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USB Armory

These configurations target the USB Armory family of boards.


Getting Started

Set the comma-separated SKIFF_CONFIG variable:

$ export SKIFF_CONFIG=usbarmory/mk2,core/alpine,util/rootlogin
$ make configure                   # configure the system
$ make compile                     # build the system

The core/alpine portion of SKIFF_CONFIG enables core with Alpine Linux.

The util/rootlogin config enables root login w/o a password over serial.

Once the build is complete, it's time to flash the system to a SD card.

$ sudo bash                         # requires root in most cases
$ export USBARMORY_SD=/dev/sdX      # set to SD card path
$ make cmd/usbarmory/common/format  # create partitions
$ make cmd/usbarmory/common/install # copy system files

Future updates can be done with install, skipping the format step.

Plug the SD card into the device. Make sure the boot select switch is pushed towards the microSD card slot, to select SD boot (instead of emmc).

Board Compatibility

There are specific packages tuned to each revision:

Board Config Package
Mark 2 usbarmory/mk2

Work in Progress

The following features are not yet complete:

  • Interlock
  • caam-keyblob
  • mxc-scc2
  • mxc-dcp
  • qubes-app-linux-split-gpg
  • dhcp server on usb0

Note: the ethernet / USB I/O is quite slow and may require some patience.

Squashfs Boot

The USB Armory is a memory-constrained machine and as such uses the "squashfs" boot mechanism (similar to the Jetson TX2). This mounts a squashfs from the boot media rather than load the entire OS into RAM.

Ethernet over USB

The default configuration enables g_ether USB ethernet gadget support.

To setup on the "host" machine:

$ ip addr add dev usb0

# Enabling forwarding internet traffic on behalf of the device:
# some systems may require adjusting iptables:
$ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE
$ iptables -A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT
$ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Serial over USB

Enable the util/rootlogin configuration package to enable root login.

The default configuration will enable both USB ethernet and serial. The serial device should appear at /dev/ttyACM0 on the host machine.

Access it with screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200.

Note that on first start, the device will be busy performing first setup, so the serial shell might not appear for 1-2 minutes. Any internet usage will also saturate the I/O and make the terminal lag.