Reducers are pure functions, meaning they are side-effect free and deterministic. Many actions however have side effects like sending messages or displaying a toast notification. NgRx encapsulates these actions in effects.
Let’s build a recommended movies list so the user can add movies to their watchlist.
Create a module for recommendations and add stores and states as in the previous chapter. Add EffectsModule.forRoot([])
to the imports in AppModule
below StoreModule.forRoot()
. Add effects to the feature module:
ng generate effect recommendation/Recommendation -m recommendation/recommendation.module.ts
We need actions for loading the movie list, success and failure cases:
import { createAction, props, union } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Movie } from 'src/app/watchlist/models/movies';
export const loadRecommendedMovies = createAction('[Recommendation List] Load movies');
export const loadRecommendedMoviesSuccess = createAction('[Recommendation API] Load movies success', props<{movies: Movie[]}>());
export const loadRecommendedMoviesFailure = createAction('[Recommendation API] Load movies failure', props<{error: any}>());
const actions = union({
export type ActionsUnion = typeof actions;
In the reducer, we use a loading flag so the UI can show a loading spinner. The store is updated with arriving data.
export interface State {
items: Movie[];
loading: boolean;
export const initialState: State = {
items: [],
loading: false
export function reducer(state = initialState, action: recommendationActions.ActionsUnion): State {
switch (action.type) {
case '[Recommendation List] Load movies':
return {
items: [],
loading: true
case '[Recommendation API] Load movies failure':
return {
loading: false
case '[Recommendation API] Load movies success':
return {
items: action.movies,
loading: false
return state;
export const getAll = (state: State) => state.items;
export const isLoading = (state: State) => state.loading;
We need an API service to talk to the server. For demonstration purposes, we simulate an answer delayed by one second:
providedIn: 'root'
export class RecommendationApiService {
private readonly recommendedMovies: Movie[] = [
id: 2,
title: 'The Hunger Games',
genre: 'sci-fi',
releaseYear: 2012,
runtimeMinutes: 144
id: 4,
title: 'Avengers: Endgame',
genre: 'fantasy',
releaseYear: 2019,
runtimeMinutes: 181
loadRecommendedMovies(): Observable<Movie[]> {
return of(this.recommendedMovies).pipe(delay(1000));
Here are the effects:
export class RecommendationEffects {
private actions$: Actions,
private recommendationApi: RecommendationApiService,
) { }
loadBooks$ = this.actions$.pipe(
switchMap(() => this.recommendationApi.loadRecommendedMovies().pipe(
map(movies => recommendationActions.loadRecommendedMoviesSuccess({ movies })),
catchError(error => of(recommendationActions.loadRecommendedMoviesFailure({ error })))
Effects are always observables and return actions. In this example, we consume the actions observable provided by NgRx and listen only for the loadRecommendedMovies
actions by using the ofType
operator. Using switchMap
, we map to a new observable, one that loads movies and maps the successful result to a new loadRecommendedMoviesSuccess
action or a failure to loadRecommendedMoviesFailure
. In a real application we would show a notification in the error case.
If an effect should not dispatch another action, return an empty observable. |