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unity urdf-loader

Utilities for loading URDF files and STL geometry into Unity



Basic Use

Dictionary packages = new Dictionary<string, string>();
packages["r2_description"] = "./path/to/r2_description";
packages["val_description"] = "./path/to/val_description";

// using .Load
URDFRobot robot = URDFLoader.Load(".../path/to/urdf", packages);

// using .Parse
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(".../path/to/urdf");
URDFRobot robot = URDFLoader.Parse(reader.ReadToEnd(), packages);

Loading Custom Models

If needed the geometry loader can be overriden to support extra file formats including GLTF using the UnityGLTF package.

URDFLoader.Options options = new URDFLoader.Options();
options.loadMeshCb = (string path, string ext, Action<GameObject[]> done) => {

    if (ext == "glb" || ext == "gltf") {

        FileLoader loader = new FileLoader(URIHelper.GetDirectoryName(path));
        GLTFSceneImporter sceneImporter = new GLTFSceneImporter(Path.GetFileName(path), loader);
        StartCoroutine(sceneImporter.LoadScene(onLoadComplete: gameObject => {

            // Apply a transformation to the GLTF to correct the rotation for the URDF frame.
            gameObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(270, 90, 0);
            done(new GameObject[] { gameObject });


    } else {

        URDFLoader.LoadMesh(path, ext, done);



URDFRobot robot = URDFLoader.Load(".../path/to/urdf", packages, options);


  • The Collada model loader currently does not support textures or materials and loads the models with an offset rotation (Issue #52).
  • Only continuous, revolute, and fixed joints are supported.




static Load(
    urdfPath : string,
    package : string | Dictionary< string, string >,
    options? : URDFLoader.Options
) : URDFRobot

Reads and processes the urdf at the given path, returning a URDFRobot that describes the whole robot.

urdfPath is the path to the URDF file.

package is either a string or a dictionary defining package names to package paths. If the package is just a string then it replaces the package:// portion of the path. If it is a dictionary then it represents a list of packages by packageName : packagePath so that multiple packages can be specified.

options specifies a set of options for the loader. See more options below.


static Parse(
    urdfContent : string,
    package : string | Dictionary< string, string >,
    options : URDFLoader.Options
) : URDFRobot

Same as Load, but the raw contents of the urdf file in the urdfContent parameter rather than a path.


Struct with a set of optional fields to augment the behavior of the loader.


loadMeshCb : System.Action< string, string, System.Action< GameObject[] > >

A function for loading geometry in a custom way or in unsupported formats. URDFLoader.LoadMesh loads STL files and is used by default.

The function is passed a path to the model, the models file extension and a callback to pass an array of game objects when finished.


target : URDFRobot

An existing URDFRobot to build the robot in to.


workingPath : String

The directory to use to resolve relative file paths in the URDF. Defaults to the URDF directory when using LoadRobot.



SetAngle( name : String, radians : Number ) : Number

Sets the angle (in radians) of the joint with the given name. Throws an error if the joint does not exist.


TrySetAngle( name : String, radians : Number) : Boolean

Same as SetAngle, but does not throw an error. Returns true if it was able to set the angle.


getAnglesAsDictionary() : Dictionary< string, float >

Returns a new dictionary with the current angle of all the joints on the robot.


SetAnglesFromDictionary( angles : Dictionary< string, float > ) : void

Takes a dictionary and sets all the angles on the robot that are listed in the dictionary.


The software is available under the Apache V2.0 license.

Copyright © 2020 California Institute of Technology. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship Acknowledged. Neither the name of Caltech nor its operating division, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.