This application shows an example of how one can use Kendo UI for React in react/redux scenario.
The application is based on the PWA standards, has a manifest.json and a registered Service Worker.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
npm start
# build for production with minification
npm run build
Creating a new project via create-react-app
will create a default manifest.json
file of and a default service worker
. We can further modify these files to cover different scenarios. PWA builder is a great tool that can be used to generate manifest.josn
and a custom service worker
We can suggest checking the official article for the Service Workers which can be helpful to gain more insights on how they can be used:
Service Workers: an Introduction
We can also create a manifest.json file that is used to tell the device running the application how to display it on its home screen. For more details about setting up and configuring the manifest.json file check the following article:
Once the application is up and running, we can check its functionality by inspecting the Application tab of the browser console:
We can then check the "Offline" option in order to check the offline functionality of the app:
We can inspect the cached assets: