Assignment Date: Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Due Date: Monday, Oct 28, 2019 @ 11:59pm
Mary Joseph, Christian Seremetis, Gautam Prabhu, Joanna Guo
David Yang, Kavya Tumkur, Richard Xu
Now that you have the high level concept of your project, it is time to figure out the specific data sets to use and the specific methods applied. Please write a short (~1 page) description with this information. On Piazza I posted some notes to get started, but you will also need to do your own investigation
- Name of your team
- List of team members and email addresses
- Overview of project (1-2 paragraph description of your project, can reuse previous text)
- List of datasets that you will use for each step of the project
- Brief (1-2 sentence) description of the role(s) each person will do on the project
Submit the proposal as a single page PDF on GradeScope (each team member should submit the same PDF). Then in class on Wednesday Oct 30 we can discuss the plans
Later, you will present your project in class during the last week of class. You will also submit a written report (5-7 pages) of your project, formatting as a Bioinformatics article (Intro, Methods, Results, Discussion, References). Word and LaTeX templates are available at
Please use Piazza to coordinate proposal plans!