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Develop Plugins for vLabeler

This guide illustrates the process of developing plugins for vLabeler. Should you encounter any inadequacies in the plugin specification for your needs, please do not hesitate to submit questions or feature requests.


vLabeler currently supports two types of plugins:

  • Macro plugins: Execute during the project editing phase. They are typically used for batch editing of entries.
  • Template plugins: Execute when initiating a new project. Their primary function is to generate a series of entries for further editing.

While both plugin types share the same structural design, their execution contexts differ, leading to variations in inputs and outputs.

This guide will cover:

Plugin File Structure

A vLabeler plugin is a folder containing:

  1. A plugin.json file to specify the plugin's behavior.
  2. At least one *.js script file.
  3. Additional files needed by your scripts.

Plugin Definition

The plugin.json file is structured as a JSON object, containing the following properties:

Key Type Default value Supported Plugin Type Description
name String (Required) All This value should match the folder's name.
version Integer 1 All The version of the plugin.
type String (Required) All Specify as either template or macro.
displayedName String (Localized) name value All The displayed name of the plugin.
author String (Required) All The author of the plugin.
email String "" All Contact email of the author.
description String (Localized) "" All A brief description of the plugin.
website String "" All The website or source code repository of the plugin
supportedLabelFileExtension String (Required) All Supported extensions for your label file (e.g., ini for UTAU oto). Use "*" to accept all types; use "|" to separate multiple extensions.
outputRawEntry Boolean false Template If set to true, outputs the raw entry text rather than a parsed object.
scope String "Module" All Determines the plugin's access range: either Module or Project.
parameters Parameters | null null All For details, refer to the Defining Parameters section.
scriptFiles String[] (Required) All Names of all script files. These files execute in the order they are listed.
resourceFiles String[] [] All Files utilized as resources in your scripts. Their contents are fed into your scripts as string values in the order listed.
inputFinderScriptFile String | null null Template Name of the script file used to identify input files dynamically.

Defining Parameters

Within the parameters object is an array named list:

    // ...,
    "parameters": {
        "list": [
            // ...
    // ...

Each object within list specifies a parameter that will appear in the plugin configuration dialog and will be passed to your scripts.

For a comprehensive definition of a parameter, see Parameter.

Scripting for Plugins

Below are guidelines on scripting for plugins:

For detailed information on the scripting environment and available APIs, please refer to Scripting in vLabeler.

Template Generation Scripts

Plugins with template type operate on the New Project page, facilitating the creation of entry lists for subsequent edits.


Before your scripts are executed, the following variables will be set in the JavaScript environment:

Name Type Description
inputs String[] Texts sourced from input files, facilitated by the input finder script.
samples String[] List of sample file names.
params Dictionary A dictionary containing all parameters defined in plugin.json. You can get values using their name as the key.
resources String[] Texts from resource files, in the order they appear in plugin.json.
labeler LabelerConf JSON object mirroring LabelerConf.
labelerParams Dictionary A dictionary containing all parameters defined in the current labeler. You can get values using their name as the key.
debug Boolean Whether the execution is in debug mode (during the Gradle run task).
pluginDirectory File The plugin directory.

Dynamic input file retrieval

For labelers that create projects with subprojects, you can dynamically find input files for every subproject. The plugin's inputFinderScriptFile attribute in plugin.json should specify a script for this.

This JavaScript file:

  • Receives root (type: File), representing the project's root directory.
  • Receives moduleName (type: String), the subproject name.
  • Accepts variables debug, params, labeler, labelerParams, similar to those in the template generation scripts.
  • Outputs inputFilePaths (type: String[]), containing desired input file paths.
  • Optionally, outputs encoding (type: String) to specify input file encoding; otherwise, the chosen encoding during project creation is used.

Refer to the documentation for the File type's specifications and the audacity2lab plugin as a sample implementation.

Request input files from the user

For input files unrelated to a subproject (like user customizable dictionaries), utilize a file or rawFile parameter type. See Defining a Parameter for specifics.


Return results to the app using a list named output. This can be presented in two methods:

1. Directly return parsed entry objects

Construct an output array containing parsed Entry objects. For example:

let output = [];
for (const line of lines) {
    // parse line to get `name`, `sample`, `start`, `end`, etc.
    const entry = new Entry(sample, name, start, end, points, extras);
2. Return raw entry strings

If outputRawEntry is set to true, populate output with raw entry strings in the label file's format. The labeler's parser will process these later.


  1. When labeler.allowSameNameEntry is false, only the first entry with a duplicate name is retained. Address this in your script if preserving all is necessary.
  2. If no entries are created, an error will be raised. As a remedy, include a fallback entry.
  3. Projects initiated by a labeler's parser with a raw label file will encompass all sample files, even those absent in the raw label. Default entries are generated for these. However, for projects initiated by a plugin, unreferenced sample files in the output are ignored. Ensure all desired sample files have corresponding entries.

Example Plugins

Explore these integrated template plugins for insight:

  • ust2lab-ja-kana: Converts an input UST file to Sinsy lab entries.
  • cv-oto-gen: Produces CV oto entries from parameters.
  • regex-raw-gen: Uses regex to craft raw entry lines, supporting all labeler types.
  • audacity2lab: Creates lab entries from an Audacity label file. Also compatible with NNSVS singer labeler, which constructs projects with subprojects.

Batch Edit (Macro) Scripts

In the context of vLabeler, batch edit scripts (type: macro) are designed to operate over projects, either over the entire project or a particular subproject/module. The scope of the plugin determines the domain of operation, with Module scope operating on the current module, and Project scope covering the entire project.


Before your scripts are executed, the following variables will be set in the JavaScript environment:

Parameter Name Type Scope Description
entries Entry[] Module A list of the current Entry objects in the active module.
currentEntryIndex Entry[] Module The index of the currently displayed entry.
module Module Module The current Module object.
modules Module[] Project All Module objects in the project.
currentModuleIndex Integer Project The index of the currently displayed module.
params Dictionary All A dictionary containing all parameters defined in plugin.json. You can get values using their name as the key.
resources String[] All Texts from resource files, in the order they appear in plugin.json.
labeler LabelerConf All JSON object mirroring LabelerConf.
labelerParams Dictionary All A dictionary containing all parameters defined in the current labeler. You can get values using their name as the key.
debug Boolean All Whether the execution is in debug mode (during the Gradle run task).
pluginDirectory File All The plugin directory.
projectRootDirectory File Project The project's root directory.

Use an Entry Selector

This type of parameter lets the user specify a subset of entries for operation and is accessible under Module scope. Here's a code snippet for its utilization:

let selectedIndexes = params["selector"] // `selector` is the name of the entry selector parameter
for (let index of selectedIndexes) {
    let entry = entries[index]
    // do something with the entry


To bring about changes in the project, directly modify the entries or modules list. Note that for Module scope, while you can access the module, changes to it won't be saved. Here's an example to add suffixes to each entry name in the current module:

let suffix = params["suffix"]
for (let entry of entries) { += suffix

Display a report after execution

After execution, you can display reports. Refer to the section in Scripting in vLabeler for more details.

Request audio playback after execution

After execution, you can request an audio playback. Refer to the section in Scripting in vLabeler for more details.

Example Plugins

Explore these integrated macro plugins for insight:

  • batch-edit-entry-name: Modify names of selected entries across all labelers. It demonstrates the use of the entry selector.
  • batch-edit-oto-parameter: Edit parameters of chosen UTAU oto entries. It demonstrates the use of the labeler variable.
  • compare-oto-entries: Compares an input oto with the ongoing project. The function report() is used here.
  • execute-scripts: Run input scripts to edit the project. It can be used as a debugging tool during plugin development.
  • resampler-test: Examine the resampler synthesis of the active entry. Demonstrates the use of requestAudioFilePlayback(), along with Env, File, and CommandLine APIs.



Check Localized strings in vLabeler about the String (Localized) type mentioned above.

Error handling

For in-depth understanding and strategies to handle errors, refer to the section in Scripting in vLabeler.


You can use logs to help debug your scripts. The standard output (e.g. console.log()) is written to .logs/info.log and the error output is written to .logs/error.log.

If your plugin doesn't appear in the list, it might have faced issues during loading, such as problems parsing plugin.json. Check the error log for more information.