makeStateArchiver returns a React Component to be used in a subtree of from react-redux. It will listen to your redux state and archive that data when it changes.
The arguments to makeStateArchiver are simliar to createSelector, pass in an array of selectors that extract the data you from state you wish to serialize.
const themeSelector = (state) => state.theme;
After your selectors, pass in a 'combiner' to merge the data from your selectors into an object that will represent the overall state of data you wish to serialize;
const combiner = (theme) => ({ theme });
Finally pass in a state archiver, a function that takes an object, and persists it
in some manner. You probably will never pass this, as most apps can use the helper functions
or makeLocalStorageArchiver
. These functions try to match the signature
of connect
from 'react-redux', so you pass your selectors as arguments without wrapping them
in an array.
Note: Your archiver should be able to deal with persisting the diff of what's output from your combiner.
Full example:
import React from 'react';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { makeCookieArchiver } from '@r/redux-state-archiver';
import { UrlSync } from '@r/platform/components';
import App from './src/App';
const themeSelector = (state) => state.theme;
const compactSelector = (state) => state.compact;
const combiner = (theme, compact) => ({ theme, compact });
const CookieSync = makeCookieArchiver(
const renderApp = (store) => (
<Provider store={ store }>
<App />
<UrlSync />
<CookieSync />