diff --git a/pwg_ls1/pwgab_prelim.txt b/pwg_ls1/pwgab_prelim.txt
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+; the expansions of abbreviation
+; preliminary 10/6/2017. Expansions supplied by Thomas Malten.
+; Abbreviation count German English
+Abl. 1364 Ablativ - ablative (case)
+Absol. 379 Absolutiv - absolutive (case)
+Acc. 4719 Accusativ - accusative (case)
+Act. 618 Activ - active
+Adv. 3894 Adverb - adverb
+adv. 41 adverbial? - adverbial
+Aor. 75 Aorist - aorist
+Bein. 271 Beiname - epithet, by name
+Bed. 1 Bedeutungen(?) - meanings
+Beinn. 271 Beinamen - epithets, by names
+Caus. 2418 Causativ - causative
+Comm. 2219 Commentar? - commentary
+Conj. 1 Conjunctiv? - subjunctive (mood)
+dass. 70 dasselbe - the same
+Dat. 957 Dativ - dative (case)
+Denom. 1 Denominativ? - denominative
+Desid. 473 Desiderativ - desiderative
+Du. 467 Dual - dual
+Gen. 1921 Genitiv - genitive (case)
+Inf. 3 Infinitiv - infinitive
+Infin. 452 Infinitiv - infinitive
+Instr. 2163 Instrumental - instrumental (case)
+Intens. 375 Intensiv - intensive
+Interj. 97 Interjection - interjection
+Loc. 2690 Locativ - locative case
+Med. 1295 Medizin - medicine
+Metron. 294 Metronym - metronym
+N. 70 Namen? - name
+N.ag. 39 ? - ?
+N.pr. 1 Nomen proprium? - proper noun
+Nom. 553 Nomen? - noun
+Nom.abstr. 2597 Nomen abstractum - abstract noun
+Nom.ag. 903 Nomen agentis - nomen agentis
+Nomin. 182 Nominativ - nominative (case)
+Partic. 621 Participium - participle
+Pass. 6 Passiv - passive
+Patron. 1998 Patronym - patronym
+Patronn. 3 Patronymen - patronyms
+Pl. 4514 Plural - plural
+Potent. 1 Potentialis - potential mood
+Präp. 1 Präposition - preposition
+s.u. 1171 siehe unten?/unter? - see below/under
+Sg. 734 Singular - singular
+Subst. 301 Substantiv - noun
+v.l. 52 vide licet - that us to say, namely
+Vgl. 107 Vergleiche - compare
+Voc. 57 Vocativ - vocative (case)
+;gaṇa 603 --
+Adj. 42801 Adjectiv - adjective
+adj. 1847 adjectivisch - adjective
+f. 35219 femininum - feminine
+Indecl. 81 Indeclinabilum - indeclinable
+m. 54315 masculinum - masculine
+n. 29307 neutrum - neuter