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Patching Android Applications

Leon Jacobs edited this page Aug 10, 2017 · 8 revisions

Before you can use any of the objection commands on an Android application, the application's APK itself needs to be patched and code signed to load the on start. To patch an APK though, it should be as simple as running the objection patchapk command.


patching - dependencies

The objection patchapk is a command that basically wraps around several other system commands, automating the patching process as far as possible. Naturally, those commands need to be installed and available first. They are:

Most of these dependencies are really easy to solve and can be installed using homebrew on macOS, or apt in Kali Linux.

patching - patching an APK

With all of the above dependencies solved, we can finally patch an actual APK. The patching process itself is as simple as:

objection patchapk --source app-release.apk

This command will determine the target architecture of your device using adb, extract the source APK, insert the INTERNET permission if it does not already exist, patch and embed the and repackage and sign a new APK for you.

$ objection patchapk --source app-release.apk               
No architecture specified. Determining it using `adb`...
Detected the architecture as: armeabi-v7a
Using Gadget version: 10.3.14
Unpacking app-release.apk
App already has android.permission.INTERNET
Reading smali from: /tmp/tmpq9hpoh87.apktemp/smali/com/sensepost/apewpew/MainActivity.smali
Injecting loadLibrary call at line: 10
Writing patched smali back to: /tmp/tmpq9hpoh87.apktemp/smali/com/sensepost/apewpew/MainActivity.smali
Creating library path: /tmp/tmpq9hpoh87.apktemp/lib/armeabi-v7a
Copying Frida gadget to libs path...
Rebuilding the APK with the frida-gadget loaded...
Built new APK with injected loadLibrary and frida-gadget
Signing new APK.
Signed the new APK
Copying final apk from /tmp/tmpq9hpoh87.apktemp.objection.apk to current directory...
Cleaning up temp files...

next steps

Once you have a patched APK ready, its time to install it. See the #TODO article for more information.

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