tasks abstracted into a library, building on the examples in the official
Having implemented build.clj
) in several of my open source projects
I found there was a lot of repetition across them, so I factored out
the common functionality into this library.
Since it depends on both
Erik Assum's deps-deploy
your :build
alias can just be:
:build {:deps {io.github.seancorfield/build-clj
{:git/tag "v0.6.5" :git/sha "972031a"}}
:ns-default build}
Your build.clj
can start off as follows:
(ns build
(:require [ :as b]
[ :as bb]))
(def lib 'myname/mylib)
;; if you want a version of MAJOR.MINOR.COMMITS:
(def version (format "1.0.%s" (b/git-count-revs nil)))
If you don't want deps-deploy
-- perhaps your project is only building uberjars
or you have some other deployment process for your JAR files (or perhaps you are
not building JAR files at all) -- then you can specify a "slim" entry point to
that does not include that dependency:
:build {:deps {io.github.seancorfield/build-clj
{:git/tag "v0.6.5" :git/sha "972031a"
;; omits deps-deploy dependency:
:deps/root "slim"}}
:ns-default build}
The following common build tasks are provided, all taking an options
hash map as the single argument and returning that hash map unchanged
so you can reliably thread the build tasks.
[Several functions in
return nil
-- clean the target directory (wrapsdelete
-- deploy to Clojars (wrapsdeploy
-- install the JAR locally (wrapscreate-basis
-- build the (library) JAR andpom.xml
files (wrapscreate-basis
, andjar
-- build the (application) uber JAR, with optionalpom.xml
file creation and/or AOT compilation (wrapscreate-basis
, anduber
-- run the project's tests (wrapscreate-basis
, andprocess
, to run the:main-opts
in your:test
For deploy
, install
, and jar
, you must provide at least :lib
and :version
For uber
, you must provide at least :lib
or :uber-file
for the name of the JAR file.
Everything else has "sane" defaults, but can be overridden.
Note: you can always get help for a
file by runningclojure -A:deps -T:build help/doc
which uses thehelp/doc
function from the built-in:deps
alias in the rootdeps.edn
You might typically have the following tasks in your build.clj
(defn ci "Run the CI pipeline of tests (and build the JAR)." [opts]
(-> opts
(assoc :lib lib :version version)
(defn install "Install the JAR locally." [opts]
(-> opts
(assoc :lib lib :version version)
(defn deploy "Deploy the JAR to Clojars." [opts]
(-> opts
(assoc :lib lib :version version)
Or if you are working with an application, you might have:
(defn ci "Run the CI pipeline of tests (and build the uberjar)." [opts]
(-> opts
(assoc :lib lib :main main)
Note: this
task inbuild-clj
supplies the log4j2 conflict handler to the underlyinguber
so that you don't have to worry about the plugins cache files being merged.
By default, the jar
task calls
's write-pom
function and
will write pom.xml
into target/classes/META-INF/maven/<group>/<artifact>/pom.xml
You can provide a template for that file, that contains information that
does not provide (and does not offer options to override), such
as <description>
and <licenses>
. Whilst that file could be called
and would get picked up automatically by write-pom
as the source POM,
that would leave you with a potentially incomplete and/or outdated file.
Instead, consider using template/pom.xml
or something similar, and
specify :src-pom "template/pom.xml"
as an additional option to build-clj
(defn ci "Run the CI pipeline of tests (and build the JAR)." [opts]
(-> opts
(assoc :lib lib :version version :src-pom "template/pom.xml")
is suggested rather than, say pom_template.xml
at the
root, so that GitHub Actions' setup_java
still find it and recognizes the
repo as being Maven-based for caching purposes (it looks for **/pom.xml
If you want a run-tests
task in your build.clj
, independent of the ci
task shown above, the following can be added:
(defn run-tests "Run the tests." [opts]
(-> opts (bb/run-tests)))
By default, the run-tests
task will run whatever is in your :test
but if there is no :main-opts
, it assumes Cognitect's test-runner
{:extra-paths ["test"]
:extra-deps {org.clojure/test.check {:mvn/version "1.1.1"}
{:git/tag "v0.5.0" :git/sha "48c3c67"}}
:exec-fn cognitect.test-runner.api/test}
The above alias allows for tests to be run directly via:
clojure -X:test
The run-tests
task above would run the tests as if the :test
also contained:
:main-opts ["-m" "cognitect.test-runner"]
If you want to use a different test runner with build-clj
, just provide
different dependencies and supply :main-opts
;; a :test alias that specifies the kaocha runner:
{:extra-paths ["test"]
:extra-deps {lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "1.0.887"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "kaocha.runner"]}
With this :test
alias, the run-tests
task above would run your tests using Kaocha.
In addition, there is a run-task
function that takes an options hash
map and a vector of aliases. This runs an arbitrary Clojure main function,
determined by those aliases, in a subprocess. run-tests
uses this by
adding a :test
alias and in the absence of any :main-opts
behind those
aliases, assumes it should run cognitect.test-runner
's -main
picks up :jvm-opts
and :main-opts
from the specified aliases
and uses them as the :java-args
and :main-args
respectively in a call to
to build the java
command to run.
By default, it runs clojure.main
's -main
function with the specified
For example, if your deps.edn
contains the following alias:
:eastwood {:extra-deps {jonase/eastwood {:mvn/version "0.5.1"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "eastwood.lint" "{:source-paths,[\"src\"]}"]}
Then you can define an eastwood
task in your build.clj
(defn eastwood "Run Eastwood." [opts]
(-> opts (bb/run-task [:eastwood])))
Or you could just make it part of your ci
pipeline without adding that function:
(defn ci "Run the CI pipeline of tests (and build the JAR)." [opts]
(-> opts
(assoc :lib lib :version version)
(bb/run-task [:eastwood])
The following defaults are provided:
--(b/create-basis {})
-- this is a reproducible basis, i.e., it ignores the userdeps.edn
file -- if you want your userdeps.edn
included, you will need to explicitly pass:basis (b/create-basis {:user :standard})
into tasks,:class-dir
--(str target "/classes")
--(format \"%s/%s-%s.jar\" target lib version)
--(format \"%s/%s-%s.jar\" target lib version)
is provided, else(format \"%s/%s-standalone.jar\" target lib)
As of v0.5.0, the four functions that compute those defaults are exposed for use in your own build.clj
-- return the default for:target
-- return the default for:basis
-- return the default for:class-dir
;(default-class-dir target)
is also available,(default-jar-file lib version)
-- return the default for:jar-file
;(default-jar-file target lib version)
and(default-jar-file version)
are also available (the latter defaults:lib
For the functions defined in
, you can override
the high-level defaults as follows:
- Requires:
, :target
- Requires:
- Requires:
, :target
- Requires:
- Requires:
, :target
(defaults to(str "v" version)
- Requires:
- Requires:
, :target
(defaults to(str "v" version)
- Requires:
-- for any additional aliases beyond:test
which is always added,- Also accepts any options that
See the docstrings of those task functions for more detail on which options they can also accept and which additional defaults they offer.
As noted above, run-task
takes an options hash map and a vector of aliases.
The following options can be provided to run-task
to override the default
-- used instead of:jvm-opts
from the aliases,:jvm-opts
-- used in addition to the:java-opts
vector or in addition to:jvm-opts
from the aliases,:main
-- used instead of'clojure.main
when building thejava
command to run,:main-args
-- used instead of:main-opts
from the aliases,:main-opts
-- used in addition to the:main-args
vector or in addition to:main-opts
from the aliases.
Note: if
is not provided and there are no:main-opts
in the aliases provided, the default will be["-m" "cognitect.test-runner"]
to ensure thatrun-tests
works by default without needing:main-opts
in the:test
alias (since it is common to want to start a REPL withclj -A:test
If you are working in a monorepo, such as the Polylith architecture, and need
to build library JAR files from projects that rely on :local/root
dependencies to specify other source
components, you will generally want to pass :transitive true
to the jar
Without :transitive true
, i.e., by default, the jar
task generates a pom.xml
from just the dependencies
specified directly in the project deps.edn
and does not consider dependencies from local source subprojects.
In addition, by default jar
only copies src
and resources
from the current project folder.
With :transitive true
, the jar
task includes direct dependencies from local source subprojects when
generating the pom.xml
and will also copy all folders found on the classpath -- which is generally all
of the src
and resources
folders from those local source subprojects.
Note: git dependencies look like local source subprojects so they will also be included if you specify
:transitive true
-- but yourpom.xml
will not contain those dependencies anyway so users of your library JAR would have a time if git folders are not copied into the JAR!
You can see how build-clj
is used to reduce boilerplate in the
file of the following projects:
Copyright © 2021 Sean Corfield
Distributed under the Apache Software License version 2.0.