- Reduce number of saplings dropped.
- Give player control over sapling drop frequency.
- Fix some localization errors.
- Fix for exceptions unhandled by Immersive Engineering (BluSunrize/ImmersiveEngineering#419)
- Fix bug that causes MineFactoryReloaded to often plant the wrong sapling.
- Fix NEI complaining of (non-crash) exception
- Fix incorrectly registering leaves as "fertilizable" with Minefactory Reloaded
- Update to latest version (1.3.2) of KoreSample
- Make a separate creative tab for blocks added for Chisel, rather than hijack Chisel's tab
- Fix server crash (while looking for Chisel's creative tab)
- Update Chisel integration to use new Chisel API
- Fixed crash when Storage Drawers integration is enabled and Refined Relocation is present.
- Storage Drawers Integration: Make storage drawers from ancient trees!
- Switches in configuration file to toggle integration with other mods.
- Saplings can now be planted, fertilized and harvested in MineFactory reloaded machines. (Though you should be careful with larger trees!)
- Saplings are now found wrapped in ancient packages inside chests. (This is to allow us more rarity than the vanilla chest loot system.)
- All saplings are now added to chests. (#29)
- Improved Forestry integration.
- Removed compile time dependency on The Chisel jar.
- Fixed crashbug that occurs with the Aether mod.
- All logs can now be smelted into charcoal. (#27)
- Fixed missing localizations for chisel blocks.
- Updated build environment to compile against Minecraft Forge
- Added [Chisel 2][chisel_url] integration.
- Fix localization errors.
- Fixed planks making the wrong sounds. [chisel_url]: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/225236-chisel-2
- Add support for [Version Checker][vc_url]. [vc_url]: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2091981-version-checker-auto-update-mods-and-clean
- Added version specific dependency for Kore Sample
- Replaced logo with custom art from [Septolum][Septolum_tweet]
- Trees will now generate during world gen, though they will be very scarce.
- Reduce virtual sawdust to virtually nil [Septolum_tweet]: https://twitter.com/Septolum
- Added CHANGELOG.md after [tweet by tedyhere][tedy_tweet]
- Added [GardenStuff][gardenstuff_link] integration. (#19)
- Added German locale. ([MCManuelLP][mcmanuelLP_link])
- Broke out common code into a separate mod ([Kore Sample][koresample]) (#15) [gardenstuff_link]: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2163513 [mcmanuelLP_link]: https://github.com/mcmanuellp [tedy_tweet]: https://twitter.com/tedyhere/status/546699297782521856 [koresample]: http://scottk.us/KoreSample
- Added Great Britain locale. ([Seanthebaker][sean_link])
- Added Pirate Speak locale.
- Added Esperanto locale.
- Added [Minechem][minechem_link] integration.
- Added [Forestry][forestry_link] integration. [minechem_link]: http://www.minechemmod.com/ [forestry_link]: http://forestry.sengir.net [sean_link]: https://github.com/seanthebaker
- Added code to prevent exceptions caused by ExtraUtilities. (#11)
- Replaced low quality sapling textures with saplings from [The Painterly Pack][painterlypack_link] by [Rhodox][rhodox_tweet] and friends.
- Allowed some saplings to be used as potion ingredients.
- Allowed some saplings to be crafted into dyes.
- Added saplings as random loot for chests.
- Added config file settings for the rarity of saplings as chest loot. [painterlypack_link]: http://painterlypack.net/ [rhodox_tweet]: https://twitter.com/PainterlyPack
- Fixed planks being insta-break with any tool. (#9)
- Replaced placeholder sapling textures with original low quality works. 😈
- Fixed missing textures.
- Fixed crash bug when running on server.
- Standardized build scripts.
- Began preparations to separate kore mod.
- Thirteen new wood species.
- Each species is block complete.