version: 0.3.1
Takeaway box to get cracking on Chef, Vagrant, Ansible, Test Kitchen and Docker
You will need the following software on your local host:
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant
- Git client
Just clone this repo, and run Vagrant:
git clone
cd chef-takeaway
vagrant up
Login to the chef-takeaway box:
vagrant ssh -- -A
where -A
enables forwarding of the authentication agent connection.
-- Ansible playbook to provision chef-takeaway Vagrant boxpacker
-- Packer templates and stuff to create chef-takeaway box from scratch
Start cooking with Chef:
cd chef
berks cookbook helloworld
WARNING - ~/chef
directory is mounted from host onto guest system in /home/vagrant/chef
. Files and dirs in /home/vagrant/chef
deleted on the guest machine, are deleted on the host machine too!
List of Test Kitchen drivers currently being installed:
$ kitchen driver discover
Gem Name Latest Stable Release
jackal-kitchen-slack 0.1.2
kitchen-all 0.2.0
kitchen-ansible 0.0.10
kitchen-azure 0.1.0
kitchen-binding 0.2.2
kitchen-bluebox 0.6.2
kitchen-cabinet 3.0.0
kitchen-cfengine 0.0.5
kitchen-chef-extended-attributes 0.2.0
kitchen-cloudstack 0.20.0
kitchen-digital_ocean 0.4.0
kitchen-digitalocean 0.8.3
kitchen-docker 1.7.0
kitchen-docker-api 0.4.0
kitchen-docker_cli 0.8.0
kitchen-driver-vagrant_provision 1.0.0
kitchen-ec2 0.8.0
kitchen-environment 0.1.5
kitchen-fifo 0.1.0
kitchen-fog 0.7.3
kitchen-gce 0.2.0
kitchen-goiardi 0.1.1
kitchen-inspector 1.3.0
kitchen-itamae 0.2.3
kitchen-joyent 0.2.2
kitchen-libvirtlxc 0.4.0
kitchen-local 0.0.1
kitchen-lxc 0.1.4
kitchen-opennebula 0.1.1
kitchen-openstack 1.7.1
kitchen-puppet 0.0.24
kitchen-rackspace 0.14.0
kitchen-rightscale 0.1.0
kitchen-salt 0.0.19
kitchen-scribe 0.3.1
kitchen-sharedtests 0.2.0
kitchen-ssh 0.0.7
kitchen-sshgzip 0.0.3
kitchen-sync 1.0.1
kitchen-vagrant 0.15.0
kitchen-vagrant_sandbox 0.1.1
kitchen-vagrant_winrm 0.3.0
kitchen-vsphere 0.2.0
kitchen-zcloudjp 0.5.0
test-kitchen-provisioners 0.1
Supported Cloud Providers:
$ vagrant plugin list
vagrant-aws (0.6.0)
vagrant-azure (1.1.1)
vagrant-digitalocean (0.7.3)
vagrant-google (0.1.4)
vagrant-proxyconf (1.5.0)
vagrant-rackspace (0.1.10)
vagrant-share (1.1.3, system)
Build server image with Packer and Ansible:
cd packer/
packer build debian-8.0.0-amd64-virtualbox.json
# this will take quite a long time
vagrant box add virtualbox/
Download and install your favourite Git client, e.g. msysgit.
Windows users may need to link Vagrant to the Git SSH client, by adding "C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\bin"
to the Path environment variable.
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
- Write your change
- Write tests for your change (if applicable)
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request using Github
- Author:: Simone Soldateschi (
Copyright (C) 2015 Simone Soldateschi
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see