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61 lines (45 loc) · 2.33 KB

File metadata and controls

61 lines (45 loc) · 2.33 KB

lsp-mode exposes a simple API for connecting and communicating with other language clients. It also allows the user to add custom handlers for non-standard notifications from the server.


lsp-define-stdio-client name language-id get-root command &rest args

Define a LSP client that uses stdio to communicate with the language server.

name is the symbol to use for the name of the client.

language-id is the language id to be used when communication with the Language Server.

command is the command to run. It may either be a string containing the path of the command, or a list wherein the car is a string containing the path of the command, and the cdr are arguments to that command.

Optional arguments:

:ignore-regexps is a list of regexps which when matched will be ignored by the output parser.

:command-fn is a function that returns the command string/list to be used to launch the language server. If non-nil, command is ignored.

:initialize is a function called when the client is intiailized. It takes a single argument, the newly created client.

lsp-client-on-notification mode method callback

Add a method handler when Emacs get a notification from the language server for major-mode MODE.

mode should be a symbol of the major-mode name for the programming language.

method should be a string with the method name.

callback should be a lisp function taking a single argument, the parameters passed with the notification as a hash table.

lsp-make-traverser name

Return a closure that walks up the current directory until NAME is found.

NAME can either be a string or a predicate used for locate-dominating-file. The value returned by the function will be the directory name for NAME.

If no such directory could be found, log a warning and return default-directory instead. Example for `lsp-python`:

(lsp-define-stdio-client lsp-python "python"
			 (lsp-make-traverser #'(lambda (dir)



A list of functions to be called after a Language Server has been initialized for a new workspace.


A list of functions to be called after the Language Server publishes diagnostics for a file.