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Authentication With ASP.NET Identity

User authentication and authorization are mandatory components of nearly every web application. You could always roll your own solution, but that's not considered best practice. It is too easy to introduce a security flaw into your system that could lead to compromised user data. Instead, it's better to use a robust existing authentication and authorization library.

This course will teach you how to use Microsoft's Identity framework—a complete user authentication and authorization system for ASP.NET applications.

** Github **:



  • Identity is basically OWIN middleware. Startup.cs
    • Logging would be put here.
  • App_Start/Startup.Auth.cs more OWIN here. See more notes there,.
  • More notes in App_start/IdentityConfig.cs like changing password options, spceial characters in username, email service, etc..
  • Controller/AccountController.cs in login, the password is not hashed, that is done internally.

2.2 Identity From Scratch Or For Existing Project Without Identity

  • Simulates a project that didn't have Identity. New project > empty MVC.
  • Must install from Nuget: Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb, Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth, Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth, Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies, Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core, Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin, Microsoft.AspNet.Identiy.EntityFramework
  • You will get this error when compiling. If you got versioning issue errors, then you need to edit your config files since Nuget messed up. Image of Error
// StartUp.cs

using Microsoft.Owin;
using Owin;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

namespace IdentityFromScratch
    public class StartUp
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)



2.3 Creating the Necessary Objects

// General Notes

        // IUSer - the user
            // IdentityUser - use as-is or customize by inheriting from this
        // IIuserStore<>  - a way to store user
            // UserStore<IdentityUser>
        // Usermanager - obj that uses the userstore to manage users (CRUD)
            // example, you pass an iuser to usermanager to CRUD IIuserstore
        // SignInManager<> - identity owin namespace, while all the above is aspnet identity namespace


3.4 Re-Factor

  • See homecontroller.cs for ideas and keeping things dry.

4.1 Using Facebook OAuth

  • Solution Explorer > Right click Project > Properties and in the Window you can get the localhost and port number of the project to provide to Facebook.
  • AspNetUserLogins are for 3rd party user accounts like Facebook OAuth while AspNetUsers is for local users.

4.2 Incorporate Emails

  • In IdentityTour project
      <smtp from="">
        <network enableSsl="true" host="" port="587" userName="" password="password!!!!"/>
// identityconfig.cs

public Task SendAsync(IdentityMessage message)
    var emailMessage = new MailMessage
        From = new MailAddress("", "My Email"),
        Subject = message.Subject,
        Body = message.Body,
        IsBodyHtml = true


        var client = new SmtpClient();
        return client.SendMailAsync(emailMessage);
    } catch
        // Plug in your email service here to send an email.
        return Task.FromResult(0);
  • To have Identity to email when register, uncomment code in public async Task<ActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model) in AccountController.cs.

5.1 Creating a Role Manager

  • Creating a ApplicationRoleManager in IdentityConfig in the original Github code.
  • Code to add a user role to a user via code rather than doing it manually in the database.

5.2 Authorizing Users

public ActionResult EmployeeList()
	// quick write to screen for Controller
	return Content("TEST");

namespace IdentityFromScratch.Controllers
    public class AccountingController : BaseController
        // GET: Accounting
        public ActionResult Index()
            //var roles = UserManager.GetRolesAsync(User.Identity.GetUserId());

            if (User.IsInRole(SecurityRoles.Admin))
                return Content("welcome to accounting");
                return Content("get to back work");


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