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DRAFT: Recommendations for Migrating to Sensu Flow

Jef Spaleta edited this page Aug 16, 2022 · 13 revisions


Intended Audience

Your are Sensu user who has been using a configuration management system such as puppet to manage both the Sensu service provisioning as well as the Sensu monitoring workloads, but you want to transition to using a GitOps approach for the Sensu monitoring workloads across several namespaces so that you can better separate the concerns of the team responsible for making sure Sensu is available as a service, and the teams that need to use Sensu to develop and maintain their own monitoring workloads in a self-service capacity.


Migrate the monitoring workloads in a Sensu namespace to sensu-flow. For the purpose of this discussion all cluster-wide Sensu resources are out of scope. Cluster-wide resources require additional consideration.

Starting point

  • There is an operational supported Sensu service up and running with monitoring workloads.
  • There is a new Sensu service with administrative user and storage configured with no monitoring workloads.

Step-by-Step Recommendation

Make sure target namespace exists in new Sensu service

In this example I'll be targeting a namespace called production

sensuctl namespace list

Setup dedicated user for sensu-flow for target namespace in new Sensu service

  1. Create new user
sensuctl user create sensu-flow-production --interactive
? Username: sensu-flow-production
? Password: *************
? Retype password: *************
? Groups: sensu-flow 
sensuctl user list
        Username              Groups       Enabled  
──────────────────────── ──────────────── ──────────
  admin                   cluster-admins   true     
  agent                   system:agents    true     
  sensu-flow-production   sensu-flow       true     
  1. Generate API key for dedicated user
sensuctl api-key grant sensu-flow-production
Created: /api/core/v2/apikeys/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
  1. Create RBAC Role and Role Bindings for dedicated user in target namespace. The follow example provides RBAC read/write access to all Sensu resources in a namespace needed for monitoring workload development.

Note: The sensu-flow-production user needs to have read access to namespaces. This is done via a narrowly defined ClusterRole an ClusterRoleBinding that gives the all users in the sensu-flow group read access to the namespaces.

Save into a file named sensu-flow-production-rbac.yaml

type: ClusterRole
api_version: core/v2
  name: sensu-flow
  - resource_names: null
    - namespaces
    - get
    - list
type: ClusterRoleBinding
api_version: core/v2
  name: sensu-flow
    name: sensu-flow
    type: ClusterRole
  - name: sensu-flow
    type: Group
type: Role
api_version: core/v2
  name: sensu-flow
  namespace: production
  - resource_names: null
    - assets
    - checks
    - entities
    - events
    - filters
    - handlers
    - hooks
    - mutators
    - pipelines
    - rule-templates    
    - searches 
    - secrets
    - service-components
    - silenced
    - sumo-logic-metrics-handlers
    - tcp-stream-handlers
    - '*'
type: RoleBinding
api_version: core/v2
  name: sensu-flow
  namespace: production
    name: sensu-flow
    type: Role
  - name: sensu-flow-production
    type: User

sensuctl create -f sensu-flow-production-rbac.yaml

RBAC policy for sensu-flow-production Sensu user should not be adequate for use of SensuFlow for the production namespace

Prepare GitHub repository for namespaced Sensu resources

  1. Create repository with the following skeleton directory structure:
$ tree -a
├── .github
│   └── workflows
|       ├── .keep
│       ├── publish.yaml
│       └── test.yaml
└── .sensu
    ├── cluster
    │   └── .keep
    ├── deactivated
    │   └── .keep
    └── namespaces
        ├── .keep
        └── production
            ├── .keep
            ├── assets
            │   └── .keep
            ├── checks
            │   └── .keep
            ├── entities
            │   └── .keep
            ├── filters
            │   └── .keep
            ├── handlers
            │   └── .keep
            ├── hooks
            │   └── .keep
            ├── monitoring-workloads
            │   └── .keep
            ├── mutators
            │   └── .keep
            ├── pipelines
            │   └── .keep
            ├── rule-templates
            │   └── .keep
            ├── searches
            │   └── .keep
            ├── secrets
            │   └── .keep
            ├── service-components
            │   └── .keep
            ├── silenced
            │   └── .keep
            ├── sumo-logic-metrics-handlers
            │   └── .keep
            └── tcp-stream-handlers
                └── .keep

Most of the subdirectories under namespaces/production corresponds to a resource type that will be migrated from the operational Sensu backend, with the expection of the monitoring-workloads directory. This directory is meant to be filled as part of a refactoring operation after the initial migration.

The publish GitHub Actions workflow is:

name: SensuFlow Resource Publish

# You'll want to review the GitHub Action 'on' conditions to match your policy
    # Run for any commit or tag pushed to the main branch of the github repository
    branches: [ main ]
    # Run when any tag is pushed to the github repository
    tags: ['**'] 
  # Define the SensuFlow workflow job 
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # Step 1: Checks-out your repository
    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    # Step 2: use the versioned sensu/sensuflow action 
    - name: Sensuflow with required settings
      uses: sensu/sensu-flow@0.6.0
        # Required configuration
        # Please make use of GitHub secrets for sensitive information 
        sensu_backend_url: ${{ secrets.SENSU_BACKEND_URL }}
        sensu_api_key: ${{ secrets.SENSU_API_KEY }}
        # Optional configuration, if not present defaults will be used
        namespaces_dir: .sensu/namespaces
        namespaces_file: .sensu/cluster/namespaces.yaml
        matching_label: ""
        matching_condition: "== 'sensu-flow'"
        # The full list of configuration options can be found at 

The SensuFlow Test workflow is

name: SensuFlow CI Test

# You'll want to review the GitHub Action 'on' conditions to match your policy
      - '**' # run on any tag push
    branches: [ main ]  # run on push to main
    branches: [ main ] # run on any PR against main

# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
    # The type of runner that the job will run on
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    container: ubuntu
    # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
    # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: prep apt
      run: >-
        apt update && apt install -y
    - name: get docker gpg
      run: >-
        curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
    - name: setup docker apt source
      run: >-
        echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" 
        | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
    - name: install docker
      run: >-
        DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt update && apt install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin
    # Run a locally available sensu-backend service from a docker container
    - name: Run local sensu-backend using docker
      run: >-
        docker run 
        --name sensu-backend
        --hostname sensu-backend 
        --network ${{ }}  
        sensu-backend start
    - name: wait for sensu-backend
      run: curl --head -X GET --retry 10 --retry-connrefused --retry-delay 2 http://sensu-backend:8080/health
    - name: docker ps
      run: docker ps
    - name: docker logs
      run: docker logs sensu-backend

    # Test SensuFlow action against test backend container
    # Note: Make sure the configuration here matches the release workflow.
    - name: Test Sensuflow
      uses: sensu/sensu-flow@0.6.0
      id: matching-label-with-dash
        sensu_api_url: http://sensu-backend:8080
        sensu_api_key: ${{ secrets.SENSU_API_KEY }}
        namespaces_dir: .sensu/namespaces/
        namespaces_file: .sensu/cluster/namespaces.yaml
        matching_label: ""
        matching_condition: "== 'sensu-flow'"
  1. Configure the SensuFlow publish and test GitHub actions by defining the GitHub repository secrets SENSU_BACKEND_URL and SENSU_API_KEY. Note: If you are not using GitHub repository, you can make use of the underlying script that powers the GitHub Action using the appropriate env_vars for configuration as commented in the script.

Migrating Resources

  1. use sensuctl dump to create yaml files for each of the following resources and save the results into the GitHub repository following this pattern:
sensuctl dump --namespace production checks --format yaml > .sensu/namespaces/production/checks/migrated.yaml

Repeat this for each of the resource types that you need want to migrate from the production namespace from the operational Sensu service.

  1. Ensure all resources are appropriately labeled so that SensuFlow will recognize the resources. SensuFlow will only manage resources matching a specific label condition (this condition is configurable). Using the GitHub Action workflows defined above, all SensuFlow managed resources must be labeled with a label named with a value of sensu-flow. SensuFlow GitHUb action will attempt to lint for the existence of the required label in all the resources in the target directory and will error out if the label is not present.

  2. Push the commit into the upstream default branch hosted at GitHub and the SensuFlow 'publish' action should fire. The SensuFlow action will lint the Sensu resources under .sensu/namespaces and will return an error if your missing a needed label or have the namespace misconfigured.

Refactor the repository contents.

Workflows versus Resources Types.

You might find it easier to manage the contents as named workloads instead of as a collection of resources types. SensuFlow supports both patterns. If you find that you have a common element used in multiple workflows, then its perfectly find to keep that one resource as a single copy under a resources directory if that helps you better manage the collection of resources.

Optimizing the GitHub actions

You need to edit the GitHub Action workflow definitions to meet your preferred policy. For example, if you only want to publish against the current state of the main branch, remove the "on push tags" stanza.

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