Management library for LHAPDF
This a pure-python LHAPDF management library to download, list and load PDFs. At the moment it cannot do any interpolation or perform anything that would need a complete LHAPDF installation.
It can be installed from pypi with a simple command
pip install lhapdf-management
At the moment is very bare-bones and includes only:
Updates the local reference index
lhapdf_management update
If no installation of LHAPDF is found, the program will fail to do anything, as creating the LHAPDF
directory is not the business of the management module.
In order to run lhapdf-management and make it believe that LHAPDF already exist a possibility is to populate the LHAPDF_DATA_PATH
environment variable, i.e.,
LHAPDF_DATA_PATH=$(python -c 'from pathlib import Path ; from sys import prefix ; print(Path(prefix) / "share" / "LHAPDF")' ; lhapdf-management update
It is possible to create the directory in the "best guess location" doing lhapdf_management update --init
Lists all available PDFs
lhapdf_management list [PATTERNS ...] [--installed] [--codes]
Installs a given PDF
lhapdf_management install <pdf_name> [--upgrade] [--keep]
It can also be used to programatically get an object pointing to all the right parts of a PDF.
No interpolation will be provided by this script at this point and when/if it is ever provided
will be done by importing the normal python
interface of LHAPDF (and so at that point LHAPDF
will need to be installed)
from lhapdf_management.pdfsets import PDF
from lhapdf_management.configuration import get_lhapdf_datapath
data_path = get_lhapdf_datapath()
pdf = PDF(data_path / "NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118")
grids = pdf.get_member_grids(0)
A very useful feature of this library is the possibility of using everything programatically. The three given interfaces (install, list and update) take as input the same arguments as the script interface.
from lhapdf_management import pdf_install, pdf_list, pdf_update
list_of_pdfs = pdf_list("--installed")
There are some arguments that have been modified for simplicity as their behaviour can also be obtained by other means. For instance, in order to download all PDFs matching a certain pattern one can write the following short bash script:
for pdf in $(lhapdf_management list NNPDF31*)
lhapdf_management install ${pdf} --upgrade
While this script can (if needed) be used as is, there are a number of features missing to be compatible with the lhapdf
The list of features that are currently missing with respect to the previous script are:
- list
- install