +}; +export type DevelopUpdateUniverseTeamCreateSettingsOptions = + DevelopGetUniverseTeamCreateSettingsOptions; +export type DevelopUpdateUniverseTeamCreateSettings = unknown; +export type DevelopRemoveUserFromUniverseTeamCreateOptions = { + universeId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export type DevelopRemoveUserFromUniverseTeamCreate = unknown; +export type DevelopGetUsersInUniverseTeamCreateOptions = { + universeId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type DevelopGetUsersInUniverseTeamCreate = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; userId: number; -} -export type RemoveUserFromUniverseTeamCreate = unknown -export type GetUsersInUniverseTeamCreateOptions = { - universeId: number; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetUsersInUniverseTeamCreate = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetSelfTeamCreateUniversesAccessOptions = { - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetSelfTeamCreateUniversesAccess = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: GameUniverseOptions[]; -} -export type GetSelfGroupsAccess = { - data: PartialGroupOptions[]; -} -export type GetNotificationsStatisticReports = { - data: { - UserId: number; - UniverseId: number; - Expires: number; - RootPlaceId: number; - GameName: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetStudioDataOptions = { - clientKey: string; -} -export type GetStudioData = unknown; -export type SetStudioDataOptions = { - clientKey: string; - data: unknown; -} -export type SetStudioData = { - success: boolean; -} -export type GetSelfUniversesOptions = { - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; +}; +export type DevelopGetSelfTeamCreateUniversesAccessOptions = { + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type DevelopGetSelfTeamCreateUniversesAccess = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: DevelopGameUniverseOptions[]; +}; +export type DevelopGetSelfGroupsAccess = { + data: PartialGroupOptions[]; +}; +export type DevelopGetNotificationsStatisticReports = { + data: { + UserId: number; + UniverseId: number; + Expires: number; + RootPlaceId: number; + GameName: string; + }[]; +}; +export type DevelopGetStudioDataOptions = { + clientKey: string; +}; +export type DevelopGetStudioData = unknown; +export type DevelopSetStudioDataOptions = { + clientKey: string; + data: unknown; +}; +export type DevelopSetStudioData = { + success: boolean; +}; +export type DevelopGetSelfUniversesOptions = { + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type DevelopGetSelfUniverses = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: DevelopGameUniverseOptions[]; +}; +export type DevelopCreateUniverseAliasOptions = { + name: string; + type: "Asset" | string; + targetId: number; +}; +export type DevelopCreateUniverseAlias = unknown; +export type DevelopDeleteUniverseAliasOptions = { + universeId: number; + name: string; +}; +export type DevelopDeleteUniverseAlias = unknown; +export type DevelopUpdateUniverseAliasOptions = + DevelopCreateUniverseAliasOptions; +export type DevelopUpdateUniverseAlias = unknown; +export type DevelopCreateDeveloperProductOptions = { + universeId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + priceInRobux: number; + iconImageAssetId?: number; +}; +export type DevelopCreateDeveloperProduct = { + id: number; + name: string; + Description: string; + shopId: number; + iconImageAssetId: number; +}; +export type DevelopUpdateDeveloperProductOptions = { + universeId: number; + developerProductId: number; + Name: string; + Description: string; + IconImageAssetId?: number; + PriceInRobux: number; +}; +export type DevelopUpdateDeveloperProduct = unknown; + +export class DevelopAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://develop.roblox.com/" + }); + } + + getGameTemplates(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/gametemplates` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body.data); + } + + getGameUpdatesHistory( + options: DevelopGetGameUpdatesHistoryOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/gameUpdateNotifications/${options.universeId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + publishGameUpdateNotification( + options: DevelopPublishGameNotificationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/gameUpdateNotifications/${options.universeId}`, + method: "POST", + json: `"${options.gameUpdateText}"` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + filterGameUpdateNotificationText( + options: DevelopFilterPublishGameNotificationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/gameUpdateNotifications/filter`, + method: "POST", + json: `"${options.text}"` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getGroupUniverses( + options: DevelopGetGroupUniversesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/universes`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getPlaceCompatibilities( + options: DevelopGetPlaceCompatibilitiesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}/compatibilities` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updatePlaceConfiguration( + options: DevelopUpdatePlaceConfigurationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getPlaceStatistics( + options: DevelopGetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}/stats/${options.type}`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + isPlaceAgeDataAvailable(options: { + placeId: number; + }): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}/is-age-data-available`, + method: "GET" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getDeveloperProductAggregation(options: { + placeId: number; + timeFrame: "Hourly" | "Daily" | "Monthly"; + }): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}/developer-product-aggregation`, + method: "GET", + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getCreatorDashboardMetadata(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/creator-dashboard-metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getTeamCreateSessionMembers(options: { + placeId: number; limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; cursor?: string; -} -export type GetSelfUniverses = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: GameUniverseOptions[]; -} -export type CreateUniverseAliasOptions = { - name: string; - type: "Asset" | string; - targetId: number; -} -export type CreateUniverseAlias = unknown -export type DeleteUniverseAliasOptions = { - universeId: number; - name: string; -} -export type DeleteUniverseAlias = unknown -export type UpdateUniverseAliasOptions = CreateUniverseAliasOptions; -export type UpdateUniverseAlias = unknown; -export type CreateDeveloperProductOptions = { - universeId: number; - name: string; - description: string; - priceInRobux: number; - iconImageAssetId?: number; -} -export type CreateDeveloperProduct = { - id: number; - name: string; - Description: string; - shopId: number; - iconImageAssetId: number; -} -export type UpdateDeveloperProductOptions = { - universeId: number; - developerProductId: number; - Name: string; - Description: string; - IconImageAssetId?: number; - PriceInRobux: number; -} -export type UpdateDeveloperProduct = unknown - -export default class DevelopAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://develop.roblox.com/" - }); - } - - - getGameTemplates (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/gametemplates` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body.data); - } - - getGameUpdatesHistory (options: GetGameUpdatesHistoryOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/gameUpdateNotifications/${options.universeId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - publishGameUpdateNotification (options: PublishGameNotificationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/gameUpdateNotifications/${options.universeId}`, - method: "POST", - json: `"${options.gameUpdateText}"` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - filterGameUpdateNotificationText (options: FilterPublishGameNotificationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/gameUpdateNotifications/filter`, - method: "POST", - json: `"${options.text}"` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getGroupUniverses (options: GetGroupUniversesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/universes`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getPlaceCompatibilities (options: GetPlaceCompatibilitiesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}/compatibilities` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updatePlaceConfiguration (options: UpdatePlaceConfigurationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getPlaceStatistics (options: GetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}/stats/${options.type}`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getMultiPlugins (options: GetPluginsByIdOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/plugins`, - qs: { - pluginIds: options.pluginIds.join(",") - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updatePlugin (options: UpdatePluginOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/plugins/${options.pluginId}`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - searchUniverses (options: SearchUniversesOptions): Promise { - const encodedQuery = `${options.q.search || ""} creator:${options.q.creator.slice(0, 1) - .toUpperCase() + options.q.creator.slice(1)} ${typeof options.q.active !== "undefined" ? `active:${options.q.active ? "True" : "False"}` : ""} ${options.q.archived ? `archived:${options.q.archived ? "True" : "False"}` : ""} ${options.q.groups ? `groups:${options.q.groups.join(",")}` : ""}`; - - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/search/universes`, - qs: { - ...options, - sort: (options.sort || []).join(","), - // End me, please... - q: encodedQuery - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - searchToolbox (options: SearchToolboxOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/toolbox/items`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getUniverse (options: GetUniverseOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getSelfUniversePermissions (options: GetUniversePermissionsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/permissions` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getPlacesInUniverse (options: GetUniversePlacesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/places`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getUniverseStatisticReports (options: GetUniverseStatisticsReportsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/statistic-reports` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getUniverseStatisticReportsByTime (options: GetUniverseStatisticsReportsByTimeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/statistic-reports/${options.yearDashMonth}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - downloadUniverseStatisticReportsByTime (options: DownloadUniverseStatisticsReportByTimeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/statistic-reports/${options.yearDashMonth}/download` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getMultiUniverses (options: MultiGetUniversesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/multiget`, - qs: { - ids: options.ids.join(",") - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getMultiUniversesPermissions (options: MultiGetUniversesPermissionsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/multiget/permissions`, - qs: { - ids: options.ids.join(",") - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - activateUniverse (options: ActivateUniverseOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/activate`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - deactivateUniverse (options: DeactivateUniverseOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/deactivate`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - generateUniverseStatisticReportsByTime (options: GenerateUniverseStatisticReportsByTimeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/statistic-reports/${options.yearDashMonth}/generate`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getUniverseConfiguration (options: GetUniverseConfigurationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/configuration` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateUniverseConfiguration (options: UpdateUniverseConfigurationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/configuration`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getUniverseVIPServersConfiguration (options: GetUniverseVIPServersConfigurationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/configuration/vip-servers` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getUniverseTeamCreateSettings (options: GetUniverseTeamCreateSettingsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/teamcreate` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateUniverseTeamCreateSettings (options: UpdateUniverseTeamCreateSettingsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/teamcreate`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - removeUserFromUniverseTeamCreate (options: RemoveUserFromUniverseTeamCreateOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/teamcreate/memberships`, - method: "DELETE", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getUniverseTeamCreateMembers (options: GetUsersInUniverseTeamCreateOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/teamcreate/memberships`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getSelfUniversesTeamCreateAccess (options: GetSelfTeamCreateUniversesAccessOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/user/teamcreate/memberships`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getSelfManageableGroups (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/user/groups/canmanage` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getSelfNotificationStatisticReports (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/user/notifications/statistic-reports` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getStudioData (options: GetStudioDataOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/user/studiodata`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - setStudioData (options: SetStudioDataOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/user/studiodata`, - method: "POST", - json: options, - qs: { - clientKey: options.clientKey - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getSelfUniverses (options: GetSelfUniversesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/user/universes`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - createUniverseAlias (options: CreateUniverseAliasOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.targetId}/aliases` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - deleteUniverseAlias (options: DeleteUniverseAliasOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/aliases/${options.name}`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateUniverseAlias (options: UpdateUniverseAliasOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.targetId}/aliases/${options.name}`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - createDeveloperProduct (options: CreateDeveloperProductOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/developerproducts`, - method: "POST", - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateDeveloperProduct (options: UpdateDeveloperProductOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/developerproducts/${options.developerProductId}/update`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + }): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/places/${options.placeId}/teamcreate/active_session/members`, + qs: { + limit: options.limit || 10, + cursor: options.cursor + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + setTeamCreateEnabled( + options: { universeId: number } & DevelopTeamCreateEnabled + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/teamcreate`, + method: "PATCH", + json: { isEnabled: options.isEnabled } + }, + json: true + }).then(() => true); + } + + getMultiPlugins( + options: DevelopGetPluginsByIdOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/plugins`, + qs: { + pluginIds: options.pluginIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updatePlugin( + options: DevelopUpdatePluginOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/plugins/${options.pluginId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + searchUniverses( + options: DevelopSearchUniversesOptions + ): Promise { + const encodedQuery = `${options.q.search || ""} creator:${ + options.q.creator.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + options.q.creator.slice(1) + } ${ + typeof options.q.active !== "undefined" + ? `active:${options.q.active ? "True" : "False"}` + : "" + } ${ + options.q.archived + ? `archived:${options.q.archived ? "True" : "False"}` + : "" + } ${options.q.groups ? `groups:${options.q.groups.join(",")}` : ""}`; + + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/search/universes`, + qs: { + ...options, + sort: (options.sort || []).join(","), + // End me, please... + q: encodedQuery + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + searchToolbox( + options: DevelopSearchToolboxOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/toolbox/items`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUniverse(options: DevelopGetUniverseOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUniverseLiveStats( + options: DevelopGetUniverseLiveStatsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/live-stats` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getSelfUniversePermissions( + options: DevelopGetUniversePermissionsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/permissions` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getPlacesInUniverse( + options: DevelopGetUniversePlacesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/places`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUniverseRevenueReports( + options: DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReportsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/revenue-reports`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUniverseRevenueReport( + options: DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReportOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/revenue-reports/${options.yearDashMonth}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + downloadUniverseRevenueReport( + options: DevelopGetUniverseRevenueReportOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/revenue-reports/${options.yearDashMonth}/download`, + method: "GET" + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUniverseStatisticReports( + options: DevelopGetUniverseStatisticsReportsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/statistic-reports` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUniverseStatisticReportsByTime( + options: DevelopGetUniverseStatisticsReportsByTimeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/statistic-reports/${options.yearDashMonth}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + downloadUniverseStatisticReportsByTime( + options: DevelopDownloadUniverseStatisticsReportByTimeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/statistic-reports/${options.yearDashMonth}/download` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getMultiUniverses( + options: DevelopMultiGetUniversesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/multiget`, + qs: { + ids: options.ids.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getMultiUniversesPermissions( + options: DevelopMultiGetUniversesPermissionsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/multiget/permissions`, + qs: { + ids: options.ids.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + activateUniverse( + options: DevelopActivateUniverseOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/activate`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + deactivateUniverse( + options: DevelopDeactivateUniverseOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/deactivate`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + generateUniverseStatisticReportsByTime( + options: DevelopGenerateUniverseStatisticReportsByTimeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/statistic-reports/${options.yearDashMonth}/generate`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUniverseConfiguration( + options: DevelopGetUniverseConfigurationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/configuration` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateUniverseConfiguration( + options: DevelopUpdateUniverseConfigurationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/configuration`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUniverseVIPServersConfiguration( + options: DevelopGetUniverseVIPServersConfigurationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/configuration/vip-servers` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUniverseTeamCreateSettings( + options: DevelopGetUniverseTeamCreateSettingsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/teamcreate` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + removeUserFromUniverseTeamCreate( + options: DevelopRemoveUserFromUniverseTeamCreateOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/teamcreate/memberships`, + method: "DELETE", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUniverseTeamCreateMembers( + options: DevelopGetUsersInUniverseTeamCreateOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/teamcreate/memberships`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getSelfUniversesTeamCreateAccess( + options: DevelopGetSelfTeamCreateUniversesAccessOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/teamcreate/memberships`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getSelfManageableGroups(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/groups/canmanage` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getSelfNotificationStatisticReports(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/notifications/statistic-reports` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getStudioData( + options: DevelopGetStudioDataOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/studiodata`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + setStudioData( + options: DevelopSetStudioDataOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/studiodata`, + method: "POST", + json: options, + qs: { + clientKey: options.clientKey + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getSelfUniverses( + options: DevelopGetSelfUniversesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/user/universes`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + createUniverseAlias( + options: DevelopCreateUniverseAliasOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.targetId}/aliases` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + deleteUniverseAlias( + options: DevelopDeleteUniverseAliasOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/aliases/${options.name}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateUniverseAlias( + options: DevelopUpdateUniverseAliasOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.targetId}/aliases/${options.name}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + createDeveloperProduct( + options: DevelopCreateDeveloperProductOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/developerproducts`, + method: "POST", + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateDeveloperProduct( + options: DevelopUpdateDeveloperProductOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/developerproducts/${options.developerProductId}/update`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/EconomyAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/EconomyAPI.ts index e5b415f6f..dffee4b7d 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/EconomyAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/EconomyAPI.ts @@ -1,342 +1,364 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; -import { SubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions as BillingAPISubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions } from "./BillingAPI"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { BillingSubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions } from "./BillingAPI"; - -export type GetAssetResaleDataOptions = { - assetId: number; -} -export type GetAssetResaleData = { - assetStock: number; - sales: number; - numberRemaining: number; - recentAveragePrice: number; - originalPrice: number; - priceDataPoints: { - value: number; - date: string; - }[]; - volumeDataPoints: { - value: number; - date: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetAssetResellersOptions = { - assetId: number; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetAssetResellers = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - userAssetId: number; - seller: { - id: number; - type: "User" | "Group"; - name: string; - }; - price: number; - serialNumber: number; - }[]; -} -export type GetUserResellableAssetCopiesOptions = { - userId: number; - assetId: number; -} -export type GetUserResellableAssetCopies = { - data: GetAssetResellers["data"]; -} -export type GetResaleTaxRate = { - taxRate: number; - minimumFee: number; -} -export type SetAssetCopiesOptions = { - assetId: number; +export type EconomyGetAssetResaleDataOptions = { + assetId: number; +}; +export type EconomyGetAssetResaleData = { + assetStock: number; + sales: number; + numberRemaining: number; + recentAveragePrice: number; + originalPrice: number; + priceDataPoints: { + value: number; + date: string; + }[]; + volumeDataPoints: { + value: number; + date: string; + }[]; +}; +export type EconomyGetAssetResellersOptions = { + assetId: number; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type EconomyGetAssetResellers = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { userAssetId: number; + seller: { + id: number; + type: "User" | "Group"; + name: string; + }; price: number; -} -export type SetAssetCopies = unknown -export type GetDeveloperExchangeAbility = { + serialNumber: number; + }[]; +}; +export type EconomyGetUserResellableAssetCopiesOptions = { + userId: number; + assetId: number; +}; +export type EconomyGetUserResellableAssetCopies = { + data: EconomyGetAssetResellers["data"]; +}; +export type EconomyGetResaleTaxRate = { + taxRate: number; + minimumFee: number; +}; +export type EconomySetAssetCopiesOptions = { + assetId: number; + userAssetId: number; + price: number; +}; +export type EconomySetAssetCopies = unknown; +export type EconomyGetDeveloperExchangeAbility = { + canCashOut: boolean; + meetsPremiumRequirement: boolean; + hasVerifiedEmail: boolean; + isUserBlackListed: boolean; + meetsMinimumCashOutBalance: boolean; + hasCashedOutThisMonth: boolean; + lastImbursementStatusIsValid: boolean; +}; +export type EconomyGetDeveloperExchangeHelp = unknown; +export type EconomyGetDeveloperExchangeInfoOptions = { + fromDevExPage: boolean; +}; +export type EconomyGetDeveloperExchangeInfo = { + hasCurrencyOperationError: boolean; + currencyOperationErrorMessage: string; + showOnlyExchangeRates: boolean; + meetsMembershipRequirements: boolean; + emailIsVerified: boolean; + isImbursementBlacklistUser: boolean; + canProceedToCashout: boolean; + showProgressBar: boolean; + percentRobux: number; + minRobuxToCashOut: number; + maxRobuxCanCashOut: number; + lastImbursementStatus: string; + lastImbursementSubmissionDate: string; + conversionPercent: number; +}; +export type EconomySubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions = + BillingSubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions; +export type EconomySubmitDeveloperExchange = { + submitted: boolean; + cashOutAbility: { canCashOut: boolean; meetsPremiumRequirement: boolean; hasVerifiedEmail: boolean; - isUserBlackListed: boolean; + isUserBlcakListed: boolean; meetsMinimumCashOutBalance: boolean; hasCashedOutThisMonth: boolean; lastImbursementStatusIsValid: boolean; -} -export type GetDeveloperExchangeHelp = unknown; -export type GetDeveloperExchangeInfoOptions = { - fromDevExPage: boolean; -} -export type GetDeveloperExchangeInfo = { - hasCurrencyOperationError: boolean; - currencyOperationErrorMessage: string; - showOnlyExchangeRates: boolean; - meetsMembershipRequirements: boolean; - emailIsVerified: boolean; - isImbursementBlacklistUser: boolean; - canProceedToCashout: boolean; - showProgressBar: boolean; - percentRobux: number; - minRobuxToCashOut: number; - maxRobuxCanCashOut: number; - lastImbursementStatus: string; - lastImbursementSubmissionDate: string; - conversionPercent: number; -} -export type SubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions = BillingAPISubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions; -export type SubmitDeveloperExchange = { - submitted: boolean; - cashOutAbility: { - canCashOut: boolean; - meetsPremiumRequirement: boolean; - hasVerifiedEmail: boolean; - isUserBlcakListed: boolean; - meetsMinimumCashOutBalance: boolean; - hasCashedOutThisMonth: boolean; - lastImbursementStatusIsValid: boolean; + }; + errors: unknown; +}; +export type EconomyGetGroupCurrencyOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export type EconomyGetGroupCurrency = { + robux: number; +}; +export type EconomyGetSelfCurrencyOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export type EconomyGetSelfCurrency = { + robux: number; +}; +export type EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions = { + groupId: number; + timeFrame: "Day" | "Week" | "Month" | "Year"; +}; +export type EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame = { + recurringRobuxStipend: number; + itemSaleRobux: number; + purchasedRoblox: number; + tradeSystemRobux: number; + pendingRobux: number; + groupPayoutRobux: number; +}; +export type EconomyGetSelfRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions = Omit< + EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions, + "groupId" +> & { + userId: number; +}; +export type EconomyGetSelfRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame = + EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame; +export type EconomyGetGroupTransactionsOptions = { + groupId: number; + transactionType: + | "Sale" + | "Purchase" + | "AffiliateSale" + | "DevEx" + | "GroupPayout" + | "AdImpressionPayout"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type EconomyGetGroupTransactions = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + created: string; + isPending: boolean; + agent: { + id: number; + type: "User" | "Group"; + name: string; }; - errors: unknown; -} -export type GetGroupCurrencyOptions = { - groupId: number; -} -export type GetGroupCurrency = { - robux: number; -} -export type GetSelfCurrencyOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type GetSelfCurrency = { - robux: number; -} -export type GetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions = { - groupId: number; - timeFrame: "Day" | "Week" | "Month" | "Year"; -} -export type GetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame = { - recurringRobuxStipend: number; - itemSaleRobux: number; - purchasedRoblox: number; - tradeSystemRobux: number; - pendingRobux: number; - groupPayoutRobux: number; -} -export type GetSelfRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions = Omit & { - userId: number; -} -export type GetSelfRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame = GetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame; -export type GetGroupTransactionsOptions = { - groupId: number; - transactionType: "Sale" | "Purchase" | "AffiliateSale" | "DevEx" | "GroupPayout" | "AdImpressionPayout"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetGroupTransactions = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - created: string; - isPending: boolean; - agent: { - id: number; - type: "User" | "Group"; - name: string; - }; - details: unknown; - currency: { - amount: number; - type: "Robux" | string; - }; - }[]; -} -export type GetSelfTransactionsOptions = Omit & { - userId: number; -} -export type GetSelfTransactions = GetGroupTransactions; + details: unknown; + currency: { + amount: number; + type: "Robux" | string; + }; + }[]; +}; +export type EconomyGetSelfTransactionsOptions = Omit< + EconomyGetGroupTransactionsOptions, + "groupId" +> & { + userId: number; +}; +export type EconomyGetSelfTransactions = EconomyGetGroupTransactions; -export default class EconomyAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://economy.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class EconomyAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://economy.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getAssetResaleData (options: GetAssetResaleDataOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/resale-data` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAssetResaleData( + options: EconomyGetAssetResaleDataOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/resale-data` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getAssetResellers (options: GetAssetResellersOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/resellers`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAssetResellers( + options: EconomyGetAssetResellersOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/resellers`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserResellableAssetCopies (options: GetUserResellableAssetCopiesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/users/${options.userId}/resellable-copies` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserResellableAssetCopies( + options: EconomyGetUserResellableAssetCopiesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/users/${options.userId}/resellable-copies` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getResaleTaxRate (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/resale-tax-rate` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getResaleTaxRate(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/resale-tax-rate` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - setAssetCopiesForSale (options: SetAssetCopiesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/resellable-copies/${options.userAssetId}`, - method: "PATCH", - json: { - price: options.price - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + setAssetCopiesForSale( + options: EconomySetAssetCopiesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/${options.assetId}/resellable-copies/${options.userAssetId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: { + price: options.price + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getDeveloperExchangeAbility (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/developer-exchange/cashoutAbility` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getDeveloperExchangeAbility(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange/cashoutAbility` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getDeveloperExchangeHelp (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/developer-exchange/help` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getDeveloperExchangeHelp(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange/help` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getDeveloperExchangeInfo (options: GetDeveloperExchangeInfoOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/developer-exchange/info`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getDeveloperExchangeInfo( + options: EconomyGetDeveloperExchangeInfoOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange/info`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - submitDeveloperExchange (options: SubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/developer-exchange/submit`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + submitDeveloperExchange( + options: EconomySubmitDeveloperExchangeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-exchange/submit`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGroupCurrency (options: GetGroupCurrencyOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/currency` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGroupCurrency( + options: EconomyGetGroupCurrencyOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/currency` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getSelfCurrency (options: GetSelfCurrencyOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/currency` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSelfCurrency( + options: EconomyGetSelfCurrencyOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/currency` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGroupRevenueByTime (options: GetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/revenue/summary/${options.timeFrame}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGroupRevenueByTime( + options: EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/revenue/summary/${options.timeFrame}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getSelfRevenueSummaryByTIme (options: GetSelfRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/revenue/summary/${options.timeFrame}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSelfRevenueSummaryByTIme( + options: EconomyGetSelfRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/revenue/summary/${options.timeFrame}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGroupTransactions (options: GetGroupTransactionsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/transactions`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGroupTransactions( + options: EconomyGetGroupTransactionsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/transactions`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getSelfTransactions (options: GetSelfTransactionsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/transactions`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSelfTransactions( + options: EconomyGetSelfTransactionsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/transactions`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/EconomyCreatorStatsAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/EconomyCreatorStatsAPI.ts index ff4c62ef1..dd7b46d79 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/EconomyCreatorStatsAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/EconomyCreatorStatsAPI.ts @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export type EconomyCreatorStatsGetUniverseStatsOptions = { + universeId: number; + type: "PremiumUpsells" | "PremiumVisits"; + startTime: string; + endTime: string; +}; +export type EconomyCreatorStatsGetUniverseStats = { + dataGranularity: "Hourly" | string; + data: unknown; +}; -export type GetUniverseStatsOptions = { - universeId: number; - type: "PremiumUpsells" | "PremiumVisits"; - startTime: string; - endTime: string; -} -export type GetUniverseStats = { - dataGranularity: "Hourly" | string; - data: unknown; -} - -export default class EconomyCreatorStatsAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://economycreatorstats.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class EconomyCreatorStatsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://economycreatorstats.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getUniverseStats (options: GetUniverseStatsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/stats`, - qs: { - "request.type": options.type, - "request.startTime": options.startTime, - "request.endTime": options.endTime - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUniverseStats( + options: EconomyCreatorStatsGetUniverseStatsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universes/${options.universeId}/stats`, + qs: { + "request.type": options.type, + "request.startTime": options.startTime, + "request.endTime": options.endTime + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/EngagementPayoutsAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/EngagementPayoutsAPI.ts index 47fec98d4..e06250c17 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/EngagementPayoutsAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/EngagementPayoutsAPI.ts @@ -1,32 +1,31 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export type EngagementPayoutsGetUniversePayoutHistoryOptions = { + universeId: number; + startDate: string; + endDate: string; +}; +export type EngagementPayoutsGetUniversePayoutHistory = unknown; -export type GetUniversePayoutHistoryOptions = { - universeId: number; - startDate: string; - endDate: string; -} -export type GetUniversePayoutHistory = unknown; - - -export default class EngagementPayoutsAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://engagementpayouts.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class EngagementPayoutsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://engagementpayouts.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getUniversePayoutHistory (options: GetUniversePayoutHistoryOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/universe-payout-history`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUniversePayoutHistory( + options: EngagementPayoutsGetUniversePayoutHistoryOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/universe-payout-history`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/FollowingsAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/FollowingsAPI.ts index e7c0c39d2..04ed9dc74 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/FollowingsAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/FollowingsAPI.ts @@ -1,88 +1,91 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type GetUserFollowedUniversesOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type GetUserFollowedUniverses = { - universeId: number; - userId: number; +export type FollowingsGetUserFollowedUniversesOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export type FollowingsGetUserFollowedUniverses = { + universeId: number; + userId: number; }[]; -export type GetUserFollowingUniverseStatusOptions = { - userId: number; - universeId: number; -} -export type GetUserFollowingUniverseStatus = { - UniverseId: number; - UserId: number; - CanFollow: boolean; - IsFollowing: boolean; - FollowingCountByType: number; - FollowingLimitByType: number; -} -export type UnFollowUniverseOptions = { - userId: number; - universeId: number; -} -export type UnFollowUniverse = { - universeId: number; - userId: number; -} -export type FollowUniverseOptions = UnFollowUniverseOptions; -export type FollowUniverse = UnFollowUniverse; +export type FollowingsGetUserFollowingUniverseStatusOptions = { + userId: number; + universeId: number; +}; +export type FollowingsGetUserFollowingUniverseStatus = { + UniverseId: number; + UserId: number; + CanFollow: boolean; + IsFollowing: boolean; + FollowingCountByType: number; + FollowingLimitByType: number; +}; +export type FollowingsUnFollowUniverseOptions = { + userId: number; + universeId: number; +}; +export type FollowingsUnFollowUniverse = { + universeId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export type FollowingsFollowUniverseOptions = FollowingsUnFollowUniverseOptions; +export type FollowingsFollowUniverse = FollowingsUnFollowUniverse; -export default class FollowingsAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://followings.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class FollowingsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://followings.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getUserFollowedUniverses (options: GetUserFollowedUniversesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/universes` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserFollowedUniverses( + options: FollowingsGetUserFollowedUniversesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/universes` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserFollowingUniverseStatus (options: GetUserFollowingUniverseStatusOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/universes/${options.universeId}/status` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserFollowingUniverseStatus( + options: FollowingsGetUserFollowingUniverseStatusOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/universes/${options.universeId}/status` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - unFollowUniverse (options: UnFollowUniverseOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/universes/${options.universeId}`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + unFollowUniverse( + options: FollowingsUnFollowUniverseOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/universes/${options.universeId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - followUniverse (options: FollowUniverseOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/universes/${options.universeId}`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + followUniverse( + options: FollowingsFollowUniverseOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/universes/${options.universeId}`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/FriendsAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/FriendsAPI.ts index 4094d0cf9..1759f096f 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/FriendsAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/FriendsAPI.ts @@ -1,512 +1,524 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; -import { GetUserFriendsCount, GetUserFriendsCountOptions } from "./GeneralAPI"; -import { PartialUser } from "../../structures/User"; -import { EnumUserPresence, UserPresence } from "../../interfaces/GeneralInterfaces"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { + GeneralGetUserFriendsCount, + GeneralGetUserFriendsCountOptions +} from "./GeneralAPI"; +import { PartialUser } from "../../old_structures/User"; +import { + EnumUserPresence, + UserPresence +} from "../../interfaces/GeneralInterfaces"; - -export type FindFriendByCodeOptions = { - code: string; -} -export type FindFriendByCode = { +export type FriendsFindFriendByCodeOptions = { + code: string; +}; +export type FriendsFindFriendByCode = { + userId: number; + username: string; + friendshipStatus: "NoFriendship" | string; +}; +export type FriendsCheckSessionHealth = unknown; +export type FriendsRedeemNearbyFriendCodeOptions = { + code: string; +}; +export type FriendsRedeemNearbyFriendCode = unknown; +export type FriendsDeleteSession = unknown; +export type FriendsGetOrCreateNearbySession = { + code: string; + expires: number; +}; +export type FriendsRedeemQRCodeOptions = { + code: string; +}; +export type FriendsRedeemQRCode = { + userId: number; + username: string; +}; +export type FriendsDeleteQRCodeSession = unknown; +export type FriendsGetOrCreateQRCodeSession = FriendsGetOrCreateNearbySession; +export type FriendsGetMetaDataOptions = { + targetUserId: number; +}; +export type FriendsGetMetaData = { + isFriendFinderEnabled: boolean; + isNearbyUpsellEnabled: boolean; + isFriendsUserDataStoreCacheEnabled: boolean; + userName: string; +}; +export type FriendsGetSelfFriendsCount = { + count: number; +}; +export type FriendsGetSelfFriendRequestsOptions = { + sortOrder?: "Desc" | "Asc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type FriendsGetSelfFriendRequests = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + description: string; + created: string; + isBanned: boolean; userId: number; username: string; - friendshipStatus: "NoFriendship" | string; -} -export type CheckSessionHealth = unknown -export type RedeemNearbyFriendCodeOptions = { - code: string; -} -export type RedeemNearbyFriendCode = unknown -export type DeleteSession = unknown -export type GetOrCreateNearbySession = { - code: string; - expires: number; -} -export type RedeemQRCodeOptions = { - code: string; -} -export type RedeemQRCode = { + }[]; +}; +export type FriendsGetSelfFriendRequestsCount = { + count: number; +}; +export type FriendsGetUserFollowersOptions = { + userId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type FriendsGetUserFollowers = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + isOnline: boolean; + isDeleted: boolean; + description: string; + created: string; + isBanned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + }[]; +}; +export type FriendsGetUserFollowersCountOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export type FriendsGetUserFollowersCount = { + count: number; +}; +export type FriendsGetUserFollowingOptions = FriendsGetUserFollowersOptions; +export type FriendsGetUserFollowing = FriendsGetUserFollowers; +export type FriendsGetUserFollowingCountOptions = + FriendsGetUserFollowersCountOptions; +export type FriendsGetUserFollowingCount = FriendsGetUserFollowersCount; +export type FriendsGetUserFriendsOptions = { + userSort?: "Alphabetical" | "StatusAlphabetical" | "StatusFrequents"; + userId: number; +}; +export type FriendsGetUserFriends = { + data: { + isOnline: boolean; + isDeleted: boolean; + description: string; + created: string; + isBanned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + }[]; +}; +export type FriendsGetUserOnlineFriendsOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export type FriendsGetUserOnlineFriends = { + data: { userId: number; username: string; + presence: { + placeId: number | null; + universeId: number | null; + UserPresenceType: UserPresence | null; + UserLocationType: string | null; + lastLocation: string | null; + gameInstanceId: string | null; + lastOnline: string | null; + }; + }[]; }; -export type DeleteQRCodeSession = unknown -export type GetOrCreateQRCodeSession = GetOrCreateNearbySession; -export type GetMetaDataOptions = { - targetUserId: number; -} -export type GetMetaData = { - isFriendFinderEnabled: boolean; - isNearbyUpsellEnabled: boolean; - isFriendsUserDataStoreCacheEnabled: boolean; - userName: string; -} -export type GetSelfFriendsCount = { - count: number; -} -export type GetSelfFriendRequestsOptions = { - sortOrder?: "Desc" | "Asc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetSelfFriendRequests = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - description: string; - created: string; - isBanned: boolean; - userId: number; - username: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetSelfFriendRequestsCount = { - count: number; -} -export type GetUserFollowersOptions = { - userId: number; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetUserFollowers = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - isOnline: boolean; - isDeleted: boolean; - description: string; - created: string; - isBanned: boolean; - id: number; - name: string; - }[]; +export type FriendsGetUserFriendsWithStatusesOptions = { + userId: number; + withUserIds: number[]; }; -export type GetUserFollowersCountOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type GetUserFollowersCount = { - count: number; -} -export type GetUserFollowingOptions = GetUserFollowersOptions; -export type GetUserFollowing = GetUserFollowers; -export type GetUserFollowingCountOptions = GetUserFollowersCountOptions; -export type GetUserFollowingCount = GetUserFollowersCount; -export type GetUserFriendsOptions = { - cursor?: string; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - userId: number; -} -export type GetUserFriends = { - data: { - isOnline: boolean; - isDeleted: boolean; - description: string; - created: string; - isBanned: boolean; - id: number; - name: string; - }[]; +export type FriendsGetUserFriendsWithStatuses = { + data: { + id: number; + status: "NotFriends" | string; + }[]; }; -export type GetUserOnlineFriendsOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type GetUserOnlineFriends = { - data: { - userId: number; - username: string; - presence: { - placeId: number | null; - universeId: number | null; - UserPresenceType: UserPresence | null; - UserLocationType: string | null; - lastLocation: string | null; - gameInstanceId: string | null; - lastOnline: string | null; - }; - }[]; +export type FriendsDeclineAllFriendRequests = unknown; +export type FriendsAcceptFriendRequestOptions = { + userId: number; }; -export type GetUserFriendsWithStatusesOptions = { - userId: number; - withUserIds: number[]; -} -export type GetUserFriendsWithStatuses = { - data: { - id: number; - status: "NotFriends" | string; - }[]; +export type FriendsAcceptFriendRequest = unknown; +export type FriendsDeclineFriendRequestOptions = + FriendsAcceptFriendRequestOptions; +export type FriendsDeclineFriendRequest = unknown; +export type FriendsFollowUserOptions = { + userId: number; }; -export type DeclineAllFriendRequests = unknown -export type AcceptFriendRequestOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type AcceptFriendRequest = unknown -export type DeclineFriendRequestOptions = AcceptFriendRequestOptions; -export type DeclineFriendRequest = unknown -export type FollowUserOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type FollowUser = { - success: boolean; - isCaptchaRequired: boolean; -} -export type SendFriendRequestOptions = { - userId: number; - source?: "Unknown" | string; -} -export type SendFriendRequest = { - success: boolean; - isCaptchaRequired: boolean; -} -export type UnFollowUserOptions = FollowUserOptions; -export type UnFollowUser = FollowUser; -export type UnfriendUserOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type UnfriendUser = unknown -export type GetSelfRecommendedUsers = { - user: PartialUser; - profileUrl: string; - presenceType: EnumUserPresence; +export type FriendsFollowUser = { + success: boolean; + isCaptchaRequired: boolean; +}; +export type FriendsSendFriendRequestOptions = { + userId: number; + source?: "Unknown" | string; +}; +export type FriendsSendFriendRequest = { + success: boolean; + isCaptchaRequired: boolean; +}; +export type FriendsUnFollowUserOptions = FriendsFollowUserOptions; +export type FriendsUnFollowUser = FriendsFollowUser; +export type FriendsUnfriendUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export type FriendsUnfriendUser = unknown; +export type FriendsGetSelfRecommendedUsers = { + user: PartialUser; + profileUrl: string; + presenceType: EnumUserPresence; }[]; -export default class FriendsAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://friends.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class FriendsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://friends.roblox.com/" + }); + } - findFriendByCode (options: FindFriendByCodeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/code/${options.code}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + findFriendByCode( + options: FriendsFindFriendByCodeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/code/${options.code}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - checkSessionHealth (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/health` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + checkSessionHealth(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/health` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - redeemFriendCode (options: RedeemNearbyFriendCodeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/code/${options.code}/redeem`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + redeemFriendCode( + options: FriendsRedeemNearbyFriendCodeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/code/${options.code}/redeem`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - deleteFriendSession (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/session`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + deleteFriendSession(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/session`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getSession (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/session`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSession(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/nearby/session`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - redeemFriendQRCode (options: RedeemQRCodeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/friends/verified/qr/${options.code}/redeem`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + redeemFriendQRCode( + options: FriendsRedeemQRCodeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/qr/${options.code}/redeem`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - deleteFriendQRSession (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/friends/verified/qr/session`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + deleteFriendQRSession(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/qr/session`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getFriendQRSession (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/friends/verified/qr/session`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getFriendQRSession(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/friends/verified/qr/session`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getMetaData (options: GetMetaDataOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/metadata`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getMetaData(options: FriendsGetMetaDataOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/metadata`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getSelfFriendsCount (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/my/friends/count` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSelfFriendsCount(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/my/friends/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getSelfFriendRequests (options: GetSelfFriendRequestsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/my/friends/requests`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSelfFriendRequests( + options: FriendsGetSelfFriendRequestsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/my/friends/requests`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getSelfFriendRequestsCount (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/user/friend-requests/count` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSelfFriendRequestsCount(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/user/friend-requests/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserFollowers (options: GetUserFollowersOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/followers`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserFollowers( + options: FriendsGetUserFollowersOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/followers`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserFollowersCount (options: GetUserFollowersCountOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/followers/count` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserFollowersCount( + options: FriendsGetUserFollowersCountOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/followers/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserFollowing (options: GetUserFollowingOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/followings`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserFollowing( + options: FriendsGetUserFollowingOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/followings`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserFollowingCount (options: GetUserFollowingCountOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/followings/count` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserFollowingCount( + options: FriendsGetUserFollowingCountOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/followings/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserFriends (options: GetUserFriendsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/friends`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserFriends( + options: FriendsGetUserFriendsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/friends`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserFriendsCount (options: GetUserFriendsCountOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/friends/count` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserFriendsCount( + options: GeneralGetUserFriendsCountOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/friends/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserFriendsOnline (options: GetUserOnlineFriendsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/friends/online` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserFriendsOnline( + options: FriendsGetUserOnlineFriendsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/friends/online` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserFriendsWithStatuses (options: GetUserFriendsWithStatusesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/friends/statuses`, - qs: { - userIds: options.withUserIds.join(",") - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserFriendsWithStatuses( + options: FriendsGetUserFriendsWithStatusesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/friends/statuses`, + qs: { + userIds: options.withUserIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - declineAllFriendRequests (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/user/friend-requests/decline-all`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + declineAllFriendRequests(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/user/friend-requests/decline-all`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - acceptFriendRequest (options: AcceptFriendRequestOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/accept-friend-request`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + acceptFriendRequest( + options: FriendsAcceptFriendRequestOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/accept-friend-request`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - declineFriendRequest (options: DeclineFriendRequestOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/decline-friend-request`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + declineFriendRequest( + options: FriendsDeclineFriendRequestOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/decline-friend-request`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - followUser (options: FollowUserOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/follow`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + followUser(options: FriendsFollowUserOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/follow`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - sendFriendRequest (options: SendFriendRequestOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/request-friendship`, - method: "POST", - json: { - friendshipOriginSourceType: options.source || "Unknown" - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + sendFriendRequest( + options: FriendsSendFriendRequestOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/request-friendship`, + method: "POST", + json: { + friendshipOriginSourceType: options.source || "Unknown" + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - unFollowUser (options: UnFollowUserOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/unfollow`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + unFollowUser( + options: FriendsUnFollowUserOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/unfollow`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - unfriendUser (options: UnfriendUserOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/unfriend`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + unfriendUser( + options: FriendsUnfriendUserOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/unfriend`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getRecommendedUsers (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/recommended-users` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getRecommendedUsers(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/recommended-users` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/GameInternationalizationAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/GameInternationalizationAPI.ts index adf07fe12..98c63667b 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/GameInternationalizationAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/GameInternationalizationAPI.ts @@ -1,252 +1,258 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type GetGameInfoOptions = { - gameId: number; -} -export type GetGameInfo = { - data: { - name: string; - description: string; - languageCode: string; - }[]; -} -export type UpdateGameInfoOptions = { - gameId: number; - data: GetGameInfo; -}; -export type UpdateGameInfo = { - successOperations: GetGameInfo["data"]; - failedOperations: { - languageCode: string; - errorCode: number; - }[]; -} -export type GetNameDescriptionMetaData = { - isNameDescriptionMigrationEnabled: boolean; -} -export type GetGameInfoHistoryOptions = { - gameId: number; - requestType: string; - languageCode: string; - cursor: string; - count: number; - sortOrder: "Asc" | "Desc" | string; -} -export type GetGameInfoHistory = { - history: { - translationText: string; - translator: { - id: number; - agentType: "User" | string; - }; - created: Date; - }[]; - lastEvaluatedId: string; -} -export type GetGameSourceLanguageOptions = { - gameId: number; -} -export type GetGameSourceLanguage = { +export type GameInternationalizationGetGameInfoOptions = { + gameId: number; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationGetGameInfo = { + data: { name: string; - nativeName: string; + description: string; languageCode: string; -} -export type UpdateGameSourceLanguageOptions = { - gameId: number; + }[]; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationUpdateGameInfoOptions = { + gameId: number; + data: GameInternationalizationGetGameInfo; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationUpdateGameInfo = { + successOperations: GameInternationalizationGetGameInfo["data"]; + failedOperations: { languageCode: string; -} -export type UpdateGameSourceLanguage = unknown -export type GetGameSupportedLanguagesOptions = { - gameId: number; -} -export type GetGameSupportedLanguages = { - data: { - name: string; - languageCodeType: string; - languageCode: string; - }[]; -} -export type ModifyGameSupportedLanguagesOptions = { - data: { - languageCodeType: string; - languageCode: string; - delete: boolean; - }[]; - gameId: number; + errorCode: number; + }[]; }; -export type ModifyGameSupportedLanguages = unknown -export type GetGameAutomaticTranslationResultsOptions = { - gameId: number; -} -export type GetGameAutomaticTranslationResults = { - data: { - languageCodeType: string; - languageCode: string; - isAutomaticTranslationEnabled: boolean; - }[]; -} -export type GetSupportedLanguagesMetaData = { - isFeatureEnabled: boolean; - areAllLanguagesEnabled: boolean; - minimumUniverseIdForFeature: number; - isHumanTranslationProgressUIEnabled: boolean; - isAutomaticTranslationProgressUIEnabled: boolean; - isSupportedLanguagesChildLocalesUIEnabled: boolean; -} -export type ToggleAutomaticGameTranslationOptions = { - gameId: number; +export type GameInternationalizationGetNameDescriptionMetaData = { + isNameDescriptionMigrationEnabled: boolean; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationGetGameInfoHistoryOptions = { + gameId: number; + requestType: string; + languageCode: string; + cursor: string; + count: number; + sortOrder: "Asc" | "Desc" | string; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationGetGameInfoHistory = { + history: { + translationText: string; + translator: { + id: number; + agentType: "User" | string; + }; + created: Date; + }[]; + lastEvaluatedId: string; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationGetGameSourceLanguageOptions = { + gameId: number; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationGetGameSourceLanguage = { + name: string; + nativeName: string; + languageCode: string; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationUpdateGameSourceLanguageOptions = { + gameId: number; + languageCode: string; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationUpdateGameSourceLanguage = unknown; +export type GameInternationalizationGetGameSupportedLanguagesOptions = { + gameId: number; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationGetGameSupportedLanguages = { + data: { + name: string; + languageCodeType: string; languageCode: string; - enableAutomaticTranslation: boolean; -} -export type ToggleAutomaticGameTranslation = { + }[]; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationModifyGameSupportedLanguagesOptions = { + data: { + languageCodeType: string; + languageCode: string; + delete: boolean; + }[]; + gameId: number; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationModifyGameSupportedLanguages = unknown; +export type GameInternationalizationGetGameAutomaticTranslationResultsOptions = + { gameId: number; + }; +export type GameInternationalizationGetGameAutomaticTranslationResults = { + data: { + languageCodeType: string; languageCode: string; isAutomaticTranslationEnabled: boolean; -} + }[]; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationGetSupportedLanguagesMetaData = { + isFeatureEnabled: boolean; + areAllLanguagesEnabled: boolean; + minimumUniverseIdForFeature: number; + isHumanTranslationProgressUIEnabled: boolean; + isAutomaticTranslationProgressUIEnabled: boolean; + isSupportedLanguagesChildLocalesUIEnabled: boolean; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationToggleAutomaticGameTranslationOptions = { + gameId: number; + languageCode: string; + enableAutomaticTranslation: boolean; +}; +export type GameInternationalizationToggleAutomaticGameTranslation = { + gameId: number; + languageCode: string; + isAutomaticTranslationEnabled: boolean; +}; -export default class GameInternationalizationAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://gameinternationalization.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class GameInternationalizationAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://gameinternationalization.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getGameInfo (options: GetGameInfoOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/name-description/games/${options.gameId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGameInfo( + options: GameInternationalizationGetGameInfoOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/name-description/games/${options.gameId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - updateGameInfo (options: UpdateGameInfoOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/name-description/games/${options.gameId}`, - method: "PATCH", - json: { - data: options.data - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + updateGameInfo( + options: GameInternationalizationUpdateGameInfoOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/name-description/games/${options.gameId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: { + data: options.data + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getNameDescriptionMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/name-description/metadata` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getNameDescriptionMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/name-description/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGameInfoHistory (options: GetGameInfoHistoryOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/name-description/games/${options.gameId}/history`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGameInfoHistory( + options: GameInternationalizationGetGameInfoHistoryOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/name-description/games/${options.gameId}/history`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGameSourceLanguage (options: GetGameSourceLanguageOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/source-language/games/${options.gameId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGameSourceLanguage( + options: GameInternationalizationGetGameSourceLanguageOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/source-language/games/${options.gameId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - updateGameSourceLanguage (options: UpdateGameSourceLanguageOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/source-language/games/${options.gameId}`, - method: "PATCH", - qs: { - languageCode: options.languageCode - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + updateGameSourceLanguage( + options: GameInternationalizationUpdateGameSourceLanguageOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/source-language/games/${options.gameId}`, + method: "PATCH", + qs: { + languageCode: options.languageCode + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGameSupportedLanguages (options: GetGameSupportedLanguagesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/supported-languages/games/${options.gameId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGameSupportedLanguages( + options: GameInternationalizationGetGameSupportedLanguagesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/supported-languages/games/${options.gameId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - modifyGameSupportedLanguages (options: ModifyGameSupportedLanguagesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/supported-languages/games/${options.gameId}`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options.data - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + modifyGameSupportedLanguages( + options: GameInternationalizationModifyGameSupportedLanguagesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/supported-languages/games/${options.gameId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options.data + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGameAutomaticTranslationStatus (options: GetGameAutomaticTranslationResultsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/supported-languages/games/${options.gameId}/automatic-translation-status` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGameAutomaticTranslationStatus( + options: GameInternationalizationGetGameAutomaticTranslationResultsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/supported-languages/games/${options.gameId}/automatic-translation-status` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getSupportedLanguagesMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/supported-languages/metadata` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSupportedLanguagesMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/supported-languages/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - toggleGameAutomaticTranslation (options: ToggleAutomaticGameTranslationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/supported-languages/games/${options.gameId}/languages/${options.languageCode}/automatic-translation-status`, - method: "PATCH", - json: String(options.enableAutomaticTranslation) - .toString() - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + toggleGameAutomaticTranslation( + options: GameInternationalizationToggleAutomaticGameTranslationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/supported-languages/games/${options.gameId}/languages/${options.languageCode}/automatic-translation-status`, + method: "PATCH", + json: String(options.enableAutomaticTranslation).toString() + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/GamesAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/GamesAPI.ts index 2802ce1dc..71dd65345 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/GamesAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/GamesAPI.ts @@ -1,568 +1,607 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; -import { GameUniverseOptions, PartialGameUniverse, PlaceOptions, VIPServerOptions } from "../../structures/Game"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { + GameUniverseOptions, + PartialGameUniverse, + PlaceOptions, + VIPServerOptions +} from "../../old_structures/Game"; +export type GamesGameServer = { + id: string; + maxPlayers: number; + playing: number; + fps: number; + ping: number; + name: string; + vipServerId: number; + accessCode: string; +}; -export type GameServer = { - id: string; - maxPlayers: number; - playing: number; - fps: number; - ping: number; - name: string; - vipServerId: number; - accessCode: string; -} - -export type GetGameUniversesOptions = { - universeIds: number[]; -} -export type GetGameUniverses = GameUniverseOptions[]; -export type GetGameServersByTypeOptions = { - placeId: number; - serverType: "Public" | "Friend" | "VIP"; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetGameServersByType = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: GameServer[]; -} -export type GetGamesProductInfoOptions = { - universeIds: number[]; -} -export type GameGamesProductInfo = { - data: { - universeId: number; - isForSale: boolean; - price: number; - sellerId: number; - productId: number; - }[]; +export type GamesGetGameUniversesOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; }; -export type ListGamesOptions = { - sortToken?: string; - gameFilter?: string; - timeFilter?: string; - genreFilter?: string; - exclusiveStartId?: number; - sortOrder?: string; - gameSetTargetId?: number; - keyword?: string; - startRows?: number; - maxRows?: number; - isKeywordSuggestionEnabled?: boolean; - contextCountryRegionId?: number; - contextUniverseId?: number; - pageContextPageId?: number; - pageContextSeeAll?: boolean; - sortPosition?: number; -} -export type ListGames = { - games: { - creatorId: number; - creatorName: string; - creatorType: "User" | "Group" | string; - upVotes: number; - downVotes: number; - universeId: number; - placeId: number; - playerCount: number; - imageToken: string; - users: { - userId: number; - gameId: string; - }[]; - isSponsored: boolean; - nativeAdData: string; - price: number; - analyticsIdentifier: string; - }[]; - suggestedKeyword: string; - correctedKeyword: string; - filteredKeyword: string; - hasMoreRows: boolean; - nextPageExclusiveStartId: number; - featuredSearchUniverseId: number; - emphasis: boolean; - cutOffIndex: number; - algorithm: string; - algorithmQueryType: string; - suggestionAlgorithm: string; -} -export type MultiGetPlacesOptions = { - placeIds: number[]; -} -export type MultiGetPlaces = PlaceOptions[]; -export type MultiGetGameUniversesPlayabilityOptions = { - universeIds: number[]; -} -export type MultiGetGameUniversesPlayability = { - playabilityStatus: "UnplayableOtherReason" | string; - isPlayable: boolean; - universeId: number; -}[]; -export type GetGameRecommendationsByAlgorithmOptions = { - algorithmName: string; - paginationKey?: string; - maxRows?: number; -} -export type GetGameRecommendationsByAlgorithm = { - games: ListGames["games"]; - nextPaginationKey: string | null; +export type GamesGetGameUniverses = GameUniverseOptions[]; +export type GamesGetGameServersByTypeOptions = { + placeId: number; + serverType: "Public" | "Friend" | "VIP"; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; }; -export type GetGameRecommendationsByGameOptions = { - universeId: number; - paginationKey?: string; - maxRows?: number; -} -export type GetGameRecommendationsByGame = GetGameRecommendationsByAlgorithm; -export type GetGameSortsOptions = { - gameSortsContext?: "GamesDefaultSorts" | "GamesAllSorts" | "HomeSorts" | "ChatSorts" | "UnifiedHomeSorts" | "GamesPageAbTestSorts1" | "GamesPageAbTestSorts2"; -} -export type GetGameSorts = { - sorts: { - token: string; - name: string; - displayName: string; - gameSetTargetId: null; - timeOptionsAvailable: boolean; - genreOptionsAvailable: boolean; - numberOfRows: number; - numberOfGames: null; - isDefaultSort: boolean; - contextUniverseId: null; - contextCountryRegionId: number; - tokenExpiryInSeconds: number; - }[]; - timeFilters: { - token: string; - name: string; - tokenExpiryInSeconds: number; - }[]; - genreFilters: { - token: string; - name: string; - tokenExpiryInSeconds: number; - }[]; - pageContext: { - pageId: string; - isSeeAllPage: boolean; - }; -} -export type IsGameFavoritedOptions = { - universeId: number; -} -export type IsGameFavorited = { - isFavorited: boolean; -} -export type ToggleGameFavoriteOptions = { - universeId: number; - favorite: boolean; -} -export type ToggleGameFavorite = unknown; -export type GetGameFavoriteCountOptions = { - universeId: number; -} -export type GetGameFavoriteCount = { - favoritesCount: number; -} -export type GetGameGamePassesOptions = { +export type GamesGetGameServersByType = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: GamesGameServer[]; +}; +export type GamesGetGamesProductInfoOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; +}; +export type GamesGameGamesProductInfo = { + data: { universeId: number; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetGameGamePasses = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - productId: number; - price: number; - }[]; -} -export type GetSelfUniverseVoteStatusOptions = { + isForSale: boolean; + price: number; + sellerId: number; + productId: number; + }[]; +}; +export type GamesListGamesOptions = { + sortToken?: string; + gameFilter?: string; + timeFilter?: string; + genreFilter?: string; + exclusiveStartId?: number; + sortOrder?: string; + gameSetTargetId?: number; + keyword?: string; + startRows?: number; + maxRows?: number; + isKeywordSuggestionEnabled?: boolean; + contextCountryRegionId?: number; + contextUniverseId?: number; + pageContextPageId?: number; + pageContextSeeAll?: boolean; + sortPosition?: number; +}; +export type GamesListGames = { + games: { + creatorId: number; + creatorName: string; + creatorType: "User" | "Group" | string; + upVotes: number; + downVotes: number; universeId: number; -} -export type GetSelfUniverseVoteStatus = { - canVote: boolean; - userVote: boolean; - reasonForNotVoteable: string; -} -export type GetGamesVotesOptions = { - universeIds: number[]; -} -export type GetGamesVotes = { - data: { - number: PartialGameUniverse; - upVotes: number; - downVotes: number; + placeId: number; + playerCount: number; + imageToken: string; + users: { + userId: number; + gameId: string; }[]; + isSponsored: boolean; + nativeAdData: string; + price: number; + analyticsIdentifier: string; + }[]; + suggestedKeyword: string; + correctedKeyword: string; + filteredKeyword: string; + hasMoreRows: boolean; + nextPageExclusiveStartId: number; + featuredSearchUniverseId: number; + emphasis: boolean; + cutOffIndex: number; + algorithm: string; + algorithmQueryType: string; + suggestionAlgorithm: string; }; -export type SetSelfGameVoteOptions = { - universeId: number; - vote: boolean; -} -export type SetSelfGameVote = unknown -export type CanSelfInviteUserToVIPServerOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type CanSelfInviteUserToVIPServer = { - canInvite: boolean; -} -export type GetVIPServerOptions = { - id: number; -} -export type GetVIPServer = VIPServerOptions; -export type UpdateVIPServerOptions = { - id: number; +export type GamesMultiGetPlacesOptions = { + placeIds: number[]; +}; +export type GamesMultiGetPlaces = PlaceOptions[]; +export type GamesMultiGetGameUniversesPlayabilityOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; +}; +export type GamesMultiGetGameUniversesPlayability = { + playabilityStatus: "UnplayableOtherReason" | string; + isPlayable: boolean; + universeId: number; +}[]; +export type GamesGetGameRecommendationsByAlgorithmOptions = { + algorithmName: string; + paginationKey?: string; + maxRows?: number; +}; +export type GamesGetGameRecommendationsByAlgorithm = { + games: GamesListGames["games"]; + nextPaginationKey: string | null; +}; +export type GamesGetGameRecommendationsByGameOptions = { + universeId: number; + paginationKey?: string; + maxRows?: number; +}; +export type GamesGetGameRecommendationsByGame = + GamesGetGameRecommendationsByAlgorithm; +export type GamesGetGameSortsOptions = { + gameSortsContext?: + | "GamesDefaultSorts" + | "GamesAllSorts" + | "HomeSorts" + | "ChatSorts" + | "UnifiedHomeSorts" + | "GamesPageAbTestSorts1" + | "GamesPageAbTestSorts2"; +}; +export type GamesGetGameSorts = { + sorts: { + token: string; name: string; - newJoinCode: boolean; - active: boolean; -} -export type UpdateVIPServer = VIPServerOptions; -export type CreateVIPServerOptions = { - universeId: number; + displayName: string; + gameSetTargetId: null; + timeOptionsAvailable: boolean; + genreOptionsAvailable: boolean; + numberOfRows: number; + numberOfGames: null; + isDefaultSort: boolean; + contextUniverseId: null; + contextCountryRegionId: number; + tokenExpiryInSeconds: number; + }[]; + timeFilters: { + token: string; name: string; - expectedPrice: number; -} -export type CreateVIPServer = GameServer; -export type UpdateVIPServerPermissionsOptions = { - id: number; - clanAllowed: boolean; - enemyClanId: number; - friendsAllowed: boolean; - usersToAdd: number[]; - usersToRemove: number[]; -} -export type UpdateVIPServerPermissions = { - clanAllowed: boolean; - enemyClanId: number; - friendsAllowed: boolean; - users: { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }[]; -} -export type UpdateVIPServerSubscriptionOptions = { + tokenExpiryInSeconds: number; + }[]; + genreFilters: { + token: string; + name: string; + tokenExpiryInSeconds: number; + }[]; + pageContext: { + pageId: string; + isSeeAllPage: boolean; + }; +}; +export type GamesIsGameFavoritedOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type GamesIsGameFavorited = { + isFavorited: boolean; +}; +export type GamesToggleGameFavoriteOptions = { + universeId: number; + favorite: boolean; +}; +export type GamesToggleGameFavorite = unknown; +export type GamesGetGameFavoriteCountOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type GamesGetGameFavoriteCount = { + favoritesCount: number; +}; +export type GamesGetGameGamePassesOptions = { + universeId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type GamesGetGameGamePasses = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { id: number; - active: boolean; - price: number; -} -export type UpdateVIPServerSubscription = { - active: boolean; - expired: boolean; - expirationDate: string; + name: string; + displayName: string; + productId: number; price: number; -} + }[]; +}; +export type GamesGetSelfUniverseVoteStatusOptions = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type GamesGetSelfUniverseVoteStatus = { + canVote: boolean; + userVote: boolean; + reasonForNotVoteable: string; +}; +export type GamesGetGamesVotesOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; +}; +export type GamesGetGamesVotes = { + data: { + number: PartialGameUniverse; + upVotes: number; + downVotes: number; + }[]; +}; +export type GamesSetSelfGameVoteOptions = { + universeId: number; + vote: boolean; +}; +export type GamesSetSelfGameVote = unknown; +export type GamesCanSelfInviteUserToVIPServerOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export type GamesCanSelfInviteUserToVIPServer = { + canInvite: boolean; +}; +export type GamesGetVIPServerOptions = { + id: number; +}; +export type GamesGetVIPServer = VIPServerOptions; +export type GamesUpdateVIPServerOptions = { + id: number; + name: string; + newJoinCode: boolean; + active: boolean; +}; +export type GamesUpdateVIPServer = VIPServerOptions; +export type GamesCreateVIPServerOptions = { + universeId: number; + name: string; + expectedPrice: number; +}; +export type GamesCreateVIPServer = GamesGameServer; +export type GamesUpdateVIPServerPermissionsOptions = { + id: number; + clanAllowed: boolean; + enemyClanId: number; + friendsAllowed: boolean; + usersToAdd: number[]; + usersToRemove: number[]; +}; +export type GamesUpdateVIPServerPermissions = { + clanAllowed: boolean; + enemyClanId: number; + friendsAllowed: boolean; + users: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; +}; +export type GamesUpdateVIPServerSubscriptionOptions = { + id: number; + active: boolean; + price: number; +}; +export type GamesUpdateVIPServerSubscription = { + active: boolean; + expired: boolean; + expirationDate: string; + price: number; +}; -export default class GamesAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://games.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class GamesAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://games.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getGames (options: GetGameUniversesOptions): Promise { - const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join("&universeIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games?${universeIdsQueryString}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGames( + options: GamesGetGameUniversesOptions + ): Promise { + const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join( + "&universeIds=" + )}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games?${universeIdsQueryString}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGameServersByType (options: GetGameServersByTypeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/${options.placeId}/servers/${options.serverType}`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGameServersByType( + options: GamesGetGameServersByTypeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.placeId}/servers/${options.serverType}`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGamesProductInfo (options: GetGamesProductInfoOptions): Promise { - const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join("&universeIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/games-product-info?${universeIdsQueryString}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGamesProductInfo( + options: GamesGetGamesProductInfoOptions + ): Promise { + const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join( + "&universeIds=" + )}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/games-product-info?${universeIdsQueryString}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - listGames (options: ListGamesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/list`, - qs: { - "model.sortToken": options.sortToken, - "model.gameFilter": options.gameFilter, - "model.timeFilter": options.timeFilter, - "model.genreFilter": options.genreFilter, - "model.exclusiveStartId": options.exclusiveStartId, - "model.sortOrder": options.sortOrder, - "model.gameSetTargetId": options.gameSetTargetId, - "model.keyword": options.keyword, - "model.startRows": options.startRows, - "model.maxRows": options.maxRows, - "model.isKeywordSuggestionEnabled": options.isKeywordSuggestionEnabled, - "model.contextCountryRegionId": options.contextCountryRegionId, - "model.contextUniverseId": options.contextUniverseId, - "model.pageContext.pageId": options.pageContextPageId, - "model.pageContext.isSeeAllPage": options.pageContextSeeAll, - "model.sortPosition": options.sortPosition - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + listGames(options: GamesListGamesOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/list`, + qs: { + "model.sortToken": options.sortToken, + "model.gameFilter": options.gameFilter, + "model.timeFilter": options.timeFilter, + "model.genreFilter": options.genreFilter, + "model.exclusiveStartId": options.exclusiveStartId, + "model.sortOrder": options.sortOrder, + "model.gameSetTargetId": options.gameSetTargetId, + "model.keyword": options.keyword, + "model.startRows": options.startRows, + "model.maxRows": options.maxRows, + "model.isKeywordSuggestionEnabled": + options.isKeywordSuggestionEnabled, + "model.contextCountryRegionId": options.contextCountryRegionId, + "model.contextUniverseId": options.contextUniverseId, + "model.pageContext.pageId": options.pageContextPageId, + "model.pageContext.isSeeAllPage": options.pageContextSeeAll, + "model.sortPosition": options.sortPosition + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getMultiPlaces (options: MultiGetPlacesOptions): Promise { - const placeIdsQueryString = `placeIds=${options.placeIds.join("&placeIds=")}`; + getMultiPlaces( + options: GamesMultiGetPlacesOptions + ): Promise { + const placeIdsQueryString = `placeIds=${options.placeIds.join( + "&placeIds=" + )}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/multiget-place-details?${placeIdsQueryString}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/multiget-place-details?${placeIdsQueryString}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getMultiGamesPlayabilityStatus (options: MultiGetGameUniversesPlayabilityOptions): Promise { - const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join("&universeIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/multiget-playability-status?${universeIdsQueryString}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getMultiGamesPlayabilityStatus( + options: GamesMultiGetGameUniversesPlayabilityOptions + ): Promise { + const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join( + "&universeIds=" + )}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/multiget-playability-status?${universeIdsQueryString}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGameRecommendationsByAlgorithm (options: GetGameRecommendationsByAlgorithmOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/recommendations/algorithm/${options.algorithmName}`, - qs: { - "model.paginationKey": options.paginationKey, - "model.maxRows": options.maxRows - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGameRecommendationsByAlgorithm( + options: GamesGetGameRecommendationsByAlgorithmOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/recommendations/algorithm/${options.algorithmName}`, + qs: { + "model.paginationKey": options.paginationKey, + "model.maxRows": options.maxRows + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGameRecommendationsByGame (options: GetGameRecommendationsByGameOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/recommendations/game/${options.universeId}`, - qs: { - "model.paginationKey": options.paginationKey, - "model.maxRows": options.maxRows - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGameRecommendationsByGame( + options: GamesGetGameRecommendationsByGameOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/recommendations/game/${options.universeId}`, + qs: { + "model.paginationKey": options.paginationKey, + "model.maxRows": options.maxRows + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGameSorts (options: GetGameSortsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/sorts`, - qs: { - "model.gameSortsContext": options.gameSortsContext - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGameSorts(options: GamesGetGameSortsOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/sorts`, + qs: { + "model.gameSortsContext": options.gameSortsContext + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - isGameFavorited (options: IsGameFavoritedOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/favorites` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + isGameFavorited( + options: GamesIsGameFavoritedOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/favorites` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - toggleGameFavorite (options: ToggleGameFavoriteOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/favorites`, - method: "POST", - json: { - isFavorited: options.favorite - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + toggleGameFavorite( + options: GamesToggleGameFavoriteOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/favorites`, + method: "POST", + json: { + isFavorited: options.favorite + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGameFavoriteCount (options: GetGameFavoriteCountOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/favorites/count` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGameFavoriteCount( + options: GamesGetGameFavoriteCountOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/favorites/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGameGamePasses (options: GetGameGamePassesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/game-passes`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGameGamePasses( + options: GamesGetGameGamePassesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/game-passes`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getSelfGameVote (options: GetSelfUniverseVoteStatusOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/votes/user` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSelfGameVote( + options: GamesGetSelfUniverseVoteStatusOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/votes/user` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGamesVotes (options: GetGamesVotesOptions): Promise { - const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join("&universeIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/votes?${universeIdsQueryString}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGamesVotes( + options: GamesGetGamesVotesOptions + ): Promise { + const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join( + "&universeIds=" + )}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/votes?${universeIdsQueryString}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - setSelfGameVote (options: SetSelfGameVoteOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/user-votes`, - method: "PATCH", - json: { - vote: options.vote - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + setSelfGameVote( + options: GamesSetSelfGameVoteOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/user-votes`, + method: "PATCH", + json: { + vote: options.vote + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - canSelfInviteUserToVIPServer (options: CanSelfInviteUserToVIPServerOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/vip-server/can-invite/${options.userId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + canSelfInviteUserToVIPServer( + options: GamesCanSelfInviteUserToVIPServerOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/vip-server/can-invite/${options.userId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getVIPServer (options: GetVIPServerOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/vip-servers/${options.id}`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getVIPServer(options: GamesGetVIPServerOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/vip-servers/${options.id}`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - updateVIPServer (options: UpdateVIPServerOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/vip-servers/${options.id}`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + updateVIPServer( + options: GamesUpdateVIPServerOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/vip-servers/${options.id}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - createVIPServer (options: CreateVIPServerOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/vip-servers/${options.universeId}`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + createVIPServer( + options: GamesCreateVIPServerOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/vip-servers/${options.universeId}`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - updateVIPServerPermissions (options: UpdateVIPServerPermissionsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/vip-servers/${options.id}/permissions`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + updateVIPServerPermissions( + options: GamesUpdateVIPServerPermissionsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/vip-servers/${options.id}/permissions`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - updateVIPServerSubscription (options: UpdateVIPServerSubscriptionOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/games/vip-servers/${options.id}/subscription`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + updateVIPServerSubscription( + options: GamesUpdateVIPServerSubscriptionOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/games/vip-servers/${options.id}/subscription`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/GeneralAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/GeneralAPI.ts index f350babb9..90d994972 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/GeneralAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/GeneralAPI.ts @@ -1,494 +1,512 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; -import { AssetVersionOptions, ProductOptions } from "../../structures/Asset"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { + AssetVersionOptions, + ProductOptions +} from "../../old_structures/Asset"; - -export declare type GetAssetVersionOptions = number; -export declare type AwardBadgeOptions = { - userId: number; - badgeId: number; - placeId: number; -} -export declare type GetUserFriendsOptions = { - userId: number; - page: number; -} -export declare type AcceptFriendRequestOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export declare type DeclineFriendRequestOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export declare type SendFriendRequestOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export declare type GetUserFriendsCountOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export declare type UnfriendUserOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export declare type IsUserFollowingOptions = { - userId: number; - followUserId: number; -} -export declare type FollowUserOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export declare type UnfollowUserOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export declare type GetUserGroupsOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export declare type GetGroupOptions = { - groupId: number; -} -export declare type GetGroupAlliesOptions = { - groupId: number; - page: number; -} -export declare type GetGroupEnemiesOptions = { - groupId: number; - page: number; -} -export declare type GetProductInfoOptions = { - assetId: number; -} -export declare type GetGamePassProductInfoOptions = { - gamePassId: number; -} -export declare type UserOwnsAssetOptions = { - userId: number; - assetId: number; -} -export declare type BlockUserOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export declare type UnblockUserOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export declare type GetUserByUsernameOptions = { - username: string; -} -export declare type UserCanManageAssetOptions = { - userId: number; - assetId: number; -} -export declare type GetUserByIdOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export declare type GetAssetVersions = AssetVersionOptions[]; -export declare type AwardBadge = boolean; -export declare type GetBalance = { - robux: number; -} -export declare type GetUserFriends = { - Id: number; - Username: string; - AvatarUri: string; - AvatarFinal: boolean; - IsOnline: boolean; +export declare type GeneralGetAssetVersionOptions = number; +export declare type GeneralAwardBadgeOptions = { + userId: number; + badgeId: number; + placeId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetUserFriendsOptions = { + userId: number; + page: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralAcceptFriendRequestOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralDeclineFriendRequestOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralSendFriendRequestOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetUserFriendsCountOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralUnfriendUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralIsUserFollowingOptions = { + userId: number; + followUserId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralFollowUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralUnfollowUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetUserGroupsOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetGroupOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetGroupAlliesOptions = { + groupId: number; + page: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetGroupEnemiesOptions = { + groupId: number; + page: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetProductInfoOptions = { + assetId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetGamePassProductInfoOptions = { + gamePassId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralUserOwnsAssetOptions = { + userId: number; + assetId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralBlockUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralUnblockUserOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetUserByUsernameOptions = { + username: string; +}; +export declare type GeneralUserCanManageAssetOptions = { + userId: number; + assetId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetUserByIdOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetAssetVersions = AssetVersionOptions[]; +export declare type GeneralAwardBadge = boolean; +export declare type GeneralGetBalance = { + robux: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetUserFriends = { + Id: number; + Username: string; + AvatarUri: string; + AvatarFinal: boolean; + IsOnline: boolean; }[]; -export declare type AcceptFriendRequest = boolean; -export declare type DeclineFriendRequest = boolean; -export declare type SendFriendRequest = boolean; -export declare type GetUserFriendsCount = { - count: number; +export declare type GeneralAcceptFriendRequest = boolean; +export declare type GeneralDeclineFriendRequest = boolean; +export declare type GeneralSendFriendRequest = boolean; +export declare type GeneralGetUserFriendsCount = { + count: number; }; -export declare type UnfriendUser = boolean; -export declare type IsUserFollowing = boolean; -export declare type FollowUser = boolean; -export declare type UnfollowUser = boolean; -export declare type GetUserGroups = { - id: number; +export declare type GeneralUnfriendUser = boolean; +export declare type GeneralIsUserFollowing = boolean; +export declare type GeneralFollowUser = boolean; +export declare type GeneralUnfollowUser = boolean; +export declare type GeneralGetUserGroups = { + id: number; + name: string; + emblemId: number | null; + emblemUrl: string | null; + role: { + rank: number; name: string; - emblemId: number | null; - emblemUrl: string | null; - role: { - rank: number; - name: string; - }; - inClan: boolean; - primary: boolean; + }; + inClan: boolean; + primary: boolean; }[]; -export declare type GetGroup = { +export declare type GeneralGetGroup = { + Name: string; + Id: number; + Owner: { Name: string; Id: number; - Owner: { - Name: string; - Id: number; - }; - EmblemUrl: string; - Description: string; - Roles: { - Name: string; - Rank: number; - }[]; -} -export declare type GetGroupAllies = { - Groups: GetGroup[]; - FinalPage: boolean; + }; + EmblemUrl: string; + Description: string; + Roles: { + Name: string; + Rank: number; + }[]; }; -export declare type GetGroupEnemies = GetGroupAllies -export declare type GetIncomingItems = { - unreadMessageCount: number; - friendRequestsCount: number; -} -export declare type GetProductInfo = ProductOptions; -export declare type GetGamePassProductInfo = ProductOptions; -export declare type UserOwnsAsset = boolean; -export declare type GetDeviceInfo = { - platformType: string; - deviceType: string; - operatingSystemType: string; -} -export declare type BlockUser = boolean; -export declare type UnblockUser = boolean; -export declare type GetUserById = { - id: number; - name: string; +export declare type GeneralGetGroupAllies = { + Groups: GeneralGetGroup[]; + FinalPage: boolean; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetGroupEnemies = GeneralGetGroupAllies; +export declare type GeneralGetIncomingItems = { + unreadMessageCount: number; + friendRequestsCount: number; +}; +export declare type GeneralGetProductInfo = ProductOptions; +export declare type GeneralGetGamePassProductInfo = ProductOptions; +export declare type GeneralUserOwnsAsset = boolean; +export declare type GeneralGetDeviceInfo = { + platformType: string; + deviceType: string; + operatingSystemType: string; +}; +export declare type GeneralBlockUser = boolean; +export declare type GeneralUnblockUser = boolean; +export declare type GeneralGetUserById = { + id: number; + name: string; }; -export declare type GetUserByUsername = GetUserById; -export declare type UserCanManageAsset = boolean; +export declare type GeneralGetUserByUsername = GeneralGetUserById; +export declare type GeneralUserCanManageAsset = boolean; -export default class GeneralAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - baseUrl: "https://api.roblox.com/", - client - }); - } +export class GeneralAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + baseUrl: "https://api.roblox.com/", + client + }); + } - getAssetVersions (options: GetAssetVersionOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `assets/${options}/versions` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAssetVersions( + options: GeneralGetAssetVersionOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `assets/${options}/versions` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - awardBadge (options: AwardBadgeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "assets/award-badge", - method: "POST", - qs: options - } - }) - .then(() => true); - } + awardBadge(options: GeneralAwardBadgeOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "assets/award-badge", + method: "POST", + qs: options + } + }).then(() => true); + } - getBalance (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "currency/balance" - } - }) - .then(response => response.body as GetBalance); - } + getBalance(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "currency/balance" + } + }).then((response) => response.body as GeneralGetBalance); + } - getUserFriends (options: GetUserFriendsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `users/${options.userId}/friends`, - qs: { - page: options.page - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserFriends( + options: GeneralGetUserFriendsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `users/${options.userId}/friends`, + qs: { + page: options.page + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - acceptFriendRequest (options: AcceptFriendRequestOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "user/accept-friend-request", - method: "POST", - qs: { - requesterUserId: options.userId - } - } - }) - .then(() => true as AcceptFriendRequest); - } + acceptFriendRequest( + options: GeneralAcceptFriendRequestOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "user/accept-friend-request", + method: "POST", + qs: { + requesterUserId: options.userId + } + } + }).then(() => true as GeneralAcceptFriendRequest); + } - declineFriendRequest (options: DeclineFriendRequestOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "user/decline-friend-request", - method: "POST", - qs: { - requesterUserId: options.userId - } - } - }) - .then(() => true as DeclineFriendRequest); - } + declineFriendRequest( + options: GeneralDeclineFriendRequestOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "user/decline-friend-request", + method: "POST", + qs: { + requesterUserId: options.userId + } + } + }).then(() => true as GeneralDeclineFriendRequest); + } - sendFriendRequest (options: SendFriendRequestOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "user/request-friendship", - method: "POST", - qs: { - recipientUserId: options.userId - } - } - }) - .then(() => true as SendFriendRequest); - } + sendFriendRequest( + options: GeneralSendFriendRequestOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "user/request-friendship", + method: "POST", + qs: { + recipientUserId: options.userId + } + } + }).then(() => true as GeneralSendFriendRequest); + } - getUserFriendsCount (options: GetUserFriendsCountOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "user/get-friendship-count", - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body.count); - } + getUserFriendsCount( + options: GeneralGetUserFriendsCountOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "user/get-friendship-count", + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body.count); + } - unfriendUser (options: UnfriendUserOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "user/unfriend", - method: "POST", - qs: { - friendUserId: options.userId - } - } - }) - .then(() => true as UnfriendUser); - } + unfriendUser( + options: GeneralUnfriendUserOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "user/unfriend", + method: "POST", + qs: { + friendUserId: options.userId + } + } + }).then(() => true as GeneralUnfriendUser); + } - isUserFollowing (options: IsUserFollowingOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "user/following-exists", - qs: options - } - }) - .then(response => response.body.isFollowing); - } + isUserFollowing( + options: GeneralIsUserFollowingOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "user/following-exists", + qs: options + } + }).then((response) => response.body.isFollowing); + } - followUser (options: FollowUserOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "user/follow", - method: "POST", - qs: { - followedUserId: options.userId - } - } - }) - .then(() => true as FollowUser); - } + followUser(options: GeneralFollowUserOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "user/follow", + method: "POST", + qs: { + followedUserId: options.userId + } + } + }).then(() => true as GeneralFollowUser); + } - unfollowUser (options: UnfollowUserOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "user/unfollow", - method: "POST", - qs: { - followedUserId: options.userId - } - } - }) - .then(() => true as UnfollowUser); - } + unfollowUser( + options: GeneralUnfollowUserOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "user/unfollow", + method: "POST", + qs: { + followedUserId: options.userId + } + } + }).then(() => true as GeneralUnfollowUser); + } - getUserGroups (options: GetUserGroupsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `users/${options.userId}/groups` - } - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserGroups( + options: GeneralGetUserGroupsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `users/${options.userId}/groups` + } + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGroup (options: GetGroupOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `groups/${options.groupId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGroup(options: GeneralGetGroupOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `groups/${options.groupId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGroupAllies (options: GetGroupAlliesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `groups/${options.groupId}/allies`, - qs: { - page: options.page - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGroupAllies( + options: GeneralGetGroupAlliesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `groups/${options.groupId}/allies`, + qs: { + page: options.page + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGroupEnemies (options: GetGroupEnemiesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `groups/${options.groupId}/enemies`, - qs: { - page: options.page - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGroupEnemies( + options: GeneralGetGroupEnemiesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `groups/${options.groupId}/enemies`, + qs: { + page: options.page + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getIncomingItems (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "incoming-items/counts" - }, - json: true - }) - .then((response: any) => ({ - friendRequestsCount: response.body.friendRequestsCount, - unreadMessageCount: response.body.unreadMessageCount - })); - } + getIncomingItems(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "incoming-items/counts" + }, + json: true + }).then((response: any) => ({ + friendRequestsCount: response.body.friendRequestsCount, + unreadMessageCount: response.body.unreadMessageCount + })); + } - getProductInfo (options: GetProductInfoOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "marketplace/productinfo", - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getProductInfo( + options: GeneralGetProductInfoOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "marketplace/productinfo", + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGamePassProductInfo (options: GetGamePassProductInfoOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "marketplace/game-pass-product-info", - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGamePassProductInfo( + options: GeneralGetGamePassProductInfoOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "marketplace/game-pass-product-info", + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - userOwnsAsset (options: UserOwnsAssetOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "ownership/hasasset", - qs: options - } - }) - .then(response => (response.body as string).includes("true") as UserOwnsAsset); - } + userOwnsAsset( + options: GeneralUserOwnsAssetOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "ownership/hasasset", + qs: options + } + }).then( + (response) => + (response.body as string).includes("true") as GeneralUserOwnsAsset + ); + } - getDeviceInfo (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "reference/deviceinfo" - } - }) - .then(response => ({ - deviceType: response.body.DeviceType, - operatingSystemType: response.body.OperationSystemType, - platformType: response.body.PlatformType - })); - } + getDeviceInfo(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "reference/deviceinfo" + } + }).then((response) => ({ + deviceType: response.body.DeviceType, + operatingSystemType: response.body.OperationSystemType, + platformType: response.body.PlatformType + })); + } - blockUser (options: BlockUserOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "userblock/block", - qs: options, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body.success === true as BlockUser); - } + blockUser(options: GeneralBlockUserOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "userblock/block", + qs: options, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body.success === (true as GeneralBlockUser)); + } - unblockUser (options: UnblockUserOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: "userblock/unblock", - qs: options, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body.success === true as UnblockUser); - } + unblockUser(options: GeneralUnblockUserOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: "userblock/unblock", + qs: options, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then( + (response) => response.body.success === (true as GeneralUnblockUser) + ); + } - getUserById (options: GetUserByIdOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `users/${options.userId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => ({ - id: response.body.Id, - name: response.body.Username - })); - } + getUserById(options: GeneralGetUserByIdOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `users/${options.userId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => ({ + id: response.body.Id, + name: response.body.Username + })); + } - getUserByUsername (options: GetUserByUsernameOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: "users/get-by-username", - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => ({ - id: response.body.Id, - name: response.body.Username - })); - } + getUserByUsername( + options: GeneralGetUserByUsernameOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: "users/get-by-username", + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => ({ + id: response.body.Id, + name: response.body.Username + })); + } - userCanManageAsset (options: UserCanManageAssetOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `users/${options.userId}/canmanage/${options.assetId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body.CanManage === true as UserCanManageAsset); - } + userCanManageAsset( + options: GeneralUserCanManageAssetOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `users/${options.userId}/canmanage/${options.assetId}` + }, + json: true + }).then( + (response) => + response.body.CanManage === (true as GeneralUserCanManageAsset) + ); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/GroupsAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/GroupsAPI.ts index bda2a11ac..b2f35533f 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/GroupsAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/GroupsAPI.ts @@ -1,1312 +1,1473 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; -import { GroupOptions, GroupRoleOptions, GroupRolePermissionsOptions } from "../../structures/Group"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type GetGroupOptions = { - groupId: number; -} -export type GetGroup = { +export type GroupsGroupRolePermissionsOptions = { + groupId: number; + role: { id: number; name: string; description: string; - owner: { - buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - }; - shout: { - body: string; - poster: { - buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - }; - created: string; - updated: string; - }; + rank: number; memberCount: number; - isBuildersClubOnly: boolean; - publicEntryAllowed: boolean; - isLocked: boolean; -} -export type GetMultiGroupsOptions = { - groupIds: number[]; -} -export type GetMultiGroups = { - data: GroupOptions[]; -} -export type GetGroupAuditLogsOptions = { - groupId: number; - actionType: "DeletePost" | "RemoveMember" | "AcceptJoinRequest" | "DeclineJoinRequest" | "PostStatus" | "ChangeRank" | "BuyAd" | "SendAllyRequest" | "CreateEnemy" | "AcceptAllyRequest" | "DeclineAllyRequest" | "DeleteAlly" | "DeleteEnemy" | "AddGroupPlace" | "RemoveGroupPlace" | "CreateItems" | "ConfigureItems" | "SpendGroupFunds" | "ChangeOwner" | "Delete" | "AdjustCurrencyAmounts" | "Abandon" | "Claim" | "Rename" | "ChangeDescription" | "InviteToClan" | "KickFromClan" | "CancelCLanInvite" | "BuyClan" | "CreateGroupAsset" | "UpdateGroupAsset" | "ConfigureGroupAsset" | "RevertGroupAsset" | "CreateGroupDeveloperProduct" | "ConfigureGroupGame" | "Lock" | "Unlock" | "CreateGamePass" | "CreateBadge" | "ConfigureBadge" | "SavePlace" | "PublishPlace"; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetGroupAuditLogs = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - actor: { - user: { - buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - }; - role: { - id: number; - name: string; - description: string; - rank: number; - memberCount: number; - }; - }; - actionType: string; - description: unknown; - created: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetGroupSettingsOptions = { - groupId: number; -} -export type GetGroupSettings = { - groupId: number; - isApprovalRequired: boolean; - isBuildersClubRequired: boolean; - areEnemiesAllowed: boolean; - areGroupFundsVisible: boolean; - areGroupGamesVisible: boolean; -} -export type UpdateGroupSettingsOptions = GetGroupSettings; -export type UpdateGroupSettings = unknown -export type GetGroupConfigurationMetaData = { - groupConfiguration: { - nameMaxLength: number; - descriptionMaxLength: number; - iconMaxFileSizeMb: number; - cost: number; + }; + permissions: { + groupPostsPermissions: { + viewWall: boolean; + postToWall: boolean; + deleteFromWall: boolean; + viewStatus: boolean; + postToStatus: boolean; }; - recurringPayoutsConfiguration: { - maxPayoutPartners: number; + groupMembershipPermissions: { + changeRank: boolean; + inviteMembers: boolean; + removeMembers: boolean; }; - roleConfiguration: { - nameMaxLength: number; - descriptionMaxLength: number; - limit: number; - cost: number; - minRank: number; - maxRank: number; + groupManagementPermissions: { + manageRelationships: boolean; + manageClan: boolean; + viewAuditLogs: boolean; }; - isPremiumPayoutsEnabled: boolean; - isDefaultEmblemPolicyEnabled: boolean; -} -export type GetGroupsMetaData = { - groupLimit: number; - currentGroupCount: number; - groupStatusMaxLength: number; - areProfileGroupsHidden: boolean; - isGroupDetailsPolicyEnabled: boolean; -} -export type CreateGroupOptions = { - name: string; - description: string; - publicGroup: boolean; - buildersClubMembersOnly: boolean; - files: unknown; -} -export type CreateGroup = GroupOptions; -export type UpdateGroupDescriptionOptions = { - groupId: number; - description: string; -} -export type UpdateGroupDescription = { - newDescription: string; -} -export type UpdateGroupStatusOptions = { - groupId: number; - message: string; -} -export type UpdateGroupStatus = GroupOptions["shout"]; -export type UpdateGroupIconOptions = { - groupId: number; - files: unknown; -} -export type UpdateGroupIcon = unknown -export type DeclineJoinRequestsOptions = { - groupId: number; - userIds: number[]; -} -export type DeclineJoinRequests = unknown -export type GetJoinRequestsOptions = { - groupId: number; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetJoinRequests = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - requester: { - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - }; - created: string; - }[]; -} -export type AcceptJoinRequestsOptions = { - groupId: number; - userIds: number[]; -} -export type AcceptJoinRequests = unknown -export type DeclineJoinRequestOptions = { - groupId: number; - userId: number; -} -export type DeclineJoinRequest = unknown -export type GetJoinRequestOptions = { - groupId: number; + groupEconomyPermissions: { + spendGroupFunds: boolean; + advertiseGroup: boolean; + createItems: boolean; + manageItems: boolean; + addGroupPlaces: boolean; + manageGroupGames: boolean; + viewGroupPayouts: boolean; + }; + }; +}; +export type GroupsGroupRoleOptions = { + id?: number; + name?: string; + rank?: number; + group: { + id: number; + name?: string; + }; +}; +export type GroupsGroupOptions = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + owner: { + buildersClubMembershipType: string; userId: number; -} -export type GetJoinRequest = GetJoinRequests["data"][0]; -export type AcceptJoinRequestOptions = { - groupId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + } | null; + shout: { + body: string; + poster: { + buildersClubMembershipType: string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + created: string; + updated: string; + } | null; + memberCount: number; + isBuildersClubOnly: boolean; + publicEntryAllowed: boolean; + isLocked: boolean; +}; +export type GroupsGetGroupOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export type GroupsGetGroup = { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + owner: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; userId: number; -} -export type AcceptJoinRequest = unknown -export type GetSelfGroupMembershipOptions = { - groupId: number; -} -export type GetSelfGroupMembership = { - groupId: number; - isPrimary: boolean; - isPendingJoin: boolean; - userRole: { - user: { - buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - }; - role: { - id: number; - name: string; - description: string; - rank: number; - memberCount: number; - }; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + shout: { + body: string; + poster: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; }; - permissions: GroupRolePermissionsOptions["permissions"]; + created: string; + updated: string; + }; + memberCount: number; + isBuildersClubOnly: boolean; + publicEntryAllowed: boolean; + isLocked: boolean; }; -export type GetGroupRolesOptions = { - groupId: number; -} -export type GetGroupRoles = { - groupId: number; - roles: { +export type GroupsGetMultiGroupsOptions = { + groupIds: number[]; +}; +export type GroupsGetMultiGroups = { + data: GroupsGroupOptions[]; +}; +export type GroupsGetGroupAuditLogsOptions = { + groupId: number; + actionType: + | "DeletePost" + | "RemoveMember" + | "AcceptJoinRequest" + | "DeclineJoinRequest" + | "PostStatus" + | "ChangeRank" + | "BuyAd" + | "SendAllyRequest" + | "CreateEnemy" + | "AcceptAllyRequest" + | "DeclineAllyRequest" + | "DeleteAlly" + | "DeleteEnemy" + | "AddGroupPlace" + | "RemoveGroupPlace" + | "CreateItems" + | "ConfigureItems" + | "SpendGroupFunds" + | "ChangeOwner" + | "Delete" + | "AdjustCurrencyAmounts" + | "Abandon" + | "Claim" + | "Rename" + | "ChangeDescription" + | "InviteToClan" + | "KickFromClan" + | "CancelCLanInvite" + | "BuyClan" + | "CreateGroupAsset" + | "UpdateGroupAsset" + | "ConfigureGroupAsset" + | "RevertGroupAsset" + | "CreateGroupDeveloperProduct" + | "ConfigureGroupGame" + | "Lock" + | "Unlock" + | "CreateGamePass" + | "CreateBadge" + | "ConfigureBadge" + | "SavePlace" + | "PublishPlace"; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type GroupsGetGroupAuditLogs = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + actor: { + user: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + role: { id: number; name: string; description: string; rank: number; memberCount: number; - }[]; -} -export type GetMembersWithRoleOptions = { - groupId: number; - roleId: number; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetMembersWithRole = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetMembersOptions = { - groupId: number; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetMembers = GetMembersWithRole; -export type JoinGroupOptions = { - groupId: number; - captchaToken: string; - captchaProvider: "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" | string; -} -export type JoinGroup = unknown -export type GetSelfPendingGroupJoins = { - data: GroupOptions[]; -} -export type GetUserGroupsOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type GetUserGroups = { - data: { - group: GroupOptions; - role: GetGroupRoles["roles"][0]; - }[]; -} -export type ChangeOwnerOptions = { - groupId: number; - userId: number; -} -export type ChangeOwner = unknown -export type ClaimGroupOptions = { - groupId: number; -} -export type ClaimGroup = unknown -export type KickMemberOptions = { - groupId: number; + }; + }; + actionType: string; + description: unknown; + created: string; + }[]; +}; +export type GroupsGetGroupSettingsOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export type GroupsGetGroupSettings = { + groupId: number; + isApprovalRequired: boolean; + isBuildersClubRequired: boolean; + areEnemiesAllowed: boolean; + areGroupFundsVisible: boolean; + areGroupGamesVisible: boolean; +}; +export type GroupsUpdateGroupSettingsOptions = GroupsGetGroupSettings; +export type GroupsUpdateGroupSettings = unknown; +export type GroupsGetGroupConfigurationMetaData = { + groupConfiguration: { + nameMaxLength: number; + descriptionMaxLength: number; + iconMaxFileSizeMb: number; + cost: number; + }; + recurringPayoutsConfiguration: { + maxPayoutPartners: number; + }; + roleConfiguration: { + nameMaxLength: number; + descriptionMaxLength: number; + limit: number; + cost: number; + minRank: number; + maxRank: number; + }; + isPremiumPayoutsEnabled: boolean; + isDefaultEmblemPolicyEnabled: boolean; +}; +export type GroupsGetGroupsMetaData = { + groupLimit: number; + currentGroupCount: number; + groupStatusMaxLength: number; + groupPostMaxLength: number; + isGroupWallNotificationsEnabled: boolean; + groupWallNotificationsSubscribeIntervalInMilliseconds: number; + areProfileGroupsHidden: boolean; + isGroupDetailsPolicyEnabled: boolean; + showPreviousGroupNames: boolean; +}; +export type GroupsCreateGroupOptions = { + name: string; + description: string; + publicGroup: boolean; + buildersClubMembersOnly: boolean; + files: unknown; +}; +export type GroupsCreateGroup = GroupsGroupOptions; +export type GroupsUpdateGroupDescriptionOptions = { + groupId: number; + description: string; +}; +export type GroupsUpdateGroupDescription = { + newDescription: string; +}; +export type GroupsUpdateGroupStatusOptions = { + groupId: number; + message: string; +}; +export type GroupsUpdateGroupStatus = GroupsGroupOptions["shout"]; +export type GroupsUpdateGroupIconOptions = { + groupId: number; + files: unknown; +}; +export type GroupsUpdateGroupIcon = unknown; +export type GroupsDeclineJoinRequestsOptions = { + groupId: number; + userIds: number[]; +}; +export type GroupsDeclineJoinRequests = unknown; +export type GroupsGetJoinRequestsOptions = { + groupId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type GroupsGetJoinRequests = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + requester: { + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + created: string; + }[]; +}; +export type GroupsAcceptJoinRequestsOptions = { + groupId: number; + userIds: number[]; +}; +export type GroupsAcceptJoinRequests = unknown; +export type GroupsDeclineJoinRequestOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export type GroupsDeclineJoinRequest = unknown; +export type GroupsGetJoinRequestOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export type GroupsGetJoinRequest = GroupsGetJoinRequests["data"][0]; +export type GroupsAcceptJoinRequestOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export type GroupsAcceptJoinRequest = unknown; +export type GroupsGetSelfGroupMembershipOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export type GroupsGetSelfGroupMembership = { + groupId: number; + isPrimary: boolean; + isPendingJoin: boolean; + userRole: { + user: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + role: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; + memberCount: number; + }; + }; + permissions: GroupsGroupRolePermissionsOptions["permissions"]; +}; +export type GroupsGetGroupRolesOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export type GroupsGetGroupRoles = { + groupId: number; + roles: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; + memberCount: number; + }[]; +}; +export type GroupsGetMembersWithRoleOptions = { + groupId: number; + roleId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type GroupsGetMembersWithRole = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; userId: number; -} -export type KickMember = unknown -export type UpdateMemberOptions = { - groupId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; +}; +export type GroupsGetMembersOptions = { + groupId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type GroupsGetMembers = GroupsGetMembersWithRole; +export type GroupsJoinGroupOptions = { + groupId: number; + captchaToken: string; + captchaProvider: "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" | string; +}; +export type GroupsJoinGroup = unknown; +export type GroupsGetSelfPendingGroupJoins = { + data: GroupsGroupOptions[]; +}; +export type GroupsGetUserGroupsOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export type GroupsGetUserGroups = { + data: { + group: GroupsGroupOptions; + role: GroupsGetGroupRoles["roles"][0]; + }[]; +}; +export type GroupsChangeOwnerOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export type GroupsChangeOwner = unknown; +export type GroupsClaimGroupOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export type GroupsClaimGroup = unknown; +export type GroupsKickMemberOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export type GroupsKickMember = unknown; +export type GroupsUpdateMemberOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; + roleId: number; +}; +export type GroupsUpdateMember = unknown; +export type GroupsGetGroupPayoutsOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export type GroupsGetGroupPayouts = { + data: { + user: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + percentage: number; + }[]; +}; +export type GroupsPayoutMembersOptions = { + groupId: number; + users: { userId: number; - roleId: number; -} -export type UpdateMember = unknown -export type GetGroupPayoutsOptions = { - groupId: number; -} -export type GetGroupPayouts = { - data: { - user: { - buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - }; - percentage: number; - }[]; -} -export type PayoutMembersOptions = { - groupId: number; - users: { - userId: number; - amount: number; - }[]; - type: "FixedAmount" | "Percentage" | string; -} -export type PayoutMembers = unknown -export type UpdateRecurringPayoutsOptions = PayoutMembersOptions -export type UpdateRecurringPayouts = unknown -export type GetGroupRelationshipsOptions = { - groupId: number; - relationshipType: "enemies" | "allies"; - startRowIndex?: number; - maxRows?: number; -} -export type GetGroupRelationships = { - groupId: number; - relationshipType: GetGroupRelationshipsOptions["relationshipType"]; - totalGroupCount: number; - relatedGroups: GroupOptions[]; - nextRowIndex: number; -} -export type DeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions = { - groupId: number; - relationshipType: GetGroupRelationshipsOptions["relationshipType"]; - withGroups: number[]; -} -export type DeclineRelationshipRequests = unknown -export type GetRelationshipRequestsOptions = GetGroupRelationshipsOptions; -export type GetRelationshipRequests = GetGroupRelationships; -export type AcceptRelationshipRequestsOptions = DeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions -export type AcceptRelationshipRequests = unknown -export type DeleteRelationshipOptions = Omit & { - withGroup: number; -} -export type DeleteRelationship = unknown -export type CreateRelationshipOptions = Omit & { - withGroup: number; -} -export type CreateRelationship = unknown -export type DeclineRelationshipRequestOptions = Omit & { - withGroup: number; -}; -export type DeclineRelationshipRequest = unknown -export type AcceptRelationshipRequestOptions = DeclineRelationshipRequestOptions; -export type AcceptRelationshipRequest = unknown -export type GetRolePermissionsOptions = { - groupId: number; - roleId: number; -} -export type GetRolePermissions = GroupRolePermissionsOptions; -export type UpdateRolePermissionsOptions = { - groupId: number; - roleId: number; - DeleteFromWall: boolean; - PostToWall: boolean; - InviteMembers: boolean; - PostToStatus: boolean; - RemoveMembers: boolean; - ViewStatus: boolean; - ViewWall: boolean; - ChangeRank: boolean; - AdvertiseGroup: boolean; - ManageRelationships: boolean; - AddGroupPlaces: boolean; - ViewAuditLogs: boolean; - CreateItems: boolean; - ManageItems: boolean; - SpendGroupFunds: boolean; - ManageClan: boolean; - ManageGroupGames: boolean; -} -export type UpdateRolePermissions = unknown -export type GetGuestPermissionsOptions = { - groupId: number; -} -export type GetGuestPermissions = GroupRolePermissionsOptions; -export type GetAllRolesPermissionsOptions = { - groupId: number; -} -export type GetAllRolesPermissions = { - data: GroupRolePermissionsOptions[]; -} -export type GetSocialLinksOptions = { - groupId: number; -} -export type GetSocialLinks = { - data: { - id: number; - type: "Facebook" | string; - url: string; - title: string; - }[]; -} -export type PostSocialLinkOptions = { - groupId: number; - type: "Facebook" | string; - url: string; - title: string; -} -export type PostSocialLink = GetSocialLinks["data"][0]; -export type DeleteSocialLinkOptions = { - groupId: number; - id: number; -} -export type DeleteSocialLink = unknown -export type UpdateSocialLinkOptions = { - groupId: number; + amount: number; + }[]; + type: "FixedAmount" | "Percentage" | string; +}; +export type GroupsPayoutMembers = unknown; +export type GroupsUpdateRecurringPayoutsOptions = GroupsPayoutMembersOptions; +export type GroupsUpdateRecurringPayouts = unknown; +export type GroupsGetGroupRelationshipsOptions = { + groupId: number; + relationshipType: "enemies" | "allies"; + startRowIndex?: number; + maxRows?: number; +}; +export type GroupsGetGroupRelationships = { + groupId: number; + relationshipType: GroupsGetGroupRelationshipsOptions["relationshipType"]; + totalGroupCount: number; + relatedGroups: GroupsGroupOptions[]; + nextRowIndex: number; +}; +export type GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions = { + groupId: number; + relationshipType: GroupsGetGroupRelationshipsOptions["relationshipType"]; + withGroups: number[]; +}; +export type GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequests = unknown; +export type GroupsGetRelationshipRequestsOptions = + GroupsGetGroupRelationshipsOptions; +export type GroupsGetRelationshipRequests = GroupsGetGroupRelationships; +export type GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequestsOptions = + GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions; +export type GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequests = unknown; +export type GroupsDeleteRelationshipOptions = Omit< + GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions, + "withGroups" +> & { + withGroup: number; +}; +export type GroupsDeleteRelationship = unknown; +export type GroupsCreateRelationshipOptions = Omit< + GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions, + "withGroups" +> & { + withGroup: number; +}; +export type GroupsCreateRelationship = unknown; +export type GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestOptions = Omit< + GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions, + "withGroups" +> & { + withGroup: number; +}; +export type GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequest = unknown; +export type GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequestOptions = + GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestOptions; +export type GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequest = unknown; +export type GroupsGetRolePermissionsOptions = { + groupId: number; + roleId: number; +}; +export type GroupsGetRolePermissions = GroupsGroupRolePermissionsOptions; +export type GroupsUpdateRolePermissionsOptions = { + groupId: number; + roleId: number; + DeleteFromWall: boolean; + PostToWall: boolean; + InviteMembers: boolean; + PostToStatus: boolean; + RemoveMembers: boolean; + ViewStatus: boolean; + ViewWall: boolean; + ChangeRank: boolean; + AdvertiseGroup: boolean; + ManageRelationships: boolean; + AddGroupPlaces: boolean; + ViewAuditLogs: boolean; + CreateItems: boolean; + ManageItems: boolean; + SpendGroupFunds: boolean; + ManageClan: boolean; + ManageGroupGames: boolean; +}; +export type GroupsUpdateRolePermissions = unknown; +export type GroupsGetGuestPermissionsOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export type GroupsGetGuestPermissions = GroupsGroupRolePermissionsOptions; +export type GroupsGetAllRolesPermissionsOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export type GroupsGetAllRolesPermissions = { + data: GroupsGroupRolePermissionsOptions[]; +}; +export type GroupsGetSocialLinksOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export type GroupsGetSocialLinks = { + data: { id: number; type: "Facebook" | string; url: string; title: string; -} -export type UpdateSocialLink = unknown -export type GetWallPostsOptions = { - groupId: number; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetWallPosts = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - id: number; - body: string; - created: string; - updated: string; - poster: { - buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - }; - }[]; -} -export type CreateWallPostOptions = { - groupId: number; - body: string; - captchaToken: string; - captchaProvider: "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" | string; -} -export type CreateWallPost = GetWallPosts["data"][0]; -export type DeleteWallPostOptions = { - groupId: number; + }[]; +}; +export type GroupsPostSocialLinkOptions = { + groupId: number; + type: "Facebook" | string; + url: string; + title: string; +}; +export type GroupsPostSocialLink = GroupsGetSocialLinks["data"][0]; +export type GroupsDeleteSocialLinkOptions = { + groupId: number; + id: number; +}; +export type GroupsDeleteSocialLink = unknown; +export type GroupsUpdateSocialLinkOptions = { + groupId: number; + id: number; + type: "Facebook" | string; + url: string; + title: string; +}; +export type GroupsUpdateSocialLink = unknown; +export type GroupsGetWallPostsOptions = { + groupId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type GroupsGetWallPosts = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { id: number; -} -export type DeleteWallPost = unknown -export type DeleteWallPostsByUserOptions = { - groupId: number; - userId: number; -} -export type DeleteWallPostsByUser = unknown -export type SearchGroupsByKeywordOptions = { - keyword: string; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type SearchGroupsByKeyword = { - keyword: string; - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - id: number; - name: string; - description: string; - memberCount: number; - publicEntryAllowed: boolean; - created: string; - updated: string; - }[]; + body: string; + created: string; + updated: string; + poster: { + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + }[]; }; -export type SearchGroupsOptions = { - groupName: string; -} -export type SearchGroups = { - data: { - id: number; - name: string; - memberCount: number; - }[]; -} -export type GetGroupSearchMetaData = { - SuggestedGroupKeywords: string[]; -} -export type GetRolesByIdsOptions = { - roleIds: number[]; -} -export type GetRolesByIds = { - data: { - groupId: number; - id: number; - name: string; - description: string; - rank: number; - memberCount: number; - }[]; -} -export type GetUserPrimaryGroupOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type GetUserPrimaryGroup = { - group?: GroupOptions; - role?: GroupRoleOptions; - isPrimaryGroup?: boolean; -} -export type RemovePrimaryGroup = unknown; -export type SetPrimaryGroupOptions = { - groupId: number; -} -export type SetPrimaryGroup = unknown -export type CreateRoleOptions = { - groupId: number; +export type GroupsCreateWallPostOptions = { + groupId: number; + body: string; + captchaToken: string; + captchaProvider: "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" | string; +}; +export type GroupsCreateWallPost = GroupsGetWallPosts["data"][0]; +export type GroupsDeleteWallPostOptions = { + groupId: number; + id: number; +}; +export type GroupsDeleteWallPost = unknown; +export type GroupsDeleteWallPostsByUserOptions = { + groupId: number; + userId: number; +}; +export type GroupsDeleteWallPostsByUser = unknown; +export type GroupsSearchGroupsByKeywordOptions = { + keyword: string; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type GroupsSearchGroupsByKeyword = { + keyword: string; + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + id: number; name: string; description: string; - rank: number; - usingGroupFunds: boolean; -} -export type CreateRole = Omit; -export type DeleteRoleOptions = { - groupId: number; - roleId: number; -} -export type DeleteRole = unknown -export type UpdateRoleOptions = { + memberCount: number; + publicEntryAllowed: boolean; + created: string; + updated: string; + }[]; +}; +export type GroupsSearchGroupsOptions = { + groupName: string; +}; +export type GroupsSearchGroups = { + data: { + id: number; + name: string; + memberCount: number; + }[]; +}; +export type GroupsGetGroupSearchMetaData = { + SuggestedGroupKeywords: string[]; +}; +export type GroupsGetRolesByIdsOptions = { + roleIds: number[]; +}; +export type GroupsGetRolesByIds = { + data: { groupId: number; - roleId: number; + id: number; name: string; description: string; rank: number; + memberCount: number; + }[]; +}; +export type GroupsGetUserPrimaryGroupOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export type GroupsGetUserPrimaryGroup = { + group?: GroupsGroupOptions; + role?: GroupsGroupRoleOptions; + isPrimaryGroup?: boolean; +}; +export type GroupsRemovePrimaryGroup = unknown; +export type GroupsSetPrimaryGroupOptions = { + groupId: number; +}; +export type GroupsSetPrimaryGroup = unknown; +export type GroupsCreateRoleOptions = { + groupId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; + usingGroupFunds: boolean; +}; +export type GroupsCreateRole = Omit; +export type GroupsDeleteRoleOptions = { + groupId: number; + roleId: number; +}; +export type GroupsDeleteRole = unknown; +export type GroupsUpdateRoleOptions = { + groupId: number; + roleId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; +}; +export type GroupsUpdateRole = GroupsCreateRole; + +export class GroupsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://groups.roblox.com/" + }); + } + + getGroup(options: GroupsGetGroupOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getMultiGroups( + options: GroupsGetMultiGroupsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/groups`, + qs: { + groupIds: options.groupIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getAuditLogs( + options: GroupsGetGroupAuditLogsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/audit-log`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getGroupSettings( + options: GroupsGetGroupSettingsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/settings` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateGroupSettings( + options: GroupsUpdateGroupSettingsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/settings`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getGroupConfigurationMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/configuration/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getGroupsMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + createGroup(options: GroupsCreateGroupOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/create`, + method: "POST", + formData: { + "request.name": options.name, + "request.description": options.description, + "request.publicGroup": options.publicGroup, + "request.buildersClubMembersOnly": options.buildersClubMembersOnly, + "request.files": options.files + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateGroupDescription( + options: GroupsUpdateGroupDescriptionOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/description`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateGroupStatus( + options: GroupsUpdateGroupStatusOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/status`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateGroupIcon( + options: GroupsUpdateGroupIconOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/icon`, + method: "PATCH", + body: options.files + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + declineJoinRequests( + options: GroupsDeclineJoinRequestsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests`, + method: "DELETE", + json: { + UserIds: options.userIds + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getJoinRequests( + options: GroupsGetJoinRequestsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + acceptJoinRequests( + options: GroupsAcceptJoinRequestsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests`, + method: "POST", + json: { + UserIds: options.userIds + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + declineJoinRequest( + options: GroupsDeclineJoinRequestOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests/users/${options.userId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getJoinRequest( + options: GroupsGetJoinRequestOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests/users/${options.userId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + acceptJoinRequest( + options: GroupsAcceptJoinRequestOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests/users/${options.userId}`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getSelfGroupMembership( + options: GroupsGetSelfGroupMembershipOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/membership` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getGroupRoles( + options: GroupsGetGroupRolesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getMembersWithRole( + options: GroupsGetMembersWithRoleOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/${options.roleId}/users`, + qs: { + ...options, + roleSetId: options.roleId + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getMembers(options: GroupsGetMembersOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/users`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + joinGroup(options: GroupsJoinGroupOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/users`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getSelfPendingGroupJoins(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/user/groups/pending` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUserGroups( + options: GroupsGetUserGroupsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/groups/roles` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + changeGroupOwner( + options: GroupsChangeOwnerOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/change-owner`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + claimGroup(options: GroupsClaimGroupOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/claim-ownership`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + kickMember(options: GroupsKickMemberOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/users/${options.userId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateMember( + options: GroupsUpdateMemberOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/users/${options.userId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getGroupPayouts( + options: GroupsGetGroupPayoutsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/payouts` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + payoutMembers( + options: GroupsPayoutMembersOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/payouts`, + method: "POST", + json: { + PayoutType: options.type, + Recipients: options.users.map((userData) => ({ + recipientId: userData.userId, + recipientType: "User", + amount: userData.amount + })) + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateRecurringPayouts( + options: GroupsUpdateRecurringPayoutsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/payouts/recurring`, + method: "POST", + json: { + PayoutType: options.type, + Recipients: options.users.map((userData) => ({ + recipientId: userData.userId, + recipientType: "User", + amount: userData.amount + })) + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getGroupRelationships( + options: GroupsGetGroupRelationshipsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}`, + qs: { + "model.startRowIndex": options.startRowIndex || 0, + "model.maxRows": options.maxRows + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + declineRelationshipRequests( + options: GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests`, + method: "DELETE", + json: { + GroupIds: options.withGroups + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getRelationshipRequests( + options: GroupsGetRelationshipRequestsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + acceptRelationshipRequests( + options: GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequestsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests`, + method: "DELETE", + json: { + GroupIds: options.withGroups + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + deleteRelationship( + options: GroupsDeleteRelationshipOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/${options.withGroup}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + createRelationship( + options: GroupsCreateRelationshipOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/${options.withGroup}`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + acceptRelationshipRequest( + options: GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequestOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests/${options.withGroup}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + declineRelationshipRequest( + options: GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests/${options.withGroup}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getRolePermissions( + options: GroupsGetRolePermissionsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/${options.roleId}/permissions` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateRolePermissions( + options: GroupsUpdateRolePermissionsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/${options.roleId}/permissions`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getGuestPermissions( + options: GroupsGetGuestPermissionsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/guest/permissions` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getAllRolesPermissions( + options: GroupsGetAllRolesPermissionsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/permissions` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getSocialLinks( + options: GroupsGetSocialLinksOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/social-links` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + createSocialLink( + options: GroupsPostSocialLinkOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/social-links`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + deleteSocialLink( + options: GroupsDeleteSocialLinkOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/social-links/${options.id}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateSocialLink( + options: GroupsUpdateSocialLinkOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/social-links/${options.id}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getWallPosts( + options: GroupsGetWallPostsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/wall/posts`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + createWallPost( + options: GroupsCreateWallPostOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/wall/posts`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + deleteWallPost( + options: GroupsDeleteWallPostOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/wall/posts/${options.id}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + deleteUserWallPosts( + options: GroupsDeleteWallPostsByUserOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/wall/users/${options.userId}/posts`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + searchGroupsByKeyword( + options: GroupsSearchGroupsByKeywordOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/search`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + searchGroups( + options: GroupsSearchGroupsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/search/lookup`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getGroupSearchMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/search/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getRolesByIds( + options: GroupsGetRolesByIdsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/roles`, + qs: { + ids: options.roleIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUserPrimaryGroup( + options: GroupsGetUserPrimaryGroupOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/groups/primary/role` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + removePrimaryGroup(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/user/groups/primary`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + setPrimaryGroup( + options: GroupsSetPrimaryGroupOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/user/groups/primary`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + createRole(options: GroupsCreateRoleOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/rolesets/create`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + deleteRole(options: GroupsDeleteRoleOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/rolesets/${options.roleId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateRole(options: GroupsUpdateRoleOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/rolesets/${options.roleId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } -export type UpdateRole = CreateRole; - -export default class GroupsAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://groups.roblox.com/" - }); - } - - getGroup (options: GetGroupOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getMultiGroups (options: GetMultiGroupsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/groups`, - qs: { - groupIds: options.groupIds.join(",") - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getAuditLogs (options: GetGroupAuditLogsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/audit-log`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getGroupSettings (options: GetGroupSettingsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/settings` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateGroupSettings (options: UpdateGroupSettingsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/settings`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getGroupConfigurationMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/configuration/metadata` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getGroupsMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/metadata` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - createGroup (options: CreateGroupOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/create`, - method: "POST", - formData: { - "request.name": options.name, - "request.description": options.description, - "request.publicGroup": options.publicGroup, - "request.buildersClubMembersOnly": options.buildersClubMembersOnly, - "request.files": options.files - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateGroupDescription (options: UpdateGroupDescriptionOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/description`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateGroupStatus (options: UpdateGroupStatusOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/status`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateGroupIcon (options: UpdateGroupIconOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/icon`, - method: "PATCH", - body: options.files - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - declineJoinRequests (options: DeclineJoinRequestsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests`, - method: "DELETE", - json: { - UserIds: options.userIds - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getJoinRequests (options: GetJoinRequestsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - acceptJoinRequests (options: AcceptJoinRequestsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests`, - method: "POST", - json: { - UserIds: options.userIds - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - declineJoinRequest (options: DeclineJoinRequestOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests/users/${options.userId}`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getJoinRequest (options: GetJoinRequestOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests/users/${options.userId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - acceptJoinRequest (options: AcceptJoinRequestOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/join-requests/users/${options.userId}`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getSelfGroupMembership (options: GetSelfGroupMembershipOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/membership` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getGroupRoles (options: GetGroupRolesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getMembersWithRole (options: GetMembersWithRoleOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/${options.roleId}/users`, - qs: { - ...options, - roleSetId: options.roleId - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getMembers (options: GetMembersOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/users`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - joinGroup (options: JoinGroupOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/users`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getSelfPendingGroupJoins (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/user/groups/pending` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getUserGroups (options: GetUserGroupsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/groups/roles` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - changeGroupOwner (options: ChangeOwnerOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/change-owner`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - claimGroup (options: ClaimGroupOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/claim-ownership`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - kickMember (options: KickMemberOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/users/${options.userId}`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateMember (options: UpdateMemberOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/users/${options.userId}`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getGroupPayouts (options: GetGroupPayoutsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/payouts` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - payoutMembers (options: PayoutMembersOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/payouts`, - method: "POST", - json: { - PayoutType: options.type, - Recipients: options.users.map(userData => ({ - recipientId: userData.userId, - recipientType: "User", - amount: userData.amount - })) - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateRecurringPayouts (options: UpdateRecurringPayoutsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/payouts/recurring`, - method: "POST", - json: { - PayoutType: options.type, - Recipients: options.users.map(userData => ({ - recipientId: userData.userId, - recipientType: "User", - amount: userData.amount - })) - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getGroupRelationships (options: GetGroupRelationshipsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}`, - qs: { - "model.startRowIndex": options.startRowIndex || 0, - "model.maxRows": options.maxRows - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - declineRelationshipRequests (options: DeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests`, - method: "DELETE", - json: { - GroupIds: options.withGroups - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getRelationshipRequests (options: GetRelationshipRequestsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - acceptRelationshipRequests (options: AcceptRelationshipRequestsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests`, - method: "DELETE", - json: { - GroupIds: options.withGroups - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - deleteRelationship (options: DeleteRelationshipOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/${options.withGroup}`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - createRelationship (options: CreateRelationshipOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/${options.withGroup}`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - acceptRelationshipRequest (options: AcceptRelationshipRequestOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests/${options.withGroup}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - declineRelationshipRequest (options: DeclineRelationshipRequestOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/relationships/${options.relationshipType}/requests/${options.withGroup}`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getRolePermissions (options: GetRolePermissionsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/${options.roleId}/permissions` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateRolePermissions (options: UpdateRolePermissionsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/${options.roleId}/permissions`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getGuestPermissions (options: GetGuestPermissionsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/guest/permissions` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getAllRolesPermissions (options: GetAllRolesPermissionsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/roles/permissions` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getSocialLinks (options: GetSocialLinksOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/social-links` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - createSocialLink (options: PostSocialLinkOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/social-links`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - deleteSocialLink (options: DeleteSocialLinkOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/social-links/${options.id}`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateSocialLink (options: UpdateSocialLinkOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/social-links/${options.id}`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getWallPosts (options: GetWallPostsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/wall/posts`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - createWallPost (options: CreateWallPostOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/wall/posts`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - deleteWallPost (options: DeleteWallPostOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/wall/posts/${options.id}`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - deleteUserWallPosts (options: DeleteWallPostsByUserOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/wall/users/${options.userId}/posts`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - searchGroupsByKeyword (options: SearchGroupsByKeywordOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/search`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - searchGroups (options: SearchGroupsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/search/lookup`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getGroupSearchMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/search/metadata` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getRolesByIds (options: GetRolesByIdsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/roles`, - qs: { - ids: options.roleIds.join(",") - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getUserPrimaryGroup (options: GetUserPrimaryGroupOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/groups/primary/role` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - removePrimaryGroup (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/user/groups/primary`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - setPrimaryGroup (options: SetPrimaryGroupOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/user/groups/primary`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - createRole (options: CreateRoleOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/rolesets/create`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - deleteRole (options: DeleteRoleOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/rolesets/${options.roleId}`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateRole (options: UpdateRoleOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/${options.groupId}/rolesets/${options.roleId}`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } -} - diff --git a/src/client/apis/InventoryAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/InventoryAPI.ts index 7dfb80534..3ca76cfa7 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/InventoryAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/InventoryAPI.ts @@ -1,184 +1,300 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type GetPackageAssetsOptions = { - packageId: number; -} -export type GetPackageAssets = { - assetIds: number[]; -} -export type GetUserCollectiblesOptions = { - userId: number; - assetType?: "Image" | "TShirt" | "Audio" | "Mesh" | "Lua" | "HTML" | "Text" | "Hat" | "Place" | "Model" | "Shirt" | "Pants" | "Decal" | "Avatar" | "Head" | "Face" | "Gear" | "Badge" | "GroupEmblem" | "Animation" | "Arms" | "Legs" | "Torso" | "RightArm" | "LeftArm" | "LeftLeg" | "RightLeg" | "Package" | "YouTubeVideo" | "GamePass" | "App" | "Code" | "Plugin" | "SolidModel" | "MeshPart" | "HairAccessory" | "NeckAccessory" | "ShoulderAccessory" | "FrontAccessory" | "BackAccessory" | "WaistAccessory" | "ClimbAnimation" | "DeathAnimation" | "FallAnimation" | "IdleAnimation" | "JumpAnimation" | "RunAnimation" | "SwimAnimation" | "WalkAnimation" | "PoseAnimation" | "LocalizationTableManifest" | "LocalizationTableTranslation" | "EmoteAnimation" | "Video" | "TexturePack"; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetUserCollectibles = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - userAssetId: number; - serialNumber: number; - assetId: number; - name: string; - recentAveragePrice: number; - originalPrice: number; - assetStock: number; - buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; - }[]; -} -export type GetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetIdOptions = { - userId: number; - itemType: "Asset" | "GamePass" | "Badge" | "Bundle"; - itemTargetId: number; -} -export type GetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetId = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - Id: number; - Name: string; - Type: GetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetIdOptions["itemType"]; - InstanceId: number; - }[]; -} -export type GetAssetOwnersOptions = { +export type InventoryCanViewInventory = { + canView: boolean; +}; +export type InventoryItem = { + name: string; + displayName: string; + filter: string; + id: number; + type: string; + categoryType: string; +}; +export type InventoryCategory = { + name: string; + displayName: string; + categoryType: string; + items: InventoryItem[]; +}; +export type InventoryCategories = { + categories: InventoryCategory[]; +}; +export type InventoryGetPackageAssetsOptions = { + packageId: number; +}; +export type InventoryGetPackageAssets = { + assetIds: number[]; +}; +export type InventoryGetUserCollectiblesOptions = { + userId: number; + assetType?: + | "Image" + | "TShirt" + | "Audio" + | "Mesh" + | "Lua" + | "HTML" + | "Text" + | "Hat" + | "Place" + | "Model" + | "Shirt" + | "Pants" + | "Decal" + | "Avatar" + | "Head" + | "Face" + | "Gear" + | "Badge" + | "GroupEmblem" + | "Animation" + | "Arms" + | "Legs" + | "Torso" + | "RightArm" + | "LeftArm" + | "LeftLeg" + | "RightLeg" + | "Package" + | "YouTubeVideo" + | "GamePass" + | "App" + | "Code" + | "Plugin" + | "SolidModel" + | "MeshPart" + | "HairAccessory" + | "NeckAccessory" + | "ShoulderAccessory" + | "FrontAccessory" + | "BackAccessory" + | "WaistAccessory" + | "ClimbAnimation" + | "DeathAnimation" + | "FallAnimation" + | "IdleAnimation" + | "JumpAnimation" + | "RunAnimation" + | "SwimAnimation" + | "WalkAnimation" + | "PoseAnimation" + | "LocalizationTableManifest" + | "LocalizationTableTranslation" + | "EmoteAnimation" + | "Video" + | "TexturePack"; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type InventoryGetUserCollectibles = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + userAssetId: number; + serialNumber: number; assetId: number; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetAssetOwners = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - id: number; - serialNumber: number; - owner: { - id: number; - type: "User" | string; - name: string; - }; - created: string; - updated: string; + name: string; + recentAveragePrice: number; + originalPrice: number; + assetStock: number; + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + }[]; +}; +export type InventoryGetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetIdOptions = { + userId: number; + itemType: "Asset" | "GamePass" | "Badge" | "Bundle"; + itemTargetId: number; +}; +export type InventoryGetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetId = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + Id: number; + Name: string; + Type: InventoryGetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetIdOptions["itemType"]; + InstanceId: number; + }[]; +}; +export type InventoryGetAssetOwnersOptions = { + assetId: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type InventoryGetAssetOwners = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + id: number; + serialNumber: number; + owner: { + id: number; + type: "User" | string; + name: string; }; -} -export type GetUserInventoryOptions = { - userId: number; - assetTypes: GetUserCollectiblesOptions["assetType"][]; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; -} -export type GetUserInventory = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - assetId: number; - name: string; - assetType: GetUserCollectiblesOptions["assetType"]; - created: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetUserInventoryByAssetTypeIdOptions = Omit & { - assetTypeId: number; -} -export type GetUserInventoryByAssetTypeId = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - assetName: string; - userAssetId: number; - assetId: number; - serialNumber: number; - owner: { - userId: number; - username: string; - buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; - }; - created: string; - updated: string; - }[]; -} + created: string; + updated: string; + }; +}; +export type InventoryGetUserInventoryOptions = { + userId: number; + assetTypes: InventoryGetUserCollectiblesOptions["assetType"][]; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; +}; +export type InventoryGetUserInventory = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + assetId: number; + name: string; + assetType: InventoryGetUserCollectiblesOptions["assetType"]; + created: string; + }[]; +}; +export type InventoryGetUserInventoryByAssetTypeIdOptions = Omit< + InventoryGetUserInventoryOptions, + "assetTypes" +> & { + assetTypeId: number; +}; +export type InventoryGetUserInventoryByAssetTypeId = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + assetName: string; + userAssetId: number; + assetId: number; + serialNumber: number; + owner: { + userId: number; + username: string; + buildersClubMembershipType: "None" | string; + }; + created: string; + updated: string; + }[]; +}; + +export class InventoryAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://inventory.roblox.com/" + }); + } + getPackageAssets( + options: InventoryGetPackageAssetsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/packages/${options.packageId}/assets` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } -export default class InventoryAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://inventory.roblox.com/" - }); - } + getUserCollectibles( + options: InventoryGetUserCollectiblesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/assets/collectibles`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getPackageAssets (options: GetPackageAssetsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/packages/${options.packageId}/assets` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserItemsByTypeAndTargetId( + options: InventoryGetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetIdOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/items/${options.itemType}/${options.itemTargetId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserCollectibles (options: GetUserCollectiblesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/assets/collectibles`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + canViewInventory(options: { + userId: number; + }): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/can-view-inventory` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserItemsByTypeAndTargetId (options: GetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetIdOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/items/${options.itemType}/${options.itemTargetId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getCategories(options: { userId: number }): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/categories` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getCategoriesFavorites(options: { + userId: number; + }): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/categories/favorites` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getAssetOwners (options: GetAssetOwnersOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/assets/${options.assetId}/owners`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAssetOwners( + options: InventoryGetAssetOwnersOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/assets/${options.assetId}/owners`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserInventory (options: GetUserInventoryOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/users/${options.userId}/inventory`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserInventory( + options: InventoryGetUserInventoryOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/users/${options.userId}/inventory`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserInventoryByAssetTypeId (options: GetUserInventoryByAssetTypeIdOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/users/${options.userId}/inventory/${options.assetTypeId}`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserInventoryByAssetTypeId( + options: InventoryGetUserInventoryByAssetTypeIdOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/users/${options.userId}/inventory/${options.assetTypeId}`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/ItemConfigurationAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/ItemConfigurationAPI.ts index fd7c31dc0..27efe8d84 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/ItemConfigurationAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/ItemConfigurationAPI.ts @@ -1,189 +1,198 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type GetCreatedAssetsOptions = { - assetType: string; - isArchived?: boolean; - groupId?: number; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; -} -export type GetCreatedAssets = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - assetId: number; - name: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetMultiCreatedAssetDetailsOptions = { - assetIds: number[]; -} -export type GetMultiCreatedAssetDetails = { +export type ItemConfigurationGetCreatedAssetsOptions = { + assetType: string; + isArchived?: boolean; + groupId?: number; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; +}; +export type ItemConfigurationGetCreatedAssets = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { assetId: number; name: string; - status: string; - description: string; - creatorType: string; - creatorTargetId: number; - price: number; - priceConfiguration: { - priceInRobux: number; - premiumDiscountPercentage: number; - premiumPriceInRobux: number; - }; - isArchived: boolean; - assetType: string; -}[] -export type GetItemTagsByItemIdsOptions = { - itemIds: number[]; -} -export type GetItemTagsByItemIds = { - data: { - id: string; - itemTags: { - id: string; - tag: { - tagId: string; - name: string; - localizedDisplayName: string; - status: "Success" | string; - }; - }[]; + }[]; +}; +export type ItemConfigurationGetMultiCreatedAssetDetailsOptions = { + assetIds: number[]; +}; +export type ItemConfigurationGetMultiCreatedAssetDetails = { + assetId: number; + name: string; + status: string; + description: string; + creatorType: string; + creatorTargetId: number; + price: number; + priceConfiguration: { + priceInRobux: number; + premiumDiscountPercentage: number; + premiumPriceInRobux: number; + }; + isArchived: boolean; + assetType: string; +}[]; +export type ItemConfigurationGetItemTagsByItemIdsOptions = { + itemIds: number[]; +}; +export type ItemConfigurationGetItemTagsByItemIds = { + data: { + id: string; + itemTags: { + id: string; + tag: { + tagId: string; + name: string; + localizedDisplayName: string; + status: "Success" | string; + }; }[]; -} -export type CreateItemTagOptions = { - itemId: number; - tagId: string; -} -export type CreateItemTag = GetItemTagsByItemIds["data"][0]["itemTags"][0]; -export type GetItemTagsMetaData = { - isItemTagsFeatureEnabled: boolean; - enabledAssetTypes: string[]; - maximumItemTagsPerItem: number; -} -export type DeleteItemTagOptions = { - itemTagId: number; -} -export type DeleteItemTag = unknown -export type GetTagsByTagIdsOptions = { - tagIds: number[]; -} -export type GetTagsByTagIds = { - data: Omit[]; -} -export type SearchTagsOptions = { - prefix: string; - results: number; -} -export type SearchTags = GetTagsByTagIds; + }[]; +}; +export type ItemConfigurationCreateItemTagOptions = { + itemId: number; + tagId: string; +}; +export type ItemConfigurationCreateItemTag = + ItemConfigurationGetItemTagsByItemIds["data"][0]["itemTags"][0]; +export type ItemConfigurationGetItemTagsMetaData = { + isItemTagsFeatureEnabled: boolean; + enabledAssetTypes: string[]; + maximumItemTagsPerItem: number; +}; +export type ItemConfigurationDeleteItemTagOptions = { + itemTagId: number; +}; +export type ItemConfigurationDeleteItemTag = unknown; +export type ItemConfigurationGetTagsByTagIdsOptions = { + tagIds: number[]; +}; +export type ItemConfigurationGetTagsByTagIds = { + data: Omit< + ItemConfigurationGetItemTagsByItemIds["data"][0]["itemTags"][0], + "id" + >[]; +}; +export type ItemConfigurationSearchTagsOptions = { + prefix: string; + results: number; +}; +export type ItemConfigurationSearchTags = ItemConfigurationGetTagsByTagIds; -export default class InventoryAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://itemconfiguration.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class ItemConfigurationAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://itemconfiguration.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getCreatedAssets (options: GetCreatedAssetsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/creations/get-assets`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getCreatedAssets( + options: ItemConfigurationGetCreatedAssetsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/creations/get-assets`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getMultiCreatedAssets (options: GetMultiCreatedAssetDetailsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/creations/get-asset-details`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getMultiCreatedAssets( + options: ItemConfigurationGetMultiCreatedAssetDetailsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/creations/get-asset-details`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getItemTagsByItemIds (options: GetItemTagsByItemIdsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/item-tags`, - qs: { - itemIds: options.itemIds.join(",") - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getItemTagsByItemIds( + options: ItemConfigurationGetItemTagsByItemIdsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/item-tags`, + qs: { + itemIds: options.itemIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - createItemTag (options: CreateItemTagOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/item-tags`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + createItemTag( + options: ItemConfigurationCreateItemTagOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/item-tags`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getItemTagsMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/item-tags/metadata` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getItemTagsMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/item-tags/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - deleteItemTag (options: DeleteItemTagOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/item-tags/${options.itemTagId}`, - method: "DELETE" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + deleteItemTag( + options: ItemConfigurationDeleteItemTagOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/item-tags/${options.itemTagId}`, + method: "DELETE" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getTagsByTagIds (options: GetTagsByTagIdsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/tags`, - qs: { - tagIds: options.tagIds.join(",") - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getTagsByTagIds( + options: ItemConfigurationGetTagsByTagIdsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/tags`, + qs: { + tagIds: options.tagIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - searchTags (options: SearchTagsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/tags/prefix-search`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + searchTags( + options: ItemConfigurationSearchTagsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/tags/prefix-search`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/LocaleAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/LocaleAPI.ts index 9502a54f5..0982abd21 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/LocaleAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/LocaleAPI.ts @@ -1,132 +1,139 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type GetCountryRegionsOptions = { - locale: string; -} -export type GetCountryRegions = { - countryRegionList: { - code: string; +export type LocaleGetCountryRegionsOptions = { + locale: string; +}; +export type LocaleGetCountryRegions = { + countryRegionList: { + code: string; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; +}; +export type LocaleGetLocalesOptions = { + displayValueLocale?: string; +}; +export type LocaleGetLocales = { + data: { + locale: { + id: number; + locale: string; + name: string; + nativeName: string; + language: { + id: number; name: string; - displayName: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetLocalesOptions = { - displayValueLocale?: string; -} -export type GetLocales = { - data: { - locale: { - id: number; - locale: string; - name: string; - nativeName: string; - language: { - id: number; - name: string; - nativeName: string; - languageCode: string; - }; - }; - isEnabledForFullExperience: boolean; - isEnabledForSignupAndLogin: boolean; - isEnabledForInGameUgc: boolean; - }[]; -} -export type GetSupportedLocales = { - supportedLocales: GetLocales["data"][0]["locale"][]; -} -export type GetUserLocale = { - supportedLocale: GetLocales["data"][0]["locale"]; -} -export type GetLocusSupportedLocales = { - signupAndLogin: GetLocales["data"][0]["locale"]; - generalExperience: GetLocales["data"][0]["locale"]; - ugc: GetLocales["data"][0]["locale"]; -} -export type SetUserLocaleOptions = { - supportedLocaleCode: string; -} -export type SetUserLocale = { - success: boolean; -} + nativeName: string; + languageCode: string; + }; + }; + isEnabledForFullExperience: boolean; + isEnabledForSignupAndLogin: boolean; + isEnabledForInGameUgc: boolean; + }[]; +}; +export type LocaleGetSupportedLocales = { + supportedLocales: LocaleGetLocales["data"][0]["locale"][]; +}; +export type LocaleGetUserLocale = { + supportedLocale: LocaleGetLocales["data"][0]["locale"]; +}; +export type LocaleGetLocusSupportedLocales = { + signupAndLogin: LocaleGetLocales["data"][0]["locale"]; + generalExperience: LocaleGetLocales["data"][0]["locale"]; + ugc: LocaleGetLocales["data"][0]["locale"]; +}; +export type LocaleSetUserLocaleOptions = { + supportedLocaleCode: string; +}; +export type LocaleSetUserLocale = { + success: boolean; +}; + +export class LocaleAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://locale.roblox.com/" + }); + } -export default class LocaleAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://locale.roblox.com/" - }); - } + getCountryRegions( + options: LocaleGetCountryRegionsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/country-regions`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getCountryRegions (options: GetCountryRegionsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/country-regions`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getLocales(options: LocaleGetLocalesOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/locales`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getLocales (options: GetLocalesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/locales`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSupportedLocales(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/locales/supported-locales` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getSupportedLocales (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/locales/supported-locales` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSupportedLocalsForCreators(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/locales/supported-locales-for-creators` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserLocale (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/locales/user-locale` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserLocale(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/locales/user-locale` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getLocusSupportedLocales (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/locales/user-localization-locus-supported-locales` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getLocusSupportedLocales(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/locales/user-localization-locus-supported-locales` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - setUserLocale (options: SetUserLocaleOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/locales/set-user-supported-locale`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + setUserLocale( + options: LocaleSetUserLocaleOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/locales/set-user-supported-locale`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/MetricsAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/MetricsAPI.ts index 97b49f2a5..384d264a7 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/MetricsAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/MetricsAPI.ts @@ -1,68 +1,68 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export type MetricsGetThumbnailsMetaData = { + logRatio: number; +}; +export type MetricsRecordThumbnailLoadOptions = { + duration: number; + loadState: string; + thumbnailType: string; +}; +export type MetricsRecordThumbnailLoad = unknown; +export type MetricsReportBundleLoadOptions = { + bundleUrl: string; + bundleName: string; + loadTimeInMilliseconds: number; + cdnProviderName: string; + loadState: string; + bundleContentType: string; +}; +export type MetricsReportBundleLoad = unknown; -export type GetThumbnailsMetaData = { - logRatio: number; -} -export type RecordThumbnailLoadOptions = { - duration: number; - loadState: string; - thumbnailType: string; -} -export type RecordThumbnailLoad = unknown -export type RecordBundleLoadOptions = { - bundleUrl: string; - bundleName: string; - loadTimeInMilliseconds: number; - cdnProviderName: string; - loadState: string; - bundleContentType: string; -} -export type RecordBundleLoad = unknown - -export default class LocaleAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://metrics.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class MetricsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://metrics.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getThumbnailsMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/thumbnails/metadata` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getThumbnailsMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/thumbnails/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - recordThumbnailLoad (options: RecordThumbnailLoadOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/thumbnails/load`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + recordThumbnailLoad( + options: MetricsRecordThumbnailLoadOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/thumbnails/load`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - recordBundleLoad (options: RecordBundleLoadOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/thumbnails/metadata`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + recordBundleLoad( + options: MetricsReportBundleLoadOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/bundle-metrics/report`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/NotificationsAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/NotificationsAPI.ts index 57b78bdbe..a183b5485 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/NotificationsAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/NotificationsAPI.ts @@ -1,650 +1,661 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type GetNotificationsSettings = { - notificationBandSettings: { - notificationSourceType: string; - receiverDestinationType: string; - isEnabled: boolean; - isOverridable: boolean; - isSetByReceiver: boolean; - pushNotificationDestinationPreferences: [ - { - name: string; - platform: string; - destinationId: 0; - isEnabled: boolean; - isSetByReceiver: boolean; - } - ]; - }[]; - optedOutNotificationSourceTypes: string[]; - optedOutReceiverDestinationTypes: string[]; -} -export type GetRealtimeNotificationsSettings = { - primaryDomain: string; - fallbackDomain: string; -} -export type AllowNotificationSourceOptions = { - sourceType: string; -} -export type AllowNotificationSource = unknown -export type DisallowNotificationSourceOptions = AllowNotificationSourceOptions; -export type DisallowNotificationSource = unknown -export type AllowNotificationsDestinationOptions = { - destinationType: string; -} -export type AllowNotificationsDestination = unknown -export type DisallowNotificationsDestinationOptions = AllowNotificationsDestinationOptions; -export type DisallowNotificationsDestination = unknown -export type UpdateNotificationDestinationSettingsOptions = { +export type NotificationsGetNotificationsSettings = { + notificationBandSettings: { notificationSourceType: string; - destinationId: number; + receiverDestinationType: string; isEnabled: boolean; -} -export type UpdateNotificationDestinationSettings = unknown -export type UpdateNotificationSettingsOptions = { - updatedSettings: { - notificationSourceType: string; - receiverDestination: string; - isEnabled: boolean; - }[]; -} -export type UpdateNotificationSettings = unknown -export type GetChromeNotificationsManifest = { - name: string; - gcm_sender_id: string; -} -export type GetCurrentNotificationDeviceDestination = { - destination: { - user: { - name: string; - userId: number; - }; + isOverridable: boolean; + isSetByReceiver: boolean; + pushNotificationDestinationPreferences: [ + { name: string; - notificationToken: string; - supportsUpdateNotifications: boolean; - userPushNotificationDestinationId: number; - application: string; platform: string; + destinationId: 0; + isEnabled: boolean; + isSetByReceiver: boolean; + } + ]; + }[]; + optedOutNotificationSourceTypes: string[]; + optedOutReceiverDestinationTypes: string[]; +}; +export type NotificationsGetRealtimeNotificationsSettings = { + primaryDomain: string; + fallbackDomain: string; +}; +export type NotificationsAllowNotificationSourceOptions = { + sourceType: string; +}; +export type NotificationsAllowNotificationSource = unknown; +export type NotificationsDisallowNotificationSourceOptions = + NotificationsAllowNotificationSourceOptions; +export type NotificationsDisallowNotificationSource = unknown; +export type NotificationsAllowNotificationsDestinationOptions = { + destinationType: string; +}; +export type NotificationsAllowNotificationsDestination = unknown; +export type NotificationsDisallowNotificationsDestinationOptions = + NotificationsAllowNotificationsDestinationOptions; +export type NotificationsDisallowNotificationsDestination = unknown; +export type NotificationsUpdateNotificationDestinationSettingsOptions = { + notificationSourceType: string; + destinationId: number; + isEnabled: boolean; +}; +export type NotificationsUpdateNotificationDestinationSettings = unknown; +export type NotificationsUpdateNotificationSettingsOptions = { + updatedSettings: { + notificationSourceType: string; + receiverDestination: string; + isEnabled: boolean; + }[]; +}; +export type NotificationsUpdateNotificationSettings = unknown; +export type NotificationsGetChromeNotificationsManifest = { + name: string; + gcm_sender_id: string; +}; +export type NotificationsGetCurrentNotificationDeviceDestination = { + destination: { + user: { + name: string; + userId: number; }; - statusMessage: string; -} -export type GetNotificationDestinations = { - destinations: GetCurrentNotificationDeviceDestination["destination"][]; - statusMessage: string; -} -export type GetNotificationsMetaDataOptions = { - notificationToken: string; - notificationId: number; -} -export type GetNotificationsMetaData = { - metadata: { - notificationId: string; - type: string; - detail: unknown; - fallbackDelivered: boolean; - }; - statusMessage: string; -} -export type GetNotificationIdsOptions = { + name: string; notificationToken: string; - limit: number; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetNotificationIds = { - ids: string[]; - statusMessage: string; -} -export type DeregisterAllDevices = { - statusMessage: string; -} -export type DeregisterCurrentDevice = { - statusMessage: string; -} -export type MarkNotificationReadOptions = { - platformType: string; + supportsUpdateNotifications: boolean; + userPushNotificationDestinationId: number; + application: string; + platform: string; + }; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsGetNotificationDestinations = { + destinations: NotificationsGetCurrentNotificationDeviceDestination["destination"][]; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsGetNotificationsMetaDataOptions = { + notificationToken: string; + notificationId: number; +}; +export type NotificationsGetNotificationsMetaData = { + metadata: { notificationId: string; -} -export type MarkNotificationRead = { - statusMessage: string; -} -export type MarkNotificationCategoryReadOptions = { - notificationType: string; - category: string; - latestNotificationId: string; -} -export type MarkNotificationCategoryRead = { - statusMessage: string; -} -export type MarkNotificationInteractionOptions = { - platformType: string; - notificationToken: string; - notificationId: number; - interactionType: string; -} -export type MarkNotificationInteraction = { - statusMessage: string; -} -export type RegisterAmazonAndroidOptions = { - notificationToken: string; - authorizeForUser: boolean; - oldNotificationToken: string; - deviceName: string; -} -export type RegisterAmazonAndroid = { - registration: { - userPushNotificationDestinationId: number; - name: string; - notificationToken: string; - application: string; - platform: string; - }; - statusMessage: string; -} -export type RegisterAndroidNativeOptions = RegisterAmazonAndroidOptions; -export type RegisterAndroidNative = RegisterAmazonAndroid; -export type RegisterAndroidTencentServiceOptions = RegisterAmazonAndroidOptions; -export type RegisterAndroidTencentService = RegisterAmazonAndroid; -export type RegisterChromeOptions = { + type: string; + detail: unknown; + fallbackDelivered: boolean; + }; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsGetNotificationIdsOptions = { + notificationToken: string; + limit: number; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type NotificationsGetNotificationIds = { + ids: string[]; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsDeregisterAllDevices = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsDeregisterCurrentDevice = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsMarkNotificationReadOptions = { + platformType: string; + notificationId: string; +}; +export type NotificationsMarkNotificationRead = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsMarkNotificationCategoryReadOptions = { + notificationType: string; + category: string; + latestNotificationId: string; +}; +export type NotificationsMarkNotificationCategoryRead = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsMarkNotificationInteractionOptions = { + platformType: string; + notificationToken: string; + notificationId: number; + interactionType: string; +}; +export type NotificationsMarkNotificationInteraction = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroidOptions = { + notificationToken: string; + authorizeForUser: boolean; + oldNotificationToken: string; + deviceName: string; +}; +export type NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroid = { + registration: { + userPushNotificationDestinationId: number; + name: string; notificationToken: string; - initiatedByUser: boolean; -} -export type RegisterChrome = RegisterAmazonAndroid; -export type RegisterFirefoxOptions = RegisterChromeOptions & { + application: string; + platform: string; + }; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsRegisterAndroidNativeOptions = + NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroidOptions; +export type NotificationsRegisterAndroidNative = + NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroid; +export type NotificationsRegisterAndroidTencentServiceOptions = + NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroidOptions; +export type NotificationsRegisterAndroidTencentService = + NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroid; +export type NotificationsRegisterChromeOptions = { + notificationToken: string; + initiatedByUser: boolean; +}; +export type NotificationsRegisterChrome = NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroid; +export type NotificationsRegisterFirefoxOptions = + NotificationsRegisterChromeOptions & { notificationEndpoint: string; -} -export type RegisterFirefox = RegisterAmazonAndroid; -export type RegisterIOSNativeOptions = { - notificationToken: string; - destinationIdentifier: string; - authorizeForUser: boolean; - oldNotificationToken: string; - deviceName: string; -}; -export type RegisterIOSNative = RegisterAmazonAndroid; -export type GetLatestUniversesUpdatesOptions = { - universeIds: number[]; - sinceDateTime?: string; -} -export type GetLatestUniverseUpdates = { - universeId: number; - rootPlaceId: number; - createdOn: string; - createdOnKey: string; - content: string; - universeName: string; + }; +export type NotificationsRegisterFirefox = NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroid; +export type NotificationsRegisterIOSNativeOptions = { + notificationToken: string; + destinationIdentifier: string; + authorizeForUser: boolean; + oldNotificationToken: string; + deviceName: string; +}; +export type NotificationsRegisterIOSNative = NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroid; +export type NotificationsGetLatestUniversesUpdatesOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; + sinceDateTime?: string; +}; +export type NotificationsGetLatestUniverseUpdates = { + universeId: number; + rootPlaceId: number; + createdOn: string; + createdOnKey: string; + content: string; + universeName: string; }[]; -export type GetStreamNotificationsPromptSettings = { - hasUserInteractedWithNotificationsStream: boolean; - showNotificationStreamPrompt: boolean; -} -export type GetRecentStreamNotificationsOptions = { - startIndex?: number; - maxRows?: number; -} -export type GetRecentStreamNotifications = { - id: number; - notificationSourceType: string; - eventDate: string; - isInteracted: boolean; - metadataCollection: unknown[]; - eventCount: number; +export type NotificationsGetStreamNotificationsPromptSettings = { + hasUserInteractedWithNotificationsStream: boolean; + showNotificationStreamPrompt: boolean; +}; +export type NotificationsGetRecentStreamNotificationsOptions = { + startIndex?: number; + maxRows?: number; +}; +export type NotificationsGetRecentStreamNotifications = { + id: number; + notificationSourceType: string; + eventDate: string; + isInteracted: boolean; + metadataCollection: unknown[]; + eventCount: number; }[]; -export type GetStreamNotificationsMetaData = { - bannerDismissTimeSpan: number; - signalRDisconnectionResponseInMilliseconds: number; - canLaunchGameFromGameUpdate: boolean; - useFriendsApiForAjaxRequests: boolean; -} -export type GetStreamNotificationsUnreadCount = { - unreadNotifications: number; - statusMessage: string; -} -export type ClearUnreadStreamNotifications = { - statusMessage: string; -} -export type SendGameUpdateNotificationInteractedOptions = { - universeId: number; - createdOnKey: string; - interactioNType: string; - currentUserId: number; -} -export type SendGameUpdateNotificationInteracted = { - statusMessage: string; -} -export type SendGameUpdateNotificationReadOptions = { - universeId: number; - createdOn: string; - currentUserId: number; -} -export type SendGameUpdateNotificationRead = { - statusMessage: string; -} -export type MarkStreamNotificationInteractedOptions = { - eventId: string; -} -export type MarkStreamNotificationInteracted = { - statusMessage: string; - -} -export type SuppressStreamNotificationsPrompt = { - statusMessage: string; -} - +export type NotificationsGetStreamNotificationsMetaData = { + bannerDismissTimeSpan: number; + signalRDisconnectionResponseInMilliseconds: number; + canLaunchGameFromGameUpdate: boolean; + useFriendsApiForAjaxRequests: boolean; +}; +export type NotificationsGetStreamNotificationsUnreadCount = { + unreadNotifications: number; + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsClearUnreadStreamNotifications = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsSendGameUpdateNotificationInteractedOptions = { + universeId: number; + createdOnKey: string; + interactioNType: string; + currentUserId: number; +}; +export type NotificationsSendGameUpdateNotificationInteracted = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsSendGameUpdateNotificationReadOptions = { + universeId: number; + createdOn: string; + currentUserId: number; +}; +export type NotificationsSendGameUpdateNotificationRead = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsMarkStreamNotificationInteractedOptions = { + eventId: string; +}; +export type NotificationsMarkStreamNotificationInteracted = { + statusMessage: string; +}; +export type NotificationsSuppressStreamNotificationsPrompt = { + statusMessage: string; +}; -export default class NotificationsAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://notifications.roblox.com/" - }); - } - - getNotificationsSettings (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/notifications/get-settings` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getRealtimeNotificationSettings (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/notifications/settings/realtime` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - allowNotificationSource (options: AllowNotificationSourceOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/notifications/notification-source-types/allow`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - disallowNotificationSource (options: DisallowNotificationSourceOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/notifications/notification-source-types/opt-out`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - allowNotificationDestination (options: AllowNotificationsDestinationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/notifications/receiver-destination-types/allow`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - disallowNotificationDestination (options: DisallowNotificationsDestinationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/notifications/receiver-destination-types/opt-out`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateDestinationSetting (options: UpdateNotificationDestinationSettingsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/notifications/update-destination-setting`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - updateNotificationSettings (options: UpdateNotificationSettingsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/notifications/update-notification-settings`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getChromeManifest (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/chrome-manifest` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getCurrentDeviceDestination (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/get-current-device-destination` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getDestinations (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/get-destinations` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getPushNotificationsMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/metadata` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getNotificationIds (options: GetNotificationIdsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/notification-ids`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - deregisterAllDevices (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/deregister-all-devices`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - deregisterCurrentDevice (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/deregister-current-device` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - markNotificationRead (options: MarkNotificationReadOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/mark-as-read`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - markNotificationCategoryRead (options: MarkNotificationCategoryReadOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/mark-category-as-read`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - markNotificationInteraction (options: MarkNotificationInteractionOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/mark-interaction`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - registerAndroidAmazon (options: RegisterAmazonAndroidOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/register-android-amazon`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - registerAndroidNative (options: RegisterAndroidNativeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/register-android-native`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - registerAndroidTencentSerice (options: RegisterAndroidTencentServiceOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/register-android-tencent-service`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - registerChrome (options: RegisterChromeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/register-chrome`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - registerFirefox (options: RegisterFirefoxOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/register-firefox`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - registerIOSNative (options: RegisterIOSNativeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/push-notifications/register-ios-native`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getLatestUniversesUpdates (options: GetLatestUniversesUpdatesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/stream-notifications/get-latest-game-updates`, - qs: { - ...options, - universeId: options.universeIds.join(",") - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getStreamNotificationsPromptSettings (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/stream-notifications/get-prompt-settings` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getRecentStreamNotifications (options: GetRecentStreamNotificationsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/stream-notifications/get-recent`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getStreamNotificationsMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/stream-notifications/metadata` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getUnreadStreamNotificationsCount (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/stream-notifications/unread-count` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - clearUnreadStreamNotifications (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/stream-notifications/clear-unread`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - markGameUpdateNotificationInteracted (options: SendGameUpdateNotificationInteractedOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/stream-notifications/game-update-notification-interacted`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - markGameUpdateNotificationRead (options: SendGameUpdateNotificationReadOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/stream-notifications/get-latest-game-updates`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - suppressStreamNotificationsPrompt (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v2/stream-notifications/suppress-prompt`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } +export class NotificationsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://notifications.roblox.com/" + }); + } + + getNotificationsSettings(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/get-settings` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getRealtimeNotificationSettings(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/settings/realtime` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + allowNotificationSource( + options: NotificationsAllowNotificationSourceOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/notification-source-types/allow`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + disallowNotificationSource( + options: NotificationsDisallowNotificationSourceOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/notification-source-types/opt-out`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + allowNotificationDestination( + options: NotificationsAllowNotificationsDestinationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/receiver-destination-types/allow`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + disallowNotificationDestination( + options: NotificationsDisallowNotificationsDestinationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/receiver-destination-types/opt-out`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateDestinationSetting( + options: NotificationsUpdateNotificationDestinationSettingsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/update-destination-setting`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + updateNotificationSettings( + options: NotificationsUpdateNotificationSettingsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/notifications/update-notification-settings`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getChromeManifest(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/chrome-manifest` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getCurrentDeviceDestination(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/get-current-device-destination` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getDestinations(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/get-destinations` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getPushNotificationsMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getNotificationIds( + options: NotificationsGetNotificationIdsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/notification-ids`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + deregisterAllDevices(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/deregister-all-devices`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + deregisterCurrentDevice(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/deregister-current-device` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + markNotificationRead( + options: NotificationsMarkNotificationReadOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/mark-as-read`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + markNotificationCategoryRead( + options: NotificationsMarkNotificationCategoryReadOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/mark-category-as-read`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + markNotificationInteraction( + options: NotificationsMarkNotificationInteractionOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/mark-interaction`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + registerAndroidAmazon( + options: NotificationsRegisterAmazonAndroidOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/register-android-amazon`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + registerAndroidNative( + options: NotificationsRegisterAndroidNativeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/register-android-native`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + registerAndroidTencentSerice( + options: NotificationsRegisterAndroidTencentServiceOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/register-android-tencent-service`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + registerChrome( + options: NotificationsRegisterChromeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/register-chrome`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + registerFirefox( + options: NotificationsRegisterFirefoxOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/register-firefox`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + registerIOSNative( + options: NotificationsRegisterIOSNativeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/push-notifications/register-ios-native`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getLatestUniversesUpdates( + options: NotificationsGetLatestUniversesUpdatesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/get-latest-game-updates`, + qs: { + ...options, + universeId: options.universeIds.join(",") + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getStreamNotificationsPromptSettings(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/get-prompt-settings` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getRecentStreamNotifications( + options: NotificationsGetRecentStreamNotificationsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/get-recent`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getStreamNotificationsMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + getUnreadStreamNotificationsCount(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/unread-count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + clearUnreadStreamNotifications(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/clear-unread`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + markGameUpdateNotificationInteracted( + options: NotificationsSendGameUpdateNotificationInteractedOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/game-update-notification-interacted`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + markGameUpdateNotificationRead( + options: NotificationsSendGameUpdateNotificationReadOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/get-latest-game-updates`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } + + suppressStreamNotificationsPrompt(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v2/stream-notifications/suppress-prompt`, + method: "POST" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/OtherAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/OtherAPI.ts index c058a3d3e..5bfc12b20 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/OtherAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/OtherAPI.ts @@ -1,67 +1,67 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; import { EnumUserPresence } from "../../interfaces/GeneralInterfaces"; - -export type GetUserProfileHeaderOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type GetUserProfileHeader = { +export type OtherGetUserProfileHeaderOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export type OtherGetUserProfileHeader = { + UserId: number; + ProfileUserId: number; + ProfileUserName: string; + ProfileDisplayName: string; + FriendsCount: number; + UserPresenceType: EnumUserPresence; + LastLocation: string | null; + UserStatus: string | null; + UserStatusDate: string | null; + UserPlaceId: number | null; + FollowersCount: number; + FollowingsCount: number; + IsVieweeBlocked: boolean; + IsViewerBlocked: boolean; + AreFriends: boolean; + IncomingFriendRequestPending: boolean; + MaySendFriendInvitation: boolean; + FriendRequestPending: boolean; + MayFollow: boolean; + IsFollowing: boolean; + CanMessage: boolean; + MessagesDisabled: boolean; + CanBeFollowed: boolean; + CanTrade: boolean; + CanSeeFavorites: boolean; + MayImpersonate: boolean; + MayEdit: boolean; + HeadShotImage: { + Final: boolean; + Url: string; + RetryUrl: string | null; UserId: number; - ProfileUserId: number; - ProfileUserName: string; - ProfileDisplayName: string; - FriendsCount: number; - UserPresenceType: EnumUserPresence; - LastLocation: string | null; - UserStatus: string | null; - UserStatusDate: string | null; - UserPlaceId: number | null; - FollowersCount: number; - FollowingsCount: number; - IsVieweeBlocked: boolean; - IsViewerBlocked: boolean; - AreFriends: boolean; - IncomingFriendRequestPending: boolean; - MaySendFriendInvitation: boolean; - FriendRequestPending: boolean; - MayFollow: boolean; - IsFollowing: boolean; - CanMessage: boolean; - MessagesDisabled: boolean; - CanBeFollowed: boolean; - CanTrade: boolean; - CanSeeFavorites: boolean; - MayImpersonate: boolean; - MayEdit: boolean; - HeadShotImage: { - Final: boolean; - Url: string; - RetryUrl: string | null; - UserId: number; - EndpointType: "Avatar" | string; - }; - PreviousUserNames: string; - IsUserOnPhone: boolean; - CanSeeInventory: boolean; -} + EndpointType: "Avatar" | string; + }; + PreviousUserNames: string; + IsUserOnPhone: boolean; + CanSeeInventory: boolean; +}; -export default class OtherAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class OtherAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://roblox.com/" + }); + } - getUserProfileHeader (options: GetUserProfileHeaderOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - url: `https://www.roblox.com/users/profile/profileheader-json?userId=${options.userId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserProfileHeader( + options: OtherGetUserProfileHeaderOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + url: `https://www.roblox.com/users/profile/profileheader-json?userId=${options.userId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI.ts index 641592578..13d9bd8e7 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI.ts @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; +export type PremiumFeaturesUpsellCheckOptions = { + userId: number; + universeId: number; + placeId: number; +}; +export type PremiumFeaturesUpsellCheck = unknown; +export type PremiumFeaturesValidateUserMembershipOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export type PremiumFeaturesValidateUserMembership = boolean; -export type PremiumUpsellCheckOptions = { - userId: number; - universeId: number; - placeId: number; -} -export type PremiumUpsellCheck = unknown -export type ValidateUserMembershipOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type ValidateUserMembership = boolean; - - -export default class PremiumFeaturesAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://premiumfeatures.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class PremiumFeaturesAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://premiumfeatures.roblox.com/" + }); + } - premiumUpsellCheck (options: PremiumUpsellCheckOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/premium-upsell-check`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + premiumUpsellCheck( + options: PremiumFeaturesUpsellCheckOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/premium-upsell-check`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - validateUserMembership (options: ValidateUserMembershipOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/validate-membership` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + validateUserMembership( + options: PremiumFeaturesValidateUserMembershipOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/validate-membership` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/PresenceAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/PresenceAPI.ts index 59cc2d97d..9447a56b7 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/PresenceAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/PresenceAPI.ts @@ -1,61 +1,63 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; import { EnumUserPresence } from "../../interfaces/GeneralInterfaces"; +export type PresenceRegisterAppPresenceOptions = { + location: string; + placeId: number; + disconnect: boolean; +}; +export type PresenceRegisterAppPresence = unknown; +export type PresenceGetUsersPresencesOptions = { + userIds: number[]; +}; +export type PresenceGetUsersPresences = { + userPresences: PresenceGetUsersPresence[]; +}; +export type PresenceGetUsersPresence = { + userPresenceType: EnumUserPresence; + lastLocation: string; + placeId: number; + rootPlaceId: number; + gameId: string; + universeId: number; + userId: number; + lastOnline: string; +}; -export type RegisterAppPresenceOptions = { - location: string; - placeId: number; - disconnect: boolean; -} -export type RegisterAppPresence = unknown -export type GetUsersPresencesOptions = { - userIds: number[]; -} -export type GetUsersPresences = { - userPresences: { - userPresenceType: EnumUserPresence; - lastLocation: string; - placeId: number; - rootPlaceId: number; - gameId: string; - universeId: number; - userId: number; - lastOnline: string; - }[]; -} - -export default class PresenceAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://presence.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class PresenceAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://presence.roblox.com/" + }); + } - registerAppPresence (options: RegisterAppPresenceOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/presence/register-app-presence`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + registerAppPresence( + options: PresenceRegisterAppPresenceOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/presence/register-app-presence`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUsersPresences (options: GetUsersPresencesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/presence/users`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUsersPresences( + options: PresenceGetUsersPresencesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/presence/users`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI.ts index 853d0fc56..d20f4ebff 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI.ts @@ -1,218 +1,234 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type GetAnnouncements = { - collection: { - id: number; - sender: { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }; - subject: string; - body: string; - created: string; - updated: string; +export type PrivateMessagesGetAnnouncements = { + collection: { + id: number; + sender: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; }; - totalCollectionSize: number; -} -export type GetAnnouncementsMetaData = { - numOfAnnouncements: number; -} -export type GetMessagesOptions = { - pageNumber?: number; - pageSize?: number; - messageTab?: "Inbox" | "Sent" | "Archive"; -} -export type GetMessages = { - collection: { - id: number; - sender: { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }; - recipient: { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }; - subject: string; - body: string; - created: string; - updated: string; - isRead: boolean; - isSystemMessage: boolean; - isReportAbuseDisplayed: boolean; - }[]; - totalCollectionSize: number; - totalPages: number; - pageNumber: number; -} -export type GetMessageOptions = { - messageId: number; -} -export type GetMessage = GetMessages["collection"][0]; -export type GetUnreadMessagesCount = { - count: number; -} -export type ArchiveMessagesOptions = { - messageIds: number[]; -} -export type ArchiveMessages = { - failedMessages?: { - messageId: number; - errorMessage: string; - }[]; -} -export type MarkMessagesReadOptions = ArchiveMessagesOptions; -export type MarkMessagesRead = ArchiveMessages; -export type MarkMessagesUnreadOptions = ArchiveMessagesOptions; -export type MarkMessagesUnread = ArchiveMessages; -export type SendMessageOptions = { - userId: number; subject: string; body: string; - recipientId: number; - replyMessageId?: number; - includePreviousMessage?: boolean; -} -export type SendMessage = { - success: boolean; - shortMessage: string; - message: string; -} -export type UnArchiveMessagesOptions = ArchiveMessagesOptions; -export type UnArchiveMessages = ArchiveMessages; + created: string; + updated: string; + }; + totalCollectionSize: number; +}; +export type PrivateMessagesGetAnnouncementsMetaData = { + numOfAnnouncements: number; +}; +export type PrivateMessagesGetMessagesOptions = { + pageNumber?: number; + pageSize?: number; + messageTab?: "Inbox" | "Sent" | "Archive"; +}; +export type PrivateMessagesGetMessages = { + collection: { + id: number; + sender: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + recipient: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + subject: string; + body: string; + created: string; + updated: string; + isRead: boolean; + isSystemMessage: boolean; + isReportAbuseDisplayed: boolean; + }[]; + totalCollectionSize: number; + totalPages: number; + pageNumber: number; +}; +export type PrivateMessagesGetMessageOptions = { + messageId: number; +}; +export type PrivateMessagesGetMessage = + PrivateMessagesGetMessages["collection"][0]; +export type PrivateMessagesGetUnreadMessagesCount = { + count: number; +}; +export type PrivateMessagesArchiveMessagesOptions = { + messageIds: number[]; +}; +export type PrivateMessagesArchiveMessages = { + failedMessages?: { + messageId: number; + errorMessage: string; + }[]; +}; +export type PrivateMessagesMarkMessagesReadOptions = + PrivateMessagesArchiveMessagesOptions; +export type PrivateMessagesMarkMessagesRead = PrivateMessagesArchiveMessages; +export type PrivateMessagesMarkMessagesUnreadOptions = + PrivateMessagesArchiveMessagesOptions; +export type PrivateMessagesMarkMessagesUnread = PrivateMessagesArchiveMessages; +export type PrivateMessagesSendMessageOptions = { + userId: number; + subject: string; + body: string; + recipientId: number; + replyMessageId?: number; + includePreviousMessage?: boolean; +}; +export type PrivateMessagesSendMessage = { + success: boolean; + shortMessage: string; + message: string; +}; +export type PrivateMessagesUnArchiveMessagesOptions = + PrivateMessagesArchiveMessagesOptions; +export type PrivateMessagesUnArchiveMessages = PrivateMessagesArchiveMessages; +export class PrivateMessagesAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://privatemessages.roblox.com/" + }); + } -export default class PrivateMessagesAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://privatemessages.roblox.com/" - }); - } + getAnnouncements(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/announcements` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getAnnouncements (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/announcements` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAnnouncementsMetaData(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/announcements/metadata` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getAnnouncementsMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/announcements/metadata` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getMessages( + options: PrivateMessagesGetMessagesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getMessages (options: GetMessagesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/messages`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getMessage( + options: PrivateMessagesGetMessageOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/${options.messageId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getMessage (options: GetMessageOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/messages/${options.messageId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + canMessage(options: { userId: number }): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/${options.userId}/can-message` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body.canMessage); + } - getUnreadMessagesCount (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/messages/unread/count` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUnreadMessagesCount(): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/unread/count` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - archiveMessages (options: ArchiveMessagesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/messages/archive`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + archiveMessages( + options: PrivateMessagesArchiveMessagesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/archive`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - markMessagesRead (options: MarkMessagesReadOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/messages/mark-read`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + markMessagesRead( + options: PrivateMessagesMarkMessagesReadOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/mark-read`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - markMessagesUnread (options: MarkMessagesUnreadOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/messages/mark-unread`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + markMessagesUnread( + options: PrivateMessagesMarkMessagesUnreadOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/mark-unread`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - sendMessage (options: SendMessageOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/messages/send`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + sendMessage( + options: PrivateMessagesSendMessageOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/send`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - unArchiveMessages (options: UnArchiveMessagesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/messages/unarchive`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + unArchiveMessages( + options: PrivateMessagesUnArchiveMessagesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/messages/unarchive`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/PublishAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/PublishAPI.ts index c105c7b8d..5f360f8d0 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/PublishAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/PublishAPI.ts @@ -1,157 +1,165 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type UploadAssetsOptions = { - files: unknown; -} -export type UploadAssets = { - AssetDetails: { - assetId: number; - assetFileName: string; - uploadAssetError: "None" | string; - }[]; -} +export type PublishUploadAssetsOptions = { + files: unknown; +}; +export type PublishUploadAssets = { + AssetDetails: { + assetId: number; + assetFileName: string; + uploadAssetError: "None" | string; + }[]; +}; export type PublishAudioOptions = { - name: string; - file: unknown; - groupId?: number; - paymentSource: string; -} + name: string; + file: unknown; + groupId?: number; + paymentSource: string; +}; export type PublishAudio = { - Id: number; - Name: string; -} -export type VerifyAudioOptions = PublishAudioOptions; -export type VerifyAudio = { - price: number; - canAfford: boolean; -} + Id: number; + Name: string; +}; +export type PublishVerifyAudioOptions = PublishAudioOptions; +export type PublishVerifyAudio = { + price: number; + canAfford: boolean; +}; export type PublishBadgeIconOptions = { - badgeId: number; - files: unknown; -} + badgeId: number; + files: unknown; +}; export type PublishBadgeIcon = { - targetId: number; -} + targetId: number; +}; export type PublishGamePassIconOptions = { - gamePassId: number; - files: unknown; -} + gamePassId: number; + files: unknown; +}; export type PublishGamePassIcon = { - targetId: number; -} -export type UploadGameThumbnailOptions = { - gameId: number; - files: unknown; -} -export type UploadGameThumbnail = { - targetId: number; -} -export type UploadPluginIconOptions = { - pluginId: number; - files: unknown; -} -export type UploadPluginIcon = { - targetId: number; -} + targetId: number; +}; +export type PublishUploadGameThumbnailOptions = { + gameId: number; + files: unknown; +}; +export type PublishUploadGameThumbnail = { + targetId: number; +}; +export type PublishUploadPluginIconOptions = { + pluginId: number; + files: unknown; +}; +export type PublishUploadPluginIcon = { + targetId: number; +}; -export default class PublishAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://publish.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class PublishAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://publish.roblox.com/" + }); + } - uploadAssets (options: UploadAssetsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/assets/upload`, - method: "POST", - body: options.files - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + /** + * @hidden + */ + uploadAssets( + options: PublishUploadAssetsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets/upload`, + method: "POST", + body: options.files + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - publishAudio (options: PublishAudioOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/audio`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + publishAudio(options: PublishAudioOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/audio`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - verifyAudio (options: VerifyAudioOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/audio/verify`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + verifyAudio(options: PublishVerifyAudioOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/audio/verify`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - publishBadgeIcon (options: PublishBadgeIconOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/badges/${options.badgeId}/icon`, - method: "POST", - body: options.files - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + publishBadgeIcon( + options: PublishBadgeIconOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/badges/${options.badgeId}/icon`, + method: "POST", + body: options.files + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - publishGamePassIcon (options: PublishGamePassIconOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/game-passes/${options.gamePassId}/icon`, - method: "POST", - body: options.files - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + /** + * @hidden + */ + publishGamePassIcon( + options: PublishGamePassIconOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/game-passes/${options.gamePassId}/icon`, + method: "POST", + body: options.files + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - uploadGameThumbnail (options: UploadGameThumbnailOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/games/${options.gameId}/thumbnail/image`, - method: "POST", - body: options.files - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + uploadGameThumbnail( + options: PublishUploadGameThumbnailOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.gameId}/thumbnail/image`, + method: "POST", + body: options.files + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - uploadPluginIcon (options: UploadPluginIconOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/plugins/${options.pluginId}/icon`, - method: "POST", - body: options.files - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + uploadPluginIcon( + options: PublishUploadPluginIconOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/plugins/${options.pluginId}/icon`, + method: "POST", + body: options.files + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI.ts index 01efb3a29..bcfc056f0 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI.ts @@ -1,353 +1,443 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type GetAssetsThumbnailsOptions = { - assetIds: number[]; - returnPolicy?: "PlaceHolder" | "AutoGenerated" | "ForceAutoGenerated"; - size?: "42x42" | "50x50" | "75x75" | "110x110" | "140x140" | "150x150" | "160x100" | "160x600" | "250x250" | "256x144" | "300x250" | "304x166" | "384x216" | "396x216" | "420x420" | "480x270" | "512x512" | "576x324" | "700x700" | "728x90" | "768x432"; - format?: "png" | "jpg"; - isCircular?: boolean; -} -export type GetAssetsThumbnails = { - data: { - targetId: number; - state: "Error" | string; - imageUrl: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetBadgesIconsOptions = { - badgeIds: number[]; - size?: "150x150"; - format?: "png" | "jpg"; - isCircular?: boolean; +export type ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnailsOptions = { + assetIds: number[]; + returnPolicy?: "PlaceHolder" | "AutoGenerated" | "ForceAutoGenerated"; + size?: + | "42x42" + | "50x50" + | "75x75" + | "110x110" + | "140x140" + | "150x150" + | "160x100" + | "160x600" + | "250x250" + | "256x144" + | "300x250" + | "304x166" + | "384x216" + | "396x216" + | "420x420" + | "480x270" + | "512x512" + | "576x324" + | "700x700" + | "728x90" + | "768x432"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export type ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails = { + data: { + targetId: number; + state: "Error" | string; + imageUrl: string; + }[]; +}; +export type ThumbnailsGetBadgesIconsOptions = { + badgeIds: number[]; + size?: "150x150"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export type ThumbnailsGetBadgesIcons = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export type ThumbnailsGetBundlesThumbnailsOptions = { + bundleIds: number[]; + size?: "150x150" | "420x420"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; }; -export type GetBadgesIcons = GetAssetsThumbnails; -export type GetBundlesThumbnailsOptions = { - bundleIds: number[]; - size?: "150x150" | "420x420"; - format?: "png" | "jpg"; - isCircular?: boolean; +export type ThumbnailsGetBundlesThumbnails = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export type ThumbnailsGetDeveloperProductsIconsOptions = { + developerProductIds: number[]; + size?: "150x150" | "420x420"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; }; -export type GetBundlesThumbnails = GetAssetsThumbnails; -export type GetDeveloperProductsIconsOptions = { - developerProductIds: number[]; - size?: "150x150" | "420x420"; - format?: "png" | "jpg"; - isCircular?: boolean; +export type ThumbnailsGetDeveloperProductsIcons = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export type ThumbnailsGetGamePassesIconsOptions = { + gamePassIds: number[]; + size?: "150x150"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; }; -export type GetDeveloperProductsIcons = GetAssetsThumbnails; -export type GetGamePassesIconsOptions = { - gamePassIds: number[]; - size?: "150x150"; - format?: "png" | "jpg"; - isCircular?: boolean; +export type ThumbnailsGetGamePassesIcons = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export type ThumbnailsGetUniverseThumbnailsOptions = { + universeId: number; + thumbnailIds: number[]; + size?: "768x432" | "576x324" | "480x270" | "384x216" | "256x144"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; }; -export type GetGamePassesIcons = GetAssetsThumbnails; -export type GetUniverseThumbnailsOptions = { +export type ThumbnailsGetUniverseThumbnails = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export type ThumbnailsGetUniversesRootPlaceThumbnailsOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; + returnPolicy?: "PlaceHolder" | "AutoGenerated" | "ForceAutoGenerated"; + size?: "50x50" | "128x128" | "150x150" | "256x256" | "512x512"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export type ThumbnailsGetUniversesRootPlaceThumbnails = + ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export type ThumbnailsGetUniversesThumbnailsOptions = { + universeIds: number[]; + countPerUniverse?: number; + defaults?: boolean; + size?: "768x432" | "576x324" | "480x270" | "384x216" | "256x144"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export type ThumbnailsGetUniversesThumbnails = { + data: { universeId: number; - thumbnailIds: number[]; - size?: "768x432" | "576x324" | "480x270" | "384x216" | "256x144"; - format?: "png" | "jpg"; - isCircular?: boolean; -} -export type GetUniverseThumbnails = GetAssetsThumbnails; -export type GetUniversesRootPlaceThumbnailsOptions = { - universeIds: number[]; - returnPolicy?: "PlaceHolder" | "AutoGenerated" | "ForceAutoGenerated"; - size?: "50x50" | "128x128" | "150x150" | "256x256" | "512x512"; - format?: "png" | "jpg"; - isCircular?: boolean; -} -export type GetUniversesRootPlaceThumbnails = GetAssetsThumbnails; -export type GetUniversesThumbnailsOptions = { - universeIds: number[]; - countPerUniverse?: number; - defaults?: boolean; - size?: "768x432" | "576x324" | "480x270" | "384x216" | "256x144"; - format?: "png" | "jpg"; - isCircular?: boolean; -} -export type GetUniversesThumbnails = { - data: { - universeId: number; - error?: { - code: number; - message: string; - userFacingMessage: string; - field: string; - fieldData: unknown; - }; - thumbnails: { - targetId: number; - state: "Error" | string; - imageUrl: string; - }[]; + error?: { + code: number; + message: string; + userFacingMessage: string; + field: string; + fieldData: unknown; + }; + thumbnails: { + targetId: number; + state: "Error" | string; + imageUrl: string; }[]; -} -export type GetGroupsIconsOptions = { - groupIds: number[]; - size?: "150x150" | "420x420"; - format?: "png" | "jpg"; - isCircular?: boolean; -} -export type GetGroupsIcons = GetAssetsThumbnails; -export type GetUsersFullBodyAvatarImagesOptions = { - userIds: number[]; - size?: "30x30" | "48x48" | "60x60" | "75x75" | "100x100" | "140x140" | "150x150" | "150x200" | "180x180" | "250x250" | "352x352" | "420x420" | "720x720"; - format?: "png" | "jpg"; - isCircular?: boolean; -} -export type GetUsersFullBodyAvatarImages = GetAssetsThumbnails; -export type GetUsersAvatarBustImagesOptions = { - userIds: number[]; - size?: "50x50" | "60x60" | "75x75"; - format?: "png" | "jpg"; - isCircular?: boolean; -} -export type GetUsersAvatarBustImages = GetAssetsThumbnails; -export type GetUsersAvatarHeadShotsImagesOptions = { - userIds: number[]; - size?: "48x48" | "50x50" | "60x60" | "75x75" | "110x110" | "150x150" | "180x180" | "352x352" | "420x420" | "720x720"; - format?: "png" | "jpg"; - isCircular?: boolean; -} -export type GetUsersAvatarHeadShotsImages = GetAssetsThumbnails; -export type GetUsersOutfitsImagesOptions = { - userOutfitIds: number[]; - size?: "150x150" | "420x420"; - format?: "png" | "jpg"; - isCircular?: boolean; -} -export type GetUsersOutfitsImages = GetAssetsThumbnails; -export type GetBatchImagesOptions = { + }[]; +}; +export type ThumbnailsGetGroupsIconsOptions = { + groupIds: number[]; + size?: "150x150" | "420x420"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export type ThumbnailsGetGroupsIcons = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export type ThumbnailsGetUsersFullBodyAvatarImagesOptions = { + userIds: number[]; + size?: + | "30x30" + | "48x48" + | "60x60" + | "75x75" + | "100x100" + | "140x140" + | "150x150" + | "150x200" + | "180x180" + | "250x250" + | "352x352" + | "420x420" + | "720x720"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export type ThumbnailsGetUsersFullBodyAvatarImages = + ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export type ThumbnailsGetUsersAvatarBustImagesOptions = { + userIds: number[]; + size?: "50x50" | "60x60" | "75x75"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export type ThumbnailsGetUsersAvatarBustImages = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export type ThumbnailsGetUsersAvatarHeadShotsImagesOptions = { + userIds: number[]; + size?: + | "48x48" + | "50x50" + | "60x60" + | "75x75" + | "110x110" + | "150x150" + | "180x180" + | "352x352" + | "420x420" + | "720x720"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export type ThumbnailsGetUsersAvatarHeadShotsImages = + ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export type ThumbnailsGetUsersOutfitsImagesOptions = { + userOutfitIds: number[]; + size?: "150x150" | "420x420"; + format?: "png" | "jpg"; + isCircular?: boolean; +}; +export type ThumbnailsGetUsersOutfitsImages = ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnails; +export type ThumbnailsGetBatchImagesOptions = { + requestId: string; + targetId: number; + type: + | "Avatar" + | "AvatarHeadShot" + | "GameIcon" + | "BadgeIcon" + | "GameThumbnail" + | "GamePass" + | "Asset" + | "BundleThumbnail" + | "Outfit" + | "GroupIcon" + | "DeveloperProduct" + | "AutoGeneratedAsset"; + size: string; + isCircular: boolean; +}; +export type ThumbnailsGetBatchImages = { + data: { requestId: string; + errorCode?: number; + errorMessage?: string; targetId: number; - type: "Avatar" | "AvatarHeadShot" | "GameIcon" | "BadgeIcon" | "GameThumbnail" | "GamePass" | "Asset" | "BundleThumbnail" | "Outfit" | "GroupIcon" | "DeveloperProduct" | "AutoGeneratedAsset"; - size: string; - isCircular: boolean; -} -export type GetBatchImages = { - data: { - requestId: string; - errorCode?: number; - errorMessage?: string; - targetId: number; - state: "Error" | string; - imageUrl: string; - }[]; -} + state: "Error" | string; + imageUrl: string; + }[]; +}; -export default class ThumbnailsAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://thumbnails.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class ThumbnailsAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://thumbnails.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getAssetsThumbnails (options: GetAssetsThumbnailsOptions): Promise { - const assetIdsQueryString = `assetIds=${options.assetIds.join("&assetIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/assets?${assetIdsQueryString}`, - qs: { - ...options - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAssetsThumbnails( + options: ThumbnailsGetAssetsThumbnailsOptions + ): Promise { + const assetIdsQueryString = `assetIds=${options.assetIds.join( + "&assetIds=" + )}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets?${assetIdsQueryString}`, + qs: { + ...options + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getBadgesIcons (options: GetBadgesIconsOptions): Promise { - const badgeIdsQueryString = `badgeIds=${options.badgeIds.join("&badgeIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/badges/icons?${badgeIdsQueryString}`, - qs: { - ...options - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getBadgesIcons( + options: ThumbnailsGetBadgesIconsOptions + ): Promise { + const badgeIdsQueryString = `badgeIds=${options.badgeIds.join( + "&badgeIds=" + )}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/badges/icons?${badgeIdsQueryString}`, + qs: { + ...options + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getBundlesThumbnails (options: GetBundlesThumbnailsOptions): Promise { - const bundleIdsQueryString = `bundleIds=${options.bundleIds.join("&bundleIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/bundles/thumbnails?${bundleIdsQueryString}`, - qs: { - ...options - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getBundlesThumbnails( + options: ThumbnailsGetBundlesThumbnailsOptions + ): Promise { + const bundleIdsQueryString = `bundleIds=${options.bundleIds.join( + "&bundleIds=" + )}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/bundles/thumbnails?${bundleIdsQueryString}`, + qs: { + ...options + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getDeveloperProductIcons (options: GetDeveloperProductsIconsOptions): Promise { - const developerProductIdsQueryString = `developerProductIds=${options.developerProductIds.join("&developerProductIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/developer-products/icons?${developerProductIdsQueryString}`, - qs: { - ...options - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getDeveloperProductIcons( + options: ThumbnailsGetDeveloperProductsIconsOptions + ): Promise { + const developerProductIdsQueryString = `developerProductIds=${options.developerProductIds.join( + "&developerProductIds=" + )}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/developer-products/icons?${developerProductIdsQueryString}`, + qs: { + ...options + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGamePassesIcons (options: GetGamePassesIconsOptions): Promise { - const gamePassIdsQueryString = `gamePassIds=${options.gamePassIds.join("&gamePassIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/assets?${gamePassIdsQueryString}`, - qs: { - ...options - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGamePassesIcons( + options: ThumbnailsGetGamePassesIconsOptions + ): Promise { + const gamePassIdsQueryString = `gamePassIds=${options.gamePassIds.join( + "&gamePassIds=" + )}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets?${gamePassIdsQueryString}`, + qs: { + ...options + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUniverseThumbnailIds (options: GetUniverseThumbnailsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/thumbnails`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUniverseThumbnailIds( + options: ThumbnailsGetUniverseThumbnailsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/games/${options.universeId}/thumbnails`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUniversesRootPlaceThumbnail (options: GetUniversesRootPlaceThumbnailsOptions): Promise { - const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join("&universeIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/games/icons?${universeIdsQueryString}`, - qs: { - ...options - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUniversesRootPlaceThumbnail( + options: ThumbnailsGetUniversesRootPlaceThumbnailsOptions + ): Promise { + const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join( + "&universeIds=" + )}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/games/icons?${universeIdsQueryString}`, + qs: { + ...options + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUniversesThumbnailIds (options: GetUniversesThumbnailsOptions): Promise { - const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join("&universeIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/games/multiget/thumbnails?${universeIdsQueryString}`, - qs: { - ...options - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUniversesThumbnailIds( + options: ThumbnailsGetUniversesThumbnailsOptions + ): Promise { + const universeIdsQueryString = `universeIds=${options.universeIds.join( + "&universeIds=" + )}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/games/multiget/thumbnails?${universeIdsQueryString}`, + qs: { + ...options + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGroupsIcons (options: GetGroupsIconsOptions): Promise { - const groupIdsQueryString = `groupIds=${options.groupIds.join("&groupIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/groups/icons?${groupIdsQueryString}`, - qs: { - ...options - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGroupsIcons( + options: ThumbnailsGetGroupsIconsOptions + ): Promise { + const groupIdsQueryString = `groupIds=${options.groupIds.join( + "&groupIds=" + )}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/groups/icons?${groupIdsQueryString}`, + qs: { + ...options + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUsersFullBodyAvatarImages (options: GetUsersFullBodyAvatarImagesOptions): Promise { - const userIdsQueryString = `userIds=${options.userIds.join("&userIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/avatar?${userIdsQueryString}`, - qs: { - ...options - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUsersFullBodyAvatarImages( + options: ThumbnailsGetUsersFullBodyAvatarImagesOptions + ): Promise { + const userIdsQueryString = `userIds=${options.userIds.join("&userIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/avatar?${userIdsQueryString}`, + qs: { + ...options + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUsersAvatarBustImages (options: GetUsersAvatarBustImagesOptions): Promise { - const userIdsQueryString = `userIds=${options.userIds.join("&userIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/avatar-bust?${userIdsQueryString}`, - qs: { - ...options - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUsersAvatarBustImages( + options: ThumbnailsGetUsersAvatarBustImagesOptions + ): Promise { + const userIdsQueryString = `userIds=${options.userIds.join("&userIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/avatar-bust?${userIdsQueryString}`, + qs: { + ...options + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUsersAvatarHeadShotImages (options: GetUsersAvatarHeadShotsImagesOptions): Promise { - const userIdsQueryString = `userIds=${options.userIds.join("&userIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/avatar-headshot?${userIdsQueryString}`, - qs: { - ...options - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUsersAvatarHeadShotImages( + options: ThumbnailsGetUsersAvatarHeadShotsImagesOptions + ): Promise { + const userIdsQueryString = `userIds=${options.userIds.join("&userIds=")}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/avatar-headshot?${userIdsQueryString}`, + qs: { + ...options + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUsersOutfitsImages (options: GetUsersOutfitsImagesOptions): Promise { - const outfitIdsQueryString = `userOutfitIds=${options.userOutfitIds.join("&userOutfitIds=")}`; - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/assets?${outfitIdsQueryString}`, - qs: { - ...options - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUsersOutfitsImages( + options: ThumbnailsGetUsersOutfitsImagesOptions + ): Promise { + const outfitIdsQueryString = `userOutfitIds=${options.userOutfitIds.join( + "&userOutfitIds=" + )}`; + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/assets?${outfitIdsQueryString}`, + qs: { + ...options + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getBatchImages (options: GetBatchImagesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/batch`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getBatchImages( + options: ThumbnailsGetBatchImagesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/batch`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/TradesAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/TradesAPI.ts deleted file mode 100644 index b2c38814e..000000000 --- a/src/client/apis/TradesAPI.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; - - -export type GetTradeOptions = { - tradeId: number; -} -export type GetTrade = { - offers: { - user: { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }; - userAssets: { - id: number; - serialNumber: number; - assetId: number; - name: string; - recentAveragePrice: number; - originalPrice: number; - assetStock: number; - membershipType: "None" | string; - }[]; - robux: number; - }[]; - id: number; - user: { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }; - created: string; - expiration: string; - isActive: boolean; - status: string; -} -export type GetTradesByStatusTypeOptions = { - tradeStatusType: "Inbound" | "Outbound" | "Completed" | "Inactive"; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type GetTradesByStatusType = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - id: number; - user: { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }; - created: string; - expiration: string; - isActive: boolean; - status: string; - }[]; -} -export type GetTradesCountByStatusTypeOptions = { - tradeStatusType: GetTradesByStatusTypeOptions["tradeStatusType"]; -} -export type GetTradesCountByStatusType = { - count: number; -} -export type GetTradesMetaData = { - maxItemsPerSide: number; - minValueRatio: number; - tradeSystemMaxRobuxPercent: number; - tradeSystemRobuxFee: number; -} -export type CanSelfTradeWithUserOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type CanSelfTradeWithUser = { - canTrade: boolean; - status: string; -} -export type AcceptTradeOptions = { - tradeId: number; -} -export type AcceptTrade = unknown -export type CounterTradeOptions = { - tradeId: number; - offers: { - userId: number; - userAssetIds: number[]; - robux: number; - }[]; -} -export type CounterTrade = { - id: number; -} -export type DeclineTradeOptions = { - tradeId: number; -} -export type DeclineTrade = unknown -export type SendTradeOptions = Omit; -export type SendTrade = { - id: number; -} - - -export default class TradesAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://trades.roblox.com/" - }); - } - - getTrade (options: GetTradeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/trades/${options.tradeId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getTradesByStatusType (options: GetTradesByStatusTypeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/trades/${options.tradeStatusType}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getTradesCountByStatusType (options: GetTradesCountByStatusTypeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/trades/${options.tradeStatusType}/count` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - getTradesMetaData (): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/trades/metadata` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - canTradeWith (options: CanSelfTradeWithUserOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/can-trade-with` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - acceptTrade (options: AcceptTradeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/trades/${options.tradeId}/accept`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - counterTrade (options: CounterTradeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/trades/${options.tradeId}/counter`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - declineTrade (options: DeclineTradeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/trades/${options.tradeId}/decline`, - method: "POST" - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } - - sendTrade (options: SendTradeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/trades/send`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } -} diff --git a/src/client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI.ts index 717f7e734..2624508a0 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI.ts @@ -1,102 +1,105 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type GetSelfGameRolesOptions = { - gameId: number; -} -export type GetSelfGameRoles = { - data: string[]; -} -export type GetGameRoleAssigneesOptions = { - gameId: number; - role: "translator"; -} -export type GetGameRoleAssignees = { - data: { - id: null; - name: string; - type: "user"; - }[]; -} -export type GetSelfGamesAccessByRoleOptions = { - role: "translator"; - exclusiveStartKey?: string; - pageSize?: number; -} -export type GetSelfGamesAccessByRole = { - games: { - gameId: number; - assignee: { - assigneeType: "user"; - id: number; - }; - }[]; -} -export type UpdateUserAccess = { +export type TranslationRolesGetSelfGameRolesOptions = { + gameId: number; +}; +export type TranslationRolesGetSelfGameRoles = { + data: string[]; +}; +export type TranslationRolesGetGameRoleAssigneesOptions = { + gameId: number; + role: "translator"; +}; +export type TranslationRolesGetGameRoleAssignees = { + data: { + id: null; + name: string; + type: "user"; + }[]; +}; +export type TranslationRolesGetSelfGamesAccessByRoleOptions = { + role: "translator"; + exclusiveStartKey?: string; + pageSize?: number; +}; +export type TranslationRolesGetSelfGamesAccessByRole = { + games: { gameId: number; - userId: number; - role: "translator"; - revoke?: boolean; -} -export type UpdateUser = unknown + assignee: { + assigneeType: "user"; + id: number; + }; + }[]; +}; +export type TranslationRolesUpdateUserAccess = { + gameId: number; + userId: number; + role: "translator"; + revoke?: boolean; +}; +export type TranslationRolesUpdateUser = unknown; -export default class TradesAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://translationroles.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class TranslationRolesAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://translationroles.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getSelfGameRoles (options: GetSelfGameRolesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/game-localization-roles/games/${options.gameId}/current-user/roles` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSelfGameRoles( + options: TranslationRolesGetSelfGameRolesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/game-localization-roles/games/${options.gameId}/current-user/roles` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getGameRoleAssignees (options: GetGameRoleAssigneesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/game-localization-roles/games/${options.gameId}/roles/${options.role}/assignees` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getGameRoleAssignees( + options: TranslationRolesGetGameRoleAssigneesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/game-localization-roles/games/${options.gameId}/roles/${options.role}/assignees` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getSelfGamesAccessByRole (options: GetSelfGamesAccessByRoleOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/game-localization-roles/roles/${options.role}/current-user` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getSelfGamesAccessByRole( + options: TranslationRolesGetSelfGamesAccessByRoleOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/game-localization-roles/roles/${options.role}/current-user` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - updateUserAccess (options: UpdateUserAccess): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/game-localization-roles/games/${options.gameId}`, - method: "PATCH", - json: { - assigneeId: options.userId, - assigneeType: "user", - role: "translator", - revoke: options.revoke !== undefined ? options.revoke : false - } - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + updateUserAccess( + options: TranslationRolesUpdateUserAccess + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/game-localization-roles/games/${options.gameId}`, + method: "PATCH", + json: { + assigneeId: options.userId, + assigneeType: "user", + role: "translator", + revoke: options.revoke !== undefined ? options.revoke : false + } + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/TwoStepVerificationAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/TwoStepVerificationAPI.ts index 9d4f114c1..ad8cca287 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/TwoStepVerificationAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/TwoStepVerificationAPI.ts @@ -1,210 +1,228 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type GetTwoStepVerificationMetaDataOptions = { - userId: number; - challengeId: string; - actionType: string; +export type TwoStepVerificationGetMetaDataOptions = { + userId: number; + challengeId: string; + actionType: string; }; -export type GetTwoStepVerificationMetaData = { - twoStepVerificationEnabled: boolean; - authenticatorEnabled: boolean; - authenticatorQrCodeSize: string; - emailCodeLength: number; - authenticatorCodeLength: number; +export type TwoStepVerificationGetMetaData = { + twoStepVerificationEnabled: boolean; + authenticatorEnabled: boolean; + authenticatorQrCodeSize: string; + emailCodeLength: number; + authenticatorCodeLength: number; }; -export type GetTwoStepConfigurationOptions = GetTwoStepVerificationMetaDataOptions; -export type GetTwoStepConfiguration = { - primaryMediaType: "Email" | string; - methods: { - mediaType: "Email" | string; - enabled: boolean; - updated: string; - }[]; +export type TwoStepVerificationGetConfigurationOptions = + TwoStepVerificationGetMetaDataOptions; +export type TwoStepVerificationGetConfiguration = { + primaryMediaType: "Email" | string; + methods: { + mediaType: "Email" | string; + enabled: boolean; + updated: string; + }[]; }; -export type AuthenticatorVerifyOptions = { - challengeId: string; - actionType: string; - code: string; +export type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorVerifyOptions = { + challengeId: string; + actionType: string; + code: string; }; -export type AuthenticatorVerify = { - verificationToken: string; +export type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorVerify = { + verificationToken: string; }; -export type AuthenticatorDisableOptions = { - password: string; +export type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorDisableOptions = { + password: string; }; -export type AuthenticatorDisable = unknown; -export type AuthenticatorEnableOptions = { - userId: number; +export type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorDisable = unknown; +export type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorEnableOptions = { + userId: number; }; -export type AuthenticatorEnable = { - setupToken: string; - qrCodeImageUrl: string; - manualEntryKey: string; +export type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorEnable = { + setupToken: string; + qrCodeImageUrl: string; + manualEntryKey: string; }; -export type AuthenticatorVerifySetupOptions = { - setupToken: string; - code: string; +export type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorVerifySetupOptions = { + setupToken: string; + code: string; }; -export type AuthenticatorVerifySetup = unknown; -export type EmailSendCodeOptions = { - challengeId: string; - actionType: string; +export type TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorVerifySetup = unknown; +export type TwoStepVerificationEmailSendCodeOptions = { + challengeId: string; + actionType: string; }; -export type EmailSendCode = { - challengeId: string; - actionType: string; +export type TwoStepVerificationEmailSendCode = { + challengeId: string; + actionType: string; }; -export type EmailVerifyOptions = { - challengeId: string; - actionType: string; - code: string; +export type TwoStepVerificationEmailVerifyOptions = { + challengeId: string; + actionType: string; + code: string; }; -export type EmailVerify = { - verificationToken: string; +export type TwoStepVerificationEmailVerify = { + verificationToken: string; }; -export type EmailDisableOptions = { - password: string; -} -export type EmailDisable = unknown; -export type EmailEnableOptions = { - userId: number; +export type TwoStepVerificationEmailDisableOptions = { + password: string; +}; +export type TwoStepVerificationEmailDisable = unknown; +export type TwoStepVerificationEmailEnableOptions = { + userId: number; }; -export type EmailEnable = unknown; +export type TwoStepVerificationEmailEnable = unknown; -export default class TwoStepVerificationAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://twostepverification.roblox.com/" - }); - } +export class TwoStepVerificationAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://twostepverification.roblox.com/" + }); + } - getMetaData (options: GetTwoStepVerificationMetaDataOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/metadata`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getMetaData( + options: TwoStepVerificationGetMetaDataOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/metadata`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getConfiguration (options?: GetTwoStepConfigurationOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/configuration`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getConfiguration( + options?: TwoStepVerificationGetConfigurationOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/configuration`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - verifyWithAuthenticator (options: AuthenticatorVerifyOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/challenges/authenticator/verify`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + verifyWithAuthenticator( + options: TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorVerifyOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${ + this.client.user!.id + }/challenges/authenticator/verify`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - disableAuthenticator (options: AuthenticatorDisableOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/configuration/authenticator/disable`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + disableAuthenticator( + options: TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorDisableOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${ + this.client.user!.id + }/configuration/authenticator/disable`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - enableAuthenticator (options: AuthenticatorEnableOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/configuration/authenticator/enable`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + enableAuthenticator( + options: TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorEnableOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${ + this.client.user!.id + }/configuration/authenticator/enable`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - verifyAuthenticatorSetup (options: AuthenticatorVerifySetupOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/configuration/authenticator/disable`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + verifyAuthenticatorSetup( + options: TwoStepVerificationAuthenticatorVerifySetupOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${ + this.client.user!.id + }/configuration/authenticator/disable`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - sendEmailCode (options: EmailSendCodeOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/challenges/email/send-code`, - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + sendEmailCode( + options: TwoStepVerificationEmailSendCodeOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/challenges/email/send-code`, + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - verifyEmail (options: EmailVerifyOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/challenges/email/verify`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + verifyEmail( + options: TwoStepVerificationEmailVerifyOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/challenges/email/verify`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - disableEmail (options: EmailDisableOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/configuration/email/disable`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + disableEmail( + options: TwoStepVerificationEmailDisableOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/configuration/email/disable`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - enableEmail (options: EmailEnableOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/configuration/email/enable`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + enableEmail( + options: TwoStepVerificationEmailEnableOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${this.client.user!.id}/configuration/email/enable`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/UsersAPI.ts b/src/client/apis/UsersAPI.ts index f7453a75e..5dfd6a3bc 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/UsersAPI.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/UsersAPI.ts @@ -1,213 +1,212 @@ -import BaseAPI from "./BaseAPI"; -import Client from "../Client"; +import { BaseAPI } from "./BaseAPI"; +import { Client } from "../Client"; - -export type ValidateDisplayNameNewUserOptions = { - displayName: string; - birthdate: string; -} -export type ValidateDisplayNameNewUser = unknown -export type ValidateDisplayNameExistingUserOptions = { - userId: number; - displayName: string; -} -export type ValidateDisplayNameExistingUser = unknown -export type SetSelfDisplayNameOptions = { - userId: number; - newDisplayName: string; -} -export type SetSelfDisplayName = unknown -export type GetUserByIdOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type GetUserById = { - description: string; - created: string; - isBanned: boolean; +export type UsersValidateDisplayNameNewUserOptions = { + displayName: string; + birthdate: string; +}; +export type UsersValidateDisplayNameNewUser = unknown; +export type UsersValidateDisplayNameExistingUserOptions = { + userId: number; + displayName: string; +}; +export type UsersValidateDisplayNameExistingUser = unknown; +export type UsersSetSelfDisplayNameOptions = { + userId: number; + newDisplayName: string; +}; +export type UsersSetSelfDisplayName = unknown; +export type UsersGetUserByIdOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export type UsersGetUserById = { + description: string; + created: string; + isBanned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + externalAppDisplayName: string; +}; +export type UsersGetSelfAuthenticatedUserInformation = { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; +}; +export type UsersGetUsersByUsernamesOptions = { + usernames: string[]; + excludeBannedUsers?: boolean; +}; +export type UsersGetUsersByUsernames = { + data: { + requestedUsername: string; id: number; name: string; displayName: string; -} -export type GetSelfAuthenticatedUserInformation = { + }[]; +}; +export type UsersGetUsersByUserIdsOptions = { + userIds: number[]; + excludeBannedUsers?: boolean; +}; +export type UsersGetUsersByUserIds = { + data: Omit[]; +}; +export type UsersGetUserStatusOptions = { + userId: number; +}; +export type UsersGetUserStatus = { + status: string; +}; +export type UsersUpdateSelfStatusOptions = { + userId: number; + status: string; +}; +export type UsersUpdateSelfStatus = { + status: string; +}; +export type UsersSearchUsersOptions = { + keyword: string; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type UsersSearchUsers = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { + previousUsernames: string[]; id: number; name: string; displayName: string; -} -export type GetUsersByUsernamesOptions = { - usernames: string[]; - excludeBannedUsers?: boolean; -} -export type GetUsersByUsernames = { - data: { - requestedUsername: string; - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }[]; -}; -export type GetUsersByUserIdsOptions = { - userIds: number[]; - excludeBannedUsers?: boolean; -} -export type GetUsersByUserIds = { - data: Omit[]; + }[]; +}; +export type UsersUserNameHistory = { + previousPageCursor: string; + nextPageCursor: string; + data: { name: string }[]; }; -export type GetUserStatusOptions = { - userId: number; -} -export type GetUserStatus = { - status: string; -} -export type UpdateSelfStatusOptions = { - userId: number; - status: string; -} -export type UpdateSelfStatus = { - status: string; -} -export type SearchUsersOptions = { - keyword: string; - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; -} -export type SearchUsers = { - previousPageCursor: string; - nextPageCursor: string; - data: { - previousUsernames: string[]; - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }[]; -} - -export default class UsersAPI extends BaseAPI { - constructor (client: Client) { - super({ - client, - baseUrl: "https://users.roblox.com/" - }); - } - validateDisplayNameNewUser (options: ValidateDisplayNameNewUserOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/display-names/validate`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } +export class UsersAPI extends BaseAPI { + constructor(client: Client) { + super({ + client, + baseUrl: "https://users.roblox.com/" + }); + } - validateDisplayNameExistingUser (options: ValidateDisplayNameExistingUserOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/display-names/validate`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + validateDisplayNameNewUser( + options: UsersValidateDisplayNameNewUserOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/display-names/validate`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - setDisplayName (options: SetSelfDisplayNameOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/display-names`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + validateDisplayNameExistingUser( + options: UsersValidateDisplayNameExistingUserOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/display-names/validate`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserById (options: GetUserByIdOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + setDisplayName( + options: UsersSetSelfDisplayNameOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: true, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/display-names`, + method: "PATCH", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getAuthenticatedUserInformation (): Promise { - return this.request({ - // This should actually be "true", but as it's needed in client.login, it's set to false - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/authenticated` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserById(options: UsersGetUserByIdOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUsersByUsernames (options: GetUsersByUsernamesOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/usernames/users`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getAuthenticatedUserInformation(): Promise { + return this.request({ + // This should actually be "true", but as it's needed in client.login, it's set to false + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/authenticated` + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUsersByIds (options: GetUsersByUserIdsOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users`, - method: "POST", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUsersByUsernames( + options: UsersGetUsersByUsernamesOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/usernames/users`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - getUserStatus (options: GetUserStatusOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/status` - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUsersByIds( + options: UsersGetUsersByUserIdsOptions + ): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users`, + method: "POST", + json: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - updateStatus (options: UpdateSelfStatusOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: true, - request: { - path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/status`, - method: "PATCH", - json: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + getUserNameHistory(options: { + userId: number; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + }): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/${options.userId}/username-history`, + method: "GET" + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } - searchUsers (options: SearchUsersOptions): Promise { - return this.request({ - requiresAuth: false, - request: { - path: `v1/users/search`, - qs: options - }, - json: true - }) - .then(response => response.body); - } + searchUsers(options: UsersSearchUsersOptions): Promise { + return this.request({ + requiresAuth: false, + request: { + path: `v1/users/search`, + qs: options + }, + json: true + }).then((response) => response.body); + } } diff --git a/src/client/apis/index.ts b/src/client/apis/index.ts index 3cfb22648..4c7ac79de 100644 --- a/src/client/apis/index.ts +++ b/src/client/apis/index.ts @@ -1,127 +1,120 @@ -import Client from "../Client"; -import GeneralAPI from "./GeneralAPI"; -import AccountInformationAPI from "./AccountInformationAPI"; -import AccountSettingsAPI from "./AccountSettingsAPI"; -import AdConfigurationAPI from "./AdConfigurationAPI"; -import AdsAPI from "./AdsAPI"; -import AssetDeliveryAPI from "./AssetDeliveryAPI"; -import AuthAPI from "./AuthAPI"; -import AvatarAPI from "./AvatarAPI"; -import BadgesAPI from "./BadgesAPI"; -import BillingAPI from "./BillingAPI"; -import CaptchaAPI from "./CaptchaAPI"; -import CatalogAPI from "./CatalogAPI"; -import ChatAPI from "./ChatAPI"; -import ContactsAPI from "./ContactsAPI"; -import DevelopAPI from "./DevelopAPI"; -import EconomyAPI from "./EconomyAPI"; -import EconomyCreatorStatsAPI from "./EconomyCreatorStatsAPI"; -import EngagementPayoutsAPI from "./EngagementPayoutsAPI"; -import FollowingsAPI from "./FollowingsAPI"; -import FriendsAPI from "./FriendsAPI"; -import GamesAPI from "./GamesAPI"; -import GameInternationalizationAPI from "./GameInternationalizationAPI"; -import GroupsAPI from "./GroupsAPI"; -import InventoryAPI from "./InventoryAPI"; -import ItemConfigurationAPI from "./ItemConfigurationAPI"; -import LocaleAPI from "./LocaleAPI"; -import MetricsAPI from "./MetricsAPI"; -import NotificationsAPI from "./NotificationsAPI"; -import PremiumFeaturesAPI from "./PremiumFeaturesAPI"; -import PresenceAPI from "./PresenceAPI"; -import PrivateMessagesAPI from "./PrivateMessagesAPI"; -import PublishAPI from "./PublishAPI"; -import ThumbnailsAPI from "./ThumbnailsAPI"; -import TradesAPI from "./TradesAPI"; -import TranslationRolesAPI from "./TranslationRolesAPI"; -import UsersAPI from "./UsersAPI"; -import OtherAPI from "./OtherAPI"; -import TwoStepVerificationAPI from "./TwoStepVerificationAPI"; -import DataAPI from "./DataAPI"; - +import { Client } from "../Client"; +import { GeneralAPI } from "./GeneralAPI"; +import { AccountInformationAPI } from "./AccountInformationAPI"; +import { AccountSettingsAPI } from "./AccountSettingsAPI"; +import { AdConfigurationAPI } from "./AdConfigurationAPI"; +import { AssetDeliveryAPI } from "./AssetDeliveryAPI"; +import { AuthAPI } from "./AuthAPI"; +import { AvatarAPI } from "./AvatarAPI"; +import { BadgesAPI } from "./BadgesAPI"; +import { BillingAPI } from "./BillingAPI"; +import { CatalogAPI } from "./CatalogAPI"; +import { ChatAPI } from "./ChatAPI"; +import { ContactsAPI } from "./ContactsAPI"; +import { DevelopAPI } from "./DevelopAPI"; +import { EconomyAPI } from "./EconomyAPI"; +import { EconomyCreatorStatsAPI } from "./EconomyCreatorStatsAPI"; +import { EngagementPayoutsAPI } from "./EngagementPayoutsAPI"; +import { FollowingsAPI } from "./FollowingsAPI"; +import { FriendsAPI } from "./FriendsAPI"; +import { GamesAPI } from "./GamesAPI"; +import { GameInternationalizationAPI } from "./GameInternationalizationAPI"; +import { GroupsAPI } from "./GroupsAPI"; +import { InventoryAPI } from "./InventoryAPI"; +import { ItemConfigurationAPI } from "./ItemConfigurationAPI"; +import { LocaleAPI } from "./LocaleAPI"; +import { MetricsAPI } from "./MetricsAPI"; +import { NotificationsAPI } from "./NotificationsAPI"; +import { PremiumFeaturesAPI } from "./PremiumFeaturesAPI"; +import { PresenceAPI } from "./PresenceAPI"; +import { PrivateMessagesAPI } from "./PrivateMessagesAPI"; +import { PublishAPI } from "./PublishAPI"; +import { ThumbnailsAPI } from "./ThumbnailsAPI"; +import { TranslationRolesAPI } from "./TranslationRolesAPI"; +import { UsersAPI } from "./UsersAPI"; +import { OtherAPI } from "./OtherAPI"; +import { TwoStepVerificationAPI } from "./TwoStepVerificationAPI"; +import { DataAPI } from "./DataAPI"; export declare type APIs = { - accountInformationAPI: AccountInformationAPI; - accountSettingsAPI: AccountSettingsAPI; - adConfigurationAPI: AdConfigurationAPI; - adsAPI: AdsAPI; - assetDeliveryAPI: AssetDeliveryAPI; - authAPI: AuthAPI; - avatarAPI: AvatarAPI; - badgesAPI: BadgesAPI; - billingAPI: BillingAPI; - captchaAPI: CaptchaAPI; - catalogAPI: CatalogAPI; - chatAPI: ChatAPI; - contactsAPI: ContactsAPI; - dataAPI: DataAPI; - developAPI: DevelopAPI; - economyAPI: EconomyAPI; - economyCreatorStats: EconomyCreatorStatsAPI; - engagementPayouts: EngagementPayoutsAPI; - followingsAPI: FollowingsAPI; - friendsAPI: FriendsAPI; - gamesAPI: GamesAPI; - gameInternationalizationAPI: GameInternationalizationAPI; - groupsAPI: GroupsAPI; - inventoryAPI: InventoryAPI; - itemConfigurationAPI: ItemConfigurationAPI; - localeAPI: LocaleAPI; - metricsAPI: MetricsAPI; - notificationsAPI: NotificationsAPI; - otherAPI: OtherAPI; - premiumFeaturesAPI: PremiumFeaturesAPI; - presenceAPI: PresenceAPI; - privateMessagesAPI: PrivateMessagesAPI; - publishAPI: PublishAPI; - thumbnailsAPI: ThumbnailsAPI; - tradesAPI: TradesAPI; - translationRolesAPI: TranslationRolesAPI; - usersAPI: UsersAPI; - generalApi: GeneralAPI; - twpStepVerification: TwoStepVerificationAPI; + accountInformationAPI: AccountInformationAPI; + accountSettingsAPI: AccountSettingsAPI; + adConfigurationAPI: AdConfigurationAPI; + assetDeliveryAPI: AssetDeliveryAPI; + authAPI: AuthAPI; + avatarAPI: AvatarAPI; + badgesAPI: BadgesAPI; + billingAPI: BillingAPI; + catalogAPI: CatalogAPI; + chatAPI: ChatAPI; + contactsAPI: ContactsAPI; + dataAPI: DataAPI; + developAPI: DevelopAPI; + economyAPI: EconomyAPI; + economyCreatorStats: EconomyCreatorStatsAPI; + engagementPayouts: EngagementPayoutsAPI; + followingsAPI: FollowingsAPI; + friendsAPI: FriendsAPI; + gamesAPI: GamesAPI; + gameInternationalizationAPI: GameInternationalizationAPI; + groupsAPI: GroupsAPI; + inventoryAPI: InventoryAPI; + itemConfigurationAPI: ItemConfigurationAPI; + localeAPI: LocaleAPI; + metricsAPI: MetricsAPI; + notificationsAPI: NotificationsAPI; + otherAPI: OtherAPI; + premiumFeaturesAPI: PremiumFeaturesAPI; + presenceAPI: PresenceAPI; + privateMessagesAPI: PrivateMessagesAPI; + publishAPI: PublishAPI; + thumbnailsAPI: ThumbnailsAPI; + translationRolesAPI: TranslationRolesAPI; + usersAPI: UsersAPI; + generalApi: GeneralAPI; + twoStepVerification: TwoStepVerificationAPI; }; -export default function initAPIs (client: Client): APIs { - return { - accountInformationAPI: new AccountInformationAPI(client), - accountSettingsAPI: new AccountSettingsAPI(client), - adConfigurationAPI: new AdConfigurationAPI(client), - adsAPI: new AdsAPI(client), - assetDeliveryAPI: new AssetDeliveryAPI(client), - authAPI: new AuthAPI(client), - avatarAPI: new AvatarAPI(client), - badgesAPI: new BadgesAPI(client), - billingAPI: new BillingAPI(client), - captchaAPI: new CaptchaAPI(client), - catalogAPI: new CatalogAPI(client), - chatAPI: new ChatAPI(client), - contactsAPI: new ContactsAPI(client), - dataAPI: new DataAPI(client), - developAPI: new DevelopAPI(client), - economyAPI: new EconomyAPI(client), - economyCreatorStats: new EconomyCreatorStatsAPI(client), - engagementPayouts: new EngagementPayoutsAPI(client), - followingsAPI: new FollowingsAPI(client), - friendsAPI: new FriendsAPI(client), - gamesAPI: new GamesAPI(client), - gameInternationalizationAPI: new GameInternationalizationAPI(client), - groupsAPI: new GroupsAPI(client), - inventoryAPI: new InventoryAPI(client), - itemConfigurationAPI: new ItemConfigurationAPI(client), - localeAPI: new LocaleAPI(client), - metricsAPI: new MetricsAPI(client), - generalApi: new GeneralAPI(client), - notificationsAPI: new NotificationsAPI(client), - otherAPI: new OtherAPI(client), - premiumFeaturesAPI: new PremiumFeaturesAPI(client), - presenceAPI: new PresenceAPI(client), - privateMessagesAPI: new PrivateMessagesAPI(client), - publishAPI: new PublishAPI(client), - thumbnailsAPI: new ThumbnailsAPI(client), - tradesAPI: new TradesAPI(client), - translationRolesAPI: new TranslationRolesAPI(client), - usersAPI: new UsersAPI(client), - twpStepVerification: new TwoStepVerificationAPI(client) - }; +/** + * @hidden + */ +export function initAPIs(client: Client): APIs { + return { + accountInformationAPI: new AccountInformationAPI(client), + accountSettingsAPI: new AccountSettingsAPI(client), + adConfigurationAPI: new AdConfigurationAPI(client), + assetDeliveryAPI: new AssetDeliveryAPI(client), + authAPI: new AuthAPI(client), + avatarAPI: new AvatarAPI(client), + badgesAPI: new BadgesAPI(client), + billingAPI: new BillingAPI(client), + catalogAPI: new CatalogAPI(client), + chatAPI: new ChatAPI(client), + contactsAPI: new ContactsAPI(client), + dataAPI: new DataAPI(client), + developAPI: new DevelopAPI(client), + economyAPI: new EconomyAPI(client), + economyCreatorStats: new EconomyCreatorStatsAPI(client), + engagementPayouts: new EngagementPayoutsAPI(client), + followingsAPI: new FollowingsAPI(client), + friendsAPI: new FriendsAPI(client), + gamesAPI: new GamesAPI(client), + gameInternationalizationAPI: new GameInternationalizationAPI(client), + groupsAPI: new GroupsAPI(client), + inventoryAPI: new InventoryAPI(client), + itemConfigurationAPI: new ItemConfigurationAPI(client), + localeAPI: new LocaleAPI(client), + metricsAPI: new MetricsAPI(client), + generalApi: new GeneralAPI(client), + notificationsAPI: new NotificationsAPI(client), + otherAPI: new OtherAPI(client), + premiumFeaturesAPI: new PremiumFeaturesAPI(client), + presenceAPI: new PresenceAPI(client), + privateMessagesAPI: new PrivateMessagesAPI(client), + publishAPI: new PublishAPI(client), + thumbnailsAPI: new ThumbnailsAPI(client), + translationRolesAPI: new TranslationRolesAPI(client), + usersAPI: new UsersAPI(client), + twoStepVerification: new TwoStepVerificationAPI(client) + }; } diff --git a/src/client/index.ts b/src/client/index.ts index fdd58e022..eb79981a6 100644 --- a/src/client/index.ts +++ b/src/client/index.ts @@ -1,5 +1 @@ -import Client from "./Client"; -// Import ClientBase from "./ClientBase"; -// import * as ClientInterfaces from "./ClientInterface"; - -export default Client; +export { Client } from "./Client"; diff --git a/src/client/lib/ChatManager/ChatManager.ts b/src/client/lib/ChatManager/ChatManager.ts index b097f4a63..79ff43e01 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/ChatManager/ChatManager.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/ChatManager/ChatManager.ts @@ -1,164 +1,233 @@ -import Client from "../../Client"; +import { Client } from "../../Client"; import { - AddUsersToConversation, - GetChatSettings, - MarkConversationsAsSeen, - MarkMessageInConversationAsRead, - RemoveUserFromConversation, - RenameGroupConversation, - ResetConversationUniverse, - SendGameLinkMessageOptions, - SendMessageOptions, - SetConversationUniverse, - StartCloudEditConversation, - StartGroupConversation, - StartOneToOneConversation, - UpdateUserTypingStatus + ChatAddUsersToConversation, + ChatGetChatSettings, + ChatMarkConversationsSeen, + ChatMarkConversationMessagesRead, + ChatRemoveUserFromConversation, + ChatRenameGroupConversation, + ChatResetConversationUniverse, + ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions, + ChatSendMessageOptions, + ChatSetConversationUniverse, + ChatStartCloudEditConversation, + ChatStartGroupConversation, + ChatStartOneToOneConversation, + ChatUpdateUserTypingStatus } from "../../apis/ChatAPI"; -import { ChatConversation, ChatMessage, ChatMessageSent } from "../../../structures/Chat"; - - -export default class ChatManager { - public client: Client; - - constructor (client: Client) { - this.client = client; - } - - getSettings (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.getChatSettings(); - } - - getConversation (conversationId: number): Promise { - return this.getConversations([conversationId]) - .then(data => data[0] || null); - } - - getConversationMessages (conversationId: number, amount = 100, startMessageId?: string): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.getConversationMessages({ - conversationId, - pageSize: amount, - exclusiveStartMessageId: startMessageId - }) - .then(response => response.map(chatData => new ChatMessage(chatData, this.client))); - } - - getUnreadConversationsCount (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.getUnreadConversationCount() - .then(response => response.count); - } - - getConversations (conversations: number[]): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.getConversations({ - conversationIds: conversations - }) - .then(response => response.map(conversationData => new ChatConversation(conversationData, this.client))); - } - - addUsersToConversation (conversation: number, users: number[]): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.addUsersToConversation({ - conversationId: conversation, - participantUserIds: users - }); - } - - markMessageRead (conversation: number, id: string): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.markConversationMessagesRead({ - conversationId: conversation, - endMessageId: id - }); - } - - markConversationsRead (conversations: number[]): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.markConversationsSeen({ - conversationsToMarkSeen: conversations - }); - } - - removeUserFromConversation (conversation: number, user: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.removeUserFromConversation({ - conversationId: conversation, - participantUserId: user - }); - } - - renameGroupConversation (conversation: number, name: string): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.renameGroupConversation({ - conversationId: conversation, - newTitle: name - }); - } - - getUnreadMessagesInConversations (conversations: number[], amount = 100): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.getUnreadMessagesInConversations({ - conversationIds: conversations, - pageSize: amount - }) - .then(response => Array.prototype.concat.apply( - [], - response.map(conversationData => conversationData.chatMessages - .map(chatData => new ChatMessage(chatData, this.client)) - ))); - } - - getLatestMessagesInConversations (conversations: number[], amount = 100): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.getMultiLatestConversationMessages({ - conversationIds: conversations, - pageSize: amount - }) - .then(response => Array.prototype.concat.apply( - [], - response.map(conversationData => conversationData.chatMessages - .map(chatData => new ChatMessage(chatData, this.client)) - ))); - } - - resetConversationUniverse (conversation: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.resetConversationUniverse({ - conversationId: conversation - }); - } - - sendGameLinkMessage (options: SendGameLinkMessageOptions): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.sendGameLinkMessage(options) - .then(response => new ChatMessageSent(response, this.client)); - } - - sendMessage (options: SendMessageOptions): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.sendMessage(options) - .then(response => new ChatMessageSent(response, this.client)); - } - - setConversationUniverse (conversation: number, universe: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.setConversationUniverse({ - conversationId: conversation, - universeId: universe - }); - } - - startCloudEditConversation (placeId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.startCloudEditConversation({ - placeId - }); - } - - startGroupConversation (title: string, users: number[]): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.startGroupConversation({ - participantUserIds: users, - title - }); - } - - startOneToOneConversation (userId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.startOneToOneConversation({ - participantUserId: userId - }); - } - - updateTypingStatus (conversation: number, isTyping = true): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.updateUserTypingStatus({ - conversationId: conversation, - isTyping - }); - } +import { + ChatConversation, + ChatMessage, + ChatMessageSent +} from "../../../old_structures/Chat"; + +export class ChatManager { + public client: Client; + + constructor(client: Client) { + this.client = client; + } + + getSettings(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.getChatSettings(); + } + + getConversation(conversationId: number): Promise { + return this.getConversations([conversationId]).then( + (data) => data[0] || null + ); + } + + getConversationMessages( + conversationId: number, + amount = 100, + startMessageId?: string + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .getConversationMessages({ + conversationId, + pageSize: amount, + exclusiveStartMessageId: startMessageId + }) + .then((response) => + response.map((chatData) => new ChatMessage(chatData, this.client)) + ); + } + + getUnreadConversationsCount(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .getUnreadConversationCount() + .then((response) => response.count); + } + + getConversations(conversations: number[]): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .getConversations({ + conversationIds: conversations + }) + .then((response) => + response.map( + (conversationData) => + new ChatConversation(conversationData, this.client) + ) + ); + } + + addUsersToConversation( + conversation: number, + users: number[] + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.addUsersToConversation({ + conversationId: conversation, + participantUserIds: users + }); + } + + markMessageRead( + conversation: number, + id: string + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.markConversationMessagesRead({ + conversationId: conversation, + endMessageId: id + }); + } + + markConversationsRead( + conversations: number[] + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.markConversationsSeen({ + conversationsToMarkSeen: conversations + }); + } + + removeUserFromConversation( + conversation: number, + user: number + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.removeUserFromConversation({ + conversationId: conversation, + participantUserId: user + }); + } + + renameGroupConversation( + conversation: number, + name: string + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.renameGroupConversation({ + conversationId: conversation, + newTitle: name + }); + } + + getUnreadMessagesInConversations( + conversations: number[], + amount = 100 + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .getUnreadMessagesInConversations({ + conversationIds: conversations, + pageSize: amount + }) + .then((response) => + Array.prototype.concat.apply( + [], + response.map((conversationData) => + conversationData.chatMessages.map( + (chatData) => new ChatMessage(chatData, this.client) + ) + ) + ) + ); + } + + getLatestMessagesInConversations( + conversations: number[], + amount = 100 + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .getMultiLatestConversationMessages({ + conversationIds: conversations, + pageSize: amount + }) + .then((response) => + Array.prototype.concat.apply( + [], + response.map((conversationData) => + conversationData.chatMessages.map( + (chatData) => new ChatMessage(chatData, this.client) + ) + ) + ) + ); + } + + resetConversationUniverse( + conversation: number + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.resetConversationUniverse({ + conversationId: conversation + }); + } + + sendGameLinkMessage( + options: ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .sendGameLinkMessage(options) + .then((response) => new ChatMessageSent(response, this.client)); + } + + sendMessage(options: ChatSendMessageOptions): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI + .sendMessage(options) + .then((response) => new ChatMessageSent(response, this.client)); + } + + setConversationUniverse( + conversation: number, + universe: number + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.setConversationUniverse({ + conversationId: conversation, + universeId: universe + }); + } + + startCloudEditConversation( + placeId: number + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.startCloudEditConversation({ + placeId + }); + } + + startGroupConversation( + title: string, + users: number[] + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.startGroupConversation({ + participantUserIds: users, + title + }); + } + + startOneToOneConversation( + userId: number + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.startOneToOneConversation({ + participantUserId: userId + }); + } + + updateTypingStatus( + conversation: number, + isTyping = true + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.chatAPI.updateUserTypingStatus({ + conversationId: conversation, + isTyping + }); + } } diff --git a/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/ClientSocket.ts b/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/ClientSocket.ts index dac9be591..7c4b2bc85 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/ClientSocket.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/ClientSocket.ts @@ -1,109 +1,179 @@ -import Client from "../../Client"; +import { Client } from "../../Client"; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore import * as SignalR from "signalr-client"; import { default as socketHandlers } from "./handlers"; import { EventEmitter } from "events"; -import { PartialChatConversation } from "../../../structures/Chat"; -import { PartialUser } from "../../../structures/User"; - +import { PartialChatConversation } from "../../../old_structures/Chat"; +import { PartialUser } from "../../../old_structures/User"; export declare interface Socket extends EventEmitter { - on (event: "chatMessageSent", listener: (data: { conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void): this; - - on (event: "chatUserTyping", listener: (data: { user: PartialUser; conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void): this; - - on (event: "chatUserTypingStopped", listener: (data: { user: PartialUser; conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void): this; - - on (event: "chatMessage", listener: (data: { user: PartialUser; conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void): this; - - on (event: "chatMessageSent", listener: (data: { user: PartialUser; conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void): this; - - on (event: "chatConversationAdded", listener: (data: { conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void): this; - - on (event: "chatConversationRemoved", listener: (data: { conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void): this; - - on (event: "chatMemberAdded", listener: (data: { conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void): this; - - on (event: "chatMemberLeft", listener: (data: { conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void): this; - - on (event: "friendLost", listener: (data: { user: PartialUser }) => void): this; - - on (event: "friendRequest", listener: (data: { user: PartialUser }) => void): this; - - on (event: "friendAdded", listener: (data: { user: PartialUser }) => void): this; - - on (event: "userPresenceChanged", listener: (data: { user: PartialUser }) => void): this; + on( + event: "chatMessageSent", + listener: (data: { conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void + ): this; + + on( + event: "chatUserTyping", + listener: (data: { + user: PartialUser; + conversation: PartialChatConversation; + }) => void + ): this; + + on( + event: "chatUserTypingStopped", + listener: (data: { + user: PartialUser; + conversation: PartialChatConversation; + }) => void + ): this; + + on( + event: "chatMessage", + listener: (data: { + user: PartialUser; + conversation: PartialChatConversation; + }) => void + ): this; + + on( + event: "chatMessageSent", + listener: (data: { + user: PartialUser; + conversation: PartialChatConversation; + }) => void + ): this; + + on( + event: "chatConversationAdded", + listener: (data: { conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void + ): this; + + on( + event: "chatConversationRemoved", + listener: (data: { conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void + ): this; + + on( + event: "chatMemberAdded", + listener: (data: { conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void + ): this; + + on( + event: "chatMemberLeft", + listener: (data: { conversation: PartialChatConversation }) => void + ): this; + + on( + event: "friendLost", + listener: (data: { user: PartialUser }) => void + ): this; + + on( + event: "friendRequest", + listener: (data: { user: PartialUser }) => void + ): this; + + on( + event: "friendAdded", + listener: (data: { user: PartialUser }) => void + ): this; + + on( + event: "userPresenceChanged", + listener: (data: { user: PartialUser }) => void + ): this; } - export class Socket extends EventEmitter { - public client: Client; - public socket: any; - public connected: boolean; - - constructor (client: Client) { - super(); - - this.client = client; - this.socket = null; - this.connected = false; - } - - connect (): Promise { - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - const connectSocket = (retries = 0): void => { - this.socket = new SignalR.client("wss://realtime.roblox.com/notifications", ["usernotificationhub"], 3, true); - this.socket.headers.Cookie = this.client.rest.cookieJar.getCookieStringSync("https://roblox.com"); - const maxRetries = this.client.options.setup?.websocket?.maxRetries ?? 3; - - const attemptReconnect = (): unknown => connectSocket(++retries); - const onError = (error: Error): void => { - this.emit("error", error); - attemptReconnect(); - }; - - if (retries >= maxRetries) { - this.socket.close(); - reject(new Error(`Connection failed, attempted to establish a connection ${retries} times`)); - } - - this.socket.serviceHandlers.connectFailed = (error: Error): unknown => onError(error); - this.socket.serviceHandlers.onerror = (error: Error): unknown => onError(error); - this.socket.serviceHandlers.connected = (): void => { - this.emit("ready"); - this.init(); - resolve(); - }; - this.socket.serviceHandlers.reconnecting = (): void => { - this.emit("reconnecting"); - }; - - // Start the attempt of connection - this.socket.start(); - }; - - connectSocket(); + public client: Client; + public socket: any; + public connected: boolean; + + constructor(client: Client) { + super(); + + this.client = client; + this.socket = null; + this.connected = false; + } + + connect(): Promise { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const connectSocket = (retries = 0): void => { + this.socket = new SignalR.client( + "wss://realtime.roblox.com/notifications", + ["usernotificationhub"], + 3, + true + ); + this.socket.headers.Cookie = + this.client.rest.cookieJar.getCookieStringSync("https://roblox.com"); + const maxRetries = + this.client.options.setup?.websocket?.maxRetries ?? 3; + + const attemptReconnect = (): unknown => connectSocket(++retries); + const onError = (error: Error): void => { + this.emit("error", error); + attemptReconnect(); + }; + + if (retries >= maxRetries) { + this.socket.close(); + reject( + new Error( + `Connection failed, attempted to establish a connection ${retries} times` + ) + ); + } + + this.socket.serviceHandlers.connectFailed = (error: Error): unknown => + onError(error); + this.socket.serviceHandlers.onerror = (error: Error): unknown => + onError(error); + this.socket.serviceHandlers.connected = (): void => { + this.emit("ready"); + this.init(); + resolve(); + }; + this.socket.serviceHandlers.reconnecting = (): void => { + this.emit("reconnecting"); + }; + + // Start the attempt of connection + this.socket.start(); + }; + + connectSocket(); + }); + } + + /** + * This is called after the connection of the socket has successfully been established + */ + init(): void { + this.socket.on( + "UserNotificationHub", + "notification", + (name: string, message: any) => { + this.emit("event", { + name, + message }); - } - - /** - * This is called after the connection of the socket has successfully been established - */ - init (): void { - this.socket.on("UserNotificationHub", "notification", (name: string, message: any) => { - this.emit("event", { - name, - message - }); - - const parsedMessage = !(message instanceof Object) ? JSON.parse(message) : message; - const messageType = parsedMessage.Type ? parsedMessage.Type.toLowerCase() : null; - const socketHandler = socketHandlers.get(name.toLowerCase()); - - if (socketHandler) { - return socketHandler(this, messageType, parsedMessage); - } - }); - } + + const parsedMessage = !(message instanceof Object) + ? JSON.parse(message) + : message; + const messageType = parsedMessage.Type + ? parsedMessage.Type.toLowerCase() + : null; + const socketHandler = socketHandlers.get(name.toLowerCase()); + + if (socketHandler) { + return socketHandler(this, messageType, parsedMessage); + } + } + ); + } } diff --git a/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/chatNotifications.ts b/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/chatNotifications.ts index 6643f53e9..f9e39152b 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/chatNotifications.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/chatNotifications.ts @@ -1,63 +1,93 @@ import * as ClientSocket from "../ClientSocket"; -import { PartialChatConversation } from "../../../../structures/Chat"; -import { PartialUser } from "../../../../structures/User"; +import { PartialChatConversation } from "../../../../old_structures/Chat"; +import { PartialUser } from "../../../../old_structures/User"; - -export default function handleChatNotifications (socket: ClientSocket.Socket, messageType: string, message: any): void { - switch (messageType) { - case "participanttyping": - socket.emit(message.IsTyping ? "chatUserTyping" : "chatUserTypingStopped", { - user: new PartialUser({ - id: message.UserId - }, socket.client), - conversation: new PartialChatConversation({ - id: message.ConversationId - }, socket.client) - }); - break; - case "newmessage": - socket.emit("chatMessage", { - conversation: new PartialChatConversation({ - id: message.ConversationId - }, socket.client) - }); - break; - case "newmessagebyself": - socket.emit("chatMessageSent", { - conversation: new PartialChatConversation({ - id: message.ConversationId - }, socket.client) - }); - break; - case "newconversation": - socket.emit("chatConversationAdded", { - conversation: new PartialChatConversation({ - id: message.ConversationId - }, socket.client) - }); - break; - case "conversationremoved": - socket.emit("chatConversationRemoved", { - conversation: new PartialChatConversation({ - id: message.ConversationId - }, socket.client) - }); - break; - case "participantadded": - socket.emit("chatMemberAdded", { - conversation: new PartialChatConversation({ - id: message.ConversationId - }, socket.client) - }); - break; - case "participantlefet": - socket.emit("chatMemberLeft", { - conversation: new PartialChatConversation({ - id: message.ConversationId - }, socket.client) - }); - break; - default: - break; - } +export default function handleChatNotifications( + socket: ClientSocket.Socket, + messageType: string, + message: any +): void { + switch (messageType) { + case "participanttyping": + socket.emit( + message.IsTyping ? "chatUserTyping" : "chatUserTypingStopped", + { + user: new PartialUser( + { + id: message.UserId + }, + socket.client + ), + conversation: new PartialChatConversation( + { + id: message.ConversationId + }, + socket.client + ) + } + ); + break; + case "newmessage": + socket.emit("chatMessage", { + conversation: new PartialChatConversation( + { + id: message.ConversationId + }, + socket.client + ) + }); + break; + case "newmessagebyself": + socket.emit("chatMessageSent", { + conversation: new PartialChatConversation( + { + id: message.ConversationId + }, + socket.client + ) + }); + break; + case "newconversation": + socket.emit("chatConversationAdded", { + conversation: new PartialChatConversation( + { + id: message.ConversationId + }, + socket.client + ) + }); + break; + case "conversationremoved": + socket.emit("chatConversationRemoved", { + conversation: new PartialChatConversation( + { + id: message.ConversationId + }, + socket.client + ) + }); + break; + case "participantadded": + socket.emit("chatMemberAdded", { + conversation: new PartialChatConversation( + { + id: message.ConversationId + }, + socket.client + ) + }); + break; + case "participantlefet": + socket.emit("chatMemberLeft", { + conversation: new PartialChatConversation( + { + id: message.ConversationId + }, + socket.client + ) + }); + break; + default: + break; + } } diff --git a/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/friendShipnotifications.ts b/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/friendShipnotifications.ts index 120cb3d5b..a55f98058 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/friendShipnotifications.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/friendShipnotifications.ts @@ -1,31 +1,45 @@ import * as ClientSocket from "../ClientSocket"; -import { PartialUser } from "../../../../structures/User"; +import { PartialUser } from "../../../../old_structures/User"; - -export default function handleFriendshipNotifications (socket: ClientSocket.Socket, messageType: string, message: any): void { - switch (messageType) { - case "friendshipdestroyed": - socket.emit("friendLost", { - user: new PartialUser({ - id: [message.UserId1, message.UserId2].filter(id => id !== socket.client.user!.id)[0]! - }, socket.client) - }); - break; - case "friendshiprequested": - socket.emit("friendRequest", { - user: new PartialUser({ - id: message.UserId1 - }, socket.client) - }); - break; - case "friendshipcreated": - socket.emit("friendAdded", { - user: new PartialUser({ - id: message.UserId1 - }, socket.client) - }); - break; - default: - break; - } +export default function handleFriendshipNotifications( + socket: ClientSocket.Socket, + messageType: string, + message: any +): void { + switch (messageType) { + case "friendshipdestroyed": + socket.emit("friendLost", { + user: new PartialUser( + { + id: [message.UserId1, message.UserId2].filter( + (id) => id !== socket.client.user!.id + )[0]! + }, + socket.client + ) + }); + break; + case "friendshiprequested": + socket.emit("friendRequest", { + user: new PartialUser( + { + id: message.UserId1 + }, + socket.client + ) + }); + break; + case "friendshipcreated": + socket.emit("friendAdded", { + user: new PartialUser( + { + id: message.UserId1 + }, + socket.client + ) + }); + break; + default: + break; + } } diff --git a/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/index.ts b/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/index.ts index e5a4a8fd4..d440a8374 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/index.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/index.ts @@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ import handleFriendshipNotifications from "./friendShipnotifications"; import handleMessageNotifications from "./messageNotifications"; import handlePresenceBulkNotifications from "./presenceBulkNotifications"; - -const handlersMap = new Map void>(); +const handlersMap = new Map< +string, +(socket: ClientSocket, messageType: string, message: unknown) => void +>(); handlersMap.set("chatnotifications", handleChatNotifications); handlersMap.set("friendshipnotifications", handleFriendshipNotifications); diff --git a/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/messageNotifications.ts b/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/messageNotifications.ts index 2e46ed063..a2f376e09 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/messageNotifications.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/messageNotifications.ts @@ -1,34 +1,37 @@ import { Socket as ClientSocket } from "../ClientSocket"; - -export default function handleChatNotifications (socket: ClientSocket, messageType: string, message: any): void { - switch (messageType) { - case "created": - socket.emit("message", { - messageId: message.MessageId - }); - break; - case "markasread": - socket.emit("messageRead", { - messageId: message.MessageId - }); - break; - case "markasunread": - socket.emit("messageUnread", { - messageId: message.MessageId - }); - break; - case "archived": - socket.emit("messageArchived", { - messageId: message.MessageId - }); - break; - case "unarchived": - socket.emit("messageUnarchived", { - messageId: message.MessageId - }); - break; - default: - break; - } +export default function handleChatNotifications ( + socket: ClientSocket, + messageType: string, + message: any +): void { + switch (messageType) { + case "created": + socket.emit("message", { + messageId: message.MessageId + }); + break; + case "markasread": + socket.emit("messageRead", { + messageId: message.MessageId + }); + break; + case "markasunread": + socket.emit("messageUnread", { + messageId: message.MessageId + }); + break; + case "archived": + socket.emit("messageArchived", { + messageId: message.MessageId + }); + break; + case "unarchived": + socket.emit("messageUnarchived", { + messageId: message.MessageId + }); + break; + default: + break; + } } diff --git a/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/presenceBulkNotifications.ts b/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/presenceBulkNotifications.ts index 189d9115e..7cf88a9c4 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/presenceBulkNotifications.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/ClientSocket/handlers/presenceBulkNotifications.ts @@ -1,15 +1,24 @@ import { Socket as ClientSocket } from "../ClientSocket"; -import { PartialUser } from "../../../../structures/User"; +import { PartialUser } from "../../../../old_structures/User"; +export default function handlePresenceBulkNotifications( + socket: ClientSocket, + _messageType: string, + message: any +): void { + if (!Array.isArray(message)) { + throw new Error("Presence bulk notification message was not an array"); + } -export default function handlePresenceBulkNotifications (socket: ClientSocket, _messageType: string, message: any): void { - if (!Array.isArray(message)) { - throw new Error("Presence bulk notification message was not an array"); - } - - message.forEach(presenceUpdated => { - socket.emit("userPresenceChanged", new PartialUser({ - id: presenceUpdated.UserId - }, socket.client)); - }); + message.forEach((presenceUpdated) => { + socket.emit( + "userPresenceChanged", + new PartialUser( + { + id: presenceUpdated.UserId + }, + socket.client + ) + ); + }); } diff --git a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager.ts b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager.ts index b1a434b45..a9cdc9457 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/DataStoreManager.ts @@ -1,40 +1,27 @@ -import Client from "../../Client"; -import OrderedDataStore from "./structures/OrderedDataStore"; -import GlobalDataStore from "./structures/GlobalDataStore"; +import { Client } from "../../Client"; +import { OrderedDataStore } from "./structures/OrderedDataStore"; +import { GlobalDataStore } from "./structures/GlobalDataStore"; +export class DataStoreManager { + public client: Client; -export default class DataStoreManager { - public client: Client; + constructor(client: Client) { + this.client = client; + } - constructor (client: Client) { - this.client = client; + getOrderedDataStore(placeId: number, name: string, scope?: string) { + if (!this.client.isLoggedIn()) { + throw new Error(`You must be logged in to be able to use data stores!`); } - getOrderedDataStore (placeId: number, name: string, scope?: string) { - if (!this.client.isLoggedIn()) { - throw new Error(`You must be logged in to be able to use data stores!`); - } + return new OrderedDataStore(this, placeId, name, scope, false); + } - return new OrderedDataStore( - this, - placeId, - name, - scope, - false - ); + getDataStore(placeId: number, name: string, scope?: string) { + if (!this.client.isLoggedIn()) { + throw new Error(`You must be logged in to be able to use data stores!`); } - getDataStore (placeId: number, name: string, scope?: string) { - if (!this.client.isLoggedIn()) { - throw new Error(`You must be logged in to be able to use data stores!`); - } - - return new GlobalDataStore( - this, - placeId, - name, - scope, - false - ); - } + return new GlobalDataStore(this, placeId, name, scope, false); + } } diff --git a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/DataStoreHttpRequest.ts b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/DataStoreHttpRequest.ts index 2cc442008..7897b2b9f 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/DataStoreHttpRequest.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/DataStoreHttpRequest.ts @@ -1,38 +1,41 @@ -import DataStoreManager from "../DataStoreManager"; -import { RESTRequestOptions, RESTResponseDataType } from "../../../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; +import { DataStoreManager } from "../DataStoreManager"; +import { + RESTRequestOptions, + RESTResponseDataType +} from "../../../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; import { DataStoreRequestType } from "../util/constants"; - type DataStoreHttpRequestOptions = RESTRequestOptions & { - placeId: number; - requestType: DataStoreRequestType; - data: string; + placeId: number; + requestType: DataStoreRequestType; + data: string; }; -export default class DataStoreHttpRequest { - public initiator: DataStoreManager; - public options: DataStoreHttpRequestOptions; +export class DataStoreHttpRequest { + public initiator: DataStoreManager; + public options: DataStoreHttpRequestOptions; - constructor (manager: DataStoreManager, options: DataStoreHttpRequestOptions) { - this.initiator = manager; - this.options = options; + constructor(manager: DataStoreManager, options: DataStoreHttpRequestOptions) { + this.initiator = manager; + this.options = options; - // Adjusting the body - this.options.body = this.options.data.length === 0 ? " " : this.options.data; + // Adjusting the body + this.options.body = + this.options.data.length === 0 ? " " : this.options.data; - // Always POST - this.options.method = this.options.method || "POST"; - this.options.headers = this.options.headers || {}; - this.options.headers = { - ...this.options.headers, - "Cache-Control": "no-cache", - "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", - "Roblox-Place-Id": this.options.placeId, - Cookie: this.initiator.client.rest.getCookies("https://www.roblox.com/") - }; - } + // Always POST + this.options.method = this.options.method || "POST"; + this.options.headers = this.options.headers || {}; + this.options.headers = { + ...this.options.headers, + "Cache-Control": "no-cache", + "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", + "Roblox-Place-Id": this.options.placeId, + Cookie: this.initiator.client.rest.getCookies("https://www.roblox.com/") + }; + } - send (): Promise { - return this.initiator.client.rest.request(this.options); - } + send(): Promise { + return this.initiator.client.rest.request(this.options); + } } diff --git a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GenericDataStore.ts b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GenericDataStore.ts index 3baf15f3e..2b4193370 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GenericDataStore.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GenericDataStore.ts @@ -1,299 +1,332 @@ import * as querystring from "querystring"; -import DataStoreManager from "../DataStoreManager"; -import DataStoreHttpRequest from "./DataStoreHttpRequest"; +import { DataStoreManager } from "../DataStoreManager"; +import { DataStoreHttpRequest } from "./DataStoreHttpRequest"; import { DataStoreRequestType } from "../util/constants"; -import { checkKey, checkName, checkPlaceId, checkScope, checkValue } from "../util/checks"; +import { + checkKey, + checkName, + checkPlaceId, + checkScope, + checkValue +} from "../util/checks"; import { RESTResponseDataType } from "../../../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; - type DataStoreType = "OrderedDataStore" | "GlobalDataStore"; type DataStoreKey = { - Scope: "global" | string; - Target: string; - Key: string; + Scope: "global" | string; + Target: string; + Key: string; }; type DataStoreValue = string; -export default class GenericDataStore { - public manager: DataStoreManager; - public name: string; - public scope: string; - public legacy: boolean; - public baseAPIUrl: string; - public placeId: number; - public dataStoreType: DataStoreType; - public advanced: { - parseData?: (data: string) => DataType; - serializeData?: (data: DataType) => string; - }; - - constructor (manager: DataStoreManager, dataStoreType: DataStoreType, placeId: number, name: string, scope: string | null, legacy = false) { - this.manager = manager; - this.dataStoreType = dataStoreType; - this.placeId = placeId; - this.name = name; - this.scope = scope || "global"; - this.legacy = legacy; - this.baseAPIUrl = "https://gamepersistence.roblox.com/persistence/"; - this.advanced = {}; - - // Making sure we started off properly by checking all the set values - this.performPreflightChecks({}); - } - - /** - * When data is retrieved from data stores, it will be returned unmodified - * Using your own data converter will allow you to return it if you handle your data in a special way, such as - * JSON parsing it etc. - * @param {(data: string) => DataType} parseDataFunction - * @param {(data: DataType) => string} serializeDataFunction - */ - public setDataConverters (parseDataFunction: (data: string) => DataType, serializeDataFunction: (data: DataType) => string): void { - this.advanced.parseData = parseDataFunction; - this.advanced.serializeData = serializeDataFunction; - } - - buildPostDataForKey (key: string, index = 0): string { - const encodedQueryString = querystring.encode({ - [`qkeys[${index}].scope`]: this.scope ? this.safeEncodeValue(this.scope) : "", - [`qkeys[${index}].target`]: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key), - [`qkeys[${index}].key`]: this.legacy ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name) - }); - - return `&${encodedQueryString}`; - } - - buildGetUrl (): string { - const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({}); - - return `${this.baseAPIUrl}getV2?${encodedQueryString}`; - } - - buildSetUrl (key: string, valueLength: number): string { - const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ - key: this.legacy ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), - target: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key), - valueLength - }); - - return `${this.baseAPIUrl}set?${encodedQueryString}`; - } - - buildSetIfUrl (key: string, valueLength: number, expectedValueLength: number): string { - const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ - key: this.legacy ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), - target: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key), - valueLength, - expectedValueLength - }); - - return `${this.baseAPIUrl}set?${encodedQueryString}`; +export class GenericDataStore { + public manager: DataStoreManager; + public name: string; + public scope: string; + public legacy: boolean; + public baseAPIUrl: string; + public placeId: number; + public dataStoreType: DataStoreType; + public advanced: { + parseData?: (data: string) => DataType; + serializeData?: (data: DataType) => string; + }; + + constructor( + manager: DataStoreManager, + dataStoreType: DataStoreType, + placeId: number, + name: string, + scope: string | null, + legacy = false + ) { + this.manager = manager; + this.dataStoreType = dataStoreType; + this.placeId = placeId; + this.name = name; + this.scope = scope || "global"; + this.legacy = legacy; + this.baseAPIUrl = "https://gamepersistence.roblox.com/persistence/"; + this.advanced = {}; + + // Making sure we started off properly by checking all the set values + this.performPreflightChecks({}); + } + + /** + * When data is retrieved from data stores, it will be returned unmodified + * Using your own data converter will allow you to return it if you handle your data in a special way, such as + * JSON parsing it etc. + * @param {(data: string) => DataType} parseDataFunction + * @param {(data: DataType) => string} serializeDataFunction + */ + public setDataConverters( + parseDataFunction: (data: string) => DataType, + serializeDataFunction: (data: DataType) => string + ): void { + this.advanced.parseData = parseDataFunction; + this.advanced.serializeData = serializeDataFunction; + } + + buildPostDataForKey(key: string, index = 0): string { + const encodedQueryString = querystring.encode({ + [`qkeys[${index}].scope`]: this.scope + ? this.safeEncodeValue(this.scope) + : "", + [`qkeys[${index}].target`]: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key), + [`qkeys[${index}].key`]: this.legacy + ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) + : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name) + }); + + return `&${encodedQueryString}`; + } + + buildGetUrl(): string { + const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({}); + + return `${this.baseAPIUrl}getV2?${encodedQueryString}`; + } + + buildSetUrl(key: string, valueLength: number): string { + const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ + key: this.legacy + ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) + : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), + target: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key), + valueLength + }); + + return `${this.baseAPIUrl}set?${encodedQueryString}`; + } + + buildSetIfUrl( + key: string, + valueLength: number, + expectedValueLength: number + ): string { + const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ + key: this.legacy + ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) + : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), + target: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key), + valueLength, + expectedValueLength + }); + + return `${this.baseAPIUrl}set?${encodedQueryString}`; + } + + buildIncrementUrl(key: string, delta: number): string { + const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ + key: this.legacy + ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) + : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), + target: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key), + value: delta + }); + + return `${this.baseAPIUrl}increment?${encodedQueryString}`; + } + + buildRemoveUrl(key: string): string { + const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ + key: this.legacy + ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) + : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), + target: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key) + }); + + return `${this.baseAPIUrl}increment?${encodedQueryString}`; + } + + public parseRetrievedData(data: string): [boolean, Result | any] { + let result = ""; + + if (data.length === 0) { + return [true, result]; } - buildIncrementUrl (key: string, delta: number): string { - const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ - key: this.legacy ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), - target: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key), - value: delta - }); - - return `${this.baseAPIUrl}increment?${encodedQueryString}`; + try { + result = JSON.parse(data); + } catch { + return [false, result]; } - buildRemoveUrl (key: string): string { - const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ - key: this.legacy ? this.safeEncodeValue(key) : this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), - target: this.legacy ? "" : this.safeEncodeValue(key) - }); - - return `${this.baseAPIUrl}increment?${encodedQueryString}`; + return [true, result]; + } + + /** + * Retrieves the value associated with the key (if any), otherwise returns null. + * Equivalent of DataStoreService:GetDataStore("name"):GetAsync("key"); + * @param {string} key + * @returns {Promise} + */ + public async getAsync(key: string): Promise { + this.performPreflightChecks({ + key + }); + + const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { + url: this.buildGetUrl(), + placeId: this.placeId, + data: this.buildPostDataForKey(key), + requestType: DataStoreRequestType.GET_ASYNC + }); + + const response = await createdRequest.send(); + const [parsedResponseSuccess, parsedResponse] = this.parseRetrievedData<{ + data: { + Key: DataStoreKey; + Value: DataStoreValue; + }[]; + }>(response.body); + + if (!parsedResponseSuccess || !parsedResponse) { + throw new Error(`Failed to parse response from data stores!`); } - public parseRetrievedData (data: string): [boolean, Result | any] { - let result = ""; - - if (data.length === 0) { - return [true, result]; - } - - try { - result = JSON.parse(data); - } catch { - return [false, result]; - } - - return [true, result]; + if (parsedResponse.data && parsedResponse.data.length > 0) { + // Sending the returned data for internal processing + return this.parseIncomingData(parsedResponse.data[0].Value); + } else { + return null; } - - /** - * Retrieves the value associated with the key (if any), otherwise returns null. - * Equivalent of DataStoreService:GetDataStore("name"):GetAsync("key"); - * @param {string} key - * @returns {Promise} - */ - public async getAsync (key: string): Promise { - this.performPreflightChecks({ - key - }); - - const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { - url: this.buildGetUrl(), - placeId: this.placeId, - data: this.buildPostDataForKey(key), - requestType: DataStoreRequestType.GET_ASYNC - }); - - const response = await createdRequest.send(); - const [parsedResponseSuccess, parsedResponse] = this.parseRetrievedData<{ - data: { - Key: DataStoreKey; - Value: DataStoreValue; - }[]; - }>(response.body); - - if (!parsedResponseSuccess || !parsedResponse) { - throw new Error(`Failed to parse response from data stores!`); - } - - if (parsedResponse.data && parsedResponse.data.length > 0) { - // Sending the returned data for internal processing - return this.parseIncomingData(parsedResponse.data[0].Value); - } else { - return null; - } - } - - /** - * Sets a value in data stores to the given key. - * Equivalent of DataStoreService:GetDataStore("name"):SetAsync("key", "value") - * @param {string} key - * @param {DataType} value - * @returns {Promise} - */ - public async setAsync (key: string, value: DataType): Promise { - const serializedValue = this.serializeOutgoingData(value); - this.performPreflightChecks({ - key, - value: serializedValue - }); - const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { - url: this.buildSetUrl(key, serializedValue.length), - placeId: this.placeId, - data: `value=${this.safeEncodeValue(serializedValue)}`, - requestType: DataStoreRequestType.SET_ASYNC - }); - - const response = await createdRequest.send(); - const [parsedResponseSuccess, parsedResponse] = this.parseRetrievedData<{ data: string }>(response.body); - - if (!parsedResponseSuccess || !parsedResponse) { - throw new Error(`Failed to parse response!`); - } - - return this.parseIncomingData(parsedResponse.data as string); + } + + /** + * Sets a value in data stores to the given key. + * Equivalent of DataStoreService:GetDataStore("name"):SetAsync("key", "value") + * @param {string} key + * @param {DataType} value + * @returns {Promise} + */ + public async setAsync(key: string, value: DataType): Promise { + const serializedValue = this.serializeOutgoingData(value); + this.performPreflightChecks({ + key, + value: serializedValue + }); + const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { + url: this.buildSetUrl(key, serializedValue.length), + placeId: this.placeId, + data: `value=${this.safeEncodeValue(serializedValue)}`, + requestType: DataStoreRequestType.SET_ASYNC + }); + + const response = await createdRequest.send(); + const [parsedResponseSuccess, parsedResponse] = this.parseRetrievedData<{ + data: string; + }>(response.body); + + if (!parsedResponseSuccess || !parsedResponse) { + throw new Error(`Failed to parse response!`); } - public incrementAsync (key: string, delta = 1): Promise { - this.performPreflightChecks({ - key - }); - const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { - url: this.buildIncrementUrl(key, delta), - placeId: this.placeId, - data: "", - requestType: DataStoreRequestType.INCREMENT_ASYNC - }); - - return createdRequest.send(); + return this.parseIncomingData(parsedResponse.data as string); + } + + public incrementAsync(key: string, delta = 1): Promise { + this.performPreflightChecks({ + key + }); + const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { + url: this.buildIncrementUrl(key, delta), + placeId: this.placeId, + data: "", + requestType: DataStoreRequestType.INCREMENT_ASYNC + }); + + return createdRequest.send(); + } + + public removeAsync(key: string): Promise { + this.performPreflightChecks({ + key + }); + const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { + url: this.buildRemoveUrl(key), + placeId: this.placeId, + data: "", + requestType: DataStoreRequestType.SET_ASYNC + }); + + return createdRequest.send(); + } + + public createQueryString(addition: Record) { + return querystring.encode({ + placeId: this.placeId, + type: this.dataStoreType === "GlobalDataStore" ? "standard" : "sorted", + scope: this.safeEncodeValue(this.scope), + ...addition + }); + } + + /** + * This will (possibly) use a custom provided converter function that turns string into DataType. + * @param {string} data + * @returns {DataType} + * @private + */ + parseIncomingData(data: string): DataType { + if (this.advanced.parseData) { + return this.advanced.parseData(data); + } else { + return data as unknown as DataType; } - - public removeAsync (key: string): Promise { - this.performPreflightChecks({ - key - }); - const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { - url: this.buildRemoveUrl(key), - placeId: this.placeId, - data: "", - requestType: DataStoreRequestType.SET_ASYNC - }); - - return createdRequest.send(); + } + + /** + * This will (possibly) use a custom provided converter function that turns DataType into string so it can be saved + * to data stores + * @param {DataType} data + * @returns {string} + * @private + */ + serializeOutgoingData(data: DataType): string { + let serializedStage1: string | DataType = ""; + + if (this.advanced.serializeData) { + serializedStage1 = this.advanced.serializeData(data); + } else { + serializedStage1 = data; } - public createQueryString (addition: Record) { - return querystring.encode({ - placeId: this.placeId, - type: this.dataStoreType === "GlobalDataStore" ? "standard" : "sorted", - scope: this.safeEncodeValue(this.scope), - ...addition - }); - } + let serializedFinal: string | null = ""; - /** - * This will (possibly) use a custom provided converter function that turns string into DataType. - * @param {string} data - * @returns {DataType} - * @private - */ - parseIncomingData (data: string): DataType { - if (this.advanced.parseData) { - return this.advanced.parseData(data); - } else { - return data as DataType; - } + try { + serializedFinal = JSON.stringify(serializedStage1); + } catch { + serializedFinal = null; } - /** - * This will (possibly) use a custom provided converter function that turns DataType into string so it can be saved - * to data stores - * @param {DataType} data - * @returns {string} - * @private - */ - serializeOutgoingData (data: DataType): string { - let serializedStage1: string | DataType = ""; - - if (this.advanced.serializeData) { - serializedStage1 = this.advanced.serializeData(data); - } else { - serializedStage1 = data; - } - - let serializedFinal: string | null = ""; - - try { - serializedFinal = JSON.stringify(serializedStage1); - } catch { - serializedFinal = null; - } - - if (!serializedFinal) { - throw new Error(`Failed to serialize the data using JSON.stringify`); - } - - return serializedFinal; + if (!serializedFinal) { + throw new Error(`Failed to serialize the data using JSON.stringify`); } - safeEncodeValue (input: string) { - return encodeURIComponent(input); + return serializedFinal; + } + + safeEncodeValue(input: string) { + return encodeURIComponent(input); + } + + /** + * Performs various checks before sending any requests to make sure the requests are valid before sent + * @param {{key?: string, value?: DataType}} options + * @private + */ + performPreflightChecks(options: { key?: string; value?: string }) { + checkScope(this.scope); + checkName(this.name); + checkPlaceId(this.placeId); + + if (options.key !== undefined) { + checkKey(options.key); } - - /** - * Performs various checks before sending any requests to make sure the requests are valid before sent - * @param {{key?: string, value?: DataType}} options - * @private - */ - performPreflightChecks (options: { key?: string; value?: string }) { - checkScope(this.scope); - checkName(this.name); - checkPlaceId(this.placeId); - - if (options.key !== undefined) { - checkKey(options.key); - } - if (options.value !== undefined) { - checkValue(options.value); - } + if (options.value !== undefined) { + checkValue(options.value); } + } } diff --git a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GlobalDataStore.ts b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GlobalDataStore.ts index db21ee948..ae1e227e5 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GlobalDataStore.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GlobalDataStore.ts @@ -1,9 +1,21 @@ -import GenericDataStore from "./GenericDataStore"; -import DataStoreManager from "../DataStoreManager"; +import { GenericDataStore } from "./GenericDataStore"; +import { DataStoreManager } from "../DataStoreManager"; - -export default class GlobalDataStore extends GenericDataStore { - constructor (manager: DataStoreManager, placeId: number, name: string, scope?: string, legacy?: boolean) { - super(manager, "GlobalDataStore", placeId, name, scope || null, legacy || false); - } +export class GlobalDataStore extends GenericDataStore { + constructor( + manager: DataStoreManager, + placeId: number, + name: string, + scope?: string, + legacy?: boolean + ) { + super( + manager, + "GlobalDataStore", + placeId, + name, + scope || null, + legacy || false + ); + } } diff --git a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStore.ts b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStore.ts index 7ea3f1ad7..791e34135 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStore.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStore.ts @@ -1,65 +1,86 @@ -import GenericDataStore from "./GenericDataStore"; -import DataStoreManager from "../DataStoreManager"; -import DataStoreHttpRequest from "./DataStoreHttpRequest"; -import DataStoreManagerConstants, { DataStoreRequestType } from "../util/constants"; -import OrderedDataStorePage from "./OrderedDataStorePage"; - +import { GenericDataStore } from "./GenericDataStore"; +import { DataStoreManager } from "../DataStoreManager"; +import { DataStoreHttpRequest } from "./DataStoreHttpRequest"; +import { + DataStoreManagerConstants, + DataStoreRequestType +} from "../util/constants"; +import { OrderedDataStorePage } from "./OrderedDataStorePage"; export type GetSortedUrlOptions = { - ascending?: boolean; - pageSize?: number; - minValue?: number; - maxValue?: number; - startKey?: string; + ascending?: boolean; + pageSize?: number; + minValue?: number; + maxValue?: number; + startKey?: string; }; export type OrderedDataStoreResultType = { - data: { - Entries: { - Target: string; - Value: number; - }[]; - ExclusiveStartKey: string | null; - } + data: { + Entries: { + Target: string; + Value: number; + }[]; + ExclusiveStartKey: string | null; + }; }; -export default class OrderedDataStore extends GenericDataStore { - constructor (manager: DataStoreManager, placeId: number, name: string, scope?: string, legacy?: boolean) { - super(manager, "OrderedDataStore", placeId, name, scope || null, legacy || false); - } - - public async getSortedAsync (options: GetSortedUrlOptions): Promise> { - this.performPreflightChecks({}); - const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { - url: this.buildGetSortedUrl(options), - placeId: this.placeId, - data: "", - requestType: DataStoreRequestType.GET_SORTED_ASYNC_PAGE - }); +export class OrderedDataStore extends GenericDataStore { + constructor( + manager: DataStoreManager, + placeId: number, + name: string, + scope?: string, + legacy?: boolean + ) { + super( + manager, + "OrderedDataStore", + placeId, + name, + scope || null, + legacy || false + ); + } - const response = await createdRequest.send(); + public async getSortedAsync( + options: GetSortedUrlOptions + ): Promise> { + this.performPreflightChecks({}); + const createdRequest = new DataStoreHttpRequest(this.manager, { + url: this.buildGetSortedUrl(options), + placeId: this.placeId, + data: "", + requestType: DataStoreRequestType.GET_SORTED_ASYNC_PAGE + }); - const [parsedResponseSuccess, parsedResponse] = this.parseRetrievedData(response.body); + const response = await createdRequest.send(); - if (!parsedResponseSuccess) { - throw new Error(`Failed to parse response!`); - } + const [parsedResponseSuccess, parsedResponse] = this.parseRetrievedData( + response.body + ); - return new OrderedDataStorePage(this, { - options, - result: parsedResponse - }); + if (!parsedResponseSuccess) { + throw new Error(`Failed to parse response!`); } - private buildGetSortedUrl (options: GetSortedUrlOptions) { - const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ - key: this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), - pageSize: options.pageSize || DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreMaxPageSize, - ascending: options.ascending ? "True" : "False", - inclusiveMinValue: options.minValue, - inclusiveMaxValue: options.maxValue, - exclusiveStartKey: options.startKey - }); + return new OrderedDataStorePage(this, { + options, + result: parsedResponse + }); + } - return `${this.baseAPIUrl}getSortedValues?${encodedQueryString}`; - } + private buildGetSortedUrl(options: GetSortedUrlOptions) { + const encodedQueryString = this.createQueryString({ + key: this.safeEncodeValue(this.name), + pageSize: + options.pageSize || + DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreMaxPageSize, + ascending: options.ascending ? "True" : "False", + inclusiveMinValue: options.minValue, + inclusiveMaxValue: options.maxValue, + exclusiveStartKey: options.startKey + }); + + return `${this.baseAPIUrl}getSortedValues?${encodedQueryString}`; + } } diff --git a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStorePage.ts b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStorePage.ts index f35203316..340608941 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStorePage.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/OrderedDataStorePage.ts @@ -1,30 +1,36 @@ -import OrderedDataStore, { GetSortedUrlOptions, OrderedDataStoreResultType } from "./OrderedDataStore"; +import { + OrderedDataStore, + GetSortedUrlOptions, + OrderedDataStoreResultType +} from "./OrderedDataStore"; +export class OrderedDataStorePage { + public orderedDataStore: OrderedDataStore; + public options: GetSortedUrlOptions; + public data: { key: string; value: number }[]; + public startKey: string | null; -export default class OrderedDataStorePage { - public orderedDataStore: OrderedDataStore; - public options: GetSortedUrlOptions; - public data: { key: string; value: number }[]; - public startKey: string | null; + constructor( + orderedDataStore: OrderedDataStore, + data: { options: GetSortedUrlOptions; result: OrderedDataStoreResultType } + ) { + this.orderedDataStore = orderedDataStore; + this.options = data.options; + this.data = data.result.data.Entries.map((x) => ({ + key: x.Target, + value: x.Value + })); + this.startKey = data.result.data.ExclusiveStartKey; + } - constructor (orderedDataStore: OrderedDataStore, data: { options: GetSortedUrlOptions; result: OrderedDataStoreResultType }) { - this.orderedDataStore = orderedDataStore; - this.options = data.options; - this.data = data.result.data.Entries.map(x => ({ - key: x.Target, - value: x.Value - })); - this.startKey = data.result.data.ExclusiveStartKey; + fetchNextPage(): Promise> { + if (!this.startKey) { + throw new Error(`There is no next page!`); } - fetchNextPage (): Promise> { - if (!this.startKey) { - throw new Error(`There is no next page!`); - } - - return this.orderedDataStore.getSortedAsync({ - ...this.options, - startKey: this.startKey - }); - } + return this.orderedDataStore.getSortedAsync({ + ...this.options, + startKey: this.startKey + }); + } } diff --git a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/checks.ts b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/checks.ts index e3bea1124..c646b7419 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/checks.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/checks.ts @@ -1,42 +1,61 @@ -import DataStoreManagerConstants from "./constants"; - - -export function checkKey (key: string): boolean { - if (key.length === 0 || key.length > DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit) { - throw new Error(`Key cannot be blank or be more than ${DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit} characters!`); - } - - return true; +import { DataStoreManagerConstants } from "./constants"; + +export function checkKey(key: string): boolean { + if ( + key.length === 0 || + key.length > DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit + ) { + throw new Error( + `Key cannot be blank or be more than ${DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit} characters!` + ); + } + + return true; } -export function checkPlaceId (placeId: number): boolean { - if (placeId < 1) { - throw new Error(`Place ID must be greater than 1`); - } +export function checkPlaceId(placeId: number): boolean { + if (placeId < 1) { + throw new Error(`Place ID must be greater than 1`); + } - return true; + return true; } -export function checkName (name: string): boolean { - if (name.length === 0 || name.length > DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit) { - throw new Error(`DataStore name cannot be blank or be more than ${DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit} characters!`); - } - - return true; +export function checkName(name: string): boolean { + if ( + name.length === 0 || + name.length > DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit + ) { + throw new Error( + `DataStore name cannot be blank or be more than ${DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit} characters!` + ); + } + + return true; } -export function checkScope (scope: string): boolean { - if (scope.length === 0 || scope.length > DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit) { - throw new Error(`DataStore scope cannot be blank or be more than ${DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit} characters!`); - } - - return true; +export function checkScope(scope: string): boolean { + if ( + scope.length === 0 || + scope.length > DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit + ) { + throw new Error( + `DataStore scope cannot be blank or be more than ${DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreKeyLengthLimit} characters!` + ); + } + + return true; } -export function checkValue (value: string): boolean { - if (value.length === 0 || value.length > DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreMaxValueSize) { - throw new Error(`DataStore values cannot be blank or be more than ${DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreMaxValueSize} characters!`); - } - - return true; +export function checkValue(value: string): boolean { + if ( + value.length === 0 || + value.length > DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreMaxValueSize + ) { + throw new Error( + `DataStore values cannot be blank or be more than ${DataStoreManagerConstants.DFInt.DataStoreMaxValueSize} characters!` + ); + } + + return true; } diff --git a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/constants.ts b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/constants.ts index 7a9b72ed5..98aa1ce39 100644 --- a/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/constants.ts +++ b/src/client/lib/DataStoreManager/util/constants.ts @@ -1,23 +1,20 @@ export enum DataStoreRequestType { - GET_ASYNC = 5, - UPDATE_ASYNC = 6, - SET_ASYNC = 7, - INCREMENT_ASYNC = 8, - GET_SORTED_ASYNC_PAGE = 9 + GET_ASYNC = 5, + UPDATE_ASYNC = 6, + SET_ASYNC = 7, + INCREMENT_ASYNC = 8, + GET_SORTED_ASYNC_PAGE = 9 } - -const DataStoreManagerConstants = { - DFFlag: { - UseNewDataStoreRequestSetTimestampBehaviour: false, - GetGlobalDataStorePcallFix: false, - UseUnstableDevGetAsyncUrl: false - }, - DFInt: { - DataStoreMaxValueSize: 64 * 1024, - DataStoreMaxPageSize: 100, - DataStoreKeyLengthLimit: 50 - } +export const DataStoreManagerConstants = { + DFFlag: { + UseNewDataStoreRequestSetTimestampBehaviour: false, + GetGlobalDataStorePcallFix: false, + UseUnstableDevGetAsyncUrl: false + }, + DFInt: { + DataStoreMaxValueSize: 64 * 1024, + DataStoreMaxPageSize: 100, + DataStoreKeyLengthLimit: 50 + } }; - -export default DataStoreManagerConstants; diff --git a/src/controllers/index.ts b/src/controllers/index.ts index c7a7cefcc..3791424a8 100644 --- a/src/controllers/index.ts +++ b/src/controllers/index.ts @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ -import rest from "./rest"; - +import { RESTController } from "./rest"; const controllers = { - rest + rest: RESTController }; export default controllers; diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/RESTController.ts b/src/controllers/rest/RESTController.ts index 7f08cabde..d7e13624e 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/RESTController.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/RESTController.ts @@ -1,234 +1,240 @@ -import Client from "../../client/Client"; +import { Client } from "../../client/Client"; import { Cookie, CookieJar } from "tough-cookie"; import { - DefaultCreateCookieOptions, - DefaultRESTControllerOptions, - RESTControllerOptions, - RESTCreateCookieOptions, - RESTRequester, - RESTRequestHandler, - RESTRequestOptions, - RESTResponseDataType, - RESTResponseHandler + DefaultCreateCookieOptions, + DefaultRESTControllerOptions, + RESTControllerOptions, + RESTCreateCookieOptions, + RESTRequester, + RESTRequestHandler, + RESTRequestOptions, + RESTResponseDataType, + RESTResponseHandler } from "../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; -import updateXCSRFToken from "./lib/updateXCSRFToken"; -import RESTRequest from "./request"; -import responseHandlers from "./response/handlers"; -import getRequester from "./lib/getRequester"; +import { updateXCSRFToken } from "./lib/updateXCSRFToken"; +import { RESTRequest } from "./request"; +import { responseHandlers } from "./response/handlers"; +import { getRequester } from "./lib/getRequester"; import { utilMergeDeep } from "../../util/utilFunctions"; - -class RESTController { - public client: Client; - public options: RESTControllerOptions; - public requester: RESTRequester; - public cookieJar: CookieJar; - public responseHandlers: RESTResponseHandler[]; - public requestHandlers: RESTRequestHandler[]; - - - constructor (client: Client, options?: RESTControllerOptions) { - /** - * The client - */ - this.client = client; - /** - * The options for this RESTController - */ - this.options = this.setOptions(options || this.client.options.rest); - /** - * The cookie jar - */ - this.cookieJar = new CookieJar(); - /** - * Functions to go through to validate / modify the response - */ - this.responseHandlers = [ - ...responseHandlers - ]; - /** - * Functions to go through to modify the request - */ - this.requestHandlers = []; - /** - * The function that's being used to perform the requests, can be modified - */ - this.requester = getRequester(this, this.options.requester || undefined) as RESTRequester; - } - - /** - * Sends a request - * @param {RequestOptions} options The options - * @returns {Promise} - */ - request (options: RESTRequestOptions): Promise { - const request = new RESTRequest(this, options); - - return request.send(); - } - - /** - * Fetches a new XCSRF token - */ - - fetchXCSRFToken (): Promise { - return updateXCSRFToken(this) - .then(xcsrfToken => { - this.setXCSRFToken(xcsrfToken); - return xcsrfToken; - }); - } - - /** - * Sets the XCSRF token - * @param {string} token The xcsrf token to use in future requets - */ - setXCSRFToken (token: string): void { - this.options.xcsrf = token; - this.options.xcsrfSet = Date.now(); - } - - /** - * Gets the existing XCSRF token if it's not older than set refresh interval, - * otherwise, fetch a new one - */ - async getXCSRFToken (): Promise { - if (!this.options.xcsrf || (Date.now() - (this.options.xcsrfSet || 0)) >= (this.options.xcsrfRefreshInterval || DefaultRESTControllerOptions.xcsrfRefreshInterval)) { - // Refresh token - await this.fetchXCSRFToken() - .then(token => { - this.setXCSRFToken(token); - }); - } - - return this.options.xcsrf; - } - - /** - * Creates a new cookie and returns it, no side effects - * @param {RESTCreateCookieOptions} cookieOptions The options to use - * @returns {Cookie} - */ - createCookie (cookieOptions: RESTCreateCookieOptions): Cookie { - return new Cookie({ - ...DefaultCreateCookieOptions, - ...cookieOptions - }); - } - - /** - * Adds a cookie to the cookie jar - * @param {Cookie} cookie The cookie to add - * @param {?string} domain The domain to add it for - * @param {Object} setCookieOptions Options for setting the cookie - * @returns {Cookie} - */ - addCookie (cookie: Cookie, domain?: string, setCookieOptions?: any): Cookie { - return this.cookieJar.setCookieSync(cookie, domain || "https://roblox.com", setCookieOptions || {}); - } - - /** - * Gets the cookies for a given domain stored in the jar - * @param {string} domain The domain to retrieve the cookies for - * @returns {Cookie[]} - */ - getCookies (domain: string): Cookie[] { - return this.cookieJar.getCookiesSync(domain); - } - - /** - * Adds a response handler - * @param {Function} handler The response handler - */ - addResponseHandler (handler: RESTResponseHandler): void { - this.responseHandlers.push(handler); - } - - /** - * Adds a request handler - * @param {Function} handler The request handler - */ - addRequestHandler (handler: RESTRequestHandler): void { - this.requestHandlers.push(handler); - } - - /** - * Sets the proxy for the requests - * @param {string} proxyURL The proxy URL - */ - setProxy (proxyURL: string): void { - this.options.proxy = proxyURL; - } - - /** - * Gets the proxy used - * @returns {string | undefined} - */ - getProxy (): string | undefined { - return this.options.proxy; - } - - /** - * Sets the user agents for future requests - * @param {string} userAgent The user agent to use - */ - setUserAgent (userAgent: string): void { - this.options.userAgent = userAgent; - } - - /** - * Gets the user agent - * @returns {string | undefined} - */ - getUserAgent (): string | undefined { - return this.options.userAgent; - } - - /** - * Sets the XCSRF token refresh interval - * @param {number} xcsrfRefreshInterval The time in ms to use - */ - setXCSRFTokenRefreshInterval (xcsrfRefreshInterval: number): void { - this.options.xcsrfRefreshInterval = xcsrfRefreshInterval; - } - - /** - * Gets the XCSRF token refresh interval - * @returns {number | undefined} - */ - getXCSRFTokenRefreshInterval (): number | undefined { - return this.options.xcsrfRefreshInterval; - } - - /** - * Sets the amount of retries to be made to refresh XCSRF - * tokens on Token Validation errors - * @param {number} xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries Number of retries - */ - setXCSRFTokenRefreshMaxRetries (xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries: number): void { - this.options.xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries = xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries; - } - - /** - * Gets the amount of retries to be made to refresh XCSRF - * tokens on Token Validation errors - * @returns {number | undefined} - */ - getXCSRFTokenRefreshMaxRetries (): number | undefined { - return this.options.xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries; - } - - /** - * Sets the options for the RESTController - * @param {RESTControllerOptions} options The options to use - * @returns {RESTControllerOptions} - */ - setOptions (options?: RESTControllerOptions): RESTControllerOptions { - this.options = utilMergeDeep(DefaultRESTControllerOptions, options || {}) as RESTControllerOptions; - - return this.options; - } +export class RESTController { + public client: Client; + public options: RESTControllerOptions; + public requester: RESTRequester; + public cookieJar: CookieJar; + public responseHandlers: RESTResponseHandler[]; + public requestHandlers: RESTRequestHandler[]; + + constructor(client: Client, options?: RESTControllerOptions) { + /** + * The client + */ + this.client = client; + /** + * The options for this RESTController + */ + this.options = this.setOptions(options || this.client.options.rest); + /** + * The cookie jar + */ + this.cookieJar = new CookieJar(); + /** + * Functions to go through to validate / modify the response + */ + this.responseHandlers = [...responseHandlers]; + /** + * Functions to go through to modify the request + */ + this.requestHandlers = []; + /** + * The function that's being used to perform the requests, can be modified + */ + this.requester = getRequester( + this, + this.options.requester || undefined + ) as RESTRequester; + } + + /** + * Sends a request + * @param {RequestOptions} options The options + * @returns {Promise} + */ + request(options: RESTRequestOptions): Promise { + const request = new RESTRequest(this, options); + + return request.send(); + } + + /** + * Fetches a new XCSRF token + */ + + fetchXCSRFToken(): Promise { + return updateXCSRFToken(this).then((xcsrfToken) => { + this.setXCSRFToken(xcsrfToken); + return xcsrfToken; + }); + } + + /** + * Sets the XCSRF token + * @param {string} token The xcsrf token to use in future requets + */ + setXCSRFToken(token: string): void { + this.options.xcsrf = token; + this.options.xcsrfSet = Date.now(); + } + + /** + * Gets the existing XCSRF token if it's not older than set refresh interval, + * otherwise, fetch a new one + */ + async getXCSRFToken(): Promise { + if ( + !this.options.xcsrf || + Date.now() - (this.options.xcsrfSet || 0) >= + (this.options.xcsrfRefreshInterval || + DefaultRESTControllerOptions.xcsrfRefreshInterval) + ) { + // Refresh token + await this.fetchXCSRFToken().then((token) => { + this.setXCSRFToken(token); + }); + } + + return this.options.xcsrf; + } + + /** + * Creates a new cookie and returns it, no side effects + * @param {RESTCreateCookieOptions} cookieOptions The options to use + * @returns {Cookie} + */ + createCookie(cookieOptions: RESTCreateCookieOptions): Cookie { + return new Cookie({ + ...DefaultCreateCookieOptions, + ...cookieOptions + }); + } + + /** + * Adds a cookie to the cookie jar + * @param {Cookie} cookie The cookie to add + * @param {?string} domain The domain to add it for + * @param {Object} setCookieOptions Options for setting the cookie + * @returns {Cookie} + */ + addCookie(cookie: Cookie, domain?: string, setCookieOptions?: any): Cookie { + return this.cookieJar.setCookieSync( + cookie, + domain || "https://roblox.com", + setCookieOptions || {} + ); + } + + /** + * Gets the cookies for a given domain stored in the jar + * @param {string} domain The domain to retrieve the cookies for + * @returns {Cookie[]} + */ + getCookies(domain: string): Cookie[] { + return this.cookieJar.getCookiesSync(domain); + } + + /** + * Adds a response handler + * @param {Function} handler The response handler + */ + addResponseHandler(handler: RESTResponseHandler): void { + this.responseHandlers.push(handler); + } + + /** + * Adds a request handler + * @param {Function} handler The request handler + */ + addRequestHandler(handler: RESTRequestHandler): void { + this.requestHandlers.push(handler); + } + + /** + * Sets the proxy for the requests + * @param {string} proxyURL The proxy URL + */ + setProxy(proxyURL: string): void { + this.options.proxy = proxyURL; + } + + /** + * Gets the proxy used + * @returns {string | undefined} + */ + getProxy(): string | undefined { + return this.options.proxy; + } + + /** + * Sets the user agents for future requests + * @param {string} userAgent The user agent to use + */ + setUserAgent(userAgent: string): void { + this.options.userAgent = userAgent; + } + + /** + * Gets the user agent + * @returns {string | undefined} + */ + getUserAgent(): string | undefined { + return this.options.userAgent; + } + + /** + * Sets the XCSRF token refresh interval + * @param {number} xcsrfRefreshInterval The time in ms to use + */ + setXCSRFTokenRefreshInterval(xcsrfRefreshInterval: number): void { + this.options.xcsrfRefreshInterval = xcsrfRefreshInterval; + } + + /** + * Gets the XCSRF token refresh interval + * @returns {number | undefined} + */ + getXCSRFTokenRefreshInterval(): number | undefined { + return this.options.xcsrfRefreshInterval; + } + + /** + * Sets the amount of retries to be made to refresh XCSRF + * tokens on Token Validation errors + * @param {number} xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries Number of retries + */ + setXCSRFTokenRefreshMaxRetries(xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries: number): void { + this.options.xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries = xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries; + } + + /** + * Gets the amount of retries to be made to refresh XCSRF + * tokens on Token Validation errors + * @returns {number | undefined} + */ + getXCSRFTokenRefreshMaxRetries(): number | undefined { + return this.options.xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries; + } + + /** + * Sets the options for the RESTController + * @param {RESTControllerOptions} options The options to use + * @returns {RESTControllerOptions} + */ + setOptions(options?: RESTControllerOptions): RESTControllerOptions { + this.options = utilMergeDeep( + DefaultRESTControllerOptions, + options || {} + ) as RESTControllerOptions; + + return this.options; + } } - - -export default RESTController; diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/index.ts b/src/controllers/rest/index.ts index 96a9592c2..67f3f39a4 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/index.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/index.ts @@ -1 +1 @@ -export { default } from "./RESTController"; +export { RESTController } from "./RESTController"; diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/lib/getRequester.ts b/src/controllers/rest/lib/getRequester.ts index 6833da4c3..c525ebe8b 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/lib/getRequester.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/lib/getRequester.ts @@ -1,20 +1,29 @@ -import RESTController from "../RESTController"; +import { RESTController } from "../RESTController"; +import got from "got"; +export function getRequester( + controller: RESTController, + customRequester?: RESTController["requester"] +) { + if ( + !controller.requester && + !controller.client.options.rest!.requester && + customRequester === undefined + ) { + let requester: null | any; -export default function getRequester (controller: RESTController, customRequester?: RESTController["requester"]) { - if (!controller.requester && !controller.client.options.rest!.requester && customRequester === undefined) { - let requester: null | any; - - try { - requester = require("got"); - } catch (e) { - throw new Error(`Failed to retrieve module "got" and no custom requester provided!`); - } - - controller.requester = requester; - } else { - controller.requester = customRequester!; + try { + requester = got; + } catch (e) { + throw new Error( + `Failed to retrieve module "got" and no custom requester provided!` + ); } - return controller.requester; + controller.requester = requester; + } else { + controller.requester = customRequester!; + } + + return controller.requester; } diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/lib/updateXCSRFToken.ts b/src/controllers/rest/lib/updateXCSRFToken.ts index 1ad0aadcc..b760af3e7 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/lib/updateXCSRFToken.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/lib/updateXCSRFToken.ts @@ -1,25 +1,29 @@ -import RESTController from "../RESTController"; +import { RESTController } from "../RESTController"; - -export default function updateXCSRFToken (restController: RESTController): Promise { - return restController.request({ - url: "https://auth.roblox.com/v2/login", - method: "POST", - xcsrf: false, - checks: { - xcsrf: false - }, - responseOptions: { - allowedStatusCodes: [403] - } +export function updateXCSRFToken( + restController: RESTController +): Promise { + return restController + .request({ + url: "https://auth.roblox.com/v2/login", + method: "POST", + xcsrf: false, + checks: { + xcsrf: false + }, + responseOptions: { + allowedStatusCodes: [403] + } }) - .then(response => { - const foundXcsrfToken = response.headers["x-csrf-token"]; + .then((response) => { + const foundXcsrfToken = response.headers["x-csrf-token"]; - if (!foundXcsrfToken) { - throw new Error(`x-csrf-token was not returned by Roblox. Unable to fetch the token!`); - } else { - return foundXcsrfToken; - } - }); + if (!foundXcsrfToken) { + throw new Error( + `x-csrf-token was not returned by Roblox. Unable to fetch the token!` + ); + } else { + return foundXcsrfToken; + } + }); } diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/request/RESTRequest.ts b/src/controllers/rest/request/RESTRequest.ts index 30d12565d..f34862967 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/request/RESTRequest.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/request/RESTRequest.ts @@ -1,50 +1,51 @@ import { - DefaultRESTRequestOptions, - RESTRequestOptions, - RESTResponseDataType + DefaultRESTRequestOptions, + RESTRequestOptions, + RESTResponseDataType } from "../../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; -import RESTController from "../RESTController"; -import prepare from "./prepare"; -import RESTResponse from "../response"; +import { RESTController } from "../RESTController"; +import { prepare } from "./prepare"; +import { RESTResponse } from "../response"; import { utilMergeDeep } from "../../../util/utilFunctions"; - -class RESTRequest { - public controller: RESTController; - /** - * The options that will be used for sending the request - */ - public requestOptions: RESTRequestOptions; - - /** - * The amount of times this request has been executed - */ - public attempts: number; - - constructor (controller: RESTController, options: RESTRequestOptions) { - this.controller = controller; - this.requestOptions = options; - this.attempts = 0; - } - - setOptions (options: RESTRequestOptions): RESTRequestOptions { - // As lodash overwrites all entries that are provided with each other, it also mutates the default - // This way, it creates a clone of the default each time, so there's "new" default data each time - this.requestOptions = utilMergeDeep(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(DefaultRESTRequestOptions)), options || {}) as RESTRequestOptions; - return this.requestOptions; - } - - async send (options?: RESTRequestOptions): Promise { - await prepare(this, options || this.requestOptions); - await Promise.all(this.controller.requestHandlers.map(handler => handler(this))); - - const responseData = await this.controller.requester(this.requestOptions); - this.attempts++; - - const response = new RESTResponse(this.controller, this, responseData); - return response.process(); - } +export class RESTRequest { + public controller: RESTController; + /** + * The options that will be used for sending the request + */ + public requestOptions: RESTRequestOptions; + + /** + * The amount of times this request has been executed + */ + public attempts: number; + + constructor(controller: RESTController, options: RESTRequestOptions) { + this.controller = controller; + this.requestOptions = options; + this.attempts = 0; + } + + setOptions(options: RESTRequestOptions): RESTRequestOptions { + // As lodash overwrites all entries that are provided with each other, it also mutates the default + // This way, it creates a clone of the default each time, so there's "new" default data each time + this.requestOptions = utilMergeDeep( + JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(DefaultRESTRequestOptions)), + options || {} + ) as RESTRequestOptions; + return this.requestOptions; + } + + async send(options?: RESTRequestOptions): Promise { + await prepare(this, options || this.requestOptions); + await Promise.all( + this.controller.requestHandlers.map((handler) => handler(this)) + ); + + const responseData = await this.controller.requester(this.requestOptions); + this.attempts++; + + const response = new RESTResponse(this.controller, this, responseData); + return response.process(); + } } - - -export default RESTRequest; diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/request/index.ts b/src/controllers/rest/request/index.ts index bf3bd9dd6..c83b23eaf 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/request/index.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/request/index.ts @@ -1 +1 @@ -export { default } from "./RESTRequest"; +export { RESTRequest } from "./RESTRequest"; diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/request/prepare.ts b/src/controllers/rest/request/prepare.ts index ab3969f52..bfa8f2607 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/request/prepare.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/request/prepare.ts @@ -1,55 +1,73 @@ import { RESTRequestOptions } from "../../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; -import RESTRequest from "./"; +import { RESTRequest } from "./"; import querystring from "querystring"; +export async function prepare( + request: RESTRequest, + options: RESTRequestOptions +): Promise { + request.setOptions(options); -export default async function prepare (request: RESTRequest, options: RESTRequestOptions): Promise { - request.setOptions(options); - - if (!request.requestOptions.url) { - throw new Error("No url was provided when executing rest.request.prepare"); - } - if (!request.requestOptions.headers) { - request.requestOptions.headers = {}; - } - if (request.requestOptions.followAllRedirects !== false) { - request.requestOptions.followAllRedirects = true; - } - if (!request.requestOptions.method) { - request.requestOptions.method = "GET"; - } - if (request.requestOptions.qs) { - if (!request.requestOptions.url.includes("?")) { - request.requestOptions.url += `?${querystring.stringify(request.requestOptions.qs as Record)}`; - } else { - request.requestOptions.url += `&${querystring.stringify(request.requestOptions.qs as Record)}`; - } - } - if ((request.requestOptions.xcsrf !== false && request.requestOptions.method.toLowerCase() !== "get") || request.requestOptions.xcsrf === true) { - request.requestOptions.headers = { - ...request.requestOptions.headers, - "X-CSRF-TOKEN": await request.controller.getXCSRFToken() - }; - if (!request.requestOptions.responseOptions) { - request.requestOptions.responseOptions = {}; - } - if (!request.requestOptions.responseOptions.disallowedStatusMessages) { - request.requestOptions.responseOptions.disallowedStatusMessages = []; - } - request.requestOptions.responseOptions.disallowedStatusMessages.push("Token Validation Failed"); + if (!request.requestOptions.url) { + throw new Error("No url was provided when executing rest.request.prepare"); + } + if (!request.requestOptions.headers) { + request.requestOptions.headers = {}; + } + if (request.requestOptions.followAllRedirects !== false) { + request.requestOptions.followAllRedirects = true; + } + if (!request.requestOptions.method) { + request.requestOptions.method = "GET"; + } + if (request.requestOptions.qs) { + if (!request.requestOptions.url.includes("?")) { + request.requestOptions.url += `?${querystring.stringify( + request.requestOptions.qs as Record + )}`; + } else { + request.requestOptions.url += `&${querystring.stringify( + request.requestOptions.qs as Record + )}`; } - if (request.requestOptions.json) { - request.requestOptions.body = typeof request.requestOptions.json === "string" ? request.requestOptions.json : JSON.stringify(request.requestOptions.json); - request.requestOptions.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"; - delete request.requestOptions.json; + } + if ( + (request.requestOptions.xcsrf !== false && + request.requestOptions.method.toLowerCase() !== "get") || + request.requestOptions.xcsrf === true + ) { + request.requestOptions.headers = { + ...request.requestOptions.headers, + "X-CSRF-TOKEN": await request.controller.getXCSRFToken() + }; + if (!request.requestOptions.responseOptions) { + request.requestOptions.responseOptions = {}; } - if (!request.requestOptions.excludeCookies) { - request.requestOptions.headers.Cookie = request.controller.cookieJar.getCookieStringSync(request.requestOptions.url); + if (!request.requestOptions.responseOptions.disallowedStatusMessages) { + request.requestOptions.responseOptions.disallowedStatusMessages = []; } + request.requestOptions.responseOptions.disallowedStatusMessages.push( + "Token Validation Failed" + ); + } + if (request.requestOptions.json) { + request.requestOptions.body = + typeof request.requestOptions.json === "string" + ? request.requestOptions.json + : JSON.stringify(request.requestOptions.json); + request.requestOptions.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"; + delete request.requestOptions.json; + } + if (!request.requestOptions.excludeCookies) { + request.requestOptions.headers.Cookie = + request.controller.cookieJar.getCookieStringSync( + request.requestOptions.url + ); + } - // -- Utilities + // -- Utilities - // Making sure the library does not throw errors if the request fails for some reason - // We want to handle any issues ourselves - request.requestOptions.throwHttpErrors = false; + // Making sure the library does not throw errors if the request fails for some reason + // We want to handle any issues ourselves + request.requestOptions.throwHttpErrors = false; } diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/response/RESTResponse.ts b/src/controllers/rest/response/RESTResponse.ts index 33dcfae0b..ec878517e 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/response/RESTResponse.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/response/RESTResponse.ts @@ -1,42 +1,55 @@ -import RESTController from "../RESTController"; -import RESTRequest from "../request"; +import { RESTController } from "../RESTController"; +import { RESTRequest } from "../request"; import { BloxyHttpError } from "../../../util/errors/errors"; import { RESTResponseDataType } from "../../../interfaces/RESTInterfaces"; - -export default class RESTResponse { - public controller: RESTController; - public request: RESTRequest; - public responseData: RESTResponseDataType; - - // Public options: RESTResponseOptions; - - constructor (controller: RESTController, request: RESTRequest, responseData: RESTResponseDataType) { - this.controller = controller; - this.request = request; - this.responseData = responseData; - } - - async process (): Promise { - const allProcessed = this.controller.responseHandlers.map(handler => handler(this)); - - if (allProcessed.every(processed => processed === true)) { - return this.responseData; +export class RESTResponse { + public controller: RESTController; + public request: RESTRequest; + public responseData: RESTResponseDataType; + + // Public options: RESTResponseOptions; + + constructor( + controller: RESTController, + request: RESTRequest, + responseData: RESTResponseDataType + ) { + this.controller = controller; + this.request = request; + this.responseData = responseData; + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line require-await + async process(): Promise { + const allProcessed = this.controller.responseHandlers.map((handler) => + handler(this) + ); + + if (allProcessed.every((processed) => processed === true)) { + return this.responseData; + } else { + const error = allProcessed.find( + (err) => + err instanceof BloxyHttpError && + err.name === "BloxyHttpInvalidStatusMessageError" && + err.statusMessage.includes("Token Validation Failed") + ); + + if (error) { + // 1 attempt = 0 retries + if ( + this.request.attempts - 1 === + this.controller.getXCSRFTokenRefreshMaxRetries() + ) { + throw error; } else { - const error = allProcessed.find(error => error instanceof BloxyHttpError && error.name === - "BloxyInvalidStatusMessageError" && error.statusMessage.includes("Token Validation Failed")); - - if (error) { - // 1 attempt = 0 retries - if (this.request.attempts - 1 === this.controller.getXCSRFTokenRefreshMaxRetries()) { - throw error; - } else { - this.controller.options.xcsrf = undefined; - return this.request.send(); - } - } - - throw allProcessed.find(error => error instanceof Error); + this.controller.options.xcsrf = undefined; + return this.request.send(); } + } + + throw allProcessed.find((err) => err instanceof Error); } + } } diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/index.ts b/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/index.ts index 0d9575a26..5ee7ec6f7 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/index.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/index.ts @@ -1,14 +1,11 @@ -import validBody from "./validBody"; -import validStatusMessage from "./validStatusMessage"; -import validStatusCode from "./validStatusCode"; -import updateHeaders from "./updateHeaders"; +import { validBody } from "./validBody"; +import { validStatusMessage } from "./validStatusMessage"; +import { validStatusCode } from "./validStatusCode"; +import { updateHeaders } from "./updateHeaders"; - -const responseHandlers = [ - updateHeaders, - validStatusCode, - validStatusMessage, - validBody +export const responseHandlers = [ + updateHeaders, + validStatusCode, + validStatusMessage, + validBody ]; - -export default responseHandlers; diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/updateHeaders.ts b/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/updateHeaders.ts index 7ca1f01dc..b7672ae76 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/updateHeaders.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/updateHeaders.ts @@ -1,27 +1,26 @@ -import RESTResponse from "../RESTResponse"; +import { RESTResponse } from "../RESTResponse"; import { Cookie } from "tough-cookie"; +export function updateHeaders(response: RESTResponse): boolean { + if (response.responseData.headers["set-cookie"]) { + const setCookieHeader = response.responseData.headers["set-cookie"]; -export default function updateHeaders (response: RESTResponse): boolean { - if (response.responseData.headers["set-cookie"]) { - const setCookieHeader = response.responseData.headers["set-cookie"]; + if (Array.isArray(setCookieHeader)) { + setCookieHeader.forEach((toSetCookie) => { + const parsedCookie = Cookie.parse(toSetCookie); - if (Array.isArray(setCookieHeader)) { - setCookieHeader.forEach(toSetCookie => { - const parsedCookie = Cookie.parse(toSetCookie); - - if (parsedCookie) { - response.controller.addCookie(parsedCookie); - } - }); - } else { - const parsedCookie = Cookie.parse(setCookieHeader); - - if (parsedCookie) { - response.controller.addCookie(parsedCookie); - } + if (parsedCookie) { + response.controller.addCookie(parsedCookie); } + }); + } else { + const parsedCookie = Cookie.parse(setCookieHeader); + + if (parsedCookie) { + response.controller.addCookie(parsedCookie); + } } + } - return true; + return true; } diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validBody.ts b/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validBody.ts index 85d775f4a..2cce3bdbc 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validBody.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validBody.ts @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -export default function validBody (): boolean { - return true; +export function validBody(): boolean { + return true; } diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusCode.ts b/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusCode.ts index 47107a1f8..e02ccf381 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusCode.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusCode.ts @@ -1,39 +1,57 @@ -import RESTResponse from "../RESTResponse"; +import { RESTResponse } from "../RESTResponse"; import { BloxyHttpError } from "../../../../util/errors/errors"; +export function validStatusCode(response: RESTResponse): boolean | Error { + const { request, responseData } = response; + let isValid = true; + const responseOptions = request.requestOptions.responseOptions || {}; -export default function validStatusCode (response: RESTResponse): boolean | Error { - const { request, responseData } = response; - let isValid = true; - const responseOptions = request.requestOptions.responseOptions || {}; + if ( + request.requestOptions.responseOptions && + request.requestOptions.checks?.statusCode + ) { + const allowedStatusCodes = responseOptions.allowedStatusCodes || []; + const disallowedStatusCodes = responseOptions.disallowedStatusCodes || []; - if (request.requestOptions.responseOptions && request.requestOptions.checks?.statusCode) { - const allowedStatusCodes = responseOptions.allowedStatusCodes || []; - const disallowedStatusCodes = responseOptions.disallowedStatusCodes || []; + const isAllowed = allowedStatusCodes.some( + (statusCode: number) => responseData.statusCode === statusCode + ); + const isDisallowed = disallowedStatusCodes.some( + (statusCode: number) => responseData.statusCode === statusCode + ); - const isAllowed = allowedStatusCodes.some(statusCode => responseData.statusCode === statusCode); - const isDisallowed = disallowedStatusCodes.some(statusCode => responseData.statusCode === statusCode); - - if (allowedStatusCodes.length > 0) { - // Only these are allowed - if (!isAllowed) { - isValid = false; - } - } else if (allowedStatusCodes.length === 0 && disallowedStatusCodes.length > 0) { - // Only these are disallowed - if (isDisallowed) { - isValid = false; - } - } else if (allowedStatusCodes.length === 0 && disallowedStatusCodes.length === 0) { - // All status are allowed - } + if (allowedStatusCodes.length > 0) { + // Only these are allowed + if (!isAllowed) { + isValid = false; + } + } else if ( + allowedStatusCodes.length === 0 && + disallowedStatusCodes.length > 0 + ) { + // Only these are disallowed + if (isDisallowed) { + isValid = false; + } + } else if ( + allowedStatusCodes.length === 0 && + disallowedStatusCodes.length === 0 + ) { + // All status are allowed } + } - return isValid ? true : new BloxyHttpError({ + return isValid + ? true + : new BloxyHttpError({ statusMessage: responseData.statusMessage, statusCode: responseData.statusCode, - message: `Invalid status code in response. Body: ${responseData.body instanceof Object ? JSON.stringify(responseData.body) : responseData.body}`, + message: `Invalid status code in response. Body: ${ + responseData.body instanceof Object + ? JSON.stringify(responseData.body) + : responseData.body + }`, name: "BloxyHttpInvalidStatusCodeError", possibleReasons: [] - }); + }); } diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusMessage.ts b/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusMessage.ts index ceb496252..f81ee67ca 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusMessage.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/response/handlers/validStatusMessage.ts @@ -1,42 +1,55 @@ -import RESTResponse from "../RESTResponse"; +import { RESTResponse } from "../RESTResponse"; import { BloxyHttpError } from "../../../../util/errors/errors"; +export function validStatusMessage(response: RESTResponse): boolean | Error { + const { request, responseData } = response; + const responseOptions = request.requestOptions.responseOptions || {}; + let isValid = true; -export default function validStatusMessage (response: RESTResponse): boolean | Error { - const { request, responseData } = response; - const responseOptions = request.requestOptions.responseOptions || {}; - let isValid = true; + if ( + request.requestOptions.responseOptions && + request.requestOptions.checks?.statusMessage + ) { + const allowedStatusMessages = responseOptions.allowedStatusMessages || []; + const disallowedStatusMessages = + responseOptions.disallowedStatusMessages || []; - if (request.requestOptions.responseOptions && request.requestOptions.checks?.statusMessage) { - const allowedStatusMessages = responseOptions.allowedStatusMessages || []; - const disallowedStatusMessages = responseOptions.disallowedStatusMessages || []; + const isAllowed = allowedStatusMessages.some((statusMessage: string) => + responseData.statusMessage.toLowerCase().includes(statusMessage) + ); + const isDisallowed = disallowedStatusMessages.some( + (statusMessage: string) => + responseData.statusMessage.toLowerCase().includes(statusMessage) + ); - const isAllowed = allowedStatusMessages.some(statusMessage => responseData.statusMessage.toLowerCase() - .includes(statusMessage)); - const isDisallowed = disallowedStatusMessages.some(statusMessage => responseData.statusMessage - .toLowerCase().includes(statusMessage)); - - if (allowedStatusMessages.length > 0) { - // Only these are allowed - if (!isAllowed) { - isValid = false; - } - } else if (allowedStatusMessages.length === 0 && disallowedStatusMessages.length > 0) { - // Only these are disallowed - if (isDisallowed) { - isValid = false; - } - } else if (allowedStatusMessages.length === 0 && disallowedStatusMessages.length === 0) { - // All status are allowed - } + if (allowedStatusMessages.length > 0) { + // Only these are allowed + if (!isAllowed) { + isValid = false; + } + } else if ( + allowedStatusMessages.length === 0 && + disallowedStatusMessages.length > 0 + ) { + // Only these are disallowed + if (isDisallowed) { + isValid = false; + } + } else if ( + allowedStatusMessages.length === 0 && + disallowedStatusMessages.length === 0 + ) { + // All status are allowed } + } - return isValid ? true : new BloxyHttpError({ + return isValid + ? true + : new BloxyHttpError({ statusCode: responseData.statusCode, statusMessage: responseData.statusMessage, message: `Invalid status message detected in response.`, name: "BloxyHttpInvalidStatusMessageError", possibleReasons: [] - }); + }); } - diff --git a/src/controllers/rest/response/index.ts b/src/controllers/rest/response/index.ts index e960e903a..fa4300af3 100644 --- a/src/controllers/rest/response/index.ts +++ b/src/controllers/rest/response/index.ts @@ -1 +1 @@ -export { default } from "./RESTResponse"; +export { RESTResponse } from "./RESTResponse"; diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts index bf892f388..f5c2e1ce9 100644 --- a/src/index.ts +++ b/src/index.ts @@ -1 +1,44 @@ -export { default as Client } from "./client"; +export { Client } from "./client"; + +// Generic Types +export * from "./types/GenericTypes"; +export * from "./types/GenericOptionTypes"; + +// APIs +export * from "./client/apis/AccountInformationAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/AdConfigurationAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/AssetDeliveryAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/AuthAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/AvatarAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/BadgesAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/BaseAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/BillingAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/CatalogAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/ChatAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/ContactsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/DataAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/DevelopAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/EconomyAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/EconomyCreatorStatsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/EngagementPayoutsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/FollowingsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/FriendsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/GameInternationalizationAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/GamesAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/GeneralAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/GroupsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/InventoryAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/ItemConfigurationAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/LocaleAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/MetricsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/NotificationsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/OtherAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/PresenceAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/PublishAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/TwoStepVerificationAPI"; +export * from "./client/apis/UsersAPI"; diff --git a/src/interfaces/APIInterfaces.ts b/src/interfaces/APIInterfaces.ts index b549bcd74..c3af89d35 100644 --- a/src/interfaces/APIInterfaces.ts +++ b/src/interfaces/APIInterfaces.ts @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ import { Client } from "../index"; - export declare type BaseAPIOptions = { - baseUrl: string; - client: Client; + baseUrl: string; + client: Client; }; diff --git a/src/interfaces/GeneralInterfaces.ts b/src/interfaces/GeneralInterfaces.ts index cc9f46b1a..15bf1274d 100644 --- a/src/interfaces/GeneralInterfaces.ts +++ b/src/interfaces/GeneralInterfaces.ts @@ -1,21 +1,20 @@ -import ClientUser from "../structures/ClientUser"; - +import { ClientUser } from "../old_structures/ClientUser"; export declare type AnyIdentifier = string | number; export declare type UserIdentifier = ClientUser | AnyIdentifier; export enum EnumUserPresence { - "Offline", - "Online", - "In Game", - "In Studio" + "Offline", + "Online", + "In Game", + "In Studio" } export interface UserPresence { - UserPresenceType: "InGame" | "InStudio" | "Online" | "Offline"; - UserLocationType: "Game"; - lastLocation?: string; - placeId?: number; - rootPlaceId?: number; - gameInstanceId?: string; - universeId?: number; - lastOnline?: string; + UserPresenceType: "InGame" | "InStudio" | "Online" | "Offline"; + UserLocationType: "Game"; + lastLocation?: string; + placeId?: number; + rootPlaceId?: number; + gameInstanceId?: string; + universeId?: number; + lastOnline?: string; } diff --git a/src/interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts b/src/interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts index 3e306e390..6ddf55486 100644 --- a/src/interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts +++ b/src/interfaces/RESTInterfaces.ts @@ -1,166 +1,174 @@ -import RESTRequest from "../controllers/rest/request"; -import RESTResponse from "../controllers/rest/response"; +import { RESTRequest } from "../controllers/rest/request"; +import { RESTResponse } from "../controllers/rest/response"; - -export declare type RESTRequester = (requestOptions: RESTRequestOptions) => Promise; -export declare type RESTRequestHandler = (request: RESTRequest) => boolean | Error; -export declare type RESTResponseHandler = (response: RESTResponse) => boolean | Error; +export declare type RESTRequester = ( + requestOptions: RESTRequestOptions +) => Promise; +export declare type RESTRequestHandler = ( + request: RESTRequest +) => boolean | Error; +export declare type RESTResponseHandler = ( + response: RESTResponse +) => boolean | Error; export declare type RESTControllerOptions = { - requester: (requestOptions: RESTRequestOptions) => Promise; - /** - * If specified, the user agent that will be used for the requests - */ - userAgent?: string; - /** - * If specified, the url which the request will be proxied through - */ - proxy?: string; - /** - * The current XCSRF token - */ - xcsrf?: string; - /** - * The time in ms when the xcsrf was last set - */ - xcsrfSet?: number; - /** - * Refresh interval in ms for XCSRF token updating - */ - xcsrfRefreshInterval?: number; - /** - * The amount of retries to be made to refresh XCSRF - * tokens on Token Validation errors - */ - xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries?: number; + requester?: ( + requestOptions: RESTRequestOptions + ) => Promise; + /** + * If specified, the user agent that will be used for the requests + */ + userAgent?: string; + /** + * If specified, the url which the request will be proxied through + */ + proxy?: string; + /** + * The current XCSRF token + */ + xcsrf?: string; + /** + * The time in ms when the xcsrf was last set + */ + xcsrfSet?: number; + /** + * Refresh interval in ms for XCSRF token updating + */ + xcsrfRefreshInterval?: number; + /** + * The amount of retries to be made to refresh XCSRF + * tokens on Token Validation errors + */ + xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries?: number; }; export declare type RESTCreateCookieOptions = { - key: string; - value: string; - domain: string; - hostOnly: boolean; - httpOnly: boolean; + key: string; + value: string; + domain: string; + hostOnly: boolean; + httpOnly: boolean; }; export declare type RESTRequestOptions = { - /** - * The URL to send the request to - */ - url: string; - /** - * The request method to use - */ - method?: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "PATCH" | "OPTIONS" | string; - /** - * The proxy to use - */ - proxy?: string; - /** - * If the request should follow all redirects - */ - followAllRedirects?: boolean; - /** - * Roblox's "old" verification system with general verification tokens - */ - verification?: string; - /** - * An "overriding" user agent for the request - */ - userAgent?: string; - /** - * Add some custom headers that will override / merge with the "base" headers - */ - headers?: { [key: string]: unknown }; - /** - * The JSON body - */ - json?: unknown[] | { [key: string]: unknown } | string; - body?: unknown; - /** - * The form body - */ - form?: { [key: string]: unknown }; - /** - * The form data body - */ - formData?: { [key: string]: unknown }; - /** - * Any query params? - */ - qs?: { [key: string]: unknown }; - /** - * Sets the state of any checks - */ - checks?: RESTResponseOptions["checks"]; - /** - * If you want to use a "custom" xcsrf token - */ - xcsrf?: string | boolean; - /** - * The optional response options - */ - responseOptions?: RESTResponseOptions; - /** - * If it should throw http errors if the statuscode is != 200 - */ - throwHttpErrors?: boolean; - /** - * If it should exclude the cookies from being included in the requests - */ - excludeCookies?: boolean; + /** + * The URL to send the request to + */ + url: string; + /** + * The request method to use + */ + method?: "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "PATCH" | "OPTIONS" | string; + /** + * The proxy to use + */ + proxy?: string; + /** + * If the request should follow all redirects + */ + followAllRedirects?: boolean; + /** + * Roblox's "old" verification system with general verification tokens + */ + verification?: string; + /** + * An "overriding" user agent for the request + */ + userAgent?: string; + /** + * Add some custom headers that will override / merge with the "base" headers + */ + headers?: { [key: string]: unknown }; + /** + * The JSON body + */ + json?: unknown[] | { [key: string]: unknown } | string | any; + body?: unknown; + /** + * The form body + */ + form?: { [key: string]: unknown }; + /** + * The form data body + */ + formData?: { [key: string]: unknown }; + /** + * Any query params? + */ + qs?: { [key: string]: unknown }; + /** + * Sets the state of any checks + */ + checks?: RESTResponseOptions["checks"]; + /** + * If you want to use a "custom" xcsrf token + */ + xcsrf?: string | boolean; + /** + * The optional response options + */ + responseOptions?: RESTResponseOptions; + /** + * If it should throw http errors if the statuscode is != 200 + */ + throwHttpErrors?: boolean; + /** + * If it should exclude the cookies from being included in the requests + */ + excludeCookies?: boolean; }; export declare type RESTResponseOptions = { - allowedStatusCodes?: number[]; - disallowedStatusCodes?: number[]; - allowedStatusMessages?: string[]; - disallowedStatusMessages?: string[]; - onlyJSON?: boolean; - checks?: { - xcsrf?: boolean; - statusMessage?: boolean; - statusCode?: boolean; - body?: boolean; - captcha?: boolean; - }; + allowedStatusCodes?: number[]; + disallowedStatusCodes?: number[]; + allowedStatusMessages?: string[]; + disallowedStatusMessages?: string[]; + onlyJSON?: boolean; + checks?: { + xcsrf?: boolean; + statusMessage?: boolean; + statusCode?: boolean; + body?: boolean; + captcha?: boolean; + }; }; export declare type RESTResponseDataType = { - body: any; - statusMessage: string; - statusCode: number; - headers: Record; + body: any; + statusMessage: string; + statusCode: number; + headers: Record; }; export const DefaultRESTResponseOptions = { - allowedStatusCodes: [200] + allowedStatusCodes: [200] }; export const DefaultRESTRequestOptions = { - checks: { - xcsrf: true, - statusMessage: true, - statusCode: true, - body: true, - captcha: true - }, - headers: {}, - method: "GET", - responseOptions: DefaultRESTResponseOptions + checks: { + xcsrf: true, + statusMessage: true, + statusCode: true, + body: true, + captcha: true + }, + headers: {}, + method: "GET", + responseOptions: DefaultRESTResponseOptions }; export const DefaultCreateCookieOptions = { - domain: ".roblox.com", - hostOnly: false, - httpOnly: false + domain: ".roblox.com", + hostOnly: false, + httpOnly: false }; export const DefaultRESTControllerOptions = { - userAgent: "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36", - proxy: undefined, - xcsrf: undefined, - xcsrfSet: undefined, - xcsrfRefreshInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, - xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries: 4 + userAgent: + "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36", + proxy: undefined, + xcsrf: undefined, + xcsrfSet: undefined, + xcsrfRefreshInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, + xcsrfRefreshMaxRetries: 4 }; diff --git a/src/old_structures/Asset.ts b/src/old_structures/Asset.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c6cde5de9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/old_structures/Asset.ts @@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { CreatorType } from "../util/constants"; +import { PartialGameUniverse, PartialGameUniverseOptions } from "./Game"; +import { PartialUser, PartialUserOptions } from "./User"; +import { CatalogProductDetails } from "../client/apis/CatalogAPI"; +import { PartialGroup, PartialGroupOptions } from "./Group"; + +export interface Structures { + PartialUser: new (data: PartialUserOptions, client: Client) => PartialUser; + PartialGameUniverse: new ( + data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, + client: Client + ) => PartialGameUniverse; + PartialGroup: new (data: PartialGroupOptions, client: Client) => PartialGroup; +} + +const retrieveStructures = (): Structures => ({ + PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, + PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse, + PartialGroup: require("./Group").PartialGroup +}); + +export interface AssetVersionOptions { + Id: number; + AssetId: number; + VersionNumber: number; + ParentAssetVersionId: number; + CreatorType: unknown; + CreatingUniverseId: number | null; + Created: string; + Updated: string; +} + +export class AssetVersion { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public assetId: number; + public versionNumber: number; + public parentAssetVersionId: number | null; + public creatorType: CreatorType; + public createdForUniverse: PartialGameUniverse | null; + public creator: PartialUser; + public created: Date; + public updated: Date; + + constructor(data: any, client: Client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + this.client = client; + this.id = data.Id; + this.assetId = data.AssetId; + this.versionNumber = data.VersionNumber; + this.parentAssetVersionId = data.ParentAssetVersionId; + this.creatorType = data.CreatorType; + this.creator = new structures.PartialUser( + { + id: data.CreatorTargetId + }, + this.client + ); + this.createdForUniverse = data.CreatingUniverseId + ? new structures.PartialGameUniverse( + { + id: data.CreatingUniverseId + }, + client + ) + : null; + this.created = new Date(data.Created); + this.updated = new Date(data.Updated); + } +} + +export interface BundleOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + bundleType: string; + items: { + owned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; + }[]; + creator: { + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; + }; + product: CatalogProductDetails; +} + +export class Bundle { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public name: string; + public description: string; + public bundleType: string; + public items: { + owned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; + type: string; + }[]; + public creatorType: CreatorType; + public creator: PartialUser | PartialGroup; + public product: { + id: number; + type: string; + publicDomain: boolean; + forSale: boolean; + price: number; + premiumPricing: { + discount: number; + price: number; + }; + }; + + constructor(data: BundleOptions, client: Client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name; + this.description = data.description; + this.bundleType = data.bundleType; + this.items = data.items.map((itemData) => ({ + owned: itemData.owned, + id: itemData.id, + name: itemData.name, + type: itemData.type + })); + this.creatorType = + data.creator.type.toLowerCase() === "group" + ? CreatorType.GROUP + : CreatorType.USER; + this.creator = + this.creatorType === CreatorType.USER + ? new structures.PartialUser( + { + id: data.creator.id, + name: data.creator.name + }, + client + ) + : new structures.PartialGroup( + { + id: data.creator.id, + name: data.creator.name + }, + client + ); + this.product = { + id: data.product.id, + type: data.product.type, + publicDomain: data.product.isPublicDomain, + forSale: data.product.isForSale, + price: data.product.priceInRobux, + premiumPricing: { + discount: data.product.premiumPricing.premiumDiscountPercentage, + price: data.product.premiumPricing.premiumPriceInRobux + } + }; + } +} + +export interface CollectibleAssetOptions { + userAssetId: number; + serialNumber: number | null; + assetId: number; + name: string; + recentAveragePrice: number | null; + originalPrice: number | null; + assetStock: number | null; + buildersClubMembershipType: number; +} + +export class CollectibleAsset { + public client: Client; + public assetId: number; + public userAssetId: number; + public name: string; + public recentAveragePrice: number | null; + public originalPrice: number | null; + public assetStock: number | null; + public buildersClubMembershipType: number; + + constructor(data: CollectibleAssetOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.assetId = data.assetId; + this.userAssetId = data.userAssetId; + this.name = data.name; + this.recentAveragePrice = data.recentAveragePrice; + this.originalPrice = data.originalPrice; + this.assetStock = data.assetStock; + this.buildersClubMembershipType = data.buildersClubMembershipType; + } +} + +export type CursorPageOptions = { + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; +}; +type CursorPageResponse = { + data: unknown; + previousPageCursor: string | null; + nextPageCursor: string | null; +}; + +export class CursorPage { + public client: Client; + public options: CursorPageOptions; + public cursors: { + current: string | null; + next: string | null; + previous: string | null; + }; + public data: T[]; + public method: any; + + constructor( + client: Client, + options: CursorPageOptions, + response: CursorPageResponse, + method: any + ) { + this.client = client; + this.options = options; + this.cursors = { + current: options.cursor || null, + next: response.nextPageCursor || null, + previous: response.previousPageCursor || null + }; + this.data = response.data as T[]; + this.method = method; + } + + getNext(newOptions?: CursorPageOptions): Promise> { + if (!this.cursors.next) { + throw new Error( + "Attempted to iterate to next page, but no cursor was presented for the next page" + ); + } + + const options = { + ...this.options, + cursor: this.cursors.next, + ...newOptions + }; + + return this.method(options); + } + + getPrevious(newOptions?: CursorPageOptions): Promise> { + if (!this.cursors.previous) { + throw new Error( + "Attempted to iterate to previous page, but no cursor was presented for the previous page" + ); + } + + const options = { + ...this.options, + cursor: this.cursors.previous, + ...newOptions + }; + + return this.method(options); + } +} + +export interface ProductOptions { + TargetId: number; + ProductType: string; + AssetId: number; + ProductId: number; + Name: string; + Description: string; + AssetTypeId: number; + Creator: { + Id: number; + Name: string; + }; + IconImageAssetId: number; + Created: string; + Updated: string; + PriceInRobux: number; + PriceInTickets: null; + Sales: number; + IsNew: boolean; + IsForSale: boolean; + IsPublicDomain: boolean; + IsLimited: boolean; + IsLimitedUnique: boolean; + Remaining: number | null; + MinimumMembershipLevel: number; +} + +export class Product { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public type: string; + public assetId: number; + public productId: number; + public name: string; + public description: string; + public assetTypeId: number; + public creator: PartialUser; + public iconImageAssetId: number; + public created: Date; + public updated: Date; + public price: number; + public sales: number; + public isNew: boolean; + public forSale: boolean; + public publicDomain: boolean; + public limited: boolean; + public limitedUnique: boolean; + public remaining: number | null; + public minimumMembershipLevel: number; + + constructor(data: ProductOptions, client: Client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + this.client = client; + this.id = data.TargetId; + this.type = data.ProductType; + this.assetId = data.AssetId; + this.productId = data.ProductId; + this.name = data.Name; + this.description = data.Description; + this.assetTypeId = data.AssetTypeId; + this.creator = new structures.PartialUser( + { + id: data.Creator.Id, + name: data.Creator.Name + }, + client + ); + this.iconImageAssetId = data.IconImageAssetId; + this.created = new Date(data.Created); + this.updated = new Date(data.Updated); + this.price = data.PriceInRobux; + this.sales = data.Sales; + this.isNew = data.IsNew; + this.forSale = data.IsForSale; + this.publicDomain = data.IsPublicDomain; + this.limited = data.IsLimited; + this.limitedUnique = data.IsLimitedUnique; + this.remaining = data.Remaining || null; + this.minimumMembershipLevel = data.MinimumMembershipLevel; + } +} + +export interface TradeOptions { + id: number; + offers: { + user: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + userAssets: CollectibleAssetOptions[]; + robux: number; + }[]; + user: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }; + created: string; + isActive: boolean; + status: "Completed" | string; +} + +export class Trade { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public offers: { + user: PartialUser; + assets: CollectibleAsset[]; + robux: number; + }[]; + public sender: PartialUser; + public created: Date; + public active: boolean; + public status: string; + + constructor(data: TradeOptions, client: Client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.sender = new structures.PartialUser( + { + id: data.user.id, + name: data.user.name + }, + client + ); + this.created = new Date(data.created); + this.active = data.isActive; + this.status = data.status; + this.offers = data.offers.map((offerData) => ({ + robux: offerData.robux, + user: new structures.PartialUser( + { + id: offerData.user.id, + name: offerData.user.name + }, + client + ), + assets: offerData.userAssets.map( + (assetData) => new CollectibleAsset(assetData, client) + ) + })); + } +} diff --git a/src/old_structures/Chat.ts b/src/old_structures/Chat.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a3931aee3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/old_structures/Chat.ts @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { PartialUser, PartialUserOptions } from "./User"; +import { PartialGameUniverse, PartialGameUniverseOptions } from "./Game"; +import { + ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions, + ChatSendMessageOptions +} from "../client/apis/ChatAPI"; +import { PartialGroup, PartialGroupOptions } from "./Group"; + +interface Structures { + PartialUser: new (data: PartialUserOptions, client: Client) => PartialUser; + PartialGameUniverse: new ( + data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, + client: Client + ) => PartialGameUniverse; + PartialGroup: new (data: PartialGroupOptions, client: Client) => PartialGroup; +} + +const retrieveStructures = (): Structures => ({ + PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, + PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse, + PartialGroup: require("./Group").PartialGroup +}); + +export interface ChatConversationOptions { + id: number; + title: string; + initiator: { + type: "User" | string; + targetId: number; + name: string | null; + displayName: string | null; + }; + hasUnreadMessages: boolean; + participants: { + type: "User" | string; + targetId: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; + conversationType: "OneToOneConversation" | string; + conversationTitle: { + titleForViewer: string; + isDefaultTitle: boolean; + }; + lastUpdated: string; + conversationUniverse: number | null; +} + +export class ChatConversation { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public title: string; + public initiator: PartialUser; + public hasUnreadMessages: boolean; + public members: PartialUser[]; + public type: string; + public conversationTitle: { + forViewer: string; + isDefaultTitle: boolean; + }; + public lastUpdated: Date; + public universe: PartialGameUniverse | null; + + constructor(data: ChatConversationOptions, client: Client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.title = data.title; + this.initiator = new structures.PartialUser( + { + id: data.initiator.targetId, + name: data.initiator.name || undefined + }, + client + ); + this.hasUnreadMessages = data.hasUnreadMessages; + this.members = data.participants.map( + (participantData) => + new structures.PartialUser( + { + id: participantData.targetId, + name: participantData.name + }, + client + ) + ); + this.type = data.conversationType; + this.lastUpdated = new Date(data.lastUpdated); + this.universe = data.conversationUniverse + ? new structures.PartialGameUniverse( + { + id: data.conversationUniverse + }, + client + ) + : null; + this.conversationTitle = { + forViewer: data.conversationTitle.titleForViewer, + isDefaultTitle: data.conversationTitle.isDefaultTitle + }; + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + getMessages(amount = 100, startId?: string) { + return this.client.chat.getConversationMessages(this.id, amount, startId); + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + addUsers(users: number[]) { + return this.client.chat.addUsersToConversation(this.id, users); + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + removeUser(userId: number) { + return this.client.chat.removeUserFromConversation(this.id, userId); + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + markMessageRead(id: string) { + return this.client.chat.markMessageRead(this.id, id); + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + markRead() { + return this.client.chat.markConversationsRead([this.id]); + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + rename(name: string) { + return this.client.chat.renameGroupConversation(this.id, name); + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + getUnreadMessages(amount = 100) { + return this.client.chat.getUnreadMessagesInConversations([this.id], amount); + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + getLatestMessages(amount = 100) { + return this.client.chat.getLatestMessagesInConversations([this.id], amount); + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + resetUniverse() { + return this.client.chat.resetConversationUniverse(this.id); + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + sendGameLinkMessage(options: ChatSendGameLinkMessageOptions) { + return this.client.chat.sendGameLinkMessage(options); + } + + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type + sendMessage(options: ChatSendMessageOptions) { + return this.client.chat.sendMessage(options); + } +} + +export interface PartialChatConversationOptions { + id: number; + title?: string; +} + +export class PartialChatConversation { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public title: string | null; + + constructor(data: PartialChatConversationOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.title = data.title || null; + } +} + +export interface ChatMessageOptions { + id: string; + senderType: string; + sent: string; + read: boolean; + messageType: "PlainText" | string; + decorators: string[]; + senderTargetId: number; + content: string; + link?: { + type: "Game"; + game: { + universeId: number; + }; + }; + eventBased?: { + type: "SetConversationUniverse"; + setConversationUniverse: { + actorUserId: number; + universeId: number; + }; + }; +} + +export class ChatMessage { + public client: Client; + public id: string; + public sender: PartialUser; + public sentAt: Date; + public type: "PlainText" | string; + public decorators: string[]; + public content: string; + + constructor(data: ChatMessageOptions, client: Client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.sender = new structures.PartialUser( + { + id: data.senderTargetId + }, + client + ); + this.sentAt = new Date(data.sent); + this.type = data.messageType; + this.decorators = data.decorators; + this.content = data.content; + } +} + +export interface ChatMessageSentOptions { + content: string; + filteredForReceivers: boolean; + messageId: string; + sent: string; + messageType: "PlainText" | string; + resultType: "Success" | string; + statusMessage: string; +} + +export class ChatMessageSent { + public client: Client; + public content: string; + public filtered: boolean; + public id: string; + public sentAt: Date; + public type: "PlainText" | string; + public result: "Success" | string; + public status: string; + + constructor(data: ChatMessageSentOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.messageId; + this.content = data.content; + this.filtered = data.filteredForReceivers; + this.sentAt = new Date(data.sent); + this.result = data.resultType; + this.status = data.statusMessage; + this.type = data.messageType; + } +} diff --git a/src/old_structures/ClientUser.ts b/src/old_structures/ClientUser.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b0dea674 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/old_structures/ClientUser.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { PartialUser } from "./User"; + +export interface ClientUserOptions { + id: number; + name: string; +} + +export class ClientUser extends PartialUser { + public client: Client; + + constructor(data: ClientUserOptions, client: Client) { + super(data, client); + this.client = client; + } +} diff --git a/src/old_structures/Game.ts b/src/old_structures/Game.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a3654c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/old_structures/Game.ts @@ -0,0 +1,540 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { CreatorType, GameGenre, MorphAvatarType } from "../util/constants"; +import { PartialGroup, PartialGroupOptions } from "./Group"; +import { PartialUser, PartialUserOptions } from "./User"; +import { DevelopGetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions } from "../client/apis/DevelopAPI"; +import { GamesGetGameServersByTypeOptions } from "../client/apis/GamesAPI"; + +interface Structures { + PartialUser: new (data: PartialUserOptions, client: Client) => PartialUser; + PartialGameUniverse: new ( + data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, + client: Client + ) => PartialGameUniverse; + PartialGroup: new (data: PartialGroupOptions, client: Client) => PartialGroup; + PartialPlace: new (data: PartialPlaceOptions, client: Client) => PartialPlace; +} + +const retrieveStructures = (): Structures => ({ + PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, + PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse, + PartialGroup: require("./Group").PartialGroup, + PartialPlace: require("./Game").PartialPlace +}); + +export interface GameBadgeBaseOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; +} + +export class GameBadgeBase { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public name: string | null; + + constructor(data: GameBadgeBaseOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name || null; + } +} + +export interface GameBadgeOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + displayName: string; + displayDescription: string; + enabled: boolean; + iconImageId: number; + displayIconImageId: number; + created: string; + updated: string; + statistics: { + pastDayAwardedCount: number; + awardedCount: number; + winRatePercentage: number; + }; + awardingUniverse: { + id: number; + name: string; + rootPlaceId: number; + }; +} + +export class GameBadge { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public name: string; + public description: string; + public displayedDescription: string; + public displayedName: string; + public enabled: boolean; + public iconId: number; + public displayedIconId: number; + public created: Date; + public updated: Date; + public statistics: { + pastDayAwardedCount: number; + awardedCount: number; + winRatePercentage: number; + }; + awardingUniverse: PartialGameUniverse; + + constructor(data: GameBadgeOptions, client: Client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name; + this.description = data.description; + this.displayedName = data.displayName; + this.displayedDescription = data.displayDescription; + this.enabled = data.enabled; + this.iconId = data.iconImageId; + this.displayedIconId = data.displayIconImageId; + this.created = new Date(data.created); + this.updated = new Date(data.updated); + this.statistics = { + pastDayAwardedCount: data.statistics.pastDayAwardedCount, + awardedCount: data.statistics.awardedCount, + winRatePercentage: data.statistics.winRatePercentage + }; + this.awardingUniverse = new structures.PartialGameUniverse( + { + id: data.awardingUniverse.id, + rootPlace: { + id: data.awardingUniverse.rootPlaceId + }, + name: data.awardingUniverse.name + }, + client + ); + } +} + +export type PartialGameBadgeOptions = GameBadgeBaseOptions; + +export class PartialGameBadge extends GameBadgeBase { + // Shut up eslint, it's not useless + // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor + constructor(data: PartialGameBadgeOptions, client: Client) { + super(data, client); + } +} + +export interface GamePassOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + productId: number; + price: number; +} + +export class GamePass { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public name: string; + public displayName: string; + public productId: number; + public price: number; + + constructor(data: GamePassOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name; + this.displayName = data.displayName; + this.productId = data.productId; + this.price = data.price; + } +} + +export interface BasePlaceOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; +} + +export class BasePlace { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public name: string | null; + + constructor(options: BasePlaceOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = options.id; + this.name = options.name || null; + } + + getCompatibilities() { + return this.client.apis.developAPI.getPlaceCompatibilities({ + placeId: this.id + }); + } + + updatePlaceConfiguration(options: { name: string; description: string }) { + return this.client.apis.developAPI.updatePlaceConfiguration({ + placeId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + getStatistics( + options: Omit + ) { + return this.client.apis.developAPI.getPlaceStatistics({ + placeId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + awardBadge(userId: number, badgeId: number) { + return this.client.apis.generalApi.awardBadge({ + placeId: this.id, + badgeId, + userId + }); + } + + getGameServers(options: Omit) { + return this.client.apis.gamesAPI.getGameServersByType({ + placeId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } +} + +export interface PlaceOptions { + placeId: number; + name: string; + url: string; + description: string; + builder: string; + builderId: number; + isPlayable: boolean; + reasonProhibited: string; + universeId: number; + universeRootPlaceId: number; + price: number; + imageToken: string; +} + +export class Place extends BasePlace { + public description: string; + public url: string; + public creatorName: string; + public creatorId: number; + public playable: boolean; + public prohibitedReason: string; + public prohibited: boolean; + public universe: PartialGameUniverse; + public price: number; + public imageToken: string; + + constructor(data: PlaceOptions, client: Client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + super( + { + id: data.placeId, + name: data.name + }, + client + ); + this.description = data.description; + this.url = data.url; + this.creatorName = data.builder; + this.creatorId = data.builderId; + this.playable = data.isPlayable; + this.prohibitedReason = data.reasonProhibited; + this.prohibited = this.prohibitedReason.toLowerCase() !== "none"; + this.universe = new structures.PartialGameUniverse( + { + id: data.universeId, + rootPlace: { + id: data.universeRootPlaceId + } + }, + client + ); + this.price = data.price; + this.imageToken = data.imageToken; + } +} + +interface PartialPlaceOptions { + id: number; + name?: string | null; +} + +export class PartialPlace extends BasePlace { + constructor(data: PartialPlaceOptions, client: Client) { + super( + { + id: data.id, + name: data.name || undefined + }, + client + ); + } +} + +export interface PartialGameUniverseOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; + rootPlace?: { + id: number; + name?: string | null; + }; +} + +export class PartialGameUniverse { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public name: string | null; + public rootPlace: PartialPlace | null; + + constructor(data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, client: Client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name || null; + this.rootPlace = data.rootPlace + ? new structures.PartialPlace( + { + id: data.rootPlace.id, + name: data.rootPlace.name || null + }, + client + ) + : null; + } +} + +export interface GameUniverseOptions { + id: number; + rootPlaceId: number; + name: string; + description: string; + creatorType: string; + creator: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + price: number; + allowedGearGenres: string[]; + allowedGearCategories: string[]; + playing: number; + visits: number; + maxPlayers: number; + created: string; + updated: string; + studioAccessToApisAllowed: boolean; + createVipServersAllowed: boolean; + universeAvatarType: string; + genre: string; +} + +export class GameUniverse { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public rootPlace: PartialPlace | null; + public name: string; + public description: string; + public creatorType: CreatorType; + public creator: PartialGroup | PartialUser; + public price: number | null; + public allowedGearGenres: string[]; + public allowedGearCategories: string[]; + public playing: number; + public visits: number; + public maxPlayers: number; + public created: Date; + public updated: Date; + public studioAccessToAPIsEnabled: boolean; + public createVIPServersEnabled: boolean; + public avatarType: MorphAvatarType; + public genre: GameGenre; + + constructor(data: GameUniverseOptions, client: Client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.rootPlace = data.rootPlaceId + ? new structures.PartialPlace( + { + id: data.rootPlaceId + }, + client + ) + : null; + this.name = data.name; + this.description = data.description; + this.creatorType = + data.creatorType.toLowerCase() === "group" + ? CreatorType.GROUP + : CreatorType.USER; + this.creator = + this.creatorType === CreatorType.GROUP + ? new structures.PartialGroup( + { + id: data.creator.id, + name: data.creator.name + }, + client + ) + : new structures.PartialUser( + { + id: data.creator.id, + name: data.creator.name + }, + client + ); + this.price = data.price; + this.allowedGearGenres = data.allowedGearGenres; + this.allowedGearCategories = data.allowedGearCategories; + this.playing = data.playing; + this.visits = data.visits; + this.maxPlayers = data.maxPlayers; + this.created = new Date(data.created); + this.updated = new Date(data.updated); + this.studioAccessToAPIsEnabled = data.studioAccessToApisAllowed; + this.createVIPServersEnabled = data.createVipServersAllowed; + this.avatarType = + data.universeAvatarType.toLowerCase() === "morphtor6" + ? MorphAvatarType.R6 + : MorphAvatarType.R15; + this.genre = data.genre as GameGenre; + } +} + +export interface PartialVIPServerOptions { + id: number; +} + +export class PartialVIPServer { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + + constructor(data: PartialVIPServerOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + } +} + +export interface VIPServerOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + game: { + id: number; + name: string; + rootPlace: { + id: number; + name: string; + }; + }; + joinCode: string; + active: boolean; + subscription: { + active: boolean; + expired: boolean; + expirationDate: string; + price: number; + }; + permissions: { + clanAllowed: boolean; + enemyClanId: number; + friendsAllowed: boolean; + users: { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + }[]; + }; +} + +export class VIPServer { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public name: string; + public game: PartialGameUniverse; + public code: string; + public active: boolean; + public subscription: { + active: boolean; + expired: boolean; + expirationDate: Date; + price: number; + }; + public permissions: { + clanAllowed: boolean; + enemyClanId: number; + friendsAllowed: boolean; + users: PartialUser[]; + }; + + constructor(data: VIPServerOptions, client: Client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name; + this.game = new structures.PartialGameUniverse( + { + id: data.game.id, + name: data.game.name, + rootPlace: { + id: data.game.rootPlace.id, + name: data.game.rootPlace.name + } + }, + client + ); + this.active = data.active; + this.code = data.joinCode; + this.subscription = { + active: data.subscription.active, + expired: data.subscription.expired, + expirationDate: new Date(data.subscription.expirationDate), + price: data.subscription.price + }; + this.permissions = { + clanAllowed: data.permissions.clanAllowed, + enemyClanId: data.permissions.enemyClanId, + friendsAllowed: data.permissions.friendsAllowed, + users: data.permissions.users.map( + (userData) => new structures.PartialUser(userData, client) + ) + }; + } +} + +export interface GameMediaDataOptions { + assetTypeId: number; + assetType: "Video" | "Image" | string; + imageId: number | null; + videoHash: string | null; + videoTitle: string | null; + approved: boolean; +} + +export class GameMediaData { + public client: Client; + public assetTypeId: number; + public assetType: "Video" | "Image" | string; + public imageId: number | null; + public videoHash: string | null; + public videoTitle: string | null; + public approved: boolean; + + constructor(data: GameMediaDataOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.assetTypeId = data.assetTypeId; + this.assetType = data.assetType; + this.imageId = data.imageId; + this.videoHash = data.videoHash; + this.videoTitle = data.videoTitle; + this.approved = data.approved; + } +} diff --git a/src/old_structures/Group.ts b/src/old_structures/Group.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..86882fce3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/old_structures/Group.ts @@ -0,0 +1,1072 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { DevelopGetGroupUniversesOptions } from "../client/apis/DevelopAPI"; +import { CursorPage } from "./Asset"; +import { PartialGameUniverse, PartialGameUniverseOptions } from "./Game"; +import { + EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame, + EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions, + EconomyGetGroupTransactions, + EconomyGetGroupTransactionsOptions +} from "../client/apis/EconomyAPI"; +import { + GroupsAcceptJoinRequest, + GroupsAcceptJoinRequests, + GroupsAcceptJoinRequestsOptions, + GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequest, + GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequests, + GroupsAcceptRelationshipRequestsOptions, + GroupsChangeOwner, + GroupsClaimGroup, + GroupsCreateRelationship, + GroupsCreateRelationshipOptions, + GroupsCreateRole, + GroupsCreateRoleOptions, + GroupsCreateWallPost, + GroupsCreateWallPostOptions, + GroupsDeclineJoinRequest, + GroupsDeclineJoinRequests, + GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequest, + GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequests, + GroupsDeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions, + GroupsDeleteRelationship, + GroupsDeleteRelationshipOptions, + GroupsDeleteRole, + GroupsDeleteSocialLink, + GroupsDeleteWallPost, + GroupsGetAllRolesPermissions, + GroupsGetGroupPayouts, + GroupsGetGroupRelationships, + GroupsGetGroupRelationshipsOptions, + GroupsGetGroupSettings, + GroupsGetGuestPermissions, + GroupsGetJoinRequest, + GroupsGetJoinRequestsOptions, + GroupsGetMembersOptions, + GroupsGetMembersWithRoleOptions, + GroupsGetRelationshipRequests, + GroupsGetRelationshipRequestsOptions, + GroupsGetRolePermissions, + GroupsGetSelfGroupMembership, + GroupsGetSocialLinks, + GroupsGetWallPostsOptions, + GroupsJoinGroup, + GroupsJoinGroupOptions, + GroupsKickMember, + GroupsPayoutMembers, + GroupsPayoutMembersOptions, + GroupsPostSocialLink, + GroupsPostSocialLinkOptions, + GroupsRemovePrimaryGroup, + GroupsSetPrimaryGroup, + GroupsUpdateGroupDescription, + GroupsUpdateGroupIcon, + GroupsUpdateGroupSettings, + GroupsUpdateGroupSettingsOptions, + GroupsUpdateGroupStatus, + GroupsUpdateMember, + GroupsUpdateRecurringPayouts, + GroupsUpdateRecurringPayoutsOptions, + GroupsUpdateRole, + GroupsUpdateRoleOptions, + GroupsUpdateRolePermissions, + GroupsUpdateRolePermissionsOptions, + GroupsUpdateSocialLink, + GroupsUpdateSocialLinkOptions +} from "../client/apis/GroupsAPI"; +import { PartialUser, PartialUserOptions, UserBase } from "./User"; + +interface Structures { + PartialUser: new (data: PartialUserOptions, client: Client) => PartialUser; + PartialGameUniverse: new ( + data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, + client: Client + ) => PartialGameUniverse; +} + +const retrieveStructures = (): Structures => ({ + PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, + PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse +}); + +type GroupRelationships = Omit< + GroupsGetGroupRelationships, + "relatedGroups" +> & { + groupId: number; + relationshipType: T; + totalGroupCount: number; + groups: Group[]; + nextRowIndex: number; +}; + +export interface GroupBaseOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; +} + +export class GroupBase { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public name: string | null; + + constructor(data: GroupBaseOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name || null; + } + + getUniverses( + options?: Omit + ): Promise> { + return this.client.apis.developAPI + .getGroupUniverses({ + ...options, + groupId: this.id + }) + .then((response) => { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + return new CursorPageClass( + this.client, + options || {}, + { + ...response, + data: response.data.map( + (universeData) => + new structures.PartialGameUniverse( + { + id: universeData.id, + name: universeData.name, + rootPlace: universeData.rootPlaceId + ? { + id: universeData.rootPlaceId + } + : undefined + }, + this.client + ) + ) + }, + this.getUniverses + ); + }); + } + + /** + * Returns whether the authenticated user can manage the group or not + * @returns {Promise} + */ + canSelfManage(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.developAPI + .getSelfManageableGroups() + .then((response) => !!response.data.find((data) => data.id === this.id)); + } + + /** + * Gets the currently available funds in the group + * @returns {Promise} + */ + getFunds(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.economyAPI + .getGroupCurrency({ + groupId: this.id + }) + .then((response) => response.robux); + } + + getRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame( + timeFrame: EconomyGetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions["timeFrame"] + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.economyAPI.getGroupRevenueByTime({ + groupId: this.id, + timeFrame + }); + } + + getTransactions( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.economyAPI.getGroupTransactions({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + getAllies( + maxItems = 100, + startItem?: number + ): Promise> { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getGroupRelationships({ + relationshipType: "allies", + groupId: this.id, + maxRows: maxItems, + startRowIndex: startItem + }) + .then((response) => ({ + ...response, + relationshipType: "allies", + groups: response.relatedGroups.map( + (groupData) => new Group(groupData, this.client) + ) + })); + } + + getEnemies( + maxItems = 100, + startItem?: number + ): Promise> { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getGroupRelationships({ + relationshipType: "enemies", + groupId: this.id, + maxRows: maxItems, + startRowIndex: startItem + }) + .then((response) => ({ + ...response, + relationshipType: "enemies", + groups: response.relatedGroups.map( + (groupData) => new Group(groupData, this.client) + ) + })); + } + + getGroup(): Promise { + return this.client.getGroup(this.id); + } + + getMember(userId: number): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getUserGroups({ + userId + }) + .then((response) => { + const foundGroup = response.data.find( + (groupData) => groupData.group.id === this.id + ); + + if (foundGroup) { + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define + return new GroupMember( + { + id: userId, + role: foundGroup.role, + group: foundGroup.group + }, + this.client + ); + } else { + return null; + } + }); + } + + getIsMember(userId: number): Promise { + console.warn( + `group.getIsMember() is deprecated and may be removed in the future. Please switch to group.getMember` + ); + return this.getMember(userId); + } + + getSettings(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupSettings({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + + updateSettings( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupSettings({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + updateDescription( + description: string + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupDescription({ + description, + groupId: this.id + }); + } + + updateShout(shout: string): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupStatus({ + groupId: this.id, + message: shout + }); + } + + updateIcon(file: unknown): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupIcon({ + files: file, + groupId: this.id + }); + } + + declineJoinRequests(userIds: number[]): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineJoinRequests({ + groupId: this.id, + userIds + }); + } + + getJoinRequests( + options: Omit + ): Promise> { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getJoinRequests({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }) + .then( + (response) => + new CursorPageClass( + this.client, + options, + response, + this.getJoinRequests + ) + ); + } + + acceptJoinRequests( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptJoinRequests({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + declineJoinRequest(userId: number): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineJoinRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + + getJoinRequest(userId: number): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getJoinRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + + acceptJoinRequest(userId: number): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptJoinRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + + getSelfMembership(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getSelfGroupMembership({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + + getRoles(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getGroupRoles({ + groupId: this.id + }) + .then((response) => + response.roles.map( + (roleData) => + new GroupRole( + { + group: { + id: this.id, + name: this.name || undefined + }, + ...roleData + }, + this.client + ) + ) + ); + } + + getMembersWithRole( + options: Omit + ): Promise> { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getMembersWithRole({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }) + .then( + (response) => + new CursorPageClass( + this.client, + options, + response, + this.getMembersWithRole + ) + ); + } + + getMembers( + options: Omit + ): Promise> { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getMembers({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }) + .then( + (response) => + new CursorPageClass(this.client, options, response, this.getMembers) + ); + } + + join( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.joinGroup({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options, + captchaProvider: options.captchaProvider || "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" + }); + } + + getIsPendingJoin(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getSelfPendingGroupJoins() + .then( + (response) => + (response.data.find((groupData) => groupData.id === this.id) && + true) || + false + ); + } + + changeOwner(userId: number): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.changeGroupOwner({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + + claim(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.claimGroup({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + + kickMember(userId: number): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.kickMember({ + groupId: this.id, + userId + }); + } + + updateMember(userId: number, roleId: number): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateMember({ + groupId: this.id, + roleId, + userId + }); + } + + getPayouts(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupPayouts({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + + payoutMembers( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.payoutMembers({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + updateRecurringPayouts( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateRecurringPayouts({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + getRelationships( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupRelationships({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + declineRelationshipRequests( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineRelationshipRequests({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + getRelationshipRequests( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getRelationshipRequests({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + acceptRelationshipRequests( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptRelationshipRequests({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + deleteRelationship( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteRelationship({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + createRelationship( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createRelationship({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + acceptRelationshipRequest( + type: "enemies" | "allies", + withGroup: number + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptRelationshipRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + relationshipType: type || "allies", + withGroup + }); + } + + declineRelationshipRequest( + type: "enemies" | "allies", + withGroup: number + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineRelationshipRequest({ + groupId: this.id, + relationshipType: type || "allies", + withGroup + }); + } + + getRolePermissions(roleId: number): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getRolePermissions({ + groupId: this.id, + roleId + }); + } + + updateRolePermissions( + roleId: number, + permissions: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateRolePermissions({ + groupId: this.id, + roleId, + ...permissions + }); + } + + getGuestPermissions(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGuestPermissions({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + + getAllRolesPermissions(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getAllRolesPermissions({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + + getSocialLinks(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getSocialLinks({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + + createSocialLink( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createSocialLink({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + deleteSocialLink(id: number): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteSocialLink({ + groupId: this.id, + id + }); + } + + updateSocialLink( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateSocialLink({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + getWallPosts( + options: Omit + ): Promise> { + const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; + + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getWallPosts({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }) + .then( + (response) => + new CursorPageClass(this.client, options, response, this.getWallPosts) + ); + } + + createWallPost( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createWallPost({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + deleteWallPost(id: number): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteWallPost({ + groupId: this.id, + id + }); + } + + getIsUserPrimaryGroup(userId: number): Promise { + return ( + this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getUserPrimaryGroup({ + userId + }) + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define + .then((response) => + response && response.group && response.role + ? new GroupMember( + { + group: response.group, + role: { + id: response.role!.id!, + name: response.role!.name!, + rank: response.role!.rank! + }, + id: userId + }, + this.client + ) + : null + ) + ); + } + + removeAsPrimary(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.removePrimaryGroup(); + } + + setAsPrimary(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.setPrimaryGroup({ + groupId: this.id + }); + } + + createRole( + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createRole({ + groupId: this.id, + ...options + }); + } + + deleteRole(roleId: number): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteRole({ + groupId: this.id, + roleId + }); + } + + updateRole( + roleId: number, + options: Omit + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateRole({ + groupId: this.id, + roleId, + ...options + }); + } +} + +export interface PartialGroupOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; +} + +export class PartialGroup extends GroupBase { + // Shut up eslint, this is not useless either + // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor + constructor(data: PartialGroupOptions, client: Client) { + super(data, client); + } +} + +export interface GroupMemberOptions { + group: PartialGroupOptions; + name?: string | null; + /** + * The user id + */ + id: number; + role?: { + id: number; + name: string; + rank: number; + }; +} + +export class GroupMember extends UserBase { + public group: PartialGroup; + public role: GroupRole | null; + + constructor(data: GroupMemberOptions, client: Client) { + super( + { + name: data.name, + id: data.id + }, + client + ); + this.group = new PartialGroup(data.group, client); + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define + this.role = data.role + ? new GroupRole( + { + id: data.role.id, + name: data.role.name, + rank: data.role.rank, + group: { + name: this.name || undefined, + id: this.id + } + }, + client + ) + : null; + } +} + +export interface GroupOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + owner: { + buildersClubMembershipType: string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + } | null; + shout: { + body: string; + poster: { + buildersClubMembershipType: string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + created: string; + updated: string; + } | null; + memberCount: number; + isBuildersClubOnly: boolean; + publicEntryAllowed: boolean; + isLocked: boolean; +} + +export class Group extends GroupBase { + public description: string; + public name: string; + public owner: GroupMember | null; + public shout: GroupShout | null; + public memberCount: number; + public isBuildersClubOnly: boolean; + public publicEntryAllowed: boolean; + public isLocked: boolean; + + constructor(data: GroupOptions, client: Client) { + super(data, client); + this.description = data.description; + this.name = data.name; + this.owner = data.owner + ? new GroupMember( + { + id: data.owner.userId, + name: data.owner.username, + group: this + }, + client + ) + : null; + this.shout = data.shout + ? new GroupShout( + { + content: data.shout.body, + creator: { + id: data.shout.poster.userId, + username: data.shout.poster.username + }, + group: { + id: this.id, + name: this.name || undefined + } + }, + client + ) + : null; + this.memberCount = data.memberCount; + this.isBuildersClubOnly = data.isBuildersClubOnly; + this.publicEntryAllowed = data.publicEntryAllowed; + this.isLocked = data.isLocked; + } +} + +export interface GroupJoinRequestOptions { + id?: number; + user: PartialUserOptions; + group: PartialGroupOptions; + created: string; +} + +export class GroupJoinRequest { + public client: Client; + public id: number | null; + public user: PartialUser; + public group: PartialGroup; + public created: Date; + + constructor(data: GroupJoinRequestOptions, client: Client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id || null; + this.user = new structures.PartialUser(data.user, client); + this.group = new PartialGroup(data.group, client); + this.created = new Date(data.created); + } +} + +export interface GroupRoleOptions { + id?: number; + name?: string; + rank?: number; + group: { + id: number; + name?: string; + }; +} + +export class GroupRole { + public client: Client; + public id: number | null; + public name: string | null; + public rank: number | null; + public group: PartialGroup; + + constructor(data: GroupRoleOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id || null; + this.name = data.name || null; + this.rank = data.rank || null; + this.group = new PartialGroup( + { + id: data.group.id, + name: data.group.name + }, + client + ); + } +} + +export interface GroupRolePermissionsOptions { + groupId: number; + role: { + id: number; + name: string; + description: string; + rank: number; + memberCount: number; + }; + permissions: { + groupPostsPermissions: { + viewWall: boolean; + postToWall: boolean; + deleteFromWall: boolean; + viewStatus: boolean; + postToStatus: boolean; + }; + groupMembershipPermissions: { + changeRank: boolean; + inviteMembers: boolean; + removeMembers: boolean; + }; + groupManagementPermissions: { + manageRelationships: boolean; + manageClan: boolean; + viewAuditLogs: boolean; + }; + groupEconomyPermissions: { + spendGroupFunds: boolean; + advertiseGroup: boolean; + createItems: boolean; + manageItems: boolean; + addGroupPlaces: boolean; + manageGroupGames: boolean; + viewGroupPayouts: boolean; + }; + }; +} + +export class GroupRolePermissions { + public client: Client; + public group: PartialGroup; + public role: GroupRole; + public permissions: GroupRolePermissionsOptions["permissions"]; + + constructor(data: GroupRolePermissionsOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.group = new PartialGroup( + { + id: data.groupId + }, + client + ); + this.role = new GroupRole( + { + id: data.role.id, + name: data.role.name, + rank: data.role.rank, + group: { + id: this.group.id + } + }, + client + ); + this.permissions = data.permissions; + } +} + +export interface GroupShoutOptions { + content: string; + creator: { + id: number; + username: string; + }; + group: { + id: number; + name?: string; + }; +} + +export class GroupShout { + public client: Client; + public content: string; + public creator: PartialUser; + public group: PartialGroup; + + constructor(data: GroupShoutOptions, client: Client) { + const structures = retrieveStructures(); + + this.client = client; + this.content = data.content; + this.creator = new structures.PartialUser(data.creator, client); + this.group = new PartialGroup( + { + id: data.group.id, + name: data.group.name + }, + client + ); + } +} + +export interface GroupWallPostOptions { + id: number; + poster: { + buildersClubMembershipType: string; + userId: number; + username: string; + displayName: string; + }; + group: { + id: number; + name?: string; + }; + body: string; + created: string; + updated: string; +} + +export class GroupWallPost { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public creator: GroupMember; + public content: string; + public created: Date; + + constructor(data: GroupWallPostOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.content = data.body; + this.creator = new GroupMember( + { + group: { + id: data.group.id, + name: data.group.name + }, + id: data.poster.userId, + name: data.poster.username + }, + client + ); + this.created = new Date(data.created); + } +} diff --git a/src/old_structures/User.ts b/src/old_structures/User.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4927aa462 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/old_structures/User.ts @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +import { Client } from "../client"; +import { EnumUserPresence } from "../interfaces/GeneralInterfaces"; + +export interface UserBaseOptions { + id: number; + name?: string | null; + displayName?: string; + membership?: boolean; +} + +export class UserBase { + public client: Client; + public id: number; + public name: string | null; + public displayName: string | null; + public membership: unknown; + + constructor(data: UserBaseOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.id = data.id; + this.name = data.name || null; + this.displayName = data.displayName || null; + this.membership = data.membership || null; + } +} + +export interface FriendRequestOptions { + description: string; + created: string; + isBanned: boolean; + id: number; + name: string; +} + +export class FriendRequest { + public client: Client; + public user: PartialUser; + public isBanned: boolean; + public created: Date; + public description: string; + + constructor(data: FriendRequestOptions, client: Client) { + this.client = client; + this.user = new PartialUser( + { + id: data.id, + name: data.name + }, + client + ); + this.created = new Date(data.created); + this.description = data.description; + this.isBanned = data.isBanned; + } +} + +export interface PartialUserOptions { + id: number; + name?: string; + displayName?: string; +} + +export class PartialUser extends UserBase { + // Eslint, I'm getting tired of you complaining about useless constructors. + // You are useless + // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor + constructor(data: PartialUserOptions, client: Client) { + super(data, client); + } +} + +export interface UserOptions { + id: number; + name: string; + displayName: string; + friendsCount: number; + presenceType: EnumUserPresence; + lastLocation: string | null; + userStatus: string | null; + userStatusDate: string | null; + userPlaceId: number | null; + followersCount: number; + followingsCount: number; + isVieweeBlocked: boolean; + isViewerBlocked: boolean; + areFriends: boolean; + canFollow: boolean; + canMessage: boolean; + canFriend: boolean; + canTrade: boolean; + incomingFriendRequest: boolean; + sentFriendRequest: boolean; + canSeeFavorites: boolean; + messagesDisabled: boolean; + canSeeInventory: boolean; + headShotImage: { + final: boolean; + url: string; + retryUrl: string | null; + userId: number; + endpointType: "Avatar" | string; + }; + previousUsernames: string; +} + +export class User extends PartialUser { + public friendsCount: number; + public presenceType: EnumUserPresence; + public lastLocation: string | null; + public status: string | null; + public statusDate: Date | null; + public placeId: number | null; + public followersCount: number; + public followingCount: number; + /** + * If the authenticated user has blocked the user + */ + public isBlocked: boolean; + /** + * If the user has blocked the authenticated user + */ + public hasBlocked: boolean; + /** + * If the authenticated user and the target user are friends + */ + public areFriends: boolean; + public canFollow: boolean; + public canMessage: boolean; + public canFriend: boolean; + /** + * If the authenticated user has sent a friend request to this user + */ + public sentFriendRequest: boolean; + /** + * If the target user has sent a friend request to the authenticated user + */ + public incomingFriendRequest: boolean; + public messagesDisabled: boolean; + public canSeeFavorites: boolean; + public canTrade: boolean; + public canSeeInventory: boolean; + public previousNames: string[]; + public headshotImage: { + final: boolean; + url: string | null; + retryUrl: string | null; + userId: number; + endpointType: "Avatar" | string; + }; + + constructor(data: UserOptions, client: Client) { + super(data, client); + this.friendsCount = data.friendsCount; + this.presenceType = data.presenceType; + this.lastLocation = data.lastLocation || null; + this.status = data.userStatus || null; + const matchedStatusTimestamp = data.userStatusDate + ? data.userStatusDate.match(/\((.*)\)/) + : null; + this.statusDate = matchedStatusTimestamp + ? new Date(parseInt(matchedStatusTimestamp[1])) + : null; + this.placeId = data.userPlaceId; + this.followersCount = data.followersCount; + this.followingCount = data.followingsCount; + this.isBlocked = data.isVieweeBlocked; + this.hasBlocked = data.isViewerBlocked; + this.areFriends = data.areFriends; + this.canFollow = data.canFollow; + this.canMessage = data.canMessage; + this.canFriend = data.canFriend; + this.sentFriendRequest = data.sentFriendRequest; + this.incomingFriendRequest = data.incomingFriendRequest; + this.messagesDisabled = data.messagesDisabled; + this.canSeeFavorites = data.canSeeFavorites; + this.canTrade = data.canTrade; + this.canSeeInventory = data.canSeeInventory; + this.previousNames = data.previousUsernames.split("\r\n"); + this.headshotImage = { + final: data.headShotImage.final, + url: data.headShotImage.url, + retryUrl: data.headShotImage.retryUrl, + userId: data.headShotImage.userId, + endpointType: data.headShotImage.endpointType + }; + } +} diff --git a/src/old_structures/index.ts b/src/old_structures/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f31e7296 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/old_structures/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +export * from "./Asset"; +export * from "./Chat"; +export * from "./ClientUser"; +export * from "./Game"; +export * from "./Group"; +export * from "./User"; diff --git a/src/structures/Asset.ts b/src/structures/Asset.ts deleted file mode 100644 index d633be788..000000000 --- a/src/structures/Asset.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,390 +0,0 @@ -import Client from "../client"; -import { CreatorType } from "../util/constants"; -import { PartialGameUniverse, PartialGameUniverseOptions } from "./Game"; -import { PartialUser, PartialUserOptions } from "./User"; -import { ProductDetails } from "../client/apis/CatalogAPI"; -import { PartialGroup, PartialGroupOptions } from "./Group"; - - -export interface Structures { - PartialUser: new (data: PartialUserOptions, client: Client) => PartialUser; - PartialGameUniverse: new (data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, client: Client) => PartialGameUniverse; - PartialGroup: new (data: PartialGroupOptions, client: Client) => PartialGroup; -} - - -const retrieveStructures = (): Structures => ({ - PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, - PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse, - PartialGroup: require("./Group").PartialGroup -}); - - -export interface AssetVersionOptions { - Id: number; - AssetId: number; - VersionNumber: number; - ParentAssetVersionId: number; - CreatorType: unknown; - CreatingUniverseId: number | null; - Created: string; - Updated: string; -} - - -export class AssetVersion { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public assetId: number; - public versionNumber: number; - public parentAssetVersionId: number | null; - public creatorType: CreatorType; - public createdForUniverse: PartialGameUniverse | null; - public creator: PartialUser; - public created: Date; - public updated: Date; - - constructor (data: any, client: Client) { - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - - this.client = client; - this.id = data.Id; - this.assetId = data.AssetId; - this.versionNumber = data.VersionNumber; - this.parentAssetVersionId = data.ParentAssetVersionId; - this.creatorType = data.CreatorType; - this.creator = new structures.PartialUser({ - id: data.CreatorTargetId - }, this.client); - this.createdForUniverse = data.CreatingUniverseId ? new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ - id: data.CreatingUniverseId - }, client) : null; - this.created = new Date(data.Created); - this.updated = new Date(data.Updated); - } -} - - -export interface BundleOptions { - id: number; - name: string; - description: string; - bundleType: string; - items: { - owned: boolean; - id: number; - name: string; - type: string; - }[]; - creator: { - id: number; - name: string; - type: string; - }; - product: ProductDetails; -} - - -export class Bundle { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public name: string; - public description: string; - public bundleType: string; - public items: { - owned: boolean; - id: number; - name: string; - type: string; - }[]; - public creatorType: CreatorType; - public creator: PartialUser | PartialGroup; - public product: { - id: number; - type: string; - publicDomain: boolean; - forSale: boolean; - price: number; - premiumPricing: { - discount: number; - price: number; - }; - }; - - constructor (data: BundleOptions, client: Client) { - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.name = data.name; - this.description = data.description; - this.bundleType = data.bundleType; - this.items = data.items.map(itemData => ({ - owned: itemData.owned, - id: itemData.id, - name: itemData.name, - type: itemData.type - })); - this.creatorType = data.creator.type.toLowerCase() === "group" ? CreatorType.GROUP : CreatorType.USER; - this.creator = this.creatorType === CreatorType.USER ? new structures.PartialUser({ - id: data.creator.id, - name: data.creator.name - }, client) : new structures.PartialGroup({ - id: data.creator.id, - name: data.creator.name - }, client); - this.product = { - id: data.product.id, - type: data.product.type, - publicDomain: data.product.isPublicDomain, - forSale: data.product.isForSale, - price: data.product.priceInRobux, - premiumPricing: { - discount: data.product.premiumPricing.premiumDiscountPercentage, - price: data.product.premiumPricing.premiumPriceInRobux - } - }; - } -} - - -export interface CollectibleAssetOptions { - userAssetId: number; - serialNumber: number | null; - assetId: number; - name: string; - recentAveragePrice: number | null; - originalPrice: number | null; - assetStock: number | null; - buildersClubMembershipType: number; -} - - -export class CollectibleAsset { - public client: Client; - public assetId: number; - public userAssetId: number; - public name: string; - public recentAveragePrice: number | null; - public originalPrice: number | null; - public assetStock: number | null; - public buildersClubMembershipType: number; - - constructor (data: CollectibleAssetOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.assetId = data.assetId; - this.userAssetId = data.userAssetId; - this.name = data.name; - this.recentAveragePrice = data.recentAveragePrice; - this.originalPrice = data.originalPrice; - this.assetStock = data.assetStock; - this.buildersClubMembershipType = data.buildersClubMembershipType; - } -} - - -export type CursorPageOptions = { - limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; - cursor?: string; - sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; -} -type CursorPageResponse = { - data: unknown; - previousPageCursor: string | null; - nextPageCursor: string | null; -} - - -export class CursorPage { - public client: Client; - public options: CursorPageOptions; - public cursors: { - current: string | null; - next: string | null; - previous: string | null; - }; - public data: T[]; - public method: any; - - constructor (client: Client, options: CursorPageOptions, response: CursorPageResponse, method: any) { - this.client = client; - this.options = options; - this.cursors = { - current: options.cursor || null, - next: response.nextPageCursor || null, - previous: response.previousPageCursor || null - }; - this.data = response.data as T[]; - this.method = method; - } - - getNext (newOptions?: CursorPageOptions): Promise> { - if (!this.cursors.next) { - throw new Error("Attempted to iterate to next page, but no cursor was presented for the next page"); - } - - const options = { - ...this.options, - cursor: this.cursors.next, - ...newOptions - }; - - return this.method(options); - } - - getPrevious (newOptions?: CursorPageOptions): Promise> { - if (!this.cursors.previous) { - throw new Error("Attempted to iterate to previous page, but no cursor was presented for the previous page"); - } - - const options = { - ...this.options, - cursor: this.cursors.previous, - ...newOptions - }; - - return this.method(options); - } -} - - -export interface ProductOptions { - TargetId: number; - ProductType: string; - AssetId: number; - ProductId: number; - Name: string; - Description: string; - AssetTypeId: number; - Creator: { - Id: number; - Name: string; - }; - IconImageAssetId: number; - Created: string; - Updated: string; - PriceInRobux: number; - PriceInTickets: null; - Sales: number; - IsNew: boolean; - IsForSale: boolean; - IsPublicDomain: boolean; - IsLimited: boolean; - IsLimitedUnique: boolean; - Remaining: number | null; - MinimumMembershipLevel: number; -} - - -export class Product { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public type: string; - public assetId: number; - public productId: number; - public name: string; - public description: string; - public assetTypeId: number; - public creator: PartialUser; - public iconImageAssetId: number; - public created: Date; - public updated: Date; - public price: number; - public sales: number; - public isNew: boolean; - public forSale: boolean; - public publicDomain: boolean; - public limited: boolean; - public limitedUnique: boolean; - public remaining: number | null; - public minimumMembershipLevel: number; - - constructor (data: ProductOptions, client: Client) { - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - this.client = client; - this.id = data.TargetId; - this.type = data.ProductType; - this.assetId = data.AssetId; - this.productId = data.ProductId; - this.name = data.Name; - this.description = data.Description; - this.assetTypeId = data.AssetTypeId; - this.creator = new structures.PartialUser({ - id: data.Creator.Id, - name: data.Creator.Name - }, client); - this.iconImageAssetId = data.IconImageAssetId; - this.created = new Date(data.Created); - this.updated = new Date(data.Updated); - this.price = data.PriceInRobux; - this.sales = data.Sales; - this.isNew = data.IsNew; - this.forSale = data.IsForSale; - this.publicDomain = data.IsPublicDomain; - this.limited = data.IsLimited; - this.limitedUnique = data.IsLimitedUnique; - this.remaining = data.Remaining || null; - this.minimumMembershipLevel = data.MinimumMembershipLevel; - } -} - - -export interface TradeOptions { - id: number; - offers: { - user: { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }; - userAssets: CollectibleAssetOptions[]; - robux: number; - }[]; - user: { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }; - created: string; - isActive: boolean; - status: "Completed" | string; -} - - -export class Trade { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public offers: { - user: PartialUser; - assets: CollectibleAsset[]; - robux: number; - }[]; - public sender: PartialUser; - public created: Date; - public active: boolean; - public status: string; - - constructor (data: TradeOptions, client: Client) { - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.sender = new structures.PartialUser({ - id: data.user.id, - name: data.user.name - }, client); - this.created = new Date(data.created); - this.active = data.isActive; - this.status = data.status; - this.offers = data.offers.map(offerData => ({ - robux: offerData.robux, - user: new structures.PartialUser({ - id: offerData.user.id, - name: offerData.user.name - }, client), - assets: offerData.userAssets.map(assetData => new CollectibleAsset(assetData, client)) - })); - } -} diff --git a/src/structures/BaseUser.ts b/src/structures/BaseUser.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..367f3f0c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/structures/BaseUser.ts @@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ +import { + AccountInformationPromotionChannels, + AccountInformationRobloxBadges, + Client, + EconomyGetSelfCurrency, + FriendsGetUserFollowers, + FriendsGetUserFriends, + FriendsGetUserFriendsOptions, + ItemType, + PageSortLimit, + PageSortOrder, + PresenceGetUsersPresence, + PrivateMessagesSendMessage, + UsersUserNameHistory +} from ".."; +import { contextCall, CursorPage } from "./CursorPage"; + +export type BaseUserOwnedBadge = { + badgeId: number; + awardedDate: Date; + awardedDateString: string; +}; + +export type BaseUserGroupRole = { + groupId: number; + roleId: number; + rank: number; + roleName: string; +}; + +/** + * Represents a Roblox user ID and gives direct access to various user-related APIs. + */ +export class BaseUser { + #client: Client; + #userId: number; + + /** + * @param {Client} client The Bloxy Client + * @param {number} userId The user ID + */ + constructor(client: Client, userId: number) { + this.#client = client; + this.#userId = userId; + } + + get client() { + return this.#client; + } + + get userId() { + return this.#userId; + } + + /** + * Return the username history of the user. + * @param limit The number of followers to return + * @param sortOrder The sort order of the followers + * @param cursor The cursor to continue at + */ + getUsernameHistory( + limit: PageSortLimit = 10, + sortOrder: PageSortOrder = "Asc", + cursor?: string + ): Promise> { + return this.client.apis.usersAPI + .getUserNameHistory({ + userId: this.userId + }) + .then( + (response) => + new CursorPage( + { limit, sortOrder, cursor }, + { userId: this.userId }, + response, + contextCall( + this.client.apis.usersAPI, + this.client.apis.usersAPI.getUserNameHistory + ) + ) + ); + } + + /** + * Returns the users current presence. + */ + getPresence(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.presenceAPI + .getUsersPresences({ + userIds: [this.userId] + }) + .then((presence) => presence.userPresences[0]); + } + + /** + * Returns the user's friends. + * @param limit The number of friends to return + * @param cursor The cursor to continue at + */ + getFriends( + userSort?: FriendsGetUserFriendsOptions["userSort"] + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFriends({ + userId: this.userId, + userSort + }); + } + + /** + * Returns the user's robux amount. The BaseUser must be the currently authenticated user, or else this function throws an error. + */ + getCurrency(): Promise { + if (this.client.user?.id !== this.userId) { + throw new Error( + "This function can only be called with the currently authenticated user" + ); + } + return this.client.apis.economyAPI.getSelfCurrency({ userId: this.userId }); + } + + /** + * Returns if the user has Roblox Premium or not. + */ + hasPremium(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.premiumFeaturesAPI.validateUserMembership({ + userId: this.userId + }); + } + + /** + * Returns if the user owns the specified item. + * @param {ItemType} itemType The type of item to check + * @param {number} itemId The ID of the item to check + */ + ownsItem(itemType: ItemType, itemId: number): Promise { + return this.client.apis.inventoryAPI + .getUserItemsByTypeAndTargetId({ + userId: this.userId, + itemType, + itemTargetId: itemId + }) + .then((response) => response.data.length > 0); + } + + /** + * Returns if the user owns the specific asset. + * @param assetId The ID of the asset to check + */ + ownsAsset(assetId: number): Promise { + return this.ownsItem("Asset", assetId); + } + + /** + * Returns if the user owns the specific gamepass. + * @param gamepassId The ID of the gamepass to check + */ + ownsGamepass(gamepassId: number): Promise { + return this.ownsItem("GamePass", gamepassId); + } + + /** + * Returns the date the specified badges got awarded to the user. + * @param badgeIds The badge IDs to check + */ + getBadgeAwardedDates(badgeIds: number[]): Promise { + return this.client.apis.badgesAPI + .getUserBadgesAwardedDates({ + userId: this.userId, + badgeIds + }) + .then((response) => + response.data.map((badge) => ({ + badgeId: badge.badgeId, + awardedDate: new Date(badge.awardedDate), + awardedDateString: badge.awardedDate + })) + ); + } + + /** + * Returns the role of the groups the user is in. + */ + getGroupRoles(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.groupsAPI + .getUserGroups({ + userId: this.userId + }) + .then((response) => + response.data.map((groupMembership) => ({ + groupId: groupMembership.group.id, + roleId: groupMembership.role.id, + rank: groupMembership.role.rank, + roleName: groupMembership.role.name + })) + ); + } + + /** + * Returns the roblox badges the user has. + */ + getRobloxBadges(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.getRobloxBadges({ + userId: this.userId + }); + } + + /** + * Returns the user's promotion channels + */ + getPromotionChannels(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.getUserPromotionChannels({ + userId: this.userId + }); + } + + /** + * Returns the user's friend count + */ + getFriendCount(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.friendsAPI + .getUserFriendsCount({ + userId: this.userId + }) + .then((response) => response.count); + } + + /** + * Returns the user's follower count + */ + getFollowerCount(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.friendsAPI + .getUserFollowersCount({ + userId: this.userId + }) + .then((response) => response.count); + } + + /** + * Returns the user's following count + */ + getFollowingCount(): Promise { + return this.client.apis.friendsAPI + .getUserFollowingCount({ + userId: this.userId + }) + .then((response) => response.count); + } + + /** + * Returns the user's followers + * @param limit The number of followers to return + * @param sortOrder The sort order of the followers + * @param cursor The cursor to continue at + */ + getFollowers( + limit: PageSortLimit = 10, + sortOrder: PageSortOrder = "Asc", + cursor?: string + ): Promise< + CursorPage + > { + return this.client.apis.friendsAPI + .getUserFollowers({ + userId: this.userId, + limit, + sortOrder, + cursor + }) + .then( + (response) => + new CursorPage( + { limit, sortOrder, cursor }, + { userId: this.userId }, + response, + contextCall( + this.client.apis.friendsAPI, + this.client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFollowers + ) + ) + ); + } + + /** + * Returns the user's followings + * @param limit The number of followings to return + * @param sortOrder The sort order of the followings + * @param cursor The cursor to continue at + */ + getFollowings( + limit: PageSortLimit = 10, + sortOrder: PageSortOrder = "Asc", + cursor?: string + ): Promise< + CursorPage + > { + return this.client.apis.friendsAPI + .getUserFollowing({ + userId: this.userId, + limit, + sortOrder, + cursor + }) + .then( + (response) => + new CursorPage( + { limit, sortOrder, cursor }, + { userId: this.userId }, + response, + contextCall( + this.client.apis.friendsAPI, + this.client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFollowers + ) + ) + ); + } + + /** + * Sends a private message to the user + * @param recipientId The user ID to send the message to + * @param subject The subject of the message + * @param body The body of the message + */ + sendMessage( + recipientId: number, + subject: string, + body: string + ): Promise { + return this.client.apis.privateMessagesAPI.sendMessage({ + userId: this.userId, + recipientId, + subject, + body + }); + } +} diff --git a/src/structures/Chat.ts b/src/structures/Chat.ts deleted file mode 100644 index b3891718b..000000000 --- a/src/structures/Chat.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,270 +0,0 @@ -import Client from "../client"; -import { PartialUser, PartialUserOptions } from "./User"; -import { PartialGameUniverse, PartialGameUniverseOptions } from "./Game"; -import { SendGameLinkMessageOptions, SendMessageOptions } from "../client/apis/ChatAPI"; -import { PartialGroup, PartialGroupOptions } from "./Group"; - - -interface Structures { - PartialUser: new (data: PartialUserOptions, client: Client) => PartialUser; - PartialGameUniverse: new (data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, client: Client) => PartialGameUniverse; - PartialGroup: new (data: PartialGroupOptions, client: Client) => PartialGroup; -} - - -const retrieveStructures = (): Structures => ({ - PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, - PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse, - PartialGroup: require("./Group").PartialGroup -}); - - -export interface ChatConversationOptions { - id: number; - title: string; - initiator: { - type: "User" | string; - targetId: number; - name: string | null; - displayName: string | null; - }; - hasUnreadMessages: boolean; - participants: { - type: "User" | string; - targetId: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }[]; - conversationType: "OneToOneConversation" | string; - conversationTitle: { - titleForViewer: string; - isDefaultTitle: boolean; - }; - lastUpdated: string; - conversationUniverse: number | null; -} - - -export class ChatConversation { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public title: string; - public initiator: PartialUser; - public hasUnreadMessages: boolean; - public members: PartialUser[]; - public type: string; - public conversationTitle: { - forViewer: string; - isDefaultTitle: boolean; - }; - public lastUpdated: Date; - public universe: PartialGameUniverse | null; - - constructor (data: ChatConversationOptions, client: Client) { - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.title = data.title; - this.initiator = new structures.PartialUser({ - id: data.initiator.targetId, - name: data.initiator.name || undefined - }, client); - this.hasUnreadMessages = data.hasUnreadMessages; - this.members = data.participants.map(participantData => new structures.PartialUser({ - id: participantData.targetId, - name: participantData.name - }, client)); - this.type = data.conversationType; - this.lastUpdated = new Date(data.lastUpdated); - this.universe = data.conversationUniverse ? new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ - id: data.conversationUniverse - }, client) : null; - this.conversationTitle = { - forViewer: data.conversationTitle.titleForViewer, - isDefaultTitle: data.conversationTitle.isDefaultTitle - }; - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getMessages (amount = 100, startId?: string) { - return this.client.chat.getConversationMessages( - this.id, - amount, - startId - ); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - addUsers (users: number[]) { - return this.client.chat.addUsersToConversation( - this.id, - users - ); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - removeUser (userId: number) { - return this.client.chat.removeUserFromConversation( - this.id, - userId - ); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - markMessageRead (id: string) { - return this.client.chat.markMessageRead( - this.id, - id - ); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - markRead () { - return this.client.chat.markConversationsRead([ - this.id - ]); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - rename (name: string) { - return this.client.chat.renameGroupConversation( - this.id, - name - ); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getUnreadMessages (amount = 100) { - return this.client.chat.getUnreadMessagesInConversations( - [this.id], - amount - ); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getLatestMessages (amount = 100) { - return this.client.chat.getLatestMessagesInConversations( - [this.id], - amount - ); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - resetUniverse () { - return this.client.chat.resetConversationUniverse(this.id); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - sendGameLinkMessage (options: SendGameLinkMessageOptions) { - return this.client.chat.sendGameLinkMessage(options); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - sendMessage (options: SendMessageOptions) { - return this.client.chat.sendMessage(options); - } -} - - -export interface PartialChatConversationOptions { - id: number; - title?: string; -} - - -export class PartialChatConversation { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public title: string | null; - - constructor (data: PartialChatConversationOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.title = data.title || null; - } -} - - -export interface ChatMessageOptions { - id: string; - senderType: string; - sent: string; - read: boolean; - messageType: "PlainText" | string; - decorators: string[]; - senderTargetId: number; - content: string; - link?: { - type: "Game"; - game: { - universeId: number; - }; - }; - eventBased?: { - type: "SetConversationUniverse"; - setConversationUniverse: { - actorUserId: number; - universeId: number; - }; - }; -} - - -export class ChatMessage { - public client: Client; - public id: string; - public sender: PartialUser; - public sentAt: Date; - public type: "PlainText" | string; - public decorators: string[]; - public content: string; - - constructor (data: ChatMessageOptions, client: Client) { - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.sender = new structures.PartialUser({ - id: data.senderTargetId - }, client); - this.sentAt = new Date(data.sent); - this.type = data.messageType; - this.decorators = data.decorators; - this.content = data.content; - } -} - - -export interface ChatMessageSentOptions { - content: string; - filteredForReceivers: boolean; - messageId: string; - sent: string; - messageType: "PlainText" | string; - resultType: "Success" | string; - statusMessage: string; -} - - -export class ChatMessageSent { - public client: Client; - public content: string; - public filtered: boolean; - public id: string; - public sentAt: Date; - public type: "PlainText" | string; - public result: "Success" | string; - public status: string; - - constructor (data: ChatMessageSentOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.id = data.messageId; - this.content = data.content; - this.filtered = data.filteredForReceivers; - this.sentAt = new Date(data.sent); - this.result = data.resultType; - this.status = data.statusMessage; - this.type = data.messageType; - } -} diff --git a/src/structures/ClientUser.ts b/src/structures/ClientUser.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 9217ed5d6..000000000 --- a/src/structures/ClientUser.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ -import Client from "../client"; -import { PartialUser } from "./User"; -import { - UpdateContactUpsellSuppressionOptions, - UpdateTwoStepStatusOptions, - UpdateUserPrivacyOptions, - UpdateUserPromotionChannelsOptions -} from "../client/apis/AccountSettingsAPI"; -import { - DeletePhoneOptions, - ResendPhoneCodeOptions, - SetPhoneNumberOptions, - UpdateUserBirthdateOptions, - VerifyPhoneOptions -} from "../client/apis/AccountInformationAPI"; - - -export interface ClientUserOptions { - id: number; - name: string; -} - - -export default class ClientUser extends PartialUser { - public client: Client; - - constructor (data: ClientUserOptions, client: Client) { - super(data, client); - this.client = client; - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getAppChatPrivacy () { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getAppChatPrivacy(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updateAppChatPrivacy (privacy: string) { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateAppChatPrivacy({ - appChatPrivacy: privacy - }); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getGameChatPrivacy () { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getGameChatPrivacy(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updateGameChatPrivacy (privacy: string) { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateGameChatPrivacy({ - gameChatPrivacy: privacy - }); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getInventoryPrivacy () { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getInventoryPrivacy(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updateInventoryPrivacy (privacy: string) { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateInventoryPrivacy({ - inventoryPrivacy: privacy - }); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getPrivacy () { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getUserPrivacy(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updatePrivacy (options: UpdateUserPrivacyOptions) { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateUserPrivacy(options); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getPrivacySettingsInfo () { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getUserPrivacySettingsInfo(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getPrivateMessagePrivacy () { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getUserPrivateMessagePrivacy(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updatePrivateMessagePrivacy (privacy: string) { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateUserPrivateMessagePrivacy({ - privateMessagePrivacy: privacy - }); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getEmailStatus () { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getUserEmailStatus(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updateEmail (email: string, password: string) { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateUserEmail({ - emailAddress: email, - password - }); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - sendEmailVerification () { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.sendEmailVerification(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getWebsiteTheme () { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getWebsiteTheme(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updateWebsiteTheme (theme: string) { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateWebsiteTheme({ - themeType: theme - }); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getTradePrivacy () { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getUserTradePrivacy(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updateTradePrivacy (privacy: string) { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateUserTradePrivacy({ - tradePrivacy: privacy - }); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getTradeQualityFilter () { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getUserTradeQualityFilter(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updateTradeQualityFilter (quality: string) { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateUserTradeQualityFilter({ - tradeValue: quality - }); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updateTwoStepStatus (options: UpdateTwoStepStatusOptions) { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateTwoStepStatus(options); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getContactUpsell () { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getContactUpsell(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updateContactUpsellSuppression (options: UpdateContactUpsellSuppressionOptions) { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateContactUpsellSuppression(options); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updatePromotionChannels (options: UpdateUserPromotionChannelsOptions) { - return this.client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateUserPromotionChannels(options); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getBirthdate () { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.getUserBirthdate(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updateBirthdate (options: UpdateUserBirthdateOptions) { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.updateUserBirthdate(options); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getProfileDescription () { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.getUserDescription(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updateProfileDescription (description: string) { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.updateUserDescription({ - description - }); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getGender () { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.getUserGender(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - updateGender (gender: number) { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.updateUserGender({ - gender - }); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getConsecutiveXboxLoginDays () { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.getConsecutiveXboxLoginDays(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getVerifiedPhoneNumber () { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.getVerifiedPhoneNumber(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - setPhoneNumber (options: SetPhoneNumberOptions) { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.setPhoneNumber(options); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - deletePhone (options: DeletePhoneOptions) { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.deletePhone(options); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - resendPhoneCode (options: ResendPhoneCodeOptions) { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.resendPhoneCode(options); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - verifyPhone (options: VerifyPhoneOptions) { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.verifyPhone(options); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getPromotionChannels () { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.getSelfPromotionChannels(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - removeStarCodeAffiliate () { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.removeStarCodeAffiliate(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getStarCodeAffiliate () { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.getStarCodeAffiliate(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - addStarCodeAffiliate (code: string) { - return this.client.apis.accountInformationAPI.addStarCodeAffiliate({ - code - }); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - getPasswordStatus () { - return this.client.apis.authAPI.getCurrentUserPasswordStatus(); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - changeUserPassword (newPassword: string, oldPassword: string) { - return this.client.apis.authAPI.changeUserPassword({ - currentPassword: oldPassword, - newPassword - }); - } - - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type - changeUsername (newUsername: string, password: string) { - return this.client.apis.authAPI.changeUserUsername({ - password, - username: newUsername - }); - } -} diff --git a/src/structures/CursorPage.ts b/src/structures/CursorPage.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1dd6c78db --- /dev/null +++ b/src/structures/CursorPage.ts @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +export type CursorPageOptions = { + readonly limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; + readonly sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; +}; + +type CursorPageResponse = { + data: T[]; + previousPageCursor: string | null; + nextPageCursor: string | null; +}; +type CursorPageState = { + previous: string | null; + current: string | null; + next: string | null; +}; +type CursorPageMethod = ( + options: CursorPageOptions & C +) => Promise>; + +export class CursorPage { + options: CursorPageOptions; + cursors: CursorPageState; + data: T[][] = []; + readonly method: CursorPageMethod; + readonly methodOptions: C; + private currentPage = 0; + + constructor( + options: CursorPageOptions, + methodOptions: C, + response: CursorPageResponse, + method: CursorPageMethod + ) { + this.options = options; + this.cursors = { + previous: response.previousPageCursor, + current: response.nextPageCursor, + next: response.nextPageCursor + }; + this.data[0] = response.data; + this.methodOptions = methodOptions; + this.method = method; + } + + async getNextPage(): Promise { + if (!this.cursors.next) { + throw new Error( + "Attempted to iterate to next page, but no cursor was presented for the next page" + ); + } + + this.currentPage++; + if (this.data[this.currentPage]) return this.data[this.currentPage]; + + this.options.cursor = this.cursors.next; + const result = await this.method({ + ...this.options, + ...this.methodOptions + }); + this.cursors = { + previous: result.previousPageCursor, + current: this.cursors.next, + next: result.nextPageCursor + }; + this.data[this.currentPage] = result.data; + + return result.data; + } + + async getPreviousPage(): Promise { + if (!this.cursors.previous) { + throw new Error( + "Attempted to iterate to previous page, but no cursor was presented for the next page" + ); + } + + this.currentPage--; + if (this.data[this.currentPage]) return this.data[this.currentPage]; + + this.options.cursor = this.cursors.previous; + const result = await this.method({ + ...this.options, + ...this.methodOptions + }); + this.cursors = { + previous: result.previousPageCursor, + current: this.cursors.next, + next: result.nextPageCursor + }; + this.data[this.currentPage] = result.data; + + return result.data; + } +} + +export function contextCall( + context: any, + method: CursorPageMethod +): CursorPageMethod { + return (options: CursorPageOptions & C) => method.call(context, options); +} diff --git a/src/structures/Game.ts b/src/structures/Game.ts deleted file mode 100644 index fb7a35dda..000000000 --- a/src/structures/Game.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,519 +0,0 @@ -import Client from "../client"; -import { CreatorType, GameGenre, MorphAvatarType } from "../util/constants"; -import { PartialGroup, PartialGroupOptions } from "./Group"; -import { PartialUser, PartialUserOptions } from "./User"; -import { GetPlaceStatisticsByTypeOptions } from "../client/apis/DevelopAPI"; -import { GetGameServersByTypeOptions } from "../client/apis/GamesAPI"; - - -interface Structures { - PartialUser: new (data: PartialUserOptions, client: Client) => PartialUser; - PartialGameUniverse: new (data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, client: Client) => PartialGameUniverse; - PartialGroup: new (data: PartialGroupOptions, client: Client) => PartialGroup; - PartialPlace: new (data: PartialPlaceOptions, client: Client) => PartialPlace; -} - - -const retrieveStructures = (): Structures => ({ - PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, - PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse, - PartialGroup: require("./Group").PartialGroup, - PartialPlace: require("./Game").PartialPlace -}); - - -export interface GameBadgeBaseOptions { - id: number; - name?: string; -} - - -export class GameBadgeBase { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public name: string | null; - - constructor (data: GameBadgeBaseOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.name = data.name || null; - } -} - - -export interface GameBadgeOptions { - id: number; - name: string; - description: string; - displayName: string; - displayDescription: string; - enabled: boolean; - iconImageId: number; - displayIconImageId: number; - created: string; - updated: string; - statistics: { - pastDayAwardedCount: number; - awardedCount: number; - winRatePercentage: number; - }; - awardingUniverse: { - id: number; - name: string; - rootPlaceId: number; - }; -} - - -export class GameBadge { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public name: string; - public description: string; - public displayedDescription: string; - public displayedName: string; - public enabled: boolean; - public iconId: number; - public displayedIconId: number; - public created: Date; - public updated: Date; - public statistics: { - pastDayAwardedCount: number; - awardedCount: number; - winRatePercentage: number; - }; - awardingUniverse: PartialGameUniverse; - - constructor (data: GameBadgeOptions, client: Client) { - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.name = data.name; - this.description = data.description; - this.displayedName = data.displayName; - this.displayedDescription = data.displayDescription; - this.enabled = data.enabled; - this.iconId = data.iconImageId; - this.displayedIconId = data.displayIconImageId; - this.created = new Date(data.created); - this.updated = new Date(data.updated); - this.statistics = { - pastDayAwardedCount: data.statistics.pastDayAwardedCount, - awardedCount: data.statistics.awardedCount, - winRatePercentage: data.statistics.winRatePercentage - }; - this.awardingUniverse = new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ - id: data.awardingUniverse.id, - rootPlace: { - id: data.awardingUniverse.rootPlaceId - }, - name: data.awardingUniverse.name - }, client); - } -} - - -export type PartialGameBadgeOptions = GameBadgeBaseOptions; - - -export class PartialGameBadge extends GameBadgeBase { - // Shut up eslint, it's not useless - // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor - constructor (data: PartialGameBadgeOptions, client: Client) { - super(data, client); - } -} - - -export interface GamePassOptions { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - productId: number; - price: number; -} - - -export class GamePass { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public name: string; - public displayName: string; - public productId: number; - public price: number; - - constructor (data: GamePassOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.name = data.name; - this.displayName = data.displayName; - this.productId = data.productId; - this.price = data.price; - } -} - - -export interface BasePlaceOptions { - id: number; - name?: string; -} - - -export class BasePlace { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public name: string | null; - - constructor (options: BasePlaceOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.id = options.id; - this.name = options.name || null; - } - - getCompatibilities () { - return this.client.apis.developAPI.getPlaceCompatibilities({ - placeId: this.id - }); - } - - updatePlaceConfiguration (options: { name: string; description: string }) { - return this.client.apis.developAPI.updatePlaceConfiguration({ - placeId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - getStatistics (options: Omit) { - return this.client.apis.developAPI.getPlaceStatistics({ - placeId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - awardBadge (userId: number, badgeId: number) { - return this.client.apis.generalApi.awardBadge({ - placeId: this.id, - badgeId, - userId - }); - } - - getGameServers (options: Omit) { - return this.client.apis.gamesAPI.getGameServersByType({ - placeId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } -} - - -export interface PlaceOptions { - placeId: number; - name: string; - url: string; - description: string; - builder: string; - builderId: number; - isPlayable: boolean; - reasonProhibited: string; - universeId: number; - universeRootPlaceId: number; - price: number; - imageToken: string; -} - - -export class Place extends BasePlace { - public description: string; - public url: string; - public creatorName: string; - public creatorId: number; - public playable: boolean; - public prohibitedReason: string; - public prohibited: boolean; - public universe: PartialGameUniverse; - public price: number; - public imageToken: string; - - constructor (data: PlaceOptions, client: Client) { - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - super({ - id: data.placeId, - name: data.name - }, client); - this.description = data.description; - this.url = data.url; - this.creatorName = data.builder; - this.creatorId = data.builderId; - this.playable = data.isPlayable; - this.prohibitedReason = data.reasonProhibited; - this.prohibited = this.prohibitedReason.toLowerCase() !== "none"; - this.universe = new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ - id: data.universeId, - rootPlace: { - id: data.universeRootPlaceId - } - }, client); - this.price = data.price; - this.imageToken = data.imageToken; - } -} - - -interface PartialPlaceOptions { - id: number; - name?: string | null; -} - - -export class PartialPlace extends BasePlace { - constructor (data: PartialPlaceOptions, client: Client) { - super({ - id: data.id, - name: data.name || undefined - }, client); - } -} - - -export interface PartialGameUniverseOptions { - id: number; - name?: string; - rootPlace?: { - id: number; - name?: string | null; - }; -} - - -export class PartialGameUniverse { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public name: string | null; - public rootPlace: PartialPlace | null; - - constructor (data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, client: Client) { - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.name = data.name || null; - this.rootPlace = data.rootPlace ? new structures.PartialPlace({ - id: data.rootPlace.id, - name: data.rootPlace.name || null - }, client) : null; - } -} - - -export interface GameUniverseOptions { - id: number; - rootPlaceId: number; - name: string; - description: string; - creatorType: string; - creator: { - id: number; - name: string; - }; - price: number; - allowedGearGenres: string[]; - allowedGearCategories: string[]; - playing: number; - visits: number; - maxPlayers: number; - created: string; - updated: string; - studioAccessToApisAllowed: boolean; - createVipServersAllowed: boolean; - universeAvatarType: string; - genre: string; -} - - -export class GameUniverse { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public rootPlace: PartialPlace | null; - public name: string; - public description: string; - public creatorType: CreatorType; - public creator: PartialGroup | PartialUser; - public price: number | null; - public allowedGearGenres: string[]; - public allowedGearCategories: string[]; - public playing: number; - public visits: number; - public maxPlayers: number; - public created: Date; - public updated: Date; - public studioAccessToAPIsEnabled: boolean; - public createVIPServersEnabled: boolean; - public avatarType: MorphAvatarType; - public genre: GameGenre; - - constructor (data: GameUniverseOptions, client: Client) { - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.rootPlace = data.rootPlaceId ? new structures.PartialPlace({ - id: data.rootPlaceId - }, client) : null; - this.name = data.name; - this.description = data.description; - this.creatorType = data.creatorType.toLowerCase() === "group" ? CreatorType.GROUP : CreatorType.USER; - this.creator = this.creatorType === CreatorType.GROUP ? new structures.PartialGroup({ - id: data.creator.id, - name: data.creator.name - }, client) : new structures.PartialUser({ - id: data.creator.id, - name: data.creator.name - }, client); - this.price = data.price; - this.allowedGearGenres = data.allowedGearGenres; - this.allowedGearCategories = data.allowedGearCategories; - this.playing = data.playing; - this.visits = data.visits; - this.maxPlayers = data.maxPlayers; - this.created = new Date(data.created); - this.updated = new Date(data.updated); - this.studioAccessToAPIsEnabled = data.studioAccessToApisAllowed; - this.createVIPServersEnabled = data.createVipServersAllowed; - this.avatarType = data.universeAvatarType.toLowerCase() === "morphtor6" ? MorphAvatarType.R6 : MorphAvatarType.R15; - this.genre = data.genre as GameGenre; - } -} - - -export interface PartialVIPServerOptions { - id: number; -} - - -export class PartialVIPServer { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - - constructor (data: PartialVIPServerOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - } -} - - -export interface VIPServerOptions { - id: number; - name: string; - game: { - id: number; - name: string; - rootPlace: { - id: number; - name: string; - }; - }; - joinCode: string; - active: boolean; - subscription: { - active: boolean; - expired: boolean; - expirationDate: string; - price: number; - }; - permissions: { - clanAllowed: boolean; - enemyClanId: number | number; - friendsAllowed: boolean; - users: { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - }[]; - }; -} - - -export class VIPServer { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public name: string; - public game: PartialGameUniverse; - public code: string; - public active: boolean; - public subscription: { - active: boolean; - expired: boolean; - expirationDate: Date; - price: number; - }; - public permissions: { - clanAllowed: boolean; - enemyClanId: number; - friendsAllowed: boolean; - users: PartialUser[]; - }; - - constructor (data: VIPServerOptions, client: Client) { - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.name = data.name; - this.game = new structures.PartialGameUniverse({ - id: data.game.id, - name: data.game.name, - rootPlace: { - id: data.game.rootPlace.id, - name: data.game.rootPlace.name - } - }, client); - this.active = data.active; - this.code = data.joinCode; - this.subscription = { - active: data.subscription.active, - expired: data.subscription.expired, - expirationDate: new Date(data.subscription.expirationDate), - price: data.subscription.price - }; - this.permissions = { - clanAllowed: data.permissions.clanAllowed, - enemyClanId: data.permissions.enemyClanId, - friendsAllowed: data.permissions.friendsAllowed, - users: data.permissions.users.map(userData => new structures.PartialUser(userData, client)) - }; - } -} - - -export interface GameMediaDataOptions { - assetTypeId: number; - assetType: "Video" | "Image" | string; - imageId: number | null; - videoHash: string | null; - videoTitle: string | null; - approved: boolean; -} - - -export class GameMediaData { - public client: Client; - public assetTypeId: number; - public assetType: "Video" | "Image" | string; - public imageId: number | null; - public videoHash: string | null; - public videoTitle: string | null; - public approved: boolean; - - constructor (data: GameMediaDataOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.assetTypeId = data.assetTypeId; - this.assetType = data.assetType; - this.imageId = data.imageId; - this.videoHash = data.videoHash; - this.videoTitle = data.videoTitle; - this.approved = data.approved; - } -} diff --git a/src/structures/Group.ts b/src/structures/Group.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 50c75a7a1..000000000 --- a/src/structures/Group.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,932 +0,0 @@ -import Client from "../client"; -import { GetGroupUniversesOptions } from "../client/apis/DevelopAPI"; -import { CursorPage } from "./Asset"; -import { PartialGameUniverse, PartialGameUniverseOptions } from "./Game"; -import { - GetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame, - GetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions, - GetGroupTransactions, - GetGroupTransactionsOptions -} from "../client/apis/EconomyAPI"; -import { - AcceptJoinRequest, - AcceptJoinRequests, - AcceptJoinRequestsOptions, - AcceptRelationshipRequest, - AcceptRelationshipRequests, - AcceptRelationshipRequestsOptions, - ChangeOwner, - ClaimGroup, - CreateRelationship, - CreateRelationshipOptions, - CreateRole, - CreateRoleOptions, - CreateWallPost, - CreateWallPostOptions, - DeclineJoinRequest, - DeclineJoinRequests, - DeclineRelationshipRequest, - DeclineRelationshipRequests, - DeclineRelationshipRequestsOptions, - DeleteRelationship, - DeleteRelationshipOptions, - DeleteRole, - DeleteSocialLink, - DeleteWallPost, - GetAllRolesPermissions, - GetGroupPayouts, - GetGroupRelationships, - GetGroupRelationshipsOptions, - GetGroupSettings, - GetGuestPermissions, - GetJoinRequest, - GetJoinRequestsOptions, - GetMembersOptions, - GetMembersWithRoleOptions, - GetRelationshipRequests, - GetRelationshipRequestsOptions, - GetRolePermissions, - GetSelfGroupMembership, - GetSocialLinks, - GetWallPostsOptions, - JoinGroup, - JoinGroupOptions, - KickMember, - PayoutMembers, - PayoutMembersOptions, - PostSocialLink, - PostSocialLinkOptions, - RemovePrimaryGroup, - SetPrimaryGroup, - UpdateGroupDescription, - UpdateGroupIcon, - UpdateGroupSettings, - UpdateGroupSettingsOptions, - UpdateGroupStatus, - UpdateMember, - UpdateRecurringPayouts, - UpdateRecurringPayoutsOptions, - UpdateRole, - UpdateRoleOptions, - UpdateRolePermissions, - UpdateRolePermissionsOptions, - UpdateSocialLink, - UpdateSocialLinkOptions -} from "../client/apis/GroupsAPI"; -import { PartialUser, PartialUserOptions, UserBase } from "./User"; - - -interface Structures { - PartialUser: new (data: PartialUserOptions, client: Client) => PartialUser; - PartialGameUniverse: new (data: PartialGameUniverseOptions, client: Client) => PartialGameUniverse; -} - - -const retrieveStructures = (): Structures => ({ - PartialUser: require("./User").PartialUser, - PartialGameUniverse: require("./Game").PartialGameUniverse -}); - -type GroupRelationships = Omit & { - groupId: number; - relationshipType: T; - totalGroupCount: number; - groups: Group[]; - nextRowIndex: number; -} - - -export interface GroupBaseOptions { - id: number; - name?: string; -} - - -export class GroupBase { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public name: string | null; - - constructor (data: GroupBaseOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.name = data.name || null; - } - - getUniverses (options?: Omit): Promise> { - return this.client.apis.developAPI.getGroupUniverses({ - ...options, - groupId: this.id - }) - .then(response => { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - return new CursorPageClass(this.client, options || {}, { - ...response, - data: response.data.map(universeData => new structures.PartialGameUniverse(({ - id: universeData.id, - name: universeData.name, - rootPlace: universeData.rootPlaceId ? { - id: universeData.rootPlaceId - } : undefined - }), this.client)) - }, this.getUniverses); - }); - } - - /** - * Returns whether the authenticated user can manage the group or not - * @returns {Promise} - */ - canSelfManage (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.developAPI.getSelfManageableGroups() - .then(response => !!response.data.find(data => data.id === this.id)); - } - - /** - * Gets the currently available funds in the group - * @returns {Promise} - */ - getFunds (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.economyAPI.getGroupCurrency({ - groupId: this.id - }) - .then(response => response.robux); - } - - getRevenueSummaryInTimeFrame (timeFrame: GetGroupRevenueSummaryInTimeFrameOptions["timeFrame"]): Promise { - return this.client.apis.economyAPI.getGroupRevenueByTime({ - groupId: this.id, - timeFrame - }); - } - - getTransactions (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.economyAPI.getGroupTransactions({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - getAllies (maxItems = 100, startItem?: number): Promise> { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupRelationships({ - relationshipType: "allies", - groupId: this.id, - maxRows: maxItems, - startRowIndex: startItem - }) - .then(response => ({ - ...response, - relationshipType: "allies", - groups: response.relatedGroups.map(groupData => new Group(groupData, this.client)) - })); - } - - getEnemies (maxItems = 100, startItem?: number): Promise> { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupRelationships({ - relationshipType: "enemies", - groupId: this.id, - maxRows: maxItems, - startRowIndex: startItem - }) - .then(response => ({ - ...response, - relationshipType: "enemies", - groups: response.relatedGroups.map(groupData => new Group(groupData, this.client)) - })); - } - - getGroup (): Promise { - return this.client.getGroup(this.id); - } - - getMember (userId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getUserGroups({ - userId - }) - .then(response => { - const foundGroup = response.data.find(groupData => groupData.group.id === this.id); - - if (foundGroup) { - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define - return new GroupMember({ - id: userId, - role: foundGroup.role, - group: foundGroup.group - }, this.client); - } else { - return null; - } - }); - } - - getIsMember (userId: number): Promise { - console.warn(`group.getIsMember() is deprecated and may be removed in the future. Please switch to group.getMember`); - return this.getMember(userId); - } - - getSettings (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupSettings({ - groupId: this.id - }); - } - - updateSettings (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupSettings({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - updateDescription (description: string): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupDescription({ - description, - groupId: this.id - }); - } - - updateShout (shout: string): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupStatus({ - groupId: this.id, - message: shout - }); - } - - updateIcon (file: unknown): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateGroupIcon({ - files: file, - groupId: this.id - }); - } - - declineJoinRequests (userIds: number[]): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineJoinRequests({ - groupId: this.id, - userIds - }); - } - - getJoinRequests (options: Omit): Promise> { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getJoinRequests({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }) - .then(response => new CursorPageClass( - this.client, - options, - response, - this.getJoinRequests - )); - } - - acceptJoinRequests (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptJoinRequests({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - declineJoinRequest (userId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineJoinRequest({ - groupId: this.id, - userId - }); - } - - getJoinRequest (userId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getJoinRequest({ - groupId: this.id, - userId - }); - } - - acceptJoinRequest (userId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptJoinRequest({ - groupId: this.id, - userId - }); - } - - getSelfMembership (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getSelfGroupMembership({ - groupId: this.id - }); - } - - getRoles (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupRoles({ - groupId: this.id - }) - .then(response => response.roles.map(roleData => new GroupRole({ - group: { - id: this.id, - name: this.name || undefined - }, - ...roleData - }, this.client))); - } - - getMembersWithRole (options: Omit): Promise> { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getMembersWithRole({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }) - .then(response => new CursorPageClass( - this.client, - options, - response, - this.getMembersWithRole - )); - } - - getMembers (options: Omit): Promise> { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getMembers({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }) - .then(response => new CursorPageClass( - this.client, - options, - response, - this.getMembers - )); - } - - join (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.joinGroup({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options, - captchaProvider: options.captchaProvider || "PROVIDER_ARKOSELABS" - }); - } - - getIsPendingJoin (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getSelfPendingGroupJoins() - .then(response => (response.data.find(groupData => groupData.id === this.id) && true) || false); - } - - changeOwner (userId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.changeGroupOwner({ - groupId: this.id, - userId - }); - } - - claim (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.claimGroup({ - groupId: this.id - }); - } - - kickMember (userId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.kickMember({ - groupId: this.id, - userId - }); - } - - updateMember (userId: number, roleId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateMember({ - groupId: this.id, - roleId, - userId - }); - } - - getPayouts (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupPayouts({ - groupId: this.id - }); - } - - payoutMembers (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.payoutMembers({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - updateRecurringPayouts (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateRecurringPayouts({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - getRelationships (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGroupRelationships({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - declineRelationshipRequests (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineRelationshipRequests({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - getRelationshipRequests (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getRelationshipRequests({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - acceptRelationshipRequests (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptRelationshipRequests({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - deleteRelationship (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteRelationship({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - createRelationship (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createRelationship({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - acceptRelationshipRequest (type: "enemies" | "allies", withGroup: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptRelationshipRequest({ - groupId: this.id, - relationshipType: type || "allies", - withGroup - }); - } - - declineRelationshipRequest (type: "enemies" | "allies", withGroup: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineRelationshipRequest({ - groupId: this.id, - relationshipType: type || "allies", - withGroup - }); - } - - getRolePermissions (roleId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getRolePermissions({ - groupId: this.id, - roleId - }); - } - - updateRolePermissions (roleId: number, permissions: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateRolePermissions({ - groupId: this.id, - roleId, - ...permissions - }); - } - - getGuestPermissions (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getGuestPermissions({ - groupId: this.id - }); - } - - getAllRolesPermissions (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getAllRolesPermissions({ - groupId: this.id - }); - } - - getSocialLinks (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getSocialLinks({ - groupId: this.id - }); - } - - createSocialLink (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createSocialLink({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - deleteSocialLink (id: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteSocialLink({ - groupId: this.id, - id - }); - } - - updateSocialLink (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateSocialLink({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - getWallPosts (options: Omit): Promise> { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getWallPosts({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }) - .then(response => new CursorPageClass( - this.client, - options, - response, - this.getWallPosts - )); - } - - createWallPost (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createWallPost({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - deleteWallPost (id: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteWallPost({ - groupId: this.id, - id - }); - } - - getIsUserPrimaryGroup (userId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getUserPrimaryGroup({ - userId - }) - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define - .then(response => response && response.group && response.role ? new GroupMember({ - group: response.group, - role: { - id: response.role!.id!, - name: response.role!.name!, - rank: response.role!.rank! - }, - id: userId - }, this.client) : null); - } - - removeAsPrimary (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.removePrimaryGroup(); - } - - setAsPrimary (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.setPrimaryGroup({ - groupId: this.id - }); - } - - createRole (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.createRole({ - groupId: this.id, - ...options - }); - } - - deleteRole (roleId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteRole({ - groupId: this.id, - roleId - }); - } - - updateRole (roleId: number, options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateRole({ - groupId: this.id, - roleId, - ...options - }); - } -} - - -export interface PartialGroupOptions { - id: number; - name?: string; -} - - -export class PartialGroup extends GroupBase { - // Shut up eslint, this is not useless either - // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor - constructor (data: PartialGroupOptions, client: Client) { - super(data, client); - } -} - - -export interface GroupMemberOptions { - group: PartialGroupOptions; - name?: string | null; - /** - * The user id - */ - id: number; - role?: { - id: number; - name: string; - rank: number; - }; -} - - -export class GroupMember extends UserBase { - public group: PartialGroup; - public role: GroupRole | null; - - constructor (data: GroupMemberOptions, client: Client) { - super({ - name: data.name, - id: data.id - }, client); - this.group = new PartialGroup(data.group, client); - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define - this.role = data.role ? new GroupRole({ - id: data.role.id, - name: data.role.name, - rank: data.role.rank, - group: { - name: this.name || undefined, - id: this.id - } - }, client) : null; - } - - kick (): Promise { - return this.kickFromGroup(this.id); - } -} - - -export interface GroupOptions { - id: number; - name: string; - description: string; - owner: { - buildersClubMembershipType: string; - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - } | null; - shout: { - body: string; - poster: { - buildersClubMembershipType: string; - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - }; - created: string; - updated: string; - } | null; - memberCount: number; - isBuildersClubOnly: boolean; - publicEntryAllowed: boolean; - isLocked: boolean; -} - - -export class Group extends GroupBase { - public description: string; - public name: string; - public owner: GroupMember | null; - public shout: GroupShout | null; - public memberCount: number; - public isBuildersClubOnly: boolean; - public publicEntryAllowed: boolean; - public isLocked: boolean; - - constructor (data: GroupOptions, client: Client) { - super(data, client); - this.description = data.description; - this.name = data.name; - this.owner = data.owner ? new GroupMember({ - id: data.owner.userId, - name: data.owner.username, - group: this - }, client) : null; - this.shout = data.shout ? new GroupShout({ - content: data.shout.body, - creator: { - id: data.shout.poster.userId, - username: data.shout.poster.username - }, - group: { - id: this.id, - name: this.name || undefined - } - }, client) : null; - this.memberCount = data.memberCount; - this.isBuildersClubOnly = data.isBuildersClubOnly; - this.publicEntryAllowed = data.publicEntryAllowed; - this.isLocked = data.isLocked; - } -} - - -export interface GroupJoinRequestOptions { - id?: number; - user: PartialUserOptions; - group: PartialGroupOptions; - created: string; -} - - -export class GroupJoinRequest { - public client: Client; - public id: number | null; - public user: PartialUser; - public group: PartialGroup; - public created: Date; - - constructor (data: GroupJoinRequestOptions, client: Client) { - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id || null; - this.user = new structures.PartialUser(data.user, client); - this.group = new PartialGroup(data.group, client); - this.created = new Date(data.created); - } -} - - -export interface GroupRoleOptions { - id?: number; - name?: string; - rank?: number; - group: { - id: number; - name?: string; - }; -} - - -export class GroupRole { - public client: Client; - public id: number | null; - public name: string | null; - public rank: number | null; - public group: PartialGroup; - - constructor (data: GroupRoleOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id || null; - this.name = data.name || null; - this.rank = data.rank || null; - this.group = new PartialGroup({ - id: data.group.id, - name: data.group.name - }, client); - } -} - - -export interface GroupRolePermissionsOptions { - groupId: number; - role: { - id: number; - name: string; - description: string; - rank: number; - memberCount: number; - }; - permissions: { - groupPostsPermissions: { - viewWall: boolean; - postToWall: boolean; - deleteFromWall: boolean; - viewStatus: boolean; - postToStatus: boolean; - }; - groupMembershipPermissions: { - changeRank: boolean; - inviteMembers: boolean; - removeMembers: boolean; - }; - groupManagementPermissions: { - manageRelationships: boolean; - manageClan: boolean; - viewAuditLogs: boolean; - }; - groupEconomyPermissions: { - spendGroupFunds: boolean; - advertiseGroup: boolean; - createItems: boolean; - manageItems: boolean; - addGroupPlaces: boolean; - manageGroupGames: boolean; - viewGroupPayouts: boolean; - }; - }; -} - - -export class GroupRolePermissions { - public client: Client; - public group: PartialGroup; - public role: GroupRole; - public permissions: GroupRolePermissionsOptions["permissions"]; - - constructor (data: GroupRolePermissionsOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.group = new PartialGroup({ - id: data.groupId - }, client); - this.role = new GroupRole({ - id: data.role.id, - name: data.role.name, - rank: data.role.rank, - group: { - id: this.group.id - } - }, client); - this.permissions = data.permissions; - } -} - - -export interface GroupShoutOptions { - content: string; - creator: { - id: number; - username: string; - }; - group: { - id: number; - name?: string; - }; -} - - -export class GroupShout { - public client: Client; - public content: string; - public creator: PartialUser; - public group: PartialGroup; - - constructor (data: GroupShoutOptions, client: Client) { - const structures = retrieveStructures(); - - this.client = client; - this.content = data.content; - this.creator = new structures.PartialUser(data.creator, client); - this.group = new PartialGroup({ - id: data.group.id, - name: data.group.name - }, client); - } -} - - -export interface GroupWallPostOptions { - id: number; - poster: { - buildersClubMembershipType: string; - userId: number; - username: string; - displayName: string; - }; - group: { - id: number; - name?: string; - }; - body: string; - created: string; - updated: string; -} - - -export class GroupWallPost { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public creator: GroupMember; - public content: string; - public created: Date; - - constructor (data: GroupWallPostOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.content = data.body; - this.creator = new GroupMember({ - group: { - id: data.group.id, - name: data.group.name - }, - id: data.poster.userId, - name: data.poster.username - }, client); - this.created = new Date(data.created); - } -} diff --git a/src/structures/User.ts b/src/structures/User.ts index 6efea37c7..e1e72cc42 100644 --- a/src/structures/User.ts +++ b/src/structures/User.ts @@ -1,712 +1,30 @@ -import Client from "../client"; -import { - GetUserAvatar, - GetUserCurrentlyWearing, - GetUserOutfits, - GetUserOutfitsOptions -} from "../client/apis/AvatarAPI"; -import { DeleteBadgeFromUser, GetUserBadges, GetUserBadgesOptions } from "../client/apis/BadgesAPI"; -import { CursorPage } from "./Asset"; -import { GetUserBundles, GetUserBundlesByType, GetUserBundlesOptions } from "../client/apis/CatalogAPI"; -import { AddUsersToConversation, RemoveUserFromConversation, StartOneToOneConversation } from "../client/apis/ChatAPI"; -import { GetUsersTags, SetPendingUserTag, SetUserTag } from "../client/apis/ContactsAPI"; -import { RemoveUserFromUniverseTeamCreate } from "../client/apis/DevelopAPI"; -import { GetUserResellableAssetCopies } from "../client/apis/EconomyAPI"; -import { - AcceptFriendRequest, - DeclineFriendRequest, - FollowUser, - GetUserFollowers, - GetUserFollowersOptions, - GetUserFollowing, - GetUserFollowingOptions, - GetUserFriendsWithStatuses, - SendFriendRequest, - UnFollowUser, - UnfriendUser -} from "../client/apis/FriendsAPI"; -import { GetJoinRequest, GetUserGroups, GetUserPrimaryGroup, PayoutMembersOptions } from "../client/apis/GroupsAPI"; -import { - GetUserCollectibles, - GetUserCollectiblesOptions, - GetUserInventory, - GetUserInventoryByAssetTypeId, - GetUserInventoryByAssetTypeIdOptions, - GetUserInventoryOptions, - GetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetId, - GetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetIdOptions -} from "../client/apis/InventoryAPI"; -import { - PremiumUpsellCheck, - PremiumUpsellCheckOptions, - ValidateUserMembership -} from "../client/apis/PremiumFeaturesAPI"; -import { GetUsersPresences } from "../client/apis/PresenceAPI"; -import { SendMessage, SendMessageOptions } from "../client/apis/PrivateMessagesAPI"; -import { - GetUsersAvatarBustImages, - GetUsersAvatarBustImagesOptions, - GetUsersAvatarHeadShotsImages, - GetUsersAvatarHeadShotsImagesOptions, - GetUsersFullBodyAvatarImages, - GetUsersFullBodyAvatarImagesOptions -} from "../client/apis/ThumbnailsAPI"; -import { SendTrade, SendTradeOptions } from "../client/apis/TradesAPI"; -import { UpdateUser, UpdateUserAccess } from "../client/apis/TranslationRolesAPI"; -import { EnumUserPresence } from "../interfaces/GeneralInterfaces"; - - -export interface UserBaseOptions { - id: number; - name?: string | null; - displayName?: string; - membership?: boolean; -} - - -export class UserBase { - public client: Client; - public id: number; - public name: string | null; - public displayName: string | null; - public membership: unknown; - - constructor (data: UserBaseOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.id = data.id; - this.name = data.name || null; - this.displayName = data.displayName || null; - this.membership = data.membership || null; - } - - getStatus (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.usersAPI.getUserStatus({ - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => response.status); - } - - getAvatar (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.avatarAPI.getUserAvatar({ - userId: this.id - }); - } - - getCurrentlyWearing (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.avatarAPI.getUserCurrentlyWearing({ - userId: this.id - }); - } - - getOutfits (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.avatarAPI.getUserOutfits({ - ...options, - userId: this.id - }); - } - - getBadges (options?: Omit): Promise> { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - - return this.client.apis.badgesAPI.getUserBadges({ - ...options, - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options || {}, response, this.getBadges) as CursorPage); - } - - getBadgesAwardedDates (badges: number[]): Promise<{ id: number; awardedAt: Date }[]> { - return this.client.apis.badgesAPI.getUserBadgesAwardedDates({ - badgeIds: badges, - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => response.data.map(badgeAwarded => ({ - id: badgeAwarded.badgeId, - awardedAt: new Date(badgeAwarded.awardedDate) - }))); - } - - deleteBadge (badgeId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.badgesAPI.deleteBadgeFromUser({ - badgeId, - userId: this.id - }); - } - - getBundles (options?: Omit): Promise> { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - - return this.client.apis.catalogAPI.getUserBundles({ - ...options, - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options || {}, response, this.getBundles)); - } - - getBundlesByType (bundleType: string, options?: Omit): Promise> { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - - return this.client.apis.catalogAPI.getUserBundlesByType({ - ...options, - userId: this.id, - bundleType - }) - .then(response => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options || {}, response, this.getBundlesByType)); - } - - addToChatConversation (conversationId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.addUsersToConversation({ - conversationId, - participantUserIds: [this.id] - }); - } - - removeFromConversation (conversationId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.removeUserFromConversation({ - conversationId, - participantUserId: this.id - }); - } - - startConversation (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.chatAPI.startOneToOneConversation({ - participantUserId: this.id - }); - } - - getTag (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.contactsAPI.getUsersTags({ - targetUserIds: [this.id] - }) - .then(response => response[0]); - } - - setPendingTag (tag: string): Promise { - return this.client.apis.contactsAPI.setPendingUserTag({ - userTag: tag, - targetUserId: this.id - }); - } - - setTag (tag: string): Promise { - return this.client.apis.contactsAPI.setUserTag({ - targetUserId: this.id, - userTag: tag - }); - } - - removeFromTeamCreate (universeId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.developAPI.removeUserFromUniverseTeamCreate({ - userId: this.id, - universeId - }); - } - - getResellableAssetCopies (assetId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.economyAPI.getUserResellableAssetCopies({ - assetId, - userId: this.id - }); - } - - getFollowers (options?: Omit): Promise> { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - - return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFollowers({ - ...options, - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options || {}, response, this.getFollowers)); - } - - getFollowersCount (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFollowersCount({ - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => response.count); - } - - getFollowing (options?: Omit): Promise> { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - - return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFollowing({ - ...options, - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options || {}, response, this.getFollowing)); - } - - getFollowingCount (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFollowingCount({ - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => response.count); - } - - getFriends (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFriends({ - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => response.data.map(friendRequest => new FriendRequest(friendRequest, this.client))); - } - - getFriendsCount (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFriendsCount({ - userId: this.id - }) - .then(data => data.count); - } - - getFriendsWithStatuses (userIds: number[]): Promise { - return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFriendsWithStatuses({ - userId: this.id, - withUserIds: userIds - }); - } - - follow (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.followUser({ - userId: this.id - }); - } - - friend (source?: string): Promise { - return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.sendFriendRequest({ - source: source || "Unknown", - userId: this.id - }); - } - - unFollow (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.unFollowUser({ - userId: this.id - }); - } - - unfriend (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.unfriendUser({ - userId: this.id - }); - } - - acceptFriendRequest (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.acceptFriendRequest({ - userId: this.id - }); - } - - declineFriendRequest (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.friendsAPI.declineFriendRequest({ - userId: this.id - }); - } - - canInviteToVIPServer (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.gamesAPI.canSelfInviteUserToVIPServer({ - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => response.canInvite); - } - - awardBadge (badgeId: number, placeId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.generalApi.awardBadge({ - badgeId, - placeId, - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => response as unknown as string); - } - - isFollowedByUser (userId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.generalApi.isUserFollowing({ - userId, - followUserId: this.id - }); - } - - getGroups (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getUserGroups({ - userId: this.id - }); - } - - ownsAsset (assetId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.generalApi.userOwnsAsset({ - userId: this.id, - assetId - }); - } - - block (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.generalApi.blockUser({ - userId: this.id - }); - } - - unblock (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.generalApi.unblockUser({ - userId: this.id - }); - } - - canManageAsset (assetId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.generalApi.userCanManageAsset({ - assetId, - userId: this.id - }); - } - - acceptJoinRequestInGroup (groupId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.acceptJoinRequest({ - groupId, - userId: this.id - }); - } - - declineJoinRequestInGroup (groupId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.declineJoinRequest({ - groupId, - userId: this.id - }); - } - - getJoinRequestInGroup (groupId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getJoinRequest({ - groupId, - userId: this.id - }); - } - - setGroupOwner (groupId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.changeGroupOwner({ - groupId, - userId: this.id - }); - } - - kickFromGroup (groupId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.kickMember({ - groupId: groupId, - userId: this.id - }); - } - - updateMemberInGroup (groupId: number, roleId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.updateMember({ - groupId, - roleId, - userId: this.id - }); - } - - payoutUserFromGroup (options: { - groupId: number; - type: PayoutMembersOptions["type"]; - amount: number; - }): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.payoutMembers({ - type: options.type, - groupId: options.groupId, - users: [ - { - userId: this.id, - amount: options.amount - } - ] - }); - } - - deleteGroupWallPosts (groupId: number): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.deleteUserWallPosts({ - groupId, - userId: this.id - }); - } - - getPrimaryGroup (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.groupsAPI.getUserPrimaryGroup({ - userId: this.id - }); - } - - getCollectibles (options?: Omit): Promise> { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - - return this.client.apis.inventoryAPI.getUserCollectibles({ - ...options, - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options || {}, response, this.getCollectibles)); - } - - getItemsByTypeAndTargetId (itemType: GetUserItemsByTypeAndTargetIdOptions["itemType"], id: number): Promise> { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - - return this.client.apis.inventoryAPI.getUserItemsByTypeAndTargetId({ - itemType, - itemTargetId: id, - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => new CursorPageClass(this.client, {}, response, this.getItemsByTypeAndTargetId)); - } - - getInventory (options: Omit): Promise> { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - - return this.client.apis.inventoryAPI.getUserInventory({ - ...options, - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options, response, this.getInventory)); - } - - getInventoryByAssetTypeId (options: Omit): Promise> { - const CursorPageClass = require("./Asset").CursorPage; - - return this.client.apis.inventoryAPI.getUserInventoryByAssetTypeId({ - ...options, - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => new CursorPageClass(this.client, options, response, this.getInventoryByAssetTypeId)); - } - - getUser (): Promise { - return this.client.getUser(this.id); - } - - getPremiumMembership (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.premiumFeaturesAPI.validateUserMembership({ - userId: this.id - }); - } - - upsellPremiumCheck (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.premiumFeaturesAPI.premiumUpsellCheck({ - ...options, - userId: this.id - }); - } - - getPresence (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.presenceAPI.getUsersPresences({ - userIds: [this.id] - }) - .then(response => response.userPresences[0]); - } - - sendMessage (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.privateMessagesAPI.sendMessage({ - ...options, - userId: this.id - }); - } - - getFullBodyAvatarImage (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.thumbnailsAPI.getUsersFullBodyAvatarImages({ - ...options, - userIds: [this.id] - }) - .then(response => response.data[0]); - } - - getAvatarBustImage (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.thumbnailsAPI.getUsersAvatarBustImages({ - ...options, - userIds: [this.id] - }) - .then(response => response.data[0]); - } - - getAvatarHeadShotImage (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.thumbnailsAPI.getUsersAvatarHeadShotImages({ - ...options, - userIds: [this.id] - }) - .then(response => response.data[0]); - } - - getCanTrade (): Promise { - return this.client.apis.tradesAPI.canTradeWith({ - userId: this.id - }) - .then(response => response.canTrade); - } - - sendTrade (offers: Omit[]): Promise { - return this.client.apis.tradesAPI.sendTrade({ - offers: offers.map(offerData => ({ - userId: this.id, - robux: offerData.robux, - userAssetIds: offerData.userAssetIds - })) - }); - } - - updateTranslationGameAccess (options: Omit): Promise { - return this.client.apis.translationRolesAPI.updateUserAccess({ - ...options, - userId: this.id - }); - } -} - - -export interface FriendRequestOptions { - description: string; - created: string; - isBanned: boolean; - id: number; - name: string; -} - - -export class FriendRequest { - public client: Client; - public user: PartialUser; - public isBanned: boolean; - public created: Date; - public description: string; - - constructor (data: FriendRequestOptions, client: Client) { - this.client = client; - this.user = new PartialUser({ - id: data.id, - name: data.name - }, client); - this.created = new Date(data.created); - this.description = data.description; - this.isBanned = data.isBanned; - } -} - - -export interface PartialUserOptions { - id: number; - name?: string; - displayName?: string; -} - - -export class PartialUser extends UserBase { - // Eslint, I'm getting tired of you complaining about useless constructors. - // You are useless - // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor - constructor (data: PartialUserOptions, client: Client) { - super(data, client); - } -} - - -export interface UserOptions { - id: number; - name: string; - displayName: string; - friendsCount: number; - presenceType: EnumUserPresence; - lastLocation: string | null; - userStatus: string | null; - userStatusDate: string | null; - userPlaceId: number | null; - followersCount: number; - followingsCount: number; - isVieweeBlocked: boolean; - isViewerBlocked: boolean; - areFriends: boolean; - canFollow: boolean; - canMessage: boolean; - canFriend: boolean; - canTrade: boolean; - incomingFriendRequest: boolean; - sentFriendRequest: boolean; - canSeeFavorites: boolean; - messagesDisabled: boolean; - canSeeInventory: boolean; - headShotImage: { - final: boolean; - url: string; - retryUrl: string | null; - userId: number; - endpointType: "Avatar" | string; - }; - previousUsernames: string; -} - - -export class User extends PartialUser { - public friendsCount: number; - public presenceType: EnumUserPresence; - public lastLocation: string | null; - public status: string | null; - public statusDate: Date | null; - public placeId: number | null; - public followersCount: number; - public followingCount: number; - /** - * If the authenticated user has blocked the user - */ - public isBlocked: boolean; - /** - * If the user has blocked the authenticated user - */ - public hasBlocked: boolean; - /** - * If the authenticated user and the target user are friends - */ - public areFriends: boolean; - public canFollow: boolean; - public canMessage: boolean; - public canFriend: boolean; - /** - * If the authenticated user has sent a friend request to this user - */ - public sentFriendRequest: boolean; - /** - * If the target user has sent a friend request to the authenticated user - */ - public incomingFriendRequest: boolean; - public messagesDisabled: boolean; - public canSeeFavorites: boolean; - public canTrade: boolean; - public canSeeInventory: boolean; - public previousNames: string[]; - public headshotImage: { - final: boolean; - url: string | null; - retryUrl: string | null; - userId: number; - endpointType: "Avatar" | string; - }; - - constructor (data: UserOptions, client: Client) { - super(data, client); - this.friendsCount = data.friendsCount; - this.presenceType = data.presenceType; - this.lastLocation = data.lastLocation || null; - this.status = data.userStatus || null; - const matchedStatusTimestamp = data.userStatusDate ? data.userStatusDate.match(/\((.*)\)/) : null; - this.statusDate = matchedStatusTimestamp ? new Date(parseInt(matchedStatusTimestamp[1])) : null; - this.placeId = data.userPlaceId; - this.followersCount = data.followersCount; - this.followingCount = data.followingsCount; - this.isBlocked = data.isVieweeBlocked; - this.hasBlocked = data.isViewerBlocked; - this.areFriends = data.areFriends; - this.canFollow = data.canFollow; - this.canMessage = data.canMessage; - this.canFriend = data.canFriend; - this.sentFriendRequest = data.sentFriendRequest; - this.incomingFriendRequest = data.incomingFriendRequest; - this.messagesDisabled = data.messagesDisabled; - this.canSeeFavorites = data.canSeeFavorites; - this.canTrade = data.canTrade; - this.canSeeInventory = data.canSeeInventory; - this.previousNames = data.previousUsernames.split("\r\n"); - this.headshotImage = { - final: data.headShotImage.final, - url: data.headShotImage.url, - retryUrl: data.headShotImage.retryUrl, - userId: data.headShotImage.userId, - endpointType: data.headShotImage.endpointType - }; - } +import { Client, UsersGetUserById } from ".."; +import { BaseUser } from "./BaseUser"; + +type UserConstructorData = UsersGetUserById; + +/** + * Represents a roblox user + */ +export class User extends BaseUser { + readonly name: string; + readonly displayName: string; + readonly externalAppDisplayName: string; + readonly isBanned: boolean; + readonly description: string; + readonly created: Date; + + /** + * @param {Client} client The Bloxy Client + * @param {number} userId The user ID + */ + constructor(client: Client, data: UserConstructorData) { + super(client, data.id); + this.name = data.name; + this.displayName = data.displayName; + this.externalAppDisplayName = data.externalAppDisplayName; + this.isBanned = data.isBanned; + this.description = data.description; + this.created = new Date(data.created); + } } diff --git a/src/types/GenericOptionTypes.ts b/src/types/GenericOptionTypes.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e15acf40 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/GenericOptionTypes.ts @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +export type UserIdOption = { + userId: number; +}; +export type UserIdsOption = { + userIds: number[]; +}; +export type PlaceIdOption = { + placeId: number; +}; +export type PlaceIdsOption = { + placeIds: number[]; +}; +export type UniverseIdOption = { + universeId: number; +}; +export type UniverseIdsOption = { + universeIds: number[]; +}; +export type AssetIdOption = { + assetId: number; +}; +export type AssetIdsOption = { + assetIds: number[]; +}; +export type GroupIdOption = { + groupId: number; +}; +export type GroupIdsOption = { + groupIds: number[]; +}; +export type SortOption = { + sortOrder?: "Asc" | "Desc"; + limit?: 10 | 25 | 50 | 100; + cursor?: string; +}; +export type UsernamePasswordOption = { + username: string; + password: string; +}; +export type PageSortOrder = SortOption["sortOrder"]; +export type PageSortLimit = SortOption["limit"]; +export type PageSortCursor = SortOption["cursor"]; +export type ItemType = "Asset" | "GamePass" | "Badge" | "Bundle"; diff --git a/src/types/GenericTypes.ts b/src/types/GenericTypes.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38ca45fbf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/GenericTypes.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +export type Privacy = + | "NoOne" + | "Friends" + | "Following" + | "Followers" + | "AllUsers"; + +export type ISOString = string; +export type CursorData = { + previousPageCursor?: string; + nextPageCursor?: string; + data: T; +}; +export type SuccessResponse = { + success: boolean; +}; diff --git a/src/util/constants.ts b/src/util/constants.ts index 5c31e1e5c..8f1c8dc04 100644 --- a/src/util/constants.ts +++ b/src/util/constants.ts @@ -1,68 +1,76 @@ // All naming conventions Roblox uses for identifier types (userId, groupId, etc.) export const identifierNames = { - userId: [ - "ProfileUserId", "UserId", "userId", "userid", "PlayerId", "playerId", "playerid", - "targetUserId", "ID", "id", "Id", "targetID"], - groupId: [ - "GroupId", "groupId", "Groupid", "Id", "ID", "id" - ], - name: [ - "Name", "name" - ], - username: [ - "ProfileUserName", "Username", "username", "userName", "UserName", "Name", "name" - ], - friendsCount: [ - "numFriends", "NumFriends", "numfriends", "FriendsCount" - ] + userId: [ + "ProfileUserId", + "UserId", + "userId", + "userid", + "PlayerId", + "playerId", + "playerid", + "targetUserId", + "ID", + "id", + "Id", + "targetID" + ], + groupId: ["GroupId", "groupId", "Groupid", "Id", "ID", "id"], + name: ["Name", "name"], + username: [ + "ProfileUserName", + "Username", + "username", + "userName", + "UserName", + "Name", + "name" + ], + friendsCount: ["numFriends", "NumFriends", "numfriends", "FriendsCount"] }; export const StatusCodeReasons = { - 400: [ - "Bad Request (invalid values provided)", - "Invalid body type (content-type) sent", - "Bloxy sent an invalid request (from faulty code, feel free to check it out and submit an issue / PR)", - "(Roblox's fault for not saying) All data provided was valid but you don't have access to view the response or the requested data" - ], - 401: [ - "You're not logged in (use .login on the client to log in)", - "The cookie was not provided in the request, or invalid cookie provided" - ], - 403: [ - "A captcha is required", - "You don't have the proper permissions", - "You're not authorized" - ], - 404: [ - "Invalid request method (i.e. POST instead of GET)", - "Resource removed / updated to another route", - "You're not logged in (use .login on the client to log in)" - ], - 429: [ - "You're sending too many requests. Roblox has rate limits in place to prevent abuse", - "Your IP has sent too many requests" - ], - 500: [ - "Roblox is down", - "There is an error in Roblox's API handler (causing a server error)", - "Invalid body provided which results in the API failing" - ] + 400: [ + "Bad Request (invalid values provided)", + "Invalid body type (content-type) sent", + "Bloxy sent an invalid request (from faulty code, feel free to check it out and submit an issue / PR)", + "(Roblox's fault for not saying) All data provided was valid but you don't have access to view the response or the requested data" + ], + 401: [ + "You're not logged in (use .login on the client to log in)", + "The cookie was not provided in the request, or invalid cookie provided" + ], + 403: [ + "A captcha is required", + "You don't have the proper permissions", + "You're not authorized" + ], + 404: [ + "Invalid request method (i.e. POST instead of GET)", + "Resource removed / updated to another route", + "You're not logged in (use .login on the client to log in)" + ], + 429: [ + "You're sending too many requests. Roblox has rate limits in place to prevent abuse", + "Your IP has sent too many requests" + ], + 500: [ + "Roblox is down", + "There is an error in Roblox's API handler (causing a server error)", + "Invalid body provided which results in the API failing" + ] }; - export enum CreatorType { - USER = 1, - GROUP = 2 + USER = 1, + GROUP = 2 } - export enum MorphAvatarType { - R6 = "MorphToR6", - R15 = "MorphToR15" + R6 = "MorphToR6", + R15 = "MorphToR15" } - export enum GameGenre { - FPS = "FPS" + FPS = "FPS" } diff --git a/src/util/converter.ts b/src/util/converter.ts index 27ff53d4c..10ad110b2 100644 --- a/src/util/converter.ts +++ b/src/util/converter.ts @@ -1,15 +1,20 @@ // Misc. "type" converter -export function generalIdentifierToNumber (identifier: string | number): number { - if (typeof identifier === "string") { - return Number(identifier); - } else { - return identifier; - } +export function generalIdentifierToNumber(identifier: string | number): number { + if (typeof identifier === "string") { + return Number(identifier); + } else { + return identifier; + } } -export function convertObjectToValue (dataObject: Record, namingConventions: string[]): unknown { - // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-object-injection - return namingConventions.map(name => dataObject[name] || null) - .find(value => !!value) as unknown; +/* eslint-disable security/detect-object-injection */ +export function convertObjectToValue( + dataObject: Record, + namingConventions: string[] +): unknown { + // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-object-injection + return namingConventions + .map((name) => dataObject[name] || null) + .find((value) => !!value) as unknown; } diff --git a/src/util/errors/errors.ts b/src/util/errors/errors.ts index ac6a62799..73d66dfd0 100644 --- a/src/util/errors/errors.ts +++ b/src/util/errors/errors.ts @@ -1,27 +1,37 @@ import { StatusCodeReasons } from "../constants"; - interface BloxyHttpErrorOptions { - message: string; - name?: string; - statusMessage: string; - statusCode: number; - possibleReasons: string[]; + message: string; + name?: string; + statusMessage: string; + statusCode: number; + possibleReasons: string[]; } - export class BloxyHttpError extends Error { - public statusCode: number; - public statusMessage: string; + public statusCode: number; + public statusMessage: string; - constructor (options: BloxyHttpErrorOptions) { - const statusRelatedIssues = StatusCodeReasons[options.statusCode as keyof typeof StatusCodeReasons] || []; - options.possibleReasons = [...options.possibleReasons, ...statusRelatedIssues]; - const revisedMessage = `\n\n${options.message} | Status code: ${options.statusCode}, status message: ${options.statusMessage}. ${options.possibleReasons.length > 0 ? `Possible reasons:\n${options.possibleReasons.map(r => `- ${r}`) - .join("\n")}\n\n` : ""}`; - super(revisedMessage); - this.name = options.name || "BloxyHttpError"; - this.statusCode = options.statusCode; - this.statusMessage = options.statusMessage; - } + constructor (options: BloxyHttpErrorOptions) { + const statusRelatedIssues + = StatusCodeReasons[options.statusCode as keyof typeof StatusCodeReasons] + || []; + options.possibleReasons = [ + ...options.possibleReasons, + ...statusRelatedIssues + ]; + const revisedMessage = `\n\n${options.message} | Status code: ${ + options.statusCode + }, status message: ${options.statusMessage}. ${ + options.possibleReasons.length > 0 + ? `Possible reasons:\n${options.possibleReasons + .map((r) => `- ${r}`) + .join("\n")}\n\n` + : "" + }`; + super(revisedMessage); + this.name = options.name || "BloxyHttpError"; + this.statusCode = options.statusCode; + this.statusMessage = options.statusMessage; + } } diff --git a/src/util/errors/index.ts b/src/util/errors/index.ts index b0b612346..ea2b39da0 100644 --- a/src/util/errors/index.ts +++ b/src/util/errors/index.ts @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ import { default as messages } from "./messages"; import * as errors from "./errors"; - export default { - messages, - errors + messages, + errors }; diff --git a/src/util/errors/messages.ts b/src/util/errors/messages.ts index 4fa80d32d..19b4cbc89 100644 --- a/src/util/errors/messages.ts +++ b/src/util/errors/messages.ts @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ export default { - hello: "world" + hello: "world" }; diff --git a/src/util/utilFunctions.ts b/src/util/utilFunctions.ts index 5ecb997e1..23072c785 100644 --- a/src/util/utilFunctions.ts +++ b/src/util/utilFunctions.ts @@ -1,27 +1,32 @@ /* eslint-disable security/detect-object-injection */ -export const utilMergeDeep = (baseObject: Record, newObject: Record) => { - const target = {}; - // Merge the object into the target object - const internalMerger = (obj: Record) => { - for (const prop in obj) { - // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins - if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { - if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj[prop]) === "[object Object]") { - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment - // @ts-ignore - target[prop] = utilMergeDeep(target[prop] as Record, obj[prop]); - } else { - // Otherwise, do a regular merge - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment - // @ts-ignore - target[prop] = obj[prop]; - } - } +export function utilMergeDeep< + B extends Record, + N extends Record +>(baseObject: B, newObject: N): B & N { + const target = {} as B & N; + // Merge the object into the target object + const internalMerger = (obj: Record) => { + for (const prop in obj) { + // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { + if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj[prop]) === "[object Object]") { + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment + // @ts-ignore + target[prop] = utilMergeDeep( + target[prop] as Record, + obj[prop] + ); + } else { + // Otherwise, do a regular merge + // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment + // @ts-ignore + target[prop] = obj[prop]; } - }; + } + } + }; + internalMerger(baseObject); + internalMerger(newObject); - internalMerger(baseObject); - internalMerger(newObject); - - return target; -}; + return target; +} diff --git a/tests/apis/AccountInformationAPI.test.js b/tests/apis/AccountInformationAPI.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 9bf519b40..000000000 --- a/tests/apis/AccountInformationAPI.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -const TEST_COOKIE = require("../getCookie"); -const bloxy = require("../../dist"); -const faker = require("faker"); -const Joi = require("joi"); -const client = new bloxy.Client({ - credentials: { - cookie: TEST_COOKIE - } -}); -const { wait } = require("../util"); - -beforeAll(async () => { - return client.login( - TEST_COOKIE - ) - .then(clientUser => { - console.log(`Using test account ${clientUser.id} with name ${clientUser.name}`); - }); -}); - -describe("testing AccountInformationAPI", function () { - const birthdateSchema = Joi.object({ - birthMonth: Joi.number(), - birthDay: Joi.number(), - birthYear: Joi.number() - }); - - it("should retrieve the birthdate", async function () { - const data = await client.apis.accountInformationAPI.getUserBirthdate(); - - return expect(birthdateSchema.validate(data)) - .not - .toHaveProperty("error"); - }); - - it("should update the birthdate", async function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountInformationAPI.updateUserBirthdate({ - birthDay: 1, - birthMonth: 1, - birthYear: 1990 - })) - .resolves - .not - .toThrow(); - }); -}); diff --git a/tests/apis/AccountSettingsAPI.test.js b/tests/apis/AccountSettingsAPI.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7cc4a80ed..000000000 --- a/tests/apis/AccountSettingsAPI.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ -const TEST_COOKIE = require("../getCookie"); -const bloxy = require("../../dist"); -const faker = require("faker"); -const client = new bloxy.Client({ - credentials: { - cookie: TEST_COOKIE - } -}); -const { wait } = require("../util"); - -beforeAll(async () => { - return client.login( - TEST_COOKIE - ) - .then(clientUser => { - console.log(`Using test account ${clientUser.id} with name ${clientUser.name}`); - }); -}); - -describe("testing AccountSettingsAPI", function () { - it("should return settings groups", async function () { - const data = await client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getSettingsGroups(); - - return expect(data) - .toBeDefined(); - }); - - it("should return app chat privacy", async function () { - const appChatPrivacy = await client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getAppChatPrivacy(); - - return expect(appChatPrivacy) - .toStrictEqual({ - appChatPrivacy: "NoOne" - }); - }); - - it("should update app chat privacy", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateAppChatPrivacy({ - appChatPrivacy: "NoOne" - })) - .resolves - .not - .toThrow(); - }); - - it("should return game chat privacy", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getGameChatPrivacy()) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - gameChatPrivacy: "AllUsers" - }); - }); - - it("should update game chat privacy", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateGameChatPrivacy({ - gameChatPrivacy: "AllUsers" - })) - .resolves - .not - .toThrow(); - }); - - it("should get inventory privacy", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getInventoryPrivacy()) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - inventoryPrivacy: "AllUsers" - }); - }); - - it("should update inventory privacy", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateInventoryPrivacy({ - inventoryPrivacy: "AllUsers" - })) - .resolves - .not - .toThrow(); - }); - - it("should get user privacy", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getUserPrivacy()) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - phoneDiscovery: "AllUsers" - }); - }); - - it("should update user privacy", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateUserPrivacy({ - phoneDiscovery: "AllUsers" - })) - .resolves - .not - .rejects; - }); - - it("should get privacy settings info", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getUserPrivacySettingsInfo()) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - isPhoneDiscoveryEnabled: false - }); - }); - - it("should get private message privacy", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getUserPrivateMessagePrivacy()) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - privateMessagePrivacy: "All" - }); - }); - - it("should update the message privacy", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateUserPrivateMessagePrivacy({ - privateMessagePrivacy: "All" - })) - .resolves - .not - .toThrow(); - }); - - it("should get email status", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getUserEmailStatus()) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - emailAddress: "o*****************@awdrt.net", - verified: true - }); - }); - - it("should fail to send email verification (as it's verified already)", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.sendEmailVerification()) - .rejects - .toThrow(); - }); - - it("should get website theme", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getWebsiteTheme()) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - themeType: "Light" - }); - }); - - it("should update the website theme", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateWebsiteTheme({ - themeType: "Light" - })) - .resolves - .not - .toThrow(); - }); - - it("should get website themes", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getWebsiteThemes()) - .resolves - .toMatchObject({ - data: ["Light", "Dark"] - }); - }); - - it("should get trade privacy", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getUserTradePrivacy()) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - tradePrivacy: "All" - }); - }); - - it("should update the trade privacy", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateUserTradePrivacy({ - tradePrivacy: "All" - })) - .rejects - .toThrowError("not have permission") - }); - - it("should get trade quality filter", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getUserTradeQualityFilter()) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - tradeValue: "None" - }); - }); - - it("should update the trade quality filter", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateUserTradeQualityFilter({ - tradeValue: "None" - })) - .rejects - .toThrowError("not have permission"); - }); - - it("should get contact upsell", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.getContactUpsell()) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - upsellScreenType: "None" - }); - }); - - it("should update contact upsell suppression", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateContactUpsellSuppression({ - suppress: "None" - })) - .resolves - .not - .toThrow(); - }); - - it("should update promotion channels", function () { - return expect(client.apis.accountSettingsAPI.updateUserPromotionChannels({ - promotionChannelsVisibilityPrivacy: "AllUsers", - youtube: "https://youtube.com/a", - twitter: "@1Noobest", - twitch: "https://twitch.tv/Visualizeme", - facebook: "https://facebook.com/yes" - })) - .resolves - .not - .toThrow(); - }); - -}); diff --git a/tests/apis/AuthAPI.test.js b/tests/apis/AuthAPI.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5f3ed47c8..000000000 --- a/tests/apis/AuthAPI.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -const TEST_COOKIE = require("../getCookie"); -const bloxy = require("../../dist"); -const faker = require("faker"); -const client = new bloxy.Client({ - credentials: { - cookie: TEST_COOKIE - } -}); -const { wait } = require("../util"); - -beforeAll(async () => { - return client.login( - TEST_COOKIE - ) - .then(clientUser => { - console.log(`Using test account ${clientUser.id} with name ${clientUser.name}`); - }); -}); - -describe("test AuthAPI", function () { - it("should return password status", function () { - return expect(client.apis.authAPI.getCurrentUserPasswordStatus()) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - valid: true - }) - }); -}); diff --git a/tests/apis/AvatarAPI.test.js b/tests/apis/AvatarAPI.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0f6767062..000000000 --- a/tests/apis/AvatarAPI.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -const TEST_COOKIE = require("../getCookie"); -const bloxy = require("../../dist"); -const faker = require("faker"); -const client = new bloxy.Client({ - credentials: { - cookie: TEST_COOKIE - } -}); -const { wait } = require("../util"); - -beforeAll(async () => { - return client.login( - TEST_COOKIE - ) - .then(clientUser => { - console.log(`Using test account ${clientUser.id} with name ${clientUser.name}`); - }); -}); - -describe("testing AvatarAPI", function () { - it("should wear asset", function () { - expect(client.apis.avatarAPI.wearAssetOnAvatar({ - assetId: 102611803 - })) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - success: true - }) - }); - - it("should set avatar type", function () { - expect(client.apis.avatarAPI.setSelfAvatarType({ - playerAvatarType: "R6" - })) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - success: true - }) - }); -}); diff --git a/tests/apis/BadgesAPI.test.js b/tests/apis/BadgesAPI.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 9e0184ea4..000000000 --- a/tests/apis/BadgesAPI.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -const TEST_COOKIE = require("../getCookie"); -const bloxy = require("../../dist"); -const faker = require("faker"); -const client = new bloxy.Client({ - credentials: { - cookie: TEST_COOKIE - } -}); -const { wait } = require("../util"); - -beforeAll(async () => { - return client.login( - TEST_COOKIE - ) - .then(clientUser => { - console.log(`Using test account ${clientUser.id} with name ${clientUser.name}`); - }); -}); - -describe("testing BadgesAPI", function () { - it("should retrieve badge info", function () { - expect(client.apis.badgesAPI.getBadge({ - badgeId: 2124564087 - })) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - id: 2124564087, - created: "2020-06-20T13:45:20.717-05:00", - awardingUniverse: { - id: 111958650 - } - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/tests/apis/BillingAPI.test.js b/tests/apis/BillingAPI.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 6a4dec02d..000000000 --- a/tests/apis/BillingAPI.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -const TEST_COOKIE = require("../getCookie"); -const bloxy = require("../../dist"); -const faker = require("faker"); -const client = new bloxy.Client({ - credentials: { - cookie: TEST_COOKIE - } -}); -const { wait } = require("../util"); - -beforeAll(async () => { - return client.login( - TEST_COOKIE - ) - .then(clientUser => { - console.log(`Using test account ${clientUser.id} with name ${clientUser.name}`); - }); -}); - -describe("testing BillingAPI", function () { - it("should retrieve developer exchange rate", function () { - return expect(client.apis.billingAPI.getDeveloperExchangeRate()) - .resolves - .toMatchObject({ - rate: 0.0035, - "currency-code": "USD" - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/tests/apis/CatalogAPI.test.js b/tests/apis/CatalogAPI.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index caf3198ff..000000000 --- a/tests/apis/CatalogAPI.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -const TEST_COOKIE = require("../getCookie"); -const bloxy = require("../../dist"); -const faker = require("faker"); -const client = new bloxy.Client({ - credentials: { - cookie: TEST_COOKIE - } -}); -const { wait } = require("../util"); - -beforeAll(async () => { - return client.login( - TEST_COOKIE - ) - .then(clientUser => { - console.log(`Using test account ${clientUser.id} with name ${clientUser.name}`); - }); -}); - -describe("testing CatalogAPI", function () { - it("should retrieve bundle info", function () { - return expect(client.apis.catalogAPI.getBundleDetails({ - bundleId: 192 - })) - .resolves - .toMatchObject({ - id: 192, - bundleType: "BodyParts", - product: { - id: 369653841 - }, - creator: { - id: 1 - } - }); - }); - - it("should retrieve bundle info in bulk", function () { - return expect(client.apis.catalogAPI.getMultiBundleDetails({ - bundleIds: [192] - })) - .resolves - .toMatchObject([ - { - id: 192, - bundleType: "BodyParts" - } - ]); - }); - - it("should retrieve categories", function () { - expect(client.apis.catalogAPI.getCategories()) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - Featured: 0, - All: 1, - Collectibles: 2, - Clothing: 3, - BodyParts: 4, - Gear: 5, - Models: 6, - Plugins: 7, - Decals: 8, - Audio: 9, - Meshes: 10, - Accessories: 11, - AvatarAnimations: 12, - CommunityCreations: 13, - Video: 14, - Recommended: 15 - }); - }); - - it("should retrieve sub-categories", function () { - expect(client.apis.catalogAPI.getSubCategories()) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - Featured: 0, - All: 1, - Collectibles: 2, - Clothing: 3, - BodyParts: 4, - Gear: 5, - Models: 6, - Plugins: 7, - Decals: 8, - Hats: 9, - Faces: 10, - Packages: 11, - Shirts: 12, - Tshirts: 13, - Pants: 14, - Heads: 15, - Audio: 16, - RobloxCreated: 17, - Meshes: 18, - Accessories: 19, - HairAccessories: 20, - FaceAccessories: 21, - NeckAccessories: 22, - ShoulderAccessories: 23, - FrontAccessories: 24, - BackAccessories: 25, - WaistAccessories: 26, - AvatarAnimations: 27, - ClimbAnimations: 28, - FallAnimations: 30, - IdleAnimations: 31, - JumpAnimations: 32, - RunAnimations: 33, - SwimAnimations: 34, - WalkAnimations: 35, - AnimationPackage: 36, - Bundles: 37, - AnimationBundles: 38, - EmoteAnimations: 39, - CommunityCreations: 40, - Video: 41, - Recommended: 51 - }) - }); -}); diff --git a/tests/apis/ChatAPI.test.js b/tests/apis/ChatAPI.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7747fee13..000000000 --- a/tests/apis/ChatAPI.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -const TEST_COOKIE = require("../getCookie"); -const bloxy = require("../../dist"); -const faker = require("faker"); -const client = new bloxy.Client({ - credentials: { - cookie: TEST_COOKIE - } -}); -const { wait } = require("../util"); - -beforeAll(async () => { - return client.login( - TEST_COOKIE - ) - .then(clientUser => { - console.log(`Using test account ${clientUser.id} with name ${clientUser.name}`); - }); -}); - -describe("testing ChatAPI", function () { - it("should retreive badge info", function () { - - }); -}); diff --git a/tests/apis/DevelopAPI.test.js b/tests/apis/DevelopAPI.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index dfcabac22..000000000 --- a/tests/apis/DevelopAPI.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,254 +0,0 @@ -const TEST_COOKIE = require("../getCookie"); -const bloxy = require("../../dist"); -const faker = require("faker"); -const schemas = require("../util/schemas"); -const client = new bloxy.Client({ - credentials: { - cookie: TEST_COOKIE - } -}); -const { wait } = require("../util"); -const Joi = require("joi"); - -describe("testing DevelopAPI", function () { - beforeAll(() => { - return client.login( - TEST_COOKIE - ) - .then(clientUser => { - console.log(`${new Date()} logged in!`); - console.log(`Using test account ${clientUser.id} with name ${clientUser.name}`); - }) - .catch(e => { - console.log(`Error: ${e}`); - }); - }); - - let firstUniverseFound; - - it("fetching first universe found..", async () => { - console.log(`${new Date()} fetching universes..`); - firstUniverseFound = await client.apis.developAPI.getSelfUniverses({ - sortOrder: "Desc", - limit: 10 - }) - .catch(e => e) - .then(response => { - return response.data[0]; - }) - .catch(e => { - throw new Error(`Failed to retrieve first universe! ${e}`); - }); - }); - - describe("testing standalone APIs", function () { - it("should return game templates, verifying the default Baseplate one", async function () { - const templates = await client.apis.developAPI.getGameTemplates(); - - return expect(templates) - .toContainEqual({ - gameTemplateType: "Generic", - hasTutorials: false, - universe: { - id: 28220420, - name: "Baseplate", - description: "", - isArchived: false, - rootPlaceId: 95206881, - isActive: true, - privacyType: "Public", - creatorType: "User", - creatorTargetId: 998796, - creatorName: "Templates", - created: "2013-11-01T03:47:14.07-05:00", - updated: "2019-07-08T11:53:21.81-05:00" - } - }); - }); - it("should attempt to publish game update notification and fail", function () { - const d = client.apis.developAPI.publishGameUpdateNotification({ - gameUpdateText: `hi`, - universeId: 1350045202 - }); - - expect(d) - .rejects - .toThrow("Only one update allowed per week"); - }); - it("should get game's update history", async function () { - const d = await client.apis.developAPI.getGameUpdatesHistory({ - universeId: 1350045202 - }); - - console.log(d); - - expect(true) - .toBe(true); - }); - it("should get multiple plugins' information", async function () { - const d = await client.apis.developAPI.getMultiPlugins({ - pluginIds: [6158541297, 6216851661] - }); - const multiPluginsSchema = Joi.object({ - data: Joi.array() - .items(schemas.PluginDataSchema) - }); - - expect(multiPluginsSchema.validate(d)) - .not - .toHaveProperty("error"); - }); - it("should search universes", async function () { - const d = await client.apis.developAPI.searchUniverses({ - q: { - creator: "user" - } - }); - const schema = Joi.object({ - previousPageCursor: Joi.allow(Joi.string(), null), - nextPageCursor: Joi.allow(Joi.string(), null), - data: Joi.array() - .items(schemas.SearchUniverseDataSchema) - }); - - expect(schema.validate(d)) - .not - .toHaveProperty("error"); - }); - }); - - describe("testing universe-related APIs", () => { - /* - it(`should create a developer product in the first universe`, async function () { - await firstUniverseFound; - - const createdProduct = await client.apis.developAPI.createDeveloperProduct({ - universeId: firstUniverseFound.id, - priceInRobux: 10, - name: `Test${("123").repeat(Math.floor(Math.random() * 30))} - music${("").repeat(Math.floor(Math.random() * 30))} ${(".").repeat(Math.floor(Math.random() * 50))}`, - iconImageAssetId: 5874994712, - description: `A developer product automatically created using bloxy at ${new Date().toISOString()}` - }) - .catch(e => e); - - console.log(createdProduct); - expect(createdProduct) - .toHaveProperty("id"); - expect(createdProduct) - .toHaveProperty("name"); - expect(createdProduct) - .toHaveProperty("Description"); - expect(createdProduct) - .toHaveProperty("shopId"); - expect(createdProduct) - .toHaveProperty("iconImageAssetId"); - }); - */ - - it("should deactivate the universe", async function () { - await firstUniverseFound; - return expect( - client.apis.developAPI.deactivateUniverse({ - universeId: firstUniverseFound.id - }) - ) - .resolves - .not - .toThrow(); - }); - - it("should activate the universe", async function () { - await firstUniverseFound; - return expect( - client.apis.developAPI.activateUniverse({ - universeId: firstUniverseFound.id - }) - ) - .resolves - .not - .toThrow(); - }); - it("should filter \"fuck\"", function () { - return expect( - client.apis.developAPI.filterGameUpdateNotificationText({ - text: `fuck` - }) - ) - .resolves - .toMatchObject({ - filteredGameUpdateText: "####", - isFiltered: true, - moderationLevel: 3 - }); - }); - it("should not filter", function () { - return expect( - client.apis.developAPI.filterGameUpdateNotificationText({ - text: "roblox" - }) - ) - .resolves - .toMatchObject({ - filteredGameUpdateText: "roblox", - isFiltered: false, - moderationLevel: 1 - }); - }); - it("should get places in the universe found and root place id should be in one of them", async function () { - await firstUniverseFound; - return expect( - client.apis.developAPI.getPlacesInUniverse({ - universeId: firstUniverseFound.id - }) - ) - .resolves - .toMatchObject({ - data: [ - { - id: firstUniverseFound.rootPlaceId, - universeId: firstUniverseFound.id, - name: firstUniverseFound.name, - description: firstUniverseFound.description - } - ] - }); - }); - it("should test place statistics", async function () { - await firstUniverseFound; - return expect( - client.apis.developAPI.getPlaceStatistics({ - placeId: firstUniverseFound.rootPlaceId, - type: "Revenue", - granularity: "Hourly" - }) - ) - .resolves - .toMatchObject({ - placeId: firstUniverseFound.rootPlaceId, - dataType: 0, - dataGranularity: 0, - data: { - Total: { - type: "Total", - data: {} - } - } - }); - }); - it("should retrieve root place compatibilities", async function () { - jest.setTimeout(15000); - await firstUniverseFound; - const retrievedCompatibilities = await client.apis.developAPI.getPlaceCompatibilities({ - placeId: firstUniverseFound.rootPlaceId - }); - - expect(retrievedCompatibilities.Compatibilities) - .toContainEqual({ - crashRatePercentage: "NaN", - platformName: "iPhone 11 Pro Max", - status: "Unknown" - }); - - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/tests/apis/TwoStepVerification.test.js b/tests/apis/TwoStepVerification.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index adc2def59..000000000 --- a/tests/apis/TwoStepVerification.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -const TEST_COOKIE = require("../getCookie"); -const bloxy = require("../../dist"); -const faker = require("faker"); -const client = new bloxy.Client({ - credentials: { - cookie: TEST_COOKIE - } -}); -const { wait } = require("../util"); - -beforeAll(async () => { - return client.login( - TEST_COOKIE - ) - .then(clientUser => { - console.log(`Using test account ${clientUser.id} with name ${clientUser.name}`); - }); -}); - -describe("testing TwoStepVerificationAPI", function () { - it("should retrieve metadata", function () { - return expect( - client.apis.twpStepVerification.getMetaData({ - userId: client.user.id - }) - ) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - twoStepVerificationEnabled: true, - authenticatorEnabled: false, - authenticatorQrCodeSize: "420x420", - emailCodeLength: 6, - authenticatorCodeLength: 6 - }); - }); - - it("should retrieve user twostep configuration", function () { - return expect( - client.apis.twpStepVerification.getConfiguration({ - userId: client.user.id - }) - ) - .resolves - .toStrictEqual({ - primaryMediaType: null, - methods: [] - }); - }); - - it("should error when attepmting to verify, as it's not implemented yet", function () { - return expect( - client.apis.twpStepVerification.verifyWithAuthenticator({ - challengeId: "a", - actionType: "b", - code: "c" - }) - ) - .rejects - .toThrowError("Two step verification is currently under maintenance."); - }); - - it("should error when attempting to disable authenticator, as it's WIP", function () { - return expect( - client.apis.twpStepVerification.disableAuthenticator({ - password: "" - }) - ) - .rejects - .toThrowError("Two step verification is currently under maintenance."); - }); - - it("should error when attempting to enable authenticator, as it's WIP", function () { - return expect( - client.apis.twpStepVerification.enableAuthenticator({ - userId: client.user.id - }) - ) - .rejects - .toThrowError("Two step verification is currently under maintenance."); - }); - - it("should error when attempting to verify and enable, as it's WIP", function () { - return expect( - client.apis.twpStepVerification.verifyAuthenticatorSetup({ - code: "a", - setupToken: "b" - }) - ) - .rejects - .toThrowError("Two step verification is currently under maintenance."); - }); -}); diff --git a/tests/getCookie.js b/tests/getCookie.js deleted file mode 100644 index 512d690c9..000000000 --- a/tests/getCookie.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -const TEST_COOKIE = process.env.TEST_COOKIE; - -if (!TEST_COOKIE) { - console.error(`Failed to start tests, the test cookie was not provided!`); -} - -module.exports = TEST_COOKIE.slice(1) - .substr(0, TEST_COOKIE.length - 2); diff --git a/tests/index.js b/tests/index.js deleted file mode 100644 index d00cb3e78..000000000 --- a/tests/index.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -const cookie = require("./getCookie"); - -(async () => { - const Bloxy = require("../dist"); - const client = new Bloxy.Client({ - credentials: { - cookie - } - }); - await client.login(); - console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.name}`); - - - const friends = await client.apis.friendsAPI.getUserFriendsOnline({ - userId: 18442032 - }); - - console.log(friends.data.map(x => x.userPresence)); -})(); diff --git a/tests/internal/client.spec.ts b/tests/internal/client.spec.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..574660728 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/internal/client.spec.ts @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +import { expect } from "chai"; +import { utilMergeDeep } from "../../dist/util/utilFunctions"; +import { generalIdentifierToNumber } from "../../dist/util/converter"; +import * as bloxy from "../../dist"; + +describe("Bloxy", function () { + describe("Exporting of the client", function () { + it("should export anything", function () { + expect(bloxy).to.exist; + }); + it("should export Client", function () { + expect(bloxy.Client).to.exist; + }); + }); + describe("Creation of the client", function () { + it("should not error without any options", function () { + expect(function () { + new bloxy.Client(); + }).to.not.throw; + }); + it("should not error with empty options", function () { + expect(function () { + new bloxy.Client({}); + }).to.not.throw; + }); + it("should not error with empty credentials options", function () { + expect(function () { + new bloxy.Client({ credentials: {} }); + }).to.not.throw; + }); + it("should not error with empty rest options", function () { + expect(function () { + new bloxy.Client({ rest: {} }); + }).to.not.throw; + }); + }); + describe("utilDeepMerge", function () { + it("should merge two objects and let the last object be dominating", function () { + const merger1 = { + hello: "world", + world: { + hello: "world" + } + }; + const merger2 = { + hello: "bye", + world: { + hi: "there" + } + }; + const expectedObj = { + hello: "bye", + world: { + hello: "world", + hi: "there" + } + }; + const merged = utilMergeDeep(merger1, merger2); + expect(merged).to.deep.equal(expectedObj); + }); + }); + describe("converter", () => { + it("should convert string to number using #generalIdentifierToNumber", function () { + expect(generalIdentifierToNumber("5")).to.equal(5); + expect(generalIdentifierToNumber(5)).to.equal(5); + }); + }); + describe("Testing login of Client", function () { + it("should error because of no credentials provided", function () { + const client = new bloxy.Client(); + expect(function () { + client.login(); + }).to.throw; + }); + it("should error with an invalid cookie", function () { + const client = new bloxy.Client({ + credentials: { cookie: "invalid" } + }); + expect(function () { + client.login(); + }).to.throw; + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/tests/internal/client/client.test.js b/tests/internal/client/client.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 04cb2444b..000000000 --- a/tests/internal/client/client.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -const { utilMergeDeep } = require("../../../dist/util/utilFunctions"); -const converter = require("../../../dist/util/converter"); - - -const bloxy = require("../../../dist"); -const TEST_COOKIE = require("../../getCookie"); - - -describe("testing client", function () { - describe("testing creation of client", function () { - it("should have .Client property", function () { - expect(bloxy) - .toBeDefined(); - expect(bloxy.Client) - .toBeDefined(); - }); - - describe("should be created without erroring without client options", function () { - it("should not error without any options", function () { - expect(() => new bloxy.Client()) - .not - .toThrow(); - }); - it("should not error with empty options", function () { - expect(() => new bloxy.Client({})) - .not - .toThrow(); - }); - it("should not error with empty credentials options", function () { - expect(() => new bloxy.Client({ credentials: {} })) - .not - .toThrow(); - }); - it("should not error with empty rest options", function () { - expect(() => new bloxy.Client({ rest: {} })) - .not - .toThrow(); - }); - }); - }); - describe("testing misc internal functions", function () { - it("should merge two objects and let the last object be dominating", async function () { - const merger1 = { - hello: "world", - world: { - hello: "world" - } - }; - const merger2 = { - hello: "bye", - world: { - hi: "there" - } - }; - const expectObj = { - hello: "bye", - world: { - hello: "world", - hi: "there" - } - }; - - const merged = utilMergeDeep(merger1, merger2); - - expect(merged) - .toStrictEqual(expectObj); - }); - it("should convert string to number using converter.generalIdentifierToNumber", async function () { - expect( - converter.generalIdentifierToNumber("5") - ) - .toStrictEqual(5); - expect( - converter.generalIdentifierToNumber(5) - ) - .toStrictEqual(5); - }); - }); - - describe("testing login function of client", function () { - it("should error because of no credentials provided", function () { - const client = new bloxy.Client(); - expect(client.login()) - .rejects - .toThrow(); - }); - it("should error because invalid cookie", function () { - const client = new bloxy.Client({ - credentials: { - cookie: "test" - } - }); - - expect(client.login()) - .rejects - .toThrow(); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/tests/internal/client/datastoremanager.test.js b/tests/internal/client/datastoremanager.test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7abab452e..000000000 --- a/tests/internal/client/datastoremanager.test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -const bloxy = require("../../../dist"); -const TEST_COOKIE = require("../../getCookie"); - - -const unauthenticatedClient = new bloxy.Client(); -const authenticatedClient = new bloxy.Client(); - -beforeAll(async () => { - await authenticatedClient.login(TEST_COOKIE) - .then(user => { - console.log(`Logged in as ${user.id} with name ${user.name}`); - }); -}); - -describe("testing datastore manager", function () { - describe("ensuring construction of instance is optimal", function () { - it("should error when not logged in", function () { - expect( - unauthenticatedClient.dataStoreManager.getDataStore.bind(undefined, 1, "y") - ) - .toThrow(); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/tests/internal/datastoremanager.spec.ts b/tests/internal/datastoremanager.spec.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..26858832e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/internal/datastoremanager.spec.ts @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +import { Client } from "../../dist"; +import { expect } from "chai"; +import { GlobalDataStore } from "../../dist/client/lib/DataStoreManager/structures/GlobalDataStore"; +import {} from "mocha"; + +const authenticatedClient = new Client(); +const unauthenticatedClient = new Client(); + +before(async () => { + const authenticatedUser = await authenticatedClient.login( + process.env.ROBLOSECURITY + ); + console.log( + `Logged in as ${authenticatedUser.name} (${authenticatedUser.id})` + ); +}); + +describe("DataStoreManager", function () { + describe("Unauthorized client", function () { + it("should error when accessing a datastore", function () { + expect(() => + unauthenticatedClient.dataStoreManager.getDataStore(1, "test") + ).to.throw; + }); + }); + describe("Authorized client", function () { + let dataStore!: GlobalDataStore; + it("should get the datastore", function () { + dataStore = authenticatedClient.dataStoreManager.getDataStore( + 8406754815, + "test" + ); + expect(dataStore).to.exist; + }); + it("should write to the datastore", async function () { + this.slow(1000); + expect(dataStore, "DataStore does not exist, did the previous test fail?") + .to.exist; + expect( + await (async function () { + dataStore.setAsync("testKey", "testValue"); + })() + ).to.not.throw; + }); + it("should read the datastore", async function () { + this.slow(1000); + expect(dataStore, "DataStore does not exist, did the previous test fail?") + .to.exist; + let value!: string; + expect( + await (async function () { + const returnedValue = JSON.parse( + (await dataStore.getAsync("testKey")) as string + ); + value = returnedValue; + })() + ).to.not.throw; + expect(value).to.equal("testValue"); + }); + it("should error when accessing a datastore without permissions", async function () { + expect(function () { + authenticatedClient.dataStoreManager.getDataStore(1, "test"); + }).to.throw; + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/tests/util.js b/tests/util.js deleted file mode 100644 index e9d668357..000000000 --- a/tests/util.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -module.exports.wait = (time) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time * 1000)); diff --git a/tests/util/schemas.js b/tests/util/schemas.js deleted file mode 100644 index 49d2ccdfc..000000000 --- a/tests/util/schemas.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -const Joi = require("joi"); - -exports.GameUniverseSchema = Joi.object({ - id: Joi.number(), - rootPlaceId: Joi.number(), - name: Joi.string(), - description: Joi.string(), - creatorType: Joi.string(), - creator: Joi.object({ - id: Joi.number(), - name: Joi.string(), - }), - price: Joi.number(), - allowedGearGenres: Joi.array().items(Joi.string()), - allowedGearCategories: Joi.array().items(Joi.string()), - playing: Joi.number(), - visits: Joi.number(), - maxPlayers: Joi.number(), - created: Joi.string(), - updated: Joi.string(), - studioAccessToApisAllowed: Joi.bool(), - createVipServersAllowed: Joi.bool(), - universeAvatarType: Joi.string(), - genre: Joi.string(), -}); -exports.SearchUniverseDataSchema = Joi.object({ - id: Joi.number(), - rootPlaceId: Joi.number(), - name: Joi.string(), - description: Joi.string(), - isArchived: Joi.bool(), - isActive: Joi.bool(), - privacyType: Joi.string(), - creatorType: Joi.string(), - creatorTargetId: Joi.number(), - creatorName: Joi.string(), - created: Joi.string(), - updated: Joi.string() -}) - -exports.PluginDataSchema = Joi.object({ - id: Joi.number(), - name: Joi.string(), - description: Joi.string().allow(""), - commentsEnabled: Joi.bool(), - versionId: Joi.number(), - created: Joi.string(), - updated: Joi.string() -}); diff --git a/tests/util/schemas.ts b/tests/util/schemas.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d9d9b48c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/util/schemas.ts @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +import Joi from "joi"; + +export const GameUniverseSchema = Joi.object({ + id: Joi.number(), + rootPlaceId: Joi.number(), + name: Joi.string(), + description: Joi.string(), + creatorType: Joi.string(), + creator: Joi.object({ + id: Joi.number(), + name: Joi.string() + }), + price: Joi.number(), + allowedGearGenres: Joi.array().items(Joi.string()), + allowedGearCategories: Joi.array().items(Joi.string()), + playing: Joi.number(), + visits: Joi.number(), + maxPlayers: Joi.number(), + created: Joi.string(), + updated: Joi.string(), + studioAccessToApisAllowed: Joi.bool(), + createVipServersAllowed: Joi.bool(), + universeAvatarType: Joi.string(), + genre: Joi.string() +}); +export const SearchUniverseDataSchema = Joi.object({ + id: Joi.number(), + rootPlaceId: Joi.number(), + name: Joi.string(), + description: Joi.string(), + isArchived: Joi.bool(), + isActive: Joi.bool(), + privacyType: Joi.string(), + creatorType: Joi.string(), + creatorTargetId: Joi.number(), + creatorName: Joi.string(), + created: Joi.string(), + updated: Joi.string() +}); +export const PluginDataSchema = Joi.object({ + id: Joi.number(), + name: Joi.string(), + description: Joi.string().allow(""), + commentsEnabled: Joi.bool(), + versionId: Joi.number(), + created: Joi.string(), + updated: Joi.string() +}); diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json index f254350e8..f218c06fe 100644 --- a/tsconfig.json +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -1,99 +1,91 @@ { - "compilerOptions": { - "types": [ - "node" - ], - /* Basic Options */ - // "incremental": true, - /* Enable incremental compilation */ - "target": "ES6", - /* Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019' or 'ESNEXT'. */ - "module": "commonjs", - /* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', or 'ESNext'. */ - // "lib": [], /* Specify library files to be included in the compilation. */ - // "allowJs": true, /* Allow javascript files to be compiled. */ - // "checkJs": true, /* Report errors in .js files. */ - // "jsx": "preserve", /* Specify JSX code generation: 'preserve', 'react-native', or 'react'. */ - "declaration": true, - /* Generates corresponding '.d.ts' file. */ - // "declarationMap": true, /* Generates a sourcemap for each corresponding '.d.ts' file. */ - // "sourceMap": true, /* Generates corresponding '.map' file. */ - // "outFile": "./", /* Concatenate and emit output to single file. */ - "outDir": "./dist", - /* Redirect output structure to the directory. */ - "rootDir": "./src", - /* Specify the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with --outDir. */ - // "composite": true, /* Enable project compilation */ - // "tsBuildInfoFile": "./", /* Specify file to store incremental compilation information */ - "removeComments": false, - /* Do not emit comments to output. */ - // "noEmit": true, /* Do not emit outputs. */ - "importHelpers": true, - /* Import emit helpers from 'tslib'. */ - "downlevelIteration": true, - /* Provide full support for iterables in 'for-of', spread, and destructuring when targeting 'ES5' or 'ES3'. */ - // "isolatedModules": true, /* Transpile each file as a separate module (similar to 'ts.transpileModule'). */ + "compilerOptions": { + "types": ["node", "mocha"], + /* Basic Options */ + // "incremental": true, + /* Enable incremental compilation */ + "target": "ES6", + /* Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019' or 'ESNEXT'. */ + "module": "commonjs", + /* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', or 'ESNext'. */ + // "lib": [], /* Specify library files to be included in the compilation. */ + // "allowJs": true, /* Allow javascript files to be compiled. */ + // "checkJs": true, /* Report errors in .js files. */ + // "jsx": "preserve", /* Specify JSX code generation: 'preserve', 'react-native', or 'react'. */ + "declaration": true, + /* Generates corresponding '.d.ts' file. */ + // "declarationMap": true, /* Generates a sourcemap for each corresponding '.d.ts' file. */ + // "sourceMap": true, /* Generates corresponding '.map' file. */ + // "outFile": "./", /* Concatenate and emit output to single file. */ + "outDir": "./dist", + /* Redirect output structure to the directory. */ + "rootDir": "./src", + /* Specify the root directory of input files. Use to control the output directory structure with --outDir. */ + // "composite": true, /* Enable project compilation */ + // "tsBuildInfoFile": "./", /* Specify file to store incremental compilation information */ + "removeComments": false, + /* Do not emit comments to output. */ + // "noEmit": true, /* Do not emit outputs. */ + "importHelpers": true, + /* Import emit helpers from 'tslib'. */ + "downlevelIteration": true, + /* Provide full support for iterables in 'for-of', spread, and destructuring when targeting 'ES5' or 'ES3'. */ + // "isolatedModules": true, /* Transpile each file as a separate module (similar to 'ts.transpileModule'). */ - /* Strict Type-Checking Options */ - "strict": true, - /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */ - "noImplicitAny": true, - /* Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */ - "strictNullChecks": true, - /* Enable strict null checks. */ - "strictFunctionTypes": true, - /* Enable strict checking of function types. */ - "strictBindCallApply": true, - /* Enable strict 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods on functions. */ - "strictPropertyInitialization": true, - /* Enable strict checking of property initialization in classes. */ - "noImplicitThis": true, - /* Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied 'any' type. */ - "alwaysStrict": true, - /* Parse in strict mode and emit "use strict" for each source file. */ + /* Strict Type-Checking Options */ + "strict": true, + /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */ + "noImplicitAny": true, + /* Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */ + "strictNullChecks": true, + /* Enable strict null checks. */ + "strictFunctionTypes": true, + /* Enable strict checking of function types. */ + "strictBindCallApply": true, + /* Enable strict 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods on functions. */ + "strictPropertyInitialization": true, + /* Enable strict checking of property initialization in classes. */ + "noImplicitThis": true, + /* Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied 'any' type. */ + "alwaysStrict": true, + /* Parse in strict mode and emit "use strict" for each source file. */ - /* Additional Checks */ - "noUnusedLocals": true, - /* Report errors on unused locals. */ - "noUnusedParameters": true, - /* Report errors on unused parameters. */ - "noImplicitReturns": true, - /* Report error when not all code paths in function return a value. */ - "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, - /* Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. */ + /* Additional Checks */ + "noUnusedLocals": true, + /* Report errors on unused locals. */ + "noUnusedParameters": true, + /* Report errors on unused parameters. */ + "noImplicitReturns": true, + /* Report error when not all code paths in function return a value. */ + "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, + /* Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. */ - /* Module Resolution Options */ - "moduleResolution": "node", - /* Specify module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6). */ - // "baseUrl": "./", /* Base directory to resolve non-absolute module names. */ - // "paths": {}, /* A series of entries which re-map imports to lookup locations relative to the 'baseUrl'. */ - // "rootDirs": [], /* List of root folders whose combined content represents the structure of the project at runtime. */ - // "typeRoots": [], /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */ - // "types": [], /* Type declaration files to be included in compilation. */ - // "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, /* Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking. */ - "esModuleInterop": true - /* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules via creation of namespace objects for all imports. Implies 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports'. */ - // "preserveSymlinks": true, - /* Do not resolve the real path of symlinks. */ - // "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */ + /* Module Resolution Options */ + "moduleResolution": "node", + /* Specify module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6). */ + // "baseUrl": "./", /* Base directory to resolve non-absolute module names. */ + // "paths": {}, /* A series of entries which re-map imports to lookup locations relative to the 'baseUrl'. */ + // "rootDirs": [], /* List of root folders whose combined content represents the structure of the project at runtime. */ + // "typeRoots": [], /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */ + // "types": [], /* Type declaration files to be included in compilation. */ + // "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, /* Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking. */ + "esModuleInterop": true + /* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules via creation of namespace objects for all imports. Implies 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports'. */ + // "preserveSymlinks": true, + /* Do not resolve the real path of symlinks. */ + // "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */ - /* Source Map Options */ - // "sourceRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations. */ - // "mapRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */ - // "inlineSourceMap": true, /* Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file. */ - // "inlineSources": true, /* Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file; requires '--inlineSourceMap' or '--sourceMap' to be set. */ + /* Source Map Options */ + // "sourceRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations. */ + // "mapRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */ + // "inlineSourceMap": true, /* Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file. */ + // "inlineSources": true, /* Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file; requires '--inlineSourceMap' or '--sourceMap' to be set. */ - /* Experimental Options */ - // "experimentalDecorators": true, /* Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators. */ - // "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, /* Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators. */ - }, - "compileOnSave": true, - "exclude": [ - "dist", - "node_modules", - ".circleci" - ], - "include": [ - "src" - ] + /* Experimental Options */ + // "experimentalDecorators": true, /* Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators. */ + // "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, /* Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators. */ + }, + "compileOnSave": true, + "exclude": ["dist", "node_modules", ".circleci"], + "include": ["src"] } diff --git a/typedoc.json b/typedoc.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cd1484cf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/typedoc.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "entryPoints": "src/index.ts", + "out": "docs", + "plugin": "typedoc-plugin-markdown", + "hideBreadcrumbs": true, + "namedAnchors": true, + "excludeExternals": false, + "entryPointStrategy": "expand" +}