- Callbags are a specification for pullable and pushable streams in JavaScript.
- These examples run in a browser without a build process.
- Includes asynchronous callbags for produce, transform (async map), and consume.
- want to extend "take" to allow for pagination (slice)
- ideas: emit, log, pluck, total/reduce
- idea: viable to pass data paramters (options) upward to a source? url? range? bust-cache?
- illustrate backpressure, throttling, etc
- be able to pass multiple non-fatal errors - e..g not using terminate - but another code (12)
ideas: emit, log, pluck, total/reduce
idea: viable to pass data paramters (options) upward to a source? url? range? bust-cache?
show how to pluck using transform
show how to filter using transform
show how to reduce using transform
switch among backup sources, remote-1, remote-2, local, cached