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Puppeteer Integration

Conan edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 6 revisions

viddy 🍊 docs

const { viddyIn, viddyWellIn } = require('viddy/puppeteer')

Puppeteer integration

viddyIn will inject the viddy API into a Puppeteer page. Essentially, it just drops the browser-build of viddy into the page you want and offers some wrappers around page.evaluate() to access the API.

const { viddyIn /*, viddyWellIn */ } = require('viddy/puppeteer')

async(() => {
  let browser = await puppeteer.launch()
  let page = await browser.newPage()
  let viddy = await viddyIn(page)

  await viddy.hasContent('hello')
  // true | false

  await viddy.innerText('hello')
  // "hello, world!"

  const sel = await viddy.for(/click here/i, {
    above: 'title'

  // ^ Unique selector of the first match in the page
  // Since it returns a selector, you can use it with
  // other Puppeteer methods like


  await viddy
    .waitFor(/click here/i, { below: 'title' })
    .then(sel =>

  // ^ waitFor() returns a selector just like
  // selectorOf() but it'll wait up to 5
  // seconds for the page to contain the query
  // if it doesn't exist

  // Change the timeout like this:
  viddy.waitFor.timesOutAfterMs(1000) // 1 second

  // Or specify an ad-hoc timeout in the Query object:
  await viddy.waitFor(/click here/i, {
    below: 'title',
    timeoutInMs: 1000

  let result = await viddy.matchText(/\d+\.\d+/, {
    near: 'again'

  // ^ If matchText pattern is a RegExp, only the text
  // matching it will be returned. If it's a RegExp
  // with capture-groups, the full result-array
  // will be returned. If the pattern is a string,
  // the full innerText will be returned

  // With our powers combined:
  await viddy
    .for(/click here/i, { below: 'title' })
    .then(sel =>
    .then(() => viddy.waitFor(/\d+\.\d+/, { timeoutInMs: 2000 }))
    .then(sel => viddy.innerText({ selector: sel }))

  await browser.close()

The test suite uses it, so you can take a look there if you want to see some working examples.

Unlike the core viddy API, the Puppeteer methods will all return Promises, and with the exception of .hasContent() will reject with an error if they fail.

Use viddyWellIn to access the array-returning versions. These do not reject, but instead resolve their Promises to empty arrays when they fail.

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