diff --git a/lib/Biodiverse/Cluster.pm b/lib/Biodiverse/Cluster.pm
index 002a47c0c..61c3a2593 100644
--- a/lib/Biodiverse/Cluster.pm
+++ b/lib/Biodiverse/Cluster.pm
@@ -2777,7 +2777,9 @@ sub sp_calc {
     #  drop out if we have none to do
-    return if $indices_object->get_valid_calculation_count == 0;  
+    return if $indices_object->get_valid_calculation_count == 0;
+    $indices_object->set_hierarchical_mode(!$args{no_hierarchical_mode});
     delete $args{calculations};  #  saves passing it onwards when we call the calculations
     delete $args{analyses};      #  for backwards compat
@@ -2809,16 +2811,26 @@ sub sp_calc {
             $count / $to_do,
+        #  needs a better name
+        my $current_node_details = {
+            name        => $node->get_name,
+            child_names => [map {$_->get_name} $node->get_children],
+        };
         my %sp_calc_values = $indices_object->run_calculations(
-            element_list1 => [keys %{$node->get_terminal_elements}]
+            element_list1        => [ keys %{$node->get_terminal_elements} ],
+            current_node_details => $current_node_details,
         foreach my $key (keys %sp_calc_values) {
             if (is_arrayref($sp_calc_values{$key}) 
                 || is_hashref($sp_calc_values{$key})) {
-                $node->add_to_lists ($key => $sp_calc_values{$key});
+                $node->add_to_lists (
+                    $key    => $sp_calc_values{$key},
+                    use_ref => 1,
+                );
                 delete $sp_calc_values{$key};
@@ -2830,6 +2842,8 @@ sub sp_calc {
+    $indices_object->set_hierarchical_mode(0);
     return 1;
diff --git a/lib/Biodiverse/Common.pm b/lib/Biodiverse/Common.pm
index cf34d7ba8..feb2d0f38 100644
--- a/lib/Biodiverse/Common.pm
+++ b/lib/Biodiverse/Common.pm
@@ -266,12 +266,18 @@ sub load_yaml_file {
     croak 'Loading from a YAML file is no longer supported';
+#  Orig should never have used a hash.  Oh well.
+sub set_basedata_ref_aa {
+    my ($self, $ref) = @_;
+    $self->set_basedata_ref(BASEDATA_REF => $ref);
 sub set_basedata_ref {
     my $self = shift;
     my %args = @_;
     $self->set_param (BASEDATA_REF => $args{BASEDATA_REF});
-    $self->weaken_basedata_ref;
+    $self->weaken_basedata_ref if defined $args{BASEDATA_REF};
@@ -279,10 +285,7 @@ sub set_basedata_ref {
 sub get_basedata_ref {
     my $self = shift;
-    my $bd = $self->get_param ('BASEDATA_REF')
-           || Biodiverse::MissingBasedataRef->throw (
-              message => 'Parameter BASEDATA_REF not set'
-            );
+    my $bd = $self->get_param ('BASEDATA_REF');
     return $bd;
@@ -2415,18 +2418,19 @@ sub compare_lists_by_item {
     \my %base_ref = $args{base_list_ref};
     \my %comp_ref = $args{comp_list_ref};
     \my %results   = $args{results_list_ref};
+    my ($diff, $increment);
     foreach my $index (keys %base_ref) {
         next COMP_BY_ITEM
-          if !(defined $base_ref{$index} && defined $comp_ref{$index});
+          if !(defined $comp_ref{$index} && defined $base_ref{$index});
         #  compare at 10 decimal place precision
         #  this also allows for serialisation which
         #     rounds the numbers to 15 decimals
-        my $diff = $base_ref{$index} - $comp_ref{$index};
-        my $increment = $diff > DEFAULT_PRECISION_SMALL ? 1 : 0;
+        $diff = $base_ref{$index} - $comp_ref{$index};
+        $increment = $diff > DEFAULT_PRECISION_SMALL ? 1 : 0;
         #  for debug, but leave just in case
         #carp "$element, $op\n$comp\n$base  " . ($comp - $base) if $increment;  
@@ -2438,18 +2442,18 @@ sub compare_lists_by_item {
         #   SUMX  is the sum of compared values
         #   SUMXX is the sum of squared compared values
         #   The latter two are used in z-score calcs
-        $results{"C_$index"} += $increment;
-        $results{"Q_$index"} ++;
-        $results{"P_$index"} =   $results{"C_$index"}
-                               / $results{"Q_$index"};
+        #  obfuscated to squeeze as much speed as we can
+        # $results{"C_$index"} += $increment;
+        # $results{"Q_$index"} ++;
+        $results{"P_$index"} =   ($results{"C_$index"} += $increment)
+                               / (++$results{"Q_$index"});
         # use original vals for sums
-        $results{"SUMX_$index"}  +=  $comp_ref{$index};  
-        $results{"SUMXX_$index"} += ($comp_ref{$index}**2);  
+        $results{"SUMX_$index"}  +=  $comp_ref{$index};
+        $results{"SUMXX_$index"} += ($comp_ref{$index}**2);
         #  track the number of ties
-        if (abs($diff) <= DEFAULT_PRECISION_SMALL) {
-            $results{"T_$index"} ++;
-        }
+        $results{"T_$index"} ++
+          if (abs($diff) <= DEFAULT_PRECISION_SMALL);
@@ -2513,35 +2517,33 @@ sub get_zscore_from_comp_results {
     my %args = @_;
     #  could alias this
-    my $comp_list_ref = $args{comp_list_ref}
+    \my %comp_list_ref = $args{comp_list_ref}
       // croak "comp_list_ref argument not specified\n";
     #  need the observed values
-    my $base_list_ref = $args{base_list_ref}
+    \my %base_list_ref = $args{base_list_ref}
       // croak "base_list_ref argument not specified\n";
     my $results_list_ref = $args{results_list_ref} // {};
-    foreach my $q_key (grep {$_ =~ /^Q_/} keys %$comp_list_ref) {
-        my $index_name = substr $q_key, 2;
+    foreach my $index_name (keys %base_list_ref) {
-        my $n = $comp_list_ref->{$q_key};
+        my $n = $comp_list_ref{'Q_' . $index_name};
         next KEY if !$n;
         my $x_key  = 'SUMX_'  . $index_name;
         my $xx_key = 'SUMXX_' . $index_name;
         #  sum of x vals and x vals squared 
-        my $sumx  = $comp_list_ref->{$x_key};
-        my $sumxx = $comp_list_ref->{$xx_key};
+        my $sumx  = $comp_list_ref{$x_key};
+        my $sumxx = $comp_list_ref{$xx_key};
-        my $z_key = $index_name;
         #  n better be large, as we do not use n-1
-        my $variance = max (0, ($sumxx - ($sumx**2) / $n) / $n);
-        my $obs = $base_list_ref->{$index_name};
-        $results_list_ref->{$z_key}
-          = $variance
-          ? ($obs - ($sumx / $n)) / sqrt ($variance)
+        my $variance = ($sumxx - ($sumx**2) / $n) / $n;
+        $results_list_ref->{$index_name}
+          = $variance > 0
+          ? ($base_list_ref{$index_name} - ($sumx / $n)) / sqrt ($variance)
           : 0;
@@ -2666,15 +2668,19 @@ sub get_sig_rank_from_comp_results {
     my $self = shift;
     my %args = @_;
-    #  could alias this
     \my %comp_list_ref = $args{comp_list_ref}
       // croak "comp_list_ref argument not specified\n";
     \my %results_list_ref = $args{results_list_ref} // {};
-    foreach my $c_key (grep {$_ =~ /^C_/} keys %comp_list_ref) {
-        my $index_name = substr $c_key, 2;
+    #  base_list_ref will usually be shorter so fewer comparisons will be needed
+    my @keys = $args{base_list_ref}
+        ? grep {exists $comp_list_ref{'C_' . $_}} keys %{$args{base_list_ref}}
+        : map {substr $_, 2} grep {$_ =~ /^C_/} keys %comp_list_ref;
+    foreach my $index_name (@keys) {
+        my $c_key = 'C_' . $index_name;
         if (!defined $comp_list_ref{$c_key}) {
             $results_list_ref{$index_name} = undef;
diff --git a/lib/Biodiverse/Indices.pm b/lib/Biodiverse/Indices.pm
index b4650b51e..48cbec882 100644
--- a/lib/Biodiverse/Indices.pm
+++ b/lib/Biodiverse/Indices.pm
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use warnings;
 #use Data::Dumper;
 use Scalar::Util qw /blessed weaken/;
 use List::MoreUtils qw /uniq/;
-use List::Util qw /sum/;
+use List::Util qw /sum any/;
 use English ( -no_match_vars );
 use Ref::Util qw { :all };
 use JSON::MaybeXS;
@@ -794,18 +794,10 @@ sub parse_dependencies_for_calc {
                   $self->_convert_to_array( input => $required_args );
                 foreach my $required_arg ( sort @$reqd_args_a ) {
-                    my $re = qr /^($required_arg)$/
-                      ; #  match is used in the grep?  Was used in now-removed code.
-                    my $is_defined;
-                  CALC_ARG:
-                    foreach
-                      my $calc_arg ( sort grep { $_ =~ $re } keys %$calc_args )
-                    {
-                        if ( defined $calc_args->{$calc_arg} ) {
-                            $is_defined++;
-                            last CALC_ARG;
-                        }
-                    }
+                    my $re = qr /^($required_arg)$/;
+                    my $is_defined
+                        = any { $_ =~ $re && defined $calc_args->{$_}}
+                          sort keys %$calc_args;
                     if ( !$is_defined ) {
@@ -1533,11 +1525,16 @@ sub run_dependencies {
     my $tmp = $self->get_param('AS_RESULTS_FROM_GLOBAL') || {};
     my %as_results_from_global = %$tmp;    #  make a copy
+    state $cache_name_local_results = 'AS_RESULTS_FROM_LOCAL';
     #  Now we run the calculations at this level.
     #  We also keep track of what has been run
     #  to avoid repetition through multiple dependencies.
     my %results;
     my %as_results_from;
+    #  make sure this is new each iteration
+    $self->set_cached_value ($cache_name_local_results => \%as_results_from);
     foreach my $calc (@$calc_list) {
         my $calc_results;
@@ -1574,6 +1571,9 @@ sub run_dependencies {
         $results{$calc} = $calc_results;
+    #  We refresh each call above, but this ensures last one is cleaned up.
+    $self->delete_cached_value($cache_name_local_results);
     if ( $type eq 'pre_calc_global' ) {
         $self->set_param( AS_RESULTS_FROM_GLOBAL => \%as_results_from_global );
@@ -1663,6 +1663,9 @@ sub set_pairwise_mode {
     $self->{pairwise_mode} = $mode;
+    croak "Cannot have both pairwise and hierarchical modes on at the same time"
+        if $mode && $self->get_hierarchical_mode;
     return $mode;
@@ -1671,6 +1674,24 @@ sub get_pairwise_mode {
+sub set_hierarchical_mode {
+    my ( $self, $mode ) = @_;
+    $self->{hierarchical_mode} = $mode;
+    croak "Cannot have both pairwise and hierarchical modes on at the same time"
+        if $mode && $self->get_pairwise_mode;
+    return $mode;
+#  potential hot path so optimise to avoid arg handling
+sub get_hierarchical_mode {
+    $_[0]->{hierarchical_mode};
diff --git a/lib/Biodiverse/Indices/Endemism.pm b/lib/Biodiverse/Indices/Endemism.pm
index 97d5a4f81..03cd22ce4 100644
--- a/lib/Biodiverse/Indices/Endemism.pm
+++ b/lib/Biodiverse/Indices/Endemism.pm
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ use 5.020;
 our $VERSION = '4.99_002';
+use experimental 'refaliasing';
 my $metadata_class = 'Biodiverse::Metadata::Indices';
 sub get_metadata_calc_endemism_central_normalised {
@@ -295,11 +298,24 @@ sub get_metadata_calc_endemism_central_hier_part {
 sub calc_endemism_central_hier_part {
-    my $self = shift;
+    my ($self, %args) = @_;
+    #  If we have no nbrs in set 2 then we are the same as the "whole" variant.
+    #  So just grab its values if it has already been calculated.
+    if (!keys %{$args{label_hash2}}) {
+        my $cache_hash = $self->get_cached_value('AS_RESULTS_FROM_LOCAL');
+        my $cached = $cache_hash->{calc_endemism_whole_hier_part};
+        if ($cached) {
+            my %remapped;
+            @remapped{map {$_ =~ s/ENDW/ENDC/r} keys %$cached}
+                = values %$cached;
+            return wantarray ? %remapped : \%remapped;
+        }
+    }
     return $self->_calc_endemism_hier_part (
-        @_,
-        prefix        => 'ENDC_HPART_',
+        %args,
+        prefix => 'ENDC_HPART_',
@@ -314,11 +330,25 @@ sub get_metadata_calc_endemism_whole_hier_part {
 sub calc_endemism_whole_hier_part {
-    my $self = shift;
+    my ($self, %args) = @_;
+    #  If we have no nbrs in set 2 then we are the same as the "central" variant.
+    #  So just grab its values if it has already been calculated.
+    if (!keys %{$args{label_hash2}}) {
+        my $cache_hash = $self->get_cached_value('AS_RESULTS_FROM_LOCAL');
+        my $cached = $cache_hash->{calc_endemism_central_hier_part};
+        if ($cached) {
+            # say STDERR join ' ', sort keys %$cached;
+            my %remapped;
+            @remapped{map {$_ =~ s/ENDC/ENDW/r} keys %$cached}
+                = values %$cached;
+            return wantarray ? %remapped : \%remapped;
+        }
+    }
     return $self->_calc_endemism_hier_part (
-        @_,
-        prefix        => 'ENDW_HPART_',
+        %args,
+        prefix => 'ENDW_HPART_',
@@ -404,6 +434,7 @@ sub metadata_for_calc_endemism_hier_part {
         formula         => $formula,
         pre_calc        => [
+            'calc_abc2',
         pre_calc_global => 'get_basedata_labels_as_tree',
         uses_nbr_lists  => 1,  #  how many sets of lists it must have
@@ -429,21 +460,24 @@ sub _calc_endemism_hier_part {
     my @hash_ref_array = ();
     my @count_array    = ();
-    my $total_count    = 0;
-    while (my ($label, $wt) = each %$wt_list) {
-        my $contribution = $wt / $we;
-        $total_count ++;
-        my $node_ref = $tree->get_node_ref (node => $label);
-        my $node_name = $label;
-        #  climb the tree and add the contributions
+    my $total_count    = keys %$wt_list;
+    foreach my $label (keys %$wt_list) {
+        my $contribution = $wt_list->{$label} / $we;
+        my $node_ref = $tree->get_node_ref_aa ($label);
+        #  Climb the tree and add the contributions.
+        #  Depth is off by one so the root is $i==-1.
         my $i = $depth;
-        while (! $node_ref->is_root_node) {
+        #  this call caches
+        my $path = $node_ref->get_path_name_array_to_root_node_aa;
+        foreach my $node_name (@$path) {
             $hash_ref_array[$i]{$node_name} += $contribution;
             $count_array[$i]{$node_name} ++;
-            $node_ref  = $node_ref->get_parent;
-            $node_name = $node_ref->get_name;
+            last if $i < 0;
@@ -549,6 +583,15 @@ sub _calc_endemism_central {
     my $self = shift;
     my %args = @_;
+    #  If we have no nbrs in set 2 then we are the same as the "whole" variant.
+    #  So just grab its values if it has already been calculated.
+    if (!keys %{$args{label_hash2}}) {
+        my $cache_hash = $self->get_cached_value('AS_RESULTS_FROM_LOCAL');
+        my $cached = $cache_hash->{_calc_endemism_whole};
+        return wantarray ? %$cached : $cached
+            if $cached;
+    }
     return $self->_calc_endemism(%args, end_central => 1);
@@ -688,8 +731,18 @@ sub get_metadata__calc_endemism_whole {
 #  wrapper sub
 sub _calc_endemism_whole {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return $self->_calc_endemism(@_, end_central => 0);
+    my ($self, %args) = @_;
+    #  If we have no nbrs in set 2 then we are the same as the "central" variant.
+    #  So just grab its values if it has already been calculated.
+    if (!keys %{$args{label_hash2}}) {
+        my $cache_hash = $self->get_cached_value('AS_RESULTS_FROM_LOCAL');
+        my $cached = $cache_hash->{_calc_endemism_central};
+        return wantarray ? %$cached : $cached
+          if $cached;
+    }
+    return $self->_calc_endemism(%args, end_central => 0);
 #  Calculate endemism.  Private method called by others
@@ -701,8 +754,7 @@ sub _calc_endemism {
     my $bd = $self->get_basedata_ref;
     #  if element_list2 is specified and end_central == 1,
-    #  then it will consider those elements in the local range calculations,
-    #  but only use those labels that occur in the element_list1
+    #  then it will use the local ranges across sets 1 and 2
     my $local_ranges = $args{label_hash_all};
     my $label_list   = $args{end_central}
@@ -874,8 +926,9 @@ sub get_metadata__calc_endemism_absolute {
     my %metadata = (
         description     => $desc,
         name            => 'Absolute endemism, internals',
-        uses_nbr_lists  => 1,  #  how many sets of lists it must have
-        pre_calc        => ['calc_abc2'],
+        uses_nbr_lists  => 1, #  how many sets of lists it must have
+        pre_calc        => [ 'calc_abc2' ],
+        pre_calc_global => ['get_label_range_hash']
     );  #  add to if needed
     return $metadata_class->new(\%metadata);
@@ -889,9 +942,11 @@ sub _calc_endemism_absolute {
     my $bd = $self->get_basedata_ref;
-    my $local_ranges = $args{label_hash_all};
-    my $l_hash1 = $args{label_hash1};
-    my $l_hash2 = $args{label_hash2};
+    \my %local_ranges = $args{label_hash_all};
+    \my %l_hash1 = $args{label_hash1};
+    \my %l_hash2 = $args{label_hash2};
+    \my %ranges = $args{label_range_hash};
     #  allows us to use this for any other basedata get_* function
     my $function = 'get_range';
@@ -899,27 +954,28 @@ sub _calc_endemism_absolute {
     my ($end1, $end2, $end_all) = (0, 0, 0);
     my (%eh1, %eh2, %eh_all);
-    while (my ($sub_label, $local_range) = each %{$local_ranges}) {
-        my $range = $bd->$function (element => $sub_label);
+    foreach my $sub_label (keys %local_ranges) {
+        my $local_range = $local_ranges{$sub_label};
+        my $range       = $ranges{$sub_label};
         next if $range > $local_range;  #  cannot be absolutely endemic
         $eh_all{$sub_label} = $local_range;
-        if (exists $l_hash1->{$sub_label} and $range <= $l_hash1->{$sub_label}) {
+        if ($l_hash1{$sub_label} and $range <= $l_hash1{$sub_label}) {
             $eh1{$sub_label} = $local_range;
-        if (exists $l_hash2->{$sub_label} and $range <= $l_hash2->{$sub_label})  {
+        if ($l_hash2{$sub_label} and $range <= $l_hash2{$sub_label})  {
             $eh2{$sub_label} = $local_range;
-    my $end1_p = eval {$end1 / scalar keys %$l_hash1};
-    my $end2_p = eval {$end2 / scalar keys %$l_hash2};
-    my $end_all_p = eval {$end_all / scalar keys %$local_ranges};
+    my $end1_p    = eval {$end1 / scalar keys %l_hash1};
+    my $end2_p    = eval {$end2 / scalar keys %l_hash2};
+    my $end_all_p = eval {$end_all / scalar keys %local_ranges};
     my %results = (
         END_ABS1         => $end1,
diff --git a/lib/Biodiverse/Indices/Phylogenetic.pm b/lib/Biodiverse/Indices/Phylogenetic.pm
index 707bcdb05..ab6e17918 100644
--- a/lib/Biodiverse/Indices/Phylogenetic.pm
+++ b/lib/Biodiverse/Indices/Phylogenetic.pm
@@ -576,14 +576,20 @@ sub get_path_lengths_to_root_node {
     my $cache = !$args{no_cache};
     #$cache = 0;  #  turn it off for debug
     my $el_list = $args{el_list} // [];
+    return $self->_get_path_lengths_to_root_node_hierarchical(%args)
+        if defined $args{current_node_details}
+            && $self->get_hierarchical_mode
+            && scalar @{$args{element_list1} //[]} > 1;
     #  have we cached it?
-    #my $use_path_cache = $cache && $self->get_pairwise_mode();
+    #  caching makes sense only if we have
+    #  only one element (group) containing labels
+    #  or we are in hierarchical mode, but that is handled separately
     my $use_path_cache
         =  $cache
         && $self->get_param('USE_PATH_LENGTH_CACHE_BY_GROUP')
-        && scalar @$el_list == 1;  #  caching makes sense only if we have
-                                   #  only one element (group) containing labels
+        && scalar @$el_list == 1;
     if ($use_path_cache) {
         my $cache_h   = $args{path_length_cache};
@@ -679,6 +685,33 @@ sub get_path_lengths_to_root_node {
     return wantarray ? %$path_hash : $path_hash;
+sub _get_path_lengths_to_root_node_hierarchical {
+    my ($self, %args) = @_;
+    my $node_data = $args{current_node_details}
+        // croak 'Must pass the current node details when in hierarchical mode';
+    my $node_name = $node_data->{name}
+        // croak 'Missing current node name in hierarchical mode';
+    my $child_names = $node_data->{child_names};
+    my $cache_h = $args{path_length_cache};
+    my %path_combined;
+    foreach my $child (@$child_names) {
+        my $path = $cache_h->{$child};
+        if (!$path) {
+            #  need to calculate it
+            delete local $args{current_node_details};
+            $path = $self->get_path_lengths_to_root_node(%args);
+        }
+        @path_combined{keys %$path} = values %$path;
+    }
+    $cache_h->{$node_name} = \%path_combined;
+    return wantarray ? %path_combined : \%path_combined;
 sub get_metadata_calc_pe {
@@ -1627,6 +1660,15 @@ sub calc_labels_not_on_tree {
     my $not_on_tree = $args{labels_not_on_tree};
+    if (!keys %$not_on_tree) {
+        my $res = {
+            PHYLO_LABELS_NOT_ON_TREE   => {},
+            PHYLO_LABELS_NOT_ON_TREE_N => 0,
+            PHYLO_LABELS_NOT_ON_TREE_P => 0,
+        };
+        return wantarray ? %$res : $res;
+    }
     my %labels1 = %{$args{label_hash_all}};
     my $richness = scalar keys %labels1;
     delete @labels1{keys %$not_on_tree};
diff --git a/lib/Biodiverse/Indices/Phylogenetic/RefAlias.pm b/lib/Biodiverse/Indices/Phylogenetic/RefAlias.pm
index 1ed764e44..c4f42c8a3 100644
--- a/lib/Biodiverse/Indices/Phylogenetic/RefAlias.pm
+++ b/lib/Biodiverse/Indices/Phylogenetic/RefAlias.pm
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 package Biodiverse::Indices::Phylogenetic::RefAlias;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
+use 5.022;
+use Carp qw/croak/;
 our $VERSION = '4.99_002';
@@ -11,11 +14,17 @@ use List::Util qw /sum/;
 sub _calc_pe {
     my $self = shift;
-    my %args = @_;    
+    my %args = @_;
+    my $element_list_all = $args{element_list_all};
+    return $self->_calc_pe_hierarchical(%args)
+      if defined $args{current_node_details}
+          && $self->get_hierarchical_mode
+          && @$element_list_all > 1;
     my $tree_ref         = $args{trimmed_tree};
     my $results_cache    = $args{PE_RESULTS_CACHE};
-    my $element_list_all = $args{element_list_all};
     \my %node_ranges     = $args{node_range};
     \my %rw_node_lengths = $args{inverse_range_weighted_node_lengths};
@@ -148,6 +157,102 @@ sub _calc_pe {
     return wantarray ? %results : \%results;
+#  _calc_pe but taking advantage of hierarchical structures
+#  requires it be called bottom up
+sub _calc_pe_hierarchical {
+    my ($self, %args) = @_;
+    my $element_list_all = $args{element_list_all};
+    my $node_data = $args{current_node_details}
+        // croak 'Must pass the current node details when in hierarchical mode';
+    my $node_name = $node_data->{name}
+        // croak 'Missing current node name in hierarchical mode';
+    my $child_names = $node_data->{child_names};
+    my $tree_ref         = $args{trimmed_tree};
+    my $results_cache    = $args{PE_RESULTS_CACHE};
+    \my %node_ranges     = $args{node_range};
+    #  default these to undef - more meaningful than zero
+    my ($PE_WE, $PE_WE_P);
+    my (%wts, %local_ranges, %results);
+    foreach my $group (@$child_names) {
+        my $results_this_gp;
+        #  use the cached results for a group if present
+        if (exists $results_cache->{$group}) {
+            $results_this_gp = $results_cache->{$group};
+        }
+        else {
+            #  do it the hard way
+            delete local $args{current_node_details};
+            $results_this_gp
+                = $results_cache->{$group}
+                = $self->_calc_pe (%args);
+        }
+        if (defined $results_this_gp->{PE_WE}) {
+            $PE_WE += $results_this_gp->{PE_WE};
+        }
+        #  Avoid some redundant slicing and dicing when we have only one group
+        #  Pays off when processing large data sets
+        if (scalar @$element_list_all == 1) {
+            #  no need to collate anything so make a shallow copy
+            @results{keys %$results_this_gp} = values %$results_this_gp;
+            #  but we do need to add to the local range hash
+            my $hashref = $results_this_gp->{PE_WTLIST};
+            @local_ranges{keys %$hashref} = (1) x scalar keys %$hashref;
+        }
+        else {
+            # refalias might be a nano-optimisation here...
+            \my %wt_hash = $results_this_gp->{PE_WTLIST};
+            # weights need to be summed,
+            # unless we are starting from a blank slate
+            if (keys %wts) {
+                foreach my $node (keys %wt_hash) {
+                    $wts{$node} += $wt_hash{$node};
+                    $local_ranges{$node}++;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                %wts = %wt_hash;
+                @local_ranges{keys %wt_hash} = (1) x scalar keys %wt_hash;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    {
+        no warnings 'uninitialized';
+        my $total_tree_length = $tree_ref->get_total_tree_length;
+        #Phylogenetic endemism = sum for all nodes of:
+        # (branch length/total tree length) / node range
+        $PE_WE_P = eval {$PE_WE / $total_tree_length};
+    }
+    #  need the collated versions for multiple elements
+    if (scalar @$element_list_all > 1) {
+        $results{PE_WE}     = $PE_WE;
+        $results{PE_WTLIST} = \%wts;
+        my %nranges = %node_ranges{keys %wts};
+        $results{PE_RANGELIST} = \%nranges;
+    }
+    else {
+        my %nranges = %node_ranges{keys %{$results{PE_WTLIST}}};
+        $results{PE_RANGELIST} = \%nranges;
+    }
+    #  need to set these
+    $results{PE_WE_P} = $PE_WE_P;
+    $results{PE_LOCAL_RANGELIST} = \%local_ranges;
+    $results_cache->{$node_name} = {%results{qw/PE_WE PE_WTLIST/}};
+    return wantarray ? %results : \%results;
diff --git a/lib/Biodiverse/Randomise.pm b/lib/Biodiverse/Randomise.pm
index 22a12387e..0439ec988 100644
--- a/lib/Biodiverse/Randomise.pm
+++ b/lib/Biodiverse/Randomise.pm
@@ -973,12 +973,15 @@ sub compare_cluster_calcs_per_node {
     #  Cloning via newick format clears all the params,
     #  so avoids lingering basedata refs and the like
     require Biodiverse::ReadNexus;
     my $read_nexus = Biodiverse::ReadNexus->new;
     $read_nexus->import_newick (data => $orig_analysis->to_newick);
     my @tree_array = $read_nexus->get_tree_array;
     my $clone = $tree_array[0];
     bless $clone, blessed ($orig_analysis);
+    #  This is more direct but actually takes longer under profiling.
+    #  Also does not clean out the previous lists.
+    # my $clone = $orig_analysis->clone_without_caches;
     $clone->rename (new_name => $orig_analysis->get_param ('NAME') . ' rand sp_calc' . $args{rand_iter});
     my %clone_analysis_args = %$analysis_args;
diff --git a/lib/Biodiverse/Spatial.pm b/lib/Biodiverse/Spatial.pm
index f9fb567ed..f84d8fe79 100644
--- a/lib/Biodiverse/Spatial.pm
+++ b/lib/Biodiverse/Spatial.pm
@@ -511,7 +511,16 @@ sub convert_comparisons_to_significances {
                 list    => $result_list_name,
+            #  this will result in fewer greps inside the sig rank sub
+            my $base_ref_name = $list_name =~ s/.+>>//r;
+            my $base_list_ref = $self->get_list_ref(
+                element    => $element,
+                list       => $base_ref_name,
+                autovivify => 0,
+            );
             $self->get_sig_rank_from_comp_results (
+                base_list_ref    => $base_list_ref,
                 comp_list_ref    => $comp_ref,
                 results_list_ref => $result_list_ref,  #  do it in-place
diff --git a/lib/Biodiverse/Tree.pm b/lib/Biodiverse/Tree.pm
index 396013404..3d20b53ba 100644
--- a/lib/Biodiverse/Tree.pm
+++ b/lib/Biodiverse/Tree.pm
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package Biodiverse::Tree;
 #  Package to build and store trees.
 #  includes clustering methods
-use 5.010;
+use 5.020;
 use Carp;
 use strict;
@@ -2251,7 +2251,12 @@ sub convert_comparisons_to_significances {
+            #  this will result in fewer greps inside the sig rank sub
+            my $base_ref_name = $list_name =~ s/.+>>//r;
+            my $base_list_ref = $base_node->get_list_ref_aa( $base_ref_name );
+                base_list_ref    => $base_list_ref,
                 comp_list_ref    => $comp_ref,
                 results_list_ref => $result_list_ref,    #  do it in-place
@@ -2268,7 +2273,7 @@ sub convert_comparisons_to_zscores {
       if !defined $result_list_pfx;
     my $progress      = Biodiverse::Progress->new();
-    my $progress_text = "Calculating significances";
+    my $progress_text = "Calculating z-scores";
     $progress->update( $progress_text, 0 );
     # find all the relevant lists for this target name
@@ -3115,19 +3120,29 @@ sub clone_without_caches {
     #  maybe should generate a new version but blessing and parenting might take longer
     my %saved_node_caches;
+    my %params = $self->get_params_hash;
     my $new_tree = do {
         #  we have to delete the new tree's caches so avoid cloning them in the first place
         delete local $self->{_cache};
+        delete local $self->{PARAMS} or say STDERR 'woap?';
         #  seem not to be able to use delete local on compound structure
         #  or maybe it is the foreach loop even though postfix
         $saved_node_caches{$_} = delete $self->{TREE_BY_NAME}{$_}{_cache}
           foreach keys %{$self->{TREE_BY_NAME}};
-    #  reinstate the caches
+    #  reinstate the caches and other settings on the original tree
+    #  could be done as a defer block with a more recent perl
     $self->{TREE_BY_NAME}{$_}{_cache} = $saved_node_caches{$_}
       foreach keys %{$self->{TREE_BY_NAME}};
+    #  assign the basic params
+    foreach my $param (qw /OUTSUFFIX OUTSUFFIX_YAML/) {
+        $new_tree->set_param($param => $params{$param});
+    }
     #  reset all the total length values
diff --git a/lib/Biodiverse/TreeNode.pm b/lib/Biodiverse/TreeNode.pm
index ef78c7455..db297d372 100644
--- a/lib/Biodiverse/TreeNode.pm
+++ b/lib/Biodiverse/TreeNode.pm
@@ -1559,15 +1559,12 @@ sub get_shared_ancestor {
 #  get the list of hashes in the nodes
 sub get_hash_lists {
     my $self = shift;
-    my %args = @_;
-    my @list;
-    foreach my $tmp (keys %{$self}) {
-        next if $tmp =~ /^_/;  #  skip the internals
-        push @list, $tmp if is_hashref($self->{$tmp});
-    }
-    return @list if wantarray;
-    return \@list;
+    my @list
+      = grep {$_ !~ /^_/ and is_hashref $self->{$_}}
+        keys %$self;
+    return wantarray ? @list : \@list;
 sub get_hash_lists_below {
@@ -1577,9 +1574,11 @@ sub get_hash_lists_below {
     my %hash_list;
     @hash_list{@list} = undef;
-    foreach my $child ($self->get_children) {
-        my $list_below = $child->get_hash_lists_below;
+    my @children = $self->get_children;
+    while (my $child = shift @children) {
+        my $list_below = $child->get_hash_lists;
         @hash_list{@$list_below} = undef;
+        push @children, $child->get_children;
     return wantarray
@@ -2446,14 +2445,22 @@ sub add_to_lists {
             $self->{$list} = $values;
         elsif (is_hashref($values)) {
-            $self->{$list} = {} if ! exists $self->{$list};
-            next if ! scalar keys %$values;
-            @{$self->{$list}}{keys %$values} = values %$values;  #  add using a slice
-        }
+            if (!$self->{$list}) {
+                $self->{$list} = {%$values};
+            }
+            else {
+                next if !scalar keys %$values;
+                @{$self->{$list}}{keys %$values} = values %$values;
+            }
+       }
         elsif (is_arrayref($values)) {
-            $self->{$list} = [] if ! exists $self->{$list};
-            next if ! scalar @$values;
-            push @{$self->{$list}}, @$values;
+            if (!$self->{$list}) {
+                $self->{$list} = [@$values];
+            }
+            else {
+                next if !scalar @$values;
+                push @{$self->{$list}}, @$values;
+            }
         else {
             croak "add_to_lists warning, no valid list ref passed\n";
diff --git a/t/26-Cluster2.t b/t/26-Cluster2.t
index 22b52830e..0100c5278 100644
--- a/t/26-Cluster2.t
+++ b/t/26-Cluster2.t
@@ -216,6 +216,57 @@ sub test_rw_turnover_mx {
+sub test_cluster_node_calcs {
+    my %args = @_;
+    my $bd = $args{basedata_ref} || get_basedata_object_from_site_data(CELL_SIZES => [300000, 300000]);
+    my $prng_seed = $args{prng_seed} || $default_prng_seed;
+    my $tree_ref  = $args{tree_ref} || get_tree_object_from_sample_data();
+    my $calcs = [qw/calc_pe calc_pd/];
+    my $cl1 = $bd->add_cluster_output (name => 'cl1');
+    $cl1->run_analysis (
+        prng_seed => $prng_seed,
+    );
+    $cl1->run_spatial_calculations (
+        tree_ref             => $tree_ref,
+        spatial_calculations => $calcs,
+        no_hierarchical_mode => 1,
+    );
+    my $cl2 = $bd->add_cluster_output (name => 'cl2');
+    $cl2->run_analysis (
+        prng_seed => $prng_seed,
+    );
+    $cl2->run_spatial_calculations (
+        tree_ref             => $tree_ref,
+        spatial_calculations => $calcs,
+        no_hierarchical_mode => 0,
+    );
+    my $node_hash1 = $cl1->get_node_hash;
+    my $node_hash2 = $cl2->get_node_hash;
+    is [sort keys %$node_hash1], [sort keys %$node_hash2], 'paranoia check: same node names';
+    my (%aggregate1, %aggregate2);
+    foreach my $node_name (sort keys %$node_hash1) {
+        my $node1 = $node_hash1->{$node_name};
+        my $node2 = $node_hash2->{$node_name};
+        foreach my $list_name (sort grep {$_ !~ /NODE_VALUES/}$node1->get_hash_lists) {
+            my $ref1 = $node1->get_list_ref_aa($list_name);
+            my $ref2 = $node2->get_list_ref_aa($list_name);
+            my $snapped1 = {map {$_ => sprintf "%.10f", $ref1->{$_}} keys %$ref1};
+            my $snapped2 = {map {$_ => sprintf "%.10f", $ref2->{$_}} keys %$ref2};
+            $aggregate1{$node_name}{$list_name} = $snapped1;
+            $aggregate2{$node_name}{$list_name} = $snapped2;
+        }
+    }
+    is \%aggregate2, \%aggregate1, 'same per-node index results with and without hierarchical mode';