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File metadata and controls

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The Google App Engine cloud app that supports the Click Counter.

Access password for authenticated requests: 123123

Howto clean database

There is no way to drop all tables. The best would probably to start the Interactive Console of your app engine and paste code like this:

from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from models import UserData
keys = UserData.query().fetch(keys_only=True)

and repeat that for each data model.

Atomic nbd.put()

Data objects are modified in the handlers and then all the modifications are sent to the storage together by NBD's put() method, which in itself is consistent. See : "Strongly consistent"

IPv6 compatibility

"This means that all App Engine apps will become accessible over IPv6 to anyone participating in the program!"

Data storage comparision

"Strongly consistent except when performing global queries." "The App Engine Datastore offers a free quota with daily limits. Paid accounts offer unlimited storage, read, and write operations."


specification available here:

  1. serve static files /banner.min.js, /banner-top.html, /banner-right.html and /banner-center.html without authentication.

  2. serve the following API calls: configure a domain name behavior: save the domain data, setup the domain with clicks 0, status 0 and money to 0 if the domain config exist already override it. request: URL: /config/{domain} method: POST headers: Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== //equivalent to Base64("Aladdin:open sesame") body: what_ever_content response: headers: content-type: text/plain code: 204 body:

    get a domain name details: behavior: return the data about the domain name. request: URL: /config/{domainname} method: GET headers: Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== //equivalent to Base64("Aladdin:open sesame") body: response: headers: content-type: text/plain code: 200 body: what_ever_content

    delete a domain name: behavior: delete a domain name. request: URL: /config/{domainname} method: DELELTE headers: Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== //equivalent to Base64("Aladdin:open sesame") body: response: headers: code: 204 body:

    increment counter per domain: behavior: increment the number of visit for the domain name if fistvisit is true and from is "inside". Other compute the new money amount and status. request: URL: /c method: POST headers: query variables: { domain: "domainname", from: "inside/outside", firstvist: true/false, } response: headers: content-type: application/json code: 200 body: { what_ever_content, "clickcount": 12312321, "money": 1213123, # inc by 0.1 per click "status": 1212 # 500 000 == 100% }