The following summary is based upon Joseph Paul Cohen's github repo to build a public open dataset that contains open dataset of chest X-ray and CT images of patients which are positive or suspected of COVID-19 or other viral and bacterial pneunomias (MERS, SARS and ARDS).
Update Frequency: No set frequency (it is an open dataset where people contribute)
Dataset stats: Images related to 373 patients. Contains a metadata file with patient details.
Codebook: Column level details for the metadata file.
# | Column | Non-Null Count | Dtype |
0 | patientid | 372 non-null | int64 |
1 | offset | 276 non-null | float64 |
2 | sex | 329 non-null | object |
3 | age | 318 non-null | float64 |
4 | finding | 372 non-null | object |
5 | survival | 116 non-null | object |
6 | intubated | 72 non-null | object |
7 | intubation_present | 77 non-null | object |
8 | went_icu | 35 non-null | object |
9 | in_icu | 7 non-null | object |
10 | needed_supplemental_O2 | 12 non-null | object |
11 | extubated | 23 non-null | object |
12 | temperature | 35 non-null | float64 |
13 | pO2_saturation | 44 non-null | float64 |
14 | leukocyte_count | 11 non-null | float64 |
15 | neutrophil_count | 2 non-null | float64 |
16 | lymphocyte_count | 10 non-null | float64 |
17 | view | 372 non-null | object |
18 | modality | 372 non-null | object |
19 | date | 291 non-null | object |
20 | location | 254 non-null | object |
21 | folder | 372 non-null | object |
22 | filename | 372 non-null | object |
23 | doi | 104 non-null | object |
24 | url | 372 non-null | object |
25 | license | 206 non-null | object |
26 | clinical_notes | 362 non-null | object |
27 | other_notes | 234 non-null | object |
28 | Unnamed: 28 | 4 non-null | object |
Metadata column description :
Following is a list of each metadata field with explanations:
Column Name | Description |
patientid | Internal identifier |
offset | Number of days since the start of symptoms or hospitalization for each image. If a report indicates "after a few days", then 5 days is assumed. This is very important to have when there are multiple images for the same patient to track progression. |
sex | Male (M), Female (F), or blank |
age | Age of the patient in years |
finding | Type of pneumonia |
survival | Yes (Y) or no (N) or blank if unknown |
intubated | Yes (Y) if the patient was intubated (or ventilated) at any point during this illness or No (N) or blank if unknown. |
went_icu | Yes (Y) if the patient was in the ICU (intensive care unit) or CCU (critical care unit) at any point during this illness or No (N) or blank if unknown. |
needed_supplemental_O2 | Yes (Y) if the patient required supplemental oxygen at any point during this illness or No (N) or blank if unknown |
extubated | Yes (Y) if the patient was successfully extubated or No (N) or blank if unknown |
temperature | Temperature of the patient in Celsius at the time of the image |
pO2 saturation | partial pressure of oxygen saturation in % at the time of the image |
wbc count | white blood cell count in units of 10^3/uL at the time of the image |
neutrophil count | neutrophil cell count in units of 10^3/uL at the time of the image |
lymphocyte count | lymphocyte cell count in units of 10^3/uL at the time of the image |
view | Posteroanterior (PA), Anteroposterior (AP), AP Supine (APS), or Lateral (L) for X-rays; Axial or Coronal for CT scans |
modality | CT, X-ray, or something else |
date | Date on which the image was acquired |
location | Hospital name, city, state, country |
filename | Name with extension |
doi | Digital object identifier (DOI) of the research article |
url | URL of the paper or website where the image came from |
license | License of the image such as CC BY-NC-SA. Blank if unknown |
clinical notes | Clinical notes about the image and/or the patient |
other notes | e.g. credit |
Please feel free to add any projects you find that build using on the github repo .
Contact : Joseph Paul Cohen. Postdoctoral Fellow, Mila, University of Montreal
Joseph Paul Cohen. Postdoctoral Fellow, Mila, University of Montreal