My notes after trying to use consul, traefik for docker swarm. This is not recommended. Use my new project instead.
- Update the docker-compose.yml docker swarm/stack to suit your infrastructure.
- Add a label to the machines you want as a load-balancer/traefik
docker node update --label-add load_balancer=true docker1
etc. - Create a unifying network (if you want to make the example usable) Ex.
docker network create -d overlay webgateway && docker network create -d overlay forenet
(fore/aft nets are for front/back ends/swarms in our world) and add the machines you want to share to it. You need to add this to the default docker-compose networks if you want to share your network with other stacks. - Deploy the stack onto your swarm using
- Use roo to automate deployment of multiple hosts on a docker swarm. It is a reverse proxy implementing lets encrypt (acme) using its own distributed kv store (using raft), and scans your swarm config and shares it with the worker nodes.
- Traefik in their infinite wisdom removed functionality for their premium version. Do not use it. ~~Run traefik on only manager nodes ( or share the nodes docker socket ( ~~
OR use consul to configure the nodes
- Setup ufw firewall (
- Getting started with swarm (
- Sharing a port across the swarm & swarm mode (
docker service create --name dns-cache \
--publish published=53,target=53 \
--publish published=53,target=53,protocol=udp \
- Managing secrets (
- Placement preferences (
- Constraining a service to machines - first add a label to the machines
docker node update --label-add load_balancer=true docker1
then add to stack/docker-compose.yml like this (
replicas: 2
constraints: [node.labels.load_balancer == true ]
- Get the ips for a service
nslookup tasks.haswarm_alpine.
and might be useful for other docker-compose stacks to get particpant ipsdig +short tasks.haswarm_alpine. | grep -v "" | awk '{system("echo " $1)}'
(dig is part of dnsutils in debian)
- List secrets
docker secret ls
- Create secret from stdin
echo "SDFDSF" | docker secret create test -
- Create secret from file
docker secret create nats-server.key nats-server.key
- Observing Docker events
curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://localhost/events
- List machines in cluster
docker node ls
- Create a network
docker network create --driver overlay --scope swarm webgateway
- List stacks
docker stack ls
Note: A stack is actually a docker-compose.yml - Deploy a docker-config.yml
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml haswarm
- List services
docker service ls
- Inspect logs of a container
docker service logs haswarm_traefik_init -f
(-f = follow, or update in realtime) - Update a container definition
docker service update haswarm_traefik_init --force
- Examine container processes
docker service ps haswarm_traefik_init
- Remove a stack
docker stack rm haswarm
- Check container stats
docker stats haswarm_traefik_init
- Update a docker container in place
docker commit ....
- Enter machine
docker exec -it 9ac bash
- Inpsect network
docker network inspect webgateway
, may want or need tosysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1
( - Scale
docker service scale haswarm_traefik_init=10
- Save a container to a tar
docker save -o <path for generated tar file> <image name>
- Load a container into a docker instance
docker load -i <path to image tar file>
- Force a stack group of replicas to reload
docker service update --force haswarm_traefik
- Promote a node to a manager (one remains the leader using raft)
docker node promote docker1
ordocker node update docker-1 --role manager
- Retrieve a clusterfucked cluster with a dead manager
docker swarm init --force-new-cluster ...
- Options to specify an IP address binding when publishing ports
docker network create -o ""="" simple-network
( - Remove a node from a swarm
#Demote the affected node to a worker
#Move /var/lib/docker/swarm out of the way on the affected node
#Join again using docker swarm join
#Delete old the node entry (docker node rm) afterwards, to clean up the node list.
ansible-playbook add-key.yml -i inventory.ini -u root
where add-key.yml is:
# Add my ssh key to hosts
- hosts: all
- name: Write backup script for each app
shell: |
echo 'ssh-rsa Axxxxxxxx.........' >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
and inventory.ini is a list of hosts:
- Run arbitrary command on a server
ansible jupyter1 -a "cat /etc/hosts"
- Run command on all servers in
ansible all .....
- Run command on ansible group
ansible docker -a "uptime"
set the groups in /etc/ansible/hosts:
# - Groups of hosts are delimited by [header] elements
# - You can enter hostnames or ip addresses
# - A hostname/ip can be a member of multiple groups
# Ex 1: Ungrouped hosts, specify before any group headers.
- Check uptime
ansible docker -a "uptime"
- Clean up a dirty docker swarm
ansible docker -a "docker image ls"
(Found the 085e image in this example)
ansible docker -a "docker image rm 085e"
ansible docker -a "docker system prune -f"
docker run -dit --name alpine1 alpine ash
docker attach alpine1
apk add openrc
#could reuse supervisord instead
#apk add supervisor
$ docker exec -it etcd /bin/sh
/ # etcdctl put traefik/http/routers/radix/rule 'Host(`radix.local`)'
/ # etcdctl put traefik/http/routers/radix/service radix
/ # etcdctl put traefik/http/services/radix/loadBalancer/servers/0/url http://localhost:2012
- No more than 5 servers per datacenter
- Get key
- Put key (no data/null)
curl --request PUT
- Put key (with data/json)
curl --request PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d 'true'
curl --request PUT http://haswarm_consul:8500/v1/kv/traefik/http/routers/tracker/rule -d 'Host(``)'
curl --request PUT http://haswarm_consul:8500/v1/kv/traefik/http/routers/tracker/service -d 'tracker'
curl --request PUT http://haswarm_consul:8500/v1/kv/traefik/http/services/tracker/loadBalancer/servers/0/url -d 'https://tracker_tracker:8443'
sudo ufw allow from to any port 8500 proto tcp
8501 for httpssudo ufw allow from to any port 8300 proto tcp
./consul agent -server -bootstrap -client= -ui -bind '{{ GetPrivateInterfaces | include "network" "" | attr "address" }}' -data-dir '/opt/consul'
This will also work for master=dockerman1
./consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect=1 -client= -bind '{{ GetPrivateInterfaces | include "network" "" | attr "address" }}' -data-dir '/opt/consul' --retry-join=dockerman1
export CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR=consul:8500
# get value from consul and store it to acme.json
consul kv get traefik/acme/account/object | gzip -dc > acme.json
# remove invalid domain and store it to acme-fixed.json
cat acme.json | jq -r 'del (.DomainsCertificate.Certs[] | select(.Domains.Main=="''"))' > acme-fixed.json
# gzip it
cat acme-fixed.json | gzip -c > acme-fixed.json.gz
# upload fixed and gzipped json back to consul
consul kv put traefik/acme/account/object @acme-fixed.json.gz
- Ex.
rule = "Host(``) || (Host(``) && Path(`/traefik`))"
for ./traefik17
- [FIRST] Store config into consul (traefik 2.2 doesn't have a command to store config data easily so we need 1.7
./traefik17 storeconfig api --docker --docker.swarmMode --consul
- Default run traefik
/traefik --providers.consul --providers.docker --providers.docker.swarmMode=true --providers.docker.endpoint=unix:///var/run/docker.sock --api.insecure=true --api.dashboard=true
- Checkout traefik static config http://localhost:8080/api/rawdata
- Auto update dns if down
- Auto update floating up if down
- Check out the ip route in hetzner, binding settings of docker