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A goatee is the perfect complement for handlebar mustaches. :-{>~
For those who like acronyms:
Generic Object Action Template Execution Environment
First of all a citation from the originating “google-jstemplate” project:
Template processing is the staple pattern for separation of data and presentation in web applications. But it usually works on one page at a time, which is inadequate for incremental, asynchronous page updates typical of Ajax applications.
This system provides templates that allow for:
- incremental processing: every processing operation produces valid output
- differential processing: output text is again a template.
It also fixes other undesirable properties of standard template processing:
- Wellformed output is guaranteed.
- Escaped by default.
- Templates are intelligible: input template is valid output.
And, of course:
- Pure javascript, HTML, browser side processing.
That's what goatee is all about. So what's the difference between “goatee”, “google-jstemplate” or other similar projects like “knockout.js” then ?
The answer: My goals. I promise that “goatee” will have …
- … html4, html5, xhtml 1.1 and xhtml5 flavours,
- … an extremly modular architecture,
- … an interpreter during development-phase, with quick'n'dirty instant updates,
- … small and fast pre-compiled bytecode for production-releases,
- … no external dependencies and no name collisions in browser environments with popular frameworks as jquery, underscore and so on,
- … all the features of google-jstemplate,
- … implementations for the following frameworks:
- Express.js (Node)
- Slim (PHP)
- Symfony (PHP)
- TYPO3 Flow (PHP)
- Django (Python)
- Rails (Ruby)
- Grails (Groovy)
- Play (Java/Scala)
- … 100% compatiblity for all runtimes in all those different languages, producing exactly the same results, no matter if it runs on the client- side (browser) or on the server-side,
- … content-management-extensions with the same look and feel as well as behaviour, no matter which implementation has been choosen and with versioning for all contents and assets,
- … a very low learning curve, because it's just javascript with css-philosophy combined. Which means you won't have to learn a new syntax or grammar.
Goatee is not yet installable, but some components are …
Goatee is not yet useable, but some components are … see above.
Read the annotated sources.
Install dependencies:
Install project:
$ git clone https://github.com/sjorek/goatee.js
$ cd goatee-js
$ npm install
Run build in *nix-like environments:
$ PATH=$PATH:./node_modules/.bin cake all
Run build in Windows environments (not tested):
$ set path=%PATH%;.\node_modules\.bin
$ setx path "%PATH%"
$ cake all
… Steffen Meschkat for meeting me in 2004 and sharing all his passion and knowledge about his (sadly proprietary) perl-based content-managment-system, which still is my main motivation behind this project.
… Google Inc. and all contributors of google-jstemplate (especially Steffen Meschkat) as a source of motivation and inspiration.
… Jeremy Ashkenas and all contributors of Coffee-Script.