A native popover component for react-native, iOS only.
npm version < 5.0
npm i react-native-popover-ios --save
or npm version >= 5.0
npm i react-native-popover-ios
react-native link react-native-popover-ios
import Popover from 'react-native-popover-ios';
_onPress = (event) => {
render(reactTag) {
return (
preferredContentSize={[200, 200]}
permittedArrowDirections={[0, 2]}>
determines whether your popover is visible.
default: true
determines whether present or dismiss popover use animation.
default: true
determines whether dismiss popover when clicking the out space.
default: true
the back ground color of popover.
default: 'white'
the react tag of The view which containing the anchor rectangle for the popover.
default: -1
tag for the native view containing the anchor rectangle for the popover.
default: -1
tag for the native view getter which containing the anchor rectangle for the popover.
default: -1
the rectangle in the specified view in which to anchor the popover.
default: the frame of the sourceView
usage: [x, y, width, height]
example: [0, 0, 200, 200]
The arrow directions that you prefer for the popover.
- 0: up
- 1: down
- 2: left
- 3: right
default: [0, 1, 2, 3]
The preferred size for the view controller’s view.
usage: [width, height].
a function that will be called once the popover has been shown.
a function that will be called once the popover has been hidden.
dismiss popover
: react tag of The popoveranimated
: whether dismiss use animation, defaulttrue
import Popover from 'react-native-popover-ios';
const reactTag = ReactNative.findNodeHandle(this.refs.popover);
try {
await Popover.dismiss(reactTag, false);
} catch (e) {
console.error('error', e);
npm >= 5.0
install dependences
cd <react-native-popover-ios>/Example
npm i
fix the error: Unable to resolve module react
cd <react-native-popover-ios>
npm i --no-save react@16.0.0-alpha.12
start the local server
cd <react-native-popover-ios>/Example
react-native start
open example project
open open <react-native-popover-ios>/Example/ios/Example.xcodeproj/