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File metadata and controls

91 lines (77 loc) · 4.33 KB

Maintainer manual for Sigstore root-signing


Maintainers need push access to the upstream repository (as signing events are started by pushing sign/* branches). Follow the signer setup instructions except in your .tuf-on-ci-sign.ini set push-remote to the upstream repo as well:

user-name = @<YOUR-GITHUB-USER-NAME>
push-remote = upstream
pull-remote = upstream

Metadata maintenance

Metadata can be modified with two ways: Modifying delegations by running tuf-on-ci-delegate or by modifying the artifacts.

  • Comments should always be added in the signing event PR to keep signers aware of changes
  • Multiple changes can be done within a single signing event: These changes can modify different roles and artifacts

Modifying delegations (signers, thresholds, etc)

Signers, thresholds, expiry periods and online keys can be modified with the tuf-on-ci-delegate <signing-event> <role> command.

  • This will create a commit with the changes, pushes this to a branch on the upstream repo
  • GitHub will suggest to "Create a pull request by visiting URL" but this is not required: a signing event PR is automatically opened by the signing-event workflow
  • The signing event argument must start with "sign/" but can be otherwise freely chosen: It will be used as branch name.
  • The signing-event workflow will add a comment naming the signers who need to act: Remember to document your changes in a signing event PR comment.


Remove a root signer and add another Remove @jku and and add @a-new-signer as signer. The resulting signing event will first request @a-new-signer to accept the invite, and then request all signers to sign the change.
$ tuf-on-ci-delegate sign/add-a-signer root
Remote branch not found: branching off from main
Signing event sign/add-a-signer (commit 0b0461f)
Modifying delegation for root

Configuring role root
1. Configure signers: [@jku, @kommendorkapten, @joshuagl, @mnm678], requiring 2 signatures
2. Configure expiry: Role expires in 91 days, re-signing starts 35 days before expiry
Please choose an option or press enter to continue: 1
Please enter list of root signers [@jku, @kommendorkapten, @joshuagl, @mnm678]: @a-new-signer, @kommendorkapten, @joshuagl, mnm678
Please enter root threshold [2]: 
1. Configure signers: [@a-new-signer, @kommendorkapten, @joshuagl, @mnm678], requiring 2 signatures
2. Configure expiry: Role expires in 91 days, re-signing starts 35 days before expiry
Please choose an option or press enter to continue: 
Confirm user presence for key ECDSA-SK SHA256:Ca1J+gvZjwnq4UGRyuRzwdJj9tpYtAiweSLtcRui5nA
User presence confirmed
Enumerating objects: 10, done.
Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 725 bytes | 725.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 6 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
remote: Create a pull request for 'sign/add-a-signer' on GitHub by visiting:
To ssh://
* [new branch]      HEAD -> sign/add-a-signer


Modifying artifacts (e.g. trusted_root.json)

Artifact modifications can be done with plain git:

  • make a commit that modifies a file in targets/, push this change to a signing event branch. Branch name must start with "sign/" but can be otherwise freely chosen
  • GitHub will suggest to "Create a pull request by visiting URL" but this is not required: a signing event PR is automatically opened by the signing-event workflow. This PR will include the required metadata changes
  • The signing-event workflow will add a comment naming the signers who need to act: Remember to document your changes in a signing event PR comment

If the legacy custom metadata needs to be modified, there is another manual step:

  • Once the signing-event workflow has made the targets metadata changes, you can pull the branch, modify the custom metadata manually, and push a new commit into the branch
  • Again, keep the signers informed about the changes with a PR comment