Glide is an Image Loader Library for Android developed by bumptech and is a library that is recommended by Google. It has been used in many Google open source projects including Google I/O 2014 official application. It provides animated GIF support and handles image loading/caching.
NOTE: This guide has been deprecated. See this link for the latest v4 version. Note that the syntax has changed.
Add to your app/build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.8.0'
Resizing images with:
.override(300, 200)
Placeholder and error images:
Cropping images with:
You can configure Glide by creating a
public class GlideConfiguration implements GlideModule {
public void applyOptions(Context context, GlideBuilder builder) {
// Apply options to the builder here.
// Glide default Bitmap Format is set to RGB_565 since it
// consumed just 50% memory footprint compared to ARGB_8888.
// Increase memory usage for quality with:
public void registerComponents(Context context, Glide glide) {
// register ModelLoaders here.
And then define it as meta-data
inside AndroidManifest.xml
<meta-data android:name=""
Ideally, an image's dimensions would match exactly those of the ImageView
in which it is being displayed, but as this is often not the case, care must be taken to resize and/or scale the image appropriately. Android's native support for this isn't robust, especially when displaying very large images (such as bitmaps returned from the camera) in smaller image views, which can often lead to errors (see Troubleshooting).
Glide automatically limits the size of the image it holds in memory to the ImageView
dimensions. Picasso has the same ability, but requires a call to fit()
. With Glide, if you don't want the image to be automatically fitted to the ImageView
, you can call override(horizontalSize, verticalSize)
. This will resize the image before displaying it in the ImageView
but without respect to the image's aspect ratio:
.override(100, 200) // resizes the image to 100x200 pixels but does not respect aspect ratio
Resizing images in this way without respect to the original aspect ratio will often make the image appear skewed or distorted. In most cases, this should be avoided, and Glide offers two standard scaling transformation options to prevent this: centerCrop
and fitCenter
If you only want to resize one dimension, use Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL
as a placeholder for the other dimension:
.override(100, Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL) // resizes width to 100, preserves original height, does not respect aspect ratio
Calling centerCrop()
scales the image so that it fills the requested bounds of the ImageView
and then crops the extra. The ImageView
will be filled completely, but the entire image might not be displayed.
.override(100, 200)
.centerCrop() // scale to fill the ImageView and crop any extra
Calling fitCenter()
scales the image so that both dimensions are equal to or less than the requested bounds of the ImageView
. The image will be displayed completely, but might not fill the entire ImageView
.override(100, 200)
.fitCenter() // scale to fit entire image within ImageView
If an image or set of images aren't loading, make sure to check the Android monitor log in Android Studio. There's a good chance you might see an java.lang.OutOfMemoryError "Failed to allocate a [...] byte allocation with [...] free bytes"
or a Out of memory on a 51121168-byte allocation.
. This is quite common and means that you are loading one or more large images that have not been properly resized.
First, you have to find which image(s) being loaded are likely causing this error. For any given Glide
call, we can fix this by one or more of the following approaches:
- Add an explicit width or height to the
by settinglayout_width=500dp
in the layout file. - Call
.override(width, height)
during the Glide load and explicitly set a width or height for the image such as:Glide.with(...).load(imageUri).override(500, 500).into(...)
. - Try removing
from yourImageView
if present and if you not calling.override()
- Open up your static placeholder or error images and make sure their dimensions are relatively small (< 500px width). If not, resize those static images and save them back to your project.
Applying these tips to all of your Glide image loads should resolve any out of memory issues. As a fallback, you might want to open up your AndroidManifest.xml
and then add android:largeHeap
to your manifest:
Note that this is not generally a good idea, but can be used temporarily to trigger fewer out of memory errors.
If you experience errors loading images, you can create a RequestListener<String, GlideDrawable>
and pass it in via Glide.listener()
to intercept errors:
.listener(new RequestListener<String, GlideDrawable>() {
public boolean onException(Exception e, String model, Target<GlideDrawable> target, boolean isFirstResource) {
// log exception
Log.e("TAG", "Error loading image", e);
return false; // important to return false so the error placeholder can be placed
public boolean onResourceReady(GlideDrawable resource, String model, Target<GlideDrawable> target, boolean isFromMemoryCache, boolean isFirstResource) {
return false;
Transformations are supported by an additional third-party library, glide-transformations. First, add the dependencies:
dependencies {
compile 'jp.wasabeef:glide-transformations:2.0.2'
// If you want to use the GPU Filters
compile ''
int radius = 30; // corner radius, higher value = more rounded
int margin = 10; // crop margin, set to 0 for corners with no crop
.bitmapTransform(new RoundedCornersTransformation(context, radius, margin))
Circle crop:
.bitmapTransform(new CropCircleTransformation(context))
.bitmapTransform(new BlurTransformation(context))
Multiple transforms:
.bitmapTransform(new BlurTransformation(context, 25), new CropCircleTransformation(context))
Add a ProgressBar
or otherwise handle callbacks for an image that is loading:
.listener(new RequestListener<String, GlideDrawable>() {
public boolean onException(Exception e, String model, Target<GlideDrawable> target, boolean isFirstResource) {
return false; // important to return false so the error placeholder can be placed
public boolean onResourceReady(GlideDrawable resource, String model, Target<GlideDrawable> target, boolean isFromMemoryCache, boolean isFirstResource) {
return false;
To readjust the ImageView
size after the image has been retrieved, first define a SimpleTarget<Bitmap>
object to intercept the Bitmap
once it is loaded:
private SimpleTarget target = new SimpleTarget<Bitmap>() {
public void onResourceReady(Bitmap bitmap, GlideAnimation glideAnimation) {
// do something with the bitmap
// set it to an ImageView
Next, pass the SimpleTarget
to Glide via into()
Note: The SimpleTarget
object must be stored as a member field or method and cannot be an anonymous class otherwise this won't work as expected. The reason is that Glide accepts this parameter as a weak memory reference, and because anonymous classes are eligible for garbage collection when there are no more references, the network request to fetch the image may finish after this anonymous class has already been reclaimed. See this Stack Overflow discussion for more details.
In other words, you cannot do this all inline Glide.with(this).load("url").into(new SimpleTarget<Bitmap>() { ... })
as in other scenarios.
By default, Glide uses the [[Volley|Networking with the Volley Library]] networking library.
There is a way to use Glide to use OkHttp instead, which may be useful if you need to do authenticated requests. First, add the okhttp3-integration
library as a dependency:
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:okhttp3-integration:1.4.0@aar'
Next, you can configure Glide to use OkHttp in XML or through Java. The Java approach is useful especially if you already have a shared instance of OkHttpClient:
OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient();
Glide.get(application).register(GlideUrl.class, InputStream.class, new OkHttpUrlLoader.Factory(okHttpClient));
Alternatively, you can declare Glide to use OkHttp by declaring it in your AndroidManifest.xml
android:value="GlideModule" />
Review this section if are configuring Glide for use with ProGuard.