thumbscr-ews --help
Usage: thumbscr-ews [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
thumsc-ews for Exchange Web Services
by @_cablethief from @sensepost of @orangecyberdef
-C, --config PATH Path to an optional configuration file.
-u, --username TEXT The username to use.
-p, --password TEXT The password to use.
-a, --user-agent TEXT The User-Agent to use (Otherwise uses "thumbscr-
-o, --outlook-agent Set the User-Agent to an Outlook one (this is
still a static value that can be fingerprinted).
--dump-config Dump the effective configuration used.
--exch-host TEXT If you dont want to try autodicover set the
exchange host.
-v, --verbose Enables debugging information.
-w, --table-width INTEGER The maximum width used for table output
--help Show this message and exit.
autodiscover Authenticate and go through autodiscover.
brute Do a brute force.
delegatecheck Check if the current user has access to the provided...
folders Print exchange file structure.
gal Dump GAL using EWS.
mail Do things with emails.
objects Discover objects.
version Prints the current thumbsc-ews version
yaml Generate an example YAML configuration file
The config file is just a way to help shorten or keep credentials out of your command line. You can generate a sample one using:
thumbscr-ews yaml -d test.yml
# An example YAML configuration for thumbscr-ews.
password: passw0rd
user_agent: Microsoft Office/14.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Microsoft Outlook 14.0.7145; Pro)
Sample configuration file written to: test.yml
All the values in the yaml can be used in the command line as well.
Just a command to go through all the autodiscover steps to help debug if something is going wrong or to show you what endpoint thumbscr-ews is trying to use.
thumbscr-ews -C config.yml autodiscover
Autodiscover may not always work and you will have to work it out for yourself, a good start is
. You can specify that for all future commands using --exch-host
One of the most useful functions and one that I would often use, would be to dump the gal. This is pretty straight forward but does have some caveats. To dump the gal the following can be used:
thumbscr-ews -C config.yml --exch-host gal
the caveat is that it is printing results as it gets them, due to the way that the search works (Looking from aa to zz) this could mean many doubles so you should always sort -u
at the end when you have your emails.
you can also search for specific strings in the GAL with --search
With a list of emails, you can provide them to thumbscr-ews to see if you may have further access.
thumbscr-ews ... delegatecheck -l delegateemails.txt
[-] - Failure inbox not accessible
[-] - Failure inbox not accessible
[-] - Failure inbox not accessible
[+] Success - Could access inbox - Permissions: ['Author', 'Custom']
By default the folder you check your access against is the users inbox. You can use --folder
to specify a folder.
thumbscr-ews ... delegatecheck -l delegateemails.txt -f 'PeoplePublicData' [+] Success - Could access Folder (PeoplePublicData) - Permissions: ['Reviewer']
[+] Success - Could access Folder (PeoplePublicData) - Permissions: ['Reviewer']
[+] Success - Could access Folder (PeoplePublicData) - Permissions: ['Reviewer']
[-] Failure - No folder found
The --full-tree
command just prints out where you have some sort of access, even its its just viewing that the folder exists.
thumbscr-ews ... delegatecheck -l delegateemails.txt --full-tree
[+] Success - Access to some folders.
└── PeoplePublicData
[+] Success - Access to some folders.
└── PeoplePublicData
[+] Success - Access to some folders.
└── PeoplePublicData
[+] Success - Access to some folders.
├── AllContacts
├── AllContactsExtended
├── AllItems
├── ApplicationDataRoot
│ ├── 33b68b23-a6c2-4684-99a0-fa3832792226
Plans are to implement more things here, but for now there is the ability to read mails and get the associated attachments.
Usage: thumbscr-ews mail [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Do things with emails.
--help Show this message and exit.
getattachments Download all the attachments from a Mail
read Search for mail in folder.
Usage: thumbscr-ews mail read [OPTIONS]
Search for mail in folder. Default Inbox. For printing mail in a nice
manner. If you give it a folder without mail objects you may be sad. Check
the objects command for just printing out what the library gives us.
--id TEXT Get the email with the corresponding ID
-s, --search TEXT Provide a query string based on:
--html Retrieve the HTML version of mails, default is text.
-f, --folder TEXT Specify the folder to read from. Default is Inbox. eg:
"Top of Information Store/Archive"
-l, --limit INTEGER Limit the results returned to the most recent <amount>.
Default 100
-d, --delegate TEXT Read a different persons mailbox you have access to
--help Show this message and exit.
If you want to read mail from a specific folder you can list the top --limit
from that folder, or --search
for specific mails.
Once listed, the mails will also output their ID which can be used to query using the --id
flag in future.
You may also access another users mailbox in the same way by providing the --delegate
Usage: thumbscr-ews mail getattachments [OPTIONS]
Download all the attachments from a Mail
--id TEXT Get the email attachments with the corrisponding ID.
Saved as md5(id)-attachmentname.
-s, --search TEXT Provide a query string based on:
--path PATH Where to save your attachments. Default is current
-f, --folder TEXT Specify the folder to read from. Default is Inbox. eg:
"Top of Information Store/Archive"
-l, --limit INTEGER Limit the results returned to the most recent <amount>.
Default 100
-d, --delegate TEXT Read a different persons mailbox you have access to
--help Show this message and exit.
Getattachments works in the exact same way as read
however it will download any attachments associated with a mail it retrieves. So you can collect the top 10 mails Attachments with -l 10
or you can specify with an --id
which I would recommend to be a bit more targeted. The --search
command acts the same and searches for words in mails, however it will then download the attachments in the found mails.
Usage: thumbscr-ews folders [OPTIONS]
Print exchange file structure.
-s, --search TEXT Search pattern to glob on. eg "Top of Information
-d, --delegate TEXT Read a different persons mailbox you have access to
--help Show this message and exit.
Folders will print out the folder structure of the mailbox. The --search
flag can be used to filter the output down a particular branch, so that rather than printing out the entire folder structure we can filter to areas that we are interested in rather than the entire root structure.
thumbscr-ews ... folders --search 'Top of Information Store'
Top of Information Store
├── Archive
├── Calendar
│ ├── Birthdays
│ └── United States holidays
├── Contacts
│ ├── Companies
│ ├── GAL Contacts
│ ├── Organizational Contacts
│ ├── PeopleCentricConversation Buddies
│ ├── Recipient Cache
│ ├── {06967759-274D-40B2-A3EB-D7F9E73727D7}
│ └── {A9E2BC46-B3A0-4243-B315-60D991004455}
├── Conversation Action Settings
├── Conversation History
Usage: thumbscr-ews objects [OPTIONS]
Discover objects. Printing out the objects the library finds. Not nice and
clean like the mail option. More for exploration for future features.
Hopefully the object has a string version.
-f, --folder TEXT Specify the folder to read from. Default is Inbox. eg:
"Top of Information Store/Archive"
-l, --limit INTEGER Limit the results returned to the most recent <amount>.
Default 100
-d, --delegate TEXT Read a different persons mailbox you have access to
--help Show this message and exit.
Not all folders contain only mails, for these things I chose to generically print the object retrieved from exchangelib
. This allows for the support of random objects without too much overhead.
as an example a contact
object can be printed out without fancy frills as with mail which is a more core item. (This is not the GAL however, for that we need to use the ResolveNames call)
thumbscr-ews ... objects -f 'AllContacts'
Object: Contact(mime_content=b'BEGIN:VCARD\r\nPROFILE:VCARD\r\nVERSION:3.0\r\nMAILER:Microsoft Exchange\r\nPRODID:Microsoft Exchange\r\nFN:Michael Kruger\r\nN:;;;;\r\nEMAIL;\r\nORG:;\r\nCLASS:PUBLIC\r\nADR;TYPE=WORK:;;;;;;\r\nLABEL;TYPE=WORK:\r\nADR;TYPE=HOME:;;;;;;\r\nADR;TYPE=POSTAL:;;;;;;\r\nREV;VALUE=DATE-TIME:2020-09-16T19:17:43,440Z\r\nEND:VCARD\r\n', ...