- Reloads upon change
- Trigger can be customized, but by default it is
- Searched in order of descending priority
- Defaults are attempted to be created if the path is missing
- Character profiles match a more specific profile by an optional regex of their name, account, and the server name.
You can access the main profile and the character's profile with:
/xp editconfig
/xp editpolicy
Spend available experience based on a ratio you define. The higher the number the more experience you'd spend on the skill (e.g., War - 10, Endurance - 1 would level War if it cost less than 10x Endurance).
View loaded policy in game:
/xp policy
View plan to spend experience:
/xp plan
Spend / stop spending experience:
/xp level
/xp spend
This only works up to the 7th spell bar as far as I know.
Save all spells (default path "Spells.json"):
/xp ss [path]
Clear all spells:
/xp cs
Load spells (takes time to add to bar, default path "Spells.json"):
/xp ls [path]
The character profiles can include a file that will be loaded 5 seconds (for now) after logging in using AC's /loadfile [batch file]
There's other stuff out there that accomplishes the same, but this lets you do it based on the name/account/server regex, which gives a different (easier for me) way of grouping characters together.