dist: xenial # required for Python >= 3.7 language: python services: - rabbitmq - redis-server python: - "3.5" - "3.5-dev" - "3.6" - "3.6-dev" - "3.7" - "3.7-dev" - "3.8" - "3.8-dev" - "nightly" matrix: allow_failures: - python: "3.5" - python: "3.5-dev" - python: "3.6-dev" - python: "3.7-dev" - python: "3.8-dev" - python: "nightly" # command to install dependencies install: - make config - pip install coveralls before_script: - cp .env.example .env - python manage.py silverback update_app_key - python manage.py silverback update_env DB_CONNECTION=sqlite - python manage.py silverback update_env REDIS_HOST=localhost - python manage.py silverback update_env REDIS_PORT=6379 - python manage.py silverback update_env CELERY_BROKER_URL=amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672 - python manage.py silverback update_env CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND=redis://localhost:6379 # command to run tests script: - make ci - cat storage/logs/*.log # Push the results back to coveralls after_success: - coveralls