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Glint VS Code Extension

A Visual Studio Code extension for the Glint language server.


See the Glint home page for a more detailed Getting Started guide.

  1. Add @glint/core, @glint/template and an appropriate environment package to your project's devDependencies.
  2. Add a "glint" key to your project's tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json specifying your environment and any other relevant configuration.
  3. Consider disabling the built-in vscode.typescript-language-features extension for any workspaces where you use Glint to avoid extraneous diagnostics.

Monorepos and Other Non-Workspace-Root Installations

If the location where @glint/core is installed isn't in the root of your Code workspace, you can inform the extension on a per-workspace basis where to locate the language server in the Glint extension settings under Glint: Library Path.

Input for `glint.libaryPath` in the VS Code configuration editor.

For example, if your dependency on @glint/core were declared in frontend/package.json in your workspace, you could set the library path to ./frontend in order for the extension to be able to locate it.


The Glint language server incorporates Glimmer templates into TypeScript-powered tooling for a project, enabling them to participate in rich editor features such as:

  • Quickinfo on hover:
    Signature information being shown on hover for a component's named block
  • Go to definition:
    The definition for a component being shown from the site of its invocation in a template
  • Symbol renaming:
    Fields on an object being renamed and having their other uses updated to match
  • Find references:
    Template snippets where a component is used being shown from the site of its declaration
  • Completions:
    Component arguments being suggested with type information and documentation