faster lookups: client-side file listing caching + deep prefetch
squash bugs + netting: final pass widget field validations, form resetting
pagination: fix no collapse
preview + download file: finalize
upload-progress: fix line item alignments
cwd reload: silent refresh without loading state
toast when background errors / notifications (offline etc)
configure walletconnect and fortmatic
back-channel pvt key validation against connected account
watch on wallet address change etc.
upload:edge: bulk upload: list conflicted names for editing
upload:edge: also detect conflicts within selected uploads (can happen due to renaming)
upload:edge: enable other cases (ex: upload on upload) by adding queues, isolate dequeue logic
all:improvement: bring queuing to everything
- upload-progress: failed item -> click cross -> retry icon (hover::green) -> click to retry
- reserve-widget: unit select for space and relevant validation
- widgets: where address input, confirm and correctly validate prefix 0x (make common validate and transform utils)
- neater file shortening
- by mockups: upload list to bottom right (unfeasible / dropped)
- add field validations
- finalize role granter flow
- finalize reserve space flow
- role checks and conditional view
- embedded file preview
- faster lookups: client-side file listing caching + deep prefetch
- close smart address field when off-focus
- clickable home nav against smart address
- file preferred direct download, fallback contract call
- general notifications / errors
- uploads with each progress
- by mockups: upload list to bottom right
- detect duplications in upload form as field validation
- keying transaction operations: progress management
- enablement: bulk / batch / parallelized transactions: TBD
- re-org forms for field validations
- add field validations
- failed upload(s) modal? (multi-file / duplicate UX TBD)
- add role grantor flow
- finalize reserve space flow
- upload multi-files: name-edit-in-place. at 20+, flag as batch
- file list exclude timestamp
- connected account view to be consistent with status bar width
- by mockups: address change input view mode shortened + edit mode prominent
- by mockups: make modal formatting ditto + top-right cross
- navigability from breadcrumb
- by mockups: pagination "showing x of y"
- folders precedence in sorting
- consistent file click action
- versatile file formatted name prefix icons
- embedded file preview
- download file progressively
- realized swiftness: client-side file listing caching + deep prefetch
- trial ready deployment
- connect wallet button
- choose wallet provider modal on connect wallet
- table sorting
- table pagination
- switch listing from editable address in breadcrumb
- errored upload (multi-file UX TBD)
- download file progressively
- realized swiftness: client-side file listing caching + deep prefetch
- connected address formatted in short-form
- open directory with single click
- directory navigate to previous with top directory entry as two dots only (like github)
- file / dir name+icon formatted to be compact
- show > 0 percentage in capacity status
- by mockup: breadcrumb item formatting
- no jitters during UX
- while processing new directory, disable create directory button with loading icon
- open file actions menu on file single click (probably using right click to be consistent for dir and file.. UX TBD)
- by mockups: upload files button -> open modal -> choose files button -> pick files -> list files (allow name change .. UX TBD) -> confirm -> list current uploads + single simulated progress bar
- search term -> dropdown with results -> [click:file -> download, click:dir -> navigate] (first-release: slowness expected)
- file list - configurable fields (exclude timestamp)