- Implement Caching and Cache Busting
- Dependency updates and maintenance
- Add 28mm option as base (907e4e3 @indero)
- Update dependencies
- Fix an issue with the fake user agent
- Update some dependencies
- Dependency updates
- Switch to Python 3.10
- Cavalry mode. This mode prints the creature on a rectangular base. Mostly for war-gaming.
- Temporary accounts cannot be created anymore. Existing ones can be converted as long as the session exists.
- PDF size is now handled correctly, including a print margin
- Update django
- Fix dtype issues when generating images
- Add the possibility to change the creature background color. Default remains white.
- Added color selection tools to the classic builder as well as the Quickbuilder
- Transparent PNGs have their transparency replaced with the chosen background color.
- Applied a fix where enumeration doesn't apply correctly in the Quickbuilder and sometimes in the classic builder
- Rearrange how images and nameboxes are sorted on a mini significantly increasing creature image size
- Before, the namebox size has always been substracted from max_height in any configuration. Now, it will use that space for the image to maximise the size. If a namebox is requested, it will use available space first (max_height) and if not, it'll shrink the image to fit. Now, all space is optimally used and the minis are standardized in size.
- Image size and creature size are bigger now.
- If you choose a bigger paper size (A4 or Tabloid), Large, Huge and Gargantuan Minis are full height sized. Width is always correct of course.
- Improved the handling of creature position for cleaner minis and better size adjustments (Walking, Hovering, Flying)
- Added initial wave of unit tests
- Improved error handling, messages
- Improved english
- Improved descriptions
- Decreased docker image size by 200MB
- Quickbuilder video added
- Small text tweaks and improvements
- Hotfix for the classic minibuilder is released
- The Quickbuilder beta is released!
- Since this does not require an account, temporary accounts are deprecated and will be disabled in the future
- If you want to keep your collections, make sure you convert to a real account
- Instead of a ZIP file containing images, Monsterforge generates a PDF to print directly
- English has been improved
- Improve the /minis/ redirect
- Add robots.txt to protect authenticated views
- More CR/CreatureType hotfixes
- Fix the creature form
- Change some descriptions
- Smaller UI improvements
- Prevent signed in users from signup and temp account creation
- Remove D&D Agnostic data from creatures, this tool serves all
- Create CR is no longer available as setting
- Creature Type is no longer available as setting
- This allows Monsterforge to be slimmer
- More descriptive title and meta description
- Redirect "minis/" to / for people that still the old url somewhere
- Remove "minis/" sub-url for cleaner urls
- First iteration of account management via profile page
- You can change your password
- You can delete your account which will delete all of your data
- Bump Django to fix CVE #55
- Update several dependencies
- Bump Django to fix CVE #51
- Update several dependencies
- Added Plausible Insights (Default=False)
- Added new images on the Index page that better show the results
- Update sidebar image to better represent a forge
- Fixed many bugs with the DDB Importer (See #41)
- DDB Importer can now handle homebrewed monsters
- Log DDB URLs for better debugging
- Code refactoring and cleanup
- Migrate to Django 3.2 (From Django 2.2)
- Enhance RPG Agnostic aspect
- Several bugfixes
- Dependency updates
- Circular minis now have a rectangular guiding lines, this will help crafting it in the end. Cut the Mini and glue it then cut the circle out.
- Updated the Readme
- Monsterforge is now it's own root
- Refactored how images are processed and served, reducing server overhead
- Implemented some basic image caching for each requested build
- Add Link to Changelog notes in footer
- Fixed a problem where printing Names resulted in a 500 Error (#31)
- Significantly reduce image size
- Use github actions and registry
- Fix DDBs wrongly defined SRD monster image URL
- Add stats command
- Update Django dependency due to CVEs
- Properly handle deleted objects and cascading
- Updated the domain from dndbox.com to dice.quest
- Added changelog
- Start using tags for better release management
- Add version display to web