Simple and hackable glyph table a.k.a. character map for Vim written in Python using tkinter
I often use special characters in my documents so I made this little widget to help me out. Clicking on an button will insert the character and simultaneously copy it to the system clipboard through xsel
. Yes, I do use my mouse in Vim.
# Install dependencies first
sudo apt install -y python3-tk xsel
mkdir -p -v ~/.vim/bitmaps/tkinter/128px
mkdir -p -v ~/.vim/scripts
git clone
cd vim-glyphtab
cp -v gly16.png ~/.vim/bitmaps/
cp -v glyphtab_icn_128px.png ~/.vim/bitmaps/tkinter/128px/
cp -v glyph_tab_py.vim ~/.vim/scripts/
Type this in normal mode:
:so $HOME/.vim/scripts/glyph_tab_py.vim|call GlyphTab()
You can source the script directly
so $HOME/.vim/scripts/glyph_tab_py.vim
or map GlyphTab to a shortcut:
nmap <leader>gt :so $HOME/.vim/scripts/glyph_tab_py.vim<bar>call GlyphTab()<cr>
Or place an icon in the toolbar (Gvim):
amenu <silent>icon=gly16 ToolBar.35 :so $HOME/.vim/scripts/glyph_tab_py.vim<bar>call GlyphTab()<cr>
tmenu ToolBar.35 GlyphTab
Or add an entry in the context menu (Gvim):
menu 1.05 PopUp.GlypthTab :so $HOME/.vim/scripts/glyph_tab_py.vim<bar>call GlyphTab()<cr>
Tested briefly under macOS Ventura with MacVim and python 3.11.2
/ tkinter 8.6.13
but the widget can't close properly and causes MacVim to crash. Apparently tkinter
is buggy on recent macOS versions. Not tested on Windows.