Other Mars Assault Vehicle variants
- Role: Missile Boat
- Tech Base: Clan (3061)
- Chassis: 100 tons Tracked
- Movement: 3 / 5, XL
- Armor: 211 (Ferro Fibrous)
- Heat Sinks: 12 (12)
- Weapons:
- Gauss Rifle (ammo: 16)
- ER Large Laser
- LRM 15 w/ Artemis IV × 3 (ammo: 24)
- LB 10-X AC (ammo: 10 Cluster, 10 Standard)
- Streak SRM 6 × 2 (ammo: 30)
- Equipment:
- ECM Suite
- Sources: TRO: 3060 , Master Unit List
- Battle Value: 2520
- Clan Coyote
- Clan Ghost Bear
- Clan Goliath Scorpion
- Clan Hell's Horses
- Clan Cloud Cobra
- Clan Coyote
- Clan Ghost Bear
- Clan Goliath Scorpion
- Clan Hell's Horses
- Clan Ice Hellion
- Clan Burrock
- Clan Cloud Cobra
- Clan Coyote
- Clan Ghost Bear
- Clan Goliath Scorpion
- Clan Hell's Horses
- Clan Ice Hellion
- Clan Star Adder
- Clan Stone Lion
- Escorpión Imperio
- Clan Hell's Horses
- Escorpión Imperio
- Rasalhague Dominion
- Republic of the Sphere
- Clan Hell's Horses
- Escorpión Imperio
- Rasalhague Dominion
- Republic of the Sphere
- Clan Hell's Horses
- Escorpión Imperio
- Rasalhague Dominion
- Republic of the Sphere
- Scorpion Empire
- Clan Hell's Horses
- Rasalhague Dominion
- Scorpion Empire