Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. Participation covers any forum used to converse about MyReels including unofficial and official spaces. Failure to do so will result in corrective actions such as time out or ban from the project.
By contributing to this repository you are certifying that you have all necessary permissions to license the code under an GNU 3.0 Public License. You still retain the copyright but are granting many permissions under the GNU 3.0 Public License.
If you have an employment contract with your employer please make sure that they don't automatically own your work product. Make sure to get any necessary approvals before contributing. Another term for this contribution off-hours is moonlighting.
Currently, Seth Kerr (@skerr92) is the lead developer for MyReels. There is no corporate sponsor for this project. If you would like to sponsor development for MyReels, please email Seth Kerr.
MyReels is developed under basic OOD (object oriented design) guidelines which focus around reusability, readability, simplicity, and consistency. A design guide will be added to promote contributing standards.