Finite State Machine that supports registering custom states, state priority and queued states. This is a package part of the glhf.js library but can be used independently.
Registering states
import StateManager from "./StateManager";
const sm = new StateManager();
sm.registerState(new IdleState('idle', 99, true)); // default state.
sm.registerState(new IdleState('attack', 1));
sm.registerState(new IdleState('walk', 2));
Registered states have to extend the class State
where you can implement your custom actions by extending the methods:
enter(...args: any[]);
Triggering a State
sm.triggerState('attack', ...params);
Queueing states
sm.queueState('tell_story_a', ...params);
sm.queueState('smoke_a_cigar', ...params);