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Generating Patterns and Habits of Electrical Loads using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)


This code pertains to our paper:

S. El Kababji and P. Srikantha, "A Data-Driven Approach for Generating Synthetic Load Patterns and Usage Habits," in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, doi: 10.1109/TSG.2020.3007984.

Please cite our above-referenced paper if you are using any part of our code.

We recommend reading the paper before using the code.


Our software is intended to provide a flexible framework to generate synthetic electrical load patterns and usage habits for individual loads in a household such as a dishwasher, cloth dryer..etc. The software may be loosely referred to as load simulator or load profile generator. We use a data-driven approach using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (CGANs) for generating load patterns. To generate usage habits, two alternatives are proposed,namely: Kernel Density Estimator and Conditional Generative Adversarial Network. The image below shows random samples of synthetic patterns generated by a trained CGAN for various loads.

In addition to load's patterns, usage habits of individual loads are generated. In other words, the distribution of using an appliance (i.e. Hour of Day, Date of Week, Week of Year) is learnt using a generative models (KDE and GAN in our case). Once learnt, usage habits may be simply sampled from the trained model.

The diagram below shows the proposed framework during the training phase.

Once trained, models can be used for inference to generate synthetic patterns and usage habits for individual loads as shown below:


The figure below shows simulated loads (synthetic) for Q1


Software Structure

The code is written using TF1.9 for research purposes, so there is great room for improvement. Please refer to the list of requirements below for successful execution of the code.

The root folder includes four main folders:

  1. code
  2. raw_input
  3. synth_output
  4. training_runs

'code' The first module of this project (CGAN-Patterns) allows users to train Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to simulate various electrical loads. To train GANs, a user needs to input physical measurements of power values of individual loads along with their time stamps. Typically, power measurements are provided with consistent granularity (e.g. every 3 minutes). Unlike traditional electrical simulators that capture loads' dynamics using hard-wired combination of components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors..etc, GANs learn actual patterns of individual loads and resemble real-life power consumption of individual loads. Once Trained, CGAN-Patterns stores the trained model which can be used to generate synthetic power values for individual loads.

The second module of this project (CGAN-Habits) captures the consumers' habits to operate individual electrical loads. For instance, a household may run a cloth dryer every Sunday. Once trained, CGAN-Habits can be used to generate synthetic schedules of loads' usage habits. As an alternative to CGAN, Kernel Density Estimator is provided to learn consumers' behaviours.

Patterns (i.e. loads) may be randomly combined with their corresponding habits to simulate a combination of electrical loads i.e. aggregate load profile of a house hold at smart meter level. Clearly, load profiles of house holds may further aggregated in bottom-to-top approach to generate aggregate profiles at a bus level.

'raw_input' is where you upload your training dataset and their corresponding meta-data as per description given below under 'Input Datasets'.

'traning_runs' is mainly used for training. Each training run is saved in separate subfolder. Henceforth, we will refer to that subfolder folder as run_folder. The name of each run_folder carries a time stamp when the run was executed. The subolder also contains a snaphot of the trained model. One of the important files in the run_folder is 'filtered_patterns.csv' which is generated by the matched filter. This file is used for further processing, e.g. feature engineering for habits and training CGAN-Patterns.

'synth_output' holds the synthetic data generated by our pre-trained model. The folder includes three subfolders: 'patterns' which includes the synthetic patterns in a form of CSV file, namely 'synth_patterns_rounded.csv'. The rest of the plots are used for visual checking of generated samples. The second folder is 'habits' which includes synthetic habits. The third folder is 'aggregate' which includes a random aggregation of both patterns and habits. The final output file is named agg_data.csv and will contain simulations (i.e. synthetic time series) per input quarter (e.g. 1,2,3 or 4) for each studied load. The output value is in Watts and the time step is in minutes starting from zero as the beginning of the input quarter. Apparently, once we have per-load synthetic time-series of power values, several loads may be easily combined by mere summation.'synth_output' holds the synthetic data generated by our pre-trained model. The folder includes three subfolders:

  • 'patterns' which includes the synthetic patterns in a form of csv file, namely 'synth_patterns_rounded.csv'. The rest of plots are used for visual checking of generated samples.
  • ''habits' which includes the synthetic habits. The third folder is 'aggregate' which includes a random aggregation of both patterns and habits.
  • 'aggregate' which includes the final simualtions resulting from combining both synthetic patterns and habits. The ouput file is named agg_data.csv and will contain simulations (i.e. synthetic time series) per input quarter (e.g. 1,2,3 or 4) for each studied load. The ouput value is in Watts and the time step is in Minute starting from zero as the begiining of the input quarter. Apparently, once we have per-load synthetic time-series of power values, several loads may be easily combined by summing them up.

Input Datasets

The model allows you to use several datasets for training. For instance, you may be interested to train the model on both NA and European datasets. For that purpose, you need to provide meta-data pertaining to each dataset. You can define your metadata in the file data.xml found in 'raw_input' folder. You also need to upload to 'raw_input' folder your training datasets, i.e. time series of measured power values for loads of interest. The said power file shall be of .csv type with headers showing the short names of selected loads. The csv file and the short names of loads shall be all referred to in the xml file. As indicated earlier, We have uploaded two datasets and defined their corresponding meta-data in data.xml file.

Similar loads shall have same short names in all datasets. For instance, if a short name of Cloth Dryer is CDE in one dataset, it should have the same name in all other available datasets


  1. Add all libraries as per requirements below preferably in new environment.
  2. Clone repo. You should get the following subfolders:
    • code
    • raw_input
    • synth_output
    • training_runs

    If you are missing any of the last three folders, please add it manually.</li>

  3. Go to url below and extract zipped file to raw_input folder above:

    You should be able to see two .csv files that contain power measurements for various appliances. The two datasets differ in the sampling rates. The third .xml file defines the metadata of both raw power measurements datasets. It is recommended you open the data.xml file and make yourself familiar with corresponding datatsets, e.g. appliances includes, sampling rates..etc. The data in the link above is just an example built using datasets from Typically, you should upload your own data and define your data.xml accordingly. Please refer to 'Input Datasets' above for further details. </li>

  4. Open the project in your IDE (e.g. VS Code)and go to CGAN_Patterns-> and adjust your Hyper Parameters if needed. You can do the same thing for Habits by going to CGAN-Habits->
  5. Go to You have five options:
    • train CGAN-Patterns
    • Generate Patterns using pre-trained CGAN-Patterns
    • train CGAN-Habits
    • Generate Habits using pre-trained CGAN-Habits. This will also generate KDE-based Habits.
    • Generate simulations per quarter for each load by aggregating both synthetic patterns and habits.

    Choose one of the options above by simply commenting out the remaining three. Apparently, you will not be able to generate patterns or habits unless you already trained some models.

    Note1:Please make sure to KILL all processes in IDE and clear all variables before you run any of the options above.

    Note2: If you encounter an 'unable to find file 'error, please go to the files named ''' under the folders CGAN_Patterns and CGAN_Habits and manually enter the correct paths.

    Note3: When prompted to enter a folder, please enter folder name without the full path, e.g. P_RESP_2022391341. To keep track of experiments, the folders are time stamped.

    Note4: If you want repetitive runs to result in different synthetic patterns and habits, you need to comment out random seed in train_patterns.

If you encounter difficulties or you would like to contribute in the development of the code, please email Samer Kababji


  1. python==3.6.9
  2. Tensorflow==1.9.0
  3. keras==2.2.4
  4. scipy===1.3.1
  5. matplotlib==3.1.1
  6. scikit-earn==0.21.3
  7. pandas==0.25.0
  8. seaborn==0.9.0

If you have anaconda installed, you may try to run: conda env create -f elecloadssim_v1.yml

Note: Using other versions of Tensor flow do not lead to same results. Hyperparmaters need to be tuned for any other version.