- Install Java and set path.
- Install Maven and set path.
- Clone respective repository or download zip.
Goto project directory.
Use "mvn test" command to run features.
Use "mvn test -Dbrowser=browser_name" to run features on specific browser.
browser_name can be one of following but make sure that browser’s driver file are present and specified in system variable. -- ff -- chrome -- ie -- safari
Use mvn test -Dcucumber.options="classpath:features/my_first.feature" to run specific feature if you have multiple feature files.
Use mvn test -Dcucumber.options="–-plugin html:target/result-html" to generate a HTML report.
Use mvn test -Dcucumber.options="–-plugin json:target/result-json" to generate a JSON report.
Now Write your own tests in feature file using Predefined Steps .