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File metadata and controls

55 lines (45 loc) · 3.88 KB

Version 2.2.3 (KSP 1.2)

  • KSP 1.2 Compatibility.
  • New KSP 1.2 version of MiniAVC.
  • Fixes bug where debris leaving the physics area causes hyper warp to cut out on current vessel.
  • Fixes bug where it was saving the game settings in the editor view, which was breaking editor extensions redux. Thanks to linuxgurugamer.

Version 2.2.2 (KSP 1.1.3)

  • 2.2.1 had a slow-motion bug when returning to 1x. Corrected.

Version 2.2.1 (KSP 1.1.3)

  • Bug fix: TC will no longer interfere with the stock warp to on rails.
  • Remove some string concatenation from the OnGUI calls.

Version 2.2 (KSP 1.1.3)

  • Logging mode now is properly set up with the settings file as well as in the Settings GUI. Defaulting to INFO mode.
  • Save warp rates, altitudes, window positions, and settings every X seconds is now in the Settings GUI as well. Defaults to 5 seconds. Note that if you have made no changes, it does not perform a save.
  • "Homeworld Timekeeping" option added. If you have modified things with Kopernicus and this is turned on, "Use Kerbin Time" will set up your calendar so that 1 day = 1 sidereal day, and 1 year = 1 sidereal year.

Version 2.1 (KSP 1.1.3)

  • Screen Messages now stay on until you change warp. They can be toggled off in the settings menu.
  • Replaced label at top right of TC window with a button that cancels the warp type as well as cancelling PAUSE.
  • Auto Rails Warp now uses custom code, it appears to be very accurate.
  • Auto Rails warp now has the ability to pause when you reach the time requested.
  • Rails warp when you first go to the flight window now uses the correct warp rates.
  • Logging mode now is properly set up with the settings file. Defaulting to INFO mode.
  • Corrected issue when changing a scene, if you had time paused, it would break the game.

Version 2.0.2 (KSP 1.1.3)

  • New Icon from @Avera9eJoe
  • Settings window is available from the space center as well as in flight.
  • Rails Warp
  • Bugs around rails warp should be somewhat corrected, leveraging the new builtin rails warp to function
  • Hyper Warp
  • Hyper warp accuracy now scales to 1/6 (Physics delta time of .12 seconds). Using this, I was able to launch the Stock ship "ComSat LX" to 500km in about a second.
  • A new box has been added to the left of the slider for the accuracy, it can go from 1 to 6. This is the multiplier that is applied to the internal Fixed Delta Time settings in Unity.
  • Slow Motion
  • FPS Keeper is now controlled from the Slow-Motion tab.
  • Keybindings
  • Work again. Speed Up/Slow Down work a bit differently - if you are Hyper Warping, they increment/decrement the hyper warp max value. Otherwise they work with slow-motion as usual.
  • Assign a binding by left clicking the button, then pressing the key combination. Clear a binding by right clicking the button.
  • You can bind a key combination to a key binding instead of a single key. Note that for most bindings the final key pressed 'down' is what triggers the key.
  • If you bind keys that are also used by KSP, you will be triggering both your stuff and the KSP keys.
  • I did a massive code refactoring for hopeful performance improvement. Also added a ton of instrumentation, which by default is mostly turned off (but for bugs it will be invaluable).
  • FPS display is gone (for now). I added FPS in the header of the TimeControl Window, along with the current warp rate, which now shows time as a % for Hyper/Slow-Mo and a 1x-100x etc for Rails.
  • CamFix removed (it was causing problems with other mods). Please let me know if you experience any issues or used this feature.
  • Config file is sane now, handling Celestial Bodies by Name instead of 0,1,2,3,4 etc.
  • Version checking using MiniAVC
  • Removed FPS toggle
  • Toggle Time Control-generated on-screen messages. Sorry, normal ones will still appear.
  • Rails auto warp will use hyper warp if you are 'FLYING' in an atmosphere. It won't automatically change to rails warp when you leave the atmosphere (this is a todo)