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208 lines (141 loc) · 10.7 KB

Phrase-Indexed SQuAD (PI-SQuAD)

Baseline Models

0. Download requirements

Make sure you have Python 3.6 or later. Download and install all requirements by:

chmod +x; ./

This will install following python packages:

  • numpy==1.15.2, scipy==1.1.0, torch==0.4.1, nltk==3.3: essential packages
  • allenlp==0.6.1: only if you want to try using ELMo; the installation takes some time.
  • tqdm: optional, progressbar tool.
  • gensim: optional, running tf-idf experiments in scripts.

This will also download several things at $HOME/data (consider changing it to your favorite location):

  • nltk word tokenizer
  • GloVe 6B
  • ELMo options and weights files

You might also want to consider using docker image minjoon/research:180908 that meets all of these requirements. The sample CodaLab submission also uses this.

Download the original SQuAD v1.1 train and dev set at $SQUAD_TRAIN_PATH and $SQUAD_DEV_PATH, respectively. The default directory that our baseline model searches in is $HOME/data/squad.


In order to run demo, you will also need:

  • faiss, pysparnn: similarity search packages for dense and sparse vectors respectively.
  • tornado, flask: to serve the demo on the web.

The easiest way to install faiss is via conda: conda install faiss -c pytorch. So you might want to consider using conda before installing the requirements above.

1. Training

In our paper, we have introduced three baseline models:

For LSTM model:

python baseline --cuda --train_path $SQUAD_TRAIN_PATH --test_path $SQUAD_DEV_PATH

For LSTM+SA model:

python baseline --cuda --num_heads 2 --train_path $SQUAD_TRAIN_PATH --test_path $SQUAD_DEV_PATH

For LSTM+SA+ELMo model:

python baseline --cuda --num_heads 2 --elmo --train_path --batch_size 32 $SQUAD_TRAIN_PATH --test_path $SQUAD_DEV_PATH

Note that the first positional argument, baseline, indicates that we are using the python modules in ./baseline/ directory. In future, you can easily add a new model by creating a new module (e.g. ./my_model/) and giving the positional argument (my_model).

By default, these commands will output all interesting files (save, report, etc.) to /tmp/piqa/squad. You can change the directory with --output_dir argument. Let $OUTPUT_DIR denotes this.

2. Easy Evaluation

Assuming you trust us, let's just try to output the prediction file from a full (context+question) dataset, and evaluate it with SQuAD v1.1 evaluator. To do this with LSTM model, simply run:

python baseline --cuda --mode test --load_dir $OUTPUT_DIR/save/####/ --test_path $SQUAD_DEV_PATH

Where the #### indicates the step at which the model of interest is saved (e.g. 7001). Take a look at the standard output during training and pick the one that gives the best performance (which is automatically tracked). Technically speaking, this is cheating on the dev set, but we are going to evalute on the test set at the end, so we are okay.

This will output the prediction file at $OUTPUT_DIR/pred.json. Finally, simply feed it to the SQuAD v1.1 evaluator (changed name from to

python $SQUAD_DEV_PATH $OUTPUT_DIR/pred.json

That was easy! But why is this not an official evaluation? Because we had a big assumption in the beginning, that you trust us that our encoders are independent. But who knows?

3. Official Evaluation


We need a strict evaluation method that enforces the independence between the encoders. We require 'split-encode-merge' pipeline to ensure this:


where 'dev1.1.json*' does not contain the answers. A regular SQuAD v1.1 submission will correspond to uploading a model that replaces the black dotted box. A PI-SQuAD submission instead requires one to upload two encoders, document encoder and question encoder, that the replace orange boxes. They must be preceded by and followed by We describe the expected formats of dev-v1.1-c.json, dev-v1.1-q.json, context_emb/ and question_emb/.

dev-v1.1-c.json and dev-v1.1-q.json: simply splts dev-v1.1.json into context-only and question-only json files.

context_emb/: the directory should contain a numpy file (.npz) and a list of phrases (.json) for each context (paragraph).

question_emb/: the directory should contain a numpy file for each question.

The directories will look as following:

+-- context_emb/
|   +-- Super_Bowl_50_0.npz
|   +-- Super_Bowl_50_0.json
|   +-- Super_Bowl_50_1.npz
|   +-- Super_Bowl_50_2.json
|   ...
+-- question_emb/
|   +-- 56be4eafacb8001400a50302.npz
|   +-- 56d204ade7d4791d00902603.npz
|   ...

This looks quite complicated! Let's take a look at one by one.

  1. .npz is a numpy/scipy matrix dump: Each .npz file corresponds to a N-by-d matrix. If it is a dense matrix, it needs to be saved via numpy.savez() method, and if it is a sparse matrix (depending on your need), it needs to be saved via scipy.sparse.save_npz() method. Note that scipy.sparse.save_npz() is relatively new and old scipy versions do not support it.
  2. each .npz in context_emb is named after paragraph id: Here, paragraph id is '%s_%d' % (article_title, para_idx), where para_idx indicates the index of the paragraph within the article (starts at 0). For instance, if the article Super_Bowl_50 has 35 paragraphs, then it will have .npz files until Super_Bowl_50_34.npz.
  3. each .npz in context_emb is N phrase vectors of d-dim: It is up to the submitted model to decide N and d. For instance, if the paragraph length is 100 words and we enumerate all possible phrases with length <= 7, then we will approximately have N = 700. While we will limit the size of .npz per word during the submission so one cannot have a very large dense matrix, we will allow sparse matrices, so d can be very large in some cases.
  4. .json is a list of N phrases: each phrase corresponds to each phrase vector in its corresponding .npz file. Of course, one can have duplicate phrases (i.e. several vectors per phrase).
  5. each .npz in question_emb is named after question id: Here, question id is the official id in original SQuAD 1.1.
  6. each .npz in question_emb must be 1-by-d matrix: Since each question has a single embedding, N = 1. Hence the matrix corresponds to the question representation.

Following these rules, one should confirm that context_emb contains 4134 files (2067 .npz files and 2067 .json files, i.e. 2067 paragraphs) and question_emb contains 10570 files (one file for each question) for SQuAD v1.1 dev dataset. Hint: ls context_emb/ | wc -l gives you the count in the context_emb folder.

Running baseline

To split dev-v1.1.json:


Now, for document and question encoders, we run with two different arguments for each.

For document encoder:

python baseline --cuda --mode embed_context --load_dir $OUTPUT_DIR/save/XXXX/ --test_path $SQUAD_DEV_CONTEXT_PATH --context_emb_dir $CONTEXT_EMB_DIR

For question encoder:

python baseline --cuda --mode embed_question --load_dir $OUTPUT_DIR/save/XXXX/ --test_path $SQUAD_DEV_QUESTION_PATH --question_emb_dir $QUESTION_EMB_DIR

The encoders will output the embeddings to $CONTEXT_EMB_DIR and $QUESTION_EMB_DIR, respectively. Using compressed dump for the LSTM model, these directories take about 500 MB of disk space.

To merge:


where $PRED_PATH is the prediction path. For our baselines, this takes ~4 minutes on a typical consumer-grade CPU, though keep in mind that the duration will depend on the size of N and d. By default the evaluator assumes the dumped matrices are dense matrices, but you can also work with sparse matrices by giving --sparse argument. If you have tqdm, you can display progress with --progress argument. The evaluator does not require torch and nltk, but it needs numpy and scipy.

Note that we currently only support inner product for the nearest neighbor search (our baseline model uses inner product as well). We will support L1/L2 distances when the submission opens. Please let us know (create an issue) if you think other measures should be also supported. Note that, however, we try to limit to those that are commonly used for approximate search (so it is unlikely that we will support a multilayer perceptron, because it simply does not scale up).

Lastly, to evaluate, use the official evalutor script:


3. Demo

Demo uses dumped context embeddings. We need to make one change: when encoding document (context), give --metadata flag to output additional necessary data for demo:

python baseline --cuda --mode embed_context --load_dir $OUTPUT_DIR/save/XXXX/ --test_path $SQUAD_DEV_CONTEXT_PATH --context_emb_dir $CONTEXT_EMB_DIR --metadata

Then run the demo by:

python baseline --mode serve_demo --load_dir $OUTPUT_DIR/save/XXXX/ --context_emb_dir $CONTEXT_EMB_DIR --port 8080

This will serve the demo on localhost at port 8080. Note that this is exact search without compression (i.e. it can take a lot of time with a lot of RAM usage). For time- and memory-efficient similarity search, additionally give following flags:

--nlist 100 --nprobe 10 --bpv 128

--nlist is number of clusters, and --nprobe is number of clusters you peek into (so nlist > nprobe makes it faster but approximation) --bpv is bytes per vector. 512D vector takes 2 KB, so --bpv 128 compresses the size by 16-fold.


Please see the sample submission worksheet for instructions on how to submit a PI-SQuAD model for test set. In short, it should be a valid SQuAD submission, but in addition, it should meet the requirements described above.