From 2453503117f3ab48dc33de12fad152b59a4b7271 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: shavitush Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 06:13:55 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Fix SourceSlouth not functioning for perm.bans --- .../sourcemod/scripting/SourceSleuth.sp | 90 ++++++++++--------- .../scripting/include/ | 8 +- 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-) diff --git a/game_upload/addons/sourcemod/scripting/SourceSleuth.sp b/game_upload/addons/sourcemod/scripting/SourceSleuth.sp index 8b32b312b..56652207c 100644 --- a/game_upload/addons/sourcemod/scripting/SourceSleuth.sp +++ b/game_upload/addons/sourcemod/scripting/SourceSleuth.sp @@ -2,20 +2,20 @@ // This file is part of SourceBans++. // // Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Sarabveer Singh -// +// // SourceBans++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, per version 3 of the License. -// +// // SourceBans++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. -// +// // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with SourceBans++. If not, see . // -// This file is based off work covered by the following copyright(s): +// This file is based off work covered by the following copyright(s): // // SourceSleuth 1.3 fix // Copyright (C) 2013-2015 ecca @@ -53,36 +53,36 @@ ConVar g_cVar_bypass; //- Bools -// new bool:CanUseSourcebans = false; -public Plugin:myinfo = +public Plugin:myinfo = { - name = "SourceSleuth", - author = "ecca, Sarabveer(VEERâ„¢)", - description = "Useful for TF2 servers. Plugin will check for banned ips and ban the player.", - version = PLUGIN_VERSION, + name = "SourceSleuth", + author = "ecca, Sarabveer(VEERâ„¢)", + description = "Useful for TF2 servers. Plugin will check for banned ips and ban the player.", + version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "" }; public OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("sourcesleuth.phrases"); - + CreateConVar("sm_sourcesleuth_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "SourceSleuth plugin version", FCVAR_PLUGIN | FCVAR_SPONLY | FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_DONTRECORD); - + g_cVar_actions = CreateConVar("sm_sleuth_actions", "3", "Sleuth Ban Type: 1 - Original Length, 2 - Custom Length, 3 - Double Length, 4 - Notify Admins Only", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 1.0, true, 4.0); g_cVar_banduration = CreateConVar("sm_sleuth_duration", "0", "Required: sm_sleuth_actions 1: Bantime to ban player if we got a match (0 = permanent (defined in minutes) )", FCVAR_PLUGIN); g_cVar_sbprefix = CreateConVar("sm_sleuth_prefix", "sb", "Prexfix for sourcebans tables: Default sb", FCVAR_PLUGIN); g_cVar_bansAllowed = CreateConVar("sm_sleuth_bansallowed", "0", "How many active bans are allowed before we act", FCVAR_PLUGIN); g_cVar_bantype = CreateConVar("sm_sleuth_bantype", "0", "0 - ban all type of lengths, 1 - ban only permanent bans", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); g_cVar_bypass = CreateConVar("sm_sleuth_adminbypass", "0", "0 - Inactivated, 1 - Allow all admins with ban flag to pass the check", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); - + g_hAllowedArray = CreateArray(256); - + AutoExecConfig(true, "Sm_SourceSleuth"); - + SQL_TConnect(SQL_OnConnect, "sourcebans"); - + RegAdminCmd("sm_sleuth_reloadlist", ReloadListCallBack, ADMFLAG_ROOT); - + LoadWhiteList(); } @@ -122,16 +122,16 @@ public SQL_OnConnect(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) public Action:ReloadListCallBack(client, args) { ClearArray(g_hAllowedArray); - + LoadWhiteList(); - + LogMessage("%L reloaded the whitelist", client); - + if (client != 0) { PrintToChat(client, "[SourceSleuth] WhiteList has been reloaded!"); } - + return Plugin_Continue; } @@ -141,30 +141,30 @@ public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client) { new String:steamid[32]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, steamid, sizeof(steamid)); - + if (g_cVar_bypass.BoolValue && CheckCommandAccess(client, "sleuth_admin", ADMFLAG_BAN, false)) { return; } - + if (FindStringInArray(g_hAllowedArray, steamid) == -1) { new String:IP[32], String:Prefix[64]; GetClientIP(client, IP, sizeof(IP)); - + g_cVar_sbprefix.GetString(Prefix, sizeof(Prefix)); - + new String:query[1024]; - + FormatEx(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM %s_bans WHERE ip='%s' AND RemoveType IS NULL AND ends > %d", Prefix, IP, g_cVar_bantype.IntValue == 0 ? GetTime() : 0); - + new Handle:datapack = CreateDataPack(); - + WritePackCell(datapack, GetClientUserId(client)); WritePackString(datapack, steamid); WritePackString(datapack, IP); ResetPack(datapack); - + SQL_TQuery(hDatabase, SQL_CheckHim, query, datapack); } } @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ public SQL_CheckHim(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:datapac { new client; decl String:steamid[32], String:IP[32]; - + if (datapack != INVALID_HANDLE) { client = GetClientOfUserId(ReadPackCell(datapack)); @@ -182,17 +182,17 @@ public SQL_CheckHim(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:datapac ReadPackString(datapack, IP, sizeof(IP)); CloseHandle(datapack); } - + if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogError("SourceSleuth: Database query error: %s", error); return; } - + if (SQL_FetchRow(hndl)) { new TotalBans = SQL_GetRowCount(hndl); - + if (TotalBans > g_cVar_bansAllowed.IntValue) { switch (g_cVar_actions.IntValue) @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ public SQL_CheckHim(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:datapac { new length = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 6); new time = length * 60; - + BanPlayer(client, time); } case LENGTH_CUSTOM: @@ -212,8 +212,14 @@ public SQL_CheckHim(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:datapac case LENGTH_DOUBLE: { new length = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 6); - new time = length / 60 * 2; - + + new time = 0; + + if(length != 0) + { + time = length / 60 * 2; + } + BanPlayer(client, time); } case LENGTH_NOTIFY: @@ -236,13 +242,13 @@ stock BanPlayer(client, time) PrintToAdmins(const String:format[], any:...) { new String:g_Buffer[256]; - + for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (CheckCommandAccess(i, "sm_sourcesleuth_printtoadmins", ADMFLAG_BAN) && IsClientInGame(i)) { VFormat(g_Buffer, sizeof(g_Buffer), format, 2); - + PrintToChat(i, "%s", g_Buffer); } } @@ -251,17 +257,17 @@ PrintToAdmins(const String:format[], any:...) public LoadWhiteList() { decl String:path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], String:line[256]; - + BuildPath(Path_SM, path, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, "configs/sourcesleuth_whitelist.cfg"); - + new Handle:fileHandle = OpenFile(path, "r"); - + while (!IsEndOfFile(fileHandle) && ReadFileLine(fileHandle, line, sizeof(line))) { ReplaceString(line, sizeof(line), "\n", "", false); - + PushArrayString(g_hAllowedArray, line); } - + CloseHandle(fileHandle); } diff --git a/game_upload/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/ b/game_upload/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/ index 3c00ac7df..e17231eee 100644 --- a/game_upload/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/ +++ b/game_upload/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/ @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ #endif #define _sourcebans_included -public SharedPlugin:__pl_sourcebans = +public SharedPlugin:__pl_sourcebans = { - name = "SourceBans", - file = "sourcebans.smx", + name = "sourcebans", + file = "sourcebans.smx", #if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN required = 1 #else @@ -59,4 +59,4 @@ public __pl_sourcebans_SetNTVOptional() *********************************************************/ native SBBanPlayer(client, target, time, String:reason[]); -//Yarr! \ No newline at end of file +//Yarr!