git --help
git clone
cd pc-2021-6300
git checkout -b steven-rodgers-hw1
In your branch you should create directory (locally in your laptop) for storing your own source code files. You also can do this using your File Manager
mkdir steven-rodgers-hw1
Ask git to show you shanges what you did in git repository directory. it can help you to understand what is happening in git "mind"
git status
After you placed your own source code in your own directory (you also can do this using File Manager in your OS), you should ask git to index your changes
git add steven-rodgers-hw1/
git status
git commit -m "steven-rodgers-hw1"
After that all is ready to send your changes in remote repository. You can do this using next command
git push --set-upstream origin steven-rodgers-hw1
After that you can go to and to create new pull request using green button on site
git checkout main
git checkout -b <new_branch_name>
Sometimes git says that it doesn't know you yet, you can say who you are using login commands:
git config --global "your_username"
git config --global ""
Sometimes git will reject your push command. It usually happens when changes were done in remote repository by somebody. It is absolutely normal case. Before creating, for example, your folder for HW-2 you should do git pull command for getting remote changes into your local repository.
git pull
After push command in your loсal repository files and folders of your classmates will appear. Please, dont remove and do not any changes in your classmates files and folders.