- icuVersion of bindbc.icu.bindcommon.d
- package(bindbc.icu) enum string icuVersion = "67"; + package(bindbc.icu) enum string icuVersion = "68";
- Function name of bindbc.icu.bindngs.*
Need to check by taking DIFF in ICU4C headers.
- int ucnv_compareNames_67(const(char)* name1, const(char)* name2); + int ucnv_compareNames_68(const(char)* name1, const(char)* name2);
- Update windows binaries
from https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/releases- bin/windows-x86_64/*
- bin/windows-x86/*
- Update windows static libiraries
from https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/releases- libs/windows-x86_64/*
- libs/windows-x86_mscoff/*
- libs/windows-x86_omf/*
from mscoff, use coffimplib (helper: libs/windows-x86_omf/make_lib_from_mscoff.bat)
- dub.json
- copyFiles-windows-x86
- copyFiles-windows-x86_64
- libs-linux
- Badge
- Sample codes
- git repository (tag)
- Changes of LICENSE (https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/blob/main/icu4c/LICENSE)
- Github Actions
- git clone -b release-67-1 --depth 1 --single-branch https://github.com/unicode-org/icu.git + git clone -b release-68-2 --depth 1 --single-branch https://github.com/unicode-org/icu.git
- master.yml
- pr.yml
- status.yml
- Run unittests
rdmd scripts/runner.d -m=ut rdmd scripts/runner.d -m=it
- When any other changes Update this checklist.