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270 lines (203 loc) · 15.4 KB

File metadata and controls

270 lines (203 loc) · 15.4 KB


  • Remove TypeScript definitions since they were causing issues (thanks @radko93)
    • If you're using Typescript you should install the type definitions this way: npm install --save @types/react-native-snap-carousel


  • Seems like it's time to remove the getItemLayout & initialScrollIndex override to properly display the first item when its index is a huge number (thanks @rontalx)
  • Fix snapToItem not working when enableMomentum is set to true on Android (thanks @daaashleywch)
  • Add basic TypeScript support (thanks @facuacostag)
  • Stack layout's peaking items will remain opaque if inactiveSlideOpacity is set to 1


  • Fix autoplay stop after user interaction (thanks @HelloCore)
  • Allow using a custom animated image component with ParallaxImage (thanks @DanielMarkiel)


  • Migrate from deprecated componentWillReceiveProps to componentDidUpdate (thanks @kiarashws)
  • Use console.error instead of console.warn for critical warnings (thanks @bardiarastin)
  • Update parallax doc (thanks @bardiarastin)


  • Set removeClippedSubviews to false by default for 'tinder' and 'stack' layouts, or when useScrollView is set to true. This aims at preventing a bunch of rendering issues.
  • Make sure that autoplay is properly restarted after a touchStart event
  • Allow serialized animated event as onScroll. See #439 for more info (thanks @Jberivera)
  • Allow using a custom scroll component. See #498 for more info (thanks @martinezguillaume)
  • Prevent loop animation from being played when reaching the end of the dataset. See #443 for more info (thanks @suhanmoon)
  • Fire the onTouchStart prop. See #464 for more info (thanks @sangle7)
  • Add accessibilityLabel to Pagination. See #438 for more info (thanks @thymikee)
  • Allow contentContainerCustomStyle to override default paddings. See #482 for more info (thanks @yamov)


  • Fix issue with scrollEnabled introduced in version 3.7.3... again! (thanks @ifsnow)


  • Fix issue with scrollEnabled introduced in version 3.7.3 (thanks @JakeRawr)


  • Fix faulty animated value and make sure to always check for data before checking for data.length
  • Fix scrollEnabled override when it was initially set to false (thanks @JakeRawr)



  • Fix a potential crash in release mode (thanks @hanpanpan200)
  • Do not round scroll offset's number in order to prevent potential issues with scroll repositioning


New features and enhancements

  • Add a new callback method: onBeforeSnapToItem()
  • Add prop lockScrollTimeoutDuration
  • Add the ability to enable/disable callback's execution when snaping programmatically
  • Add the ability to change scrollEnabled to true from initially false (thanks @tomauty)


  • Fix random errors when accessing wrapped component's reference
  • Fix errors triggered when calling setState() while the component has already been unmounted


  • Support keyExtractor on ScrollView (thanks @hadimhd)


  • Add a layout prop to let users choose between 3 different carousel layouts (see the documentation) react-native-snap-carousel default layout react-native-snap-carousel stack layout react-native-snap-carousel tinder layout
  • Add the ability to define dynamic styles based on scroll position with props scrollInterpolator and slideInterpolatedStyle. This allows implementing custom animations and layouts (see the dedicated documentation).
  • Rename props customAnimationType and customAnimationOptions to activeAnimationType and activeAnimationOptions



  • Fix snapToItem call that results in snapping to the wrong item when loop is enabled
  • Fix issue that, in some use cases, prevents every items but the initial ones to be rendered
  • On Android, prevent loop and callback issues because scroll offset's value doesn't return an integer
  • Add prop inactiveSlideShift (see #204)
  • Expose FlatList's prop inverted (use at your own risk since it will mess with the current handling of RTL layouts)
  • Set removeClippedSubviews to true by default


  • Fix issue with possible faulty index when loopClonesPerSide is greater than data length
  • Guard against setNativeProps() being undefined
  • On Android, make sure that the first item has the proper active style after init
  • On iOS, remove the feature "snap as soon as the previous/next item becomes active when lockScrollWhileSnapping is enabled" since it messes with direct calls to snapToItem()


  • Prevent issue on iOS when enableSnap is set to false while lockScrollWhileSnapping is set to true


  • Fix issue with lockScrollWhileSnapping when no callback was provided
  • Pagination component: add props activeOpacity and dotContainerStyle


  • Fix issue when initializing the carousel with empty data
  • Make tappable PaginationDot snaps to the right item when loop is enabled


  • Bring in the most wanted 'infinite loop' feature 🎉 (see the 'Loop' section for more info about the new props loop and loopClonesPerSide)
  • Improve Android behavior when momentum is disabled
  • Guard against potential errors when component is unmounted
  • Add prop lockScrollWhileSnapping to improve behavior when momentum is disabled


  • Fix issue with callback not fired when doing a long swipe


  • Fix RTL issues
  • Fix issue with active item when enableMomentum was set to true
  • Fix issue with overlapping items (thanks @henninghall)
  • ParallaxImage component: allow overriding default styles
  • Pagination component: adapt to RTL layouts


  • Fix issue with active item when no callback has been specified (introduced in version 3.2.0)


  • Refactor callback handling. Make sure to use the new prop callbackOffsetMargin if you experience missed callbacks.
  • Make item's scale and opacity animations follow scroll value (thanks @hammadj)
  • Pagination component: make dots tappable with new props tappableDots and carouselRef (see the example)
  • Fix issue when carousel has been unmounted but parent container requires to re-render
  • Fix state and scroll issues when the currently active item is being dynamically removed
  • Improve snap feeling when momentum is disabled (default)
  • Add prop callbackOffsetMargin
  • Remove props animationFunc, animationOptions, scrollEndDragDebounceValue, snapOnAndroid, and useNativeOnScroll


  • Pagination component: add new props for advanced customization



  • Do not use this version as some temporary code was pushed to npm by mistake. Make sure to use version 3.1.0 instead.

Breaking changes

  • Plugin is now built on top of FlatList, which allows for huge performance optimizations. From now on, items must be rendered using props data and renderItem.


  • Add ParallaxImage component (see the specific documentation here)
  • Add prop activeSlideAlignment
  • Fix issue with autoplay when setting scrollEnabled to false
  • Prevent going back to the first item when overscrolling the last one
  • Prevent callback from being called at the wrong time in some specific scenarios


  • Add Pagination component (see the specific documentation here)
  • Allow firstItem to be changed dynamically
  • Allow 0 value for carouselHorizontalPadding and carouselVerticalPadding (thanks @bonbonez)
  • Keep the easing of slide's opacity animation linear
  • Use native driver for slide's animation (can be overridden via animationOptions)


  • Fix issue when snap is disabled


  • Refactor callback handling to provide a more reliable solution when momentum is disabled
  • Fix issue with parallel animations (thanks @jnbt)
  • Prevent calls to undefined interpolators when working with dynamic slides (thanks @cskaynar)
  • Improve vertical mode
  • Add prop scrollEndDragDebounceValue
  • Expose current scroll position with this.currentScrollPosition
  • Remove props scrollEndDragThrottleValue and snapCallbackDebounceValue (use scrollEndDragDebounceValue instead)


  • Fix issue that prevented inactive styles of first and last items to be applied when using snapToPrev and snapToNext methods


  • Do not mark sliderWidth and sliderHeight as required
  • Add warnings when properties specific to carousel's orientation haven't been set


  • Implement vertical mode (prop vertical)
  • Make sure that current active item is properly updated when snapping
  • Prevent issues when 'sliderWidth' is smaller than viewport's width
  • Recalculate card positions on layout to handle rotation (thanks @andrewpope); make sure to read this note
  • Refresh card positions if slider and/or item's dimensions are updated (thanks @hoangnm)
  • Add props scrollEndDragThrottleValue and snapCallbackDebounceValue
  • Expose View's onLayout prop
  • Deprecate prop onScrollViewScroll


  • Add prop onScrollViewScroll


  • Default value for showsHorizontalScrollIndicator is now false
  • Expose ScrollView's onSscroll prop (thanks @radko93)


  • Do not trigger onSnapToItem when snapping back to the same slide (thanks @rgabs)
  • Add prop carouselHorizontalPadding to override container's inner padding (thanks @skeie)


  • Ensure compatibility with RN 0.43 (previous version of plugin's dependency react-addons-shallow-compare was breaking with React 16)
  • Fix issue with padding on iOS that could cause the carousel to snap back when its last item was clicked


  • Add RTL support
  • Keep current active item when adding slides dynamically
  • Prevent invalid firstItem number
  • Add prop activeSlideOffset


  • Prevent error when carousel has only one child (thanks @kevinvandijk)
  • Fix issue when appending dynamic slides (the first one was ignored)
  • Fix edge case that prevented the first slide from being focused when swiping back with momentum enabled
  • Bump example's RN version to 0.42.3


  • Make sure that scroll indicator is hidden by default


  • Fix un-handled exception with interpolators (thanks @chitezh)


  • Items are now direct children of the <Carousel /> component, which makes it easier to use (thanks @Jonarod)
  • Props items and renderItem have been removed


  • Due to some touch events being buggy, rework methods so the children will receive touch events on Android


  • Add prop enableMomentum
  • Fix an infinite-loop on iOS with momentum enabled
  • Fix the snapping effect when releasing touch without interia on iOS with momentum enabled
  • Fix autoplay on Android, it should start and stop properly and stop being triggered while swiping
  • Use instead of PropTypes.number in styles validation (thanks @pesakitan22)


  • Items length can now be changed on-the-fly (thanks @superical)
  • Now handling momentum (thanks @FakeYou)


  • Better update strategy with shallowCompare
  • Add snapToNext(), snapToPrev(), currentIndex methods and properties


  • Properly center on first item when mounting component on Android (potentially iOS too)


  • Pass the item data as the 2nd param of onSnapToItem callback


  • Fix reference call when the component has been unmounted


  • Add prop onSnapToItem


  • Center slides properly
  • Handle one slide only
  • Add props inactiveSlideScale, inactiveSlideOpacity, containerCustomStyle and contentContainerCustomStyle