This library implements sending
statsd metrics
with dogstatsd like tags. Currently it supports sending
and gauge
values as well as timings
is deployed in Maven central as:
requires a bit of work defining
the existing metrics that your application emits. This
is on purpose to make it easier to maintain the emitted
metrics as you will have a central definition of all
your metrics that an application emits. That allows you
to, for example, define sample rates for certain metrics
in one place.
package com.simplaex.metrics;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
public class UsageExample {
public enum AppMetrics implements Metric<AppMetrics> {
SOME_METRIC("com.simplaex.request", Kind.COUNTER, 0.1),
SOME_OTHER_METRIC("com.simplaex.sessions", Kind.GAUGE);
AppMetrics(final String name, final Kind kind) {
this(name, kind, 1.0);
private final String name;
private final Metric.Kind kind;
private final double sampleRate;
public static void main(final String... args) {
final MetricsSender<AppMetrics> metricsSender = new StatsdMetricSender<>();
metricsSender.emit(AppMetrics.SOME_METRIC.withTag("path", "/api/v1").withTag("method", "GET"));
By default statsd metrics will be emitted to localhost:8125
On kubernetes you may want to emit a statsd metrics collector
as a daemon set. In that case expose the UDP port 8125 or your
metrics collector contains as a host port. com.simplaex:metrics
will automatically figure out the ip address of the node your
pod is running on and send metrics there.
That way you do not need to send UDP metrics over the network.
uses this library. To bind the metrics
sender in your module add a provider:
public MetricsSender<MyApplicationMetrics> provideMetrics() {
return new StatsdMetricSender<>();
You can now inject:
private final MetricsSender<MyApplicationMetrics> metricsSender;
package your.sample.project
import com.simplaex.metrics.Metric
import com.simplaex.metrics.Metric.Kind
import scala.beans.BeanProperty
sealed abstract class ApplicationMetrics(
@BeanProperty val name: String,
@BeanProperty val kind: Metric.Kind,
sampleRate: Double = 1.0
) extends Metric[ApplicationMetrics]
object ApplicationMetrics {
object JobStarted extends ApplicationMetrics("fountain.started", Kind.COUNTER)
object JobFinished extends ApplicationMetrics("fountain.finished", Kind.COUNTER)